Disrespect for other people. What is respect, where does it come from and where does it go? Respect in relationships

Few people nowadays, especially representatives of the new generation, understand and especially feel what Respect is. Respect is the most important component of decent and comfortable relationships between people. This is also the basis for doing business in any field. In the highest business circles, worthy circles, respect is like air, without it it is impossible to achieve any goal.

In addition, Respect is a wonderful feeling that lives in a person’s heart and gives him an important component of happiness and dignity. It is respect that gives the feeling and state of Dignity, respect for oneself and other people. Read about all the higher Feelings.

What is Respect? Definition and rules

Respect is a form of communication and a motivated feeling.

Respect, as a form of communication - ethics, decent external behavior towards all people, is realized through impeccability - “Do not hurt the honor and dignity of others with neither a word, nor a look, nor a gesture.”

Respect, as a motivated feeling, is recognition of the merits and merits of other people (to be able to appreciate the best in people, their merits, to study them, to deepen the relationship).

Respect is the position of one person in relation to another, recognition of the merits of the individual. Respect dictates not to cause harm to another person, either physically or mentally. Respect is one of the most important requirements of ethics. In the moral consciousness of society, respect presupposes justice, equality of rights, attention to the interests of another person, his beliefs. Respect presupposes freedom and trust.

From Wikipedia

Conditions for Respect – personal qualities(ethics, self-management, ability to see the merits of others, recognize), acceptance of hierarchy(superior, inferior, equal), taking on roles(employee, student, friend, leader, etc.) and compliance with the rules of respect.

Basic rules of respect:

1. Communication, studying others - to understand, see advantages and disadvantages, etc.

2. Signs of attention - express your attitude (gratitude, compliments, etc.), congratulations, ethics, as if you were an elder (pass ahead, stand up, etc. - if appropriate). But without going overboard - without pathos, flattery (there should be sincerity at the core).

3. Attitude towards superiors - attentiveness and courtesy: when making comments - apologize, do not make excuses, thank, defend authority - do not allow slander, stop insults, etc., do not create problems for others (do not set up, do not let down those who rely on you and etc.).

“Never make friends with a man whom you cannot respect” Charles Darwin

Disrespect for others is a sign of pride and arrogance, an indicator of a person’s inadequate self-esteem and lack of goodwill. Inadequacy is not determined by the ability of such a person to fairly evaluate and recognize his merits, value him and treat him in accordance with how he deserves it (according to his achievements and merits).

Read about what Friendship is.

Respect for others determines the effectiveness and comfort of relationships between people, doing business, obtaining information, and creates the best conditions for development and self-realization.

The feeling of respect is a very pleasant feeling in itself and it is a protector of the feeling of Love. Love without respect cannot live long.

A Helpful Guide to the Concept of Respect: what is respect, definition, types and examples. Why is respect so important? Get interesting and useful tips about how to learn respect yourself and teach it to others. What to do when you are not respected? How to respect others? How does respect show itself? What is self-esteem? How to respect yourself? In this article we will answer all your questions, and if you still have any, you can ask them in the comments to this material.

What is respect? Concept and definition

Respect is a very important component of both personal identity and interpersonal relationships. Feeling respected is, one might say, a basic human right. Lack of respect is so important that it can lead to broken relationships and even violence.

The word "respect" comes from Latin respectus, which means “attention,” “respect,” “protection.” Respect can be defined as “deference and special appreciation of someone or something based on recognition of merit, merit, or excellence.”

Respect is a concept that refers to the ability to value and honor another person, their words and actions, even if we do not share or approve of their actions. Respect is accepting a person as he is without trying to change him. Respect means not judging another for their actions, behavior or thinking. Do not reproach and do not expect things to be different.

1. Stay calm and don't shout

If you want to teach respect, it is important to lead by example and always speak in a calm tone. Yelling at someone is also disrespectful. Although your children's behavior may frustrate you at certain times, try not to yell.

2. Avoid using insults and negative labels.

Telling a child “you’re bad” or “you’re stupid” not only harms his self-esteem, but also promotes disrespect towards you. Therefore, when a child behaves badly, it is better to tell him: “You did bad.” In this case, it is necessary to focus specifically on the action, the deed, and not judge the child. Find out what it is and how we influence children without even realizing it.

