Scientific and technological revolution as a determining factor in industrial development in the global economy. Scientific and technological revolution: characteristic features and components Production of new materials in the country's scientific and technological advancements

Hello dear readers! In this article I would like to talk about how the development of science and technology took place on Earth. What are the development paths for this...

The development of civilization is associated with scientific and technological progress. There are separate periods of deep and rapid changes in productive forces. This process is based on the transformation of science into a direct productive force of society. Such periods are called - scientific and technological revolution (STR) .

The beginning of modern scientific and technological revolution dates back to the middle of the 20th century, in which, as a rule, 4 main features are distinguished.

Firstly, it is versatility. This revolution concerns all spheres of human activity and covers almost all sectors of the national economy. Modern scientific and technological revolution is associated with such concepts as television, nuclear power plants, spaceships, jet planes, computers, etc.

Secondly, this is the rapid development of technology and science. The distance from a fundamental discovery to its application in practice has sharply decreased. 102 years have passed from the discovery of the principle of photography to the first photograph, and for example, for a laser this period was reduced to only 5 years.

Thirdly, this is a change in the human role in the production process. Requirements for the level of qualifications of labor resources increase in the process of scientific and technological progress. Some mental work, of course, increases under these conditions.

Fourthly, modern scientific and technological revolution originated during the Second World War as a military-technical one, and in many ways continued to remain so throughout the entire period after the war.

Today, the modern scientific and technological revolution is a complex system that consists of four interacting parts: 1) the science; 2) technology and engineering; 3) production; 4) management.

In the era of scientific and technological revolution, science is a very complex component of knowledge. This is a large area of ​​human activity that employs many people around the world. The connection between production and science has especially increased. Production has become more scientific, that is, the level of costs for scientific research in the production of products is increasing.

Expenditures on science in developed countries amount to 2–3% of GDP. And in developing countries these costs are only a fraction of a percent.

The development of technology and engineering in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution occurs along two paths - revolutionary and evolutionary.

Revolutionary path– fundamental in the development of technology and technology in the era of scientific and technological revolution. The essence of this path is the transition to a fundamentally new technology and technique. It is no coincidence that the second wave of scientific and technological revolution, which began in the 70s, is often called the “microelectronic revolution.”

The transition to the latest technologies is also of great importance. At the level with traditional ways of improving production, the newest areas of production are intensively developing, of which 6 main areas can be distinguished.

1. Electronization. This is the saturation of electronic computer technology in all areas of activity.

2. Complex automation or the use of robotics, and the creation of new flexible production systems, automatic factories.

3. Restructuring the energy sector. It is based on energy conservation, the use of new energy sources, and improving the structure of the fuel and energy balance.

4. Production of fundamentally new materials, for example, titanium, lithium, optical fiber, beryllium, composite, ceramic materials, semiconductors.

5. Accelerated development of biotechnology.

6. Spaceization and the emergence of the aerospace industry, which contributed to the emergence of new alloys, machines, and devices.

Evolutionary path manifests itself in an increase in the carrying capacity of vehicles, in an increase in the productivity of equipment and machinery, as well as in the constant improvement of technology and technology.

For example, the largest sea tanker, in the early 50s, could hold 50 thousand tons of oil, and in the 70s, they began to build super tankers that could hold 500 thousand tons or more.

New requirements for management characterize the modern stage of scientific and technological revolution. Modern humanity is experiencing a period of information revolution, which began with the transition from conventional (paper) to electronic (computer) information.

One of the newest knowledge-intensive industries has become the production of various information technology. Computer science, in this situation, is of great importance. Computer science is the science of collecting, processing and using information.

Thus, it is not for nothing that the scientific and technological revolution bears such a name. It, like any other revolution, brings all kinds of changes: in production, science and technology, it greatly helps modern humanity in development, and is already an integral part of everyday life.

