Board games like sea battle. Sea battle games. Main objectives of the game

Game Sea Battle (Tidal Trek) for brave romantics

The theme of pirates evokes many vivid images, promises adventure, uncontrollable fun and, of course, fights. Piracy cannot be called a noble cause, but the plots of films, books and computer games are sure to attract attention. And so that you yourself can feel all the charm of the life of a sea wolf, the game Sea Battle is recruiting brave captains into its fleet.

You will be immersed in the era of the development of navigation in the mid-16th century, when trade relations were actively being established, which contributed to the construction of ships that were increasingly technically advanced. Progress in navigation flourished, countries exchanged knowledge, and new lands were constantly discovered. People felt freer and more progressive. However, peaceful life was not destined to last long. The death of the emperor led to a split and a war in which the eastern forces of the Aldrichs and the western forces of the Douglass opposed, starting the battle in Black Water Bay. In addition, the rebels of the North became more active, wanting to seize the Southern Ocean.

To take part in this historical event, Sea Battle registration is required.

Your capabilities, rights and responsibilities

Have no doubt, your captain's head will be more than full of adventures. You will constantly have to fight with pirates, other players, ordinary and major monsters. And so that you always have a reliable assistant nearby, get a pet, like a real sailor salted on voyages.

But let's not get ahead of the wave, but let's start with the main thing - creating a character. Come up with a sonorous name that will thunder throughout the entire water area, choose your gender and membership in one of the main leagues: the League of Naval Forces or the League of Pirates. Essentially, you have four characters ready to become the captain of a flagship.

Captain characteristics:

  • Acquired skills.
  • Experience.
  • A rank that constantly increases due to the accrual of honor points during battles with other players. The higher the rank, the greater the salary of gold coins and bonuses to combat parameters.
  • The title is awarded after fighting monsters and working on quests.
  • Combat strength - its level affects when fighting with enemies and opens up access to more severe opponents.
  • Spirit of a hero.
  • The ranking in the top ten, like the entire legion, is also personal.

The following features are relevant for the ship:

  • Health
  • A move, i.e. a step in a cell during the battle
  • Combat - number of moves in each round
  • Attack range
  • Attack Power
  • Reserves
  • Protection
  • Accuracy
  • Slope
  • Crit - probability of a critical hit
  • Counterattack
  • Fighting spirit
  • Travel speed

At the beginning, you will have two types of ships: normal and improved, which cope with attack and defense. After the tenth level, access to four more will open.

Gold and diamonds are used as currency. If everything is simple with gold, then diamonds can be obtained for real money and in shares. But they allow you to buy the necessary items and the VIP game level without leveling up.

Each level of Sea Battle iPlayer unlocks unique artifacts and features. For example, after level 50 you can put “God Status”, which significantly increases the combat qualities of your fleet and increases your skills threefold.

Briefly about the features

  • Battles take place on water, above water (in the sky), under water
  • Lots of exciting tasks
  • Accrual of bonuses for daily visits with an increase for each new day
  • Colorful battles

Tidal Trek wishes you fair winds, brave sailors, exciting battles, heroic deeds and crushing victories.

The game about ships, Sea Battle, has the ability to develop a fleet, a captain, and even an island. This browser-based strategy will give you the opportunity to feel like a pirate.

Playing this turn-based strategy means feeling like you are in the shoes of a real pirate. The Battleship game will give you control and development of an exotic island to create a military base, your own fleet and a team of unique corsairs. Endless battles at sea await you, after which you can take a break and recover on your personal island.

Game Features

  • 2 battle modes
  • turn-based battles not only at sea, but also on the ship
  • Game difficulty automatically adjusts to your captain's level
  • unique assistants will make the fleet stronger
  • opportunity to develop your own island
  • improvement of personal fleet
  • studying unique abilities for different captains
  • possibility of installing equipment on ships

Main objectives of the game

  • Creation and upgrade of a personal fleet
  • development and equipment of the island as a military base
  • duel battles, mass battles and battles in the special mode “Battle of the Legions”
  • completing tasks that are scattered across large expanses of varied terrain

Start the game

The browser-based adventure strategy offers you to feel this spirit of piracy and sea battles right now. Just register and you can go into battle.

We present to your attention the online game Battleship of the Browser strategy genre. Read the review of this game and start playing absolutely free right now.

I’m sure that even though it’s gadget time, there are always situations when you have nothing but friends and a piece of paper. So remember or write it down! There will be both well-known games here, and I hope that there will be new ones for someone.

