Obsession is like a disease. Reprimands in Orthodoxy. Reprimands in Protestantism


Apathy. As the demon becomes more and more entrenched in the human body, the latter falls into an apathetic state. He is inactive, stops going to work and communicating with loved ones. This can then develop into a suicidal state. The possessed person seeks to take his own life. Usually he tries to do this through piercing and cutting objects. There is something sacred in this. This is how the demon seeks to completely weaken the will of the possessed.

Knowledge of languages. If the previous reasons can be explained from a psychological point of view, then this is clearly a paranormal phenomenon. A person who did not even speak two languages ​​suddenly begins to speak several. Most often these are languages, for example, ancient or Sumerian. The voice of the possessed can change beyond recognition. It turns to screaming, wheezing, roaring, sounds from somewhere far away. Often a person can be possessed by more than one demon, which is why they speak different languages.

Swearing. The presence of obscenity and vulgarity in the speech of the possessed is an integral sign of obsession. In general, a person becomes vulgar and behaves indecently. His sexual attacks on other people can be unnecessarily provocative. Indecent behavior usually becomes one of the last criteria before the complete possession of the demon and the displacement of the human personality.

Denial of religion. In the initial stages of obsession, a person has a negative attitude towards all symbols of religion: crosses, the Bible, holy water. But in recent times the demon has become so strong in his power that he begins to commit sacrilege against them. The possessed person spits on crosses; holy water has no effect on him.

Soreness. At the last stage of demon possession, the person looks very sick. His skin takes on a greenish-gray tint. The eyes become red and watery. He constantly feels sick and his joints hurt. He stops eating, and his organs gradually begin to fail. Constant convulsions and weakening of the body lead to death.


In Christianity, demons and the devil are considered to be responsible for possession, and in Islam, devils and jinn are considered to be responsible.

Helpful advice

If you suspect someone of possession, you should immediately contact a medium or priest. The possessed person needs help immediately, otherwise it will be too late.

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  • About the signs of demonic possession and their types

Many films have been made about how a demon possesses a person and torments him. They are watched with pleasure, but few people realize that most films are based on real events. To this day, demons can possess any unfortunate person. Therefore, you need to recognize the evil spirit in a person in order to provide him with timely help.


Carefully observe the “suspect” who, as it seems to you, has been possessed by a demon. If a previously cheerful and good-natured person began to show causeless aggression towards others, and swear words come out of his mouth, then it is very likely that he has been possessed by a demon. Of course, before making such a diagnosis, it is worth asking your doctor if everything is okay. After all, such behavior may be trivial.

Obsession is accompanied by a number of physical illnesses, such as loss of appetite and insomnia, colic and constant yawning, especially during prayers, causeless weakness and pain. Insatiable gluttony and painful thinness may also occur.

Also, one of the common signs of demonic possession is when a person bursts into loud laughter for no reason or begins to howl.

Pay attention to whether the person has recently developed a passion for making faces, imitating, and clowning around. Demons, having possessed a person, behave in this way.

Those who are obsessed develop a tendency towards gambling and exhibitionism. Try to quietly follow the suspect in the evening, when, in his opinion, he is alone. Find out where he goes and how he spends his time. At the same time, remember that the passion for gambling in itself does not necessarily lead to a demon.

Take a walk with the person you want to identify demon, past the church. Njn, in whom the unclean has really settled, will not be able to come close to the church, especially if they are ringing at that time. At the same time, he may begin to shake, as if in an epileptic seizure.

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How does a demon possess a person? In esotericism it is believed that possession is the possession of an evil spirit that negatively affects a person and often leads to his death. It is possible to determine that a person has been possessed by a demon using several criteria.


Aggression. Excessively aggressive behavior and uncontrollable fits of anger may indicate that a person has been possessed by a demon. Unreasonable irritability is becoming more and more common. A person ceases to perceive his actions logically. Outbursts of hatred towards everything around him force him to commit acts of violence. He can hit a small child for a minor mistake, or break a glass against the wall. Nervous breakdowns alternate among the obsessed with extreme apathy.

Seizures. Epilepsy attacks and convulsions are a manifestation of demonic possession. For no apparent reason, a person who was absolutely calm, a minute later begins to convulse. At the same time, he can bend so unnaturally that he horrifies those around him. Everything can be attributed to the individual flexibility of the spine, but this is not the only explanation.

Losing touch with reality. Possession by demons manifests itself in the strange behavior of people who previously behaved absolutely adequately. They hear voices, they see what others cannot see. This is similar to schizophrenia, but may also be occult.