  • I.2.The emergence of philosophy Preliminary remarks
  • I.2.1 Traditional society and mythological consciousness
  • I.2.2 The world and man in myth
  • I.2.3 The world, man, gods in the poems of Homer and Hesiod
  • I.2.4. The situation of “losing the Path”
  • I.2.5.Pre-philosophy: Hesiod
  • I.2.6. Wisdom and love of wisdom
  • Chapter II. Main stages of history
  • II.2. Classical Greek philosophy.
  • II.2.1.Socrates
  • II.2.2.Plato
  • II.2.3.Plato's Academy
  • II.2.4.Aristotle
  • II.3.Philosophy of the Hellenistic era
  • II.3.1.Epicureanism
  • II.3.2.Stoicism
  • II.3.3. General characteristics of ancient philosophy
  • II.4. Philosophy of ancient India and China. Axioms of "Western" culture
  • II.4.1.Philosophy of ancient India.
  • II.4.2.Buddhism
  • II.4.3.Three Jewels of Buddhism
  • II.4.4.Chan Buddhism
  • II.5.Philosophy of ancient China
  • II.5.1.Taoism: Heaven-Tao-wisdom
  • Taoism and Greek philosophy
  • Human
  • II.5.2.Confucius
  • Knowledge is overcoming oneself
  • Finding the Path
  • Justice is fate
  • Human nature
  • "Noble Husband"
  • Filial Piety
  • II.5.3.Socrates - Confucius
  • II.6. Philosophy in the Middle Ages
  • II.6.1. Ancient culture and Christianity
  • God, man, world in Christianity. Faith instead of reason
  • New pattern: love, patience, compassion
  • Man: between sinfulness and perfection
  • To live according to nature or following God?
  • "Nature" and freedom
  • II.6.2. The religious nature of medieval philosophy.
  • IX.Patristics and scholasticism
  • II.7. Philosophy of the New Age. Outstanding European philosophers of the 17th-18th centuries. Russian philosophers of the 18th century.
  • II.8. German classical philosophy.
  • X. The second historical form of dialectics
  • II.9. Philosophy of Marxism. The third historical form of dialectic
  • II.10. Philosophical irrationalism.
  • II.10.1. Schopenhauer
  • The world as will and representation
  • Man in the world
  • The phenomenon of compassion: the path to freedom
  • II.10.2.Nietzsche
  • Will to power
  • Man and superman
  • Body and soul
  • Man must be free
  • II.11. Russian philosophy of the 19th century.
  • II.12. Panorama of 20th century philosophy
  • XII.2ii.12.1. Philosophy of the “Silver Age” of Russian culture
  • XIII.II.12.2.Soviet philosophy
  • XIV.II.12.3.Neopositivism
  • XV.II.12.4.Phenomenology
  • XVI.II.12.5.Existentialism
  • XVI.2ii.12.6.Hermeneutics
  • Chapter III. Philosophical and natural science pictures of the world
  • III.I. The concepts of “picture of the world” and “paradigm”. Natural scientific and philosophical pictures of the world.
  • III.2. Natural philosophical pictures of the world of antiquity
  • III.2.1. The first (Ionian) stage in ancient Greek natural philosophy. The doctrine of the beginnings of the world. Worldview of Pythagoreanism
  • III.2.2. The second (Athenian) stage in the development of ancient Greek natural philosophy. The emergence of atomism. Aristotle's scientific heritage
  • III.2.3. The third (Hellenistic) stage in ancient Greek natural philosophy. Development of mathematics and mechanics
  • III.2.4. Ancient Roman period of ancient natural philosophy. Continuation of the ideas of atomism and geocentric cosmology
  • III.3. Natural science and mathematical thought of the Middle Ages
  • III.4. Scientific revolutions of the modern era and changes in types of worldview
  • III.4.1. Scientific revolutions in the history of natural science
  • III.4.2. The first scientific revolution. Changing the cosmological picture of the world
  • III.4.3. Second scientific revolution.
  • Creation of classical mechanics and
  • Experimental natural science.
  • Mechanistic picture of the world
  • III.4.4. Natural science of modern times and the problem of philosophical method
  • III.4.5. The third scientific revolution. Dialectization of natural science and purification of it from natural philosophical concepts.
  • III.5 dialectical-materialist picture of the world of the second half of the 19th century
  • III.5.1. Formation of a dialectical-materialistic picture of the world
  • III.5.2. The evolution of the understanding of matter in the history of philosophy and natural science. Matter as objective reality
  • III.5.3. From metaphysical-mechanical - to dialectical-materialistic understanding of movement. Movement as a way of existence of matter
  • III.5.4. Understanding space and time in the history of philosophy and natural science. Space and time as forms of existence of moving matter
  • III.5.5. The principle of the material unity of the world
  • III.6. The fourth scientific revolution of the first decades of the twentieth century. Penetration into the depths of matter. Quantum relativistic ideas about the world
  • III.7. Natural science of the 20th century and the dialectical-materialist picture of the world
  • Chapter iy.Nature, society, culture
  • Iy.1. Nature as the natural basis of life and development of society
  • Iy.2. Modern environmental crisis
  • Iy.3. Society and its structure. Social stratification. Civil society and the state.
  • Iy.4. A person in a system of social connections. Freedom and necessity in public life.
  • 4.5. Specificity of philosophical
  • Approach to culture.
  • Culture and nature.
  • Functions of culture in society
  • Chapter y. Philosophy of history. Y.I. The emergence and development of the philosophy of history
  • Y.2. Formational concept of social development in the philosophy of history of Marxism
  • Y.3. Civilizational approach to human history. Traditional and technogenic civilizations
  • Y.4. Civilization concepts of “industrialism” and “post-industrialism” y.4.1. Concept of “Stages of Economic Growth”
  • Y.4.2. The concept of "industrial society"
  • Y.4.3. The concept of “post-industrial (technotronic) society”
  • Y.4.4. The concept of the “third wave” in the development of civilization
  • Y.4.5. The concept of the “information society”
  • Y.5. Philosophy of the history of Marxism and
  • Modern "industrial" and
  • "Post-industrial" concepts
  • Society development
  • Chapter yi. The problem of man in philosophy,
  • Science and social practice
  • Yi. 1. Man in the Universe.
  • Anthropic cosmological principle
  • Yi.2. Biological and social in man.
  • XVII. Man as an individual and personality
  • Yi.3. Human consciousness and self-awareness
  • Yi.4. The problem of the unconscious.
  • XVIII.Freudianism and neo-Freudianism
  • Yi.5. The meaning of human existence. Freedom and responsibility.
  • Yi.6. Morality, moral values, law, justice.
  • Yi.7. Ideas about the perfect person in different cultures
  • Chapter yii. Cognition and Practice
  • VII.1. Subject and object of knowledge
  • Yii.2. Stages of the cognition process. Forms of sensory and rational knowledge
  • Yii.3. Thinking and formal logic. Inductive and deductive types of inference.
  • Yii.4. Practice, its types and role in cognition. Specifics of engineering activities
  • Yii.5. The problem of truth. Characteristics of truth. Truth, error, lie. Criteria of truth.
  • Chapter yiii. Methods of scientific knowledge yiii.I Concepts of method and methodology. Classification of methods of scientific knowledge
  • Yiii.2. Principles of the dialectical method, their application in scientific knowledge. Yiii.2.1. The principle of comprehensive consideration of the objects being studied. An integrated approach to cognition
  • XVIII.1yiii.2.2. The principle of consideration in interrelation.
  • XIX.Systemic cognition
  • Yiii.2.3.The principle of determinism. Dynamic and statistical patterns. Inadmissibility of indeterminism in science
  • Yiii.2.4.The principle of learning in development. Historical and logical approaches to knowledge
  • Yiii.3. General scientific methods of empirical knowledge yiii.3.1.Scientific observation
  • Yiii.3.3.Measurement
  • Yiii.4. General scientific methods of theoretical knowledge yiii.4.1. Abstraction. Climbing from
  • Yiii.4.2.Idealization. Thought experiment
  • Yiii.4.3.Formalization. Language of science
  • Yiii.5. General scientific methods used at the empirical and theoretical levels of knowledge yiii.5.1.Analysis and synthesis
  • Yiii.5.2.Analogy and modeling
  • IX. Science, technology, technology
  • IX.1. What is science?
  • IX.2.Science as a special type of activity
  • IX.3. Patterns of development of science.
  • IX.4. Classification of sciences
  • XXI.Mechanics ® applied mechanics
  • IX.5. Engineering and technology as social phenomena
  • IX.6. The relationship between science and technology
  • IX.7. Scientific and technological revolution, its technological and social consequences
  • IX.8. Social and ethical problems of scientific and technological progress
  • IX.9.Science and religion
  • Chapter x. Global problems of our time x.I. Socio-economic, military-political and spiritual characteristics of the world situation at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • X.2. The diversity of global problems, their common features and hierarchy
  • X.3. Ways to overcome global crisis situations and a strategy for the further development of humanity
  • IX.7. Scientific and technological revolution, its technological and social consequences

