General inorganic chemistry. Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry. Drawing up formulas for valence

At this stage of evolution, not a single person can imagine his life without chemistry. After all, every day all over the world various chemical reactions occur, without which the existence of all living things is simply impossible. In general, there are two sections in chemistry: inorganic and organic chemistry. To understand their main differences, you first need to understand what these sections are.

Inorganic chemistry

It is known that this area of ​​chemistry studies all physical and chemical properties of inorganic substances, as well as their compounds, taking into account their composition, structure, as well as their ability to undergo various reactions with the use of reagents and in their absence.

They can be both simple and complex. With the help of inorganic substances, new technically important materials are created that are in demand among the population. To be precise, this section of chemistry deals with the study of those elements and compounds that are not created by living nature and are not biological material, but are obtained by synthesis from other substances.

In the course of some experiments, it turned out that living beings are capable of producing a lot of inorganic substances, and it is also possible to synthesize organic substances in the laboratory. But, despite this, it is still simply necessary to separate these two areas from each other, since there are some differences in the reaction mechanisms, structure and properties of substances in these areas that do not allow everything to be combined into one section.

Highlight simple and complex inorganic substances. Simple substances include two groups of compounds - metals and non-metals. Metals are elements that have all metallic properties, and also have a metallic bond between them. This group includes the following types of elements: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, light metals, semimetals, lanthanides, actinides, as well as magnesium and beryllium. Of all the officially recognized elements of the periodic table, ninety-six out of one hundred and eighty-one possible elements are classified as metals, that is, more than half.

The best-known elements from the nonmetallic groups are oxygen, silicon, and hydrogen, while those that are less common are arsenic, selenium, and iodine. Simple nonmetals also include helium and hydrogen.

Complex inorganic substances are divided into four groups:

  • Oxides.
  • Hydroxides.
  • Salt.
  • Acids.

Organic chemistry

This area of ​​chemistry studies substances that consist of carbon and other elements that come into contact with it, that is, they create so-called organic compounds. These can also be substances of an inorganic nature, since a hydrocarbon can attach many different chemical elements to itself.

Most often, organic chemistry deals with synthesis and processing of substances and their compounds from raw materials of plant, animal or microbiological origin, although, especially recently, this science has grown far beyond the designated framework.

The main classes of organic compounds include: hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, halogen-containing compounds, ethers and esters, aldehydes, ketones, quinones, nitrogen-containing and sulfur-containing compounds, carboxylic acids, heterocyclics, organometallic compounds and polymers.

Substances studied by organic chemistry are extremely diverse because, due to the presence of hydrocarbons in their composition, they can be associated with many other different elements. Of course, organic substances are also part of living organisms in the form of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which perform various vital functions. The most important ones are energy, regulatory, structural, protective and others. They are part of every cell, every tissue and organ of any living creature. Without them, the normal functioning of the body as a whole, the nervous system, the reproductive system and others is impossible. This means that all organic substances play a huge role in the existence of all life on earth.

Main differences between them

In principle, these two sections are related, but they also have some differences. First of all, the composition of organic substances necessarily includes carbon, in contrast to inorganic ones, which may not contain it. There are also differences in structure, in the ability to react to various reagents and created conditions, in structure, in basic physical and chemical properties, in origin, in molecular weight, and so on.

In organic matter the molecular structure is much more complex than inorganic ones. The latter can melt only at fairly high temperatures and are extremely difficult to decompose, unlike organic ones, which have a relatively low melting point. Organic substances have a fairly bulky molecular weight.

Another important difference is that only organic substances have the ability form compounds with the same set of molecules and atoms, but which have different layout options. Thus, completely different substances are obtained, differing from each other in physical and chemical properties. That is, organic substances are prone to such a property as isomerism.

“Concepts change, words remain.” How true this is! How often do you hear: “Light the electricity”, “Stop the electricity”, although the speaker knows very well that an electric light bulb is not lit or extinguished, but is turned on and off in a current circuit.

Words that have outlived the concepts that were previously embedded in them include the designations of two departments of chemistry, traditionally called inorganic and organic chemistry.

For a long time, chemists, not being able to produce most of those complex chemical compounds that are part of the organs of plants and animals, explained their inability by the fact that these substances are formed in plants and animals under the influence of a special “vital force” and cannot be synthesized in flasks and retorts.

The famous German chemist Weller also held the same view, and through personal experience he was convinced of the fallacy of this view. From undoubtedly inorganic compounds of nitrogen and carbon with oxygen, he obtained a complex substance, which turned out to be a previously known typical “organic” compound - urea.

Now we know for sure that no “vital force” is needed to obtain any substance that is part of plants and animals, that all of them can be built from their constituent elements. The fact that not all of them have yet been artificially obtained does not bother us at all. Those not obtained with modern means of synthesis will be obtained when these means are improved.