While all this is not there, it is necessary to develop vigilance and listen to subtle feelings. Many signs of obsession can be noticed on the earthly level with sufficient observation, open-mindedness and purity of a person’s psychic energy. In fact, observation, vigilance and the natural tension of straight-knowledge in this direction are the way to develop clairvoyance, clairaudience and other abilities inherent in a person.

Also, with a certain purity of psychic energy, it can be used to diagnose obsession. The readings of this small “device” will be able to identify deviations in the functioning of a person’s psychic energy, as well as indicate their causes - illness, loss of strength, external influences, possession by astral larvae or elementaries.

Behavior change

Many behavioral oddities are related to mental illness, but are the result of obsession. Strictly speaking, it is very often wrong to consider the question of "obsession" or illness" when it comes to "obsession And illness." These phenomena are interconnected, illness opens the gates for possessors, and obsession depletes and destroys the body, causing various diseases. And such decomposition is very dangerous, because it spreads like an epidemic. When environment contaminated and poisoned, the slightest cut is enough for the virus to enter the body.

Let the doctor not be surprised if he notices that the signs of obsession are becoming epidemic; there are more of them than the human mind can imagine. At the same time, the varieties are very different - from almost imperceptible strangeness to violence (Fiery World part 1, 278)

The expression of obsession can be in behavioral patterns, loss of strength, weakened immunity and illness. The nervous system is primarily affected; weakening of the nerves is followed by damage and decomposition of other tissues.

We must take it literally when I say that the occurrence of a significant number of diseases must be treated with psychic energy. Infection of the nerve substance will always be the primary cause of various diseases. In the infection of the nervous substance the higher world is united with the lower; Any alien, from obsession to cancer, is pushed through the gap in nerve matter. But the nervous substance can only be protected with psychic energy. This education of psychic energy will be the true prevention of humanity. You can use at least pure thought, protecting with it the entrances to the nervous sphere. Even this simple measure will be useful. Also, psychic energy will be the best cleansing during the period hidden illness. But the decomposition of nervous matter under the influence of drunkenness and all sorts of vices is terrible. Think about the state the subtle body will be in, where the finest nerves take on the role of a skeleton! For the Earth it is bone, for the Subtle World it is nerves, for the Spirit it is Light. (Hierarchy, 190)

With sufficient vigilance and attentiveness, observations of the behavior of others can clearly indicate the presence of an obsessive. As a rule, this is a combination of several signs, and not one manifestation, and in the sphere of the psyche one should be very careful with diagnosing deviations from the “norm”:

It is necessary to divide the area of ​​so-called hysteria into many departments. It now ranges from obsession to sophisticated spirituality. Of course, one cannot leave such contradictory mixtures, namely, it is not scientific to lump everything into one pile, so as not to disturb the brain with reflection. Otherwise, Saint Teresa may find herself within the limits of possession, and the most vile demon will be brought closer to the throne. It is unacceptable to agree with the confusion of different states. (Heart, 325)

In addition to obvious signs of mental illness (neuroses, affects, schizophrenia, mania, phobias, etc.), the following phenomena can be classified as manifestations of obsession:

It should be remembered that the possessor does not need his victims, but the influence on others. Those possessed exhibit special dualistic thinking when logical arguments and exhortations are not perceived. On the contrary, the disputes and scandals themselves serve as food for the obsessive. Therefore, it is better to leave such people alone, and not bother them, thereby giving the opportunity for the manifestation of obsessions. Complete isolation (even long sleep induced by medications) will be helpful.

Sometimes people become so wild in spirit that they can only exist by judging each other. This is not an inspection of armor for the purpose of help; on the contrary, condemnation becomes the meaning of life. If the tongue of such a condemner is taken away, he will disappear, dry up, like a plant without water. This phenomenon can be analyzed from a medical point of view. One can see in this condemnation a type of vampirism of obsession, when mastery of a vital fluid is required, more active in order to nourish the possessor. (Heart, 169)

A person who constantly attacks others, condemns everything and everyone, is also very likely to be possessed or at risk. In this case, it is useful not to give him reasons to manifest himself and to ignore all such condemnation and ridicule, incl. personal attacks. You can ask in passing - and how should it be? Usually, condemners are not ready to provide anything constructive and affirming, so they are forced to remain silent. But for any arguments they will find a hundred clues, condemnations and objections in order to further inflame the dispute.

Physical manifestations

Neglect of psychic energy is the source of many diseases. We can say that not only physical and mental illnesses, but obsessions depend entirely on the state of psychic energy. A person who has lost his immunity will also lose his supply of psychic energy. A person who has upset the balance of morality will already prove the licentiousness of his mental energy. (Aum, 599)

Obsessors usually do not value the health of the victim; on the contrary, any decomposition is pleasant to them, but they are not stupid, and if a long-term impact on some bright undertaking is made through the victim, then she will be given temporary respites in order to avoid the rapid destruction of the body. This confirms the relationship between the physical and astral levels, as well as the fact that different planes live according to the same laws, because even on the physical level, a chronic illness is more destructive than individual attacks.