    Scientific and technological revolution (STR) is a concept used to refer to those qualitative transformations that occurred in science and technology in the second half of the twentieth century. The beginning of scientific and technological revolution dates back to the mid-40s. XX century In the course of it, the process of transforming science into a direct productive force is completed. Scientific and technological revolution changes the conditions, nature and content of labor, the structure of productive forces, the social division of labor, the sectoral and professional structure of society, leads to rapid growth in labor productivity, has an impact on all aspects of social life, including culture, everyday life, human psychology, the relationship of society with nature .

    The scientific and technological revolution is a long process that has two main prerequisites - scientific, technical and social. The most important role in the preparation of scientific and technological revolution was played by the successes of natural science at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, as a result of which a radical revolution occurred in views on matter and a new picture of the world emerged. The electron, the phenomenon of radioactivity, X-rays were discovered, the theory of relativity and quantum theory were created. There has been a breakthrough in science into the field of microcosm and high speeds.

    A revolutionary shift also occurred in technology, primarily under the influence of the use of electricity in industry and transport. Radio was invented and became widespread. Aviation was born. In the 40s Science has solved the problem of splitting the atomic nucleus. Humanity has mastered atomic energy. The emergence of cybernetics was of great importance. Research on the creation of atomic reactors and the atomic bomb for the first time forced capitalist states to organize the interaction of science and industry within the framework of a large national scientific and technical project. It served as a school for nationwide scientific and technological research programs.

    A sharp increase in allocations for science and the number of research institutions began. 1 Scientific activity has become a mass profession. In the second half of the 50s. under the influence of the USSR's successes in space exploration and the Soviet experience in organizing and planning science, the creation of national bodies for planning and managing scientific activities began in most countries. Direct connections between scientific and technical developments have strengthened, and the use of scientific achievements in production has accelerated. In the 50s Electronic computers (computers), which have become a symbol of scientific and technological revolution, are created and widely used in scientific research, production, and then management. Their appearance marks the beginning of the gradual transfer of basic human logical functions to a machine. The development of information science, computer technology, microprocessors and robotics has created the conditions for the transition to integrated automation of production and management. A computer is a fundamentally new type of technology that changes the position of a person in the production process.

    At the present stage of its development, the scientific and technological revolution is characterized by the following main features.

    1). .The transformation of science into a direct productive force as a result of merging together the revolution in science, technology and production, strengthening the interaction between them and reducing the time from the birth of a new scientific idea to its production implementation. 1

    2). A new stage in the social division of labor associated with the transformation of science into the leading sphere of social development.

    3).Qualitative transformation of all elements of the productive forces - the subject of labor, instruments of production and the worker himself; increasing intensification of the entire production process due to its scientific organization and rationalization, constant updating of technology, energy conservation, reduction of material intensity, capital intensity and labor intensity of products. The new knowledge acquired by society makes it possible to reduce the costs of raw materials, equipment and labor, many times repaying the costs of scientific research and technical development.

    4) A change in the nature and content of work, an increase in the role of creative elements in it; transforming the production process from a simple labor process into a scientific process.

    5). The emergence on this basis of material and technical prerequisites for reducing manual labor and replacing it with mechanized labor. In the future, production automation occurs based on the use of electronic computer technology.

    6). The creation of new energy sources and artificial materials with predetermined properties.

    7). The enormous increase in the social and economic importance of information activities, the gigantic development of the mass media communications .

    8). The growth of the level of general and special education and culture of the population.

