Our country is not in last place. Gratitude for assistance provided - samples, examples. Topic: “Lexical norms - norms of word usage”

Ready-made texts (23 samples) of a full letter of gratitude for the assistance provided.

All names, surnames, names of organizations, cities and addresses are used solely for convenience of presentation. Don't forget to insert your data in their place.

Option #1

General Director


Atlantis Foundation to O. I. Apkin

Dear Oleg Ilyich!

I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the charitable assistance and support provided to the orphanage residents.

I sincerely wish the implementation of all your good plans, good health, prosperity and happiness to you, your loved ones and family.

Director of State Budgetary Institution SPDP "Skvorets"

in Altai municipal

M. I. Zueva

Option No. 2

General Director

"Piggy Bank International"

A. S. Gorbunov

The administration of GBOU School No. 123 and preschool unit No. 3 expresses sincere gratitude to “Kopilka International” in the person of General Director A.S. Gorbunov for their assistance in purchasing children's hygiene items for the youngest kindergarten students.

Patronage in Rus' has always been considered an honorable occupation. So let your nobility and participation in the life of the preschool department return to you a hundredfold.

You don’t just give material values, you give a happy childhood to our kids.

Thanks a lot! All the best and prosperity to you!

Director of GBOU "School No. 123"

O. S. Murlykina

Option #3

Kashirin Yuri Mikhailovich!

City Duma deputy

city ​​of Lipetsk

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich!

The administration of the central district of Lipetsk expresses gratitude to you for your assistance in organizing the educational process, strengthening the material and technical base, preparing educational institutions in the region for the new 2018-2019 academic year and fruitful social partnership.

We wish you well-being, prosperity, health and hope for further cooperation.

Head of Administration

V. I. Goncharov

Option No. 4

Municipal educational institution

additional education for children Sukhumi Children's Art School expresses deep gratitude

Olga Sergeevna Pchelina, President of the Mera Service Corporation of Realtors for sponsorship assistance.

We wish you happiness, health, new victories, financial well-being and hope for further cooperation.


I. V. Smirnov

Option #5

Dear Maxim Yurievich!

The board of the public organization of disabled people “Zhiznelub” expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you for your attentive attitude towards us - people with limited physical and financial capabilities, for the charitable assistance provided in organizing the festive event dedicated to the Day of Disabled Persons 2019.

We wish you and your team good health, energy, optimism, success in work, happiness, financial well-being and good luck in everything.


Chairman of the Board

V. V. Sleptsov

Option #6

Municipal cultural institution "Library system"

Chapaevsky district of Yelets

expresses gratitude

Goncharova Elena Viktorovna

Deputy of the City Duma of Yelets

for providing financial assistance in carrying out ongoing repairs of the library branch named after. M. Gorky (Troekurovskaya str. 1)

Director of MUK BS

Chapaevsky district of Yelets

T.I. Smirnov

Option No. 7

We express our sincere gratitude

Individual entrepreneur Maxim Yuryevich Popov

for the help provided to the children of the Orphanage, for the generosity and generosity of soul!

May what you give to your children today return to you tomorrow multiplied many times over.

Chief physician

I. V. Samoilova

Option No. 8


Smirnov Ilya Vladimirovich,

General Director of "Woman-guru" LLC,

for sponsorship provided to the Lebedyansk Secondary Educational School.

Head teacher

S. K. Stepanova

Option No. 9

Public Association Union of Veterans of St. Petersburg “Siege Soldiers”

Expresses gratitude to Anastasia Vladimirovna Vasilyeva

Director of JSC "Balance" for the humanitarian assistance provided to veterans in need.

Please accept our kindest and sincere wishes for peace, warmth, health, joy and success.

We look forward to our further cooperation and your active participation!

Chairman of the Public

Association "Blockade"

L. Yu. Belova

Option No. 10

The Agricultural Department of the Administration of the Leningrad Region "Volosovsky District" thanks LLC "Pig in a Poke" for the sponsorship provided.

With your support, you make an invaluable contribution to the development of agriculture in the Volosovsky region and preserve the traditions of patronage.

Let the words of gratitude from rural workers serve as your reward for your noble deed.”

Head of Agricultural

administration department of Leningrad region

"Volosovsky district"

A. N. Udachkin

Option No. 11

Public pedagogical children's and youth movement of the Kalinin region "Enlightenment"

expresses sincere gratitude and appreciation to Antonina Pavlovna Savelova, teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 35” in Kalinin, for providing charitable assistance to children who, by the will of fate, received severe cancer.

Your active participation in the preparation of the Charity Auction helps not only alleviate the condition of seriously ill children, but also change their fate for the better, giving them the opportunity to rejoice without pain and suffering!

May your good deeds return to you with luck, success and prosperity, and may there always be health, joy and happiness in your life!

Chairman of the OD "Ozrenie"

Z. M. Belousova

Option No. 12

Dear Tatyana Innokentievna!

We express our gratitude to you and your team for the assistance provided and wish you peace of mind, heartfelt joy, achievement of all goals and good luck in all your affairs and endeavors.

Head of the Mir Society

P. A. Zarubin

Option No. 13

Chairman of the charitable

fund "Help"

Petrov Ivan Sidorovich

We express our sincere gratitude to you for the sponsorship provided in the implementation of the “Touching a Dream” project.

May your kindness and generosity be doubly rewarded.

We believe that everyone who performs acts of mercy will certainly receive a good reward in his life.



O. G. Muralov

Option No. 14

Dear Anna Vasilievna!

We express our sincere, deep gratitude to you, the staff of your school, students and their parents for the charitable assistance provided to orphans and children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

It is very nice to know that in our difficult times there are people who are ready to help and lend a helping hand.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Boarding school director

A. Yu. Zabotina

Option No. 15

To the Director of StroyFasadRemont LLC

Savelyeva I.V.

Dear Isabella Vasilievna!

We sincerely thank you for your assistance in the construction of the Church of St. Avramius of Smolensk.

Through the prayers of Saint Abramius, the Lord will bless and have mercy on you and your family, and grant peace to your home and your souls. May the hand of the giver never fail. May God's mercy always be upon you and your family.

Cleric of the temple in the name of the saint

Avramia of Smolensk,


Afanasy Ivanov

Option No. 16

Dear Egor Egorovich!

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Adygea expresses gratitude to you and your team for providing medical care to the population of the Republic of Adygea and providing sponsorship in organizing a gala event dedicated to the celebration of Medical Worker Day.

We wish your team health, interesting ideas and their implementation, great success, reliable partners and business prosperity.

We look forward to further cooperation.


S. K Sidorov

Option No. 17

Dear Pavel Pavlovich!

On behalf of the many thousands of people in the Carriage Building District of Razmetelevo and on my own behalf, let me express my heartfelt gratitude to you for providing financial and organizational assistance in holding events to celebrate the anniversary of the district and Carriage Builder Day.

We wish the team of your enterprise health, happiness, good luck, financial well-being and hope for further mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation.


