A vow is a holy oath. Release from oaths and vows. Here are some vows that were made in past centuries

Oaths, vows, commitments, promises - the topic of the next thematic immersion.

You have probably made promises more than once, or someone has made them to you. Perhaps these were not just promises, but oaths, pledges or vows. For example, oaths of love and fidelity are often found. A striking example is the oaths and promises made during a marriage or wedding. Many more oaths and promises were made during the Soviet Union, where there were many different slogans in schools (Octobers, Pioneers), collective farms, civil service, etc. “We don’t need bread - give us work, we don’t need sun - the party will shine for us,” “Shine always, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails.”

Perhaps you had difficulty keeping your promise or felt pressure from a once-made oath that had lost relevance, BUT YOU PROMISED and continued to follow what you promised.

Or, on the contrary, once this promise helped and supported you or another person to whom you made an oath. But changes have occurred in life and the oath is no longer needed and, perhaps, even interferes.

I will also give various examples from the practice of consultations about the oaths once taken and their manifestation in different areas of life. The reason for unsuccessful romantic relationships and loneliness often lies in the vows given earlier - “I swear, I’d rather be alone than with someone unknown,” “I will never get married,” “I will never love anyone again,” vows given in monastic lives (there are a lot - and in loyalty to God, in the absence of a sexual life, refusal of material goods, luxury, etc.). The vow “I will never be a burden to another person” makes it difficult to ask for help. In connection with a difficult situation where money is involved, very often various promises are made to oneself or others, which then drag on from life to life - “I don’t need money, give me back my child,” “I will never pick up money again.” When it is difficult to get out of an outdated relationship with a certain person, to let go is an example of a given promise “I will never leave you” or “I will always be there”, “I will only be with you”.

The impulse to help everyone, to “do good” when not asked, can be caused to one’s detriment by the oath “I will never refuse help to anyone,” “I will definitely help.”

It happens that it is not clear what an oath/promise/pledge/vow sounds like, what it is about, when it was taken, they can be indicated by a frequently recurring situation in life or behavior that you are unable to change and do the same thing over and over again same.

So what is an oath? This is a certain perspective, a certain direction in which a person is going to be. And in life, situations develop in accordance with a certain promise, pledge, oath, vow given to yourself or someone else. And they can relate to absolutely any area - labor, work, money, relationships with the opposite sex, relatives, friends, colleagues, manifestations of oneself, etc. They can sound both in the current life and also drawn from past ones. It can also last through several lives. Most often, oaths, vows, pledges are made on emotions, “in the hearts” and thus a karmic tie is created, which goes on to the next incarnations.

Perhaps not all vows interfere, not all of them need to be canceled. Oaths, vows, pledges, promises come not only with a minus sign, but also with a plus sign. For example, a promise given to myself - “Despite any difficulties, overcoming any obstacles, I will definitely get results.” If you think that this helps you, then there is no need to cancel such vows.

Just like any other situation, the situation with an oath can be changed, rethought, canceled. All this is within your power.

Vows occur quite often and prevent you from getting what you need from life, drain your energy, drain you, and you have to give up what you really need. They swore...

  • see/hear what your oath, pledge, pledge, promise sounds like
  • how this oath affected the current life and other lives
  • when it manifested and “activated” for the first time in the current life
  • look at life, where you first gave it and in what circumstances
  • look at it through the eyes of your Wise Soul, re-realize the situation where it was given
  • do what you want with the oath - reformulate, cancel, release or something else
  • untie karmic knots, free yourself from restraining oaths, vows, pledges, promises
  • and of course, thereby changing the events of your current life.

I also present to your attention a video review of regression sessions.

They worked with Vimana according to an old vow made many lives ago. It was this vow that was the reason for endless reincarnations. Very unusual! On the video from 6:38 min.: “...This session helped me resolve a very old, long-standing, long-standing, long-standing vow that I made, having made my free choice in the same way... Having made a free choice to incarnate again, to go through a whole chain of these incarnations , becoming a Guardian Angel, becoming simply someone who is invisibly nearby..."

I invite you to free yourself from oaths, vows, commitments and promises at a thematic immersion on the topic “Vows, vows, pledges, promises.”

Conditions for passing: 2-3 hours of free time, good Internet connection. The cost is conditional (details on page c).

