Ensuring children's information security. Presentation on the topic: Information security of children Information security of schoolchildren presentation for parents

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We are creating a course for parents on children's information security

Purpose of the course: To provide methodological assistance to parents on information security issues for schoolchildren

The objectives of the project are to identify the level of competence of parents on information security issues; c - create an information space for parents where they can familiarize themselves with materials on children’s information security, as well as ask questions and receive competent answers to them; - introduce parents to the laws ensuring information security; - develop an algorithm for parents’ actions to ensure children’s information security; - develop scenarios for assessing qualities and skills related to safe online behavior (formative assessment); - to form a responsible attitude and awareness of the importance of parental participation in raising children’s safe behavior online; - organize the exchange of knowledge and experience, personally meaningful communication between training participants.

Project questions: Fundamental question: Is peace possible in the digital world? Problematic questions: Does the Internet bring more good or harm? “Network” woven - by whom? Can a family ensure information security for their children? How to prepare children for life in the information society? Can parents, using the Internet, further teach their children (self-education)? Study Questions: What dangers can you encounter on the Internet? How to detect danger? What is information security for children? What rules of internet etiquette should you follow? What self-education resources can parents recommend to their children? What is the classification of Internet addictions? How can you get rid of Internet addiction?

“We want the Internet to be your friend for many years! You will know the ten rules of these Boldly surf the Internet!”

Useful links on Internet safety for children Ensuring children's safety when using the Internet: http://www.oszone.net/6213/ Internet safety tips for children aged 13 to 17 years: http://www.microsoft.com /rus/protect/athome/children/kidtips13-17.mspx Parents' Guide to Children's Internet Safety: Ages and Developmental Stages http://www.microsoft.com/rus/protect/athome/children/parentsguide.mspx Your child and Internet: Review of programs for parental control: http://vash-inet-master.ru/safety/safety_fameli/160-vash-rebenok-i-internet.html

List of resources 1. http://yandex.ru/yandsearch?lr=213&text=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0+ %D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8+%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B8+%D0 %B8+%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D1%8C%D1%8E%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80 2. http://nafisa.ucoz.ru/ index/bezopasnyj_internet/0-73 3. http://www.icounselling.org/2010-07-11-06-28-19/129--5-6-.html 4. http://www.youtube. com/

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Organization of work with parents of younger teenagers on children’s information security

A reminder for parents, which is designed to protect children from online threats and make using the Internet as useful as possible....

Parents' meeting "Information security of children and adolescents"

Parent meeting. This development provides information for parents about the correct and safe use of the Internet by children. There is a presentation and videos on this topic....

summary of other presentations

"Mobile Phone Impact" - One conversation. The telephone is at the service of man. Impact of the telephone. The first mobile phone. The most popular phone. Secure phones. Mobile phone. Telephone etiquette. Advantages of mobile communications. Scientific and technical progress. Place to carry phones. Human health. Time to talk. Physical health. Parents' opinions. Dangerous phones. Age. Scientific organization. Average talk time.

“Information measurement system” - Binary coding of numerical information. Binary code. Power. Measuring the volume of graphic information. Binary alphabet. Binary coding of audio information. Coding methods. A message that reduces knowledge uncertainty. CMYK - model. Sufficient alphabet. Information volume of the symbol. Positional and non-positional number systems. Information volume of a book page. Any card falling out.

“Stages in the history of the development of computer technology” - Electronic stage. Operating system. Latest developments. Card. Modern personal computer. Stages of development. 1st generation computer. Pre-mechanical stage. Windows operating system. 3rd generation computer. 4th generation computer. Mechanical stage. 2nd generation computer. Definition of VT. Electromechanical stage. History of the development of computer technology.

“Means for input and output of information” - Functions. CRT. Keyboard. Printers. Graphics tablet. Mouse. Universal input device. Information input and output devices. Plotter. Scanner. Digital cameras and cameras.

“The history of the invention of the computer” - Technical capabilities. Work. The history of the invention of the computer. Electronic computer. Mechanical calculating machine. Cybernetics scientists. Equipment. Babbage's analytical device. Computers. Main components.

