Educational portal. Mnemonics in history lessons. Techniques for memorizing words, chronology and texts when studying history Mnemonics in history lessons presentation

Teaching methods in history and social studies lessons

School course history is designed to solve a triune task: i.e. training, education and development of students. The content and structure of this course support this objective.

In pedagogy, there are more than 100 names of teaching methods, i.e. there is a large range of them.). It is advisable to determine the method depending on the didactic goal, the content of training and the nature of the interaction between teacher and student. In this case, the following general differences are distinguished: teaching methods history: I) monologue (method of monologue presentation), 2) demonstrative (methods of visualization), 3) dialogical (method of dialogic presentation), 4) heuristic (method of heuristic conversation), 5) research (method of research tasks), 6) programmed ( method of program tasks). This system is open: in the system of methods, in addition to general methods, one should distinguish between subsystems specific teaching and learning methods. Teaching methods, i.e. The teacher’s activities are as follows: I) informative, 2) explanatory and illustrative, 3) stimulating, 4) stimulating, 5) instructive. Methods of teaching, i.e. student activities: a) performing, b) reproductive, c) partially exploratory, d) creatively exploratory, e) practical. The choice of teaching method (and at the same time the forms of its implementation), as a rule, is carried out during preparation for the lesson. It depends on: a) the theoretical concept, b) the didactic goal, c) the level of training of students, d) the level of training of the teacher himself. In this case, the teacher uses the spoken word, written text, film, a monument of material and spiritual culture, or its models, a copy, symbolic clarity. Techniques can be different: drawings on the board, applications, reading a poem, explanation, description, diagramming, etc. The use of visual images is firmly fixed in memory and is a good technique for consolidating historical knowledge. Various kinds of tasks based on maps, paintings, and other visual materials are introduced as an excellent way to learn to apply knowledge, skills, and abilities. The teacher sets the task of comparison, comparing the visual aids being studied with already known facts. 1 . There are various forms of training organization: lessons, seminars and conferences, educational excursions, laboratory classes, lectures, additional classes, consultations. There are also non-traditional lesson forms: performance, distance travel, competition, tournament, briefing, round table, etc. In accordance with this approach, the following are distinguished: types of lessons:

1) introductory,

2) studying new material,

H) a lesson in testing and recording knowledge,

4) control,

5) Combined or mixed,

6) repeating and generalizing.

From experience.

I believe that students should definitely know and understand the requirements that the teacher places on them. My requirements for students are as follows. From lesson to lesson, the student should, when preparing at home, know the concepts, personalities, dates that they draw up on cards. 2-be able to answer questions at the end of the paragraph. Make up questions on the topic that he asks his comrades. That is, mutual control and the skill of composing questions yourself develops. Reveal concepts, names, name dates using cards made by friends. The requirement is to be prepared for oral presentations, which come in many forms. A traveler's storyteller's competition, a story on behalf of a slave, pharaoh, etc., simply a retelling of a small point in a textbook, a small report on the topic, and other forms. Sometimes the task alternates with other tasks, but the first 3 requirements are met from lesson to lesson. The exceptions are lessons of the traditional type and re-generalizing ones. Everything takes 20 minutes. 25 minutes to study a new topic.

Within the history teaching system, I would highlight the following types of work, methods and subsystems.

    Work on mastering concepts. can be made interesting and exciting, and their memorization by an active creative process, using various techniques and forms of work.

I will give techniques that, in my opinion, are the most effective, and their use depends on age, class level, teacher’s work methodology, the stage of introduction, consolidation, and control over the conceptual apparatus.

1. Creating a dictionary.

(At the end of the notebook, students write down the terms and their definition, while emphasizing the main and minor points in the definition). It is possible to create a dictionary on a specific topic using an end-to-end approach. For example, the topic “economics” includes all the terms associated with this topic throughout development.

2. "Escalator"– group form of learning terms. Historical chain, can be carried out with the goal of remembering all the terms on a given topic.

3. Test tasks of various types, including in the State Examination and Unified State Exam format.

The use of tasks with concepts missing from the text is aimed at developing in schoolchildren the ability to understand and coherently express educational material. It is advisable to offer them in the first lessons on a topic, at the stage of concept formation, and when testing the knowledge of low-performing students.

a) The teacher selects the text, excludes concepts from it and offers to insert the missing words.

b) Test - complete the sentence. Polyudye is...

c) Choose the correct answer. The teacher gives 4-5 answer options, one of which is correct.

d) Test - find a match.

e) Task to generalize a group of concepts. Given the words, determine what they have in common. For example, federation, confederation, commonwealth; general – these are the forms of national-state structure, etc.

4. Active forms, activate student activities, ensure the assimilation of concepts, develop logical thinking, arouse keen interest in the subject.

a) Compiling crosswords and rebuses requires knowledge of terms, the creative process, and the ability to design a grid for a crossword puzzle or rebus. When composing or solving a crossword or rebus, the correct spelling is remembered, which is also found in Olympiad tasks.

b ) Domino game. Cards are drawn up, the student must, within a certain time (or if working in pairs, whoever makes the chain faster) collect all the cards in sequence and close them. It should be a rectangle.

V) Knowledge Auction (best used in a class with approximately the same level of development). The teacher or student names the term; which student raises their hand first gives a definition. If the definition is given correctly, the student receives a card with the term; if not, the teacher leaves the term and after a few terms can name it again. The game lasts 3-5 minutes.

G ) Historical Lotto. Students are given a field marked with 20 rectangles in which terms are written and given 20 cards with the definition of terms. The students' task is to quickly and correctly place the cards on the lotto playing field.

d) Creating Clusters. The “Clusters” technique is applicable both at the challenge stage and at the reflection stage. The essence of the technique is that information relating to any concept, phenomenon, or event described in the text is systematized in the form of clusters (bunches). In the center is key concept. Students logically connect subsequent associations with the key concept. The result is similar reference summary on the topic being studied.

e ) Creating a syncwine. Can be used as a snapshot for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge.

State: (Title)
Independent, legal. (Two adjectives)
Collects taxes, judges, pays pensions. (3 verbs)
The state is us! (Phrase that carries a certain meaning)
Protection. (Summary)

Game forms learning is, as a rule, always high activity of students:

Game "Words", « Mail"- pockets by topic.

