Direct educational activity “cognition” on the topic “all professions are needed, all professions are important” in the middle group, lesson plan on the world around us (middle group) on the topic. Summary of GCD in the middle group “Professions” GCD on the topic of profession

Job title: Educator

Institution: MADO "Kindergarten No. 66"

Locality: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Subject: Summary of GCD in the middle group “All professions are important!”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 66 of general developmental type" in Syktyvkar

Summary of continuous educational activities
in the educational field "Speech development"
in the middle group “All professions are important!”

compiled and conducted:
teacher Shtykova Tatyana Vladimirovna

The purpose of ECD: Teaching children 4-5 years old to tell stories by enriching children's ideas about the work of adults.

GCD tasks:
1. Educational area “Speech development:
- teach children to compose a short story about their work, following the example of the teacher;
- learn to answer questions with complete answers;
— to activate the names of professions and objects of labor in children’s speech.
Educational area "Cognitive development":
— Enrich children’s knowledge about the subjects of labor and the professions of adults.
Educational field "Physical development":
- learn to perform movements in accordance with the text
Educational field “Social and communicative development”:
- learn to listen to adults and peers without interrupting, and follow instructions.
Previous work: reading, looking at the encyclopedia “Who to Be”, didactic games “Who needs what for work”, “4 extra”, conversation about the professions of parents.
Materials and equipment: screen, multimedia projector, “Hedgehog” toy, presentation (slides), audio recording “Sound of a Train”, pictures depicting various professions.

Progress: Children and teachers enter the group. The chairs are arranged like a train. On one sits a new soft toy – Hedgehog. Children ask where?
Educator: Today the Hedgehog came to visit us, his name is Pro. Why do you think he is called that? (children's assumption). The pro got this name because he lives in the country of professions and knows a lot about them. Today he invites us to his country of Professions.
Children sit on chairs in “Paravozik” and “road” music sounds.
Educator: We arrived at the “Professionalnaya” station. Why do you think it is called that? (children's assumption). Here you can learn a lot of interesting things about different professions. Attention to the screen. (Slides with objects of labor of various professions are shown). Name the objects you see. What profession do people use these items?
Children: Doctor, driver, cook, teacher.
Educator: What does a doctor, driver, cook, teacher do (in turn). What qualities should they have? Who can work as a doctor, cook, teacher, driver. Work with all four slides in the same way.
Educator: What time of year is it now? (Winter)
There was so much snow. Who removes snow and cleans the city and the territory of our kindergarten? (Windshield wipers). Right. The work of people in this profession is very hard. Let's help the janitor. Children stand up at will.
Warm-up is in progress.
There has been a lot of snow
And everyone goes and goes. (Marching in place)
Tired wipers sweep and sweep snow. (imitate working with a broom)
They rattle with shovels (Clap)
Under the shaggy clouds (Waving your arms above your head)
On the streets and in the courtyards
Whisks rustle.
And with my work
They are in a hurry to get things done. (Marching)
Educator: Guys, the hedgehog Pro invites us to continue our journey.
Let's stand like a train, take each other by the shoulders and go to the next stop, music sounds - let's go.
2nd stop. On the screen there is an imitation of the view from the train window, snow-covered trees, bushes and mountains.
Educator: So we arrived, and mysteries live at this station. What can you call this station? (Children's answers). Right. Mysterious station. Hedgehog Pro offers to solve riddles. If the guess is correct, the picture will appear on the screen.
Tell me who is so delicious
Cooking cabbage soup?
Juicy cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)
All roads are familiar to me,
I feel like I'm at home on the road. (Driver)
Here on the edge, with caution, He paints the iron with paint, He has a bucket in his hands, He himself is painted colorfully. (Painter)

Children solve riddles and slides appear on the screen.

He will start waving his wand.
Will there be music playing?
Children find it difficult to name the profession of “conductor”.
A picture of the conductor appears on the screen.
The teacher gives a sample story: This person’s profession is called “Conductor,” let’s repeat it together, individual repetitions. A conductor is a musician whose job is to direct an orchestra, choir, or ensemble. During the concert, he stands with his back to the audience and facing the musicians. To control the orchestra, the conductor uses a small baton, which he holds in his right hand.
Educator: Let's remember what professions we talked about at this stop (the children call them cook, driver, painter, conductor).

Educator: It’s time to go to the last stop, which is called “Composite”. What do you think we will do with it? (children’s answers - compose, compose).
On the easel are pictures depicting all the professions that the children remembered during the GCD.
Educator: Guys, what profession do you want to talk about? We listen to two or three short stories about any profession.
Educator: Our journey ends, it’s time to return to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to Hedgehog Pro and promise to come to the country of Professions more than once. Get into the trailers and while we're driving, let's sing a funny song.