Head of Administration

K. A. Kuzmin

Option No. 18

The Kemerovo district trade union organization of workers in education and science of the Russian Federation expresses its sincere gratitude to the trade union organization of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Secondary School No. 194 named after. N. Nekrasov" for the assistance provided to the injured trade union members after the flood in the Potemkinsky district.

We wish you success in your work and active trade union activities.

Chairman of the district

Trade union organizations

A. N. Kopeikina

Option No. 19

CT “Creativity Center” thanks Eduard Petrovich Simonov, chairman of the jury of the “Young Artists” competition, for his assistance in organizing and conducting the competition.

We wish you creative inspiration, new wonderful ideas and achievement of new heights.

Director of the Central Center for Creativity

R. R. Kuzina

Option No. 20

The Sports Department of the city of Tambov expresses gratitude to Galina Gennadievna Larionova, technology teacher at Lyceum No. 3 of Tambov, for her assistance in creating a puppet theater for the city library No. 8 “Library system of Tambov”

Head of Sports Department

city ​​of Tambov

A. K. Anisimova

Option No. 21

Dear Antonina Vyacheslavovna!

The creative team “Murzinki” expresses its sincere gratitude to you from the bottom of its heart for your help in providing the team with concert costumes for participation in the “New Talents” sports dance competition, as well as for your help in preparing participants for the competition.

Thank you for your responsiveness, for your kind heart, for your creativity and determination with which you helped us solve our problems. May all your dreams come true, plans be realized, goals achieved. We wish all the best to you and your loved ones.


creative team leader

R. O. Voronova

Option No. 22

Dear Ilya Borisovich!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for your help and assistance in purchasing plumbing equipment and repair services for the premises of the Vera boarding school for children with disabilities.

Thanks to you, our boarding school has been transformed, the quality of life of children has undoubtedly increased, and caring for the youngest has become significantly easier for the staff.

We sincerely wish you all the brightest that this world can offer.


Director of the boarding school "Vera"

O. L. Agibalova

Option No. 23

Dear Ivan Prokhorovich!

The director, teachers, and students of school No. 1155 in Tver are sincerely grateful to the Raduga publishing house and to you personally for your assistance in disseminating information and producing advertising posters for the “Protect the Animals of Our Backyard” campaign.

Thanks to you, a lot of people learned about the campaign, and we were able to implement our plans. The effect of the action exceeded all our expectations and we are shocked by the professionalism of your work and the creativity of your team.

We wish you to reach all the planned heights, solve all the problems, prosper and delight the residents of our city with the wonderful results of your work.

With sincere hope for further cooperation

and respect,

Director of school No. 1155, Tver

F. Z. Taburetkina

  • In the header (top of the page) of each letter, before the main text, it must be indicated - “Letter of Thanks”
  • You can make the letter more sincere by adding warm words of wishes and (health, happiness, prosperity, prosperity, success, etc.) to the text.
  • When formatting, the text of the letter is laid out in the center of the page.
  • The name of the organization and the position of the responsible person are placed at the bottom left of the page (after the text)
  • The initials and the surname itself are placed on the right edge at the bottom of the page (signature and seal are in the middle at the bottom)
  • The very last thing on the page (at the very bottom) should be: the name of the city and the date (you can leave only the year, or you can indicate the entire date)

There are not enough words of gratitude to express all my gratitude to you as a teacher with a capital T! Thank you very much for what you do and how you do it! Not everyone is lucky enough to have such a wonderful and competent teacher who does his job with passion!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to say “thank you very much” to you for your work, for your patience, for your ability to find talent in every child, for your efforts, for your support. I sincerely wish you health, prosperity, strong strength and wonderful mood. Let every day reveal something new and good not only for your students, but also for you, may your life be bright, cheerful and interesting in summer, and winter, and spring, and autumn.

We would like to express our deep gratitude. Thank you for your work. Because every day you give each of your students a piece of yourself. You give knowledge, share your experience, give your attention and, in the end, give a piece of your heart. Thank you for your professionalism, unique approach to each child, your gigantic patience and responsibility. We wish you health, good luck and prosperity.

Dear teacher, from the bottom of my heart I want to say a big thank you for your invaluable work and faithful efforts, for your kind heart and sincerity of soul, for your persistent struggle with the dense forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you instill strong faith and bright hope, you can always give the right advice and support with a kind word. I wish you many years of successful activity, prosperity in life and lasting health.

My dear teacher, thank you for being not just a teacher for me, but also a wise adviser, loyal support, and a good friend. I sincerely thank you for everything that you were able to do for me, for your responsiveness and honesty, justice and perseverance. Thank you. I wish you to always remain such an open, talented, versatile, kind person. I also wish you success in your activities and the fulfillment of all your dreams in life.

Thank you very much, kind teacher. Thank you for your support and understanding, thank you for your sensitivity and responsiveness, thank you for your correct knowledge and faith in me, thank you for your bright parting words and good advice, thank you for your help and inspiration. I wish you the best in continuing your path of successful and important work, I wish you to meet every day with good health and good spirits.

Thank you, dear teacher, thank you for your knowledge, for your good advice, for the correct answers to all my questions, for your understanding and warmth of soul, for your sincerity and honesty. Thanks to you, I believe in myself and tirelessly strive for my dreams, I overcome obstacles on the path to education and know that success awaits me. Thank you, I wish you great opportunities and success in life, health, personal well-being and happiness.

Our beloved teacher, we want to thank you so much for your care, instructions, skills and hard teaching work! A more tactful, polite, intelligent, fair, wise and kind teacher cannot be found. We are very lucky with you, thank you for your efforts and attempts to teach and educate, for your love for children and dedication to work! We wish you smart students and good parents!

A teacher is a beacon in the rapid flow of knowledge. And having walked the common path, I want to say words of gratitude for every parting word, support, understanding and human participation. You have invested a part of your soul in each student, I hope we will live up to your hopes! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for your difficult, but such noble work, patience, and ability to listen! Your talent for getting along with students and getting them interested is admirable! Thank you for your knowledge and daily dedication!

Information block

  1. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it:

- ignorance of the meaning of the word.

He put his feet in the bit and galloped off at a trot.

bit- a device made of iron rods attached to a bridle and inserted into the horse's mouth. I should have used the word stirrup.

- mixing paronyms. Compare: A person leads a festive life. I'm in an idle mood today.

Festive – adjective for the word "holiday"

Idle – not filled, not busy.

Violation of lexical compatibility.

Words may not always go together.

Errors of this type are due to the fact that the speaker or writer does not notice that

Words contradict each other, one excludes the other in meaning: dance song

One has a positive and the other a negative meaning: hordes of workers

Heterogeneous in style: a new barn was built on the collective farm and a bathhouse was erected

Incompatible by tradition: possible fulfill a wish - it is forbidden fulfill a dream, there may be strong attachment, passion, hatred - it cannot be strong friendship.

Using unnecessary words.

