German newspapers. German newspapers Latest articles from Spiegel in German

Theme: Zeitungen in Germany

Topic: German Newspapers

Seit dem 15. Jahrhundert entwickelten sich schnell in Deutschland die Buchproduktion und die Pressedrucke. Das waren Blätter mit illustrierten Grafiken. Als die erste echte Zeitung Deutschlands gilt Aviso, 1605. Die ältesten Zeitungen in deutscher Sprache, die noch heute gedruckt werden, sind: Allgemeine Zeitung (1705), Bremer Nachrichten (1743), Neue Zürcher Zeitung (1780). 2011gab es in Deutschland 390 Zeitungen. Heute gibt es schon Internet-Zeitungen. Das können ganz neue Namen sein oder Websites von gedruckten Titeln.

Starting from the 15th century, book printing and press began to develop rapidly in Germany. These were leaflets with illustrations. The first real newspaper is considered to be Aviso, which appeared in 1605. The oldest newspapers in German that are still published are: Allgemeine Zeitung (1705), Bremer Nachrichten (1743), Neue Zürcher Zeitung (1780). In 2011, Germany already had 390 newspapers. Online newspapers also appeared. This includes both new titles and print publication web pages.

Das ist eine deutsche überregionale Wochenzeitung. Sie erschien 1946. Die Auflagen erreichten 25,000 Exemplare. Damals hatte sie 8 Seiten und kostete 40 Pfennig. Die Hauptredaktion befindet sich in Hamburg. Die Zeitung gilt als linksliberal. Debatte ist ihr typischer Stil. Dem Leser werden immer verschiedene Meinungen vorgestellt. Die Themen besprechen die Fragen der Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissen, Glauben und Chancen. In der Rubrik Chancen werden Texte über Ausbildung und Beruf veröffentlicht. Es gibt auch Beilagen zu Literatur und Reisen, sowie Stellenmarkt. In der Beilage Zeitmagazin sind sarkastische Kolumnen und Kreuzworträtsel besonders populär. Seit 1996 gibt es ZEIT Online. Hier findet man viele Texte zu aktuellen Ereignissen. Inhaltlich gibt es hier mehr Themen für die junge Generation. Sie werden exklusiv für die Website geschrieben, gesprochen und verfilmt. Freie Autoren drucken hier auch ihre Texte. Im Unterschied zu den meisten Zeitungen in Deutschland waren ihre Auflagen um 11 Prozent seit 1998 gestiegen.

This is an interregional weekly magazine, published since 1946. The newspaper reached a circulation of 25,000 copies. It was published on 8 pages and cost 40 pfennigs. The main editorial office of the newspaper is located in Hamburg and adheres to the radical left direction. Her typical style is debate. The reader is always presented with different opinions. Topics of politics, economics, science, religion are discussed, and there is also a “Your Chance” section. This section publishes texts on issues of education, study, and profession. The newspaper has applications: literature, travel, and job advertisements. The ZEIT Magazine app (Zeitmagazin) publishes popular materials: satirical columns, as well as crosswords. ZEIT Online has been published since 1996. Here you can find texts on current topics. There is also more content for young people. They are written specifically for the online newspaper. They are then voiced and released on video. Freelance writers also publish here. In contrast to other newspapers, which have seen a decline in circulation, DIE ZEIT increased its circulation by 11% in 1998.

Die BILD-Zeitung erschien im Jahre 1952. Sie hatte damals 4 Seiten, 455 000 Exemplare und kostete 10 Pfennig. Sie wurde Groschenblatt genannt. Die Zeitung druckte meistens aktuelle Fotos mit Unterschriften. Die Mannschaft bestand aus 10 Redakteuren und 2 Sekretärinnen. Sie wurde in den Straßen verkauft. Bis 1970 hatte BILD ein Maskottchen, Lilli, ein blondes Mädchen. Sie wurde Vorbild für die amerikanische Barbie. Heute ist BILD eine deutsche überregionale Boulevardzeitung, eine Tageszeitung, erscheint werktäglich. Sie ist die auflagenstärkste Zeitung im Lande. 2006 verlor die Zeitung wegen Internet eine Million Leser. Diese Tendenz dauert auch heute an. Trotzdem war BILD 2005 auf Platz 6 unter den größten Zeitungen der Welt. 2007 erschien Bild Mobil. BILD wird heute in 44 Landern der Welt verkauft. Sie bleibt eine Boulevardzeitung und wird auf den Straßen und oft durch Automaten verkauft. Die Auflagen betragen heute mehr als 2 Mio. Exemplare. Ihrer Leserstruktur nach hat sie Arbeiter und einfache Konsumbevölkerung als Zielgruppe.