Analysis: The junior teacher comes out and asks the guys where they have been.
Children say that they were invited to the country of Professions by Hedgehog Pro, they traveled around the country of Professions, named objects of labor, professions, wrote stories about them, guessed riddles and got acquainted with the new profession “Conductor”.

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic “Professions of People”

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about professions; broaden children's horizons and cognitive interest in professions: develop respect for the work of adults in different professions, determine the significance of these professions.

Tasks : expand cognitive interest in professions, activate the verbal dictionary in speech;

develop logical thinking,children's cognitive interest, their attention and memory;

develop interest in completing tasks.

to cultivate respect for the work of adults of different professions.

Materials and equipment: Pictures of professions; riddles, pictures.

Preliminary work:reading fiction about professions (S. Barzudin, S. Marshak, M. Ilyin, E. Segal); learning outdoor games “Pilots”, “Drivers”; board game “Who needs what for work?”;

role-playing games “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”; observing the work of adults; conversations about professions using illustrations.

Integration of educational areas: Physical development, cognitive development, social communication. development.

GCD move

Organizing time.

IN. Guys, guests have come to us, let's say hello to them.

Q: Today we will talk about the world of professions and remember what professions there are. Who remembers what a profession is?

(children's answers)

Q: A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life. It should bring joy to both the person and the people around him. Do you know what your moms and dads work for?

(children's answers)

Q: Children, what other professions do you know?

(children's answers)

Q: Guys, look at the board (there are pictures on the board with images of a cook, a doctor, a teacher, a teacher, a builder, a salesman, a fireman, a hairdresser, a policeman).

Consider the professions you see here.

What professions do you know?

(children's answers)

What does each of them do?

(children’s answers: a doctor treats, a builder builds, etc.)

Physics minute: “Let’s build a house”

One two three four five,

Let's build and play

We are building a big, tall house,

We put a roof on the windows,

This is such a beautiful house!

An old gnome will live in it.

There are many professions in the world and each of them is interesting in its own way: some are associated with danger and adventure, others with helping people, some lead, some follow orders. But each of them is interesting in its own way, each has special mysterious moments that you just need to notice. Whether you are a doctor, teacher, builder or cook, there is always a mystery about your profession.

Guessing riddles about professions.

IN. And now I’ll tell you riddles, and you’ll tell me and show me what professions they’re talking about.

There are pictures on the table depicting different tools, the children choose the answer.

Who is the most useful in days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases?


A glass eye will point,

Click once - and we remember you.


Love nature and respect the elderly?


Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches?


We must fight fire with fire

We are partners with water.

People really need us,

Answer quickly, who are we?


There are a lot of professions, each good in its own way. We must think about our future profession now. And I know guys who dreamed of some kind of profession since childhood, read a lot about it, were interested in everything. what is connected with it and then they became very good specialists.

V. Now let’s make an application.


Pictures of professions are glued to whatman paper. Children must correctly glue the tools (tools) to each profession.

Summary of the lesson.

Today in class we talked about professions in order to learn even more about professions and better remember their names.

Guys, what professions did we meet? (children's answers)

What do you want to become when you grow up? (children's answers)

Did you like our lesson? (children's answers)

Svetlana Grinina
Summary of GCD in the middle group “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic: "All professions are needed, All professions are important».


Expand preschoolers’ understanding of types of work; about various professions;

Practice defining professions by description, showing objects using poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings

To form generalized ideas about the work of adults, about the social significance of people’s work;

Promote respect for the work of adults;

Implementation methods

Game situations

Preliminary work

Conducting classes, excursions, targeted walks to familiarize preschoolers with the work of adults, with professions;

Conducting didactic, role-playing games in class and outside class, during walks;

Acquisition and production by educators, together with children and parents, of the necessary attributes, tools, objects to consolidate children’s knowledge about professions and playing in games;

Reading fiction to introduce children to professions;

Guessing riddles about professions, attributes professions;

Memorizing poems about professions;

Getting to know proverbs and sayings about work.


Multimedia screen, picture cards professions, instruments, computer game « Professions» .

Individual – differentiated approach

Inactive children should be encouraged to answer the teacher’s questions







Move directly educational activities:

The teacher invites the children to to myself:

Guys, let's stand in a circle and play a little. (The teacher throws the ball to the children and asks a question). Who can tell me what we do in kindergarten?

Pupils: we play, draw, sculpt, make friends, learn a lot of new and interesting things, etc.

Educator: That's right, guys, almost everything has been said about what we do. But they forgot something. I’ll give you a hint now, and you’ll tell me.

After all, in kindergarten we also do work!