    9). Increased free time.

    10). Increasing interaction between sciences, comprehensive research of complex problems, and the role of social sciences.

    eleven). The sharp acceleration of all social processes, the further internationalization of all human activity on a planetary scale, the emergence of so-called global problems.

    Along with the main features of scientific and technological revolution, one can distinguish certain stages of its development and the main scientific, technical and technological directions characteristic of these stages.

    Achievements in the field of atomic physics (the implementation of a nuclear chain reaction, which opened the way to the creation of atomic weapons), advances in molecular biology (expressed in the discovery of the genetic role of nucleic acids, deciphering the DNA molecule and its subsequent biosynthesis), as well as the emergence of cybernetics (which established a certain analogy between living organisms and some technical devices that are information converters) gave rise to the scientific and technological revolution and determined the main natural science directions of its first stage. This stage, which began in the 40s - 50s of the twentieth century, lasted almost until the end of the 70s. The main technical areas of the first stage of scientific and technological progress were nuclear energy, electronic computer technology (which became the technical basis of cybernetics) and rocket and space technology.

    Since the late 70s of the twentieth century, the second stage of scientific and technological revolution began, which continues to this day. The most important characteristic of this stage of scientific and technological revolution was the latest technologies, which did not exist in the middle of the twentieth century (due to which the second stage of scientific and technological revolution even received the name “scientific and technological revolution”). Such new technologies include flexible automated production, laser technology, biotechnology, etc. At the same time, the new stage of scientific and technological revolution not only did not discard many traditional technologies, but made it possible to significantly increase their efficiency. For example, flexible automated production systems for processing work items still use traditional cutting and welding, and the use of new structural materials (ceramics, plastics) has significantly improved the characteristics of the long-known internal combustion engine. “By raising the known limits of many traditional technologies, the modern stage of scientific and technological progress brings them, as it seems today, to the “absolute” exhaustion of the capabilities inherent in them and thereby prepares the preconditions for an even more decisive revolution in the development of the productive forces.” 1

    The essence of the second stage of scientific and technological revolution, defined as a “scientific and technological revolution,” lies in an objectively natural transition from various kinds of external, mainly mechanical, influences on objects of labor to high-tech (submicron) influences at the microstructure level of both inanimate and living matter. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the role that genetic engineering and nanotechnology acquired at this stage of scientific and technological progress.

    Over the past decades, the range of research in the field of genetic engineering has significantly expanded: from the production of new microorganisms with predetermined properties to the cloning of higher animals (and, in the possible future, of humans themselves). The end of the twentieth century was marked by unprecedented successes in deciphering the human genetic basis. In 1990 The international project “Human Genome” was launched, with the goal of obtaining a complete genetic map of Homo sapiens. More than twenty of the most scientifically developed countries, including Russia, are taking part in this project.

    Scientists managed to obtain a description of the human genome much earlier than planned (2005-2010). Already on the eve of the new, 21st century, sensational results were achieved in the implementation of this project. It turned out that the human genome contains from 30 to 40 thousand genes (instead of the previously assumed 80-100 thousand). This is not much more than that of a worm (19 thousand genes) or a fruit fly (13.5 thousand). However, according to the director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician E. Sverdlov, “it is too early to complain that we have fewer genes than expected. First, as organisms become more complex, the same gene performs many more functions and is capable of encoding a larger number of proteins. Secondly, a lot of combinatorial variants arise that simple organisms do not have. Evolution is very economical: to create something new, it “remakes” the old, rather than reinventing everything. Moreover, even the most elementary particles, like a gene, are actually incredibly complex. Science will simply reach the next level of knowledge.” 2

    Decoding the human genome has provided enormous, qualitatively new scientific information for the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, it turned out that the pharmaceutical industry is unable to use this scientific wealth today. We need new technologies that are expected to appear in the next 10-15 years. It is then that medicines delivered directly to the diseased organ, bypassing all side effects, will become a reality. Transplantology will reach a qualitatively new level, cell and gene therapy will develop, medical diagnostics will radically change, etc.

    Another promising area in the field of new technologies is nanotechnology. The field of nanotechnology - one of the most promising areas in the field of new technologies - has become processes and phenomena occurring in the microworld, measured in nanometers, i.e. billionths of a meter (one nanometer consists of approximately 10 atoms located closely one after the other). Back in the late 50s of the twentieth century, the prominent American physicist R. Feynman suggested that the ability to build electrical circuits from several atoms could have “a huge number of technological applications.” However, then no one took this assumption of the future Nobel laureate seriously. 1

    Subsequently, research in the field of physics of semiconductor nanoheterostructures laid the foundations for new information and communication technologies. The successes achieved in these studies, which are of great importance for the development of optoelectronics and high-speed electronics, were awarded in 2000 with the Nobel Prize in Physics, which was shared by the Russian scientist, academician Zh.A. Alferov and the American scientists G. Kremer and J. Kilby.

    The high growth rates in the 80s – 90s of the 20th century in the information technology industry were a consequence of the universal nature of the use of information technologies and their widespread distribution in almost all sectors of the economy. In the course of economic development, the efficiency of material production began to be increasingly determined by the scale of use and the qualitative level of development of the non-material sphere of production. This means that a new resource is involved in the production system - information (scientific, economic, technological, organizational and managerial), which, integrating with the production process, largely precedes it, determines its compliance with changing conditions, and completes the transformation of production processes into scientific and production .

