Literacy training. Presentation "Teaching literacy (writing) by L.F. Klimanova (UMK "Perspective") primary school teacher

Currently in Russian Federation There are traditional and developmental education systems.

Traditional programs include: “School of Russia”, “ Primary School XXI century", "School 2000", "School 2100", "Harmony", "Prospective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective". Developmental systems include two programs: L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova.

Training and metodology complex"Perspective" has been published since 2006. The educational complex includes lines of textbooks in the following subjects: “Teaching literacy”, “Russian language”, “Literary reading”, “Mathematics”, “ The world", "Technology".
The educational and methodological complex “Perspective” was created on a conceptual basis that reflects modern achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy, while maintaining a close connection with the best traditions of classical school Russian education.
The educational complex ensures the availability of knowledge and high-quality assimilation of program material, the comprehensive development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, taking into account his age characteristics, interests and needs. A special place in the educational complex “Perspective” is given to the formation of spiritual and moral values, acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of the world and Russia, with the traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation. The textbooks include tasks for independent, pair and group work, project activities, as well as materials that can be used in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.
The educational complex uses a unified navigation system for teachers, students and parents, which helps to work with information, organize and structure educational material, plan student activities in the lesson, organize implementation homework, forms the skill of independent work.
The literacy course is distinguished by its communicative-cognitive and spiritual-moral orientation. The main goal of the course is active formation all types of speech activity: the ability to write, read, listen and speak, the development of verbal thinking in first-graders, the ability to communicate and understand oneself and others. Efficiency new system provided with educational material selected in accordance with the level of development cognitive interests child, playful and entertaining exercises, structurally figurative models of words that are included in various communicative speech situations. In this regard, the word is presented differently, namely, not only as a sound-letter complex, but as a unity of meaning, meaning and its sound-letter form.
On the pages of the teaching and learning complex “Literacy Education” all conditions have been created differentiated approach for students with different levels of school preparation.
Teaching the Russian language is organically connected with teaching literacy and has a common focus. A special feature of the course is a holistic view of language, which provides the study of language (its phonetic, lexical and grammatical aspects), speech activity and text as a speech work.
The main objective of the course “Literary Reading” is the formation of the personality of a junior school student, familiarization with the cultural and historical heritage and the formation of reading competence. For this purpose, the textbook uses highly artistic texts and folklore works different nations. The system of questions and tasks contributes to the formation of a culture of verbal communication, the development creativity students, introduces them to spiritual and moral values, introduces them to ethical and aesthetic standards, develops students’ figurative and logical thinking and forms junior schoolchildren interest in a work of art as the art of words. The headings “Independent reading”, “Family reading”, “Going to the library”, “Our theatre”, “Teaching book”, “Little and big secrets of the country of Literature”, “My favorite writers” offer various forms of working with a literary work, systematize knowledge and enrich the child’s practical experience; they present a system of working with the book both in class and during extracurricular activities.
“Teaching not only mathematics, but also mathematics” is the leading idea of ​​the teaching and learning instruction in mathematics, aimed at strengthening the general cultural sound of mathematical education and increasing its significance for the formation of a child’s personality. The content of the material is focused on developing in younger schoolchildren the skills to observe, compare, generalize, and find the simplest patterns, which allows them to master heuristic methods of reasoning, their logic, develops divergent thinking as an important component of mental activity, speech culture, and allows them to expand their ideas about the world around them by means of mathematics. Much attention is paid to the development of students' numerical literacy and the formation of computational skills based on rational methods of action.
The textbooks have the same structure and consist of 3 sections: numbers and operations with them, geometric figures and their properties, quantities and their measurement.
The leading idea of ​​the course “The World Around us” is the idea of ​​the unity of the natural world and the cultural world. The surrounding world is considered as a natural-cultural whole, man is considered as a part of nature, the creator of culture and its product.
The course reveals the structure of the concept of “the world around us” in the unity of its three components: nature, culture, people. These three components are consistently considered at different sociocultural levels of society (family, school, small homeland, native country, etc.), due to which the main pedagogical approaches to mastering the subject are determined: communicative-activity, cultural-historical, spiritually-oriented.
The main objective of the subject “Technology” is to create conditions for students to gain experience in design activities from concept to presentation of the product. Junior schoolchildren master techniques for working with paper, plasticine and natural materials, construction sets, study the properties of various materials and the rules of working with them. This approach creates conditions for the formation of regulative universal educational actions in younger schoolchildren, allows the formation of specific personal qualities (accuracy, attentiveness, willingness to help, etc.), communication skills (work in pairs, groups), abilities to work with information and master basic computer techniques.
The material in the textbooks is structured in the form of a journey that introduces students to human activity in different spheres: Man and Earth, Man and water, Man and air, Man and information space.
The textbook “Technology” has introduced a symbolic system for assessing the quality and complexity of a product, which allows for the formation of motivation for success and self-esteem of the student.
The composition of the educational complex "Perspective" includes:
Textbooks by subject (grades 1-4)
Creative notebooks
Didactic materials for the student: “Reader”, “The Magic Power of Words”, “Mathematics and Computer Science”, “Fundamentals of Life Safety”.
Methodical manuals for teachers: lesson developments in subjects, additional educational materials, calendar and thematic planning, technological maps.
Calendar-thematic planning and technological maps, providing the teacher with effective and high-quality teaching by moving from lesson planning to designing the study of the topic, are posted on the pages of the Internet site of the educational educational complex “Perspective”.
Textbooks included in the educational complex “Perspective”:
1. ABC - L.F. Klimanova, S.G.Makeeva.
2. Russian language - L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva.
3. Literary reading - L.F. Klimanova, L.A. Vinogradskaya, V.G. Goretsky.
4. Mathematics - G.V. Dorofeev, T.N. Mirakova.
5. The world around us - A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya.
6. Technology - N.I. Rogovtseva, N.V. Bogdanova, N.V. Dobromyslova

