Vehicle names in English. Essay in English with translation How to say transport in English

Without studying transport in English, “you won’t get far.” The types of travel in the countries of the world are so diverse that it is almost impossible to list them all. In this article we will try to talk about the main means of transportation that our students may have to master when traveling abroad.

Transport in English sometimes sounds different. For example, the word “truck” is translated into the British version as “lorry”, but Americans are accustomed to another name - “truck”.

We call a vehicle that carries eight or more people on roads a bus in various variations: minibus, route, tourist, intercity buses. In English-speaking countries, their names sound a little different: van, bus, coach, school bus, and so on.

Transport in London

A special place is occupied by the so-called double-decker - a double-decker bus, which is especially popular in London. The vast majority of these buses are produced in bright red. Many people are wondering why the British do this. The riddle is easily solved - fogs often occur in the capital of England, which increases the risk of collisions. The color red is most easily seen in fog, which is why manufacturers agreed to produce red buses.

What are Londoners guided by when driving around in a black taxi? Perhaps the requirements of uniformity. It’s probably more convenient for the residents of this city to spot this means of transportation in a line of passing cars.

The British are known as great conservatives, and from old memory they still call taxis cabs, after the name of the horse-drawn carriage, which was in great demand until the first decades of the 20th century. Many people remember this unpretentious vehicle from Conan Doyle’s stories about the great detective Sherlock Holmes and his “chronicler” Dr. Watson.

Here we present what transport sounds like in English with translation. It is easier to first remember those words that are consonant with Russian, and then start memorizing other lexical units. Plane is short for airplane. Once upon a time, at the dawn of the development of aviation, we called airplanes airplanes, since they soared rather than flew.

Types of transport and their history

The main types of transport in English are cars, planes, subways, and regular trains (cars, planes, tube or underground, trains). In London, the metro is called a tube, since the sections between stations are built in the form of huge pipes, and the main name is fixed - underground. In America, the metro is called subway or simply sub (remember that English-speaking people are masters of all kinds of abbreviations).

Trams are also not losing ground, although they are gradually turning into a kind of retro transport. In many cities, municipalities maintain historic tram lines or vintage bus routes. For example, in San Francisco, an old cable-car (the local name for a tram) is preserved for tourists. It is believed that if a city visitor has not taken a ride on this rail transport, then his acquaintance with the sights was incomplete.

The same can be said about the vintage bus plying the streets of Washington, the American capital. The driver simultaneously plays the role of a guide and tells amazing things about the city and US history.

If you like to read books by British, Canadian and other English-language classics, you will need to know such types of transport in English as the aforementioned cab, steamer, sailing boat, engine. England was and remains a great maritime power, so in these works you will find such names as brig (brigantine), frigate (frigate), corvette (corvette), cruiser (cruiser).

More about types of transport in English

Transport is developing rapidly, and many already have their own helicopters (choppers); inventive Japanese are already traveling on pilotless trains. Some tourists were even able to go on space travel.

With all the variety of means of transportation, the bicycle has been and will remain the most environment-friendly mode of transport. Cycle rickshaws are saving the busy streets of overpopulated Asian countries. In Mongolia, the horse remains the national mode of transport, but recently the arats (Mongolian peasants) are increasingly switching to motorcycles (motor-cycles, bikes).

Although the Lim-English site has not yet received the status of a vehicle, with us you can take exciting journeys into the magical land of the English language, which is growing, developing and improving, just like the modes of transport we just talked about.

As the great American writer and essayist William Burroughs said: “Living is not necessary, but traveling is necessary.” And in order for the trip to be comfortable, it is necessary to have a minimum vocabulary for traveling, an integral part of which is modes of transport. Today we will discuss not only “bus” in English, but we will also look at the necessary verbs of movement. By remembering this little “traveler’s dictionary”, you can easily get from point “A” to point “B”, wherever you are. Check it out

Main types of transport

In general, types of transport in English sound like “means of transport”. And now in more detail about how to say “train” in English or what you can use to move around the world:

Let's remember the difference between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE). Try to focus on the option that is closer to your interlocutor.

Verbs of movement

It is certainly necessary to know the name of a particular vehicle, but you should also skillfully operate with the verbs that are combined with them. Everyone knows that " go" - in English this is to go, go, fly, and in general - the main verb of movement. When indicating the type of transport, you should use the preposition “by” after the verb: “go by ship”, “go by plane”, “go by car”, etc. The exceptions are the expressions “riding a horse” and “walking” (on your feet). The preposition “on” should be used here: “go on foot”, “go on horse”. A synonymous verb for "go" is "travel". It can also be used in these prepositional phrases.

If we are talking about “riding” - on a bicycle, horse or motorcycle, then you should use the verb “ ride": "ride a horse", "ride a bike", "ride a bicycle."