    Since the 1980s, first in Japanese and then in Western economic literature, the term “softization of the economy” has become widespread. Its origin is associated with the transformation of the non-material component of information and computing systems (“soft” software and mathematical software) into a decisive factor in increasing the efficiency of their use (compared to the improvement of their real, “hard” hardware). We can say that “... the increasing influence of the intangible component on the entire course of reproduction is the essence of the concept of softization.” 1

    The softization of production as a new technical and economic trend outlined those functional shifts in economic practice that became widespread during the deployment of the second stage of scientific and technological revolution. A distinctive feature of this stage “... is the simultaneous coverage of almost all elements and stages of material and intangible production, the sphere of consumption, and the creation of prerequisites for a new level of automation. This level provides for the integration of the processes of development, production and sale of products and services into a single continuous flow based on the interaction of such areas of automation that are developing today largely independently, such as information and computer networks and data banks, flexible automated production, automatic design systems, CNC machines, systems for transporting and storing products and controlling technological processes, robotic technology complexes. The basis for such integration is the widespread involvement in production consumption of a new resource - information, which opens the way for the transformation of previously discrete production processes into continuous ones, creating the preconditions for a departure from Taylorism. When assembling automated systems, a modular principle is used, as a result of which the problem of operational changes and readjustment of equipment becomes an organic part of the technology and is carried out at minimal cost and with virtually no loss of time.” 2

    The second stage of scientific and technological revolution turned out to be significantly associated with such a technological breakthrough as the emergence and rapid spread of microprocessors on large integrated circuits (the so-called “microprocessor revolution”). This largely determined the formation of a powerful information-industrial complex, including electronic computer engineering, microelectronics industry, production of electronic communications equipment and a variety of office and household equipment. This large complex of industries and services is focused on information services for both public production and personal consumption (a personal computer, for example, has already become a common household durable item).

    The decisive invasion of microelectronics is changing the composition of fixed assets in non-material production, primarily in the credit and financial sphere, trade, and healthcare. But this does not exhaust the influence of microelectronics on the sphere of non-material production. New industries are being created, the scale of which is comparable to the branches of material production. For example, in the United States, sales of software and services related to computer maintenance already in the 80s exceeded in monetary terms the production volumes of such large sectors of the American economy as aviation, shipbuilding, or machine tool manufacturing.

    On the agenda of modern science is the creation of a quantum computer (QC). There are several areas that are currently being intensively developed: solid-state CC on semiconductor structures, liquid computers, QC on “quantum threads”, on high-temperature semiconductors, etc. Virtually all branches of modern physics are represented in attempts to solve this problem. 1

    For now we can only talk about achieving some preliminary results. Quantum computers are still being designed. But when they leave the laboratories, the world will become different in many ways. The expected technological breakthrough should surpass the achievements of the “semiconductor revolution”, as a result of which vacuum vacuum tubes gave way to silicon crystals.

    Thus, the scientific and technological revolution entailed a restructuring of the entire technical basis, the technological method of production. At the same time, it caused serious changes in the social structure of society and influenced the spheres of education, leisure, etc.

    It is possible to trace what changes are taking place in society under influence of scientific and technological progress. Changes in the structure of production are characterized by the following figures . 2 At the beginning of the 19th century, U.S. agriculture employed nearly 75 percent of the labor force; by its middle, this share had dropped to 65 percent, while in the early 40s of the 20th century it fell to 20, having decreased by a little over three times in one hundred and fifty years. Meanwhile, over the past five decades it has decreased another eight times and today, according to various estimates, it ranges from 2.5 to 3 percent. Slightly different in absolute values, but completely coinciding in their dynamics, similar processes developed in the same years in most European countries. At the same time, there was an equally dramatic change in the share of people employed in industry. If at the end of the First World War the shares of workers in agriculture, industry and services (primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of production) were approximately equal, then by the end of the Second World War the share of the tertiary sector exceeded the shares of the primary and secondary sectors combined. If in 1900, 63 percent of Americans employed in the national economy produced material goods, and 37 percent produced services, then in 1990 this ratio was already 22 to 78, with the most significant changes occurring since the early 50s, when aggregate employment growth in agriculture, mining and manufacturing industries, construction, transport and public services, that is, in all industries that, to one degree or another, can be classified as material production.

    In the 70s, in Western countries (in Germany since 1972, in France since 1975, and then in the USA), an absolute decline in employment in material production began, and primarily in material-intensive industries of mass production. While overall employment in the US manufacturing industry fell by 11 percent from 1980 to 1994, in the metallurgy industry the decline was more than 35 percent. The trends that have emerged over the past decades now seem irreversible; Thus, experts predict that in the next ten years, 25 of the 26 jobs created in the United States will be in the service sector, and the total share of workers employed in it will be 83 percent of the total labor force by 2025. If in the early 1980s the share of workers directly employed in manufacturing operations in the United States did not exceed 12 percent, today it has dropped to 10 percent and continues to decline; however, there are also more drastic estimates that place this figure at less than 5 percent of total employment. Thus, in Boston, one of the centers for the development of high technologies, in 1993, 463 thousand people were employed in the service sector, while only 29 thousand were employed directly in production. At the same time, these very impressive data should not, in our opinion, serve the basis for recognizing the new company as a “service society”.