The newspaper BILD appeared in 1952. It was published on 4 pages in the amount of 455 thousand copies and cost 10 pfennigs. The newspaper published mainly photographs with captions. The team consisted of 10 editors and 2 secretaries. It was sold on the streets. Until 1970, the newspaper published an image of the symbol - the blond doll Lily. She later became the prototype of the American Barbie. Today BILD is a tabloid daily newspaper published on weekdays. This newspaper has the highest circulation in all of Germany. In 2006, the newspaper lost 1 million readers due to the Internet. This trend continues. But despite the decline in circulation, BILD has been ranked 6th among the largest newspapers in the world since 2005. BILD MOBIL has been published since 2007. The BILD newspaper is today sold in 44 countries around the world. It remains a tabloid newspaper and is sold mainly on the streets, and now also in vending machines. Its circulation reaches more than 4 million copies. In terms of readership, the newspaper considers workers and ordinary ordinary citizens as its target group.

Die Zeitung wurde 1946 gegründet. Das ist die einzige Abonnement – ​​Zeitung, in Berlin herausgegeben, mit kompetenten Analysen in allen wichtigen Bereichen: von Politik und Wirtschaft bis Wissenschaft und Umwelt. Sie ist liberal eingestellt. Die Zentralredaktion liegt in Berlin. DIE WELT wird in 130 Staaten zugängig. Ihre Konkurrenten sind die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und die Süddeutsche Zeitung. Seit 2005 werden 200.577 Exemplare verkauft.

The newspaper was founded in 1946. It is the only newspaper in Berlin distributed by subscription. She provides competent analysis on all important issues: politics, economics, as well as scientific and environmental issues. The newspaper adheres to liberal views. The main editorial office is located in Berlin. The DIE WELT newspaper is sold in 130 countries. Its competitors are Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and die Süddeutsche Zeitung. Since 2005, the circulation has been 200,577 copies.

German newspapers- topic of the article. German newspapers serve as valuable educational material where current issues are discussed. wasps on a variety of topics, such as economics, politics, science and sports news. German newspapers, available on the Internet, can serve as valuable teaching material for German language learners. Reading German newspapers has many advantages. By reading German newspapers, we not only expand the range of our knowledge, get answers to the questions we need, but also train our visual memory, saturating it with new vocabulary and rules for its correct use. Of course, not all information covered in German newspapers is objective. German newspapers are quite ideological. But in terms of language, the texts of German newspapers are priceless, because... they are filled not only with general, but also with specialized vocabulary. The ability to correctly understand the meaning of articles in German newspapers is the main task of those who want to learn German at a good professional level. The most important advantage of German newspapers is that they present a living language, with all its inherent turns, phraseological units and idioms, and slang. Sometimes it is useful to read comments to articles in German newspapers, which, although often teeming with errors, understanding them is also a good experience for understanding the German spoken language. All German newspapers have their own websites of the same name on the Internet. On the websites of some German newspapers and magazines, in particular Stern magazine, you can simultaneously listen to a video in German and follow the text below, which repeats what was said verbatim. German newspapers are a good educational material for practicing listening comprehension of German texts. Articles in German newspapers are shorter, more dynamic and topical than books. By the way, it is interesting to compare the views of Russian and German newspapers on the same events. To learn the language, it is worth selecting “neutral” German newspapers, that is, not yellow or teenage, women’s or men’s press. Neutral German newspapers cover all topics of everyday life: politics, finance, fashion, culture, nutrition, health, education, etc. Well, we hope we have convinced you of the need to read German newspapers. There are many German newspapers at your service, some of which are quite complex and also quite understandable even for a “green” beginner.

German newspapers

"Abendzeitung München"

International and regional news, politics, money, photos

"Frankfurter Allgemeine"

Politics news, finance, social life, sports, travel

"Junge Welt"

Current topics, history, politics, photo reports


Politics, ecology, society, culture, sports

"Die Welt"

Politics, society, money, sports, culture, travel, video reports

"Die Zeit"

News, politics, health, sports, science, fashion, travel.