When you are driving a car, use the verb " drive": "to drive a car."

Are you planning to fly on an airplane? In English " take off"(take off) and " land"(land).

When talking about moving on water, you should use the verbs “ sail"(sail, sail) and " dock"(moor, moor).

With all types of transport you can use verbs: “ arrive"(arrive), " depart"(set off, depart), " leave"(to leave, to leave), " take"(use some type of transport, ride something). For example:

  • The train arrives at 7p.m.- The train arrives at 7 pm.
  • The plane departed on time.- The plane took off on time.
  • We want to leave ASAP.- We want to leave as soon as possible.
  • I don’t want to go on foot, let’s take a bus instead.- I don't want to walk, let's take the bus instead.

To be more specific, use the verbs “ get on"(sit down) and " get off"(get out of): "get on the plane", "get off the bus". But in the case of a car or taxi, use the prepositions “in” and “out of” instead of “on” “off”:

  • Hurry up! Get in the car!- Quicker! Get in the car!
  • No, I don’t want to get out of the taxi.- No, I don’t want to get out of the taxi.

And finally, we would like to introduce you to the very popular expression “ take a ride”, which translates as “to go for a ride”:

  • Mr. Anderson, let's take a ride.- Mr. Anderson, let's go for a ride.

Once you've familiarized yourself with the basic vocabulary, look for other words that may be useful.

In an Aeroport

departure- departure
exit- exit
check-in desk- registration desk
arrival- arrival
nursery- mother and child room
baggage carousel- baggage claim track
boarding- landing
boarding pass- boarding pass
carry-on bag / hand luggage- hand luggage
ticket- ticket
passport- passport
reservation- reservation
flight- flight
overweight- advantage
waiting room- passenger hall, waiting room
gate- exit
customs supervision- customs control
destination- destination

At the station

booking/ticket office- ticket sales and booking office
trolley- luggage trolley
porter- porter
compartment- coupe
restaurant / buffet / dining car- dining car, restaurant car
timetable / indicator board- train schedule
seat- place
penalty fare- penalty for unpaid travel
carriage- railway carriage
railway line- rails
railway station- passenger station
express train- express train
ticket barrier- turnstile

On the ship

life belt /boat / jacket- lifebuoy/boat/vest
harbor- harbor
deck- deck
cruise- cruise
car deck- car compartment
crossing- sea voyage, crossing
crew- ship crew
rough/calm sea- storm/calm
cabin / cuddy- cabin/cabin on a small ship
seasick- nausea associated with seasickness
to embark / disembark- board/disembark the ship

After studying this article, you can not only say “airplane” in English, but you can also easily ask about the departure/arrival time, flight number, and so on. Feel free to travel and expand your boundaries with EnglishDom. Still have questions? Then urgently write to our online tutors! They will not only help you find a way out of the situation, but will also be happy to share their travel experience.

See you soon and have a nice trip! But don't trip ;)

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

car automobile
ship [ʃɪp] ship
plane airplane
driver [ˈdraɪvə] driver
boat boat
truck truck
vehicle [ˈviːɪkl] automobile
flight flight
bus bus
fuel fuel
engine [ˈɛnʤɪn] engine
ticket [ˈtɪkɪt] ticket
train train
crew crew
accident [ˈæksɪdənt] accident
pilot [ˈpaɪlət] pilot
wheel wheel
ride drive
passenger [ˈpæsɪnʤə] passenger
airline [ˈeəlaɪn] airline
bike bicycle (motorcycle)
transportation [ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃən] transportation
deck deck
aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft] airplane, aircraft
crash accident
vessel [ˈvɛsl] vessel
port port


The examples do not show all possible meanings of words, but only one or two main ones related to a given part of speech and topic. If you want to know more meanings and examples, use online dictionaries and translators.

  • car- automobile

I'd like to rent a car. – I would like to rent a car.

  • ship- ship

This ship will never sink. - This ship will never sink.

  • plane- airplane

The plane took off (landed). - The plane took off (landed).

  • driver- driver

The driver was fined for speeding. – The driver was fined for speeding.

  • boat- boat

We are going to need a bigger boat. - We'll need a bigger boat.

  • truck- truck

The truck is loaded with coal. – The truck is loaded with coal.

  • vehicle- automobile

How many vehicles do you have? – How many cars do you have?

  • flight– flight

That was a long flight. – It was a long flight.

  • bus- bus

Go to the bus stop and take a bus. – Go to the bus stop and get on the bus.

  • fuel- fuel

We ran out of fuel. - We're out of fuel.

  • engine- engine

Keep the engine running. – Don’t turn off the engine (leave it running).

  • ticket– ticket

How much is a ticket? - How much does the ticket cost?

