New direction: innovation. Innovation: what kind of profession is it and where is it in demand? Innovation what kind of profession, who to work for?


Bachelors of this direction will be able to:

  • create and coordinate the production process of innovative products;
  • provide support for the project implementation process at the planning and control stage;
  • competently distribute and check the efficiency of use of technological and production resources;
  • organize commissioning and acceptance testing;
  • work on the project at designated stages, based on compliance with the quality and requirements of the new product;
  • carry out technological audit;
  • prepare information in the field of innovative products, processes and technologies;
  • carry out adjustment of production processes and organize events to promote an innovative product, as well as provide its technical support and service;
  • create conditions that ensure the protection and safety of intellectual property;
  • prepare for negotiations with potential partners by developing special tools and materials;
  • assess the profitability of the project, including the costs of marketing activities and collecting information about competitors;
  • conduct logical-structural analysis;
  • Before introducing a new product to the market, collect and study patent, legal and commercial information.

Who to work with

Specialists will be able to become logistics specialists, marketers, innovation and risk assessment managers. Graduates are also employed as specialists in innovation and innovation project management. The amount of knowledge gained is enough to perform the functions of a financier or economist. The undisputed leader among the places where recent graduates send their resumes are research centers and complexes whose priority is the implementation of innovative activities. An investment specialist in the relevant departments of banking structures is also a very popular position.

For creative, versatile and inventive people, this is the most interesting and useful specialty among modern engineering and economic specialties and areas.

A typical example of an “innovator” is Steve Jobs. After all, it is generally accepted that he was not a high-level technical specialist (at that time Steve Wozniak did all the work for him). On the other hand, Steve Jobs was not a professional designer - he only proposed concepts that were implemented for him by specialists. Thirdly, he was neither an economist nor a marketer - nevertheless, despite this, sales of iPods and iPhones were accompanied by explosive growth. The reason for Jobs's success is that he was a versatile specialist, the most famous "innovator." However, he was like that at his core. And now similar skills and abilities can be obtained at a university.

A similar outstanding personality at the moment, an Innovator with a capital I, is Elon Musk. Electric cars, private spaceships, ground hypertransport, new sources of energy - all this is the embodiment of his ideas. Sometimes it is called the prototype of "Iron Man" from the film of the same name. Previously, such people were Archimedes, Leonardo DaVinci, Tesla - versatile inventors who were not only interested in science and made discoveries, but also were able to translate them into results.

The "Innovation" direction includes both the engineering and technological part and the marketing and economic part. A graduate can work well as an engineer at an industrial enterprise, as well as a marketer, advertiser, or economist. Engineering and technical disciplines include the basics of working with measuring instruments, materials, preparation of drawings, computer knowledge and skills, computer networks, mobile technologies, information security. The economic part includes marketing, PR, advertising, risk management, logistics, etc.

The Northern Branch of RGUITP, a branch of the Moscow Innovation University, located in Veliky Novgorod, was one of the first in the country to begin training students in innovation management. Nowadays, a huge amount of experience has been gained, excellent teaching aids, materials, and lectures have been prepared. Until 2013, training was conducted only face-to-face. However, a huge number of requests from those wishing to study gave rise to the opening of a correspondence course in Innovatics. In the future - completely distance education, built on the basis of innovative “live presence” technologies. It is also possible that a significant part of the materials will be made publicly available. Many materials are already available on the website.

In modern conditions, enterprises of all types of ownership are required to take action to transition to innovative development mechanisms. This requirement is dictated by the market and is subject to special control by the government of the Republic of Belarus.

However, there are practically no specialists who fully understand all aspects of such work. Experience shows that graduates of engineering and economics are not always sufficiently trained specialists in related fields: engineers in the field of management, and managers in engineering sciences. An exception is a bachelor's degree in Innovation.

A graduate of this educational direction will be trained as a specialist engineer and as a specialist manager, that is, both as a “technician” and as a “manager.” In its preparation, knowledge from different fields “intersects”, forming, first of all, skills in solving engineering problems, as well as everything that is required to know for the commercialization and practical implementation of innovations and inventions in production.

He will be able to analyze the efficiency of the enterprise and identify problems that require solutions, search for possible solutions and generate new ideas, ensure the formation of optimal projects and manage their implementation in production, assess possible risks along the way of project implementation and minimize them, and thereby ensure economic growth of your enterprise.

It will be able to adapt to all types of activities based on system analysis, modeling, automated control and other types of information and computer technologies.

This amount of knowledge and skills is in great demand today in the labor market and provides special competitive advantages over other economic specialties.

Almost every organization, firm or enterprise in any industry and in any region of the country solves the problems of changes and improvements, which create a competitive advantage for them in the market and allow them to maintain a leadership position in the economy. Assessing the attractiveness and merits of an idea, determining the optimal ways to implement it, attracting interested investors and, bypassing all kinds of risks, turning innovations into a successful business - this is the art and skill of an innovator!

Graduates of the specialty “Innovation” can work at manufacturing enterprises, business enterprises, research, design and design organizations, engineering centers, insurance companies, banks, and government agencies. At an industrial enterprise, these are one of the main assistants to the managers of the enterprise, and in the future - the main specialists or managers of the enterprise or company.

Assigned qualification

Qualification – Bachelor. Direction of training "Innovation"

Positions held

  • project manager;
  • business planner;
  • Technical Director;
  • supervisor

Universities that offer this specialty

ATTENTION! When calculating passing scores, the score of the certificate is not taken into account (Russian admission rules)

Graduates of this specialty receive a diploma Russian model, since training is carried out at the expense of the Russian budget and according to Russian educational programs. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus can apply for this specialty on equal terms with citizens of Russia. Free training.

