Educational portal of the Ryazan Medical College. Ryazan Medical and Social College Ryazan Medical College after 9

Basic vocational education Basic vocational education / Professional skills competitions and Olympiads Basic vocational education / Professional skills competitions and Olympiads / Olympiad prof. mastery 2019 Basic vocational education / For teachers Basic vocational education / For teachers / For teachers. Methodological materials Basic vocational education / Teachers / Teachers. Teaching materials / Professional modules Basic vocational education / Teachers / Teachers. Methodical materials / Academic disciplines Basic vocational education / Teachers / CMC Basic vocational education / Teachers / School of professional excellence Basic vocational education / Teachers / School of professional excellence / Distance education Basic vocational education / Interim certification Basic vocational education / Intermediate certification / Specialty: Midwifery Basic vocational education / Intermediate certification / Specialty: Laboratory diagnostics Basic vocational education / Intermediate certification / Specialty: General medicine Basic vocational education / Intermediate certification / Specialty: Nursing Basic vocational education / Intermediate certification / Specialty: Orthopedic Dentistry Basic vocational education / Interim certification / Specialty: Pharmacy Basic vocational education / For students. Educational materials Basic vocational education / For students. Educational materials / General education academic disciplines Basic vocational education / For students. Educational materials / Midwifery Basic vocational education / For students. Educational materials / Laboratory diagnostics Basic vocational education / For students. Educational materials / General medicine Basic vocational education / Students. Educational materials / Nursing Basic vocational education / Students. Educational materials / Orthopedic dentistry Basic professional education / For students. Educational materials / Pharmacy Additional vocational education Additional vocational education / Midwifery Additional vocational education / Midwifery / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Midwifery / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Anesthesiology and resuscitation Additional vocational education / Anesthesiology and resuscitation / Tests for certification Additional professional education / Anesthesiology and resuscitation / Certification tests Additional professional education / Bacteriology Additional professional education / Bacteriology / Certification tests Additional professional education / Bacteriology / Certification tests Additional professional education / Hygienic education Additional professional education / Hygiene education / Tests for certification Additional vocational education / Hygiene education / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Histology Additional vocational education / Histology / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Histology / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Disinfection Additional vocational education / Disinfection / Certification tests Additional professional education / Disinfection / Certification tests Additional professional education / Dietetics Additional professional education / Dietetics / Certification tests Additional professional education / Dietetics / Certification tests Additional professional education / Laboratory diagnostics Additional professional education / Laboratory diagnostics / Certification tests Additional professional education / Laboratory diagnostics / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Laboratory work Additional vocational education / Laboratory work / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Laboratory work / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Physical therapy Additional vocational education / Physical therapy / Tests for certification Additional vocational education / Physical therapy / Certification tests Additional vocational education / General medicine Additional vocational education / General medicine / Certification tests Additional vocational education / General medicine / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Medical statistics Additional vocational education / Medical statistics / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Medical statistics / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Medical massage Additional vocational education / Medical massage / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Medical massage / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Narcology Additional vocational education / Narcology / Certification tests Additional professional education / Narcology / Certification tests Additional professional education / General practice Additional vocational education / General practice / Certification tests Additional vocational education / General practice / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Operations Additional vocational education / Operations / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Operations / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Organization of nursing Additional professional education / Organization of nursing / Certification tests Additional professional education / Organization of nursing / Certification tests Additional professional education / Radiology Additional professional education / Radiology / Certification tests Additional professional education / Radiology / Certification tests Additional professional education education / Nursing Additional vocational education / Nursing / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Nursing / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Nursing in cosmetology Additional vocational education / Nursing in cosmetology / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Nursing in cosmetology / Certification tests Additional professional education / Nursing in pediatrics Additional professional education / Nursing in pediatrics / Certification tests Additional professional education / Nursing in pediatrics / Certification tests Additional professional education / Nursing in surgery Additional professional education / Nursing in surgery / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Emergency and emergency care Additional vocational education / Emergency and emergency care / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Emergency and emergency care / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Dentistry Additional vocational education / Dentistry / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Dentistry / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Orthopedic dentistry Additional vocational education / Orthopedic dentistry / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Orthopedic dentistry / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Preventive dentistry Additional vocational education / Dentistry preventive / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Preventive dentistry / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Forensic medical examination Additional vocational education / Forensic medical examination / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Forensic medical examination / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Pharmacy Additional vocational education / Pharmacy / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Pharmacy / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Physiotherapy Additional vocational education / Physiotherapy / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Physiotherapy / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Functional diagnostics Additional professional education / Functional diagnostics / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Functional diagnostics / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Epidemiology (parasitology) Additional vocational education / Epidemiology (parasitology) / Certification tests Additional vocational education / Epidemiology (parasitology) / Tests for certification Miscellaneous

Regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education`Ryazan Medical and Social College`

College majors

▪ Midwife/Midwife, full-time, based on 11 grades, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Midwife/Midwife, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Pharmacist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Pharmacist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Medical technologist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Medical laboratory technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Paramedic, full-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ In person, 288 hours

▪ Nurse, full-time, based on 11th grade, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Nurse, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ In person, 288 hours

▪ Dental technician, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Dental hygienist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

Nearby colleges

RKE was created on March 14, 1950 as the Ryazan Electrovacuum Technical School, in 1959 it was transformed into the Ryazan polytechnic school, in 1967 – College of Electronic Instruments. In 1992, the technical school received college status. As part of network optimization educational institutions in 2009, the Ryazan Petrochemical College was annexed to the RKE, and in 2013, the State Budgetary Educational Institution NPO PU No. 10 of Ryazan.

Training of specialists and skilled workers for construction industry and housing and communal services. Form of study: full-time, correspondence. Professional training, advanced training, professional retraining. The form of study is full-time and part-time (evening) in a group of 10-15 people. Read more about the areas of training here

One of the legal successors of the Ryazan Technological College is the Ryazan State college of technology, whose history goes back more than four decades, whose graduates are among the most sought-after on the market educational services Ryazan and region. Today, the college has almost two thousand students studying in various specialties, full-time and correspondence form training. IT technicians, accountants, food and baking technologists, confectionery and pasta technologists, bank employees, hairdressers and fashion designers are trained here. Created in college comfortable environment training and education. Classes are equipped with modern equipment, there are chemical laboratories, a library, a cafeteria, a gym, an open stadium, and training workshops. That is why the level of training is quite high.

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