Novosibirsk Art College. Novosibirsk State Art School (college). In one of the highlighted words below, an error was made in the formation of the word form

In 2016, the state autonomous professional educational institution of the Novosibirsk region “Novosibirsk State Art School (College)” celebrated its 25th anniversary.

During this time, the identity of the art school was determined, new forms were actively mastered, a methodology was formed and its effectiveness was proven not in words, but in deeds. The high professionalism and creative potential of the teachers of the art school determined the high-quality level of education of students.

The history of the Novosibirsk State Art School begins in 1984, when the art department was opened at the Novosibirsk Music School. The initiator of the opening of the department was the monumental artist, Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Sergeevich Chernobrovtsev. Anatoly Georgievich Kryukov became the head of the department. The first teachers were: A.S. Chernobrovtsev, N.V. Oleshko, V.D. Krechetov, V.M. Grankin, L.V. Belyanskaya, I.V. Sokol, A.G. Kryukov, M.I. Krakhmalev, A.P. Pautova, V.V. Bushkov, A.N. Nikolsky, V.V. Drevin, S.E. Bulatov, N.I. Zinchenko, S.M. Menshikov and others. In 1988, the first graduate of the “Artistic Design” department took place, and in the same year the first enrollment was made for the “Painting” department. In 1990, the “Theater and Decoration” department was opened under the leadership of the famous theater artist Vladimir Afanasyevich Fateev. In 1991, on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR No. 144 of 04/08/91 and Order of the Department of Culture of Novosibirsk No. 89d of 08/26/91, the school acquired independent status. On the basis of Order of the Department of Culture of Novosibirsk No. 184-d dated June 24, 1993, the Novosibirsk Art School was assigned a building at the address: Krasny Prospekt, 9.” In 1994, a new specialty “Design” was opened at the school.

In 2015, by order of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region No. 371 - rp dated September 30, 2015, the state autonomous educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Novosibirsk region "Novosibirsk State Art School (Technical School)" was renamed into the state autonomous vocational educational institution of the Novosibirsk Region "Novosibirsk State Art College ( college)".

An art school today is an educational institution that provides opportunities for secondary vocational art education, various forms of advanced training, and conducts educational, exhibition, and methodological activities.

Currently, the Novosibirsk State Art School trains specialists with secondary vocational education in the following specialties of the enlarged group “Fine and Applied Arts”:

Specialty “Painting” (in-depth training): by type “Easel painting”: qualification “Artist-painter, teacher”, by type “Theater-scenery painting”: qualification “Artist-painter, teacher”.

Specialty "Design" (in-depth training). Qualification "Designer, teacher". Area of ​​professional activity: artistic design of graphic design objects; artistic design of environmental design objects.

One of the main objectives of studying at an art school is to preserve the traditions of the Russian academic school in the education of professional artists. The preservation of these traditions is a guarantee of a high professional level of student training and the foundation of modern fine art. The relevance of the content of education is ensured by the introduction of innovative methods into the educational process, the implementation of scientific and methodological activities, and the careful development of educational professional programs.

The quality level of education at the art school has been repeatedly confirmed by members of the state certification commission and reviewers of theses. The artistic and practical significance of the work performed, the thoroughness of pre-project research, the high level of general and special training of graduates are noted. The topics of the completed final qualifying works correspond to the profile of specialist training, are relevant and aimed at solving practical problems.

The school places great importance on organizing students' practical work. Social partners for professional training of students are more than 40 educational institutions, enterprises of the city and region. Reviews from employers from practice bases indicate a high level of theoretical knowledge of college students and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Employers note the good business and organizational qualities of trainees, their conscientious attitude to work, initiative, and discipline.

The school's teachers today are writing artists and practicing designers. Most of them are members of creative unions (the Union of Artists of Russia, the Union of Designers of Russia, the Union of Theater Workers of Russia).

In 2016, the art school - one of the few secondary professional educational organizations of artistic orientation throughout Russia - became part of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for Fine Arts.

The methodological office of the art school is the focal point for interaction with children's art schools and art schools. Over the twenty years of its existence, the work of the methodological office with institutions of additional education for children has turned into an effective system aimed at improving the professional skills of teachers, developing their creative potential, identifying and supporting talented students. The result of the activities of the methodological office was the creation of motivational conditions for the professional growth of fine arts teachers, an increase in the number of young artists who receive scholarships in the field of culture, and the creation of a consistently high competition for applicants for admission to the Novosibirsk State Art School.