In reality, all so-called “organic” compounds are carbon compounds. Unlike other elements, carbon is capable of forming many tens of thousands of compounds with other simple substances. Purely for the convenience of study, all the diverse compounds of carbon are reduced to a discipline separate from the chemistry of other elements, “from old memory” called organic chemistry

The most important curiosity is that now in “organic” chemistry courses they study a huge number of carbon compounds that cannot be found in any plant or animal.

The beginning of such a synthetic construction of “organic” substances that do not exist in nature, created by a chemist in his flasks, retorts and factory apparatus, was laid by the accidental discovery of an 18-year-old student Perkins.

Perkins conceived the idea of ​​producing a synthetic medicinal substance, quinine, extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree. Having received some new compound during his research, he wanted to study its solubility and, having dissolved it in alcohol, he saw that the solution had a magnificent purple color.

“Can’t it be used as paint?” - Perkins thought. It turned out that it is very possible that the solution perfectly dyes wool and silk a beautiful purple color.

Perkins gave up on science, dropped out of university and founded the world's first factory of artificial "organic" paints. Following him, hundreds of other chemists began to synthesize more and more new carbon compounds, which found use not only as paints, but also as disinfectants, anesthetics (painkillers), medicinal, poisonous and explosive substances.


Training and metodology complex

Part one. Lecture course program

Nizhny Novgorod, 2006

UDC 546 (073.8)

Inorganic chemistry: Educational and methodological complex. Part one. Lecture course program / A.A. Sibirkin. - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2006. - 34 p.

The first part of the educational and methodological complex contains a plan for a course of lectures on inorganic chemistry for first-year students of the Faculty of Chemistry of Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky.

For 1st year students of the Faculty of Chemistry studying a course in inorganic chemistry.

© A.A.Sibirkin, 2006

© Nizhny Novgorod State University

them. N.I. Lobachevsky, department

inorganic chemistry

Explanatory note

The course in inorganic chemistry, taught at the Faculty of Chemistry of UNN, aims to ensure that students master the basics of inorganic chemistry as one of the fundamental disciplines in the system of chemical knowledge.

The main objectives of the course are: students’ mastery of the basic laws of chemical transformations; knowledge of factual material related to the prevalence and forms of occurrence of chemical elements in nature, principles of processing mineral raw materials, methods of production, structure, physical properties and reactivity, practical use of inorganic substances; developing the ability to solve standard and combined calculation problems related to the properties of inorganic substances; mastery in practice of the basics of chemical experiment, the most important methods of obtaining and purifying inorganic substances.

The content of the course provides for an explanation of the most important concepts of physical chemistry and the structure of matter, development of the ability to apply learned patterns to solve practical problems, which implements the idea of ​​​​concentricity of chemical education in higher education. Understanding the laws of reactions and the reactivity of substances is the basis for the formation of extensive and deep knowledge of factual material on the chemistry of elements and their compounds.

As a result of studying the inorganic chemistry course, students should:

Know how scientific theories explain the processes of interaction of substances, describe the quantitative relationships between participants in a chemical transformation, indicate the possibility of spontaneous occurrence of the process, characterize the rate of transformations, consider the state of a substance and its transformations in solutions.

Know factual material related to the prevalence and forms of occurrence of chemical elements in nature, principles of processing mineral raw materials, methods of preparation, structure, physical properties and reactivity, practical use of inorganic substances.

Be able to analyze the properties of chemical elements based on their position in the periodic table, explain trends in changes in properties in a number of similar substances, based on the theory of atomic structure and chemical bonding, reveal the dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure, predict the properties of substances, predict the probable products of chemical transformations in specific conditions, connect the properties of a substance with possible areas of their application.

Be able to use chemical symbols, nomenclature of inorganic substances, terminology of physical and inorganic chemistry.

Be able to compose chemical equations, arrange stoichiometric coefficients, solve standard and combined calculation problems based on them related to the properties of inorganic substances and the laws of their transformation.

Have the skills to work with educational, reference, and monographic literature, independently find the necessary information on the chemistry of elements and their compounds, be able to combine, analyze and systematize literary data.

Have practical skills in laboratory chemical experiments, methods of safe work in a chemical laboratory, implement methods for the synthesis and purification of inorganic substances, be able to formulate a conclusion about the nature of a substance based on the totality of experimental data obtained.

Have an understanding of the electronic structure of atoms, molecules, solids, complex compounds, and methods for studying inorganic substances.

The theoretical basis necessary for successfully mastering the course in inorganic chemistry is:

1. Courses in chemistry, mathematics and physics taught in secondary schools or in secondary specialized educational institutions with a chemical profile.

2. Courses on the structure of matter and crystal chemistry, taught in parallel with the course in inorganic chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of UNN.

3. Knowledge of the main sections of physical chemistry provided for in this program, the study of which precedes the presentation of the basic material of inorganic chemistry.