Prefix in German - this is the part of the word located before the root (or before another prefix).
For example:

be sprechen (discuss), an genehm (pleasant), der An kauf (purchase).

As for German verbs, here (unlike the Russian language) there are prefixes detachable (drums) and inseparable (unstressed)

German verb prefixes





be- be greifen understand ab- ab nehmen take off
ge- ge fallen like auf- auf stehen get up
er- er zahlen tell aus- aus sehen to look like
ver- ver stehen understand an- an sprechen speak
zer- zer brechen smash bei- bei stehen intercede
ent- ent spannen relax ein- ein lösen redeem
emp- emp fehlen recommend mit- mit nehmen take with you
miß- miß lingen fail nach- nach geben give in
vor- vor haben mean

For example:

1. Ich stehe hier.- I'm standing here.
2. Ich ver stehe dich nicht. - I don't understand you.
3. Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf. - I get up at 7 am.

In the first example the verb stehen(stand) is used without a prefix.

In the second case, the prefix ver- unstressed (and therefore inseparable): ver stehen - to understand.

The third sentence uses the verb auf stehen (stand up) with a percussive/detachable prefix auf-, which is placed at the end of the sentence/phrase.

German verbs with separable prefixes

1. Ich sehe gut aus. - I look good. (Präsens)

2. Ich möchte gut aus sehen. - I would like to look good.

3. Es ist wichtig für mich, gut aus zu sehen. - It is very important for me to look good.

All three sentences use the verb aus sehen (to look) with the separable prefix aus-. However, in the first case, the prefix is ​​placed at the end of the sentence, in the second option it comes before the root, and in the third it is separated from the root by a particle zu.

The thing is that in the sentence: “Ich sehe gut aus”, aussehen is a single verb. The verb itself comes in second place, and the prefix in this case goes to the end of the sentence.

If there is another verb in the sentence, then the semantic verbs with separable prefix are moved to the end: "Ich möchte gut aus sehen".

In some cases, a particle is placed between the separable prefix and the verb zu:“Es ist wichtig für mich, gut aus zu sehen". You can read more about the rules for using the particle zu with verbs on our website.

Verbs with separable prefixes in German have one more feature. It concerns the formation of the past tense Perfect:

Er hat mich ge rufen. (verb rufen) - He called me.
Er hat mich an ge rufen. (verb an rufen) - He called me. ( ge- placed between the verb and the separable prefix)

German verbs with inseparable prefixes. Peculiarities:

1. Formation of the past tense Perfect

Ich suche die Arbeit als Fahrer. - I'm looking for a driver's job. - Verb suchen without prefix. (Präsens)
Ich habe eine Arbeit ge sucht. - I was looking for a job.(Past tense perfect)

Ich be suche einen Deutschkurs. - I am taking German courses. - Verb be such with the inseparable prefix be- . (Present Präsens)
Ich habe einen Deutschkurs be sucht. - I attended German courses.(Past tense perfect)

When forming the past tense, Perfect is not used in verbs with an inseparable prefix. ge-:

suchen - ge sucht haben - search / was looking for(without prefix)
be suchen - be sucht haben - visit/attended(inseparable prefix);

2. Verbs with inseparable prefix + ZU

Particle zu is placed before a verb with an inseparable prefix. For example:

Es ist wichtig für mich, das zu ver stehen. It's important for me to understand this.

It will help to systematize the knowledge obtained from the article. table:

(percussion) attachments
(unstressed) prefixes
ab-, an-, bei-, ein-, auf-, aus-, mit-, nach-, vor- be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, ent-, emp-, miß-
Single verb
Präsens (present)

______ ______ _ _ _ _ .¬

Ich sehe gut aus.

_____ ¬ _________ _ _ _ _ _ .

Ich ver stehe dich.

Verb + verb with prefix

___ ____ _ _ _¬ zu___ .

Es ist wichtig, gut aus zu sehen.

___ ____ _ _ _ zu ¬ _______ .

Es ist wichtig, das zu ver stehen.

Verb + verb with prefix (without ZU)

___ ____ _ _ _ ¬ _________ .

Ich möchte gut aus sehen.

___ ____ _ _ _ ¬ _________ .

Ich möchte das ver stehen.