3. Understand the reason for the lack of respect

When your child is disrespectful, try to understand why he did it and help him explore his feelings. For example, if your child tells you that you are “bad,” ask, “Why do you say that? Are you angry, hurt, or sad?” Think about why the child is in this state and clarify: “Are you angry (offended, sad, etc.) because of this?” You need to show understanding and explain to the child that his feelings do not mean that this or that person is bad, and that hurting and offending others is not the way to solve problems. As soon as the child realizes this, you can begin to discuss with him how you can cope with his anger or resentment.

4. Respect your child

Respect his tastes and preferences. Don't force him to do something he doesn't want to do, just like you wouldn't force an adult. Offer, encourage, advise, but don’t force. If your child has his own way, allow him to do so. Don't try to take complete control of your children's behavior or preferences. Respect their opinion and let them make their own decisions.

When we accept children's actions and actions, they feel heard and respected. And they learn through experience how to relate to others who have different points of view, and how to respect other people despite their differences.

5. Don't allow yourself to be disrespected.

Never allow anyone, including children, to disrespect you. Be an example yourself. Don't let anyone take advantage of you or not accept you for who you are.

6. Set boundaries

When teaching children respect, it is important to clearly define for them the boundaries of what is right and what is wrong. If a child behaves disrespectfully, draw his attention to this - calmly, without shouting, as we already talked about this earlier. And explain to him the consequences of his behavior: other people will treat him the same way, or stop paying attention, or get angry. However, if the child is too agitated, it is best to wait until he calms down or even help him calm down.

7. Apologize if you're wrong.

How to teach children respect? When you make a mistake or don't do what you promised, or are too harsh on your child, it is very important to apologize to him. By doing this, we not only teach him modesty and the importance of asking for forgiveness, but also show him respect.

8. Praise your child when he shows respect.

It is important that the child understands that he acted well and respectfully. Praise him for this, because then there is a high probability that he will do this in the future.

In the next video you will learn about why it is important to show respect, and not tolerance or tolerance, since tolerance implies in this case a position of superiority over another person.

What should I do if I feel like I'm not respected? Lack of respect

Do you think that others don't respect you and take advantage of you? We'll give you some tips on how to deal with disrespect.

1. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

It's a pretty cliché statement, but it's true. If you want to be respected, start by respecting others. People tend to be reciprocal in relationships.

2. Respect yourself

Lack of respect? Others will respect you if you respect yourself. Become your own priority.

3. Use body language

Body language is extremely important because it helps convey a lot of information. Although it is also true that often the information transmitted by the body contradicts what we say. Therefore, if you express your opinion quietly and at the same time your voice is trembling, and your hands are in a closed position, then most likely no one will pay attention to your opinion. And vice versa, when we speak loudly and confidently, looking the interlocutor straight in the eyes, then most likely your opinion will be respected.

4. Communicate correctly

8. Develop your assertiveness

Assertiveness is a person’s ability not to depend on external influences and assessments, to independently regulate their own behavior and be responsible for it. It is a way to protect your rights while respecting the rights of others. Assertiveness helps us increase our self-esteem and self-esteem, and also help us avoid situations in which we allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. To do this, it is important to learn to voice your position when you don’t like or want something.

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Learn self-respect

As you already know, it is very difficult to gain respect from other people without respecting yourself.

  • Value your education and your academic achievements. If you have not received a good education, then value your life experience and knowledge.
  • Respect your body and listen to it. Take care of it, exercise and eat right to keep it healthy. Find out, .
  • Listen to yourself, your needs, and fulfill them. Whether it's relaxation, relaxation or entertainment.
  • Learn the assertive behavior mentioned above.
  • Move away from toxic people and those with whom you feel uncomfortable. If this is not possible, then find out.
  • Set yourself goals in life and work towards achieving them.

How do we respect others? Examples of showing respect

How do we show respect to others?

How do we show respect to others?

  1. Listening and hearing the other person.
  2. By showing, putting yourself in the place of another person and understanding him.
  3. Using assertive communication, in other words, we defend our rights while respecting the rights of others, in a mannered and non-aggressive manner.
  4. Understanding that our reasoning, ideas, thoughts and points of view may differ from other people, and none of us are wrong. Absolute truth does not exist.
  5. Apologizing for the mistakes we have made.
  6. Keeping other people's secrets.
  7. Complying with and respecting laws and regulations.
  8. Protecting nature, the environment and public places.
  9. Being interested in the condition of other people, asking how they are doing, how they feel.
  10. Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of others.
  11. Respecting the property and things of other people, not taking without asking what does not belong to us.
  12. Respecting personal space.
  13. By connecting with others rather than excluding them from your social circle.
  14. Helping others when we can really help.
  15. Thanks to those around me.

