Still an unresolved issue. Identify the sentence in which merge is not spelled with a word. Main uses of negative particles

Incorrect and simply shameless questions can ruin relationships with others in one second. These are the questions you should never ask unless you want to be branded a prude and a weasel.

1. “Why are you still not married?” Do you think a girl will be pleased to hear such a question? If she still hasn't walked down the aisle, there's a good reason for that. And you don't need to know about them. Your sympathetic questions will only make things worse.

2. “How much do you earn?” Information about personal finances is no one's business. You are not the tax authority to ask such a question. A person can hide his earnings. And he has every right to do so. Not everyone advertises their wealth. And they do it right.

3. “Where did you find this terrible sweater?” Only a great couturier can say this. If asked. In other cases, asking such a question is simply uncivilized. A person buys what he likes, not you. It’s not a fact that you yourself are dressed normally.

4. “When will you have kids?” The question of childbirth has no equal in its shamelessness. Maybe a person does not want to have children at all, this is his inalienable right. Or he cannot do it due to health reasons. With your questions about children, you cut to the heart.

5. “How many men (or women) have you had?” Such a question, even addressed to a close friend, cannot be called polite. No one is obliged to share the secrets of their personal life with you. And one more thing: for what purpose are you interested? Why do you need this information? Probably to spread gossip later.

6. “Do you know that your ex has a new passion?” Maybe the person knows. But he doesn’t want to bring up the past. Why remind him once again of his past love? In general, such a question is asked for the purpose of provocation. See what reaction the victim will have.

7. “Have you tried going on a diet?” The question is asked in a sympathetic tone with sadness in the eyes. Like, look at yourself, you have already completely turned into a fat pig. Let the person decide for themselves whether they should go on a diet.

8. “Why do you need two higher education Indeed, why should a person study? You can easily go to work for pennies and not be interested in anything. Don't judge people by yourself. They will learn and develop as much as they see fit.

9. “How did you manage to marry him?” Such pitiful questions indicate that a person does not know where politeness lives. He allows himself to interfere in other people's family affairs. Although things are probably not going so smoothly with your spouse.

10. “Why do you disfigure yourself with tattoos?” The Constitution states that a person has complete freedom of action. He can do whatever he sees fit with his body. It is not necessary to obtain your permission. If a person likes tattoos, he will get them.

Never ask such questions to others. Or ask if you want to quarrel. Remember that a shameless question may receive a harsh answer.

Option 2


1) sheer (bad) luck 3) not at all (in)capable

2) a very (un)pleasant thing 4) (not) eating enough during the war

2. In what example is NOT written separately with the word?

1) (in)capable of work 3) extremely (un)considered decision

2) (not) to fall in love with a classmate 4) (not) to believe


1) (not) waiting

2) not at all (not) interesting story

3) (didn’t) finish playing the sonata

4) (in)exhaustible possibilities

4. In what example is NOT written separately with the word?

1) Their parents sat comfortably (not) far from the playing children.

2) Hair that had been (un)cut for a long time was in the way and got into my eyes.

3) His eyes looked straight and (immobile).

4) He had no reason to go there.

5. In what example is NOT written together with the word?

1) The motives for his action are by no means (not) noble.

2) The project is (not) agreed upon.

3) His (never) silent conscience was his faithful companion.

4) Fine, (imperceptible) dust settled on the windows.

6. In what example is NOT written together with the word?

1) He repeated the (un)heard words twice.

2) He was worried about a question that had not yet been resolved.

3) An (in)surmountable strip of land for fire separated the steppe from the fire.

4) The tasks assigned to us have not been (un)solved.

11. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that are NOT written separately?

The non-(1) incessant rain in a small (2) large provincial town, standing over a shallow (3) river, brought constant (4) melancholy to the visitor, who had not (5) managed to find a worthy occupation.

1) 3, 4, 4, 5 4) 5

12. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) Our janitor is (not) capable of hurting a fly.

2) Without friendship, no communication (has) meaning.

3) (Not) everyone is capable of noble deeds.

4) The (un)flattering review of Lisa’s abilities offended Petrov.

13. In which sentence is NOT written together with a word (or with words)?

1) Behave decently: you are (not) smarter and (not) better than those around you!

2) The fields were (not) mowed, the grain was (not) harvested; Not for a minute did the (non)stopping rains cause anxiety among the villagers.

3) The (un)hasty boy liked (leisurely) conversations with his father.

4) Is listening to your advice far from the best thing?

14. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that are NOT written separately?

Despite (1) despite the bad (2) weather, the strawberries were not (3) large, but sweet and not (4) usually bright, not (5) fragrant in Siberian style.

1) 2, 3 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 5 4) 5

15. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which NOT (NI) is written together?

I saw in Griboyedov an extraordinary person; an irresistible force was drawn to him, because he never (3) ever and never (4) thought to shine in front of anyone; his intolerant attitude towards flatterers and people-pleasers was evident in everything.

1) 1, 2, 3, 6 2) 1, 3, 6 3) 2, 3, 6 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

16. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) His (in)abilities helped him out, but his great perseverance.

2) The windows were (not) washed and open wide.

3) (No) where can Ilya Muromets expect help from!

4) Stepan was (not) accustomed to listening to women’s advice.

17. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which NOT (NI) is written together?

It was not a very (1) easy task: to dig up the roses that had not yet (2) blossomed and transplant them to a new place not (3) far from the house, where no one (5) would (5) break them in the first place.