Target: formation of oral speech, as well as the ability to classify objects.

Students are given cards with anagrams in which some concepts are encrypted.

    Explain the meaning of the concepts.

Game "What's extra?"

The players are given cards with groups of anagrams.

    By rearranging the letters, you need to create words related to a specific topic. All letters must be used.

2. Determine which word in the group is superfluous.

Arlom. Oravp. Gyoljome. Ikate.

Morality. Right. The youth. Ethics.

Game "Counterargument"

The concept is named and the student begins to describe it, the task of the rest is to provide evidence that with this description it is possible to imagine another concept, until there are no more counterarguments.

Political party and political movement:

The consignment is a voluntary political organization that unites individuals with common interests and ideals, whose activities are aimed at conquering political power or participation in its implementation; Politicalmovement – an organization representing the solidarity activity of citizens aimed at achieving any significant political goal.

How Political Party different from a political movement?

1) The ideological and political orientation of the movements is much broader and less defined; 2) the goals are much narrower and more specific = people who differ from each other in political views can participate in movements, but have agreement on a specific political goal = the mass nature of the movement; 3) the movements lack a unified program and charter; 4) the movement does not have a strong center, a unified structure, discipline = the basis of the movement is the solidarity and voluntariness of its participants; 5) the movement is characterized by the fickleness of its participants; 6) movements strive to influence power, but, as a rule, they themselves do not achieve it.

Forms of monopolies.

Organization of a “historical theater” To consolidate concepts, using pantomime, students show the meaning of the concept, the rest guess it and give a definition.

Creating humorous drawings based on definitions of concepts.

For “strong” students, you can offer more difficult tasks problematic in nature, requiring generalizations and analysis:

5. Conduct a concept analysis.

a) Emphasize the main essential features and secondary ones.

b) Select essential and random features from ready-made options.

6. Build a diagram. Examples: Arrange the proposed concepts in order, for example: form of government, political regime, monarchy, republic, democratic, parliamentary, unitary, federation, form of state, form of national government.

State form

form of government

political regime

form of national government







Level of development, more perfect, less perfect, transition (level of development from less perfect to more perfect - progress)

7. Create a diagram reflecting the relationships and differences between concepts. Example: the relationship and difference between morality and law, answer: the concept of “morality” is broader than the concept of “law”, they have an area of ​​“overlap”, a system of law may contain laws that are not consistent with moral principles.

8. Problem-search study of terms. Students themselves, with the help of the teacher, define the term, and then compare it with the definition given in the textbook or in the dictionary. Analyzing, write down in your dictionary, the most precise definition. For example, the teacher calls fragmentation: “What is fragmentation? Then, using the card, we will try to give an answer; the teacher writes down the students’ answers on the board and asks other clarifying, leading questions. As a result of the reasoning, an answer is obtained. Let's compare. How about in the dictionary?

Does this term appear in other subjects?

The level of learning ability of students plays a big role in learning, therefore, when forming a conceptual apparatus, differentiation of forms of work according to levels of complexity is sometimes simply necessary. The types of tasks are different. In grades 5-9 you can offer:

I. difficulty level.

    Creating a dictionary of terms on a specific topic. "Mailboxes".

2. Test tasks (choose the correct answer, find a match if there is nothing superfluous, etc.). For example, several terms are written down (at least six, but no more than 12-15), and the student must distribute them by topic. For example: ascetic, knight, three-field, quitrent, tournament, monk, icon, castle. Assignment: write down terms related to the class of feudal lords, clergy, and peasantry.

3. Cards - tasks, for example: write down the definitions by which the student must define the term. “The third wheel”, etc.

II. difficulty level.

    Crosswords, puzzles.

    Duel. Students in pairs build a series of associative concepts. Example: Crime - punishment, Guilt - legal responsibility.

    Test tasks (complete, fill in the blanks, find a match, choose the correct answer, but here the task is more complex, example: what socio-economic concept has currently given way to the concept “ sustainable development"and answer options: progress, acceleration, modernization, reformism, and of course, other types of tasks).

    Task cards. For example, the name of one of the recently studied topics is written on the card, and the answerer must remember and write the meaning of the terms related to the given topic.

III. difficulty level.

    Tasks to generalize a group of concepts.

    Concept construction.

    Construction of circuits.

The presence of an interactive whiteboard in the classroom would expand the opportunities for teachers and students to work on learning terms and concepts, but this opportunity is not yet available in all schools. To work with interactive whiteboard SMART Notebook software offers many possibilities.

The given examples of tasks to eliminate terminological illiteracy among students, of course, do not exhaust all the possibilities for a teacher’s work in this direction. Their main advantage is that they are quite easy to use, and at the same time they allow you to count on good results even in a weak class.

Mastering concepts is a complex and more or less lengthy process that includes a number of stages. The difference between them is characterized by those actions on which the mastery of a concept is based and which turn out to be different throughout the entire path of mastering the concept. As Halperin’s research has shown, mastery of a concept is accomplished successfully when these actions are mainly as follows:
a) practical actions that can be performed not only with objects covered by this concept, or their images, but also with written verbal designations of those features that are essential for this concept,
b) actions “in terms of loud speech”, i.e. naming these signs out loud,

c) actions “in the mind”, or naming the corresponding signs “to oneself”.

The formation of concepts and scientific terms is one of the current problems pedagogical process. I believe that the use of various forms of work, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, makes it possible to more effectively develop an understanding of concepts and their use in presenting the material scientific language.

The teacher’s task is not just to teach students how to work with the conceptual apparatus, but to interest them, to awaken their interest in studying the conceptual apparatus. After all, the learning process is a counter process. It is necessary to direct efforts to form students’ civic position on issues discussed within any subject. Students must not only navigate the conceptual apparatus and numerous approaches to certain concepts, they must form their own opinion in relation to these concepts.

Didactic game is one of the unique forms that makes it possible to make interesting and exciting not only the work of students at the creative and search level, but also the everyday steps of studying the material.