“Security and protection of information” - Legal system. Informatization and globalization of society. Methods for obtaining and updating information. Legal information, system and computer science. Cracking the code. System and computer science. Information Security. Ensuring personal information security. Main types of threats to computer systems. Cryptographic transformation. Information systems security measures. Cryptology. Computer systems security classes.

A unified lesson on online information security for children.

The purpose of the conversation on media safety– ensuring the information security of minor students and pupils by instilling in them the skills of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information and telecommunications environment.


    to focus students’ attention on the rules of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information environment;

    give an idea of ​​ways to protect against illegal attacks on the Internet;

    consolidate knowledge about safety precautions when working with a computer.

The rapid development of computer technology is qualitatively changing the life around us and giving rise to many new problems, in particular, the problem of creating an information culture and security among the younger generation.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, and the Public Opinion Foundation:

Slide 2. Internet and children

in Russia there are about 8-10 million Internet users under the age of 14 (for comparison, only a third of adults use the Internet, while among schoolchildren 90% of students use the Internet);

On average in Russia, children begin to go online at 10 years old;

25% of five-year-olds use the Internet;

about 6.3 million children access the Internet from school;

two thirds of children who access the Internet from home do so independently;

Parental control over the child’s Internet use remains until the age of 11.

Slide 3. Internet - communication. Most schoolchildren actively use the Internet for communication: they keep online diaries (90%), communicate with friends via Skype (87%), ICQ (62%), in chat rooms and various social networks (57%).

Every ninth high school student maintains a blog - a public online diary that is open to reading and where everyone can express what they want.

More than 80% of Russian teenagers have a profile on a social network. Among users 14-17 years old, 93% use VKontakte, 43% - “Every sixth of them has classmates of more than 100 friends, 4% of children have more than 300 friends on a social network.

Slide 4. Internet classes. They devote a significant portion of the time that Russian youth spend online to searching for audio and video recordings.

Many indicated that they often listen to audio (73%) and watch videos (68%), participate in various promotions and voting (60%), play online games (77%), and also view sites that they are not allowed to watch parents (56%).

Slide 5.Internet and study.Less actively than teachers may think, students view the Internet as a source of information for learning. 44% of students said they use the Internet for studying, with only 10% doing so often and 34% doing so sometimes.

Slide 6.The Internet is a threat.The biggest threat is the luring and dissemination of personal information on the Internet. More than half of the students surveyed often give out their home phone number (79%), mobile number (65%), school or class number (60%), photos of themselves and their relatives (58%), and their email address (51%) on the Internet. ).

According to a study by the European Child Protection Agency, 44% of children who regularly access the Internet have experienced sexual harassment during virtual communication, 11% have experienced it several times. Even more children received offensive messages from other Internet users.

In addition, the study showed that 19% of children sometimes view porn sites, another 9% do it regularly. Erotic chats are visited by 26% of young Internet users, sites containing information about violence are visited by 38%, and sites promoting nationalism are visited by 16%.

14.5% of children who took part in the survey made appointments with strangers via the Internet, 10% of them went to meetings alone, and 7% did not tell anyone that they were meeting someone.

In addition to the listed risks, the Internet carries another danger directly related to the personal changes of users - the development internet addiction. Teenagers are most susceptible to this threat.

Slide 7.Internet is an addiction. More than a quarter of children spend between 7 and 14 hours a week online – i.e. about 1-2 hours a day, every sixth child - from 14 to 21 hours. At the same time, every fifth child is online more than 21 hours a week, and this is almost a day. On average in Russian regions, approximately every eighth student admitted that they “live on the Internet” - they spend two or three days a week online.

Slide 8.

Slide 9. Thus, the number Internet threats facing young users, includes: accessTo inappropriate content; communicating confidential information to online interlocutors; contacts with strangers through chats, Internet pagers, email; threat of computer infection with malware; uncontrolled purchases in online stores, etc.

In this regard, it is necessary to direct all efforts to protect children from information that is harmful to their health and development. Educating the younger generation, the child’s knowledge of basic rules for selecting information, as well as the ability to use it, contributes to the development of the system for protecting children’s rights.

Slides 10-16. Tips for children

1. Don't click on links. When you chat using instant messaging systems or if you receive an email, never click directly on a link, especially if it comes from someone you don't know.

2. Do not download or open files from suspicious sources.

3. Don't talk to strangers. When using chats and instant messaging systems, you never know who you are really communicating with.