You have another great opportunity to get a lot of useful and interesting information about yourself that will help you further on your path. Use it to change your life now!

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For example, you just can’t get married. Or you come across identical men who are not ready for marriage. Or there are problems with one person

Or maybe you work in a low-paying job. You don't like it, but it still holds something

Or there is a goal, but something constantly prevents you from achieving it

Very often the cause of such situations is oaths and promises given in this or a past life.

Here are a few vows that were made in past centuries:

  1. Eternal Service - Spiritual Vows.
    For example: “Relationships with men/women distract me from spirituality”, “I give up love/family for a spiritual gift.”, “I must observe celibacy and celibacy for the sake of closeness to God”
    A vow to always heal people. In eternal service, people constantly care about someone else, but forget about themselves
  2. A vow of personal allegiance to someone.
    Vows: “I owe you a huge debt”, "I will always love you"
    They prevent you from building a relationship with another person.
  3. Vow of Mendicancy - “Money is unspiritual.
    “I give up wealth for closeness to God”, "I take a vow of a poor and humble life", “If I have money, I lose spirituality”
    Variations: I lose my clairvoyance or healing gift, I am displeased with God, I will not go to heaven, etc.

Previously, people could feel high energies only by abandoning “everything mortal.” That is, comfort, prosperity, abundance, personal happiness. Nowadays, especially spiritual people often have many financial restrictions. But it doesn't work anymore. The time has come to unite the spiritual and material worlds

All oaths were pronounced during rituals and ceremonies, in front of witnesses. These can be oaths, contracts and curses from this life. They are endowed with great power. And even when a person is reincarnated, the vows haunt him for centuries

Therefore, we need to get rid of them

There are many ways to renounce ancient vows. But the most effective is through the power of your intention. You created it and have the right not only to cancel it, but also to create a vow “About a happy life in Abundance”

There is a simple practice: “VOW OF ABUNDANCE”
  1. Light a candle and think about what situations repeat themselves in your life. Analyze them
  2. Invite Reiki (whoever has initiation), your Higher Self, Angels - ask them to help free yourself from the influences of oaths and vows from past lives
  3. Say the following words:

    “By the power of my intention, I confirm my renunciation of all vows of poverty, vows of celibacy and self-denial, given by me in past lives. (pause)

    I ask for release from the consequences of these vows. (pause)

    And from now on I make a vow of an abundant and happy life

    I allow myself to be in the flow of abundance in all areas of my life.”

    List what you want to fill your life with: happy relationships, material wealth, activities you enjoy, etc.

Question: “What is the difference between such concepts as pledge, vow, oath?”

Hieromonk Macarius (Markish) answers:
- All these words listed are various forms of promises. In the Gospel there is a warning against oaths, so that oaths are not unnecessary, so that they do not abuse oaths, and do not invent a magical form to confirm their oaths: “let your word be: yes, yes; no no; and anything beyond this is from the evil one.” However, in some public circumstances, such as military service or civil service, a person is required to take a special solemn oath, an oath. Thus, a person fixes before people, before fellow citizens, and not before God, to perform the service that is entrusted to him. As for vows, in our everyday life you can find two types of vows - marital and monastic. Moreover, in the rite of a church wedding, we do not require vows to be pronounced; only two questions are asked to the bride and groom, which are vows: do you have the good will to take a husband (wife), have you promised to anyone else? Thus, the good will of the bride and groom turns into a marital vow, which under normal conditions people keep during earthly life, and pass with it into eternal life. Approximately the same can be said about monastic vows, when during the rite of initiation into the mantle a person utters words - promises: do you promise to follow, to fulfill the demands of your abbot to lead a fasting life. Well, and finally, baptismal vows, which we don’t always pay attention to because we baptize small children. And sometimes there is such a cry that it can even be difficult to hear them, but they must be remembered and understood. I recently wrote a book on this topic, “A Step Towards. Three conversations with adoptive parents”, where the meaning of these baptismal vows is emphasized, and how the baby, who does not yet have his own will and consciousness, participates in the pronouncing of these vows. This is on the positive side. But there is also a negative one, when people make vows, oaths and vows without understanding what they are doing. Some will take a vow of silence, some will take a vow of celibacy. As a rule, this results in big troubles, because the person feels obligated, but at the same time understands that he has done something wrong. In this case, in the large Trebnik of Peter Mogila there is a “Cite for those who swear falsely.” If such a misfortune has happened to a person, then he must turn to the parish priest, bring repentance, and he will be freed from this sin, just as the Lord frees a person from all other sins.