A superfluous word is a word whose use adds nothing to what was said and does not clarify anything in it. A very beautiful day - "“excellent” means the highest degree of quality, very good; introductory preamble - the preamble is the “introductory part”

Pleonasm– the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically redundant. He holds the steering wheel tightly in his hands.

Tautology and inappropriate repetition of words.

Tautology- this is a close use of cognate words, parodied in the expression “butter”, “I’ll tell you in a story.”

Another mistake is inappropriate repetition of words: The traitor was hanged, and on his chest they hung a sign on which they wrote why he was hanged. the reasons for these errors are speech poverty and underdeveloped “speech hearing”.

Errors in the use of pronouns.

The accumulation of pronouns creates ambiguity in the text and sometimes creates a comic effect. The phrase “Arkady and Boris argued again, and he was surprised at how quietly his speech sounded” can be understood in 4 ways.

Use of cliches and cliches.

Stationery - words and expressions, the use of which is assigned to the official business style, but in other styles they are inappropriate, are cliches. There is a lack of spare parts. A lot of work is being done at the plant regarding trade union organization. A forest of hands went up during the vote.

Training exercises

Task 1. Find words in sentences that are used without taking into account their lexical meaning. Correct the errors.

1. Ivanov, you’re late for the lecture. 2. Our homeland was invaded by German fascism. 3. It was pitch dark all around. 4. They are ready to show any gratitude to the school if only the child becomes a student. 5. Police officers detained a galaxy of unruly hooligans. 6. The design of your term paper leaves much to be desired. 7. Birch trees sleep in their wedding shroud. 8. The park has wonderful architecture. 8. We were shocked by the excellent acting. 9. Our country ranks not last in industrial production. 10. Once I tried to express my thoughts on this question.

Task 2. Note cases of lexical inconsistency of words.

1. Show desire, show care, show discipline, show slowness, show respect, show rudeness, show order, show indifference. 2. Achieve success, achieve promotion, achieve order, achieve victory, achieve fulfillment, achieve happiness. 3. Provide trust, provide assistance, provide friendship, provide inattention, provide objection, provide assistance. 4. Make a mistake, allow ignorance, allow defects, allow rudeness, allow disorder. 5. Conduct a meeting, conduct an assessment, conduct a restructuring, conduct an organization, conduct a reconstruction. 6. Get rid of shortcomings, get rid of losses, get rid of mismanagement, get rid of dirt in the room.

Task 3. Find errors in word usage in the proposed texts and correct them.

  1. They worked like the most notorious specialists.
  2. Our soldiers performed many heroic deeds.
  3. The truthful portrayal of life, the lack of superficially effective scenes only increased the impact of this film.
  4. Sholokhov depicted the images of three communists.
  5. Take the bread for yourself, it’s wasted anyway.
  6. He looked out of the train window at a cavalcade of rocks, trees, and bushes rushing past.
  7. The buds burst with a quiet noise and the early bees hummed.
  8. There is an illegal embezzlement of government property.
  9. The working hours in the surgical department were not standardized.
  10. For conscientious work, Dr. Petrov was given a reward.

Task 4. Find violations of lexical norms, explain the reasons for speech errors.

1. He studied at the music conservatory. 2. An exchange of existing experience took place. 3. He foresaw this turn in his fate in advance. 4. The Hermitage is the most valuable treasury of culture. 5. We quickly rushed to run down the escalator. 6. The luxurious interior of the palace will be remembered for a long time. 7. Fire causes burns. 8. Viruses that cause cancer are treated. 9. You can ask any questions you are interested in. 10. The cleanliness of the environment is a growing concern.

Task 5. Write down the words used without taking into account the meaning, correct the errors.

  1. In the 14th century, architecture began to flourish in Rus'.
  2. He tries his best to impress Sophia.
  3. Our class is considered economic, that is, we are future management.
  4. The audience scanned: “Bravo, Silvini!”
  5. The entire audience was already in triumph.
  6. The paragraphs of the literature textbook contain quotes from works.
  7. We must not forget that our goods are imported.
  8. A concert was held in honor of those who came for the evening.
  9. The remains of the royal family have finally been discovered.
  10. My friend had her appendix removed.

Task 6. Find redundant phrases.

The main essence, the essence of the matter, the first baptism of fire, the landscape of the area, a memorable souvenir, a period of time, to be demobilized in the fall, to be demobilized from the army, the debut of a young ballerina, to debut for the first time, to be commissioned, regular weekly columns, weekly performances, free vacancy.

Test tasks

Option 1

  1. Words are not paronyms

a) idealistic – idealistic

b) mental – intellectual

c) romantic – romantic

d) criminal – criminogenic

2. The phrases are constructed correctly

a) promote someone to a position

b) promote

c) introduce activities

d) make sure about the merits of the work

3. Words combine with inanimate nouns

a) intolerable

b) lucky

c) patient

d) tolerant

4. The phrase is constructed correctly

a) vacancy

b) monumental monument

c) timekeeping

d) an ordinary miracle

5. Properly constructed sentence

a) This film had an indelible impression on her.

b) I get the idea that you have a unclear understanding of the situation.

c) They played a major role in this story.

d) Finally, this puzzle has been solved: three bandits have been detained.

6. Properly constructed sentences

a) If we achieve success in the elections, we will change the economic situation.

b) I would not like to go into comments on this issue.

c) We received unexpected results.

d) The athlete performed his exercises with pathos.

b) I am against extremes and sudden conclusions.

c) I cannot resist the temptation to quote Dostoevsky.

d) Please pay for the travel.

a) selfless offense

b) top priority

c) present a valuable gift

d) tactical move

9. The correct combinations of words are

a) a sensible look

b) businesslike

c) nationalist budget

d) satirical work

10. Words combine with animate nouns

a) noise

b) economical

c) noisy

d) loud

Option 2

1. The word that is superfluous in the synonymous series is

b) ignorant

c) layman

d) ignoramus

2. Synonym for the word pleonasm

a) redundancy

b) tautology

c) imagery

d) colorfulness

3. Correctly constructed phrases

a) jump from a parachute

b) take action

c) deserved fame

d) became famous

4. Words combine with animate nouns

a) low-power

b) economical

c) economical

d) sincere

5. Correctly constructed phrases

a) an outstanding virtuoso

c) put on a coat

d) contagious infection

6. Properly constructed sentence

a) We attach great importance to the education of our schoolchildren.

b) When you are nervous, your appetite often increases.

c) It doesn't matter.

d) The film will help viewers gain an opinion about Russia.