  • train- train

I am traveling by train. - I am going (traveling) by train.

  • crew– crew

A ship’s master is responsible for the crew. – The captain of the ship is responsible for the crew.

  • accident- accident

I witnessed a car accident. – I witnessed a car accident.

  • pilot– pilot

A pilot is a person who flies a plane. – A pilot is a person who controls an airplane.

  • wheel- wheel

Do you have a spare wheel? – Do you have a spare tire?

  • ride- drive

I'll give you a ride. – I’ll give you a ride (literally: “I’ll give you a ride”).

  • passenger– passenger

Dear passengers, this is your captain speaking. “Dear passengers,” says the captain.

  • airline– airline

What airline did you fly with? – Which airline did you fly on?

  • bike– bicycle (motorcycle)

My bike was stolen from a parking lot. — My bike was stolen from the parking lot.

  • transportation– transportation

This vehicle is used for transportation of lumber. – This machine is used to transport timber.

  • deck– deck

He went up on deck for some fresh air. “He went up on deck to get some fresh air.

  • aircraft- airplane, aircraft

Don’t forget your personal possessions on the aircraft. – Don’t forget your personal belongings on the plane.

  • crash- accident

I wasn’t injured in the crash. – I was not injured in the accident.

  • vessel– ship

The company has two fishing vessels. – The company has two fishing vessels.

  • port– port

naval port - military port


  • What is the difference between car and vehicle?

Under the words car And vehicle people often understand the same thing – a car. However, vehicle has a broader meaning - a vehicle, that is, this definition includes not only cars, but also motorcycles, buses, airplanes, even spaceships.

  • Plane or aircraft?

A similar situation with words plane And aircraft. Plane- This is an aircraft, usually of the civil fleet. Aircraft– aircraft, i.e. any air transport.

  • Ship or vessel?

In colloquial speech ship And vessel- synonyms, there is not much difference between them, except perhaps vessel sounds more formal.

By the way, in Russian there is also a difference between the words ship and ship. A ship is any watercraft, including, for example, a rowing boat or a lifeboat. A ship is usually a large vessel.

There is also an unofficial difference. Sailors of the fishing and transport fleets never call their ships ships, only “ship” or “steamer” (steamers, like steam locomotives, have long since disappeared, this is professional slang). On the other hand, the military never calls warships ships, only ships.

  • Helicopter or chopper?

You may have heard that a helicopter is often called in English chopper– especially in films or computer games. Chopper is an American slang synonym for helicopter that is used only informally. Something like “vertushka” in Russian.

Moreover, among the American military it is considered bad manners to call a helicopter chopper:

Level B. Other.

Kinds of transport

Nowadays there are a lot of kinds of transport such as a plane, a ship, a bus, a taxi, a bicycle… And now I will try to explain my opinion.

One of the most common kinds of transport is a bus. This kind of transport is one of the oldest. It is usual for old people or teenagers. For old people it is cheap and comfortable. For teenagers a bus helps to get at school. As for me, I like getting to school by bus. There are always good and quiet drivers on my route. I often face funny occasions with old people. I always help them. So you can see that there is a kind of atmosphere in a bus. Another kind of transport is a taxi. It is rather an expensive transport. It is a good idea if you need to go a big distance. I do not like this kind of transport. Taxi drivers are always angry and unpleasant people, or, at least, I have met such. Taxies are often old and dirty with an unpleasant smell. And it is very annoying when a taxi driver does not know the way you need. You have to explain it to him.

It is a well known fact that ecology plays a great role in modern life. Cars pollute a lot. In such situation cycling is the best alternative. Cycling is absolutely ecological kind of transport. It is mobile, and it is easy to cycle. And it is great for health, especially for your heart or legs.

But I prefer walking. It's really amazing. You can just stop and watch various sights, enjoy the weather and communicate with people. You can take your friends with you for fun. With them your way becomes more interesting and full of positive emotions.

All in all, every kind of transport has its pros and cons. It is a vital problem of the day for many people. Somebody does not like taxes, others do not like walking. Tastes differ. And everyone can have his own opinion.

Nowadays there are many modes of transport, such as plane, ship, bus, taxi, bicycle... And now I will try to explain my opinion.

One of the most common types of transport is the bus. This type of transport is one of the oldest. It is common among older people or teenagers. For older people it is cheap and convenient. For teenagers, the bus helps them get to school. As for me, I like to go to school by bus. There are always good and quiet drivers on my route. I often come across funny incidents with older people. I always help them. So you can see that there is a kind of atmosphere on the bus. Another type of transport is a taxi. This is quite expensive transport. This is a good idea if you need to walk long distances. I don't like this type of transport. Taxi drivers are always angry, unpleasant people, or at least I've met them. Taxis are often old and dirty and smell bad. And it is very annoying when the taxi driver does not know how to get to the place you need. You have to explain to him.