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 2, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

18. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that are NOT written separately?

The student confusedly cited facts that were not (1) necessary for proof, made completely incorrect (2) conclusions, and made mistakes more than once, naming theories of famous scientists that never (4) existed.

1) 1, 3 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 3, 4

19. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The rider (reluctantly) got off his horse and approached the fire.

2) This backpack is not (not) heavy at all.

3) You are my song, not yet (un)sung.

4) He (not) was the first to start the fight.

20. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which NOT (NI) is written together?

In an un(1) ordinary, never (2) never-heard silence, an un(4) bright dawn arises; The pine trees stand motionless (5).

1) 1, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 4

21. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that are NOT written separately?

Timofey was not (1) not only not (2) happy about the appearance of the hunters - he immediately (3) immediately ordered that these dishonest (4) decent people should not be allowed (5) anywhere near the forest.

1) 1, 2, 5 2) 1, 4, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

22. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers whose places are NOT written separately?

The artist went on stage and, not (1) smiling at all, somehow awkwardly (2) tried to joke, but this unsuccessful (3) attempt caused confusion among the audience, who did not (5) want to listen and see such things.

1) 1, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 2, 3, 5 4) 2, 3, 4, 5

23. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which NOT (NI) is written separately?

I don’t (1) feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, I don’t (2) feel sorry for the soul of the lilac blossom, a red rowan fire is burning in the garden, but it can’t (3) warm anyone (4).

1) 1, 2, 3 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 4

24. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which NOT (NI) is written together?

The (1) intricate song of the lark, the (2) vast azure expanse of the sky, gave us an absolutely in (3) indescribable feeling of delight, in (4) indescribable joy: not (5) wanting to hold them, we ran down with joyful cries along the slope.

1) 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 3, 5 3) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

25. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) (It’s not) in vain that I was in such a hurry to come to you!

2) The spectators (not) although went to the exit.

3) If you are (not) sure that you are right, do not be stubborn.

4) Is dinner still (not) cooked?

26. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which NOT (NI) is written together?

Nothing (1) costs us so little and is (3) valued so dearly as politeness - the most essential (4) quality in communication.

Show answer

27. In which sentence is NOT (NI) written separately with the word?

1) The sounds came as if from nowhere.

2) The boy was dressed (not) like a villager.

3) My (un)beloved one waits for me at the window on dark evenings.

4) An (ill)thought-out decision can lead to big troubles.

Show answer

28. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) You have (not) bad taste.

2) He was a (not) angry, but picky person.

3) (Not) looking at anyone, the mother got up and left the room.

4) The (non-stop) applause touched the artist.

Show answer

29. In which sentence is NOT written together with the word?

1) The (un)seemly act of the student angered the teacher.

2) The hut is (not) red in its corners, but red in its pies.

3) The (not) planted Christmas tree began to wither and crumble.

4) The diploma has not yet been written.

Show answer

30. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) The letter I (un)read remained lying on the table.

2) (Un)imaginable delight was caused by the performance of the trapeze gymnasts.

3) Things were (not) going well for him.

4) During the war, many (did not) eat enough.

Show answer

31. Indicate the correct explanation for the spelling of the highlighted words.

I (N..) CAN (N..) STOP at Rembrandt’s painting “The Return of the Prodigal Son” - it immerses me in the smooth and powerful flow of its mood.

1) I can’t - a verb with a negative particle; neither stop - a verb with the particle nor, reinforcing the negation.

2) I can’t stop - neither-nor - a repeating conjunction connecting verbs.

3) I can’t - a verb with an intensifying particle nor, can’t stop - a verb with a negative particle.

4) I can’t help but stop - the particle is not in front of both verbs included in the combination, “double negative” has the meaning of an affirmation.

Show answer

32. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NOT is written?

The Baron (1) regretted (2) time, (3) money to search for the culprit of his disgrace, and (4) he (5) could think of nothing but revenge.

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33. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NI is written?

N (1) once I n (2) had to n (3) see, n (4) hear a black grouse talking.

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34. In which sentence is I (NI) written in place of a blank?

1) For friendly communication with local residents, a traveler needs no special wisdom.

2) The prospect of waiting for several hours in the stuffy hall of the airport terminal did not appeal to us at all.

3) Our city was not at all distinguished by its architectural sights.

4) N..spectacular appearance makes an actor an actor.

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35. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

Whenever n (1) comes to the reading room, n (2) when it is without visitors n (3) happens. Write down those who n(4) appear for the exam.

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36.In place of what number(s) is NI written?

The picture made no (1) comparable impression. I have been here n(3) times before.

Show answer

37. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

I didn’t (1) know, n(2) who would come for me from those who had arrived, n(3) that they would tell me something new. What kind of thoughts (4) came to mind!

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38. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

N(1) here, n(2) there n(3) one person spoke to him.

Show answer

39. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

In the forest, as n (1) in what n (2) happened, spring life continued. N(3) one person n(4) began to ask where to look for her.

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40. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

No matter how hot (1) it was, no matter how cold (2) it was, the work (3) stopped for a minute (4).

Show answer

41. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

You cannot (1) love your fatherland, no matter what it (2) is. What would (3) Petya see now, what would (5) surprise him.

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42. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

What n (1) ask, explain, teach, talk to her n (2) when n (3) gets bored. Where did he (4) turn!