4. Do not distribute your confidential information via the Internet. Never send personal information (your details, photos, address, etc.) via email or instant messaging, and never post this type of information on blogs or forums.

5. Be vigilant. If a program you don't remember installing starts showing you pop-ups asking you to buy something, be vigilant.

6. Do not run suspicious files. If your security solution tells you that a file may (or does) contain malware, do not open the file. Just delete it.

7. Talk to your parents or teachers. If you have questions about any of this, if you encounter anything suspicious, if you receive offensive or dangerous emails, then discuss this with an adult. They will be able to help you.

Slide 17.. How to sit at the computer correctly (drawing)

Slide 18. Don't let your computer hurt you(picture)

Slide 19. It is important for adults to remember that even the most sophisticated children do not see the dangers of the Internet and do not understand the risks of using it.

Tips for parents (additionally at the parent meeting)

1. Talk to your children. You need to know what sites they visit, who they communicate with, what they like to watch, etc.

3. Set rules for using the Internet. You must establish clear and understandable rules that describe the schedule for accessing the Internet, the maximum duration of use of the Internet, and how to use it. And make sure your children follow these rules.

4. Prevent children from sharing confidential information. You should instruct your children not to provide information such as their name, address or photographs to anyone online.

5. Teach your children to be careful. Often on the Internet, many things do not look the way we imagine them. Teach your children to be careful and teach them not to do anything that might jeopardize their safety and privacy.

6. Install Panda Internet Security 2012. It protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online scammers, identity theft and other Internet threats. Panda Internet Security 2012 contains a Parental Control feature that ensures your children can use the Internet safely


1.Media securityInformation security of the younger generation. A series of comics on the topic of Internet security "Alice.net". maxlib.ru›lib.php?item=247Novosibirsk

2.Media security

Media safety of children on the Internet and cellular networks. In September 2011, media safety lessons were held in Russian schools, during which students...


3. Media safety I would consider it necessary to propose to the Ministry of Education to introduce a special course for training children, perhaps even parents, on the so-called “Media safety of children and...

rmc.vsv.lokos.net›index.php…St. Petersburg

4. Child online. Is the child playing? Panda Security IS A CHILD PLAYING? A detailed guide to help keep your children safe online.

IS THE CHILD PLAYING? A detailed guide to help keep your children safe online.

5. Internet. Yandex. Pictures on the topic.

View presentation content

Internet and children

  • in Russia there are about 8-10 million Internet users under the age of 14 (90% of schoolchildren use the Internet);

On average in Russia, children begin to go online at 10 years old;

25% of five-year-olds use the Internet;

About 6.3 million children access the Internet from school;

Two-thirds of children who go online from home do so on their own;

Parental control over the child’s Internet use remains until the age of 11.

Internet - communication

Most schoolchildren actively use the Internet for communication:

  • keep online diaries (90%),
  • communicate with friends via Skype (87%), ICQ (62%), chats and various social networks (57%).

Internet classes

They listen to audio (73%) and watch videos (68%), participate in various promotions and voting (60%), play online games (77%), and also view sites that their parents do not allow them to watch (56%) .

Internet and study

Less actively than teachers may think, students view the Internet as a source of information for learning. 44% of students said they use the Internet for studying, with only 10% doing so often and 34% doing so sometimes.

On the Internet, an interested child can find all the necessary information that even textbooks do not provide. The main condition is to be able to correctly use Internet resources, then the child will only benefit.

Internet is a threat

The biggest threat is the luring and dissemination of personal information on the Internet. More than half of the students surveyed often give out their home phone number (79%), mobile number (65%), school or class number (60%), photos of themselves and their relatives (58%), and their email address (51%) on the Internet. ).

Internet - addiction

More than a quarter of children spend between 7 and 14 hours a week online – i.e. about 1-2 hours a day, every sixth child - from 14 to 21 hours.

At the same time, every fifth child is online more than 21 hours a week, and this is almost a day

On average in Russian regions, approximately every eighth student admitted that they “live on the Internet” - they spend two or three days a week online.

Internet - threats lurking young users:

  • access to inappropriate content;
  • communicating confidential information to online interlocutors;
  • contacts with strangers through chats, Internet pagers, email;
  • threat of computer infection with malware;
  • uncontrolled purchases in online stores, etc.

