Teaching sounds in kindergarten. Master class for parents “How to teach children the sound analysis of words. The child pronounces the sound s and other whistling sounds incorrectly. What to do

Over time, every mother certainly thinks about how to teach her child letters and when the right age will come for the child to be able to perceive information well. Teaching your child the first basics of the alphabet is the basis for his further education. It is important not only how children pronounce letters and sounds, but also how these letters look and where they are in the alphabet.

Where to start learning

The most important rule when teaching a child the alphabet is that the sound comes first, and only then the letter. After all, a letter is only an image, a form of sound. That is why children must initially learn sounds, otherwise all their learning will be ineffective and meaningless. And he will have to be retrained at school. Before showing and teaching your child letters, explain to him that sounds make words and how they are related to each other.

In order to start learning correctly, you need to know how to teach your child letters. If you start learning the alphabet first without knowing the sounds, then the baby will know that “b” is “be”, “m” is “me” or “em”, but then how can you explain to children how to read the syllable “ma” or "meh"? After all, he may perceive it as “ema” or “eme.” This is why parents need to work with their children, and not buy a lot of games and programs that teach the first basics of reading.

When showing your child a picture of letters in the alphabet, you need to name only the sound so as not to confuse him. If you point to “m”, then you need to say “mmmm”.

What do the experts think?

You shouldn’t spend a lot of money teaching your children the alphabet, because every parent knows it from childhood. Mom or dad are wondering when and how to teach their child letters. At 3 years old it’s still not too late to start classes, but you shouldn’t force children if they don’t want to. And for training to be interesting and give the necessary results, it must be made fun and memorable, and most importantly, it must be carried out regularly so that everything is well absorbed.

How to teach correctly

It is always worth remembering that children need to be interested so that they themselves want to take part. After all, if the lesson is turned into fun game, it will be much easier for the baby to remember something and enjoy it. If the little one is barely a year old, then you can safely print one at a time on an A4 sheet. Then attach them in the room at the eye level of your baby, but not all at once. As soon as you notice that your child is looking at the letter, simply say it several times. From time to time the letters need to be changed. When the vowels are already familiar to the baby, you can begin to study consonants.

Every mother should know how to teach a child letters. Therefore, when the baby grows up a little, you can purchase the alphabet on magnets and attach several letters to the refrigerator or magnetic board. You can recite poems about each letter, sing songs about it, tell what words begin with it. Activities should not be intrusive, so if the child switches to something else, do not distract him.

If you see that your baby has perfectly learned all the letters, you can move on to studying syllables. This will be the next step in preparing a child for reading.

Such complex letters R And L

Usually, if children have speech disorders, they try to correct them in kindergarten. Speech therapists do tongue and cheek exercises with children, teaching them how to position themselves correctly when pronouncing various sounds. Sometimes given to parents homework so that she does exercises at home.

How to teach a child a letter l, because not everyone can pronounce it, so in order to put the sound l, you need to move his tongue a little, improve the air flow. The “Horse” exercise is suitable for this; show your child how to click his tongue correctly. Ask him to tsk very loudly at first, and then gradually make it quieter and quieter. “The wind is blowing” - this exercise will help you properly regulate the air flow. You need to roll a small ball out of paper and ask the child to blow it into the “gate”, which can be made from a cup or small box.

How to teach a child a letter r- it is the most difficult to pronounce. Children most often swallow it or replace it with l. There are also some exercises for this. Encourage your child to pronounce words that begin with the letter “r” or it is the second letter in words. You can also ask your child to pronounce the letter “d” often, while cotton swab lift his tongue from below to the palate. This should produce a sound between “d” and “r”. When the baby understands the mechanism of its pronunciation, he will quickly learn to pronounce it.

Consolidating knowledge

Children learn quite quickly, so it is important that classes are regular. If parents provide the material being studied in different forms, it will be interesting for the child and will not get boring. So that the baby does not forget over time what he has learned, you need to repeat the alphabet with him from time to time. game form.

Now that you know how to teach your child letters, you can think about your individual lessons with your baby.

Growing up, our children increasingly replenish their vocabulary. Their need to talk is growing every day. Unfortunately, most babies have problems pronouncing certain sounds. Is it possible to teach a baby to pronounce sounds correctly at home or will the help of a speech therapist be needed to eliminate speech defects?

What causes incorrect pronunciation?

The most common mistake adults make when communicating with their child is imitating his speech. We lisp with the little man, often distorting the words. It turns out that our speech drops to the level of a baby. Instead of speaking with young children as best we can, pronouncing all sounds and letters clearly, we deliberately make our speech incomprehensible.