The lecture course on inorganic chemistry and its program consist of four sections. The section “Theoretical Foundations of Inorganic Chemistry” combines educational material on chemical terminology, symbolism and nomenclature, gas laws and stoichiometry, the fundamentals of chemical thermodynamics, the theory of solutions and phase equilibria, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and the study of coordination compounds. Mastering these concepts is necessary so that subsequent study of the actual material of inorganic chemistry can be carried out on a modern theoretical basis and lay the foundation for solving computational problems.

The sections “Chemistry of elements - non-metals” and “Chemistry of elements - metals” reveal the main content of the course - the actual material of inorganic chemistry, which is systematized on the basis of the periodic law. Information about chemical elements is presented in a certain sequence: occurrence in nature, isotopic composition, position in the periodic table, atomic structure and valence possibilities, biological role. Knowledge about compounds of chemical elements is formed in the following logical order: preparation, structure, physical and chemical properties, application, safe work techniques. The program provides a comparative description of the properties of elements and their compounds based on their position in the periodic system (stability of oxidation states, changes in acid-base and redox properties of compounds), which summarizes the educational material on a given element or subgroup.

In the “Conclusion”, on the basis of the periodic law, the general properties of non-metals and metals are systematized, some issues of geochemistry and radiochemistry are revealed, and methods for studying inorganic compounds are briefly covered. The study of these sections helps to consolidate the logical connections formed during the consideration of the actual course material.

The lecture course in inorganic chemistry is designed for 140 hours in the first and second academic semesters. The course is accompanied by practical classes (70 hours), during which students become familiar with techniques for solving computational problems, and a laboratory workshop (140 hours). Studying the course in inorganic chemistry involves the student’s independent work (150 hours), passing colloquiums and writing tests. In each semester, students take a laboratory practical test and a theoretical course exam.

Theoretical foundations of inorganic chemistry

Basic concepts and laws of chemistry. Atomic-molecular science. Classical and modern concept of the atom. The structure of the atom. Atomic nucleus, nucleons, electrons, electron shells. Atomic number and mass number. Isotopes. Chemical elements. Chemical bond. Ionic and covalent bonds. Molecules and formula units.

Mol. Avogadro's constant. Amount of substance. Mass, volume and density of matter. Atomic and molar masses. Molar volume. Atomic mass unit. Relative atomic and molecular masses.

Chemical individual and its characteristics. Homogeneity of matter, concepts of phase and region of homogeneity. Characteristic structure. Molecular and crystal chemical structure. Basic concepts of solid state chemistry. Unit cell. Broadcast. Long range order. Concept of polymorphism and isomorphism. Determination of composition and the law of constancy of composition. Law of multiple ratios. Chemical individual and pure substance. Complex substance and chemical compound. Simple substance and chemical element. Allotropy and polymorphism.

Chemical symbolism. Nomenclature of inorganic compounds.

System and environment. Closed, open and isolated systems. Homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. System status and status parameters. Stationary and equilibrium states of the system. Processes in the system and their classification. Intensive and extensive parameters of the state.

The concept of a component. Ways to express the composition of systems. Mass and mole fractions. Molar and molal concentrations. Titer. Solubility. The law of conservation of mass and the condition of material balance. Molar mass of the mixture.

Variability of the system. The concept of an independent component. Phase rule. State diagram of an individual substance. Figurative points. Phase transitions. Application of the phase rule to analyze state diagrams.

Methods for determining atomic and molecular masses. Experimental methods for determining the molar masses of volatile substances. Methods of Regnault, Mayer and Dumas. Calculation of molar masses from gas laws. Determination of the molar masses of non-volatile substances from the colligative properties of solutions. Experimental determination of atomic masses. Methods based on the law of simple volumetric relations. Cannizzaro method. Mass spectrometric method. Estimation of atomic masses from the Dulong and Petit rule.

Gas laws. The concept of an ideal gas. Equation of state of an ideal gas. The universal gas constant and its physical meaning. Volume measurement conditions. Molar volume of an ideal gas. Avogadro's law. Density and relative density of gases. Equations of Clapeyron, Boyle and Mariotte, Gay-Lussac, Charles.

Mixtures of ideal gases. Partial pressure of the component. Law of partial pressures. Volume fraction of a gas mixture component. Saturated vapor pressure. Mathematical description of the eudiometer.

Stoichiometry. Chemical variable and its relationship with other extensive quantities. Excess and deficiency of reagents. Yield of reaction product. Mass fraction of an element in a compound and establishment of formulas of substances. The simplest and true formula. Establishing the composition of mixtures. Stoichiometry of reactions involving gaseous substances. Law of simple volumetric relations.

The concept of equivalent. Equivalent reaction number. Equivalent number of a substance and its physical meaning. Law of equivalents. Equivalent mass and equivalent volume. Equivalent mass of a binary compound. Equivalent (normal) concentration. Stoichiometry of redox reactions and electrochemical processes. Faraday's laws. Faraday's constant.