Is your child studying under the UMK Perspective program? We are ready to provide you with a complete set of textbooks and workbooks from grades 1 to 4 that correspond to this system. It doesn’t matter what city in Russia you live in - your set of textbooks will be delivered to you in the fastest and most convenient way!

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Explanatory note

Real working programm developed in accordance with the basic provisions of the Federal State educational standard primary general education, The concept of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a citizen of Russia, the planned results of primary general education, the requirements of the Approximate Basic educational program OU and is focused on working according to the educational and methodological set:

1. Klimanova, L. F. Russian language. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks “Perspective”. Grades 1-4 / L. F. Klimanova, T. V. Babushkina. - M.: Education, 2011.

2. Klimanova, L. F. ABC. 1st grade: educational. for general education institutions: at 2 o'clock / L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva. - M.: Education, 2011.

3. Klimanova, L. F. Reader: didactic material for 1st grade of elementary school / L. F. Klimanova. - M.: Education, 2011.

General characteristics of the subject

Goals and objectives of the course

Literacy (reading) education is initial stage learning the Russian language, and therefore goals , implemented through the subject course “Russian Language”, correlate with the goals pursued in literacy (reading) lessons, namely:

Familiarizing students with the basic principles of the science of language and improving, on this basis, sign-symbolic perception and logical thinking(cognitive aspect);

Development of communicative competence of students(sociocultural aspect).

The objectives of the course are:

Creation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national identity;

Improving dialogic and monologue oral speech, communication skills;

Education of moral and aesthetic feelings;

Creating conditions for creative activity.

Course structure

Literacy education is built oncommunicative-cognitivebasis, which has a pronounced communicative-speech and cognitive orientation, through the implementation of a system-activity approach to teaching.

I. Let's get acquainted!(preparatory stage)(20 hours).

World of communication.

Introduction to the world of communication. Oral form of communication; ability to speak, listen. Dialogue form of communication, interlocutors.

The word in communication.

The role of words in oral communication. Words of speech etiquette (words of politeness) and their role in communication.

The nominative function of a word (used to name something). Words are names of specific objects and words with a general meaning.

Helpers of words in communication. Communication without words. How to understand animals? Do objects talk? Words and objects.

Communication culture. Communication assistants: gestures, facial expressions, intonation.

“Communication” with animals, with inanimate objects, with heroes literary works. Communication using objects and words.

Drawings and objects in communication.

Background writing.

The use of intermediaries (objects, marks, drawings, symbols, signs) in communication as preparation for understanding written speech.

Drawings, signs and symbols as a way to designate objects and record messages.

Messages written in symbols.

Signs-symbols in educational and cognitive activities to designate collective, group and individual forms of work.

Conventional signs. Getting to know the signs traffic, household signs and symbols, etc.

Messages, number and sequence of words in messages.

Initial generalization: gestures, drawings, signs, words are our intermediaries in communicating with people, means of communication.

The word as the main means of communication.

The world is full of sounds. Vowels and consonants. Hard and soft consonants.

Sound structure of a word.

Sounds in nature.

Sound patterns of words. Vowels and consonants. Symbols to indicate them. Soft and hard consonant sounds, their designation.

Sound analysis of words (determining the sequence of sounds in a word, fixing them with symbols).

The sound and meaning of the word.