Since the child does not hear the correct speech from you, he will not be able to remember it and repeat it. Therefore, in order for your baby to learn to speak correctly, your speech must be clear and intelligible.

The reason for the incorrect reproduction of individual sounds may be a structural feature of the speech apparatus

  • The ligament under the tongue is shorter than it should be, making it difficult to move.
  • Normal speech is hampered by the size of the tongue (too small or, on the contrary, too large).
  • Very thin or, conversely, plump lips, which makes their articulation difficult.
  • Deviations in the structure of the teeth or jaw.
  • A defect in the hearing aid that prevents you from hearing certain sounds and, therefore, from pronouncing them correctly.

Parents can easily correct some speech defects on their own. The baby experiences the main difficulties when pronouncing hissing sounds - Zh, Ch, Sh, Shch, the letters P, as well as Z, G, K, L, S and C.

How to help your child pronounce hissing sounds?

Teaching a child to pronounce the letters Zh, Ch, Sh, and Shch is a little easier than, for example, the letter R. Most often, children have a problem with the pronunciation of hissing Zh and Sh. At the same time, the sound Sh is not as annoying to the ear as the incorrectly pronounced Zh .

Usually the problem with hissing occurs because the baby is unable to relax the tongue and stretch it so that the edges touch the upper lateral teeth.

Therefore, the baby needs to be taught a few simple exercises.

  1. Let's relax the tongue . Place your tongue on your lower teeth, like a pancake, and tap it with your upper teeth, saying “Ta-ta-ta.” After this, the tongue should lie relaxed. Then you need to slap it with your upper lip and say “Pa-pa-pa.”
  2. Lifting the tip of the tongue upward . To complete the task, you need chewing candy or gum (it will be a good motivation for your child). You need him to open his mouth 2-3 cm, spread his tongue over his lower lip, sticking out its tip. Place a piece of candy on it and ask your child to stick it to the roof of his mouth behind his upper teeth. Make sure your baby only uses his tongue and not his jaw.
  3. Blow air through the middle of the tongue . Place a small piece of cotton wool on the table. Let the baby smile and position the tongue as in the previous task. The baby’s task is to blow the cotton wool to the other end of the table without puffing out his cheeks. At the same time, he must pronounce something like the letter F.
  4. Blowing cotton from your nose . The child opens his mouth slightly, places his tongue so that there is a groove in the middle of it, and the edges almost meet. We place a piece of cotton wool on the nose. The baby should take a deep breath of air through his nose and exhale sharply through his mouth. The cotton wool should fly up.
  5. We pronounce the sounds Zh and Sh . Ask the baby to pronounce the syllable SA, the tongue should be behind the teeth at this time. Then you need to move the tongue deeper into your mouth. As we move towards the alveoli, the sound from S turns into Sh. To get the sound Zh, we repeat the exercises, first pronouncing the syllable ZA.
  6. More words with Zh and Sh . Remember or come up with rhymes or tongue twisters where the letters Zh and Sh are often found in words. Repeat them with your child several times.
  7. We pronounce the letter H . If your baby has increased tongue tone, it will be more difficult for him to cope with the exercise at first. The sound CH consists of TH and Sh. First, the tongue should hit the alveoli, pronouncing TH, and then relax, passing the sound Sh through the slit. These two sounds, first slowly and then faster, should merge into one Ch. After several trainings, the baby will succeed !

Practice your pronunciation with different short rhymes. For example:

  • There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs,
  • There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs,
  • Now the wolf cubs are making noise like jackdaws,
  • And like wolf cubs, the jackdaw cubs are silent.

Learning to pronounce the letter R

The baby begins to pronounce the letter R well only at the age of 5-6 years. If your baby has not yet reached this age, do not panic ahead of time.

There are usually some problems associated with the letter P

  • The little man does not make a growling sound at all , it simply falls out of his words. This happens when the letter P is located between vowels. For example, a garage sounds like “ha - already.”
  • The baby replaces the sound R with L, Y or Y . It turns out that instead of a rose - “vine”, red - “yzhy”, magpie - “jay”.
  • The baby pronounces the sound R, but not the way it should sound in Russian . It either vibrates, like the English, or grates, which is typical for the French.

You can correct deficiencies in pronouncing the letter P by doing some exercises. It’s better to do them while sitting and keeping your back straight. In this case, the child must see himself in the mirror.

This way he can see how well he completes the task.