Most often, applicants with primary art education enter the NSAU - graduates of children's art schools and children's art schools. People of various professions also come with an unfulfilled dream of becoming an artist; these are energetic young people, happy that they have finally made the right choice. The Novosibirsk State Art School is known throughout Russia. School applicants live in the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Irkutsk, Tomsk regions, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol, Kamchatka territories; Republics: Altai, Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Khakassia, Sakha (Yakutia), Tyva, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Kazakhstan. In 2016, the competition for admission to the school was 7 people per place.

Students will long remember the interesting life spent at the art school. Meetings with artists, exhibitions of teachers, plein air practices, educational practice on the study of art monuments in Moscow and St. Petersburg, trips to the cities of Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk, rich in the traditions of ancient Russian art and architecture. Studying in a building that is an architectural monument (where at one time the studios of the best Siberian artists were located), being next door to the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, the city center of fine arts, the museum named after N.K. Roerich, Novosibirsk State Philharmonic and Novosibirsk State Conservatory named after. M.I. Glinka, among the numerous theaters and libraries of the city of Novosibirsk - students of the school truly become versatile personalities, and ultimately, artists with a capital letter.

The art school has extensive creative connections, actively participates in the cultural and social life of the city of Novosibirsk, the Novosibirsk region and the Siberian region as a whole, and has rich experience in international cultural cooperation.

Students of the school are regular winners of prestigious professional exhibitions and competitions. Among them: the Matvey Genrikhovich Manizer Award for the Support of Academic Art, the National Prize in the Annual National Design Competition “Russian Victoria”; diplomas of laureates: the Delphic Games of Russia, the All-Russian exhibition-competition “Academic Drawing”, the All-Russian Drawing Olympiad, the All-Russian exhibition-competition of diploma works of students of art schools and art departments of culture and arts in the specialty “Painting”, Interregional exhibitions of works by students of art schools of Siberia, All-Russian competition “Young Talents of Russia”.

By 2018, the school had graduated more than 900 specialists: painters, designers, and theater artists.

Graduates of the Novosibirsk State Art School continue their studies at the most reputable art universities in Russia and abroad. Having completed their education, many of them return to their native school as teachers. Graduates of the school are active in exhibition activities, successfully work in theaters, cinema, television, and in various spheres of life of Russian society.

College majors


  • Designer, teacher, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes


  • Artist-painter, teacher, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Indicate the word in which the letter E is written in the blank space

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jump away...


in love

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In one of the highlighted words below, an error was made in the formation of the word form

Exercise 2 out of 5

with THREE HUNDRED participants

unexpectedly slipped

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pack of MACARONS

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Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by eliminating the extra word. Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov painted portraits mainly of old people, on whose faces traces of what they had experienced are imprinted, and of children - these sprouts of hope with signs of a future life, and at the time of the highest flowering of creativity he often turned to creating his own self-portrait

Exercise 3 out of 5

I am a graduate of this educational institution. The diploma is full of 4s and 5s, the diploma is 5, so what? Nothing. I can only support the negative review with “2” left before. I can’t even imagine how offensive it is to study under such conditions for a fee, because free education was enough for me. Glad, that...

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For several years now I have been wanting to write a review about NSCU.

I am a graduate of this educational institution. The diploma is full of 4s and 5s, the diploma is 5, so what? Nothing. I can only support the negative review with “2” left before. I can’t even imagine how offensive it is to study under such conditions for a fee, because free education was enough for me. I’m glad that someone wrote about how things really are in this hidden establishment. It is not very much quoted, it is not too noticeable. This is not an architectural academy, which, I admit, also has its skeletons in the closet.

If it were possible to stand next to the entrance and dissuade people from enrolling, I would allocate time, but I see that according to some reviews, they still won’t listen. However, if I can sow doubts in at least one person who is planning to study at NSCU and he chooses a different path, I will be glad. Everyone who was cleared from here should also be glad that they did not waste time.

I confirm the cases of chaos, whatever it concerns, indicated in the previous review.

There were cases of harassment. I know from students in parallel groups. They told me.

Mrs. Yevtushenko, who was the head teacher (I don’t know how she is now), loved to discipline everyone harshly. It was strange to see her in the VKontakte photographs in the arms of another teacher, legs up, smoke and stench all around, and students can be seen at these “holidays.” I was even uncomfortable looking at these indecent photographs. Teachers, do not drink with students. This is beyond good and evil...

Of course, there were teachers who behaved with dignity. But overall, a dampening mood. Many simply combine friendly communication with each other, an interesting pastime with teaching.