7. Properly constructed sentences

a) We failed to anticipate these events.

b) The election results will be announced after the court's decision.

c) The goals we set have been achieved.

d) Business travelers made noise in the administrator’s office

8. Combinations of words are correct

a) the main point

b) obvious fact

c) a souvenir

d) tactical appeal

9. Correctly constructed phrases

a) hotel room

b) wooded river

c) preliminary advance

d) practical color

10. Correctly constructed phrases

a) a quick decision

b) reduction in value

c) jump from a parachute

d) price rise

Section 3. Phraseologisms

Information block

In the Russian language there are two types of phrases: free and non-free (stable). Stable combinations of words are called phraseological units, and the branch of linguistics that studies them is called phraseology. Unlike free phrases, phraseological units have a lexical meaning not of each word individually, but of the entire phrase as a whole, therefore, in a sentence, phraseological units are one member of the sentence. One of the characteristic features of phraseological units that distinguishes them from free combinations of words is a figurative meaning. Phraseologisms can have homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, differ in stylistic coloring, and are different in origin. In particular, many phraseological units have passed into the literary language from the speech of representatives of various professions: get into tune, play first violin- from the speech of musicians; cut like a nut, without a knot, without a hitch- from the speech of carpenters; gild the pill, take a teaspoon in an hour, a healthy mind in a healthy body- from the speech of health workers.

Some phraseological turns are based on facts of Russian history: put the matter on hold, shout at the top of Ivanovo.

The origin of other phraseological units is associated with legends and facts of ancient history: with a shield or on a shield, Procrustean bed, clean out the Augean stables. Some came to us from religious books: cherish as the apple of your eye, Babylonian pandemonium.

Phraseological phrases are stable combinations, therefore an arbitrary change in their properties, replacing one word with another violates the integrity of the phraseological unit and leads to speech errors. Typical mistakes when using phraseological units:

Replacing components ( sort from empty to empty, the lion's share);

Reduction or expansion of the composition of phraseological units ( leave much to be desired- instead of leave much to be desired; well at least hit the wall- instead of bang your head against the wall)

Ignorance of the meaning of phraseological units ( Khlestakov throws pearls before swine, but everyone believes him);

Grammatical modification ( They scolded him for what he was standing, sitting with his hands folded, putting it on his bare foot).

Training exercises

Task 1. Continue the phraseological units, explain the meaning.

1. Despite... 2. Storm in... 3. Seven miles away... 4. Kiseynaya... 5. Hunger... 6. Dance from... 7. Wait at... 8. Wolf... 9. Having ears... 10. See no further...

Task 2. Replace with one word.

Hack on your nose, on your mind, the chickens don’t peck, wag your tail, veto, soap your neck, lick your fingers, hang your ears, circle your finger, bite your tongue.

Task 3. Replace the free combination with a phraseological unit.

1. Control yourself, calm down. 2. Attract attention to yourself, be especially noticeable. 3. Temporary, illegal. 4. Do the same as before when you were young. 5. Achieve a good position in life, in society. 6. Think hard about a difficult question. 7. Enough, without restrictions. 8. Endless repetition of the same thing. 9. Remember well. 10. Nothing matters, nothing is scary.

Task 4. Find errors in the proposed texts and correct them.

  1. He pointed his fingers at the sky.
  2. The neighbor is sucking all the veins out of him
  3. Anatomy has an important role in the training of a medical professional.
  4. Well, let him go, good riddance to him.
  5. This problem is not worth a dime.
  6. Our parents worked tirelessly.
  7. During the lesson, he outlined the main essence of the book.
  8. The route of the convoy is determined in advance.
  9. An hour later he looked like a scalded chicken in front of his superiors.
  10. The picture evokes a pitiful mood.
  11. The patient answers questions with a guilty look.
  12. The floor is presented to the dean.
  13. The patients walked in the hospital garden along the shady side of the alley.

Task 5.

Related information.

This methodological development is intended for conducting classes in the Russian language with first-year students in the specialty 02/31/03 Laboratory Diagnostics.

The topic of methodological work belongs to the section “Vocabulary and Phraseology”.

The work program allocates two hours for it. This methodological development repeats theoretical information about vocabulary; spelling skills are improved; skills of analytical work with words as part of speech are consolidated. The development includes test questions, a system of exercises and practical tasks, generalizing tables are provided, and creative tasks are included.

This system of exercises and tasks is aimed at achieving from students a complete understanding of theoretical data and the ability to use this data both orally and in writing.

A special place is occupied by the consideration of possible speech errors (in stress, pronunciation, word usage); special exercises have been developed aimed at preventing them.

Completing the tasks proposed in this manual will help students improve their speech culture and improve their literacy.



State budgetary professional educational institution

Moscow City Health Department

"Medical College No. 1"

(GBPOU DZM "MK No. 1")

Branch No. 1

Methodological development

in Russian language and literature

for 1st year students in specialty 02/31/03 Laboratory diagnostics



Developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education in the specialty:

02.31.03 “Laboratory diagnostics”


GBPOU DZM MK No. 1 teacher I.A. Karginova ___


________________ ____________________ _______________

(place of work) (position held) (initials, surname)

This methodological development is intended for conducting classes in the Russian language with first-year students in the specialty 02/31/03Laboratory diagnostics.

The topic of methodological work belongs to the section “Vocabulary and Phraseology”.

The work program allocates two hours for it. This methodological development repeats theoretical information about vocabulary; spelling skills are improved; skills of analytical work with words as part of speech are consolidated. The development includes test questions, a system of exercises and practical tasks, generalizing tables are provided, and creative tasks are included.

This system of exercises and tasks is aimed at achieving from students a complete understanding of theoretical data and the ability to use this data both orally and in writing.

A special place is occupied by the consideration of possible speech errors (in stress, pronunciation, word usage); special exercises have been developed aimed at preventing them.

Completing the tasks proposed in this manual will help students improve their speech culture and improve their literacy.