Past tense

____ ____ _ _ _ ¬ge______ .

Er hat mich an ge rufen.

____ ____ _ _ _ ¬______ .

Ich habe die Schule be sucht.


The same prefixes, depending on the semantic load, can be either detachable , and inseparable (accordingly, stressed or unstressed). Let's compare two sentences:

1.Sie geht um das Haus und sieht etwas Ungewöhnliches. - She walks around the house and sees something unusual. (Detachable (shock) attachment)

2.Er umgeht schlecht mit ihr.- He treats her badly. (Inseparable (unstressed) prefix)

Both sentences use the verb gehen with the prefix um-. However, in the first case the prefix um is stressed (verb um gehen (+sein) - go around, go around), and in the second - unstressed (verb um ge hen (+haben) - evade, avoid, avoid, the emphasis falls on -e-).

The verb is an integral part of the German sentence. Along with semantic verbs denoting action, modal (or auxiliary) verbs are also widely used. Modal verbs in German reflect an attitude towards action.

When learning German, it is very important to learn how to write sentences correctly. Unlike Russian, sentence construction in German obeys strict rules, non-compliance with which leads to loss or distortion of meaning. Thus, in a simple declarative sentence, the predicate always comes in second place. If you move it to the beginning, the sentence is transformed into an interrogative or imperative.

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German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. Germany is a country with a developed economy, an interesting history and a bunch of beautiful cities. This means that German can be useful both for business and work, and for exciting travel.

website I have collected for you the best resources for learning the language of Goethe, Nietzsche and Til Schweiger. Das ist Fantastisch, isn't it?

  • Deutsch-online - here you can download several options for video, audio and online courses to choose from. In addition, the site is full of additional material that will help you learn the language in a fun way: games, exercises, tests, German radio and online television.
  • is a multilingual site that combines German lessons with practical advice about living and working in Germany and Austria.
  • Speakasap - free and paid courses with audio and video accompaniment and exercises.
  • Englishonlinefree - suitable for beginners: there are reading rules, basic grammar, a phrase book, short videos, books and other materials.
  • Lingvister is an online school for learning German and other languages ​​via Skype with extensive speech practice.
  • Deutsche-welt - on the site you can find online courses, as well as many collections of courses, articles and dictionaries of the German language.
  • - the resource offers systematic online lessons, video lessons, audio books, tests, useful articles, interesting collections of words and phrases, and song lyrics.

German on social networks

Communication with native speakers

  • Livemocha is a popular social network for everyone who studies foreign languages. Training is based on the principle “if you help, they will help you.” Lessons and exercises are offered, the accuracy of which is checked by native speakers. And here you can simply communicate with other users in German.
  • Busuu is a virtual community for learning German and other foreign languages. On the website or in the mobile application, you can learn words and video chat with other members of the social network.
  • MyLanguageExchange - the site makes it possible to find a foreign interlocutor who is interested in learning your native language. Then you can talk to him on any topic in text or voice chat.
  • Lang-8 - here native speakers will help you correct mistakes in writing: you write the text, and foreign users correct mistakes and comment. Useful when preparing presentations and important letters.

Mobile applications

  • Hellotalk - simply choose the language you want to learn (more than 100 languages ​​are available) and immediately meet native speakers of that language.
  • Duolingo is a free app with well-organized and user-friendly content, perfect for beginners.
  • Tunein is an application for listening to the radio.


  • De-speak is a Russian-language blog of a German language teacher with a large number of video lessons, audio lessons, articles and topics.
  • Claudi um di e Welt is an interesting blog of a traveler from Germany in German with stories about different countries and good photographs.
  • Berlin Ick liebe dir - blog about Berlin in German. As the authors of the blog write, “a blog for Berliners, for those who love Berlin, and for those who want to live in it.” News about city cultural events, colorful reports about restaurants, exhibitions and nightclubs, stories about interesting people.

Dictionaries and vocabulary

  • Multitran is a simple and convenient dictionary with a large number of words. The local community of translators will suggest translation of a complex expression or rare word.
  • Languageguide - the site will allow you to master basic vocabulary. Hover your cursor over an item and you'll hear the correct German pronunciation of the word or phrase.
  • ABBYY Lingvo Live is a “live” dictionary where you can not only look up the meaning of words and expressions, but also ask for help in translation.
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