Tips for children

1. Don't click on links. When you chat using instant messaging systems or if you receive an email, never click directly on a link, especially if it comes from someone you don't know.

Tips for children

2. Do not download or open files from suspicious sources.

Tips for children

3. Don't talk to strangers. When using chats and instant messaging systems, you never know who you are really communicating with.

Tips for children

Tips for children

4. Do not distribute your confidential information via the Internet. Never send personal information (your details, photos, address, etc.) via email or instant messaging, and never post this type of information on blogs or forums.

Tips for children

5. Be vigilant. If a program you don't remember installing starts showing you pop-ups asking you to buy something, be vigilant.

Tips for children

6. Do not run suspicious files. If your security solution tells you that a file may (or does) contain malware, do not open the file. Just delete it.

Tips for children

7. Talk to your parents or teachers. If you have questions about any of this, if you encounter anything suspicious, if you receive offensive or dangerous emails, then discuss this with an adult. They will be able to help you.

Don't let the computer harm you!

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Presentation on the topic: Information security for children

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Parent meeting on the topic “Children in the modern media world” A series of classes to improve parental competence in the field of media resources. A series of classes to improve computer literacy of parents. Organizing a page for parents on the school website. Individual conversations and consultations.

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3. Explain to your child that when communicating in chats, using instant messaging programs (such as ICQ, Microsoft Messenger, etc.), using online games and other situations that require registration, you cannot use a real name, help your child choose a registration name that does not contain any personal information;

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5. Explain to your child that in real life and on the Internet there is no difference between wrong and right actions; 6. Teach your children to respect others on the Internet. Make sure they understand that good manners apply the same online as they do in real life; 7. Tell them to never date friends from the Internet. After all, people may not turn out to be who they say they are;

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8. Explain to children that not everything they can read or see on the Internet is true. Train them to ask about things they are unsure about; 9. Don't forget to control your children on the Internet using special software. This will help you filter out harmful content, find out which sites your child is actually visiting and what he is doing there.

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How to teach children to distinguish truth from lies on the Internet? Children should be explained that they need to be critical of materials received from the Internet, because absolutely anyone can publish information on the Internet. Explain to your child that today almost anyone can create their own website and no one will control how truthful the information posted there is. Teach your child to check everything he sees on the Internet. Start when your child is still young. After all, today even preschoolers are already successfully using the Internet, which means they need to be taught as early as possible to separate truth from lies;

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Don't forget to ask your child about what he sees on the Internet. For example, start by asking what a particular site is for. Make sure that your child can independently check information read on the Internet from other sources (other websites, newspapers or magazines). Teach your child to consult with you. Don't brush off their childhood problems. Encourage your children to use a variety of sources, such as libraries, or give them an encyclopedia on disk, such as the Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius or Microsoft Encarta. This will help teach your child to use third-party sources of information; Teach your child to use Internet search. Show how to use different search engines to perform searches;

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Explain to your children what racism, fascism, ethnic and religious hatred are. Although some of this type of material can be blocked using special software filters, you should not expect that you will be able to filter out all such sites.

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Family Internet Agreement If your children want to access the Internet, you should work out an Internet use agreement with them. Please note that in it you must clearly describe the rights and responsibilities of each member of your family. Be sure to clearly formulate answers to the following questions: What sites can your children visit and what can they do there; How much time can children spend on the Internet? What to do if something bothers your children when visiting the Internet; How to protect personal data; How to monitor safety; How to behave politely; How to use chat rooms, news groups and instant messaging services.

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When using an instant messaging service, remind your child of some simple safety rules: Never fill out fields related to personal information, because anyone can view them; Never talk to strangers on the Internet; Check your children's contact list regularly to make sure they know everyone they communicate with; Please carefully review requests to add new friends to your list. Remember that a person online may not be who they say they are; You should not use instant messaging to spread rumors or gossip. Parents should not rely on secret surveillance of instant messaging services used by children. It is much easier to use a friendly relationship with your children.