Explanatory note

Methodological block

Information block



on conducting the lesson

  1. Come to the office where the class will take place 2-3 minutes before it starts.
  2. Inspect the office, make sure that everything is ready for class: what is the sanitary condition of the office, is the furniture beautifully arranged, is the board clean, are the visual aids in place? Do not turn this element of the lesson into an empty formality.
  3. Try to show students the beauty and attractiveness of the organizational beginning of the lesson.
  4. Don't waste time searching for your subject's page in the class magazine. This can be done before class.
  5. Start your session energetically. Do not ask students the question: “Who didn’t complete their homework?” This will teach students the idea that failure to complete homework is inevitable. Make sure that every student is busy from the beginning of the lesson until the end and is not left without work.
  6. Engage students with interesting content of the material, make sure that all students are able to work at the given pace, help the weak believe in themselves. Keep your entire group in sight. Especially watch out for those who have unstable attention or are distracted. Prevent attempts to disrupt work order.
  7. Ask questions a little more often to those students who may be involved in other activities.
  8. Avoid asking students questions that require choral answers.
  9. When motivating assessments, make your words businesslike and interested, give instructions to the student on what he needs to work on during class or after class. Check if he understood your instructions; check how they will be implemented. This will teach you to disciplined work. The student will get used to the fact that the teacher’s instructions must be followed.
  10. Objectively evaluate the student's knowledge. Stop the activity with the bell. Continuing classes during recess is unacceptable. This leads to unjustified fatigue of children and violation of discipline.
  11. Conduct yourself in class with dignity, seriously, and avoid unnecessary jokes and witticisms.
  12. Be calm, don't get nervous, and don't excite the group with harsh remarks or shouting. To maintain discipline for individual students, a teacher's gaze or a calm remark without irritation and without raising his voice is sufficient. Remember, the best remark to a student is a remark without words: a puzzled or surprised look, a pause in the story.
  13. During class, stand facing the group so that students see and understand that they are always under the supervision of the teacher. This provides the necessary business contact between the teacher and the group.
  14. Don’t make general comments; no one, as a rule, reacts to them. Remarks should be addressed to specific violators of discipline. Do not make frequent comments; students adapt to them. It’s better to change the type of activity in class, for example, give some independent task, and at this time adjust your further work in class.
  15. Avoid awkward or funny poses, do not continuously pace in front of the group, and do not turn your back to the group when using the board or visual aid.
  16. When presenting the content of the material, do not look away, but look carefully at the students, observing their work and behavior.
  17. Teach in a civil manner - always use a pointer, don't wipe chalk off the board with your hand, and make sure students don't wipe the board with their hands either. Through his behavior and appearance, the teacher should serve as an example for students. Always be neat, modestly and formally dressed.
  18. Do not allow familiarity in relationships with students, strive to establish relationships based on trust and respect.
  19. Monitor your actions and try not to make mistakes, and if you make a mistake, do not be ashamed to admit it and correct it immediately.
  20. Do not leave any violation of discipline unanswered. Take a thoughtful approach to choosing and taking measures for each student’s offense, taking into account the nature of the violation, the circumstances that gave rise to it, and individual characteristics. Remarks should not be made in an indifferent tone or carelessly.
  21. Know how to give your voice the right intonation.
  22. The lesson lasts 90 minutes and requires a lot of nervous tension from the teacher throughout the entire time. In this regard, it is necessary to provide short pauses during the lesson, allowing the teacher to concentrate on further stages of the lesson. But the teacher can pause during the lesson only during the period of independent work of students. Therefore, it is advisable to provide such tasks.
  23. To strengthen discipline, it is advisable to think through tasks for students that force them to “take up the pen” and make notes in notebooks. At these moments, the student focuses on the content of the lesson.

Lesson motivation

The main purpose of this lesson– preparing students to successfully pass the exam in Russian language and literature.
Forms of work in class: frontal survey, independent work, group work, individual work.
Methods: visual, verbal, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative, partially search.
The principles are implemented in the lesson: accessibility, clarity, scientific character.

This material has not only spelling significance, but also has stylistic significance. Students often make mistakes in the use of one or another ending in different parts of speech. The reason for this is ignorance of the rules and negligence in speech. Therefore, it is necessary to place special emphasis on this aspect of the educational material.
Interdisciplinary connections: literature, history.
The tasks offered in the lesson are aimed at enriching the vocabulary and developing the students’ speech.

A creative task for working in groups involves further development of expressive, figurative speech and literate writing skills.
To develop cognitive interest, students are offered creative tasks. To develop control and self-control skills, students are offered tasks for subsequent testing and self-testing and tasks for editing sentence texts.
A computer presentation is used during the lesson.
Activation tools: the living word of the teacher, practical work, creative tasks, independent work, differentiated tasks, TSO
The lesson is designed for students with an average pace of work.

After studying the topic “Word in the lexical system of language”, teaching should know:
1. the lexical meaning of words, as well as the definition of such linguistic concepts as homonyms, homographs, spelling, vocabulary;

2. spelling norms;

3. definition of such concepts as synonyms, paronyms, antonyms;

4. concepts: “syncwine”, antonyms, synonyms, paronyms;

5. features of completing written homework according to the proposed goal setting.

Must be able to:
1. apply the skills of placing stress in words, relying on spelling rules;

do morphological analysis of nouns;
2. correctly determine the stress;

3. clearly and clearly state your position;

4. compose “syncwine”, determine the correct lexical meaning of words, recognize the scope of words, be able to form stable combinations;

5. analyze your own activities.

Will have experience:
1. in expressing your thoughts;
2. in developing the ability to answer problematic questions and give reasons for answers.

Lesson stages

Training tasks

Developmental tasks

Educational tasks

Organizational moment

Setting a goal

Updating knowledge

Types of work:

1)testing theory knowledge

2) practical work

3) work in groups

4) individual work

5) working with cards

Summing up

Homework assignment

Assessing the emotional state of students in class




Organizational moment

Frontal survey


Vocabulary dictation

Performing the exercise

Creative task

Working with cards

Working with text


Fixing the material

Homework assignment. Lesson results


Methodological goal:creating conditions for developing skills in transferring theoretical knowledge and skills to new situations

Lesson objectives:

  • Systematize students’ knowledge of the vocabulary of the Russian language;
  • develop the cognitive interests and skills of analytical and synthetic work of students by developing the ability to work in a team and team, and interact with partners.
  • Cultivate interest and love for the Russian language

Methods: reproductive, productive, heuristic.

Intrasubject connections:topics of the sections “Orthoepy”, “Grammar”, “Phonetics”.


  • developing the ability to distinguish vocabulary in the language system, ask a question, identify means of communication;
  • formation of spelling and punctuation skills.
  • development of monologue speech skills;
  • development of the ability to formulate and answer questions with reason.
  • promoting interest in the Russian language.

Type of lesson: w the activity of generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

Progress of the lesson
Organizational moment
Declaring the purpose of the lesson

I. Vocabulary dictation

Vary, lotion, reveal, announcement, duty, three-story, four-tier, save, super-exquisite, supernatural, unprincipled, overeat, lunch, bilingual, two-story, pre-anniversary, traveled half the city, peers, peers, ate half a lemon, sharpened blue-red pencil, cut off half a cucumber, a force nine storm.

II. Word in the lexical system of a language

Conversation with students:

What unit of language does the “Vocabulary” section study? (word).

What is a word? (sound or combination of sounds that has a certain LZ and GZ)

How many meanings does the word have? (Two – LZ and GZ)

What is the lexical meaning of a word and how to determine it?

The word is multifaceted: it can be viewed from different angles. The word sounds - its sound composition is studied by phonetics and morphemicsstudies the morphemic composition of the language, in morphology the word is presented as a part of speech, in syntax the role of the word in the construction of syntactic units - SS and sentences is clarified. The lexical meaning of a word is actually not that easy to determine. People have been thinking about this problem since ancient times. We understand LZ as the main meaning, its content, understandable to all native speakers.

What are the functions of words in a language? (nominal function - a word means something: an object, an action, a sign, a state, a phenomenon, a number or indications of them). Service function - words are connected in ss and sentences. Emotional - words express not only concepts, but also feelings.

What ways of explaining, interpreting LP words do you know?


Selection of words (synonyms) that are close in lexical meaning: dunes - continental dunes, hills; punctual - accurate;

brief description: fan - a small hand-held, usually folding, fan, when unfolded it has the shape of a semicircle;

selection of words with the same root that explain the meaning: obliquely - in an oblique direction, obliquely;

selection of words with opposite meanings (antonyms): alive - dead;

visual image (drawing or photograph).