  • Sail . The child needs to open his mouth wide and lift the tip of his tongue behind his upper teeth. Bend the lower part of the tongue forward slightly and press the edges upward against the molars. You need to repeat this 3 times in a row for 10 seconds.
  • horse . You need to press your tongue tightly against the roof of your mouth and then quickly release it. This will produce a sound reminiscent of the clopping of hooves. Repeat the task at least 10-15 times.
  • Turkey . Draw an angry turkey with the baby. The child should throw the tongue out of the mouth, pushing it between the teeth. In this case, you need to pronounce sounds similar to “bl-bl”. The task is performed at a slow pace, gradually speeding it up.
  • Let's bite our tongue . Stick the end of your tongue out and open your mouth in a smile. Then slowly bite your tongue with your teeth.
  • Brushing our teeth . The baby needs to smile widely and move the tip of his tongue along the inner wall of the upper teeth, without moving the lower jaw.
  • Who has it longer? Invite your baby to compare who has the longest tongue. Will he be able to reach his chin or the tip of his nose?
  • Woodpecker . You need to open your mouth wide and tap your tongue hard on the inside of the gums near the upper teeth. At this time you need to say “d-d-d.”

To prevent your child from getting tired from numerous exercises, take breaks and invite him to roar like a lion. To consolidate the emerging successes, you can additionally learn tongue twisters and words that contain the letter R with your child.

Pronouncing the letters Z, S and C correctly

When a child does not pronounce the letter S, at the same time he cannot pronounce the other whistling letters and syllables - Z, Ts, Зь, Сь. The reason for this is an underdeveloped articulatory apparatus.

Special exercises will also help correct the situation.

  1. Get the ball into the goal . The purpose of this task is to learn how to release a long, directed stream of air. Make gates on the table using blocks or other toys. Roll a loose cotton ball. The kid must, with his lips folded into a tube, blow on the ball and drive it into the gate. While performing the exercise, you should not puff out your cheeks, and the blown air should flow in one long stream, without interruption.
  2. Song of the tongue . With your mouth slightly open, you need to place your tongue on your lower lip. Then you need to spank with your sponges - “five-five-five” (the tongue sings). The air comes out in a smooth stream without interruption. Then, opening your mouth wide, hold the soft tongue on your lower lip so that it does not curl up. It is necessary that the edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.
  3. Pancake . It is important to teach your baby to relax his tongue. To do this, he must smile and place the leading edge of his tongue on his lower lip. The smile should not be tense, and the tongue should only hang slightly from the lip.
  4. Brushing our teeth . The exercise is similar to the task for the letter P, only we will brush the lower teeth rather than the upper ones.

The letter Z is paired with the letter C, so its production is done in the same way as the sound C.

The sound T consists of two sounds - T and S, which quickly move from one to another. It is important to teach your baby to separate one sound from another. Ask your baby to say first the long sound “shhhhh”, and then the short “shhhh, tshh, tshh” sound. As a result, the baby will make the sound C.

What about K and G?

The sounds K, G and X belong to the back of the tongue, which implies a high rise of the tongue when pronouncing them. When a child does not pronounce these letters, most often his tongue is simply lazy (with the exception of congenital pathologies that only doctors can correct). To make your tongue work, you need to do exercises.

Slide downhill . Place a cotton ball on your baby's palm. The baby should open his mouth slightly, hold the root of his tongue in a raised position, and lower the tip of it. Then you need to quickly exhale so as to blow the cotton wool from your palm. The sound will be K.

Spoon . Ask your baby to say “ta-ta-ta” slowly. Take a teaspoon and gently move your tongue away, pressing on the front of the back of it. Instead of “ta”, the baby will first get “cha”, and then “kya”. Continuing to press on the tongue, catch the moment when the baby produces a clean “ka”. He needs to remember what position his tongue was in at that moment. Don't worry if it doesn't work out right away.

Regardless of the exercises you do with your child to pronounce which letter, after class, repeat with him as many words, rhymes or songs with this letter as possible.

The study of sounds and letters goes in parallel. We must strive to ensure that the child understands the difference between letters and sounds. Sometimes the names of letters do not match the sounds they represent.

Soft and hard signs do not indicate sounds. They are needed to soften consonants.

To facilitate understanding, examples of various sounds are given: birdsong, hammer blows, machine noise. Then we need to bring to the conclusion that our speech is a stream of sounds.

The letter A stands for the sound A, but the letter EL stands for the sound L. The child may not understand the first time. This is normal, since such material is quite difficult for preschoolers. When introducing each letter, you need to explain the difference.