Visual-figurative model of the word. The relationship between the meaning and sound of a word. The word as a two-way unit of language (without terminology).

Word like complex sign, replacing something (thing, action, object).

The meaning of words (as an image of an object, action and property) and the sound of words (as a sequence of speech sounds). Sound analysis of words as a transition from oral to written speech. Sound analysis of words of various syllabic structures, word patterns.

Words and syllables. Emphasis on a word.

A syllable is the minimum unit of pronunciation and reading. Words and syllables: a word is a nominative (nominative) unit, a syllable is a unit of pronunciation. Syllabic function of vowels.

Emphasis. Stressed vowel sound in a word. Figurative and symbolic designation of stress.

The semantic role of stress(lock - castle, mugs - mugs).

Word and sentence.

Initial idea of ​​the proposal. Comparison and distinction between sentences and words.

Model of a sentence, graphic designation of its beginning and end.

A general idea of ​​speech based on visual-figurative models and poetic texts.

Generalization. Sounds and their characteristics. Syllables and division of words into syllables. Stress and placement of stress in words. The word, its meaning and sound. Proposal, proposal scheme.

II. Country ABVGDeyka(literal (basic) stage)(55 hours).

Vowel sounds and letters.

Sound analysis, characteristics of vowel sounds, their designation by letters.

Introduction to six vowel sounds and letters(Aa, Oo, Uu, Ii, s, Eh).

The sound and meaning of the word.

Consonant sounds and letters.

Consonant sounds, their designation by letters.

Vowels and consonants, their symbols based on sound analysis, their articulation. Designation of sounds by letters.

Meaningful function of sounds.

Soft and hard consonants.

Indication in writing of the softness of consonants.

Voiced and voiceless consonants.

Focus on vowel sounds when reading syllables and words. Syllable-sound analysis of words. Rules for hyphenating words into syllables.

Open and closed syllables.

The role of vowels in open syllables, rules for reading open syllables with vowels:s-i, o-e, a-z, uh, y-y.

Spelling letter combinationszhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-chu.

Words with uncheckable spelling(student, teacher, last name, pencil case and etc. ).

Letters e, e, yu, i.

Double meaning of letters e, e, yu, i (depending on the place in the word): designation of the vowel sound and the softness of the preceding consonant sound; designation of two sounds: sound th" and the vowel a, o, u, e (at the absolute beginning of a word, after vowels, after dividing soft and hard signs).

Letters ь and ъ.

Letters ь and ъ, not denoting sounds.

Indicating the softness of consonant sounds using a soft sign.

Use ь and ъ as dividing marks.

Indication in writing of the softness of the preceding consonant sound using a soft sign and letters I, i, yu, e, e.

Comparison of words with a separating soft sign and a soft sign as an indicator of the softness of consonants.

Spelling words with dividing hard and soft signs (initial observations).

Repetition is the mother of learning! Ancient alphabets and primers.

Sound, letter, word (as a sign with unity of meaning and sound).

Old alphabets, old letter names. Purpose of alphabets. Their teaching and educational role.

III. About everything in the world(post-letter stage)(11 o'clock).

Communication. A positive model of communication based on goodwill and attention to the interlocutor.

Oral and written speech. The word, its sound (letter) form and meaning (content).

Sound-syllable composition of words.

Word and sentence.

Punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence; period, question mark or exclamation mark.

The simplest analysis of proposals. The order and meaning of words in a sentence, their relationship.

Spelling and punctuation rules. Vocabulary words 2 (see note).

The main attention during the period of literacy (reading) training is given to the study of written speech and the development of phonemic awareness of students. In parallel with the development of written forms of verbal communication (the ability to read and write), there is an improvement in oral forms of communication (the ability to listen and speak). That's why key concept in the content of literacy teaching is the concept of “communication”, which is not considered statically, but unfolds in the form of activity.

After learning to read and write, separate study of the Russian language and literary reading begins 3 (see note).

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

In the first grade, literacy (reading) is taught 92 hours (23 academic weeks, 4 hours per week), of which 6 hours included in the joint design and planning phase school year(start-up phase), 86 hours - in the phase of setting and solving the system educational tasks. In the second phase, 21 hours are allocated for extracurricular reading(lessons of working with the book).

Based sample programs Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, containing requirements for the minimum volume of education content for a subject course, and taking into account the specific standard educational institution A basic level program is being implemented.

The work program contains a system of training sessions (lessons) and pedagogical means, with the help of which universal educational actions are formed, educational and methodological support is given, which is presented in tabular form below.

Description of content values
academic subject

In the process of perceiving a work of art, the spiritual and moral education of students is realized.