I agree that a number of teachers (in drawing and painting), if they are not interested in you as a female or if you draw/write in a way that does not evoke a response from them, begin to ignore you and simply do not approach you (they receive a monthly salary). They’ll breathe behind their backs for another semester and that’s it. Question: how does training take place? I could get up and draw at home, and then just bring it in for viewing (I want to emphasize: I never argued or had conflicts with teachers, which is why I didn’t understand this attitude of disregard). And I am not the only victim of an indifferent attitude. In general, a lot of things at the top were in the mood... There were several teachers who clearly approached everyone, regardless of preferences.

I don’t know how it is now, before we were also asked to bring something from home and go pick rowan berries on Krasny Prospekt for a still life. I can’t understand why teachers get paid? It is their responsibility to draw a still life. Sometimes they even delegate this to the students themselves.

I studied to be a designer, and for some reason most of our hours were devoted to painting and drawing, rather than composition and computer graphics... By the way, about computer graphics. We were taught by an elderly teacher who read from a book (like a tutorial on Photoshop or Corel) and did not allow us to touch the computers. Do you think this kind of training is fast and effective? This is the level of NSCU...

As a result, everyone studied independently at home, as best they could.

I am grateful to a number of teachers, but only to a few (by the way, oddly enough, to an English teacher). The majority are not teachers at all. They're just people working part-time.

Materials for practicing all art subjects are very expensive (!). Even if you are on a budget, you will feel what it is like to study “for free”. There is just a lot of money for all these paints, canvases, pencils. And none of this will pay off, you know. You are investing in nothing. At the same time, I understand that sometimes we should have been given whatman paper and paints with brushes. They did it a couple of times, but what quality and age! We went down to the basement (very scary) and got all this almost from the time of Boris Godunov, and some from Tutankhamun. The paints could have just been stupidly thrown away. They were no longer soaked. Brushes... horror. Even if you really want it, it is not suitable. Is it true. How can you give out something that is already fit only for the trash barrel?

The dining room and toilet are as if they don’t exist. I just don't want to go there. Complete zero. Apparently, nothing has changed... It's a pity.

About mathematics. I don’t understand why there is mathematics in art school??? Let's force everyone in a math school to devote several hours a week to drawing and painting... And sternly question the fact that the techies can't even draw a cube. And they won't be able to draw it.

When you go to get a job without experience, they won’t hire you anywhere. And you will also understand that you were taught only 10% and the remaining 90% for real work you need to learn yourself in a short time. The level of college graduates is very weak. You will understand this when you need to work in real normal companies (if you are a designer). And if you are an artist, then you will do everything in a row, just to feed yourself, or the second option: go to St. Petersburg to study further and drink, drink, drink. If you're lucky, organize exhibitions. And then, at 35-40 years old, you will understand that all normal people live differently and are happy, and do not drink like you. I follow our graduates and I’m sad to see all this.

The most important reason why you shouldn’t enroll in NSCU is that you will have difficulty finding a job or not at all. Most of my group simply got married and had children; their husbands feed them. The rest are store workers, those who bring shoes. Or they got a job in firms and companies that have nothing to do with art or design. They just changed their profession. Either they are photographers, or they do manicures, make-up artists - whoever knows what. And this despite the fact that some of them even entered the architectural academy after college... Someone sculpts coffee beans on papier-mâché all day long. Someone paints paintings that don’t sell and, by and large, are of no use to anyone.

First, think about where you will work after you become designers. I'll keep quiet if they're artists. I have many, too many examples of people who couldn’t find a job and just barely make ends meet. At the age when you enter the Novosibirsk State University of Arts, you think about it little or not at all. But, believe me, the question of money and independence will arise before you - whether you want it or not. And what will you do, how will you earn money?

This establishment needs to be closed or just recruited once every 10 years.

I am not kidding. Bitter experience. Mine and many other people who also thought that they would graduate and go to work.

You will be able to draw whenever you want (who really can’t do without it). Think again...

Educational establishments

Novosibirsk State Art School (NSAU)

Novosibirsk State Art School (technical school). GBOU SPO NSO
- Painting. Qualification: Painter, teacher.
Theater artist (recruitment once every 4 years);
- Design. Qualification: Designer, teacher.
a) Design of printed products;
b) Environmental design.
Training period- 3 years 10 months.
Documents for passing entrance examinations accepted after viewing homework on drawing, painting, composition (5 works each, no later than July 5): copy of passport; state-issued education document (copy or original); results of passing the Unified State Exam in Russian language and literature.
Entrance exams based on grades 9 and 11:
drawing, painting, composition, presentation with elements of an essay (in the absence of Unified State Examination results in Russian language and literature).
The admissions committee begins its work on June 10.
Training is possible on a contract basis.
Paid preparatory courses and consultations are available.


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