There should be no confusion in the speech of adults when naming letters as sounds. It happens that parents themselves make involuntary mistakes, calling the letter EL the letter L.

Children must understand that a letter is only a designation for a specific sound. The letter can be seen and read. The sound can be spoken and heard.

Learning sounds and letters should go in parallel with learning to read. Adults need to immediately correct errors in reading when a preschooler names a letter rather than a sound. In this case, the reading sounds like this: ka-ot (cat).

It is important to immediately correct the child and ask him to read correctly, so that such errors do not become entrenched.

Familiarization with the sound structure of words for preschoolers

Children are taught to perceive a word not as a separate unit, but as a set of certain sounds. It is important that they are able to identify individual sounds in words. This is necessary for the formation of competent oral and writing in the future.

Stages of working with the sound structure of a word:

1. On initial stage sound analysis, individual sounds are distinguished by intonation, pronouncing them more clearly or drawn out (ko-o-o-t, ka-a-asha, mir-r-r, etc.). Children are encouraged to sort cards, toys, and pictures with a certain sound in a playful way.

Preschoolers learn to distinguish individual sounds themselves into intonation.

2. Location of sound. First, children learn to isolate the first sound, then the last. After this, you can move on to highlighting sounds in the middle of a word.

Children need to be taught to hear the sounds that make up each individual word.

Vowels and consonants

The Russian language has 10 vowels and 21 consonants; they correspond to 6 vowel sounds and 36 consonants. Learning to read begins with vowels. Then they are joined by consonants, with which children learn to form syllables. Preschoolers usually learn the difference between them quickly. They are explained that vowel sounds can be sung. At the same time, the mouth is slightly open - and the air comes out freely. Consonants cannot be sung. The tongue stumbles and does not allow air to escape freely.

It is best to show children the difference between the articulation of consonants and vowels in front of a mirror.

Hard and soft sounds

The topic of hardness and softness is discussed in detail at school. Preschoolers are given general information. If the baby learns well, you can give more material. If learning is difficult, it is better to spend this time learning more necessary skills.

Hard and soft sounds can be explained when the child has mastered the alphabet well, distinguishes between vowels and consonants, and can read syllables.

To explain to a preschooler the concept of hardness and softness of sounds, you need to start by comparing hard and soft objects. You need to compare a table and a pillow, cotton wool and a stone, etc. Then the adult says that consonant sounds can also be hard and soft.

It is proposed to pronounce the consonant K in isolation.

Now pronounce the sound K, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Look how the sound has changed! He became soft - Kb.

So you need to practice pronouncing all the consonants except Zh, Shch, Ts, Ch, Sh, Y.

To reinforce this, you can play a game with a ball. An adult throws a ball to the child, calling a hard sound. He has to make it soft and get the ball back. Then the roles change.

The next lesson introduces b and b. These signs are needed to indicate the softness and hardness of consonants in words. The child learns in class to read words with soft and hard signs.

Before the next lesson, you need to tell the preschooler that F, Sh, C are always hard, and Ch, Sh, Y are always soft. It is better to present the material in the form of a fairy tale.

The sign with sounds should be hung in a visible place.

Differentiation of sounds similar in articulation

Many sounds in Russian have very similar articulation. When mastering speech and then reading, children can confuse these sounds.

Staging and automating sounds is the job of a speech therapist. However, parents can also do simple sound differentiation tasks with their children. Before doing this, you should make sure that the child does not have speech therapy problems. In this case, you need to study after consultation with a speech therapist.

Examples of tasks:

1. Alternating repetitions of syllables with similar sounds: for-for-for-for, sa-sa-sa-sa...

2. Clap your hand at a given sound. A more complex option is syllables and words.

3. Phonetic tales.

You need to start by distinguishing individual sounds, then syllables with them, and after that words with difficult sounds.

Sound-letter analysis of words

The analysis includes determining the number of sounds and letters, as well as the characteristics of each sound. It is customary to graphically designate hard consonants in blue, soft consonants in green, and vowels in red.

Stages of work

1. Determining the number of letters.

2. Determination of the number of sounds. IN kindergarten Words with the vowels E, Yo, Yu, Ya are rarely considered. They denote two sounds: ye, yo, yu, ya. The only case when the number of sounds and letters does not match is soft and hard signs.

3. Place dots under the word with colored pencils or color the cells with the appropriate color.

Sound line

This simple device is needed for sound-letter analysis of words in kindergarten.

