We are not friends with our neighbors, what should we do? The most important rules for relationships with neighbors. Invitation to visit

When you move into a new apartment, the first thing you need to do is get to know your new neighbors. Neighbours They will save you a lot of nerves and time in the future, and you will immediately establish yourself as a positive and sociable person. It’s a trifle, but nice, even if you’re not one. The easiest way to do this is by inviting new neighbors for tea: soaking cookies and eating sweets, telling a little about yourself and finding out a lot more about your new place of residence.

Good relationships with your neighbors are the key to a future peaceful life in your new apartment, since when you go somewhere on vacation or for work, you may need someone who can look after your pet or water your indoor plants. If your relationship with your neighbors isn't going well, then you won't even have the opportunity to visit them when you're bored.

If you were unable to win over your neighbors, then try to maintain polite relations with them, at least so that they can lend you a few chairs for a large feast. Many people who are friends with their neighbors live much easier and calmer, because they know what lies behind the wall. neighbour , a friend who is ready to help at the first call.

It’s good if you and your neighbors have common holidays or hobbies, and you can spend some time together on business. Even if it’s about celebrating a joint birthday or anniversary. It is known that collective work or a feast brings people together. It’s not for nothing that pensioners so often visit each other: they want to feel the support of a loved one, who could become neighbour .

In addition, comfort and warmth not only in the staircase, but also in the apartment depend on the neighbors. And if you come across not very well-mannered people or violent alcoholics as neighbors, then you will also have to find mutual language. Constant quarrels and scandals behind the wall in the early morning are not a gift. But still, this problem can be solved by conversation. Often in a neighboring family, only the husband drinks, and therefore, by talking with his wife, you can solve this issue.

It is true that there are also people whose conversation does not yield anything. In this case, you will have to take emergency measures. For example, call the local police officer. Sometimes neighbours they forget that living peacefully and amicably is more pleasant than living in eternal scandals. For the most part, this is done by egoists who are completely uninterested in those who are nearby. If you come across just such neighbors, then, alas, you will not miss a single one of their parties, and loud music will follow you in any part of your apartment.

The most difficult and at the same time the simplest thing is to find a common language. There is no need to be afraid to visit your neighbors and discuss with them last news or just chat over a cup of tea. If you, having moved to a new place, go to neighbor to find out what his actual name is, then he will not eat you or swear at you. Don't be afraid to communicate! If you have found a common language with your neighbors and made friends with them, then life in the new place will be cozy and pleasant.

Proper relationships with neighbors are an art. These people are not chosen and can be quite unpleasant. But if you manage to establish contact with them, they can bring invaluable benefits and relieve a huge number of problems. So, the topic of our article is relationships with neighbors. What rules must be followed in order to establish them?

Human and society

As we know, people are social creatures. It is difficult for us to live alone, so we somehow form communities in which there is a division of labor, hierarchy, various connections. People help each other, build relationships, interact. This gives each member of society certain rights and privileges, but also imposes obligations.

For a harmonious life, large groups of people need to create certain rules that they will follow so that everyone is as comfortable as possible. This includes the laws according to which the adult generation raises children. With these rules, society tries to isolate itself from phenomena that have a destructive effect on it: alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. At the same time, friendliness, willingness to help others, and sympathy are encouraged. These are the main principles of life in society. And they also apply to those who live with us in the same house and in the same room, since these people almost always surround any member of society.

Where a person grew up often greatly influences how he communicates with others. In cities, people live more closely together, but try to isolate their personal space from others as much as possible. Those who grew up in Russia are often more sociable and friendly towards their neighbors. This, however, does not mean that in villages and small towns everyone is nice to each other - it is just that people understand that life is easier when there is someone to rely on or someone to ask for help. Residents of megacities, as a rule, are more likely to be loners; they prefer to solve their problems on their own or with the help of professionals, but without contacting friends. Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but in general this is the case. Whether this situation is good or not is difficult to judge, but you can try to change it.

The rules of relationships with neighbors are relevant even for those who have to constantly change their place of residence. Sometimes this can be even more useful for such people than for those who have lived in one place since childhood. Forwarding correspondence, maintaining old connections - all this can be easily achieved by enlisting the help of neighbors. The absence of problems with local police officers and other residents can also be a consequence of friendship with the old ladies in the driveway - the invisible and inaudible guardian of the peace of citizens. Good relationships with colleagues on the landing can help you quickly get used to a new place, learn about interesting places nearby or unobvious ways to spend your leisure time. So this can be very useful, even if the introduction is initially intended to be brief. And this is even more important for those who have lived in the same place since childhood, because the most important rules for relationships with neighbors are simple and really do not require any serious effort.