Fundamentals of thermodynamics. The subject of thermodynamics and its possibilities. Energy and its types. Mechanical and internal energy. Heat and work are forms of energy transfer. Signs of elementary warmth and elementary work. Dependence of heat and work on the path of the process. Conditions for heat transfer and work. Representation of heat and work through the factors of intensity and capacity. Useful work and expansion work. Chemical affinity. Entropy. Entropy and thermodynamic probability. Boltzmann's postulate.

The first law of thermodynamics, its content and mathematical expression. Enthalpy. Thermal effect. Thermal effect at constant pressure and constant volume. Heat capacity. Heat capacity at constant pressure and constant volume. Dependence of enthalpy on temperature. Kirchhoff's equation. Specific and molar heat capacities.

The second law of thermodynamics, its content. Fundamental equation of thermodynamics. Criterion for the spontaneous occurrence of a process in isolated and closed systems.

Gibbs function and its differential. The Gibbs function as a criterion for the spontaneous occurrence of a reaction. Gibbs and Helmholtz equation and its types. The physical meaning of the terms in the Gibbs and Helmholtz equation.

Dependence of the Gibbs function on pressure. Chemical potential. Standard chemical potential. Relative partial pressure. Standard state of gas. Standard conditions.

Chemical thermodynamics. Application of thermodynamics to chemical processes. Change in extensive property during a reaction. Relationship between changes in thermodynamic functions during the reaction. Thermochemical equations and their linear transformations.

Laws of Lavoisier - Laplace and Hess. Calculation of changes in thermodynamic functions during the reaction of their molar values ​​of these functions and the functions of formation and combustion. Enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion of substances. Corollaries from Hess's law. Application of the values ​​of energy effects of phase transformations and average energies of chemical bonds in thermochemical calculations. Experimental determination of thermal effects using the calorimetric method. Thermal balance condition.

Chemical affinity. Chemical reaction isotherm equation. Thermodynamic constant of chemical equilibrium. Reaction isobar equation. Dependence of the equilibrium constant on temperature. Expressing the equilibrium constant in terms of partial pressures and concentrations. Relationship between chemical equilibrium constants. Predicting the direction of a process from the reaction isotherm and isobar equations. Le Chatelier's principle of dynamic equilibrium. Calculation of the composition of an equilibrium mixture from tabulated values ​​of thermodynamic functions.

Thermodynamics of phase transitions. Dependence of steam pressure on temperature. Entropy of phase transition. Dependence of the entropy of a substance on temperature. Absolute entropy of matter.

Solutions. True and colloidal solutions. Saturated and unsaturated solutions. Concentrated and diluted solutions.

Dissolution as a physical and chemical process. Solubility of substances and its temperature dependence. Enthalpy of dissolution, lattice energy and enthalpy of solvation.

Colligative properties of solutions. Isotonic coefficient, its relationship with the degree of dissociation. Vapor pressure above the solution. Tonoscopic law. Increasing the boiling point of the solution. Ebulioscopic law. Lowering the starting point of solvent crystallization. Cryoscopic law. Osmosis. Osmotic pressure. Application of colligative properties to determine the molar masses of substances.

Chemical potential of solute and solvent. Asymmetrical system of standard states. Real gases and real solutions. Volatility and activity. Unified system of standard states.

Gas-liquid equilibrium. Henry's law and its thermodynamic justification. Henry's constant. Ostwald solubility coefficient. Bunsen absorption coefficient.

Liquid-liquid equilibrium. Nernst's distribution law and its thermodynamic justification. Distribution coefficient. Initial solution, extractant, extract and raffinate. Extraction coefficient. Fraction of unextracted substance. Single and multiple extraction, their characteristic equations.

Solid-liquid equilibrium. Fusibility diagrams of two-component systems. Figurative points and their meaning. Fusibility diagram of a system forming a continuous series of solid solutions. Fusibility diagrams of the eutectic type with complete mutual insolubility and limited solubility of components in the solid state. Fusibility diagram of a system whose components form a chemical compound. The region of homogeneity of a chemical compound. Application of the phase rule to the analysis of fusibility diagrams. Calculation of quantities of equilibrium phases and parts of the system. Cooling curves as a source of fusibility diagrams.

Electrolytic dissociation. Electrolytes. Electrolytic dissociation and its thermodynamic description. Constant and degree of dissociation. Strong and weak electrolytes.

Basic ideas of the theories of acids and bases. Arrhenius' theory of electrolytic dissociation, Franklin's theory of solvo systems, Bronsted and Lowry's proton theory, Usanovich's theory, Pearson's theory of hard and soft acids and bases. Solvent autoprotolysis. Hydrogen index.

Acid-base balance. Accurate and approximate calculation of ionic equilibria. Ionic equilibria in solutions of strong acids and bases. Ionic equilibria in solutions of weak acids and bases. Ostwald's law of dilution. Hydrolysis. Methods for enhancing and suppressing hydrolysis. Ionic equilibria in solutions of hydrolyzing salts. Constant and degree of hydrolysis. Buffer solutions. Ionic equilibria in buffer solutions.