The question that every student involved in innovation probably had to answer is: “What kind of profession is this and where is it in demand?” The term “innovation”, meaning innovation, is known to many. But not everyone knows that there is a specialty with a similar name on the labor market. The emergence of new professions in the field of innovative technologies is directly related to the development of science and technology.

What is innovation

The ultimate goal of each direction of research is the application of the achieved result. Applied science, developing unique technologies or inventing new ways to control the forces of nature, focuses on their practical application. People who choose the specialty “Innovation” implement newly acquired scientific achievements into life.

This requires serious theoretical knowledge:

  • Methods of searching, storing, processing and providing information.
  • Legislation protecting copyright.
  • Theories for solving inventive problems (TRIZ).
  • Methods for performing a patent search.
  • Digitizing and editing images.
  • Innovation management.

When applying scientific discoveries in practice in various sectors of life, an innovation specialist must have at least a basic understanding of the intellectual products that he is promoting.

The main skills acquired during study and practical work are the ability to guess what products are in demand on the innovation market, find promotion methods, sources of financing, calculate expected liquidity and assess possible risks.

Social innovation

In the public sphere, problems regularly arise that cannot be dealt with by traditional methods. They give impetus to the search for more advanced forms of organizing the social system of the state. Relatively recently, a new scientific direction has emerged - social innovation.

She is engaged in applying the latest algorithms to solve real problems in all areas of the social system: medicine, education, pensions and social security. Examples include centers that work with people with disabilities using unique techniques or the creation of a non-state pension fund that uses non-standard schemes for paying lifelong maintenance to clients.

Economic innovation

Unlike social innovation, where managers often carry out non-profit projects, economic innovation promotes scientific and technological developments that should:

  • Possess fundamental novelty.
  • Be in demand on the market.
  • Bring profit to the manufacturer.

Specialists in the field of economic innovation are engaged in:

  • Introduction of new products.
  • Modernization of existing production using the latest technologies.
  • Reducing costs by promoting new management methods.

The main goal of economic innovation is to accelerate industrial development, create new markets, and strengthen beneficial competition.

Profession of innovation manager: requirements, advantages, problems

The professional standard for innovation managers approved in 2004 lists the main tasks of these employees:

  • Planning and implementation of activities to promote a new product.
  • Collection of patent and legal information.
  • Interaction with partners in the investment market.

The advantage of the new profession is that investment projects are usually launched by large, steadily growing companies. Working there is highly paid, prestigious and provides opportunities for career growth. By gaining experience, you can become a serious expert in the field of innovative technologies.

The disadvantages that need to be taken into account during the career guidance process include the presence of risks that create psychological stress. The need to constantly come up with new ideas and develop non-standard solutions can lead to professional burnout.

Innovation managers in Russia are not in great demand right now.

This is explained by the fact that there are few enterprises in the country capable of financing serious development areas. During an economic downturn, when cutting costs, managers of enterprises and organizations begin, unfortunately, by curtailing innovative projects.

Who and where can graduates of the specialty “Innovation” work?

Innovation managers can work in their chosen specialty in government agencies, research institutes, business incubators, technology parks, and scientific communities. In the commercial sphere, they are required by consulting firms, design bureaus, venture funds and associations.

Innovation specialists are engaged in the implementation of advanced achievements in many areas. At universities they receive basic training in various professions in order to have a good understanding of the sector of the economy in which they will conduct innovative work. Here is an incomplete list of positions for which such graduates can apply:

  • Marketer.
  • Logistician
  • Production Manager.
  • Engineer-economist.
  • Financial Controller.
  • Patent specialist
  • Entrepreneur.

After completing a bachelor's degree in Innovation, graduates receive diplomas in 65 professions.

Possible career growth and prospects

An innovation manager can eventually rise to the position of leader or become a project manager. An innovation specialist who has practical experience and is the author of several successful projects is highly valued on the labor market. He may be offered the positions of department head, development director, or executive director.

Working in government agencies, you can become the head of the relevant department dealing with innovation and solve issues of development of a city, region or entire country.

Salary level in innovation

The average salary in Russia for the specialty “Innovation Project Manager” has halved over the past 12 months from 100 thousand rubles. in January 2017 up to 50 thousand rubles. by the beginning of 2018. This is due to the curtailment of innovative projects due to the crisis in the economy.

Vacancies are unevenly distributed throughout Russia.

Moscow and the Moscow region offer 40% of the available unoccupied places in the country, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region - 14.5%, followed by the Yaroslavl, Tula, Samara regions.

In Moscow, specialists in the field of innovation are offered from 40 to 150 thousand rubles, depending on experience and qualifications. per month. The average for Russia is from 25 to 120 thousand rubles. In terms of salary level, the professions that are closest to each other are web project manager (on average 50 thousand rubles), assistant project manager (35 thousand rubles), and project support manager (30 thousand rubles).

Where to get a specialty: largest universities, main disciplines

Good preparation for conducting innovative projects in the field of technology and exact sciences is obtained in the following educational institutions:

  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  • MSTU.
  • MIPT – Faculty of Innovation and High Technologies.

To work in the field of management of government agencies and business, specialists are trained at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Institute of Innovation and Logistics at the State University of Management. In total, sixty-six universities across the country train innovators in many cities.

In addition to the basic blocks of subjects, general professional training is provided in the following disciplines:

  • Introduction to innovation.
  • System analysis and decision making.
  • Business Basics.
  • Creative thinking and algorithms for solving non-standard problems.
  • Marketing of innovations.
  • Other disciplines in accordance with the specifics of the university.

Many engineers and managers working in production enroll in master's programs to receive additional higher education in the innovation field. This will allow them to professionally implement scientific achievements in their organizations.

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