Literary reading as a form of art introduces students to the moral and aesthetic values ​​of their people and humanity, contributes to the education personal qualities, corresponding to national and universal values.

Reading technique, reading quality, especially comprehension are improved.

While reading and analyzing works, the child thinks about eternal questions (basic values): goodness, justice, truth, etc. A huge role in this is played by the emotional perception of the work, which helps to improve the ability to distinguish, understand and control one’s emotions positively and constructively 4 (see note) .

Phonetics. Speech sounds, their characteristics. Awareness of unity sound composition words and their meanings.

Isolating individual sounds in a word. Establishing the number and sequence of sounds in a word, fixing them in sound and figurative-symbolic schemes. Matching words that differ in one or more sounds.

Distinguishing between vowels and consonants. Understanding phonemic oppositions: hard and soft phonemes, their symbolic designation. Distinguishing between hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless.

A syllable as a minimal pronunciation unit. Dividing words into syllables, open and closed syllables. Emphasis. Determining the place of stress in a word, distinguishing between stressed and unstressed syllables, stressed and unstressed vowels.

Graphic arts. Distinguishing between sounds and letters: a letter as a sign of sound. Mastering the positional method of denoting sounds with letters. Lettersъ, ь, not denoting sounds. Vowels e, e, yu, i; their double role (depending on the place in the word). Indication in writing of the softness of consonant sounds using letters and, e, e, yu, i. Soft sign as an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds. Useъ and ь as dividing marks.

Introducing the Russian alphabet as a sequence of letters. Alphabet meaning. Comparison of alphabetic writing (indicating sounds with letters) and writing using pictures and symbols (pictography). Understanding the value of modern writing.

Reading. Formation of the skill of syllabic reading (orientation to the letter denoting a vowel sound) as a type of speech activity. Smooth syllabic and whole word reading at a speed that matches the child's individual pace. Conscious reading of words, phrases, sentences and short texts. Reading with intonation and pauses in accordance with punctuation marks. Development of awareness and expressiveness of reading based on short texts and poems. Reproduction of the read text based on questions from the teacher and independently.

Introducing orthoepic reading (when moving to reading whole words). Orthographic reading (pronunciation) as a means of self-control when writing from dictation and when copying.

Word and sentence.Perception of the word as an object of study, material for analysis. Observation of the meaning of a word. Practical distinction between the meaning and sound of a word. The role of the word as a mediator in communication, its nominative function. Correct use of words naming individual objects in speech(rose, lily of the valley, sedge), and words with a general meaning(flowers, plants).

Distinguishing between words and sentences. Working with sentences: highlighting words, changing their order.

Spelling and punctuation.Introduction to spelling rules and their application:

Separate spelling of words;

Designation of vowels after sibilants(cha-sha, chu-shu, zhi-shi);

Use to indicate in writing the softness of consonants;

Using ъ and ь as dividing marks;

Capital (capital) letter at the beginning of a sentence, in proper names;

transferring words into syllables without consonant clusters;

Punctuation marks at the end of sentences.

Speech development. Initial idea of ​​the text as a speech work. Highlighting sentences in the text. Combining sentences into text. Comprehension of the text read when independently reading aloud and when listening to it.

Initial understanding of speech using visual-figurative models. Dividing speech into semantic parts (sentences) using drawings and diagrams. Composing a coherent text from sentences and writing it down.

Compiling short stories of a narrative nature based on a series of plot pictures, based on materials from one’s own games, activities, and observations.

Culture of speech communication. Mastering a positive model of verbal communication based on goodwill, peacefulness and respect for the interlocutor.

Results of studying the subject

The program ensures the achievement of the following personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal results:

Forming the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia; awareness of one’s ethnic and national identity, multinational values Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

Acceptance and mastery social role student; development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards;

Development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding of other people and empathy for their feelings; understanding the importance of a positive communication style based on peacefulness, patience, restraint and goodwill;

Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

Developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find a way out of controversial situations.

Meta-subject results:

The ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, to determine the most effective ways achieving results;

The ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, to find means of its implementation;

The ability to engage in discussions of problems of a creative and exploratory nature, to learn ways to solve them;

The ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

Development initial forms self-observation in the process of cognitive activity;

Ability to create and use sign-symbolic models to solve educational and practical problems;

Mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives; conscious construction of a speech utterance in accordance withcommunication tasks, composing texts in oral and written form;

Mastery of the following logical actions: comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, to recognize the possibility of existence various points everyone's vision and right to have their own; the ability to express one’s opinion and argue one’s point of view and assessment of events; the ability to actively use dialogue and monologue as speech means to solve communicative and cognitive problems;

Determining the common goal of joint activities and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles, exercise mutual control, and adequately assess one’s own behavior;

Willingness to resolve conflicts constructively, taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation.