Precipitation–dissolution equilibrium and its thermodynamic description. Product of solubility. Conditions for precipitation and dissolution of precipitate.

Complexation equilibrium. Complexing agent and ligands. Coordination number. General and stepwise formation constants. Instability constant.

Application of dissociation constants, solubility products, and complexation constants to predict the possibility of ionic reactions.

Redox reactions. Oxidation and reduction. Oxidizing agent and reducing agent. The most important oxidizing and reducing agents, products of their chemical transformation in various environments. Arranging coefficients in reaction equations using electronic balance and half-reaction methods.

Electrochemistry. Conductors of the first and second kind. The concept of electrode and electrode reaction. Classification of electrodes. Electrode potential. Dependence of electrode potential on concentration. Nernst equation.

Electrochemical cell. Galvanic cell and its thermodynamic description. EMF of a galvanic cell. Determination of thermodynamic functions from electrochemical data. Electrolysis. Decomposition voltage. Drawing up equations for electrolysis processes. Practical application of electrolysis.

Chemical kinetics and catalysis. The rate of a chemical reaction. Reaction mechanism. Simple and complex reactions.

Dependence of the reaction rate on the concentration of reagents. Law of mass action. Kinetic equation. Rate constant of a chemical reaction. Order and molecularity of reactions. Kinetic curves and their equations.

Dependence of reaction rate on temperature. Van't Hoff and Arrhenius equations. Temperature coefficient of reaction rate. Activation energy and its physical meaning. Energy diagram of a reaction. Pre-exponential factor. Frequency and spatial factors.

Catalysis and catalysts. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Inhibitors. Promoters. Examples of catalytic reactions.

Complex connections. Basic concepts and definitions. Complex connection. Outer sphere. Inner sphere. Complexing agent (central atom). Ligands (addends). Coordination number. Dentality. Bridging ligands. Clusters.

Basic provisions of the coordination theory of A. Werner. Main and secondary valencies.

Classification of complex compounds. Classification according to the charge of the inner sphere. Neutral, cationic and anionic complexes. Classification according to the nature of the ligand. Aqua complexes, ammonia compounds, hydroxy complexes, acid complexes, carbonyls, mixed ligand complexes. Classification according to the number of central atoms in the inner sphere. Mononuclear and multinuclear complexes. Special groups of complex compounds. Chelates, double salts, isopoly compounds, heteropoly compounds.

Isomerism of complex compounds. Structural isomerism. Intersphere isomerism (ionization, hydration, molecular (solvate) isomerism). Ligand isomerism (ligand isomerism, bond (salt) isomerism). Coordination isomerism (metamerism and polymerization). Spatial isomerism (geometric and optical isomerism).

Nomenclature of complex compounds. Trivial and systematic nomenclature. Rules for the formation of names of cationic, neutral and anionic complexes. Indication of the number of ligands, the nature of the ligand and the oxidation state of the central atom. Indication of the number of complex ligands. Indication of bridging ligands and ligands coordinated by several atoms. Compilation of systematic names of complex compounds.

Thermodynamic and kinetic stability of complexes. Stable and unstable complexes. Inert and labile complexes. Discussion of the thermodynamic stability of complexes from the standpoint of the theory of hard and soft acids and bases.

The nature of chemical bonds in complex compounds. Basic ideas of the valence bond method, crystal field theory, molecular orbital method and ligand field theory. Methodological significance of the theory of the structure of complex compounds.

Prediction of the structure and properties of complex compounds from the standpoint of the valence bond method. Determination of the electronic configuration of the central atom. External orbital and intraorbital complexes. High-spin and low-spin complexes. The role of the nature of the ligand in the formation of outer-orbital and intraorbital complexes. Prediction of kinetic stability of complexes. Classification of the complex compound into outer orbital and intraorbital complexes. Prediction of the coordination number, type of hybridization and geometric shape of the complex and its magnetic properties.

Prediction of the structure and properties of complex compounds from the standpoint of crystal field theory. Prediction of the relative arrangement of the orbitals of the central atom in the field of ligands of octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar symmetry. Splitting parameter. Spectrochemical series. Estimation of the magnitude of splitting d- sublevel of the central atom. Filling of a split level with electrons in the case of strong and weak field ligands. Predicting the color of a complex compound from the value of the cleavage parameter. Prediction of the behavior of the complex in a magnetic field. Crystal field stabilization energy (CFE). Calculation of ESC for octahedral and tetrahedral complexes formed by high- and weak-field ligands. Prediction of the kinetic stability of complexes from the standpoint of crystal field theory.

Chelate complexes. Chelation effect. Rule of cycles. Examples of chelating ligands. Intracomplex connections.

π-Complexes. Formation of coordination bonds in π-complexes. Examples of π-complexes. π-Dative interaction using the example of ferrocene and bis-(benzene)chromium.