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43. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

Wherever fate (1) would throw us and happiness would (2) lead us, we are still the same... Whoever (3) once (4) has been to the lower reaches of the Lefou River can (5) imagine that is happening there.

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44. In place of what number(s) is NI written?

No matter how Alexey (1) tried, he (2) could see on their faces n(3) joy, n(4) surprise.

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45. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) N.. once, out of boredom, he confided his dreams to me.

2) We can’t invite him.

3) Where did this general fight?

4) No matter how difficult the road is, it is necessary to move forward.

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46. ​​In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) No one else could perform this romance so magnificently.

2) Be that as it may, Kirill responded to my mocking remark completely seriously.

3) He is n.. alive n.. dead and rushes back.

4) What the frightened imagination imagines!

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47. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) In the forest, as if nothing had happened, spring life continues.

2) All these days I have never deviated from my system.

3) How sorry Levin was for crushing the grass, he drove into the meadow.

4) N.. are these results amazing?

Show answer

48. Which sentence should contain the continuous spelling NOT or NI?

1) Lisa did not dream of acting in films (never) when she was a schoolgirl, (never) when she studied at a theater school.

2) During his five years of service in the army, Ilya (did not) even rise to the rank of corporal.

3) We noticed that the conductor’s shirt was wrinkled and his shoes were (un)cleaned.

4) The young singer had good hearing, but a (un)produced voice.

Show answer

49. In which sentence is the letter E missing?

1) When I visit them, they immediately call me.

2) Makar returned in the evening.. alive and.. dead.

3) Whatever you say, the performance of the artists was wonderful.

4) Please, n.. words!

Show answer

50. In which sentence is the letter I missing?

1) Semyon came home in the evening as if nothing had happened.

2) Never once did he talk about the upcoming trip.

3) The son could not have known about his father’s illness.

4) Are you really sick?

1. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Autumn is here with (not) the end of the rain, the wetness of the rain, the longing for the evening .

The rain continued, but (not) strong, like in the morning, but weak, drizzling.

So the re-visor (not) appearing on stage alarms all the ordinary people.

The window in the kitchen was (not) behind-the-ve-she-but.

Answer: never ending

2. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Well-fed hunger (not) ra-zu-me.

In the (un)usually-veined quiet the dawn is not born.

(Not) receiving the next day from the ve-ta, he sent another letter.

For-da-cha (not)re-she-na.

At home he could no longer sit still.

Answer: extraordinary

3. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

This film is not (not) in-te-re-sen at all.

The rains (not) stop ruining all our plans.

At night he hardly (did not) sleep.

Only a person who (doesn’t) think about the benefits of the forest can do this.

Chintz is (not) expensive, but cheap.

Answer: continuous

4. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

He was a (un)known artist.

It often (doesn’t) take the decision to defend one’s beliefs.

I had to live through (in)describable horror.

There was (no) conscience, no kindness, no honesty in him.

No one (could) call him an evil man.

Answer: not enough

5. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Having (not) gotten over my nap, I was already fast asleep.

He had (quite) a few such people to meet.

The book (doesn't) have enough pages.

The story produced no (comparable) impression on me.

She, not having said anything, continued to look at the sky.

Answer: a lot

6. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The bridge over the river was (not) built this year.

The secret is (not) revealed.

We drove past a (not) wide mountain river.

For a long time, the (un)cut hair of a woman was getting into her eyes.

The (never) silent conscience was his faithful companion.

Answer: not wide

7. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Dunya (not) li-she-na-both-ya-niya.

Project (not) so-gla-so-van.

His question is still (un)resolved.

(Not) luck, but the sweaty work was the key to his success.

Answer: unsold

8. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

You (cannot) hold water in the sieve.

A healthy person learns from other people's mistakes, but a fool (doesn't) learn anything.

(Not) how many women walked along the river bank.

The rain (did not) stop.

Answer: several

9. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Un)clear speech is a cloudy mirror.

The portrait is (not) finished yet, but the fame of the talent-li-vom hu-dozh-ni-ke is quickly about-le-te-la the city.

They write (not) with a pen, but with their minds.

You (not) please everyone.

A wonderful, never-before-seen sight fascinates me.

Answer: unclear

10. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

All the houses have been (un)stuffed for a long time.

The mountains, not yet (not) illuminated by the sun, stood in the light-left sky.

It was (not) purchased, but its own gooseberry.

Answer: no one

11. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The earth, which had (not) seen rain for a long time, cracked.

The sun (not) you-but-si-mo burned.

The river, not yet covered in ice, gloomily poured out its leaden waters.

(There is) no one to ask when you yourself are vi-no-vat.

I (haven’t) been to my native town for a long time.

Answer: unbearable

12. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Lying down, you won’t (not) get enough bread.

It’s better to (not) pour salt than to over-pour it.

(Not) visible this year, not a single white pa-ru-sa.

Through the windows, still (not) closed for the night, the room was filled with a surprising amount of fresh air.

In the morning, nothing (is) like yesterday's storm.

Answer: undersalt

13. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Wouldn't) the thunderstorm in the village have left my impression.

(Not) speaking for a moment, the sound of thunder crushed us and kept us in a state of fear.

Words and words have (not) only a direct, but also a figurative meaning.

The windows were (not) behind the walls.

Le-be-di pla-va-li, (not) for me.

Answer: unforgettable

14. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Ba-bush-ka (not) dance-sa-la, but say-say-say-va-la something.