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(5) ABREK -

  • (doomed?) M. Kavk. a desperate mountaineer who made an urgent vow or oath not to spare his head and fight furiously; also a fugitive who accosted the first gang for robbery
  • about a person: one who has not taken upon himself a pledge, a vow; about the matter: for which there is no vow, no vow is made.,
  • get hurt Donsk. to swear, to make a vow, vow, company, oath; to be doomed. Are you planning to help us against the leader? prince? the Novgorodians asked the Pskovites
  • Domestic actor who played the role of Zarokov-Tulev in the film "Return of the Resident"
  • Domestic actor who played the role of Zarokov-Tulev in the film "Resident's Mistake"
  • Domestic actor who played the role of Zarokov-Tulev in the film “The Fate of a Resident”
  • Russian actor who played the role of Zarokov-Tulev in the film “Return of the Resident”
  • Russian actor who played the role of Zarokov-Tulev in the film “The Fate of a Resident”
  • Russian actor who played the role of Zarokov-Tulev in the film “Resident Mistake”
(11) REPENT -
  • repent, swear, pledge, promise not to do something in advance. He swore and repented of drinking - from Sunday until the offering. I’ll take one risk and I’ll repent! Zakayka vow, action according to meaning. verb Customer m. shchitsa w. who repents, repents
(8) THE SPELL -(10) SHUT UP -
  • to become arrogant, to become arrogant, to swear; to swear, to pledge or to pledge
(5) VOW -
  • see promise
  • the role of G. Zhzhenov in the film “Resident’s Mistake” (Tulev)
(3) KAI -
  • m. Ryaz. word, vow, pledge, agreement. They placed the kai between themselves. What to do, come to an agreement. What the hell, psk. speak? see what, it seems, to say and repent
(6) OATH -(7) MAZARKI -
  • m. pl. eastern cemetery; Tatar and foreign cemetery; an ancient, abandoned cemetery or the place where it was, according to legend. It’s not far from the bathhouse to the mazars, from life to death. Mazarkovy, -rochny, related to Mazarki
  • adv. henceforth, in the future, for the future, forward and ahead. Welcome to us in advance. Don’t guess in advance: what God will give. Neither beforehand, nor now I will, vow. Forgive me, for Christ’s sake, for the past and for the future as well! In advance adv. Same; before what, before what, first, first. You are welcome to us in the future. Look for a place (bread) in advance, and there are brides there
(6) START -
  • Wed with which being or action begins one of the two limits, between which is contained being, material or spiritual, beginning, beginning, primordial, conception, source, root, birth, outcome, opposite sex. end. What had a beginning will also have an end. A bad start with no end in sight. It's a bad ending because you can't see the beginning. The good start is half the battle. The beginning of the world, the universe. The beginning of the year, a period or time, conventionally accepted as the outcome, for counting the turnover of time. The beginning of this noble family comes from such and such. Boundary, edge, border, edge, limit of a thing, object or part of it, from where, conventionally, the object is measured, to the end of it. Here is the beginning of the board, and here is the end of it. Let's go through the field from beginning to end. The threads are so tangled that you can’t find the beginning, or the end, or the tip. The first source or cause of being is the force that gives birth, produces, creates. God is the beginning of everything. The beginning of time. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God. The beginning of this enmity lies in mutual selfishness. The head is the beginning of everything. The moral foundations in a person, the rules and beliefs by which he lives. Whom the beginning is distorted, it cannot be reborn. The first and main truths of science, its foundations, the foundations of knowledge. The beginnings of pure mathematics. An element, one of the main components, taken as if indivisible, as something solid, homogeneous. Man consists of principles: spiritual and carnal, spiritual and mental and moral. A chemical element, a component of a body, a simple or homogeneous substance, non-decomposable. All metals are revered as elements, principles, or substances that are simple, uncompounded, and uncomplicated. Leadership, power, majority, elder, as a force, as a right and as a person. Who holds your beginning, who rules your beginning? Every foreman is the leader of his subordinates. Where the tail begins, there is the head. We are under the authority of the treasury chamber. Who is at the beginning, who is under the