Chemical reactions involving complex compounds. Reactions of movement of ligands between the outer and inner spheres. Dissociation of complex compounds in the outer and inner spheres. Stepwise and general (full) formation constants. Instability constant. Calculation of ionic equilibria in solutions of complex compounds. Ligand substitution reactions. Dissociative and associative mechanisms of substitution. Representation of complex dissociation processes as processes of replacement of ligands with water molecules. Stereochemistry of substitution processes in square and octahedral complexes. The phenomenon of trans influence. A range of trans influences. Prediction of the structure of substitution products from the perspective of ideas about trans-influence. Redistribution of ligands and formation of mixed complexes. Intramolecular transformations of a complex compound. Chemical transformations of coordinated ligands. Ligand protonation and deprotonation. Hydroxolation and its consequences. Overcoming hydroxolation in acidic and alkaline environments. Isomerization of ligands. Addition, insertion and condensation reactions with an organic coordinated ligand. Metal complex catalysis. Redox transformations of the central atom. Influence of the nature of the ligand on the values ​​of redox potentials of transformations of the central atom.

The importance of complex compounds in nature, technology, agriculture, medicine.

Inorganic chemistry describes the properties and behavior of inorganic compounds, including metals, minerals, and organometallic compounds. While organic chemistry studies all carbon-containing compounds, inorganic chemistry covers the remaining subsets of other compounds. There are also substances that are studied by both branches of chemistry at once, for example, organometallic compounds, which contain a metal or metalloid bonded to carbon.

Inorganic chemistry can be divided into several subsections:

  • areas of study of inorganic compounds, for example, salts or their ionic compounds;
  • geochemistry - the study of the chemistry of the Earth's natural environment, which is of great importance for understanding the planet or managing its resources;
  • extraction of inorganic substances (metal ores) for industry;
  • bioinorganic chemistry - the study of individual elements (natural fossils) that are necessary for life and form important biological molecules involved in biological systems, as well as understanding the chemistry of toxic substances;
  • synthetic chemistry studies substances that can be obtained or purified without the participation of nature through synthesis in industrial plants or laboratories;
  • Industrial chemistry is the work with substances in various large-scale processes or research areas.

Where is inorganic chemistry used?

Inorganic compounds are used as catalysts, pigments, coatings, surfactants, drugs, fuels and other products we use every day. They often have high melting points and specific high or low electrical conductivity properties that make them useful for certain purposes.

For example:

  • Ammonia is a source of nitrogen in fertilizer and is also a major inorganic chemical used in the production of nylon, fibers, plastics, polyurethanes (used in tough chemical-resistant coatings, adhesives, foams), hydrazine (used in making rocket fuel) and explosives ;
  • chlorine is used in the production of polyvinyl chloride (for making pipes, clothing, furniture), agrochemicals (fertilizers, insecticides), as well as pharmaceuticals and chemicals for water purification or sterilization;
  • Titanium dioxide is used in the form of a white powder in the manufacture of paint pigment, coatings, plastics, paper, ink, fiber, food and cosmetics. Titanium dioxide also has good UV resistance properties, making it useful in the production of photocatalysts.

Inorganic chemistry is a very practical scientific and household branch. Especially important for the country's economy is the production of sulfuric acid, which is one of the most important elements used as industrial raw materials.

What do you study in inorganic chemistry?

Experts in the field of inorganic chemistry have a wide range of activities, from the extraction of raw materials to the creation of microchips. Their work is based on understanding the behavior and searching for analogues of inorganic elements. The main task is to learn how these materials can be changed, divided and used. The work of inorganic chemists includes developing methods for recovering metals from waste and analyzing mined ores at the molecular level. The overall emphasis is on mastering the relationships between physical properties and functions.

Individual approach to pricing for each client!

Inorganic chemistry- a branch of chemistry associated with the study of the structure, reactivity and properties of all chemical elements and their inorganic compounds. This area covers all chemical compounds except organic substances (a class of compounds that includes carbon, with the exception of a few simple compounds, usually classified as inorganic). The distinction between organic and inorganic compounds containing carbon is, according to some ideas, arbitrary. Inorganic chemistry studies chemical elements and the simple and complex substances they form (except organic compounds). Provides the creation of materials of the latest technology. The number of inorganic substances known in 2013 is approaching 400 thousand.

The theoretical foundation of inorganic chemistry is the periodic law and the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev based on it. The most important task of inorganic chemistry is the development and scientific substantiation of methods for creating new materials with the properties necessary for modern technology.

In Russia, research in the field of inorganic chemistry is carried out by the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry named after. A. V. Nikolaev SB RAS (Institute of Chemistry SB RAS, Novosibirsk), Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after. N. S. Kurnakova (IGNKh RAS, Moscow), Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems of Ceramic Materials (IFKhPKM, Moscow), Scientific and Technical Center “Superhard Materials” (STC SM, Troitsk) and a number of other institutions. The research results are published in journals (Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, etc.).