Relations with neighbors

Most people want to be liked by others - this is normal. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes those around them themselves cause irritation and other negative emotions with their behavior. This is also normal, just like the fact that someone who seeks to make friends may not find understanding from the other side.

Some people simply prefer not only not to say hello to their neighbors, but even simply not to run into them. And if earlier such behavior was an unaffordable luxury for the majority, since hostels flourished when several strangers, or even families, lived in one apartment, now it is easier to isolate yourself. But is it necessary? Or is it easier with neighbors? The basic rules are extremely simple.

The first steps can be taken immediately after moving. They are elementary - ask for something insignificant like borrowing a couple of eggs or a glass of sugar, admiring the beauty of the luxurious neighbor's cat. Then you can establish contact by groping common topics, points of contact. Perhaps such relationships will grow into real, sincere friendship, and if interests are still completely different, you can simply maintain polite, benevolent neutrality.

It’s even easier to establish good relationships with neighbors in your dacha - you can invite them to a picnic or barbecue, and they probably won’t refuse to join the fun company. And at the table, communication will most likely be easy and relaxed.

Neighbors - how to live together?

Relationships with neighbors are not always such a simple matter. Nowadays people rarely trust each other completely. And yet neighbors can be both very useful in some situations and have the ability to cause harm. That is why it is better to build a fairly good relationship with them.

Firstly, in the absence of the apartment owners, curious old women will become invisible guards who may well protect the home from robbery or other encroachment. Secondly, in some yards neighbors still keep an eye on the children they know, which reduces the likelihood of any misfortune. Finally, if they have a good relationship, it will always be easier for fellow neighbors to agree on any issues: from a time convenient for everyone when noisy repairs will be carried out to changing service organizations if they are not happy with something. Finally, if you establish good relationships with your neighbors, territorial disputes can be resolved without going to court, but simply by reaching an agreement. This is very valuable, since litigation requires a lot of time and nerves, and they can drag on for a very long time.

So, any situation in which people’s support may be needed will be easier if you learn and follow the rules of relationships with neighbors. And then you can leave spare keys with them, ask them to make sure that the child has lunch after school, or make some other not too burdensome requests, also offering your help in return.

However, not everyone wants to communicate closely with their comrades at home or in their holiday village. Perhaps, first of all, this statement can be attributed to workers in the medical field - all the benefits of friendship with others will most likely be offset by endless questions and requests. Moreover, even a motivated refusal will certainly cause terrible resentment. Of course, in in this case You can still build good relationships, for example, by hiding your profession and carefully avoiding direct questions.

Keep quiet

Nobody likes extraneous sounds in their apartment. But neighbors inevitably make repairs, give birth and raise children, learn to play musical instruments, watch TV in the evenings, etc. You cannot insure yourself against noise, especially in some houses with very thin walls. But you can be polite and demand the same from others - any loud sounds should be heard only during the daytime, and after lunch it is also better to give the ears of others a rest - at this time, for example, babies sleep.

Do not litter

There are janitors and cleaners, but they do not always have access to closed vestibules, and the quality of their work may vary. In this regard, it is worth including a clause in the rules of relations with neighbors about trying not to litter and not to bring excess dirt into the common area. The same applies to large items that need to be taken to the trash - you should not leave them in the entrance, creating inconvenience.

Animals and cars

Elementary etiquette involves caring for other people's property and a reasonable approach to your own. You should not let an angry and dangerous-looking dog out for a walk alone; it is even better that it is always muzzled. She may be the friendliest creature in the world, but not everyone can guess it, and many children are simply scared.

As for personal vehicles, you should park very carefully so as not to disturb anyone or block passages and entrances. It is also worth considering not to disturb the residents of the first floors by warming up their cars in winter. And of course, it is worth setting up the alarm so that it does not react to ordinary passers-by.


Not everyone likes cigarette smoke, and it is also a powerful allergen. It has already been banned in Moscow, but the law is not respected everywhere. There is no need to aggravate relations if a remark is made about a smoky staircase and an unpleasant smell. But even if no one objects, you should not forget about cleanliness and culture - leaving cigarette butts on the floor is bad manners.