leadership (i.e., subordinate). Church initial words and prayers during worship to create the beginning, church. the first degree of monasticism, monasticism, to begin, to take monastic vows. To be under authority, to be punished, to be supervised in a monastery. A bad beginning does not lead to a good ending. Started pl. beginning, meaning elements, composition, foundations of science, teaching, or the foundations of moral rules. Church one of the ten ranks of angels. The schismatics began the m., the beginning of the prayer and the prayer itself, according to their ritual, a small one began, seven initial bows: three waist bows, one earthly bow, and three more waist bows, with the prayer: To the Heavenly King and Our Father. The great one began, and is added to the little one: “I believe” and “Have mercy on me.” Start by saying a prayer with the following rituals. Morning and evening he began to lay food, but the workers were without bread. Started, psk. vow, promise, oath, covenant. Starts Wed. superiors, in the sense of power, management, management. Beginning to accept (hold), give an answer to God and people. More commonly used in compound words: anarchy, ranklessness, polyarchy, etc. Initial, primitive, primordial, primitive, primordial, relative. to the beginning of the existence of something. The initial power is one: God. Primordial, ancient, taken as the beginning. Initial forces of nature. N
(7) Tawny Owl -
  • and. woman bird, pelican? Type of scarecrow, eagle owl. A fabulous, voracious, insatiable bird. A person who is insatiably greedy for food, or for wealth, distinctions, etc. with a general negation, meaning. denial, refusal, prohibition: lack, absence; without exclusivity; firm and general denial. Not a speck of dust. Not a penny in the house. Not a soul on the street. Not at all. No one came. I don't want to. This never happened. Don’t even groan, don’t you dare groan; nishni, ni gugu, be silent. I won't let anyone smell it below. Not a word, that is, I didn’t say, I won’t say, don’t say, etc. Call everyone, no matter who comes. Be that as it may, the matter must be settled. Give it whatever it is. He does it no matter what. No matter where it goes, it’s all the same. Anything could be recognized in one word, an adverb: whatever it is, whatever it is, whatever happens, happens, no matter what; the people say: whatever it is, whatever it is, whatever it is. Whatever is the best, the best. When denying several concepts in a row, it is repeated: This is neither this nor that; neither demon, nor Ukrainian: neither fish, nor meat; neither shorn, nor shaved, nor out of the box, nor into the box. pronoun and adverb, nor forms new, negative pronouns and adverb. nowhere, no one, no one, no reason, no way, never, etc. He doesn’t care about him, or he doesn’t care about him. Not at any time, approx. soon, instantly, quickly. There is no spirit, there is nothing. I'm useless, novg. hard unaware, unaware. I don’t care about anything: if only I had a ruff with a roll! No matter what you do, it won’t happen. Whenever you have to die. This doesn't matter to me. Whatever is further is not easier (it is better). Whatever it is, let it be. Not a word about this (i.e. I don’t argue). Neither forged nor flattened. Neither Misha nor Grisha. No dignity, no mana (Tatar, for you, for me). Neither yes nor no: neither here nor there; neither there nor from there, neither here nor there; neither this way, nor that way, nor that way. adv. denial no, no way, never; sometimes it doubles, in the form of an oath, a pledge, according to Scripture: Be your word, by all means; no no. Have you been here? “Neither, nor did it fit.” Let's go, shall we? “Neither, nor, don’t say it.” In Little Russian they always say no instead of no. If the question is: can I borrow a book? to answer with a prohibition neither, nor, then this can be a conjunction and an adverb; in the first case, it is implied: in no way, for nothing, in no case, not at all; in the second, this is an assurance that it is impossible, I will not give it. Niby, niby, south. with Little Russian, and in Western. pronunciation of nyaba, as if, as if, as if evenly, as if; perhaps, kindly. I haven’t even seen Niba, he pretends that he hasn’t seen him
(7) NEVER -
  • prick adv. at any time; not before, not now, not after. This has never happened, never happened, never happened. Nikoli did not see this. This can never happen. Nikoli or niskoli (Tver. Psk.) to run away, in a few, in a little time, soon. Neither in life, nor in life, nor before nor after, vow, this will never happen, I will not
(4) VOW -
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