History of definition

Historically, the name inorganic chemistry comes from the idea of ​​the part of chemistry that deals with the study of elements, compounds, and reactions of substances that are not formed by living beings. However, since the synthesis of urea from the inorganic compound ammonium cyanate (NH 4 OCN), which was accomplished in 1828 by the outstanding German chemist Friedrich Wöhler, the boundaries between substances of inanimate and living nature have been erased. Thus, living beings produce a lot of inorganic substances. On the other hand, almost all organic compounds can be synthesized in the laboratory. However, the division into various areas of chemistry is relevant and necessary as before, since reaction mechanisms and the structure of substances in inorganic and organic chemistry differ. This makes it easier to systematize research methods and methods in each industry.


Oxide(oxide, oxide) - a binary compound of a chemical element with oxygen in the oxidation state −2, in which the oxygen itself is associated only with the less electronegative element. The chemical element oxygen is second in electronegativity after fluorine, therefore almost all compounds of chemical elements with oxygen are classified as oxides. Exceptions include, for example, oxygen difluoride OF 2.

Oxides are a very common type of compounds found in the earth's crust and in the Universe in general. Examples of such compounds are rust, water, sand, carbon dioxide, and a number of dyes.

Oxides are a class of minerals that are compounds of a metal with oxygen.

Compounds that contain oxygen atoms linked together are called peroxides (peroxides; contain the −O−O− chain), superoxides (contain the O−2 group), and ozonides (contain the O−3 group). They are not classified as oxides.


Depending on the chemical properties, they are distinguished:

Salt-forming oxides:

basic oxides (for example, sodium oxide Na 2 O, copper oxide (II) CuO): metal oxides whose oxidation state is I-II;

acid oxides (for example, sulfur oxide(VI) SO 3, nitrogen oxide(IV) NO 2): metal oxides with oxidation state V-VII and non-metal oxides;

amphoteric oxides (for example, zinc oxide ZnO, aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3): metal oxides with oxidation state III-IV and exclusion (ZnO, BeO, SnO, PbO);

Non-salt-forming oxides: carbon monoxide (II) CO, nitric oxide (I) N 2 O, nitric oxide (II) NO.


In accordance with the IUPAC nomenclature, oxides are called the word “oxide”, followed by the name of the chemical element in the genitive case, for example: Na 2 O - sodium oxide, Al 2 O 3 - aluminum oxide. If an element has a variable oxidation state, then the name of the oxide indicates its oxidation state with a Roman numeral in parentheses immediately after the name (without a space). For example, Cu 2 O - copper (I) oxide, CuO - copper (II) oxide, FeO - iron (II) oxide, Fe 2 O 3 - iron (III) oxide, Cl 2 O 7 - chlorine (VII) oxide.

Other names for oxides based on the number of oxygen atoms are often used: if the oxide contains only one oxygen atom, then it is called monoxide or monoxide, if two - dioxide or dioxide, if three - then trioxide or trioxide, etc. For example: carbon monoxide CO , carbon dioxide CO 2 , sulfur trioxide SO 3 .

Historical (trivial) names for oxides are also common, such as carbon monoxide CO, sulfuric anhydride SO 3, etc.

At the beginning of the 19th century and earlier, refractory oxides that were practically insoluble in water were called “earths” by chemists.

Oxides with lower oxidation states (suboxides) are sometimes called oxide (English analogue - protoxide) and suboxide (for example, carbon monoxide (II), CO - carbon monoxide; tricarbon dioxide, C 3 O 2 - carbon suboxide; oxide nitrogen(I), N 2 O - nitrous oxide; copper oxide (I), Cu 2 O - copper oxide). Higher oxidation states (iron(III) oxide, Fe2O3) are called oxide in accordance with this nomenclature, and complex oxides are called oxide-oxide (Fe 3 O 4 = FeO Fe 2 O 3 - iron oxide-oxide, uranium(VI) oxide) -diuranium(V), U 3 O 8 - uranium oxide). This nomenclature, however, is not consistent, so such names should be considered more traditional.

Chemical properties

Basic oxides

1. Basic oxide + strong acid → salt + water

2. Strong basic oxide + water → alkali

3. Strongly basic oxide + acidic oxide → salt

4. Basic oxide + hydrogen → metal + water

Note: the metal is less reactive than aluminum.

Acidic oxides

1. Acid oxide + water → acid

Some oxides, for example SiO 2, do not react with water, so their acids are obtained indirectly.