In pedagogy, there are more than 100 names of teaching methods. It is advisable to determine the method depending on the didactic goal, the content of training and the nature of the interaction between teacher and student. In this case, the following general methods of teaching history differ:

I) monologue (method of monologue presentation),

2) demonstrative (visuality methods),

3) dialogical (method of dialogic presentation),

4) heuristic (method of heuristic conversation),

5) research (method of research tasks),

6) programmed (method of program tasks).

In the system of methods, in addition to general methods, subsystems of specific teaching and learning methods should also be distinguished. Teaching methods, i.e. The teacher's activities are as follows:

I) informative,

2) explanatory and illustrative,

H) stimulating,

4) motivating,

5) instructive.

Methods of teaching, i.e. student activities:

a) performing

b) reproductive,

c) partially search,

d) creative-exploratory,

d) practical.

2. Teaching methods are not invented or proposed, but are derived on the basis of didactics, the essence of education and methods of its implementation. The choice of teaching method (and at the same time the forms of its implementation), as a rule, is made during preparation for the lesson. It depends on:

a) theoretical concept,

b) didactic purpose,

c) the level of training of students,

d) the level of training of the teacher himself.

From the point of view of scientific classification, the classification of methods formulated by P.V. Gora seems more consistent:

a) visual teaching methods,

b) verbal teaching methods,

V) practical method training.

4. V.G. Kartsov distinguishes the following methods of oral communication of knowledge:

1) narrative-descriptive story;

2) clarification;

4) summary presentation.

When choosing the type of lesson, the teacher is guided by the place of this lesson in the topic, its objectives, the features of the content of the new material, the pedagogical intent, the age of the students, their skills. The type of lesson also depends on the teaching aids available at the school, the teacher’s preparedness and other factors.

Determining the type of lesson based on the main didactic task is effective. In accordance with this approach, the following types of lessons are distinguished: I) introductory, 2) studying new material, 3) lesson testing and recording knowledge, 4) control, 5) Combined or mixed, 6) repeating and generalizing.

"Six Hats" technique

The class is divided into six groups to work with the text of the paragraph. Each group has a hat of its own color and, accordingly, must analyze the text in its direction.

1 hat – red – emotional perception of the text, immediate reader reaction.

2 hat – white – presentation of facts, descriptions, statistics.

3 hat – black – negative, critical (determines human activity).

4 hat – yellow – draws attention to the positive activities of a person.

5 hat – blue – analytical, search (find information showing the importance of the human mind).

6 hat – red – inventive, creative.

The “Hats” technique can be used when working with historical sources, where hats will symbolize countries or historical figures.

"Clean slate" technique

It is carried out when repeating the material covered. Before the start of the lesson, the teacher attaches pieces of paper in the form of white blots on which questions are written at different ends of the blackboard. At the beginning of the lesson, he asks the students to “clean” the board from the tricks of the “evil chalk,” whose image is also attached to the board. Students take turns going to the board, removing the ink and answering the questions written on them. The one who collected the most blots gets a score.

Reception "Historical fishing"

Used as a lesson element to control knowledge of historical terms and concepts, dates.

You can use an old globe, which will be a model of the world's oceans. A wide hole is sawed into it, over which an ordinary bucket handle is threaded. Outlines of fish are cut out of thick multi-colored cardboard, on which terms, dates, and historical concepts are written on one side. The fish are put into a globe, mixed, and students take turns “catching” the fish while answering questions.

Reception "Tree of Knowledge"

Students learn to pose questions to the material being studied. In class, when studying new material, the children are given the task: as they explain or work with the text, write down on five pieces of paper (circles) 5 different questions and tasks for it. After the material has been studied, the pieces of paper are handed in. The most interesting ones can be assessed and attached to the “Tree of Knowledge” (which is drawn on a Whatman paper in the form of an ordinary tree, where there are small slits with inserted paper clips).

At the next lesson, when checking knowledge, the called students remove any piece of paper (fruit), read the question and answer it.

Reception “In the historical forest”

Used to consolidate knowledge of historical dates. Mushrooms made of cardboard are attached to a magnetic board, with dates written on the back. Each student has a symbolic basket on his desk (a picture with slots into which paper clips are inserted).

The one who “collected” the most mushrooms gets a score.

Game "Palms"

Can be used at the reflection stage to consolidate the basic skills of students.

On the teaching table in front of the students are the contours of the palms. On each finger of the model are written the skills that needed to be consolidated in this lesson. Children squeeze their right palm and take a model of the palm in their left hand. They read the skills on the model and extend as many fingers as they have learned in the lesson, and raise their right palm up.

An example from a generalization lesson in grade 5 on the topic “Western Asia in the Iron Age”:

Showed the location on the map ancient states.

Described (a) the conditions of existence and occupation of people in ancient times.

Explained (a) the meaning of concepts and terms.

Explained the purpose of monuments ancient culture, architectural structures.

Called character traits Iron Age.

Game "Mnemonics"

The game is designed to reinforce or repeat material. On a certain topic, you need to prepare 30 words (surnames, titles, terms) in advance. The teacher needs to sort these words according to the degree of mnemonic complexity: in the first ten - simple enough to remember, in the second - more difficult, in the third - the most difficult words or phrases to remember.

The game is played in three rounds. The teacher writes down the words for the first round, the students listen carefully without writing anything down. Once the teacher has listed all 10 words, students are given time (3 minutes) to write down the words they remember. After time passes, the teacher reveals the winner - the one who remembered the most: “Raise your hands, who wrote down 10 words?” (or 9 words, 8 words, until the author of the longest list is revealed).

The 2nd and 3rd rounds are conducted in a similar manner. That. Whoever wins all three rounds receives a “5” rating.

For example, on the topic “ Patriotic War 1812" The following words may be used:


Barclay de Tolly














"Illustrated Test"

This test can be used to consolidate studied material on the culture of any country, any historical period. Illustrations of architectural monuments, sculptures, paintings, photographs of cultural figures are glued onto the sheet, and questions are asked and answer options are given.

Technique for creating a cluster

The meaning of this technique is an attempt to systematize existing knowledge on a particular problem.

A cluster is a graphic organization of material that shows the semantic fields of a particular concept. The word cluster means “bundle, constellation”. Clustering allows students to think freely and openly about a topic.

Students write down the key concept in the center of the sheet, and from it draw arrows - rays in different directions that connect this word with others, from which the rays diverge further and further.