Bulls and cows

The first player thinks of a four-digit number, so that all the digits of the number are different. The goal of the second player is to win back this number. Each move, the guesser names a number, also four-digit and with different numbers. If a digit from the named number is in the guessed number, then this situation is called a cow. If a digit from the named number is in the guessed number and is in the same place, then this situation is called a bull.

For example, the first player thought of 6109, and the second player called 0123. Then the first player should say: one bull and one cow (1b,1k).

Each partner has his own say. They take turns. The one who guesses the opponent's number first wins.


The Executioner is another popular puzzle game designed specifically for two players. For this game you will need blank paper and a pen.

The first player thinks of a word. It must be an existing word, and the player must be confident that the other player knows the word and is familiar with its spelling. It depicts a series of blank spaces needed to write a word. Then he draws the following diagram, which depicts a gallows with a noose.

The game begins when the second player suggests a letter that can be included in this word. If he guesses correctly, the first player writes it in the correct blank space. If there is no such letter in the word, he writes this letter to the side and begins to finish drawing the gallows, adding a circle representing a head to the loop. The opponent continues to guess the letters until he guesses the entire word. For each wrong answer, the first player adds one body part to the gallows.

If the torso is drawn before the opponent can guess the word, the first player wins. If the opponent guesses the word correctly before the entire torso is drawn, he wins, and then it is his turn to think of the word.

Tic-tac-toe on an endless field

The expansion of the playing field allows you to free yourself from the predetermination of the result in Tic Tac Toe.

On an endless field (a sheet of paper will do just fine), the players take turns placing their sign (a cross or a zero). The game ends when one of the players wins or if the field runs out.

The winner is the one who manages to line up five of his signs along one line, straight or diagonal.

If you are playing computer games, then you can easily guess which of them the creators devoted a lot of time to this extended version of tic-tac-toe.

Sea battle

The goal of this game is to destroy enemy objects (ships). Two people play. The events of the game take place on 2 square fields measuring 10x10. One of the fields is yours, the other is your opponent's. On it you place your own objects (ships) and the enemy attacks them. The enemy places his objects (ships) on another field.

Your armed forces, like those of the enemy, contain the following objects (ships):

1 deck (size 1 cell) - 4 pieces

2-deck (2 cells in size) - 3 pieces

3-deck (3 cells in size) - 2 pieces

4-deck (4 squares in size) - 1 piece.

Objects (ships) cannot be placed closely, that is, there must be at least one free cell between two adjacent objects (ships) (note that the enemy also cannot place objects (ships) closely).

When all preparations are completed and the objects (ships) are placed, it is time to begin the battle.

The player whose objects (ships) are located on the left field has the first move. You select a square on the enemy’s field and “shoot” at this square. If you sank an enemy ship, then the opponent must say “killed”; if you wounded the ship (that is, you hit a ship with more than one deck), then the opponent must say “wounded”. If you hit an enemy ship, you continue “shooting”.

The game ends when one of its participants loses all ships.


Dots is a game of wits for two or four people. However, it is best to play with just two people. For this game you will need blank paper and as many pens as there are players. The object of the game is to connect the drawn lines into squares, the player who creates the most squares wins the game.

To begin, create a field on a blank piece of paper, draw horizontal and vertical lines of small dots at equal distances from each other. A very fast game would consist of ten along and ten points across. You can make the field as large or small as you like, depending on the level of the game and the number of players.

Once the board is created, each player takes turns making a move, drawing one line at a time connecting two points. Points can be connected horizontally or vertically, but sometimes diagonally. Once a player completes a square, he places his initials inside the square and gets his next turn, and so on until he manages to create a square with one extra line.

There are two possible strategies in this game: first, you can stop your opponents from creating squares. Secondly, you can configure the field in such a way as to be able to create big number squares using one additional line.


The first player writes a letter, the next one adds a letter in front or behind the letter written, etc. The loser is the one whose substitution results in a whole word. Letters should not be substituted anyhow, when adding another letter, you must have in mind a specific word in which the combination of letters you wrote occurs. If the one who must make the next move cannot come up with a single word with the combination of letters that formed before his move, he must give up. In this case, the player who wrote the last letter must say what word he meant; if he cannot name the word, then he loses; if he named it, the one who gave up loses. The one who loses the first time gets the letter B, the second time - A, etc., until the word Balda is formed. The one who becomes the first Balda loses completely.

Naturally, you can play not only on paper, but also orally.


Two players draw 7-10 tanks each. or “starships?”, each on its own half of a double notebook sheet (preferably not in a box, but in a line or empty A4). Having placed the army, the players begin to fire at each other as follows: a shot is drawn on their half of the field, then the sheet is folded exactly in the middle, and the shot, visible in the open, is marked on the second half of the field. If it hit a tank, it was knocked out (the second? knocking out? is fatal), and if it hit it exactly, the tank was immediately destroyed.