    The volume of material goods produced and consumed by society in the context of the expansion of the service economy does not decrease, but grows. Back in the 50s, J. Fourastier noted that the production base of the modern economy remains and will remain the basis on which new economic and social processes develop, and its importance should not be underestimated. The share of industrial production in US GNP in the first half of the 90s fluctuated between 22.7 and 21.3 percent, having decreased very slightly since 1974, and for EU countries it was about 20 percent (from 15 percent in Greece to 30 in Germany) . At the same time, the growth in the volume of material goods is increasingly ensured by an increase in the productivity of workers involved in their creation. If in 1800 an American farmer spent 344 hours of labor on producing 100 bushels of grain, and in 1900 - 147, today this requires only three man-hours; in 1995, average manufacturing productivity was five times higher than in 1950.

    Thus, modern society is not characterized by an obvious decline in the share of material production and can hardly be called a “service society.” When we talk about the decreasing role and importance of material factors, we mean that an increasingly large share of social wealth is made up not of the material conditions of production and labor, but of knowledge and information, which are becoming the main resource of modern production in any of its forms.

    The formation of modern society as a system based on the production and consumption of information and knowledge began in the 50s. Already in the early 60s, some researchers estimated the share of the “knowledge industry” in the US gross national product to range from 29.0 to 34.5 percent. Today this figure is determined at 60 percent. Estimates of employment in the information industries turned out to be even higher: for example, in 1967, the share of workers in the “information sector” was 53.5 percent of total employment, and in the 1980s. estimates as high as 70 percent have been suggested. Knowledge as a direct productive force becomes the most important factor in the modern economy, and the sector that creates it turns out to supply the economy with the most significant and important resource of production. There is a transition from expanding the use of material resources to reducing the need for them.

    Some examples illustrate this clearly. In the first decade of the “information” era alone, from the mid-70s to the mid-80s, the gross national product of post-industrial countries increased by 32 percent, and energy consumption by 5; in the same years, while gross domestic product grew by more than 25 percent, American agriculture reduced energy consumption by 1.65 times. With a 2.5-fold increase in national product, the United States uses less ferrous metals today than in 1960; From 1973 to 1986, gasoline consumption for the average new American car fell from 17.8 to 8.7 L/100 km, and the share of materials in the cost of microprocessors used in modern computers did not exceed 2 percent. As a result, over the past hundred years the physical volume of American exports has remained virtually unchanged in annual terms, despite a twenty-fold increase in its real value. At the same time, the most high-tech products are rapidly becoming cheaper, facilitating their widespread use in all areas of the economy: for example, from 1980 to 1995, the memory capacity of a standard personal computer increased by more than 250 times, and its price per unit of hard drive memory decreased between 1983 and 1995 more than 1,800 times. As a result, an economy of “unlimited resources” arises, the limitlessness of which is determined not by the scale of production, but by a reduction in the need for them.

    The consumption of information products is constantly increasing. In 1991, the costs of American companies for the acquisition of information and information technology, which reached $112 billion, exceeded the costs for the acquisition of fixed assets, amounting to $107 billion; the very next year, the gap between these figures grew to $25 billion. Finally, by 1996, the first figure had actually doubled, to $212 billion, while the second remained virtually unchanged. By early 1995, information generated about three-quarters of the value added in industry in the American economy. As the information sector of the economy develops, it becomes increasingly clear that knowledge is the most important strategic asset of any enterprise, a source of creativity and innovation, the basis of modern values ​​and social progress - that is, a truly unlimited resource.

    Thus, the development of modern society leads not so much to the replacement of the production of material goods with the production of services, but to the displacement of the material components of the finished product by information components. The consequence of this is a reduction in the role of raw materials and labor as basic production factors, which is a prerequisite for a departure from the mass creation of reproducible goods as the basis for the well-being of society. Demassification and dematerialization of production represent an objective component of the processes leading to the formation of a post-economic society.

    On the other hand, over the past decades, another, no less important and significant process has been taking place. We mean a reduction in the role and importance of material incentives that encourage people to produce.

    All of the above allows us to conclude that scientific and technological progress leads to a global transformation of society. Society is entering a new phase of its development, which many sociologists define as the “information society.”

    Traits of NTR

    1. Universality, inclusiveness: involving all industries and spheres of human activity
    2. Extreme acceleration of scientific and technological transformations: reduction of time between discovery and introduction into production, constant obsolescence and updating
    3. Increasing requirements for the level of qualifications of labor resources: increasing knowledge intensity of production
    4. Military-technical revolution: improvement of types of weapons and equipment

    Components of scientific and technological revolution

    1. Science: increasing knowledge intensity, increasing the number of researchers and spending on scientific research
    2. Engineering/Technology: increasing production efficiency. Functions: labor-saving, resource-saving, environmental protection
    3. Production:
      1. electronization
      2. complex automation
      3. restructuring of the energy sector
      4. production of new materials
      5. accelerated development of biotechnology
      6. cosmization
    4. Management: informatization and cybernetic approach

    Scientific revolutions

    The first scientific revolution of the 17th century.