2. Acidic oxide + basic oxide → salt

3. Acid oxide + base → salt + water

If the acid oxide is an anhydride of a polybasic acid, the formation of acid or medium salts is possible:

4. Non-volatile oxide + salt1 → salt2 + volatile oxide

5. Acid anhydride 1 + anhydrous oxygen-containing acid 2 → Acid anhydride 2 + anhydrous oxygen-containing acid 1

Amphoteric oxides

When interacting with a strong acid or acidic oxide, they exhibit the following basic properties:

When interacting with a strong base or basic oxide, they exhibit acidic properties:

(in aqueous solution)

(when fused)


1. Interaction of simple substances (with the exception of inert gases, gold and platinum) with oxygen:

When alkali metals (except lithium), as well as strontium and barium burn in oxygen, peroxides and superoxides are formed:

2. Roasting or combustion of binary compounds in oxygen:

3. Thermal decomposition of salts:

4. Thermal decomposition of bases or acids:

5. Oxidation of lower oxides into higher ones and reduction of higher ones into lower ones:

6. Interaction of some metals with water at high temperatures:

7. Interaction of salts with acid oxides during coke combustion with the release of volatile oxide:

8. Interaction of metals with oxidizing acids:

9. When water-removing substances act on acids and salts:

10. Interaction of salts of weak unstable acids with stronger acids:


Salts- a class of chemical compounds consisting of cations and anions.

Metal cation and onium cations can act as cations in salts

(ammonium, phosphonium, hydronium cations and their organic derivatives),

complex cations, etc., as anions - anions of the acid residue of various Bronsted acids - both inorganic and organic, including carbanions, complex anions, etc.

Types of salts

A special group consists of salts of organic acids, the properties of which differ significantly from the properties of mineral salts. Some of them can be classified as a special class of organic salts, so-called ionic liquids or otherwise “liquid salts,” organic salts with a melting point below 100 °C.

Names of salts

The names of salts are formed from two words: the name of the anion in the nominative case and the name of the cation in the genitive case: - sodium sulfate. For metals with a variable oxidation state, it is indicated in brackets and without a space:- iron(II) sulfate,- iron(III) sulfate.

The names of acid salts begin with the prefix “hydro-” (if there is one hydrogen atom in the salt) or “dihydro-” (if there are two). For example, - sodium bicarbonate, - sodium dihydrogen phosphate.

The names of the main salts contain the prefix “hydroxo-” or “dihydroxo-”. For example, - hydroxomagnesium chloride,- dihydroxoaluminum chloride.

In hydrate salts, the presence of crystalline water is indicated by the prefix “hydrate-”. The degree of hydration is reflected by a numerical prefix. For example, - calcium chloride dihydrate.

The lowest oxidation state of the acid-forming element (if there are more than two oxidation states) is indicated by the prefix “hypo-”. The prefix “per-” indicates the highest degree of oxidation (for acid salts with the endings “-ova”, “-eva”, “-na”). For example: - sodium hypochlorite,- sodium chlorite, - sodium chlorate, - sodium perchlorate.

Receipt methods

There are various methods for obtaining salts:

1) Interaction of acids with metals, basic and amphoteric oxides / hydroxides:

2) Interaction of acidic oxides with alkalis, basic and amphoteric oxides / hydroxides:

3) Interaction of salts with acids and other salts (if a product leaving the reaction sphere is formed):

Interaction of simple substances:

The interaction of bases with non-metals, for example, with halogens:

Chemical properties

Chemical properties are determined by the properties of the cations and anions included in their composition.

Salts interact with acids and bases if the reaction results in a product that leaves the reaction sphere (precipitate, gas, slightly dissociating substances, for example, water or other oxides):

Salts interact with metals if the free metal is to the left of the metal in the salt in the electrochemical series of metal activity:

Salts interact with each other if the reaction product leaves the reaction sphere (gas, precipitate or water is formed); including these reactions can take place with a change in the oxidation states of the reactant atoms:

Some salts decompose when heated:


Grounds- class of chemical compounds.

Bases (basic hydroxides) are complex substances that consist of metal atoms or ammonium ions and a hydroxyl group (-OH). In an aqueous solution they dissociate to form OH− cations and anions.

The name of the base usually consists of two words: “metal/ammonium hydroxide.” Bases that are highly soluble in water are called alkalis.

According to the proton theory of acids and bases, bases are one of the main classes of chemical compounds, substances whose molecules are

proton acceptors.

In organic chemistry, traditionally, bases also refer to substances that can form adducts (“salts”) with strong acids; for example, many alkaloids are described both in the “alkaloid-base” form and in the form of “alkaloid salts.”

The concept of a base was first introduced into chemistry by the French chemist Guillaume François Ruel in 1754. He noted that acids, known in those days as volatile liquids (such as acetic or hydrochloric acid), turned into crystalline salts only when combined with specific substances. Ruel suggested that such substances serve as “bases” for the formation of salts in solid form.


The interaction of a strong base oxide with water produces a strong base or alkali.

Weakly basic and amphoteric oxides do not react with water, so the corresponding hydroxides cannot be obtained in this way.

Hydroxides of low-active metals are obtained by adding alkali to solutions of the corresponding salts. Since the solubility of weakly basic hydroxides in water is very low, the hydroxide precipitates from solution in the form of a gelatinous mass.

The base can also be obtained by reacting an alkali or alkaline earth metal with water.

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