When renting out your apartment, you should also think a little about your neighbors. It’s probably worth choosing your tenants carefully so that they don’t throw parties every evening, inviting a bunch of guests, making noise non-stop, etc. The rules for relations with neighbors should apply to them, so it’s worth giving a short briefing before moving in and, perhaps, helping establish contact with someone living nearby - this will make everyone calmer.

All the rest

The rules of relationships with neighbors are essentially simple adherence to etiquette. Holding the door, saying hello, helping young mothers with strollers, not creating unnecessary inconvenience - that’s probably all that is needed for simple neutrality. Well, if you want to make friends, just start a conversation.

When is it better not to communicate?

The world is imperfect, and the people around you can also be at least unpleasant, and sometimes downright harmful to their neighbors, if the relationship does not work out. In this case, it is better to accept the fact that it will not be possible to fix them.

  • if a person repeatedly does not make contact, it is better not to impose himself, this will only cause rejection;
  • mentally unstable people can change their opinion regarding others to the diametrically opposite one without any reason - you should not communicate closely with them in order to avoid unnecessary problems;
  • marginalized people can also hardly be called good company, so you shouldn’t make friends with them either.

Neighbors are real important element. Many people take this factor into account when planning to buy an apartment. So don’t underestimate the rules of relationships with neighbors. By observing them, you can most often count on them to repay you in kind. And this is very valuable given the fact that some everyday issues are not regulated in any way by Russian legislation.

Every year, Neighbors Day is celebrated all over the world, and although this year in Russia it was also celebrated on May 25, with what, and with good neighborly relations in our country, everything is not the same as in good films with close communication and cherry pies. “Big Village”, together with IKEA, decided to rectify the situation and conducted an experiment: our correspondent Ksenia Chastova followed the Swedish rules of good neighborliness for a week and communicated with the residents of her 12-story building. How the challenge changed not only relationships, but also the life of an entire house - in a detailed diary report.

Experimental conditions

The field for the experiment was a Soviet-built panel house in the Sovetsky district of Samara, where I have lived since childhood. The building has 12 floors, 48 ​​apartments and more than a hundred residents, with whom I have never tried to build warm relationships. Unless, as a child and obeying my mother, I greeted those who met us on the landing - usually barely audible, or even to myself. Now, twenty years later, I stopped forcing myself to do this - and the neighbors didn’t try. All interactions with them began and ended in the elevator and were forced - the floor buttons were pressed only one at a time, so the conversations were very monotonous: “Which one do you want?” - “Sixth.”

Ksenia Chastova

As part of the experiment, over the course of a week, I had to step out of my comfort zone, which had developed over decades. And once and for all - after all, regardless of the results achieved, they had to continue to intersect with their neighbors. I had to establish connections from scratch - we were united only by a sea of ​​common problems, including two old scary elevators, dirt in the entrance and an unpleasant smell from the sewer, periodically felt on the first floor.

In Sweden, good neighborly relations are much better developed than in Russia, so we came up with the conditions for the experiment together with the IKEA team. I was supposed to start small: greet all the residents of my building and offer them all possible help, then find the person in charge of the building and find out what he does, and finally, get to know the neighbors and rally behind a solution to a common problem - go to a mini cleanup day. For the latter, IKEA even provided pots with artificial plants to refresh the appearance of the entrance and inspire neighbors to new achievements.

Day one: get to know your neighbor

Day two: find a leader

Following IKEA’s recommendation to unite neighbors with a common cause, I printed a proclamation: “Dear residents of the house! It's spring - the time when we do general cleaning in the apartment. So why not tidy up the entrance? Finally, wash the dusty windows and dirty elevator walls. At least wash the floor near the door to your apartment! I propose to collectively restore cleanliness and order this Sunday!” I hung printed notices in the most visible places: at the entrance, next to the notice of the meeting, and on the first floor, right between the two elevators.

I also didn’t wait for the right moment to meet Pyotr Ivanovich - I just called apartment No. 13 and froze in anticipation. I expected to see a pensioner hunched over and dissatisfied with everything, but a completely good-natured man appeared in front of me, who, without asking who came or why, opened the door and prepared to listen to me.