Types of respect with examples

There are various types of respect. The most important are: self-respect or respect for oneself, respect for others, for social norms, for nature, values, laws and rules, culture and family.

Respect means being tolerant, not discriminating, and avoiding actions that might offend others. Some examples from Everyday life: say hello or talk kindly and respectfully, give up your seat in transport or in public places, let someone go ahead, treat others the way you would like to be treated, etc.

  • Self-esteem: This type of respect refers to the ability to respect and value oneself. Accept yourself for who you are, not paying attention to other people's opinions.
  • Respect towards others: This type of respect refers to acceptance and tolerance towards other people despite existing differences between them or differences in thinking. An example of such respect is: respect for parents, equal respect for men and women, teachers and teachers, older people, the religious beliefs of others, respect for people with a different sexual orientation (gays, lesbians, transsexuals, bisexuals, etc.), respect for classmates, work colleagues, etc.
  • Respect for social norms: This type of respect refers to the ability to respect existing norms in society. Some examples of such respect are: politeness; adherence to work schedules; respect for other people's things. We also show this type of respect when we give others the opportunity to speak and listen to them, when we respect other people's opinions.
  • Respect for nature: This type respect relates to environment(animals, plants, rivers, forests, etc.). When we respect nature, we do not throw garbage in the river, forest, field, do not tear up plants and do not harm nature, use water wisely, do not harm animals and insects, use vehicles, causing minimal damage to nature, etc.
  • Respect for family: This type of respect allows us to understand and respect our loved ones and to follow the norms of living together.
  • Respect for values: This type of respect refers to our ability to respect our own principles.
  • Respect for culture: It is about the ability to recognize that other religions and beliefs exist and respect them. An example of this type of respect: do not impose your opinion and avoid judging other people.
  • Respect for patriotic symbols: This type of respect refers to the ability to respect and appreciate the symbols of a nation. For example, its anthem, flag.
  • Respect for human life: We are talking about the ability to comply with legal norms, respect laws, etc.

What do you think about respect? How important is the problem of lack of respect or self-esteem for you? Share your point of view with us in the comments to this article.

Translated from Spanish by Anna Inozemtseva

IN modern state respect for the dignity, rights and freedoms of the individual is one of the key elements of society, according to which there should be no intolerance towards, regardless of their origin, lifestyle and other distinctive features. Nevertheless, a person identifies for himself a separate circle of people worthy of respect, adhering to his own opinion.

Respect for a person most often arises when he has certain positive qualities, for example, he always tells the truth, has no bad habits, leads healthy image life and plays sports, is smart and makes good money, while occupying a prominent position in society. Thus, if a person has several positive qualities at once, simple respect for him can develop into admiration for him and even adoration. Such people are often valued by those who would like to be like them in some way.

A person’s actions can also cause others to respect him. IN modern society Those people who help others are especially valued and do not stand aside if an unpleasant situation happens to someone.

The role of mutual respect in society

With each other, as a rule, those people who have something in common. For example, members of the work team, as well as students educational institutions, most often being on good terms, listen to each other’s opinions, show politeness and every respect. At the same time, for example, athletes from the same section, party members, housemates and others treat each other in the same way. However, it should be remembered that every person deserves to be respected regardless of his appearance, character or actions. Failure to comply with this leads to an increase in selfishness and other negative aspects of people.

To earn respect, it is important not to turn away from people and try to show your best side in all situations - at school, work, among friends and with family.

An unpleasant but quite common fact in modern society is respect for those who belong to the same nationality, culture, and even skin color. Other people are not respected and even despised. All this gives rise to such phenomena as nationalism and racism, and becomes the cause of all kinds of crimes and even wars. Society is actively fighting this problem, but it is still widespread throughout the world.

Why do we respect other people? Why is it so important to be respectful to elders? Or what lies behind the feeling of patriotism? There are countless questions like this, and it would seem that any adult can answer them. But in reality, most are lost in their answers. And all because they cannot understand the full depth of the word “respect”.

That's why it's so important to understand this. After all, respect is a feeling of reverence that is vital for the existence of society. Without it, it is impossible to build normal relationships, much less create a full-fledged family.