Each successful shot gives the right to the next one; In some versions of the game, you cannot fire the next shot at the same tank.

After preliminary shooting, the game very quickly moves into the “blitz-krieg” stage, or rather, a rapid denouement. The winner, naturally, is the one who shoots the opposing army first.


A simple tactical game, the essence of which is the positional struggle for space. On an 8x8 field (i.e. the size of a chessboard), players, one after another, draw small lines that overlap any 2 cells in a row: i.e. for example player 1 draws a vertical line occupying e2 and e3.

Player 2 does the same, but his line cannot cross or touch any existing “barricades”. As the field fills up, there is less and less free space, and at the end a sober calculation is required to finish the game. A player who can no longer place his line because... everything is already blocked, losing.


Simple and pretty fun game, built on the same principles as the coin parade, but completely different in form.

On a small field (it can be a square or rectangle of any size, it doesn’t really matter) players place about 15-20 points in a variety of places, although more or less evenly.

Then the first player draws a round but free-form rim that passes through at least 1 point. The maximum in the classic version is unlimited, although I would recommend giving a maximum of 4 points in the rim.

Next player draws his rim, the only limitation? it cannot intersect with those already drawn. The rims can be drawn inside the rims, or, conversely, surround existing ones, the main thing is that they do not intersect. After a while, there is very little space left, and the one who draws the last rim loses.

A variation of this game is the rule of drawing rims that cover only 1 or 2 points, no more.

Digital Wars

In this game, the main character is the eraser. You will have to do laundry constantly, this is war, and losses are inevitable. Many numbers will die for your victory!

The game is very fast and varied, and, in general, very simple.

You write a series of numbers from 0 to 9, in any sequence, in any combination. The length can be whatever you want, I recommend starting with 20. For example, it could be the row 5,3,6,9,0,8,4,6,1,3,2,4,8,7,0, 9.5? or any other.

With his turn, the player can do one of two possible actions in the game:

Change one of the numbers downward, to a maximum of 0 (there are no negative values ​​in the game);
erase any zero and all digits to the right of it, thus reducing the length of the strip.

The one who destroys the last zero loses.

Dots and squares

The author of this game, popularizer of mathematics and science Martin Garner, considered it a pearl logic games?. Without sharing his opinion, however, it is quite possible to call the game one of the best tactical games, interesting at any age.

Playing field? rows of dots from 3x3 to 9x9. It’s better to start with a small field and, having felt the taste, increase the size. The rules are very simple: players connect two dots with a line, and when the player can close the square, he puts his sign in it (for example, the first letter of his name).

By closing a square, the player gains the right to an additional move until he draws a line that does not close anything. At the end of the game, it is counted who has closed the most squares, and the winner is determined.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the game provides a good space for combinatorial play, especially on fields of 5x5 and larger. The essence of winning tactics? force the field with half-closed structures, sacrifice, it is necessary, a few squares in favor of the opponent, and then, when there is practically nowhere to bet, force him to make an unfavorable move (not covering anything)? and then close most of the squares in one series.


The simplest word game, based on the tic-tac-toe principle, only with letters.

On a 3x3 field (then try other sizes), two players bet on any one letter each, and the one who, by the end of the game (when all the fields are filled in) manages to write more well-known 3-letter words diagonally, vertically or horizontally, wins.

The game is useful for children who are learning to write. For adults there is quite little competitive value, but players with a sense of humor will have a lot of fun. For children, you can play the option: who will be the first to create a word, and not who will have more words.


A more complex and lengthy game, built on the same principle as other paper coordination games: moving a vertical pen along a sheet of paper with a light click.

On a sheet of paper (single or double), a race track is drawn in the form of two curving, uneven circles, repeating each other’s outlines, 2-3-4 cells wide (depending on the number of participants). Then, in an arbitrary place of the resulting ring, a start/finish line is drawn, from which the racing cars start.

In short, neat strokes, the racers move around the ring, overcoming bends and special obstacles, flying into the ditch, entering the field again, and as a result, one of them comes to the finish line first and reaps the laurels.

Each time the driver's line touches or crosses the track boundary, a cross is placed at the intersection and the driver skips the next turn, turning his car around so it can continue the race. Each car has 5 such intersections in stock. (5 hit points), and the sixth encounter becomes fatal.