None of us (did) break it.

It was ti-shi-na, (not) na-ru-sha-e-may with a single sound.

Every person (more than) times remembers the day when he first crossed the threshold of the school.

Two not-de-presences in the mountains pro-le-te-li (not) for-me-but.

Answer: unnoticed

15. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

My eye still (not) sees the sun spreading a fan of pink rays across the sky.

Valen-tin walked with a (not) hasty, but decisive step.

Deep autumn dragged on, no longer (not) damp and rainy, but dry and windy.

There (was) no one around.

The foliage is hanging (not) moving.

Answer: slowly

16. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

People who have (not) been to the e-va-to-re cannot imagine winter rain.

As a child, Chekhov was (not) full of thoughts.

Andrey entered the still (un)lit hall of the hotel.

I (didn’t) want to go home.

Answer: inexhaustible

17. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The children went to the camp (not) quickly, but slowly, with long stops.

Stars (not) visible to the naked eye.

Walk past, (not) holding on, and rush past.

The field is (un)clearly white all around.

The after-dinner sleep (not) strengthens, but weakens.

Answer: unclear

18. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The water was noisy (not) silent.

The wind has come a long way, with dew still (not) dry.

To the right, above the le-si-sty-mi hill-ma-mi, a (un)mi-ga-yu-sha-y star shone.

The answer to the request is still (not) received.

Le-vin-son listened, (not) intervening.

Answer: unblinking

19. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Tolstoy's dissatisfaction with himself is part of his living soul.

The room is cold, damp and (un)comfortable.

For some time he sat (not) moving.

A warm wind is already blowing across the steppe, which has (not) had time to cool down overnight.

(There was) no one to talk to or talk to.

Answer: uncomfortable

20. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The huge crane shook so much as if it were (not) steel, but bam-boo.

The river ran along the (not) very high bank.

There's nothing else to talk to them about.

Nobody (not) called.

(Not) the place is beautiful, but the person is the place.

Answer: low

21. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The necessary book (not) about-chi-ta-na.

Kle-men-tyev left, (not) responding to our questions.

The hero turns out to be using (not) his strength and is dying.

The (un)spoken reproach shone in the eyes of Sophia Niko-la-ev-na.

A (not) sad, but cheerful melody sounded in the yard.

Answer: unspoken

22. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Despite the deep autumn, the days are warm and clear.

Were you (not) bored?

Ob-lo-mov is a child, but a (not) immoral egoist.

The bridge has not yet been built.

His sleepy face was (not) evil, but rather kind.

Answer: despite

23. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Only she’s (un)compressed, she’s thinking sad thoughts.

The publication (not) looked at the preparation of art-ti-sts.

Many questions are still (not) resolved.

We (didn't) have water.

Behind the forest there were (not) beyond, but only plowed fields.

Answer: perplexed | perplexed

24. Request 12 Definition of the preposition, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The iron roof, not (not) painted for a long time, is red from rust.

Gav-rik rushed forward with no fear of horror.

(Un)consciously, Olga stayed.

The joy of work is (not) comparable to any other joy.

We need (not) passive uses, but active ones.

Answer: perplexed

25. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Roman was thinking with anticipation that he would have to continue to live the (un)finished work yesterday.

In all the movements of the young fur, there was a feeling of some kind of (un)confidence.

In the thickened twilight the powers of people are no longer (not) visible.

The ex-pe-di-tion (should not) start work.

A March day with raindrops and sun was suddenly replaced by a cold, with all the (not) spring evening.

Answer: uncertainty

26. For-da-nie 12 Definition of the pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The presence of the Tre-tyakovsky Ga-le-ray left (not) beyond my impression.

Sergey had the chance to hear a lot of calls about this strange man, (not) doing him any honor.

The river is (not) frozen yet.

It was the (not) cheerful, laughing talk of spring, but barely audible, drowsy chatter.

They are sitting, not talking about anything.

Answer: unforgettable

27. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Thoughts about the (un)finished work yesterday made Mi-ha-i-la go faster.

The boy stubbornly shook his head and smoothed his (un)cut curls with his decisive movements.

Who (doesn’t) know the poems of Push-ki-na!

Not at all a different film after all.

There was not a single piece of glass in the windows.

Answer: uncut

28. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

There is a surprising amount of ti-shi-na standing all around.

In the humid air there was a (un)second smell of the approaching spring.

Not a single sunrise is similar to another.

(Not) waiting for my brother, I left.

He who (doesn’t) know the limits will boast in wealth.

Answer: unique

29. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Despite the complexity of the topic we are studying, we are trying to understand it as best as possible.

Today his words sounded (not) warm and sweet, as before, but cold and somehow alienated.

The blue sunshine peeked into the (un)hung window.

It had been a long time since he had breathed so easily.

The house stood in the middle of the steppe, with nothing in it.

Answer: despite

30. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The put-niks walked without notice all day, (not) feeling tired,

Published an essay on the social issue, pointing out the (in)justice

there's something in a row.

I (have) no reason to be angry with you.

She responded to him without being (at all) embarrassed.

He never (never) looks straight.

Answer: injustice

31. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The ancient garden in the morning looks like a fairy-tale forest with (un)like paths.

He walked broadly along the streets that were still (not) cleared of snow.

Convenience (not) for you to go to the fields.

There (haven’t) been much rain yet.

I'm (not) ready for class.