The cluster can be used at a variety of stages of the lesson. At the challenge stage - to stimulate mental activity. At the stage of comprehension - to structure the educational material. At the reflection stage - when summarizing what students have learned. The cluster can also be used to organize individual and group work in the classroom and at home.


Picture writing used as a methodological means of indirect memorization. The general appearance of a pictogram is a set of graphic images used for the purpose of effective memorization and subsequent reproduction of events, dates, and concepts.

Can be used when explaining new material and when checking homework.

Technique of “writing syncwine”

Translated from french word"syncwine" means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. What is the point of this methodological technique?

Compiling a syncwine requires the student to briefly summarize the educational material and information, which allows him to reflect on any occasion.

This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules. The rules for writing syncwine are as follows:

The first line contains one word - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

On the second line you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of the syncwine.

On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the topic of syncwine.

The fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. It could be popular expression, quotation or phrase composed by the student in the context of the topic.

The last line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of the topic and allows you to express your personal attitude towards it.

A system of history lessons to develop students' imaginative thinking

Lesson forms used:






Techniques used:

"I'll start and you will continue"

"along the chain"

"business card"

International scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren and teachers

"First steps into science"



(or rules - for yourself)

student of 11th "A" class

Scientific adviser:

teacher of Russian language and literature

State Educational Institution " high school No. 40 Mogilev"

Mogilev, 2013


Everyone knows that no one wants to study poorly, but another thing is that not everyone can study well. What is the reason for this paradox?

According to psychologists (G. Ebbinghaus), it’s all about the individual characteristics (differences) of human memory.

The study of memory began many centuries ago, and memory has always been associated with the learning process (i.e., the accumulation of information). Researchers have come to the conclusion that the memory of many students is not adapted to “simple memorization” of a complex rule or a symbol that means nothing to them - a letter in a word. But this memory is very vivid and imaginative [ 1 ]. How can such students be, because in the Russian language there are many complex rules, and even more exception words. If these children are not helped in time, their literacy will deteriorate and their interest in the subject will gradually disappear. This problem has existed at all times, but today it is especially relevant and pressing: schoolchildren have a low level of general academic skills, lack a stable interest in the subject, and have poorly developed memory.

Goal of the work: study effective ways and techniques that develop memory, increase interest in learning the Russian language, improve the quality of knowledge on the subject, and store information in long-term memory; systematization of the author's material on the research topic, tested in Russian language lessons.

The stated goal assumes solving a number of problems:

1) consider the content of the initial concepts of this study (memory, mnemonics, mnemonic devices);

3) create a collection of effective mnemonic techniques.

Object of study is a mnemonic technique.

Subject of study: the effectiveness of mnemonic devices in learning the Russian language.

Hypothesis: In this study, it is assumed that learning the Russian language will be more effective if methods of developing associative memory using mnemonic techniques are skillfully used in lessons.

Research methods: study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature; creating a collection of effective mnemonic techniques; collection and processing of results of the effectiveness of using accumulated materials on the research topic; diagnostics.


1.1. Individual characteristics memory

People are leading different kinds memory, and therefore the channels of perception and processing of information are not the same. Everyone has their own most familiar way. So, for example, visual learners remember better and faster visually, auditory learners – by hearing, and kinesthetic learners – with the help of motor sensations [ 6 ].

It is rare for a person to have all these types of memory developed equally; usually one of them is better. Therefore, it is useful to find out which memory - visual, auditory or motor - is more developed, and consciously try to “talk” to the memory in a language that is convenient for it. Which type of memory is dominant is often reflected in school performance. Visual learners have great difficulty perceiving information when it is presented only by ear (such children often do their homework perfectly, but in class they get bad marks, since they cannot even perceive the terms of the task, much less remember it by ear). Auditory learners, on the contrary, experience difficulties if there is no opportunity to hear information (such students often “mutter” something under their breath while reading a textbook).

We should also not forget that there are people with a predominance of the left hemisphere of the brain (“right-handed”) and with a dominance of the right hemisphere (in everyday life they prefer to use their left hand). If a child’s right hemisphere predominates, he learns rules more slowly, reads worse, and has unstable attention. According to the opinion, “dry” educational material is absorbed by imaginatively thinking children much more difficult [ 2 ]. This means that schoolchildren with a predominance of the right hemisphere of the brain, due to psychological and physiological characteristics, need to influence their imagination and emotionality.

And this is where mnemonics comes to the rescue.

1.2. Mnemonics (or effective memorization techniques)

Mnemonics(same as mnemonics) - the art of memorization, a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity through the formation of artificial associations [ 4] .

The words “mnemonics” and “mnemonics” come from the Greek “mnemonikon” - the art of memorization. It is believed that Pythagoras of Samos (6th century BC) coined this word. The art of memorization is called the word “mnemonikon” after the ancient Greek goddess of memory Mnemosyne, the mother of the nine muses. Already in Ancient Greece, people successfully used mnemonic techniques.

In Rus', mnemonics were also used. A striking example of this is the Slavic alphabet. The names of all Cyrillic letters were invented for mnemonic purposes. A (az) B (buki) C (lead) - I know the letters.

Mnemonics was studied, developed and taught by Giordano Bruno; Aristotle was interested in it and taught this art to his student Alexander the Great. Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte had phenomenal memory, based on mnemonic techniques.

This means that since ancient times people have understood that mnemonics facilitates and improves the memorization of information. But even in our time, interest in mnemonics has not faded away.

The main “secret” of mnemonics is very simple and well known. When a person in his imagination connects several visual images, the brain records this relationship. And later, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images [ 3 ].

Having studied the literature on the topic under study, we came to the conclusion that mnemonics is the ability to accumulate a large amount of accurate information in memory; saving time when memorizing; long-term storage of stored information in memory; powerful training of attention and thinking; a real chance to quickly master several new specialties and become a professional in your field; the ability to use information: a person can apply knowledge only when it is in the head; excellent gymnastics for the brain - the brain needs to be trained so that it does not atrophy.