In which dictionaries can you find an explanation of the lexical meaning of words? (sensible).

What is the difference between single and polysemous words? (answer in terms).

What is the literal and figurative meaning of the word? (the main thing, the main meaning of the word is the direct meaning. The figurative meaning is secondary, associated with the direct meaning and arose on its basis)..


Name transfers occur:

1) by similarity of shape, color, internal properties, qualities: a hand is an artist’s brush, solid earth is a solid word.

2) by function: a fire burns - a light bulb burns, a bird's wing - an airplane wing.

3) by temporal, spatial, logical contiguity: a tasty dish is a porcelain dish, reading a book is reading Pushkin.

4) according to the ratio of part and whole: several heads of cattle, Astana falls asleep;

5) by bringing together an emotional nature: a lot of sand - a lot of things to do.

What role do figurative meanings play in language? (figurative meanings enrich the language, make it bright, figurative, serve to create means of artistic expression. On the basis of figurative meanings, metaphors, personifications, epithets, metonymy, synecdoche are created.

Oral work.

Identify means of artistic expression based on figurative meanings of words.

  • screen star (metaphor, based on similarity of qualities);
  • velvet wool (epithet, similar to the material);
  • the blizzard sings (personification, by function);
  • eat another spoonful (metonymy, based on the contiguity of content and subject);
  • sea ​​of ​​tears (hyperbole);
  • listen to Chopin (metonymy, based on the contiguity of the author and the work);
  • I will return to my native hearth (synecdoche, according to the relationship between the part and the whole).

Mark the correct answer of the phrase.

1. a) return ticket

B) reversible ticket

2. a) words of condemnation

B) words of discussion

3. a) human dignity

B) human dignity

4. a) the subscriber does not answer

B) the subscription does not respond

Examination. Answers. 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a.

What are these words called?

Mixing of paronyms.

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning, for example: fragrant - aromatic, bank - bank, stand up - become, meaning - significance, put on - put on, pay - pay, master - learn; escalator - excavator. It is erroneous to use one word instead of another: put on a coat (need: put on a coat), the essence of the problem (need: essence of the problem), pay a fine (need: pay a fine).

Working with theoretical material

Updating knowledge.We will talk about the beauty and richness of the Russian language, which is capable of conveying the smallest shades of our thoughts and feelings, all the diversity of the world changing before our eyes. However, I will start the conversation with the bitter but truthful poem by Vadim Sergeevich Shefner “Oral Speech”.

This is so and not otherwise.
You, my friend, don’t contradict me:
People began to live richer
But the speech became poorer.

Oral literature fades away,
Conversational beauty;
Retreating into the unknown
Russian miracle speeches.

Hundreds of native and apt words,
Drooping, losing my voice,
Locked up like birds in cages,
They doze in thick dictionaries.

Let them out of there
Return to everyday life,
So that speech - a human miracle -
Not poor these days.

What are words for?
- What is the reason thatgoes out... conversational beauty?
- Should it be revived?
speeches of Russian miracles?
- Which branch of linguistics studies words? A word is a combination of sounds that expresses a certain concept and performs several functions.

Training exercises:

Explain how the comic effect is created in the sentences below.

1. Today the zoo is holding an open day.

2. Each shooter who hits the target receives a bullet.

3. Where is the natural office here? I need to make a copy from my child!

4. The captain said that Shvabrin was transferred here for committing suicide.

5. She put the old clock in the barn.

6. - Dear bride! Take care of your husband! Think first of all about him, about his good, and then about something else.

7. The coach received a wonderful gift from the team: five goals!

8. One of the most powerful impressions of childhood was an excavator in the Moscow metro.

Tautology and pleonasm.

Tautology - repetition in a sentence of the same root words, for example: workers united together; The following disadvantages should be noted. Pleonasm - verbosity, speech redundancy, repetition of the same concepts, for example: every minute of time is precious (the word time is superfluous, since a minute is associated with the concept of time); folk folklore (an extra word is folk, since folklore is folk art); service (service is translated as maintenance).

Indicate pleonasm and tautology in the sentences.

1. Deciduous forests occupy a smaller area covered by forest.

2. The forest is clean air, a moisture collector, a life-giving source of all living things.

3. To consolidate the material studied, it is necessary to perform repetition exercises when studying subsequent topics.

4. I celebrated Christmas at a work colleague’s dacha.

5. Guests of the city were presented with memorable souvenirs.

6. There are no available vacancies at the company.

7. A scientific conference was held in May last year.

8. Architects and designers worked for a long time on the design of this building.

10. In a week the first premiere of the opera will take place.

11. College graduates are employed.

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language has gone through a long development process. Our vocabulary consists not only of native Russian words, but also of words borrowed from other languages. Foreign language sources replenished and enriched the Russian language throughout the entire process of its historical development. Some borrowings were made in ancient times, others - relatively recently. New words poured into the Russian language from other languages ​​as a result of the economic, political and cultural connections of the Russian people with other peoples.

The composition of Russian vocabulary from the point of view of its origin can be schematically presented in the table.

Original Russian words:

  • Indo-Europeanisms;
  • Common Slavic vocabulary;
  • East Slavic vocabulary;
  • Actually Russian vocabulary.


  • From Slavic languages;
  • From non-Slavic languages;

Scandinavian, Turkic,

Latin, Greek,

German, French,

English, etc.



Common Slavic vocabulary



Pronouns: I, you, we, you

East Slavic vocabulary

Animal names:dog, squirrel, bullfinch.

Name of labor tools: axe, blade.

Household Items:boot, ladle, casket, ruble.


Settlements: village, settlement.

Actually Russian vocabulary

Words with a complex stem: radio center, locomotive.

III. Group work using cards(the group is divided into 5 subgroups)

Card 1

Card 2

Card 3

Card 4

Replace with one word.

Card 5

  1. He pointed his fingers at the sky.
  2. The neighbor is sucking all the veins out of him

IY. Test

Option I

1. direct meaning of the word

A) a cheerful child

2. figurative meaning of the word

B) the wind howls

B) fast deer

D) a fire is burning

D) the sunset is burning

E) golden hands

G) high mountains

3. What words can be used to continue the following synonymous series:ruthless, heartless...

Got up very early (1) and set off.

The student read the book twicefrom start to finish(2).

« Remember it firmly

didn't pay attention(4)

there was no time (5).

blizzard blizzard (__________) blizzard (___________) blizzard (__________) , turning into a real one blizzard (____________) .

1) soft light

2) soft sign

3) soft moss

4) mild climate

14. Determine where wrong

3) with a gulkin nose - a lot

eyes, nose (at least 3 examples)

Option II

  1. Continue with the definition by choosing the correct answer.

Phraseology is a branch of the science of language that studies...

1) neat

A) ugly

2) work

B) bondage

3) cheerful

B) weaken

4) talker

D) careless

5) freedom

D) silent

6) strengthen

E) mess around

7) handsome

G) gloomy

5. Replace the highlighted phrases with phraseological units. Place the number of the phrase to be replaced next to the phraseological units.