Subject results:

Formation of initial ideas about the unity and diversity of the linguistic and cultural space of Russia, about language as the basis of national identity;

Students’ understanding that language is a phenomenon of national culture and the main means of human communication and mutual understanding; awareness of the importance of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation, the language of interethnic communication;

Initial mastery of the main concepts of the Russian language course (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), representing the basic units of the language and reflecting essential connections, relationships and functions;

Understanding a word as a two-way unit of language, as a relationship between meaning and sound. Practical mastery of the substitutive (sign) function of language;

Mastery of initial ideas about the norms of Russian and native literary language(spelling, lexical, grammatical) and rules of speech etiquette; the ability to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication, to choose adequate language means to successfully solve communicative problems;

Forming a positive attitude towards correct oral and written speech as indicators general culture and civil position of a person;

Mastery of educational activities with language units and the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems.

Target orientation of this work program
in the practice of MKOU "TSOSH No. 2"

This work program takes into account the characteristics of the class. In the 1st grade, in the process of learning to read and write, students get acquainted with phenomena and concepts from the field of phonetics, word formation, morphology, constantly monitor the compatibility of words in the Russian language, features of word usage, master the initial skills of writing and reading in different levels. In addition, advanced students will be involved in additional training for lessons and competitions. Students will each master the material at their own level and at their own pace.

Logistics support

1. Further reading.

1. Design tasks in elementary school: a manual for teachers / A. B. Vorontsov [etc.; edited by A. B. Vorontsova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2010.

2. Formation universal educational actions in primary school: from action to thought: a system of tasks / A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya. - M.: Education, 2011.

2. Internet resources.

1. Unified Digital Collection Educational Resources. - Access mode:

2. Presentations of lessons “Elementary school”. - Access mode:

3. I’m going to an elementary school lesson (materials for the lesson). - Access mode: www.festival.

4. Educational materials and dictionaries on the Cyril and Methodius website. - Access mode:

5. Lesson plans: methodical piggy bank, information Technology At school. - Access mode:

6. Official website of educational complex “Perspective”. - Access mode: ob_no=12371

3. Information and communication tools.

1. Collection of multimedia lessons by Cyril and Methodius “Teaching literacy. 1st grade" (CD).

2. Electronic supplement to the textbook “ABC” by L. F. Klimanova, S. G. Makeeva. 1st grade (1 CD).

4. Visual aids.

1. A set of dynamic handouts “Teaching literacy” (fans).

2. A set of visual aids “A set of letters of the Russian alphabet” (256 cards).

3. A set of visual aids “Russian alphabet” (4 tables + 224 cards).

4. A set of visual aids. "Russian language. Sounds and letters of the Russian alphabet" (2 tables + 128 cards).

5. Set of visual aids “Russian language. 1 class. Literacy training" (16 tables).

6. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter A/Proposal.

7. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter M / Letter N.

8. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter F / Paired consonants V-F.

9. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter B / Paired consonant P.

10. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter IN / Paired consonants B-P.

11. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter E / Vowels O-E.

12. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter E / Vowels E-E.

13. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter I / Letters I-y.

14. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter Y / Unpaired voiced consonants.

15. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter O / Letter U.

16. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter E/Letter s.

17. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter Yu / Vowels U-Yu.

18. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter I / Vowels A-Z.

19. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. LettersYaya, Yuyu, Ii, Aa, Ee, Oo, Uu.

20. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letters B, V, G, D, F, Z / Letters C, X, Ch, Shch.

21. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Alphabet / Letters P, F, K, T, Sh, S.

22. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Let's recognize the letters.

23. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter G / Letter K.

24. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter D / Letters T-D.

25. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter L / Letter R.

26. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter Z/Letter S.

27. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letters G-K / Letter T.

28. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Which? Which? Which? Which? / Sounds.

29. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. September / Who is it? What is this?

30. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Stress / Syllables.

31. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letter F / Letters Z-S.

32. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. LetterШ / Letters Ж-Ш.

33. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letters / One - many.

34. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letters b / b.

35. Russian language. Elementary School. Literacy training. Letters Ch, Shch, J / F, Shch, C.

36. Alphabet. Printed and handwritten letters.

37. Tape of letters.

5. Technical training aids.

1. Computer.

2. interactive board with a short throw projector.

3. Student netbooks.

6. Educational and practical equipment.

1. A whiteboard with a magnetic surface and a set of devices for attaching tables and diagrams.

7. Specialized furniture.Computer desk.

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