Answer: untrodden

32. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The moon is (not) pale, but transparent, like crystal-steel.

He (didn’t) receive any letters from anywhere.

(Not) explored places attract me, but the remote wilds.

The road is (un)even, but it is the shortest.

Cha-so-howl about-pu-steal them, (not) about-ve-riv pa-ro-la.

Answer: uneven

33. Request 12. In the Oprah there is a preposition in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Mal-chi-ki (doesn’t) recognize the forest.

(Not) the cauldron cooks, but the cook-poo-ha.

Friends have left, and there is no one to invite to visit.

The sun, still (un)hidden about-la-ka-mi, illuminates a gloomy yellow-lilac cloud.

He is somehow (not) like everyone else, quiet, affectionate.

Answer: no one

34. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The (not) bright flame in the fireplace illuminated the desk and the pictures on the walls.

(There is) no one to ask, everyone is silent.

It began to rain, (not) stopping in those hours.

I like (not) sewn, but knitted things more.

Answer: dim

35. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

In the outskirts of the village they live (not) at all.

Shadows lay on the snow, (untouched) by no one.

The (un)sold games were not sold.

Dunya (not) li-she-na-both-ya-niya.

Vasya never (never) aspired to fame.

Answer: unsold

36. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

There were (un)constant vi-no-grad-ki all around.

After all, you (don’t) know anything.

Answer: never ending

37. Request 12. In the Oprah there is a preposition in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The cat Ti-mo-fairy is (not) less than ten years old.

The air, which has not yet become hot, is pleasantly refreshing.

Nastya had (in)correct, but pleasant facial features.

No-barking fell into a heavy, (not) soul-satisfying sleep.

Answer: incorrect

38. Request 12. In Opra-de-li-those pre-lo-zhe-nie, in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED-NO. Open the brackets and write this word.

I came to work in an (un)explored place.

The roar of exploding shells came (not) before us.

No one (has) the right to refuse such a treat

There was (no) reason to call the soldiers.

Answer: unexplored

39. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Niko-lay Ser-ge-ich asserted that the prince was (not) capable of doing anything wrong.

Now (not) a slight dis-ease, and something similar to anxiety has overcome me.

There remains a box with pens that no one (not) needs.

What can you (not) hear when all the mat-ro-sy are huddled together in the cube.

The book tells a story about the fate of an (un)happy old woman.

Answer: unhappy

40. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

An old manor house on a (not) high hill.

There are some exercises that you (don’t) do.

Lake Sevan is (not) comparable to anything in terms of the beauty of nature’s creation.

Answer: low

41. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Mountains of (not) melting snow are thundering along the streets.

Almost thirty rivers and rivers flow into Sevan.

There is (not) enough water in these parts.

Artist this-year-nya (not) in the city.

Answer: unmelted

42. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

A. N. Tolstoy died before he could finish writing the novel “Peter I.”

A (not) easy, but worthy destiny awaits our hero.

War is (not) mi-ting.

(Not) whose meeting that day was memorable for me, but with everything else in a row.

Answer: not easy|not easy

43. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

I feel that (not) about-ho-di-mo re-me-thread the topic once.

To regret, for (not) re-she-na.

Your daughter is calling for you - there’s no way (not) to-call for you.

What (not) happened in those days.

This, sir, is none other than ka-pi-tan Ko-pei-kin.

Answer: necessary

44. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Not) said, but there was not a word.

There was no one to ask how to get to the concert hall.

Not noticed by anyone, Ivan quickly disappeared.

No-barking, completely (not) feeling the body, he began to roar, making himself more comfortable.

Answer: no one

45. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

It was necessary to move on (slowly).

Since the mid-19th century, Russian scientists (not) once or-ga-ni-zo-you-va-li ex-pe-di-tions on the vul-ka-ny Kam-chat- ki.

The hero’s (not) clear explanation is explained by the author in the last chapter.

(Not) everyone is able to behave at ease with people who know little of us naturally.

Our co-man-da (not) tr-ni-ro-va-la and pro-game-la.

Answer: unclear

46. ​​Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(No) why think about bad things: everything will be fine.

Gor-de-e-you lived in a house with bre-ven-cha-you-mi, still (not) things-ka-tu-ren-ny-mi walls-on-mi.

Beyond the steppe tu-man, neither fields nor forests are visible.

Ti-shi-na, (not) na-ru-sha-e-may no movement, no sound, especially ra-zi-tel-na.

The Tu-ri-sts walked (not) less than a kilo-meter.

Answer: no need

47. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Not) the blizzard covered a hundred horns with snow in those three days.

After the re-mont-ta, the room is still (not) in order.

(Not remembering evil, let us reward for good.

The (un)usual environment has come together.

(There is no) need to ask about what happened.

Answer: unusual

48. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

There was no month in the sky, and the stars were shining brightly.

Not until New Year (not) anymore.

Ba-bush, (not) despite his advanced age, he sees and hears clearly.

Seryozha (not) then-drinking re-turned the page.

It’s not at all (not) difficult to decide to study with anyone.

Answer: despite

49. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

The perishing garden and (un)seen love are two internal unrelated themes of the play.

The flower that has not yet (not) bloomed is particularly beautiful.

The location (doesn’t) count on such a number of people.

(Without) asking about anything, he understood everything.

Answer: failed

50. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Not) able to re-establish himself in life, Ba-zarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

The keys are still (not) found.

Pet-rov's house is (not) big, but very cozy.