    • Associated with the names: Galileo, Kepler, Newton.
    • Galileo (-): studied the problem of motion, discovered the principle of inertia, the law of free fall of bodies.
    • Kepler (-): established 3 laws of planetary motion around the Sun (without explaining the reasons for the movement of planets), developed the theory of solar and lunar eclipses, methods for predicting them, and clarified the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
    • Newton (-): formulated the concepts and laws of classical mechanics, mathematically formulated the law of universal gravitation, theoretically substantiated Kepler's laws on the motion of planets around the Sun, created celestial mechanics (the Law of universal gravitation was unshakable until the end of the 19th century), created differential and integral calculus as language of mathematical description of physical reality, author of many new physical concepts (about the combination of corpuscular and wave concepts of the nature of light, etc.), developed a new paradigm for the study of nature (method of principles) - thought and experience, theory and experiment develop in unity, developed classical mechanics as a system of knowledge about the mechanical movement of bodies, mechanics became the standard of scientific theory, formulated the basic ideas, concepts, principles of the mechanical picture of the world.
    • Newton's mechanical picture of the world:

    The Universe from atoms to humans is a collection of indivisible and unchanging particles interconnected by the forces of gravity, the instantaneous action of forces in empty space. Any events are predetermined by the laws of classical mechanics. The world, all bodies are built from solid, homogeneous, unchanging and indivisible corpuscles - atoms. The basis of the mechanistic picture of the world: the movement of atoms and bodies in absolute space with the passage of absolute time. The properties of bodies are unchangeable and independent of the bodies themselves. Nature is a machine, the parts of which are subject to rigid determination. Synthesis of natural science knowledge based on the reduction (reduction) of processes and phenomena to mechanical ones.

    The mechanical picture of the world gave a naturally scientific understanding of many natural phenomena, freeing them from mythological and religious scholastic interpretations. Its disadvantage is the exclusion of evolution; space and time are not connected. Expansion of the mechanical picture of the world into new areas of research (chemistry, biology, knowledge about man and society). The concept of mechanics has become synonymous with the concept of science. However, facts accumulated that were not consistent with the mechanistic picture of the world, and by the mid-19th century. it has lost its status as a general scientific one.

    Second scientific revolution 18th century - 1st half of the 19th century.

    • The transition from classical science, focused on the study of mechanical and physical phenomena, to disciplinary organized science
    • The emergence of disciplinary sciences and their specific objects
    • The mechanistic picture of the world ceases to be a global outlook
    • The idea of ​​development arises (biology, geology)
    • Gradual refusal to explicate any scientific theories in mechanistic terms
    • The beginning of the emergence of the paradigm of non-classical science
    • Maxwell and Boltzmann recognized the fundamental admissibility of many theoretical interpretations in physics, expressed doubts about the inviolability of the laws of thinking, their historicity
    • Boltzmann: “how to avoid that the image of a theory does not seem to be actual being?”

    The third scientific revolution 19th century - mid-20th century

    • Faraday - concepts of electromagnetic field
    • Maxwell - electrodynamics, statistical physics
    • Matter - both as a substance and as an electromagnetic field
    • Electromagnetic picture of the world, laws of the universe - laws of electrodynamics
    • Lyell - about the slow continuous change of the earth's surface
    • Lamarck - a holistic concept of the evolution of living nature
    • Schleiden, Schwann - cell theory - about the unity of origin and development of all living things
    • Mayer, Joule, Lenz - the law of conservation and transformation of energy - heat, light, electricity, magnetism, etc. transform into one another and are forms of one phenomenon, this energy does not arise from nothing and does not disappear.
    • Darwin - material factors and causes of evolution - heredity and variability
    • Becquerel - radioactivity
    • X-ray - Rays
    • Thomson - elementary particle electron
    • Rutherford - planetary model of the atom
    • Planck - quantum of action and law of radiation
    • Bohr - Rutherford-Bohr quantum model of the atom
    • Einstein - general theory of relativity - connection between space and time
    • Broglie - all material microobjects have both corpuscular and wave properties (quantum mechanics)
    • Dependence of knowledge on the methods used by the researcher
    • Expanding the idea of ​​the unity of nature - an attempt to build a unified theory of all interactions
    • The principle of complementarity is the need to apply mutually exclusive sets of classical concepts (for example, particles and waves); only a set of mutually exclusive concepts provides comprehensive information about phenomena. This is a completely new method of thinking, dictating the need for liberation from traditional methodological restrictions
    • The emergence of non-classical natural science and the corresponding type of rationality
    • Thinking studies not the object, but how the interaction of the object with the device appeared to the observer
    • Scientific knowledge characterizes not reality as it is, but the reality constructed by the feelings and reason of the researcher
    • The thesis about the ambiguity of existence - the absence of ideal models
    • Assumption of the truth of several different theories of the same object
    • The relative truth of theories and pictures of nature, the conventions of scientific knowledge.

    American physicist Richard Feyman wrote about relative truth and the conventions of scientific knowledge:

    “This is why science is unreliable. As soon as you say something about a field of experience that you have not directly come into contact with, you immediately lose confidence. But we must definitely talk about those regions that we have never seen, otherwise science will be of no use. Therefore, if we want science to be of any use, we must make guesses. In order for science not to turn into mere protocols of experiments done, we must put forward laws that extend into as yet unexplored areas. There is nothing wrong with that. Only science for this it turns out to be unreliable, and if you thought that science was reliable, you were mistaken."

    The fourth scientific revolution, 90s of the 20th century.

    • Post-non-classical science - the term was introduced by V. S. Stepin in his book “Theoretical Knowledge”
    • Objects of its study: historically developing systems (earth, universe, etc.)

    Of great importance for a correct understanding of the processes observed in social life is the analysis of the modern scientific and technological revolution.

    - this is a qualitative transformation, the transformation of science into a productive force and the corresponding radical change in the material and technical base of social production, its form and content, character, .

    influences the entire structure of production and the person himself. Main features of the scientific and technological revolution:
    • universality - covers almost all sectors of the national economy and affects all spheres of human activity;
    • rapid development of science and technology;
    • a change in the role of man in the production process - in the process of the scientific and technological revolution, the requirements for the level of qualifications increase, the share of mental labor increases.