The teacher throws the ball to the children and asks: “How are we working in kindergarten?”

Pupils: water the flowers, set the table, put away the toys after playing, etc.

Well done boys! Sit on the chairs.

Educator: Children, now you are going to kindergarten, then you will go to school, and after finishing it, you will work like all adults - your fathers, mothers.

Oh, guys, look, there's some kind of envelope here! And in it there are pictures depicting professions. Let's play a game "Not really". You will ask me questions to guess profession, and I will only answer "Yes" or "No".

Questions from students:

Does he wear a white coat?

Does he use a ladle?

Does he cut with scissors? Etc.

Children guess profession"Cook". A picture of the cook appears on the screen.

Educator: What do you think would have happened if there had not been professions"Cook"?

Educator: Let's guess the next one profession. A game "Not really"

Guessing profession"Doctor"

Educator: What would have happened if there had not been professions"Doctor"?

Educator: Let's guess the next one profession. A game "Not really"

Guessing profession"Hairdresser"

Educator professions?

Guessing profession"Teacher", "Street cleaner"

Educator: What would have happened if this had not happened? professions?

You guys are so great! Do you know about the importance of all professions!

Physical education minute:

A lot of professions

in the world with us!

Let's talk about them now:

Here is a seamstress sewing shirts,

The cook makes us compote,

The pilot is flying the plane -

For landing and for takeoff.

The doctor gives us injections

And there is a security guard at the school.

A bricklayer lays a brick

And the hunter catches the game

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith,

Ballerina and singer.

So that have a profession,

You need to know a lot and be able to

Well study my friend!

And, of course, don't be lazy!

Educator: And now I suggest you play some more. The game is called “You show me and we’ll guess”

(the child depicts with actions profession, and all the children are trying to guess this profession).

Let's play, well done.

Children have always been good helpers. Adults talk lovingly about them: “Small, but remote”, “A good daughter if her mother and grandmother praise her”. Do you know proverbs and sayings about work?

(children recite proverbs and sayings) Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the child - he names a proverb or saying about work, another child reveals the meaning of the saying.

If you have patience, you will have skill.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The master's work is afraid.

Time for business - time for fun.

Business before pleasure

And I have a riddle for you, listen:

Who counts and reads with you,

Draws and plays

Goes for a walk

And does gymnastics?

(children : these are educators)

Educator: My profession – teacher! I raise children, help them learn a lot of new and interesting things, and help them learn to play. For me to work need toys, books, etc.

What do you want to become when you grow up? For what your profession is needed and what you will need for work?


1. Organized activities to familiarize yourself with to those around: Getting to know by profession salesman, driver, cook, doctor //

2. Professions: learning and coloring // Series "The world" thin L. Yu. Teterina and V. A. Arzhevitin - M, 2011

Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Middle group. – M, 2003.

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic “Professions”.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Introduce names of professions;

Show the importance of each profession;

Develop coherent speech.

Materials and equipment: game character – Dunno, riddles; pictures with professions; pictures for the game “Who needs these items? ", "Collect a picture", ball.

Progress of the lesson.

There is a knock on the door and Dunno comes in.

Hello guys! Please help me choose a profession. I don’t even know any professions. Maybe you can tell me what professions there are.

Guys, Dunno came to us and asks for our help, let us help him choose a profession for him. Do you want to help Dunno? (children's answers).

Well, since you agree to help Dunno, let’s tell you what professions we know. (Puzzling riddles about professions).

Who will prescribe vitamins?

Who can cure a sore throat?

Don't cry during vaccinations -

He knows how to be treated... (doctor).

All products on display:

Vegetables, nuts, fruits.

Tomato and cucumber

Offers... (seller).

Teaches us politeness

Reads the story aloud.

Not a teacher, not a writer.

This is the nanny,... (teacher).

He puts the bricks in a row,

Builds a kindergarten for the children

Not a miner or a driver,

He will build a house for us... (builder).

Who is sailing on the ship

To an uncharted land?

He is cheerful and kind.

What's his name? (Sailor).

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook).

We get up very early

After all, our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning (driver).

You guys are so great! All the riddles were solved. Dunno, you see how many professions our children know. There are many professions in the world and each of them is interesting in its own way: some are associated with danger and adventure, others with helping people, some lead, some follow orders. But each of them is interesting in its own way, each has special mysterious moments that you just need to notice. Whether you are a doctor, teacher, builder or cook, there is always a mystery about your profession.

What great guys! But I don’t know who uses what items.

And our guys will now introduce you to these items. Guys, let’s play the game “Who needs these items?”, and you Dunno, watch and remember!

The teacher shows pictures with objects, the children name what profession they are needed for (pictures for the profession of seller, cook, driver, fireman, builder, sailor, seamstress).