1.3. Mnemonic devices - the way to memorization

When information is difficult to remember, difficult to organize, when you are limited in time, special techniques for quick memorization come to the rescue. They allow you to avoid “boring cramming” (perhaps the most popular way of memorizing “unmemorable” information). There are a great many such techniques, it’s difficult to tell about them all. The most important thing is to understand the general principles by which they are all built.

The basis of any method of effective memorization is: the desire to remember information, awareness of why it will be useful to you, a vivid impression, good attention, establishing connections with the knowledge or experience you already have.

According to psychologists, facts that have a positive connotation are remembered much better, facts that have a negative connotation are remembered worse, and even worse those that do not have any connotation. Since the rules themselves do not have any emotional connotation, the mnemonic device compensates for this “shortcoming” in the best possible way. Therefore, it is easier for schoolchildren to remember short phrases (“By clone was pleased with his creation thanks for mountains red boy on zar e", "To you rasch before the harvest lodge or not at cas get on before download ek", "About mock again in the rain, oh poppy zero in the jam bagel"), rather than voluminous rules on the topic “Alternating vowels” from a textbook on the Russian language .

in the article “Absolute Literacy: Rhetorical Strategies for Achieving” states: “The logical is forgotten, it takes a long time to remember, so often the rules teach you to make mistakes. Our grammar contradicts literacy: it does not convey a linguistic fact, but the linguistic act of painfully approaching this fact. What is remembered is what is instantly remembered..." [ 5 ]. Mnemonic devices are remembered instantly, because drawing up “rules for yourself” is the key to memorization and subsequent recall.

1.4. Mnemonics techniques in Russian language lessons

Speaking about the classification of mnemonic techniques, it should be understood that this division into groups is conditional. Of course, there are mnemonic devices that fit well within the boundaries of a particular group, but sometimes one mnemonic device contains elements of several groups.

Researchers identify the following mnemonic techniques in Russian language lessons: associative drawings (or graphic method), sound associations (or keyword method), combined method, “letter-images”, list method, rhyming, assignment to one word-formation type, fairy tales - associations , schematically – drawing mnemonics, “material”, “finger” mnemonics.

In our work, we examined only some of the listed mnemonic devices.

1.5. Associative drawings (or graphic method)

Remembering the spelling of each word requires a creative approach. For example, Difficult words you can... draw (ANNEX 1). Instead of untestable vowels and consonants, there are picture letters selected on the basis of associations. By doing this, we use the main rule of effective memorization - in order to remember, you need to make a connection!

1.6. Sound associations (or keyword method)

In order to remember the spelling of a difficult word using the method of phonetic associations, you need to:

1. Make sure that the word is written correctly, and that the letter or letters you want to remember are truly untestable.

2. Select a consonant (key) word for the memorized word so that it contains some part of what is memorized and so that the “problem” letter in it is heard clearly (it is better that the emphasis falls on it if we are talking about vowel letters). If the memorized word is long or if you need to remember two (three) letters, then you need to choose two consonant words for it. In rare cases, even three.

3. From the consonant word and the memorized word, you need to create a plot. The plot, naturally, should be bright, funny, unusual, maybe even ridiculous.

4. Parts of a consonant word that coincide with the memorized one can be somehow highlighted in writing (size, italics, color); it is advisable to underline or highlight the memorized letters. This must be done so that your visual memory also takes part in working on the word. (APPENDIX 2).

Dealing with the mnemonics of dictionary words, he successfully describes the mechanism of operation of this technique. Contacts first necessary word with another, then the associative connection is played out, and the vocabulary word has an “adopted relative”, which helps to highlight and firmly remember the desired spelling. “The more unexpected, funny and absurd such a connection between words is,” he writes, “the higher the efficiency of memorization [ 1 ].

1.7. Combined method

This method is needed only for those words in which you need to remember two or more letters. It consists in combining graphic and phonetic methods. That is, to remember one letter, the method of phonetic associations is used, and to remember the other (others), the graphic method is used. The combined method is convenient to use for words in which, in addition to the vowel, you also need to remember the double consonant (APPENDIX 3).

1.8. List method

Let's say you're unsure about the spelling of the word "rack":

1. Open the dictionary and make sure that two letters are written in this word.

2. Remember some word (with a double l), the spelling of which you have no doubt about (“hall”).

3. Build associative connections between the memorized word and the word whose spelling you are sure of (“in the hall on the shelves…”).

Now let’s assume: you need to remember that in the word “dollars” you also need to write two letters. All that remains is to continue the story started (APPENDIX 4).

The possibilities for using this method of memorizing spelling are quite wide. You will be able to remember which words contain one or two letters: N or NN, L or LL, M or MM, S or SS, P or PP.

1.9. Rhymes

The connection between words can be strengthened by rhyme, the rhythm of a poem. In order to remember which syllable should be emphasized in a particular word, it is necessary to select a consonant for it, in which the stress falls on this syllable without a doubt. Or the word must rhyme with the memorized one, and so that the rhyme falls on the memorized syllable (APPENDIX 5).

Not only the accentological, but also the morphological norm usually causes enormous difficulties, and the proposed mnemorhymes significantly simplify the assimilation of the material (APPENDIX 6).

Thus, despite the fact that mnemonic devices are not high prose or poetry, they stimulate cognitive interest; improve academic performance; create a positive attitude, positive emotions; contribute to the activation of thinking, develop memory.


Human memory and mnemonics are inextricably linked with each other. Trained memory always relies on mnemonics, because it is an integral part of our mental activity. Each of us constantly uses some kind of mnemonic device: when memorizing, it establishes a connection (association), identifies main idea in the text to remember its content, etc. However, it is always worth remembering that mnemonics techniques are not a replacement for memorization itself, but only a means for reducing the time for memorization. Natural memory, given to us from birth, is always involved in work. Techniques are a help to her, they cannot be overestimated and must be adjusted to natural memory.

We are convinced that the use of mnemonics in Russian language lessons is necessary, but not at all necessary when studying all sections.

In our work, we examined individual ways and techniques of memorizing words that are difficult to write and pronounce. We tried to create a collection of effective mnemonic techniques that were tested in Russian language lessons (tasks for testing and results are presented in APPENDICES 7, 8). Mastering these techniques will not take much effort, but will save time on preparing for lessons, exams and centralized testing In Russian. Mnemonic developments will help expand and systematize knowledge on certain topics: “Unverifiable spellings”, “Morphological and accentological norms”, will help identify and eliminate gaps in knowledge, while creating a positive attitude, positive emotions, and turning studying into an exciting process. A good mood during work is the key to success in learning!