I understand, who do you mean

very close (2) from here.

Every person has weak point (3).

very quickly

impossible to separate(5).

6. Find errors in the use of phraseological units and correct them by writing down the correct options under the table.

8. Copy the sentences, replacing the highlighted words with synonyms so that you get a text.

We have a big one yard As a child he seemed big (__________) big (__________), became just big (____________) , but what seemed big (____________) , has become commonplace.

10. Make pairs by choosing a phraseological phrase that suits the meaning of the word:

1) gloomy - cheerful

2) giant - dwarf

3) timid - brave

4) modest – cunning

1) between two fires

2) neither two nor one and a half

3) like the stars in the sky

4) lie dead weight

15. Name phraseological units that contain names of parts of the human body: head, legs (at least 3 examples).

Y. Repetition of what has been covered

Minutes of entertainment. "Shifters."

Find out the proverb by selecting contextual antonyms (oral work)

What are antonyms? Give examples.

1. Baldness is a male disgrace. (The braid is a girl’s beauty.)

2. Leave the new washing machine (Stay with nothing)

3. You can't go lower than your heels. (You can't jump over your head.)

4. Sometimes a bull will lose a speck of dust. (A pig will always find dirt.)

5. Chicken is a boar's friend. (The goose is not a friend to the pig.)

6. Courage has a small head. (Fear has big eyes.)

Creative dictation.

Complete the proverb using the phenomenon - antonymy.

Underline pairs of antonyms, explain punctuation and spelling.

1. The enemy agrees... (and the friend argues).

2. A small thing...(better than a big idleness).

3. Knew how to make a mistake -... (knew how to get better).

4. Good glory lies, ... (and bad glory runs)

5. Learning is light (and ignorance is darkness).

6. Long tongue - ... (short mind).

Training exercise. "Find out the homonym"

1. We all recruit first in the game.

If there are more of them, we win the game.

The latter improve our vision for all of us,

In summer, protect your eyes from the sun. (glasses)

2. The first gun is fired noisily,

Well, the second thing is that athletes throw.

You will find the third in a nut shell,

If you chew it with your teeth. (core)

3. We find the first one, calculate it,

We know many formulas for it.

On the second day there will be rallies and parades.

We are always happy to walk along it. (square)

4. The first one lives in a hole or in a crack.

The cat is happily waiting for her to come out.

The second one is friends with our computer,

Sasha and Masha are holding it in their hands.

Well, and under the third, since something hurts,

Aibolit always sets the thermometer. (mouse)

5. The first one sparkles brightly in the sky,

She foreshadows rain and thunderstorms for us.

But you will find the second one in clothes,

Quickly fasten it with a creak. (lightning).

- How to distinguish a homonym from an ambiguous word? Give examples.

(Tail, wing, table, button, handle)

Spelling five minutes.

Choose test words for homophones. Fill in the missing letters.

Built our city - built a warehouse

To drain a child is to drain a vessel

To diminish the meaning of mercy - to diminish the meaning

The flag is waving - the child is waving

Hit the lake - the lake has risen

To illuminate a room - to illuminate a temple

Hiding your heart - hiding your teeth in a dream

Terminological dictation.

The teacher reads out the definitions and the students write down the answers.

  • The content of a word, its correlation with an object or phenomenon.
  • Words associated with only one object, phenomenon, concept.
  • Serves to create figurative, expressive means of language.
  • Words that have the same sound, spelling and inflection, but are not related in meaning.
  • Match only one form of words.
  • Words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings.
  • Words belonging to the same part of speech, expressing the same concept, but at the same time differing in shades of meaning.
  • A technique of intensifying synonyms to achieve the effect of greater expressiveness.
  • What stylistic devices are based on antonyms?

Answers: lexical meaning, unambiguous words, figurative meaning, homonyms, homoforms, homophones, synonyms, gradation, antithesis and oxymoron

YI. Summing up

- We have carried out painstaking work in various areas. We have no power over the speech of others, but we can change our own speech.

Our speech is our mirror, and let it not be dirty. I think that the goals of the lesson have been achieved and I really want the words of the poet F. Vasiliev to serve you as good advice:

When you want to say a word,

My friend, think, don’t rush:

It can sometimes be leaden,

It was born from the warmth of the soul.

It is like a lark on high,

Then he sings with mourning copper,

Until I weighed the word myself,

Don't let him fly.

You can add joy to them

And poison joy with poison.

They can melt ice in winter,

And turn the stone into crumbs.

It will rob or give,

Let it be inadvertently, let it be lovingly,

Think about how not to hit.

The one who listens to you. (F. Vasiliev, translation from Udmurt by V. Solozhin).

Homework:compose test questions (15 on the topic “Vocabulary”, repeat phraseological units, phraseological units).

  1. Grekov V.F., Cheshko L.A. Russian language. 10-11 grade. Textbook for general education institutions. – M., 2012.
  2. Goltsova N.G., Mishcherina M.A. Russian language. 10-11 grade. Book for teachers. – M., 2013.
  3. Voiteleva T. M. Theory and methodology of teaching the Russian language. – M., 2010.
  4. Comprehensive Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. A. N. Tikhonova. – M., 2011.
  5. Rosenthal D. E. Handbook of the Russian language. – M., 2013.
  6. Gorbachevich K. S. Dictionary of difficulties of the modern Russian language. – St. Petersburg. 2012
  7. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – M., 2010.


Card 1

Find words in sentences that are used without taking into account their lexical meaning. Correct the errors.

1. Ivanov, you’re late for the lecture. 2. Our homeland was invaded by German fascism. 3. It was pitch dark all around. 4. They are ready to show any gratitude to the school if only the child becomes a student. 5. Police officers detained a galaxy of unruly hooligans. 6. The design of your term paper leaves much to be desired. 7. Birch trees sleep in their wedding shroud. 8. The park has wonderful architecture. 8. We were shocked by the excellent acting. 9. Our country ranks not last in industrial production. 10. Once I tried to express my thoughts on this question.

Card 2

Find violations of lexical norms, explain the reasons for speech errors.

1. He studied at the music conservatory. 2. An exchange of existing experience took place. 3. He foresaw this turn in his fate in advance. 4. The Hermitage is the most valuable treasury of culture. 5. We quickly rushed to run down the escalator. 6. The luxurious interior of the palace will be remembered for a long time. 7. Fire causes burns. 8. Viruses that cause cancer are treated. 9. You can ask any questions you are interested in. 10. The cleanliness of the environment is a growing concern.

Card 3

Find redundant phrases.

The main essence, the essence of the matter, the first baptism of fire, the landscape of the area, a memorable souvenir, a period of time, to be demobilized in the fall, to be demobilized from the army, the debut of a young ballerina, to debut for the first time, to be commissioned, regular weekly columns, weekly performances, free vacancy.

Card 4

Replace with one word.

Hack on your nose, on your mind, the chickens don’t peck, wag your tail, veto, soap your neck, lick your fingers, hang your ears, circle your finger, bite your tongue.