Brother (didn’t) even please Misha with a glance.

The building is (not) built on time.

Answer: small

51. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Our companion turned out to be a silent, (not) once-talking person.

The birds are driven south (not) by the increasing cold, but by the lack of food.

More taller de-re-vya (not) you would have held the mo-ro-call.

The sun began to burn (not) so much, the days became noticeably shorter.

Which of us (not) loves nature!

Answer: taciturn

52. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

I didn’t want to think about the (un)promise you made yesterday.

The estate was surrounded by a (not) frequent but high fence.

There are three versts left, (not) more.

Out of the blue, you (don’t) even let me onto the porch.

Already since Christmas I (haven’t) had my own bread and flour.

Answer: infrequent

53. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

But did they search for this truth with everything (not) where their ideological opponents are?

Sofya Ni-ko-la-ev-na (not) very old during this time.

It was (not) easy for the reader at that time to understand the pro-speech assessments.

Buy-le-na (not) do-ro-gay, but cheap furniture.

Answer: not easy

54. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

This settlement is (not) marked on any map.

(Not) asleep from pain in his leg, Iva-ni-khin saw everything.

From-ve-you students were so (un)faithful and knocked down.

The door to the room was (not) closed.

Through the (not) drawn curtains a brightly lit room could be seen.

Answer: not closed

55. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Ivan Ivanovich listened to his son with a tense and (in)incomprehensibly smile.

The topic of co-chi-not-revelation (not) revealed.

Yes, there is a (not) clear plan for the development of the production of cri-ti-to-va-li in the ministry.

This place is (not) for-nya.

No (un)needed information.

Answer: perplexed

56. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

All this happened (not) long before we left.

Zhur-na-li-sty turned out to be (un)go-to-to-that-to-re-to-to-to-be-to-be-to-be.

On the co-rev-no-va-ni-yah in five-bo-ryu Anton po-ka-zal da-le-ko (not) the best result.

The areas across the river were (un)built.

Not a (un)known history.

Answer: shortly

57. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

His infuriating wound has been (not) long-lasting.

He, obviously, is not at all lazy.

He jumped (not) high, but low.

A (not) tall officer with a wide-eyed face entered the barracks.

The film tells about the fate of pro-vin-tsi-al-no-go, not-to-mu (not) from-vest-no-go mu-zy-kan-ta.

Answer: low

58. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

It was not at all a difficult task.

The road was (not) lit.

The partners offered a new contract on extremely (un) favorable terms.

(Not) watch-roar to the end.

The Japanese maps of this coastline were (not) similar to the maps of the European na-vi-ga-to-trenches.

Answer: unprofitable

59. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

They walked along another (not) beyond the field.

The lessons were (not) shortened.

The answer of another student also turned out to be (in)correct.

(Not) until the end of the work did not give Olesya peace.

On e-for-me-not (not) once-re-sha-et-sya use no-ka-ki-mi references and educational books mi.

Answer: incorrect

60. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

This is (not) happiness, but grief.

The rooks are chattering in the still (not) lion-shaded rye.

(In)long-lived ex-pe-di-tions were carried out in order to collect statistical information about the village NI.

Not only adults, but also children started dancing.

Some gi-ma-lay-peaks, yielding in their knowledge to Jo-mo-lung-me, were (not) taken by -pi-ni-sta-mi-love-bi-te-la-mi so far.

Answer: short

61. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

I was (not) happy about our meeting.

My companion cast a very (un)welcoming glance at me, but remained silent this time too.

I haven't made the (in)correct decision.

Forgive me, dear mother, I was (wrong) right.

The (un)harvested fields of rye have not yet been seen.

Answer: unfriendly

62. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

It was not at all (not) easy to get to the meeting with the lieutenant.

On the wall hung a Persian carpet with a rather (not) striking or-na-men-tom.

Alek-san-dru-zhe-la-li, so that every new day of his life would be (not) similar to the previous ones.

Masha played a pi-a-ni-but very beautiful melody (not) known to me com-po-zi-to-ra.

The table was (not) cleared.

Answer: unknown

63. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The bag was (not) light, but very heavy.

Alexander was very (un)thinking, but not very brave in his step.

Gri-go-ryev himself didn’t even know that he drank (not) like a friend.

The collection included several (un)known ba-bo-checks.

The plan was (not) complete.

Answer: thoughtless

64. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

It was not at all a well-thought-out story.

My (not) disgusting little guy didn't see anything.

Alexander (not) dis-as-married was just in time.

This year my va-rishch was clearly (not) happy about the company.

The barge was still (not) unloaded in the port for two weeks.

Answer: slow-witted

65. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

He ran (not) fast, but slowly.

A (un)busy person can never enjoy complete happiness.

Remnants of (un)dispersed snow are still visible in the fields.

Two days later there was a (not) easy conversation.

Mo-ti-you in his steps remained (not) in nya-you-mi.

Answer: misunderstood

66. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

These yes-so (un)ra-worthy events have made us feel bad.

Some strange feeling, hitherto (un)explored, suddenly grabbed hold of me.

I was (not) in agreement with the author of the article.

In the historical news, the stories tell about the deeds of the princes, their struggle with external -mi enemies and (not) skon-cha-e-my ras-spinners.

The room was completely (not) lit.

Answer: never ending

67. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

The Put-ni-ki walked without warning all day, (not) feeling tired.