1. Agafonov, V.V. “Wrong rules” for dictionary words and more / . - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yuventa, 20с.

2. Bondarenko, S. M., Rotenberg, . Education. Health / , . - M.: Education, 1989.

3. Ziganov, M. A., Kozarenko,: Memorization based on visual thinking /, // http://*****/books/1247/.

4. Kozarenko, mnemonics // http://www. e-reading. /book. php? book=131402.

5. Murashov, literacy: rhetorical strategies for achievement // Russian language at school No. 3.- P. 3-12.

6. Nikitina, develop supermemory, or Remember quickly and easily / . – M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2006. – 291 p.




2. FAITH and Va NDA, and where is VERANDA?

3. AND AT THAT shore... ANATOMIST lives.


5. IM MIGRATION I'm not needed in IMMIGRATION And.


7. PARADISE - HE not in AREA e.



10. VER a and MISH and near FIR didn't want to VERMICHELLI.

11. BALCONY was studying BALCONY e.

12. JAK V JAK You're very cute!

13. FAT a lot of FAT F.

14. KART s on KART and everything is in the web.

15. CATCAT dragged away the fly.

16. MASH and in MACHINES e broke through SHIN s.

Met a friend a long time ago AND shny.

He's squeezing ness E R,

Headed to dispensary E R.

8. Grandma knits socks

Very fast, mastersk AND !

9. Cunning sharp ABOUT that

Causes loud laughter.

Thai cuisine witticisms A

Unpleasant for the cat.

10. Masha’s dog ran away

Searched the whole quart A l!

I called all my friends,

And he sleeps peacefully at home.


1. Once upon a time the squad hussar

Attended a ball at the estate.

Shine shoulder strap And epaulet

The light from the chandelier was darkening.

After the ball five estates

Celebrated eight weddings.

2. Summer at sea - what a beauty!

The yachts will straighten their sail,

AND boats substitute sides

The gentle waters of the tide.

The night sky will be awakened by the dawn,

The command will ring out: “Raise anchors

Ports leaving, the ships are sailing

In the mirror of a clean bay.

Get another cake.

Then I bought it

Waffles, sweets, pasta, oranges,

Mirror, saucer, bracelets, shoes,

Two pairs of sneakers, towels, baskets.

Having delivered my purchases at home, I became depressed:

For some reason I forgot to buy salt!

13. Young lady I was walking in the park,

Nice hat veil decorated.

14. Fashion has proven it, don’t even argue:

Narrow shoe– big corn.


Associative drawings (or graphic method)

2. Draw the letters in the words.

Sound associations (or keyword method)

1. Fill in the missing letters.

2. Choose words that are consonant (with stressed vowels).

3. Make up mnemonic phrases (with words that have double consonants).

Combined method

1. Fill in the missing letters.

2. Select words that are consonant (to the first unstressed vowel).

3. Draw the second missing letter.

4. Make up mnemonic phrases.

List method

1. Fill in the missing letters (words that contain one or two letters: n, l, m, s, p, etc.).

2. Put the words into the sentences.


1. Insert the missing words (in the form I. p. or R. p. plural) into the mnemorhymes, put emphasis on these words.

2. Determine the gender of nouns.


Results of testing the effectiveness of using mnemonic techniques in Russian language lessons

67 respondents took part in the testing: students of 5 “A”, 10 “A” and 11 “A” classes of the State Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 40 of Mogilev”.

When memorizing historical dates, we record in memory not only the dates themselves and the events corresponding to them, but also the sequence of dates. Memorizing the sequence allows you to remember all the dates without gaps and ensures they are consolidated in memory when repeated.

Let's analyze the memorization technique using simple historical dates:

1609 Galileo made the first telescope;

1453 fall Byzantine Empire;

1367 construction of the white stone Moscow Kremlin.

From each date we will highlight significant parts of the information message that must be translated into figurative form:

609 Galileo telescope;

453 Byzantium the fall of the empire;

367 Moscow Kremlin white wall.

609 ShL NM RC Shl Nm RC ShNuRok; Galileo gallery (according to consonance); telescope telescope (unchanged).

453 ChShch PB Kkh ChShch PB Kkh Sliver; Byzantium credit card “Visa” (link to familiar information); empire crown (symbolization device).

367 KH ShL SZ Kh ShL SZ KliZma; Moscow Kremlin white wall.

As a result of transformations, material is obtained for creating artificial associations. All words are easily represented in the form of visual images:

lanyard gallery telescope;

sliver card "Visa" crown;

enema white wall.

It is logical to choose the image in which the number is encoded as the basis for associations when memorizing these historical dates. (We exclude the unit from memorization and add it when recalling.)

Basics of associations: string, sliver, enema.

We remember their sequence using the “Matryoshka” technique. We mentally increase the “lace”. We insert a “sliver” into it. We fix this picture in our imagination.

Now it remains to form associative connections between the basics and other images in which the events are encoded.

To do this, we again present the image of the “lace”. In the place where the association has already been formed, other images cannot be attached. We imagine the lace, for example, greatly enlarged, in the form of a carpet in an art gallery, on the walls of which telescopes hang.

We reduce the “lace” and read the “sliver” image from it. We display the “sliver” image separately on our internal “screen”. We form an association: “A Visa card is glued to the sliver; a corrugated image of a crown is clearly visible on it.” We fix the association.

We again display the “sliver” image separately on the “screen” and read the “enema” image from it. We leave one enema and increase it, preparing for the formation of an association. We form an association: “A fragment of a white wall is visible on the rubber part of the enema.” We fix the association.

The information was remembered, i.e. recorded in visual memory in the form of images.

If you want to commit it to memory, use the active repetition method.

A diagram of the technique for remembering historical dates looks like this:

When memorizing complex chronological tables, where three-digit numbers are often repeated, the association should be based on an image obtained from an event on a historical date. In general, three-digit numbers are figurative codes and, according to the rules, should only be elements of an association. When memorizing simple chronological tables, you can make an exception and use the images of numbers as a basis.