I started with the main thing: I told how the elevator got stuck again in the morning and two men, trapped, were desperately banging on a door somewhere between the floors. In response, Pyotr Ivanovich sadly said that there was nothing to hope for, replacing elevators was an expensive pleasure. It would be possible to solve the problem during a major overhaul, but we won’t see it before 2032.

As the conversation progressed, the leader went further and further into discussions about painful issues: I was overwhelmed by a whirlwind of stories about fraud on the part of the management company, illegal additional charges in receipts and indecently old sewerage. I nodded with interest, listened and tried to delve into problems that I had never even suspected before, at the same time being amazed at how Pyotr Ivanovich found the strength to check every comma in the bills, send hundreds of complaints to management companies and drive away repairmen who were shirking from work. It seemed that the heads of housing departments, REUs and other organizations themselves were following his lead. “Although I did not graduate from the construction institute, I worked as the head of a construction workshop that built housing from the Frunze plant. He was familiar with all the standards, delved into all the issues, studied everything,” he explained to me his meticulousness.

During the conversation, I received answers to many questions - for example, I understood why the entrance was so dirty. It turned out that there are still cleaners in the house, but they go to work, if they are lucky, once a month - a small salary is not conducive to an active war for cleanliness. Windows are washed only twice a year - in spring and autumn, but in May of this year the residents did not get wet cleaning.

Inspired by the story and activity of Pyotr Ivanovich, I shared with him the idea of ​​the cleanup and invited him to join. To my surprise, I received a refusal. “And so much work. And not so long ago, in the area behind the house where cars are parked, garbage was collected,” explained my new acquaintance and disappeared out the door.

Day three: have patience

Today the neighbors came to see me themselves - early in the morning there was a knock on the door. I usually don’t go out to people I don’t expect to visit, especially if I’m not ready for the meeting - my head is a mess, one eye is wearing makeup, the other is not - but the rule “be friendly to your neighbors and provide them with all possible help” could not be broken . I opened the door and found two neighbors from my floor on the landing, who were heatedly discussing something. Turning to me, they explained that the home phone was not working - apparently due to some problems with the operator. I spread my hands, explaining that I only use mobile communications, and wished me good luck in finding and fixing the cause of the problem.

Leaving the apartment a couple of hours later, I found one of the neighbors in the same place and politely asked if the phone was working, but I did not receive an intelligible answer - the man began to mutter something incoherent. I nodded sympathetically and hastened to retreat: I needed to see if anyone had joined the cleanup day I had planned. There was silence on all twelve floors. Someone tore down the notice on the board at the entrance. I tried to encourage at least the girl I met at the entrance to participate, but she only greeted me gloomily and, shaking her green hair, disappeared through the door of the apartment. Despair was brewing inside. Is the idea really hopeless?

Day four: catch a helping hand

It was the fourth day of the experiment, and relations with neighbors still left much to be desired. I, following the instructions, politely greeted everyone I met, but in response I received either a formal greeting on the run, or a demonstration of a clear reluctance to communicate. Having met a woman in the elevator and asked which button she should press, I heard an indignant “We actually live on the same floor!” When the doors opened, she flew into her apartment like a bullet, leaving me alone with my defeat.

I was still faced with the task of transforming the house. I figured that since I couldn’t get the inside of the entrance clean, I should try my luck outside. My gaze fell on the front garden near the front door - someone had carefully planted flowers there, but in some places it was still bare. Noting to myself that there were a couple of pots with excess flower seedlings at home, I wondered if my intrusion would offend the owner of the flower garden.

Feeling that someone was passing behind me, I turned around - an elderly woman was walking past. Lost in her thoughts, she smiled. “Excuse me, do you know who plants flowers here?” I asked carefully. “Yes, there’s only one neighbor, I don’t remember which floor,” the pensioner explained. I shared my plans for contributing to the landscaping of the site, and she smiled encouragingly: “Of course, plant it!” A conversation ensued about neighbors and my relatives, whom my interlocutor, it turns out, knew. As a result, I found another friend - Baba Valya.

I began to improve the front garden that same day, and when the water taken from the house for irrigation ran out, I went to the neighbors. I must say that the opportunity to get help from a stranger, when he doesn’t owe you anything, always seemed incredible to me, so when I knocked on the first apartment I came across, I didn’t really count on anything.