It is a well-known fact that ecology plays a big role in modern life. Cars pollute a lot. This kind of bike is the best alternative. A bicycle is an absolutely environmentally friendly form of transport. It is mobile and easy to ride. And it's good for your health, especially for your heart or legs.

But I prefer to walk. This is truly amazing. You can simply stop and look at the various sights, enjoy the weather and interact with people. You can take your friends with you for fun. With them, your path becomes more interesting and full of positive emotions.

In general, each type of transport has its pros and cons. This is a vital question for many people. Some people don't like taxis, others don't like walking. Tastes could not be discussed. And everyone can have their own opinion.

The list of English words on the topic “Transport” Suitable for those continuing to learn English (either independently or with a teacher). The list is quite complete: you can independently choose words to study, which are divided into categories: means of transport, verbs, stable combinations and phrasal verbs, people, transport problems. Transcriptions are given for the most difficult words. The list of English words can also be copied from the site and printed. Additionally included exercises to consolidate vocabulary.

I. Means of Transport:

1. means of transport - means of transport (units, plural)
2. vehicle[‘viːɪkl] - means of transportation
3. balloon - balloon
4. helicopter - helicopter
5. plane/ airplane - airplane
6. car/ taxi - car/ taxi
7. bus/ coach - regular/excursion bus
8. double-decker bus - double-decker bus
9. van / lorry - van / truck
10. train - train
11. underground - metro
12. ship - ship
13. ferry - ferry
14. yacht - yacht
15. bike/ motorbike - bicycle/ motorcycle

II. Transport Verbs:

16. reach / get to - get to
7. arrive in/at - arrive at (big city / place)
18. go on foot / walk - to walk
19. go by car/ bus/ etc. - go by car
20. cycle [‘saɪkl] - ride a bicycle
21. drive a car - drive a car
22. ride a bike/ a horse - ride a bike/ horse
23. sail - to sail
24. fly - to fly
25. hitchhike - hitchhike

III. Collocations (stable combinations):

26. go by car (taxi, etc.) - go by car (taxi, etc.)
27. go on foot - walk
28. go on a trip - go on a trip
29. take a taxi - take a taxi
30. catch a bus/ a train - catch a bus/ train
31. miss a bus/ a train - be late for the bus/ train
32. get on a bus/ a train - get on a bus/ train
33. get off a bus/ a train - get off the bus/ train
34. get into a car / a taxi - get into a car / taxi
35. get off a car/ a taxi - get out of the car/ taxi
36. go hitchhiking [‘hɪʧhaɪkɪŋ] - hitchhiking
37. it takes me (...) to get to - It takes me (time) to get to...

IV. People:

38. сyclist/motorcyclist - cyclist/motorcyclist
39. driver / lorry driver - driver / truck driver
40. passenger - passenger
41. pedestrian - pedestrian

V. Transport Problems:

42. accident - accident, accident
43. have an accident - get into an accident
44. air pollution - air pollution
45. car fumes - exhaust gases
46. ​​dangerous driving - dangerous driving style
47. a lot of traffic - difficult movement
48. few pedestrian (zebra) crossings - few pedestrian crossings
49. narrow roads - narrow roads
50. overcrowding - overcrowding
51. queues at the bus stops - queues at bus stops
52. roadworks - road work
53. ticket prices - ticket prices
54. traffic lights - traffic lights
55. traffic jams - traffic jams
56. get stuck in a jam - get stuck in a traffic jam
57. delays - delays on the route

DOWNLOAD TABLE OF WORDS - Words on the topic “Transport” (1-57)

Transport. Vocabulary strengthening exercises

Exercise 1. Choose definitions for verbs of motion: travel, cycle, walk, sail (2), fly (2)

  1. travel by bike
  2. go by boat
  3. go by plane
  4. go by air
  5. go on foot
  6. go by sea

Exercise 2.Match the words from 2 lines and write them down.

(1) ticket, double-decker, traffic (2), means of, car, lorry, pedestrian, go on, go

(2) fumes, jams, driver, transport, foot, bus, price, crossing, lights, by air

Exercise 3. Insert the words into the sentences: roadworks, off , underground, pedestrian, helicopter

  1. A ________ is an aircraft that uses rotating wings called blades to fly.
  2. The ___________ is a railway system in which electric trains travel mainly below the ground.
  3. There are delays on our main motorway because of ______________.
  4. A _______________ is a person who is walking in a street.
  5. Is this Mayakovskaya Street or should I get _______________ at the next stop?

Exercise 4.Insert the words: take off, a motorbike, trips, an accident, carriages, flight, traffic jams, check, passenger, get to

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