List of fixed figurative codes of two-digit numbers from 21 to 40

21. dTGzh IRON 31 KkhgZh Leather

22. DtDt DioD 32 KhdT KiT

23. DtkH Perfume 33 KkhKkh KeKs

24. DtChsch Game 34 KhChsch KoChan

25. dTPb Topor 35 KhpB KuB

26. DtShl Dush 36 KhshL GLUE

27. dTsZ TuZ 37 KhSz KoSa

28. DtVf udaV 38 kHVf Khvoya

29. dtrts grater 39 khrts anchor

30. KhNm IKONA 40 ChshchNm Teapot

To train the speed of encoding two-digit numbers into images, you can use an electronic wristwatch. Switch the watch to the “Seconds” mode and name the images corresponding to the numbers from 01 to 60.

Using mnemonics as part of the History course

Bakai Lyudmila Vasilievna history teacher MBOU "Obozerskaya secondary school No. 2"

To remember historical information that cannot be remembered, for example, when you need to remember a large number of dates, you can use mnemonics.

Mnemonics - a system of internal writing based on direct recording in the brain of connections between visual images denoting significant elements memorized information. Mnemonic memorization consists of four stages: encoding into images, memorization (connecting two images), memorizing a sequence, consolidating in memory.

When memorizing academic disciplines mnemonics provides a very deep understanding of the material, since memorization methods require the creation in the imagination of vivid figurative illustrations for concepts and definitions.

The technique of memorizing numbers consists of the following techniques:

    Establish patterns;

    Find familiar numbers.

There are four stages of using mnemonics in history lessons: preparatory, main, checking results and expert review, reflection.

Preparatory stage .

The teacher asks students to memorize a series of dates and explains that they will be given time to remember each one. During this time, it is necessary to establish the patterns that this date causes.

    Main stage .

    The teacher dictates dates at intervals of 10-15 seconds. Upon completion, students should write them down in the order in which they were dictated by the teacher.

    3. Verification of results and expert assessment.

    The teacher finds out which of the students completed the task and to what extent. One of the students who remembers the most dates reads the written dates to the class. An expert assessment is provided.


    Students who completed the task more successfully than others talk about how they did it. Anyone can talk about their impressions and ideas.

When memorizing historical dates, we record in memory not only the dates themselves and the events corresponding to them, but also the sequence of dates. Memorizing a sequence allows you to remember everythingdates without gaps and ensures their consolidation in memory when repeated.

We transform the elements into visual images that are convenient for memorization (for linking).

Let's say you need to remember the date: 1453 - the death of the Byzantine Empire.Let me remind you of an alphanumeric code that can easily be used to convert an image (a word denoting it) into numbers:1-gzh, 2-dt, 3-kh, 4-chshch, 5-pb, 6-shl, 7-sz, 8-vf, 9-rts, 0-nm

° Byzantium - plastic card "Visa" (encoding by consonance)° empire - imperial crown (symbolization technique)

We're missing one. The memorized information consists of three elements: 453, Byzantium, empire.

453 - Sliver (see directory of figurative codes on the Mnemonikon website)Byzantium - plastic card "Visa" (encoding by consonance)Empire - imperial crown (symbolization device)

In the analyzed date, the main element is “Byzantium”. Therefore, the image of "Visa" will be the basis of the association.To connect the elements of the association with its basis, it is necessary in the basis (the image "Visa Card" distinguish two parts, two sub-images. Let it be: the corner of the card and the card number.The elements are associated with the selected sub-images of the base. Combine the following images in your imagination:map corner + Sliver (453)card number + crownThe association is formed gradually, by sequentially connecting pairs of images. After connecting the elements with the parts of the base, imagine the entire association. Try to see in your imagination a plastic Visa card and a sliver on its corner, and a crown on the numbers of the number. The resulting three-dimensional image encodes a memorized historical date. Now you can easily read from it (literally like from a note) the historical date. Similarly, you should remember other historical dates in the chronological table.


Good afternoon, dear colleagues! - I am glad to welcome you to my master class.

To begin with, I want to introduce myself. My name is Drobyazko Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies at the Novokievsk school.

- Dear Colleagues,Do you hear the beautiful singing of birds and the sound of water? Do not be surprised! In front of you is the Poznanie River, which divides the bank of “Nadezhda” and the bank of “Justified Hopes”.

The poster features a landscape. River and two banks.– I’ll ask you to write your“expectations” from the master class and stick them on the shore of Nadezhda..

Exercise "Expectations".

I think that each of us has more than once encountered such a problem as poor memory in children.

For many teachers who care about their work, it is very important that their students love and know the subject. Each of us strives to make our lessons interesting and unforgettable. Subjects of history and social studies often require memorizing complex terminology and memorizing certain concepts. And I was faced with the following task: to find such pedagogical techniques, so that the voluminous and often complex factual material becomes more accessible. And I found it.

In this, in my opinion, mnemonic memorization, or so-called mnemonics, can help. Therefore, the topic of the master class is:"Techniques mnemonics in history and social studies lessons.”

Purpose of the lesson : To introduce students to techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information - the method of mnemonics.

Lesson objectives:

  • give the concept of mnemonics, reveal relevance;
  • introduce the features, principles of technology, stages of working with mnemonic devices in a history and social studies lesson when memorizing basic concepts, chronological dates and events
  • motivating master class participants to use this technology in their activities;
  • reflection of their own professional skills by master class participants;

I hope that at the end of today master class You can:

Explain what is mnemonics;

differ mnemonic techniques from other types of educational activities;

Compose using mnemonic techniques, your examples relating to your subject

So here we go

The problem of improving memory has been relevant at all times, because people of many professions have always needed to remember many facts. But it has become especially acute right now, during the development of computer technologies, which have opened up unlimited access to information for us. This is especially true at school, and it’s no secret that every year the demands on mental activity are increasing.