Well done guys, you completed the task. Dunno, now have you found out what objects people of different professions use?

Yes, now I know what professions there are.

Guys, let's rest a little now, Dunno, join us.

With pleasure!

A physical education session will be held.

We've worked hard - let's rest.

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward,

Left, right, turn.

Bend over, stand up straight,

Raise your arms up and down.

Hands slowly lowered,

They brought smiles to everyone!

Well, we’ve rested, now we can continue playing, a ball game is being played “Who does what.” The teacher throws the ball and names a profession, the children catch the ball and list the actions (firefighter, cook, teacher, doctor).

Now I know what profession I will choose. Thank you guys for introducing me to different professions.

Dunno, we have another very interesting game called “Collect a picture”, guys, invite our guest to our game.

Make a picture (profession) from the parts. Children name a person's profession based on the picture they make. Each person, having a profession, works and performs certain actions. Today in class we talked about professions in order to learn even more about professions and better remember their names.

Thank you guys so much for the knowledge I received today.

Guys, what professions did we meet? (children's answers)

What do you want to become when you grow up? (children's answers)

Name it in one word: COOK, DOCTOR, TEACHER, BUILDER, SELLER - this is... (professions of people)

Did you like our lesson? (children's answers)

Target: to cultivate in children good feelings towards their peers, to develop friendly relationships (care, attention) between children in the process of role-playing games, to introduce the professions of a driver, conductor, doctor, salesman, hairdresser in the process of role-playing games.


  • Model of a bus made from chairs,
  • steering wheel,
  • cap with a bus emblem,
  • The conductor has a bag with tickets.

Preliminary work.

Conversations, reading stories, poems about the bus, driver, passengers. Looking at toys and illustrations.

Abstract of the educational activity “Our professions”
middle group
cognitive development

GCD move.

A bus is made from chairs, but there are fewer chairs than there are children on the bus. Several children are standing because they did not have enough space.

Educator: Children, today we will all go on a bus ride around our city. What is the name of our city?
Children's answers.

Educator: Let's get acquainted with the rules of behavior on the bus. You have already been on the bus with your parents. Do you know which door to enter on the bus? Going out?
Children's answers.

Educator: What are the people who ride on the bus called?
Children's answers.

Educator: You and I will be passengers, and Artem will be the driver, he will drive the bus. (I put the cap on his head.) Lena will be the conductor. I give her a bag with tickets. When passengers enter the bus, she gives tickets and keeps order on the bus/

Educator: So, driver, let's go!

(The driver starts the bus. The conductor hands out tickets to the passengers.) Conductor. Please give the ticket to Anya, Kolya, etc.
Children. Thank you.

(When the conductor gives everyone tickets, we all sing a verse of the song “Machine”) together.

The car, the car is moving, humming,
In the car, the driver is sitting in the car.
Beep beep, beep beep.

First stop - "Shop"

The children get off the bus. Kolya is the seller, Olya and Ksyusha are the buyers. Children politely approach the seller, buy “candy”, “cookies2”, thank them and get on the bus.

Second stop - "Hospital"

Doctor Lera, mother Angelina and her child get off the bus. The children act out a scene of “treating” the baby.

When we travel on the bus, we sing the second verse of the song “Machine”.

The car, the car is full of children,
The children went and looked out the window.
Beep beep, beep beep.

As soon as one of the passengers enters the bus, it moves on. Let's sing the 3rd verse of the song.

Car, car, you overtake everyone,
Car, car, turn right.
Beep beep, beep beep.

Third stop - "Barbershop"

The hairdresser is Alyosha, Dasha comes out with him. The scene of Dasha is played out. Please cut my son's hair.
(Alyosha imitates the actions of a hairdresser)
Dasha. Thank you.

A woman with a child (Angelina) gets on the bus. She needs to give up her seat and give her a ticket. She treated the child in the hospital and is now taking him to kindergarten. The bus is leaving.

Let's sing the 4th verse.

But here's a stop, who wants to get off,
We arrived, children, let's go for a walk.

Fourth stop - “Stadium” (gym)

I suggest that all children get off the bus and do physical exercise at the stadium. Keep track of which door they will go out through. The driver, conductor, woman and child remain on the bus.

Then all the children sit at the back door of the bus in their seats.

The driver starts the bus, we sing the last verse of the song.

Car, car, take us home
Car, car, here we come, stop!
Beep, beep, beep, beep.

Fifth stop - “Kindergarten”

Educator, So, children, today we rode the bus. We learned how to behave on a bus, became acquainted with the profession of a driver and conductor.

All the children get off the bus and go to kindergarten. There they continue to play the games “Shop”, “Family”, “Hospital” and others.

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