You can make a sound line with your own hands. You will need an A4 sheet and colored paper in blue, green and red. The edge of the sheet is folded towards the middle and glued to the sides. There should be a pocket. On it you need to draw squares with numbers (no more than 5-6). Rectangles are cut out of colored paper, the smaller side of which coincides with the side of the square. The numbers are the number of sounds. Rectangles of different colors represent symbols of consonants and vowels.

Preparing children for school

Target preschool education- not only the volume of certain knowledge, but also the formation in the child of the ability to assimilate and search for information. If a preschooler missed or did not understand any particular topic, do not worry. You can study at home, and at school these same topics will be studied in more depth and detail.

What a child should know before entering first grade:


The difference between sounds and letters;

The concept of vowels and consonants;

The concept of hard and soft consonants;

The meaning of b and b.

What skills should a preschooler have before school:

Reading by syllables;

Highlighting stress in a word;

Determining the place of a sound in a word;

Isolating isolated sounds in a word;

Performing simple sound-letter analysis.

Learning to read and write is a sequential, not quick process. Children acquire knowledge at their own individual pace.

The mother plays or sings a melody, focusing the child's attention on it. Then she moves to another place and plays the same melody again, watching the baby’s reaction.

Body orientation (preparing for an upright position)

Mom sings sounds in an upward movement, simultaneously giving the baby a vertical position. Humming sounds in a downward motion, slowly moves it to a horizontal position.

Stress sound

First, the mother makes sudden, sharp, but not loud sounds. By the end of the month, the sound strength can reach 50-60 decibels. Imitation of thunder on a drum.

Frightening sound combinations: UUU, RRRR, DZZZ, URSHUKH, VIRSH, SHR, ZHYRL, etc.

Different types of whistles that are given child instead of a pacifier in the morning or afternoon: police, sports, hunting, etc. Car signals.

Fret sensations

Giving the baby a musical pacifier, the mother plays along with its sound on the piano, or selects a chord that matches the sound of the baby's voice.

Feelings of dissonance and consonance

Feeling of dissonance;

  • 1st week - minor and major seconds;
  • 2nd week - increased quart;
  • 3rd week - increased triad;
  • 4th week - increased seventh chord.

Feeling of consonance:

  • 1st week - major and minor thirds;
  • 2nd week - minor and major triads;
  • 3rd week - quartersex chord;
  • Week 4 - dominant seventh chord. Diminished opening chord.


The melody is played and sung, then played 1/2 tone higher and lower. Next week the modulation will be a whole tone, a week later - one and a half tones up and down, etc. Major-motor pieces and songs with brightly contrasting colors of major and minor are performed.

Speech sounds

Using a phonendoscope, the mother sings 3 sounds a day to the child at a certain time.

  • In the morning - vibration speech sounds- in, g, h, n, m, r.
  • During the day - diaphragmatic speech sounds - a, k, i, u, e, yu, i.
  • In the evening - relaxing speech sounds - s, f, ch, sh, sch.

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author - arrogant. You might think that the author used such a title to attract the attention of readers.

Yes, that's true. The purpose of this title is to draw your attention to the truly most effective way to teach a child the letters of the Russian alphabet in the shortest possible time and teach him to pronounce these letters with sounds. You will see for yourself the simplicity and effectiveness of this method by reading this article and starting to teach your child letters with its help. After just five lessons, your child will know all 10 vowels well and will begin to memorize consonants, even if he did not know a single letter before. And, most importantly, he will learn letters during games and remember them firmly.

But first, a small digression. Before you start teaching your child letters, you must decide why he needs it. Some parents are proud that they were able to teach letters to a two-year-old or even one-and-a-half-year-old child. But you should only do this if you also start teaching your child to read. Any knowledge must immediately find its practical application. But teaching letters by itself, without simultaneously learning to read, makes no sense. There are many other, no less effective, ways to develop a child’s memory and stimulate the brain during its formation. It’s good if, by the time the child begins learning to read, he forgets these prematurely learned letters and does not begin to pronounce them the way he was once taught: Be, Ve, Ge... or By, You, Gy..., otherwise when reading this It will really bother him. You ask: “Well, if you teach a child letters and reading at the same time, then at what age is it better to start, from two years old?” I believe that at home, in the family, a mother with a child of this age can already study; but first for half a minute, and then for several minutes throughout the day. As a result of such “lessons”, built in the form of a game, the child will develop the ability to concentrate on some specific activity, and then, starting from the age of three and even a little earlier, he can be taught to read in a group of children like him. Just don’t forget that learning to read, especially early learning, should take place without coercion, in play, against a background of positive emotions.

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