A wary “Who’s there?” sound came from behind the door. and after magic word“neighbors” a young woman appeared on the doorstep. Her tone of voice changed to a friendly one and she happily agreed to help, filling my small watering can to the brim. Unnoticed, we started talking about home gardening, and after a couple of minutes we offered each other to exchange a couple of varieties of violets. This was the first hint that good neighborly relations do not only exist in the movies.

Day Five: Experience the Meeting for Yourself

I always imagined a general meeting of residents as a noisy crowd of menacing old women: at first they complain to each other that they were cheated out of hot water again, and after a couple of minutes they begin to discuss that Katka from apartment 5 is a drug addict and is still not married. Having attended the first meeting at home in my life, I realized that almost all of these fantasies are real.

At the appointed time, about a dozen pensioners were crowded at the entrance - given that the meeting took place at 16:45 on a weekday, it was intended for them. Representatives of the REU and already familiar Pyotr Ivanovich were milling around nearby with a stack of papers. Gradually other neighbors joined, although there were also those who, by chance, passing by, strenuously pretended not to notice anything.

The role of leader was expectedly assumed by the eldest in the house: he spoke loudly and enthusiastically, confidently proved his position, sometimes became indignant and even raised his voice. Those present agreed with him, immediately starting to discuss their own problems with each other. When the noise became impossible, Pyotr Ivanovich shouted, urging him to concentrate on general issues. This happened every ten minutes. As a result, the event was very similar to a battle between the head of REU and the head of the house, surrounded by rowdy fans.

As a result, Pyotr Ivanovich still collected the votes of residents on the necessary issues, inviting them to sign in a special register. I couldn’t achieve my goal - to call on my neighbors for a community cleanup this very next weekend: many simply didn’t pay attention to me, some silently nodded in response and were immediately distracted by personal conversations. I realized that it makes sense to talk to everyone alone and in a calmer environment.

Day six: knock on all doors

In response to my invitation to the cleanup, she nodded readily, promising to “remove everything that gets in her way,” after which she hastily disappeared from sight. Looking after her skeptically, I decided to walk through other floors - perhaps I could find more reliable assistants. This turned out to be quite difficult: some were not able to be found at home, others, rustling their slippers, approached the peephole and silently went back. One man, without allowing him to say a word, shouted that he would not buy anything and stopped responding to the knock on the door. The other one came out, listened, looked as if he were a naive first-grader, and disappeared behind the door. Elderly women refused, citing health problems.

After half an hour of fruitless attempts, another neighbor opened the door in front of me. I immediately recognized her as one of the most proactive participants in the last residents’ meeting. My proposal caused a mixture of enthusiasm and indignation in the woman: she rushed to the window in the entrance, pulled the handle and shared her pain - someone filled the frames with polyurethane foam, and they no longer opened, and a composition of dust and dirt formed between the glass. The neighbor recognized my idea as reasonable and promised to clean up the floor where she lives. “But I won’t be in the elevator. It’s scary to go there!” - she outlined the boundaries of her altruism.

Day seven: believe in people

Grabbing a bucket and cleaning supplies, I went out into the entrance alone. People kept passing by: some pretended not to notice me, some complained about the multitude of things to do and lack of time.


Ilya Belomytsev

Consulting psychologist

In order to start communication, you need an adequate pretext. A simple and effective recipe: “do you have no salt?”, “do you know, the water has been turned off for a long time?”, “is your antenna also acting up?” - anything that concerns your common field in which you live together. Even if the neighbor is not very talkative, he will still answer something. And after that, you can continue on your own - tell something about yourself, any story or fact: “and we haven’t had water for three days,” “thanks for the salt, otherwise mine crumbled due to the earthquake.” It’s not a fact that a conversation will start, but next time the person will be more likely to be in the mood to communicate with you. Because you applied the main rule of any communication - you received something from him, and gave something to him in return. And, of course, don't forget to smile. It’s more difficult if you’ve already communicated before, but your relationship didn’t work out very well.

“Conflicts can be open or closed - you need to determine which case is yours”

A closed conflict is usually called its initial stage - for example, young guys from a neighboring apartment periodically throw parties and interfere with sleep. It's becoming more and more difficult to fall asleep, but you're not ready to deal with them yet. A closed conflict can last quite a long time and never develop into an open one.