The reasons for the migrations of these rare birds have not yet been (not) studied.

(Un)happiness ensures success in the field, and good knowledge of the subject.

Don in a place per-re-right-you are so (not) wide-ro-ky, only about so-ro-ka meters.

(Despite the pouring rain, the children feel great at the dacha.

Answer: despite

68. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

It was still (not) dry after the rain before it was all over the puddle.

The (un)pretentiousness makes the finale of the novel open.

(Un)treated in time, it can lead to serious complications.

The computer is (not) connected to the network.

His brother did not even please him with a reproach.

Answer: understatement

69. Request 12. Determine which letter, E or I, needs to be inserted in place of the blank. You write a word in which NO appears as a prefix and is written together.

In order (n..) to be left without an at-te-sta-ta, you need to pass the exam at all costs.

What (n..) ask, explain, teach, talk to her (n..) when (n..) get bored.

Frequent drops of rain fall on the wet ground, the sound of the wind (n..) sti-hal (n..) on mi-nu-tu.

No matter how we (n..) got old, we remained (n..) you are full of us.

(N..) one of us was (n..) able to prove that he was (n..) right.

Answer: never

70. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

This one has (not) decided to study.

Irina An-dre-ev-na go-vo-ri-la (not) loudly, but very expressively.

I was (un)prepared for this kind of situation and remained in disarray.

The (not) begging sounds of music until late at night about the proximity of the at-truck-tsi-o-nov park.

Of course, it was the (not) best thing ever.

Answer: quietly

71. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Dunya (not) li-she-na-both-ya-niya.

The games have not yet been (not) sold.

He was (not) ready for that time.

Even in the scorching heat in the (not) very breezy forest, you feel a living coolness.

(Don’t) hesitate a moment, you’re doing something together.

Answer: small

72. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

Our companion also (didn’t) sit idly by.

The put-ni-ki came to the still (un)grown edge of the ice bank.

And the young man even received money from him in advance, very (not) small money.

(Not) having waited for dinner, they went to bed.

The reason for the laughter was served by the (un)funny places of his pro-vision, and those grimaces that lined up behind him il Ka-ra-u-lov.

Answer: considerable

73. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

(Don't) promise the bug in the sky, give it to your hands.

You still turned out to be (wrong) right, Stepan Ilyich!

Rai-sky considered himself a very (not) old man.

Local na-se-le-nie raz-go-va-ri-va-lo in a (not) understandable language.

In his dreams, he discovered still (un)explored lands.

Answer: unclear

74. Request 12. Definition of a sentence in which NOT is written with the word COLLECTED. Open the brackets and write this word.

In the forest, as if nothing had happened, spring life continued.

They are trudging along the Volga on ar-bu-za-mi bar-ka-sy with (not) you-so-ki-bor-ta-mi.

In complete solitude, he stood with me, (not) deciding to move further.

She was already (not) glad that she had gone.

The place was completely (not) familiar to me.

Answer: low

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

(Un)sold out toys were discounted.

Dunya is (not) devoid of charm.

The project is (not) agreed upon.

He was worried about a question that had not yet been resolved.

(Un)luck, but hard work was the key to his success.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here's the correct spelling:

Unsold toys were discounted.

Dunya is not without charm.

The project has not been approved.

He was worried about a question that had not yet been resolved.

It was not luck, but hard work that was the key to his success.

Answer: UNSOLD.

Answer: unsold

Relevance: Used since 2015

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Integrated and separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech. Spelling NOT and NOR.

Rule: Task 13. Combined and separate spelling of NOT and NI with in different parts speeches

Spelling NOT and NOR.

According to the specification, a task of this type checks:

− the ability to distinguish a NOT particle from a NI particle;

− ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

− the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the conditions of tasks, depending on its goals, may vary significantly. At the same time, we also note that in typical Unified State Exam assignments(authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech is tested, and in the tasks of other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad) there are also tasks to choose from NOT or NOT. The editors of RESHUEGE also consider it necessary to expand the types of this task within the specifications of the current year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules by which spelling is checked are not studied in school course. Such rules are marked with *.

12.1 Combined and separate spelling of particles NOT and NI.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or is implied a contrast with names, adverbs and participles.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct opposition, in which one of the two features, called adjectives, is denied, and the second is affirmed, and opposition with a concessive shade of meaning, in which both features, called adjectives, are attributed to the subject, i.e. there is a opposition, but without negation .

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the attribute “deep” is denied and the attribute “shallow” is affirmed). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both attributes are affirmed: “both shallow and wide”; “although shallow, but wide”) .

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They walked not quickly, but slowly. Not a silent, but a growing rumble.
2) *With adjectives, adverbs starting with -o and participles, words starting with -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is strengthened by the words:

a) not at all, not at all, far from, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronominal words: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, no, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them negatives and amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is not at all stupid; It's no fun talking about it; Not at all embarrassed; She is not at all more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He's not my friend; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, not in any way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in any way; He is not at all more beautiful than his sister;

3) *With short adjectives that are not used in full form.3) not happy, should not, is not right, is not visible, does not intend, is not disposed, is not ready, is not obliged, is not needed, does not agree.
4) With full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for words of degree intensifiers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) Fields of rye that had not yet been harvested could be seen. Not a laughing, but a crying child.
4) *With verbal adjectives formed from imperfective transitive verbs using the suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case.4) The subject I didn’t like was to be taken this year.