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What can children aged 5-6 years do? Children of this age are characterized by a positive outlook on the world. They take pride in their reading and math skills and love to share their ideas. Even though children at this age are very capable in using games and using a mouse, they still depend heavily on you when searching for children's sites. How can we help them do this safely? At this age, it is advisable to use the Internet only in the presence of parents; Be sure to explain to your child that communicating on the Internet is not real life, but a kind of game. At the same time, try to direct his efforts to understanding the world; Add children's sites to the Favorites section. Create a folder there for the sites your children visit; Use special children's search engines, such as MSN Kids Search (http://search.msn.com/kids/default.aspx?FORM=YCHM); Use tools to block inappropriate content as an addition to standard Parental Controls; Teach your child never to give out information about himself and his family on the Internet; Encourage your child to report any Internet-related threats or concerns to you.

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Ages 7 to 8 years It is absolutely natural for children of this age to want to find out what they can do without parental permission. As a result, while on the Internet, the child will try to visit certain sites, and possibly chat rooms, that he would not have received permission to visit from his parents. Therefore, at this age, the reports that Parental Control will provide you or what you can see in temporary Internet files (folders c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files in the Windows operating system) will be especially useful Vista). As a result, your child won't feel like you're looking over their shoulder at the screen, but you'll still know what sites your child is visiting. It is worth understanding that children at this age have a strong sense of family, they are trusting and do not doubt authority. Children of this age love to play online games and surf the Internet. It is possible that they use email and may access sites and chat rooms that are not recommended by their parents. Regarding the use of e-mail, I would like to note that at this age it is recommended not to allow children to have their own e-mail account, but to use the family one so that parents can control the correspondence. Software such as Kaspersky Internet Security version 7.0 with built-in parental controls can help you prevent your child from using external free boxes.

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Create a list of house rules for visiting the Internet with the participation of children and demand their implementation; Require your child to comply with time limits for being at the computer; Show your child that you are watching him not because you want to, but because you are concerned about his safety and are always ready to help him; Teach your children that they should only visit sites that you allow, i.e. create a so-called Internet “white” list for them using Parental Control tools. We'll talk about how to do this later; A computer with an Internet connection must be located in the common room under the supervision of parents; Use special children's search engines, such as MSN Kids Search (http://search.msn.com/kids/default.aspx?FORM=YCHM); Use tools to block inappropriate content as an addition to standard Parental Controls; Create a family email account to prevent children from having their own addresses; Block access to sites with free mailboxes using appropriate software;

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Encourage your children to consult with you before posting any information through email, chat, registration forms and profiles; Teach your children not to download files, programs or music without your consent; Use email filters to block messages from specific people or containing certain words or phrases. More information about such filters http://www.microsoft.com/rus/athome/security/email/fightspam.mspx Do not allow children to use instant messaging services; Add only sites with a good reputation to the “white” list of sites allowed for visiting; Remember to talk to your children about their online friends as if you were talking about friends in real life; Do not make sexual issues a “taboo”, as children can easily stumble upon pornography or “adult” sites on the Internet; Encourage your child to report any Internet-related threats or concerns to you. Remain calm and remind children that they are safe if they tell you about their threats or concerns. Praise them and encourage them to come again in similar cases.

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Rule 1. Be attentive to the actions of your children on the World Wide Web: Do not send your children “freely swimming” on the Internet. Try to actively participate in your child’s communication with the Internet, especially at the development stage. Talk with your child about what new things he learns about himself using the Internet and how to prevent threats in time.

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Rule 2. Inform your child about the opportunities and dangers that the Internet brings: Explain to your child that on the Internet, as in life, there are both good and bad people. Explain that if a child encounters negativity or violence from another Internet user, he needs to tell loved ones about it. Teach your child to look for the information he needs and check it, including with your help. Teach your child to be careful about downloading paid information and receiving paid services from the Internet, especially by sending SMS, in order to avoid losing money. Create a list of useful, interesting, safe resources that your child can use, and advise them to use them.

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Rule 3. Choose a convenient form of monitoring your child’s online presence: Install the necessary software on your computer - a parental control solution. If your child is an elementary school student and is often left alone at home, limit your child's time on the Internet. If the computer is shared by everyone in the family, install it in a location accessible to everyone in the family, not in the child's room. Create separate accounts on your computer for adults and children. This will help not only protect your child, but also protect your personal data. Regularly monitor the resources your child visits. Simple computer settings will allow you to be aware of what information your child has viewed.

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