With an open conflict, everything is simpler - it can begin, for example, with the first sounds of a drill, bypassing the stage of a closed conflict. In an open conflict, a person expresses everything he feels - he swears, shouts, offends.

There are a couple of recipes for restoring peace for each stage. In a closed conflict, until you tell your neighbor what he is doing wrong, it is only your problem. Many neighbors are not aware that they are disturbing someone. The trick is that the sooner you make this problem a common one, the greater the chance of not going into open conflict and coping with your emotions. You can let your neighbor know that you both have a problem. At the same time, you can remain nice and offer your own solutions.

If you decide to resolve an open conflict, you should move communication with your neighbor from the plane of emotions to the plane of constructive conversation. How to do it? Do not give in to provocations, clearly formulate your wishes and understand your opponent’s point of view. When your message is not “destroy”, but “the common good” - the chances of resolving the conflict increase sharply.

Neighbors can be very helpful: they can watch the kids sometimes or pick up your mail when you're away. How to maintain a warm relationship with them? Here are a few simple ways, which will allow you to create strong connections with people living nearby. You can test at least a few of them for yourself and quickly notice that life with friendly neighbors is much more pleasant.

Introduce yourself formally

Be active

Get involved in your neighbors' activities to get to know them better. Go to parties, congratulate each other on holidays. If you don't have such a tradition, create one yourself. This will make you a great neighbor. Don’t be afraid to be more active, showing that you care about those around you, this way you will definitely arouse the sympathy of those who are open to communication.

Make connections

Organize your communication with your neighbors. Send them notes with your contact information and ask them for the same information so that in case of a critical situation you can call or write by email.
You can create an online chat where neighbors can chat, ask questions or search necessary information. It helps people get closer. You can even help each other professionally, exchanging advice from different areas, because even in a small house there will probably be different specialists. According to statistics, it is neighbors who inspire the greatest trust in people, so try to create the right atmosphere in your home, then you will always have helpers and friends.

Help those who need it

If your neighbors are elderly or disabled, offer to help them. If this is a private sector, you can help clear snow from the area and remove leaves from the porch. Let your children help them with the mail. Ask your neighbor what help he needs, and you can improve the situation. If you are open and responsive, others will treat you better too. This will create an atmosphere of kindness and warmth in your home or area.

Keep your promises

If you promised something, keep your word. For example, if you borrow a drill, be sure to return it quickly. If you promised to pick up his mail for a neighbor who went on vacation, do it. Forgetting your promise will damage the trust between you. Think about how bad you would feel if someone let you down! Do not create trouble for others, so as not to become an object of public condemnation.

Deal with Conflicts

If a problem arises, try to handle it as tactfully as possible. If you have a conflict with a neighbor, be polite and calm, do not try to blame him to his face. Accusations put a person on the defensive, which quickly leads to an argument that cannot be resolved quickly. If trust has already been broken and you are having trouble communicating, find a mediator to help you resolve the conflict. The ability to find a way to communicate is one of the most important factors in building relationships between neighbors. Try to be a model of calm and be as neutral as possible to deal with conflicts, even when they are intense.

Share resources

If you share with your neighbors, you can save money. For example, you can buy one stepladder for everyone or go to work together. If everyone contributes their own money, everyone will have to spend much less. Agree in advance about who has what household devices and who can do what for repairs, so that you can work together to save money and exchange necessary things.

Be your neighbors eyes and ears

Even if you live in a protected area, be careful: your caution can help your neighbors. When the neighbors have left, watch for cars approaching their house. Write or call them if anything suspicious happens. Even if everything is fine, your neighbors will be pleased to know that you remain vigilant. Together you can protect your homes from burglars!

Create a community project

If you decide to collaborate, you can do something positive for your community. For example, you can clean up a nearby park or clear a vacant lot of garbage.
Such joint actions help unite residents and improve relations between neighbors. Think about what problem is most affecting your neighborhood and talk to your neighbors about how to solve it.

Behave responsibly

When neighbors have a sense of personal space, they treat each other with respect and consideration, helping when necessary, the atmosphere becomes warmer and communication improves. Sometimes it's all in the little things.
Don't throw trash anywhere, don't leave your things where they might disturb others, clean up after your dog, don't park so that your car blocks someone else's. Try to always behave responsibly and never create problems for others. Then you can count on your neighbors to treat you with respect.

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