This case requires further clarification. It is necessary to distinguish between spellings not with words in -my, formed from transitive verbs of the imperfect form: such words can be like passive participles present tense, and adjectives (in the first case, the spelling with is not separate, in the second - continuous). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Compare: a child not loved by the mother - unloved games in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement not inhibited by air - the side of the Moon invisible from Earth.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxable, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant and etc. Wed. their writing in the presence of explanatory words: a number indivisible by three, unforgettable meetings for us, through tears invisible to the world, records unthinkable in the recent past, indescribable in simple words feelings, unverified accounts for a long time, impassable dirt in the spring, indeclinable nouns in the Russian language, intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that... not that, not only, not above us.
6) *With adverbs and words of the state category

a) to a comparative extent

b) in the role of a predicate impersonal predicate

6) moved no louder, spoke no faster

I don't need it, she doesn't need it

7) in negative pronouns with a preposition with stress7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about anyone

12.2 Continuous spelling of NOT and NOR.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.A) Nouns: fable, tumbler, ignorance, ignorant, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, problems, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, unchrist;

b) adjectives and adverbs formed from them: careless, inconspicuous, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, unceasing, inseparable, unspeakable, never-ending, unceasing, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unfortunate, clumsy, intolerable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; careless, absurd, necessary, undoubtedly;

V) Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell, to be unwell, to be perplexed, to be unable to come, to be numb;

G) adverbs and other unchangeable words: unbearably, unbearably, unbearably, unknowingly, by chance, inadvertently, impossible, inadvertently, really, reluctantly; despite, despite (prepositions)

2) *NOT part of the prefix NEDO, which gives verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency compared to some norm.” The same rules also apply to participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The prefix UNDER- is often antonymous with the prefix OVER-: under-salt - over-salt, under-full - over-full, under-full - over-fill, under-over-transfer.2) The child really missed the care of his parents. During the war, children were UNDERFOODED and LACKED OF SLEEP. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own abilities, considering himself a genius, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs ending in -o, -e, when a new word, a new concept is formed, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) *In combination with adjectives and adverbs, words denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, very, extremely, clearly, quite (pretty much), sufficiently, blatantly, exclusively, extremely do not affect continuous or separate writing, therefore it is NOT written together.

For convenience of explanation, we call them strengths and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or *when dependent words are intensifiers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a completely rash decision.
6) *In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive verbs of the perfect form using the suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with the suffixes -em, -they should only be of the imperfect form, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, insurmountable, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-from-nowhere, no-no-nothing, no-time-never.

12.3. The particles NOT and NI differ in meaning:

To correctly select the particles NOT and NI, their semantic differences should be taken into account. Let's display them in tables.

Main uses of negative particles

The particle is NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother doesn't look like a liar.

It’s not the moon or the stars that interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a connotation of obligation (double negative):

He couldn't help but call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a drop of dew in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

You won't be able to catch up with the crazy three!

There will be no war or fire!

3) for emotional expression of prohibition, order, obligation:

No step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Aren't you my guest?

No matter how cold the frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to express uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor fowl.

5) in interrogative and exclamatory sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who hasn’t cursed the stationmasters, who hasn’t scolded them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we have become wiser?

With your condition, how can you not get married? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in subordinate clauses with a generalized intensifying meaning (with allied words: whoever.., whatever.., wherever.., etc.).

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won’t mince his words.

Complex cases of distinguishing between NEI and NOT

1.In subordinate clauses. Compare:
Does NOT express negation:

When my brother didn't come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses the statement with a touch of generality:

Whenever my brother came, he always brought excitement and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and not once. Compare:
Does not express negation:

Not one of us (that is, many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (i.e. many times) I had to meet a wild beast.

Neither expresses increased negation:

Neither of us (that is, no one) was up to the climb.

Not once (that is, never) have I encountered a wild animal.

3. In pronominal phrases. Compare:
Expressive phrases with NOT contain the meaning of hidden opposition and are used in affirmative sentences (cf.: no one else, but..)

None other than a woodpecker was knocking dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These turns are used in negative sentences and serve to strengthen the denial: no one... not; nothing is not:

No one else could have led us to the right path.

Nothing else but music captivated me so much.


Compound amplification turns with particle ni:

at all costs, no matter what, wherever, wherever, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling varies Not with verbal adjectives -my and with participles -my; if there are explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominate adjectives), the second ones are written separately, for example:

A) uninhabited since ancient times the island insoluble crystals in water, indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not my favorite mother child.

To adjectives on -my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible). These words apply general rules writing Not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and with explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in a short form (for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of writing adjectives separately with Not, if explanatory words are pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable the impression is that countries are not dependent on anyone, by no means insoluble crystals; This is a phenomenon neither from life nor from art irreparable. The exception is words that, without Not not used, for example: by no one invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unique experiment.


It is necessary to distinguish between spelling Not with words on -my, formed from imperfective transitive verbs: such words can be either passive present participles or adjectives (in the first case, spelled with Not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: not my favorite mother child - unloved in childhood, games (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant feature, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement, uninhibited by air - invisible from the Earth side of the Moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxed, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their writing with explanatory words: indivisible by three number, unforgettable for us to meet, through invisible tears to the world, unthinkable in the recent past records, indescribable in simple words of feeling, unverifiable accounts from a long time ago, impassable mud in the spring, unyielding in Russian nouns, intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

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