Card 5

Find errors in the proposed texts and correct them.

He pointed his fingers at the sky.

The neighbor is sucking all the veins out of him

Anatomy has an important role in the training of a medical professional.

Well, let him go, good riddance to him.

This problem is not worth a dime.

Our parents worked tirelessly.

During the lesson, he outlined the main essence of the book.

The route of the convoy is determined in advance.

An hour later he looked like a scalded chicken in front of his superiors.

The picture evokes a pitiful mood.

The patient answers questions with a guilty look.

The floor is presented to the dean.

The patients walked in the hospital garden along the shady side of the alley.


Vocabulary of modern Russian language

Original Russian words:

  • Indo-Europeanisms;
  • Common Slavic vocabulary;
  • East Slavic vocabulary;
  • Actually Russian vocabulary.


  • From Slavic languages;
  • From non-Slavic languages;

Scandinavian, Turkic,

Latin, Greek,

German, French,

English, etc.


words preserved from the era of Indo-European linguistic unity.

Designates plants, animals, minerals, tools, types of kinship:

oak, salmon, wolf, copper, mother, son, moon, wateretc.

Common Slavic vocabulary

Inherited by our language from the common Slavic language.

These are concrete nouns:

head, throat, heart, palm, field, neighbor, forest, maple, pig, knife, guest, wine, will, cow, etc.

Verbs: blame, hear, grow, lie.

Adjectives: kind, young, old, wise.

Pronouns: I, you, we, you

East Slavic vocabulary

(Old Russian), which developed on the basis of the language of the Eastern Slavs.

Animal names:dog, squirrel, bullfinch.

Name of labor tools:axe, blade.

Household Items:boot, ladle, casket, ruble.

Professions:carpenter, cook, shoemaker, miller.

Settlements:village, settlement.

Actually Russian vocabulary

formed after the 14th century.

The words have a derivative base:bricklayer, leaflet, locker room.

These include words with foreign language suffixes that have gone through the path of Russian word formation and are overgrown with Russian suffixes and prefixes:ruler, teapot, party affiliation;

Words with a complex stem: radio center, locomotive.

Lots of compound words:Moscow Art Theater, timber industry enterprise, wall newspaper, Republic of Kazakhstan


Option I

  1. Continue with the definition by choosing the correct answer.

Lexicology is a branch of the science of language that studies...

2. Match. Each number can correspond to several letters.

4. In which series of words are dialectisms?

5. Replace the highlighted phrases with phraseological units. Place the number of the phrase to be replaced next to the phraseological units.

Got upvery early(1) and set off.

The student read the book twicefrom start to finish(2).

« Remember it firmly(3): everyone must be responsible for their actions,” the father said to his son.

The son indulged himself very often, and his motherdidn't pay attention(4)

I should have taken up this matter a long time ago, but somehowthere was no time(5).

From cover to cover - ____, hands don't reach - ____, not even the light of day - ____, to kill yourself on the nose - ____, to turn a blind eye to something - _____.

6. Find errors in the use of phraseological units and correct them by writing down the correct options under the table.





7. Write down three obsolete words, three dialect words, three borrowed words from the dictionary (write it down).

8. Copy the sentences, replacing the highlighted words with synonyms so that you get a text.

A strong wind rose and, and beganblizzard. With every new gust of windblizzard (__________)intensified, and then the real one roseblizzard (___________). Time passed, the wind did not subside, but only intensified. Along with the wind, theblizzard (__________), turning into a real oneblizzard (____________).

9. Choose antonyms for the adjectives:

1) fresh bread _________________

2) latest magazine ___________________

3) fresh wind __________________

10. Make pairs by choosing a phraseological phrase that suits the meaning of the word:

11. In which example does the highlighted word have a direct meaning?

1) soft light

2) soft sign

3) soft moss

4) mild climate

12. Indicate a group of words that correctly contains synonyms for the word “courage.”

1) courage, brave, courage, fearlessness, pride

2) courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless

3) courage, bravery, courage, fearlessness

4) courage, bravery, courage, fearlessness, pride

13. In which row are the synonyms for phraseological units correctly indicated?

1) the cat cried - harmful, stupid

2) with grief in half - barely, somehow

3) put up a cross - be baptized, humiliate

4) lead by the nose - drown out, interfere

14. Determine wherewrongthe meaning of the phraseological unit is indicated.

1) a shot sparrow is an experienced one

2) to deceive - to deceive

3) with a gulkin nose - a lot

4) there is no room for an apple to fall - it’s cramped

15. Name phraseological units that contain names of parts of the human body:eyes, nose

2. Match. Match the words from the left column with antonyms from the right column. Each number can only correspond to one letter.

1) neat

A) ugly

2) work

B) bondage

3) cheerful

B) weaken

4) talker

D) careless

5) freedom

D) silent

6) strengthen

E) mess around

7) handsome

G) gloomy

3. In what series are words professionalisms?

4. Indicate words with negative emotional connotations..

5. Replace the highlighted phrases with phraseological units. Place the number of the phrase to be replaced next to the phraseological units.

I understand,who do you mean(1) when you say that this book is bad.

The railway station is locatedvery close(2) from here.

Every person hasweak point(3).

He was breathing heavily because he was runningvery quickly(4) to tell my sister the news.

Seryozha and Tolya always do everything together, theyimpossible to separate(5).

Achilles' heel - _____, all the way - _____, not spilling water - _____, throwing a pebble into someone's garden - _____, just a stone's throw - _____.

6. Find errors in the use of phraseological units and correct them by writing down the correct options under the table.





7. Write down three neologisms, three jargons (colloquial words), three professionalisms from the dictionary.

8. Copy the sentences, replacing the highlighted words with synonyms so that you get a text.

We havebigyard As a child he seemedbig (__________), but now I have grown up - what seemedbig (__________), it became easybig (____________), but what seemedbig (____________), has become commonplace.

9. Choose antonyms for adjectives:

1) easy question ______________

2) light backpack________________

3) easy character_______________

10. Make pairs by choosing a phraseological phrase that suits the meaning of the word:

11. Which pairs of words are not antonyms?

1) gloomy - cheerful

2) giant - dwarf

3) timid - brave

4) modest – cunning

12. In which row are the correct antonyms for phraseological units?

1) at your fingertips - quickly, good

2) swallowing the tongue is harmful, quiet

3) quietly - loudly, openly

4) Babylonian pandemonium - vanity, disorder

13. Indicate a phraseological unit with the meaning “a large amount of something.”

1) between two fires

2) neither two nor one and a half

3) like the stars in the sky

4) lie dead weight

14. In which row are there phraseological units in both sentences?

1) The guests did not arrive either day or night. We were given no rest day or night.

2) While eating, the baby bit his tongue and cried. He almost let it slip, but bit his tongue just in time.

3) He looked into the distance with all his eyes. Masha opened the doll's eyes.

4) Friends washed the bones of friends. For this I lathered the head of the right person.

15. Name phraseological units that contain names of parts of the human body:head, legs(at least 3 examples).

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