Mnemonics - a set of techniques and systems that serve to improve the storage of information and its reproduction from memory

The art of memorization - mnemonics (mnemonics) - originated in ancient times. It was integral part classical rhetoric - the art of composing and delivering speeches. But, unlike other sections of rhetoric, mnemonics is very individual character. All people are different: some have more developed visual memory, others have more auditory memory; Some people remember numbers better, others - figurative expressions. That's why it's so little practical aids according to mnemonics. Its secrets are mainly passed down orally, from generation to generation. The main “secret” of mnemonics is very simple and well known. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain records this relationship. And later, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images. ( The simplest example: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” - memorizing the colors of the rainbow).

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but connect twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly.”

There are many mnemonics techniques, but the following are more acceptable for schoolchildren:




Search for a strong point; schematization;

Completion of material; structuring the material.

The mnemonic technique facilitates memorization, but only in certain cases (where invented artificial associations are fixed during memorization easily and quickly). However, we must remember the golden mean, and in some cases, excessive use of mnemonics can cause direct harm.

We present to your attention some examples of tasks that help students more easily absorb information in history and social studies lessons. In my practice, I use examples that are compiled together with students or independently.

I would like to move on to the next stage of our event in the words of Confucius “I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do it and remember it.” That is, move from words to deeds

Imagine that you are 5th grade students and we are introducing the new concept of “reform”.

(I write the word “reform” large on the board.)

Tell me, please, who knows what the words “reform” mean? (most often children do not know this)

Okay, find in this incomprehensible

for us a word, a word that is familiar to you.

Well done, you found the word “form” that is familiar to you.

Tell me, do all objects have a shape? (Yes)

Does this balloon in my hand have a shape? (Yes)_

Okay, I'll take a marker and write the word "shape" on it.

We figured out this part of the incomprehensible word a little. What is left unclear to us? (This is "RE")

Does the word “re” remind you of anything? What if I take the letter “r” in my hand and turn it over? (For this I have a prepared paper cut out letter)

Does the letter begin to remind you of a weapon? For example a revolver. (Yes)

Tell me, can a revolver fire? (Yes)

And if I shoot at our ball, what will happen to its shape? (will change)

Exactly? Let's check.

I clearly demonstrate that I am shooting at a ball from a revolver. The ball bursts. Right now, children have not only visual, but also emotional memory.

We have come to the conclusion that most likely this word will mean some kind of change. Does everyone agree with this?

Let's write down on the board under the word reform, a new word for the definition of “change.” Now I ask you to open your textbooks to page 63 and read the meaning of the word “reform.”

Reform is a change, transformation, reorganization of any aspect of people’s lives.

Tell me, is our conclusion confirmed? (Yes)

This is what needed to be proven.

The main principle of memorizing words is searching for connections. Any dictionary, including your own, is a complex, multi-level association. Therefore, in order to remember a new word, you need to “link” it to already known words. The more ropes, the more reliable.

I now suggest that you work in groups and apply the “Unknown to the Known: memorization based on word connections” technique. Define the words: conservatism, salary.

(work in groups)

But not always, the word can suggest the meaning. Here in front of us is the unfamiliar word “PROGRESS.” (I write the word on the board, preferably in block letters)

There is no clue in the word. There is a way out; imagination and drawing come to the rescue. If I write the first letter “P” larger than the rest and draw two wheels under it. Like this:


Dear colleagues, what does the word look like?

That's right, to the locomotive. Tell us, what does the arrow tell us, is the locomotive moving or standing still?

That's right, he's moving forward. Does everyone agree with this? Let's write down our conclusion next to our drawing. Forward movement.

Tell me, our conclusion coincides with the correct definition of this word. For better memorization, drawing and imagination helped us.

You have historical terms on your tables.

quitrent - payment of dependent peasants to the feudal lord in food or money.Civil War- war between citizens of the same state

Try using a drawing and your imagination to do similar work with them. (group work and discussion)

Drawing and imagination help to remember not only individual historical or social science terms, but also large historical events and historically significant personalities. I would like to show you a small exhibition of children's works in this direction.

(showing children's drawings) Annex 1

In 7th grade, children are faced with the fact that they have to know this chronological table:

Topic: Palace coups

  • Catherine I 1725 – 1727
  • Peter II 1727 -1730
  • Anna Ioannovna 1730 – 1740
  • Ivan Antonovich 1740 – 1741
  • Elizaveta Petrovna 1741-1761
  • Peter III 1761-1762
  • Catherine II 1762-1796

Memorizing related events and names is, from the point of view of mnemonics, a special object for study. The fact is that rows, lists, connectives, clips of words must be memorized in strict sequence. And this is not easy. Everything here is based on keys. Knowing them, it will not be difficult to reproduce this material.

Key 1 :Knowing the starting point - in our case this is the year of death of Peter I - 1725 and remembering the code of numbers 2, 3, 10, 1, 20, 1, 34, we can create a numerical chronology.

Key2 : Please note the first and last in the list is a woman, the name is Ekaterina, the second and penultimate is a man, the name is Peter. Then the third and fifth are women, the middle is a man, the name is Ivan.

I suggest that you take the keys and reproduce this table.

In conclusion, I want to say that the use of mnemonics is in no way intended to replace the most famous and widely popular method in the development and strengthening of memory - traditional memorization of texts. However, mnemonics copes with the task of helping to make the memorization process simpler and more interesting.

And now I want you to try to apply and explain the basic mnemonic techniques specifically regarding your subject. (practical work, viewing received works)

As you can see, the use of mnemonics in history and social studies lessons allows not only to develop all types of memory, teach children to manage their memory, increase its volume, but also to ensure the development of all mental activity of schoolchildren, their creative cognition.

In high school, students compile intelligence tables based on mnemonics. I suggest you get to know them.

(Showing intelligence cards) Appendix 2

Dear Colleagues!Our master class is coming to an end. Today in class we will: 1. Find out how acute the problem of poor memory is at the present stage.

2. We found a way out of this problem using mnemonic techniques.

3. Learned some mnemonic techniques that will help you and your students

I would really like the master class to be useful and interesting for you.

And in conclusion, I ask you to express your opinion about today's event.

Did your well-being or mood change by the end of the lesson?

What are your impressions? What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?

"Exercise "Expectations".Take stickers and write down how much your expectations from the master class were met.

I would like you to attach stickers to the “shore of justified hopes”, voicing your opinion.

Dear Colleagues! The road will be mastered by those who walk, so I wish you creative success in our interesting and exciting activities.

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