Let's start with what respect is. The essence of this feeling is quite difficult to convey in simple words, however, like any other manifestation of humanity. And yet it is possible to express the main idea.

So, respect is a respectful attitude towards a person, a natural phenomenon, a deity or a homeland. In order for this feeling to arise, the object of respect must have a certain set of qualities.

Respect is a fickle feeling; it can arise and then fade away again. Everything depends on the moral and ethical values ​​of a person, which, as we know, can change over time. Therefore, by instilling these values ​​in an individual, one can influence his sense of respect for others.

Why is it so important to respect others?

To answer this question, let's give a simple example. Let's say there are two brothers: one is kind, friendly and treats others with respect; the second, on the contrary, looks down on everyone and considers himself the center of the universe. Who do you think is more likely to make real friends? Which of them is capable of sincere love?

Respect is the right way find mutual language with other people, to show that they are not indifferent to the interlocutor. Moreover, if the opponent feels that he is being treated with sincere respect, he himself will most likely respond in kind.

To sum it up, we can say that respect is key element in building relationships, both love and friendship.

Moral and ethical standards in society

In modern society there are foundations that, although not spelled out in legislation, are still generally accepted rules. Compliance with them is extremely important, otherwise you can turn the opinions of others against yourself. Such rules include moral and ethical standards, for example, politeness, restraint, neatness, and so on.

According to these unspoken laws, there are categories of people who should be treated with respect, regardless of whether they are familiar or not. So, let's give an example of such categories of people:

  • Elderly. Considering their age and the number of tests they have undergone, respect for them is quite justified.
  • Women. All of them are expectant mothers, and therefore require respectful respect.
  • Parents. The very fact that they gave life cannot but inspire respect.
  • Teachers. Thanks to their work, many gain knowledge that can help them achieve their goals.
  • Colleagues. It’s a completely understandable choice, because you’ll have to work with these people for more than one year. Therefore, it is much easier when they are in the category of friends rather than putting a spoke in their wheels.

Respect for the Fatherland: its role in the formation of patriotism

Homeland is not just six letters in one word. This is what unites everyone and makes us one big family. Love for the Motherland is called patriotism. But here’s the question: “Can he exist on love alone?” No, in order for patriotism not to dry out over the years, it must be constantly fueled by other feelings: pride, respect, gratitude.

Only by realizing all the beauty of your country, its features and shortcomings, can you become a patriot. And as mentioned earlier, respect is recognition of the merits of someone or something; accordingly, without it it is impossible to cultivate true patriotism.

Respect must be taught from childhood

The easiest way to instill respect for others is in childhood. Therefore, in most cases, this responsibility falls on the shoulders of parents, as well as teachers. They are the ones who must explain to the younger generation why this or that person should be respected.

Children should be taught from an early age that they need to listen to their elders and fulfill their demands. After all, their life experience is much greater, therefore, their advice can be useful. They should also be reminded that each person is an individual, and therefore needs to be treated with respect.

In general, respect for human rights is an established norm for everyone. Therefore, you should teach this to your children or pupils. Otherwise, they may have problems communicating with other people in the future.

Finally, we need to talk about such a phenomenon as self-esteem. After all, how can people respect someone who does not consider himself equal to them? Therefore, you need to explain to the child that he is the same as everyone else. What's inside him is much more important than what he wears or what house he lives in.

​​​​​​Respect is recognition of high status, respectful attitude towards someone or something, based on real recognition of merits, merits, personal qualities, unique characteristics.

To truly admit means to admit not because you are weak and were forced, but freely, from the position of the strong. The ability to respect is associated with the development of a third position of perception, an objective view of the situation.

The question of respect for a child is not simple, since respect is earned through real achievements. Then what is right: to give a child respect in advance - or to respect him only when he has earned it? This father’s opinion is worthy of respect: If my son is busy with something, then why on earth should he drop everything and run to the call of his mom or dad? Would you run yourself if they called you like that? Are you inviting an adult to come to you in the same way? Or first ask if he can come over now? Therefore, if my son is busy with something, I always ask if he can come to me... See →

Respect involves seeing another person as a subject, and training, rather, as an object. This is the basis for a fairly widespread protest against the use of training methods on close, respected and loved people. The protest is generally correct, clarification is needed in details, if only because there is a fact: it is talented trainers who have very strong, close and sincere relationships with loved ones. It seems that training does not exclude love and respect, and if used skillfully, it can help them. Cm.

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