    The modern scientific and technological revolution is characterized by the following changes in the sphere of production:

    Firstly, the conditions, nature and content of labor change due to the introduction of scientific achievements into production. Previous types of labor are being replaced by machine-automated labor. The introduction of automatic machines significantly increases labor productivity, removing restrictions on speed, accuracy, continuity, etc., associated with the psychophysiological properties of a person. At the same time, the place of man in production changes. A new type of “man-technology” connection is emerging, which does not limit the development of either man or technology. In automated production, machines produce machines.

    Secondly, new types of energy are beginning to be used - nuclear, sea tides, earth's bowels. There is a qualitative change in the use of electromagnetic and solar energy.

    Third, natural materials are being replaced with artificial ones. Plastics and polyvinyl chloride products are widely used.

    Fourth, production technology is changing. For example, mechanical impact on a work item is replaced by physical and chemical impact. In this case, magnetic-pulse phenomena, ultrasound, ultra-frequencies, electro-hydraulic effect, various types of radiation, etc. are used.

    Modern technology is characterized by the fact that cyclic technological processes are increasingly being replaced by continuous flow processes.

    New technological methods also impose new requirements on tools (increased accuracy, reliability, ability to self-regulate), on objects of labor (precisely specified quality, clear feeding mode, etc.), on working conditions (strictly specified requirements for illumination, temperature the regime in the premises, their cleanliness, etc.).

    Fifthly, the nature of control changes. The use of automated control systems changes the place of humans in the management and production control system.

    At sixth, the system of generation, storage and transmission of information is changing. The use of computers significantly speeds up processes associated with the production and use of information, improves methods of decision-making and evaluation.

    Seventh, the requirements for professional training are changing. The rapid change in the means of production poses the task of constant professional improvement and raising the level of qualifications. A person is required to have professional mobility and a higher level of morality. The number of intellectuals is growing, and the requirements for their professional training are increasing.

    Eighth, a transition is taking place from extensive to intensive development of production.

    Development of equipment and technology in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution

    In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, the development of technology and technology occurs in two ways:

    • evolutionary;
    • revolutionary.

    Evolutionary path consists of constant improvement of technology and technology, as well as in magnification power productivity of machines and equipment, in growth carrying capacity of vehicles, etc. So, in the early 50s, the largest sea tanker could hold 50 thousand tons of oil. In the 70s, supertankers with a carrying capacity of 500 thousand tons or more began to be produced.

    Revolutionary path is the main through the development of technology and technology in the era of the scientific and technological revolution and consists in the transition to a fundamentally new technique and technology. The revolutionary path is the main path of development of technology and engineering in the era of scientific and technological revolution.

    Production automation process

    During the period of the scientific and technological revolution, technology enters a new stage of its development - automation stage.

    Transformation of science into a direct productive force And production automation- This the most important characteristics of the scientific and technological revolution. They change the connection between man and technology. Science plays the role of a generator of new ideas, and technology acts as their material embodiment.

    Scientists divide the production automation process into a number of stages:
    • The first is characterized by the spread of semi-automatic mechanics. The worker supplements the technological process with intellectual and physical strength (loading, unloading machines).
    • The second stage is characterized by the appearance of computer-controlled machines based on the computer equipment of the production process.
    • The third stage is associated with complex production automation. This stage is characterized by automated workshops and automatic factories.
    • The fourth stage is the period of completed automation of the economic complex, becoming a self-regulating system.

    The foregoing indicates that the scientific and technological revolution is expressed in qualitative transformation of the people's life support system.

    The scientific and technological revolution transforms not only the sphere of production, but also changes the environment, everyday life, settlement and other spheres of public life.

    Characteristic features of the course of the scientific and technological revolution:
    • Firstly, the scientific and technological revolution is accompanied by the concentration of capital. This is explained by the fact that the technical re-equipment of enterprises requires the concentration of financial resources and their significant costs.
    • Secondly, the process of scientific and technological revolution is accompanied by a deepening division of labor. Thirdly, the growth of the economic power of firms leads to increased influence on their part on political power.

    The implementation of the scientific and technological revolution also has some Negative consequences in the form of increasing social inequality, increasing pressure on the natural environment, increasing the destructiveness of wars, decreasing social health, etc.

    One of the most important social tasks is to realize the need to make maximum use of the positive consequences of the scientific and technological revolution and reduce the volume of its negative consequences.

    Scientific and technological revolution

    Scientific and technological revolution (NTR) - a radical qualitative transformation of the productive forces, a qualitative leap in the structure and dynamics of development of the productive forces.

    Scientific and technological revolution in a narrow sense - a radical restructuring of the technical foundations of material production, which began in the middle of the 20th century. , based on the transformation of science into a leading factor of production, as a result of which the transformation of industrial society into post-industrial society occurs.

    The basis of many theories and concepts now put forward that explain the profound changes in the economic and social structures of the advanced countries of the world, which began in the middle of the 20th century, is the recognition of the growing importance of information in the life of society. In this regard, they also talk about the information revolution.


    In works of culture and art

    • Album “Revolutions” by Jean-Michel Jarre (1988)

    see also

    • Scientific revolution


    • Scientific Communism: A Dictionary (1983) - Scientific and Technological Revolution
    • T. N. Lukinykh, G. V. Mozhaeva. Information revolutions and their role in the development of society

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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