Besides this, could there be any obstacles on the route? for example, high-danger zones: upon flying into such a zone, the car receives more damage and loses two life points. Or special obstacles that protrude from the edges and make the passage narrower, or, on the contrary, stand in the middle and force cars to squeeze through

It is also possible to enter touch points, or rather, small circles, which the car must hit when passing by (i.e., through which the line must pass). The picture shows all the listed complications of the track at once, and it is clear that the race is still far from over.

You can invent and introduce your own rules, new obstacles, and if there are 4 or more participants, you can even arrange a racing series, making several tracks, and in between them allowing players to purchase equipment for the amount of points depending on the place taken. For example, buy additional life points or attack spikes, and remove 1 life point from the car you are overtaking.


Players start from two spots next to each other at the bottom of a double piece of paper standing vertically (see picture).
Everyone plays with a pen of their own color, and what is everyone's task? behind minimal amount strokes (lines from the pen sliding along the sheet) to get the ball into the hole. The hole is at the opposite end of the field, i.e. on top of the sheet. And a person with good coordination needed a maximum of 4-5 hits to drive the line into the hole.

But in advanced versions of Golf, the path to it is not so simple, because long straight lines are protected by hills that act as a buffer and do not allow the player. When hitting a hill, the enemy performs a rollback i.e. shoots the line of the offender in any direction, and he is forced to continue his series of blows from the place where this line came. Or perhaps 1 or 2 extra moves are added to the track of the one who hits the hill.

Rules of the game sea ​​battle on paper

Who among us did not play “sea battle” as a child? This game can brighten up boring school days. However, modern children prefer computer games to paper ones. If you tell them about this game in an easy and accessible way, you will be able to brighten up a boring sitting in line at the hospital or on the bus.

Let's remember the rules of the sea battle game on paper.

Rules of the game sea battle

The classic game is that two players draw on pieces of paper (each on their own and so that the enemy does not peep) two playing fields measuring 10 x 10 cells. One is for gaming, the second is used for reconnaissance work.

At the top, horizontally on both fields, letters are written in alphabetical order - and they agree in advance whether to include E or J in the letters. On the left outer side of each square we put numbers - from 1 to 10.

By the way! This may be a discovery for you, but Soviet children often wrote the word “REPUBLIC” on top - perhaps this is due to the fact that it is difficult for young children to remember the alphabet.

Ships on paper

The standard flotilla of Battleship players includes ten ships. They differ in the number of cells they occupy - from one to four. The name of each ship is a designation of the number of “decks” or cells: single-deck, double-deck, and so on... The number of units of each ship depends on how many cells on the playing field it occupies. So, there is only one four-deck, but there are four single-deck ones. Accordingly, there are three two-cell ships, and two three-cell ships.

Each player decides for himself how to arrange the fleet by drawing the outlines of each ship in the game square. An important clarification is that none of the ships should touch the other, and the shape of the ship should resemble a rectangle (or a square, in the case of a single-deck ship), that is, ships cannot have broken lines.

It is not prohibited for ships to be located along the boundaries of the square or to be in the corners.

Game process

Once players have placed ships on their playing fields, the game begins. To guess the location of enemy ships, players make “shots” marked on an open square. To simplify the task, we need alphabetic and numerical designations for the cells. Shots are fired at coordinates, for example, A8 or G6. If the enemy names the coordinates where part of the ship is located, then the second player must say: “wounded” and mark the damaged part X; if in the end the ship is completely shelled, then the code word “Killed” is pronounced.

If the enemy hits the ship, then he makes the next move - until he misses. The game continues until someone sinks all the enemy ships.

The rules of the game are simple and that’s why this game is so loved Russian schoolchildren. But besides this, you can give a few more clarifying points that will help you win faster:

  • Mark the shots - those that you fired at the enemy, and those that hit your field. The fastest way to do this is to do it with a dot. The hit points are marked with crosses.
  • Since ships cannot touch each other, be sure to mark the contours of the sunken ship with dots - this way you will have to spend less time shelling enemy territory.
  • Make up your own tactics for placing ships in the game “sea”. The optimal placement option is to group large ships in one part of the map, and draw small ones in different places on the free field.
  • It is advantageous to place a four-deck ship in a corner of the map - this way you will get more free space where other ships can fit. But, of course, it is not recommended to place all large ships only at the edges of the square.
  • A dishonest trick is to place all the ships on your playing field, except one single-deck. He will take his place only at the end of the game. This way you will deceive your opponent, but buy yourself more time.

Battleship is one of the most exciting games on paper. Tell your child its rules and he will probably be carried away by the new fun - after all, it is fun, interesting and simple. And most importantly, you can play with friends in those moments when it is impossible to do anything else.

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