There is a lot of tension, you need to understand how much the world situation is related to business. Can't separate when general state equals an unheard of battle, therefore I order you to hold on inseparably, imbued with the tension of the moment. Do not retreat, but press the possessed together. If a joke is acceptable, you can call this phase of the battle a battle with obsession. The truly dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But such a method cannot last long, because, precisely, by obsession they destroy themselves. After all, you know how obsession gradually destroys the body; paralysis of some nerve centers is inevitable. That is why doctors can do so many useful things by focusing their attention on possession. Ask doctor L. if he noticed any peculiarities in the eyes of the possessed? After all, one can judge a dual existence by the eyes. When he answers, I will tell you my amendments. But I don’t mean only a superficial phenomenon, such as a cloudy or shifty gaze, you need to notice other signs. Signs of gait, voice, and even changes in weight may also be noted. Don’t ask psychiatrists about this, because they have ossified conclusions, but doctors like L. can notice unintentionally. Meanwhile, how necessary are these observations now, when obsession is becoming a widespread disease! Clouds of quick-witted spirits sense the weakness of people’s hearts and rush furiously to take possession of the earthly scent (Heart, 219).

From the quote above and other paragraphs of Agni Yoga, the following physical signs of possession can be identified:

In people with a natural tendency towards mediumship, the lymph nodes are usually constantly enlarged, but mediumship is the gateway to obsession. With natural contact with the Subtle World, there is no copious secretion of sputum; on the contrary, the mucous membranes remain dry, as if due to the proximity of spatial fire, and the lymph nodes do not enlarge.

When the essence is damaged, possession occurs, but a purified spirit may suffer not from possession, but from illness. You read how Our Brother, who was already on high degree However, he was ill for a long time from dark counteractions. (Heart, 484)

Despite the abundance of indications, it is impossible to unambiguously diagnose obsession even with a combination of several symptoms until the psychic sphere and its impact on the physical world has been sufficiently studied. For now, symptoms such as the possibility of possession and signs of mediumship should be taken into account. Moreover, the body and consciousness often instinctively resist, and opposition and struggle occur. The main thing is that the will is not completely broken and subordinated to the desires of the possessor, although in many cases a person pleases himself with the same thoughts and vices.

Animal reaction

“Urumiya” is called the fiery understanding of possession. Not only people can have this straight-knowledge, but also some animals close to people sense this terrible state. Horses and dogs are especially understanding and indignant at the approach of the possessed. In ancient China there was a special breed of dog, highly valued, which was especially sensitive to recognizing the so-called possessed. Also in ancient times, it was customary to show horses and dogs to guests. At the same time, the attitude of the animals was noticed. Many ambassadors have gone through such a test. It should be noted that cats also smell the possessed, but usually in the opposite way. Obsession brings them joy. For example, when a cat senses a possessed person or a strong manifestation of him, she does not hide, but walks around, rejoicing and meowing. Whereas the dog bristles and tries to either hide or rush at such a person. It is necessary to develop Urumiya in oneself not only for protection, but also for the purpose of expelling the possessor. Often one conversation about the meaning of Agni already has an effect on the possessor. He fears Fire and therefore the mention of fiery energy already makes him angry and then retreat. (Fiery World part 1, 373)

Of course, not all animals are equally good at recognizing possession, even if they are of the same breed. Moreover, you shouldn’t surround yourself with animals for protection and rely only on their instincts. Low animal magnetism is sometimes used by dark forces for manifestation. Some stray cats or dogs may appear, and even a pet can become a means for the manifestation of dark entities. Therefore, animals should not be allowed into your bedroom, and contact with them should be minimized if a person’s mental energy is not sufficiently pure.

Own feelings

A person should also listen to his own feelings, because the human apparatus can be developed much more than the instincts of animals. Danger can be signaled by various heart sensations, the unreasonable appearance of negative thoughts and emotions, “anxiety,” a feeling of goosebumps and other manifestations.

Energy spreads around a person, and when approaching him, you immediately feel how pleasant or repulsive his personal magnetism is. Around some people you can say stupid things, easily lose your temper, succumb to anger or irritation, and later the person himself wonders where such thoughts and emotions came from. But if we take into account the reality of the Subtle World, then the explanation is very simple. The waves of a person's emotions create certain vibrations, even if he does not send negative thoughts to you. When two magnetic fields intersect, they change their vector, and the person becomes worse. If he does not pay attention to his condition and considers it to be natural manifestations, he will easily break down and succumb negative influence. Such reactions can also occur in cases where the vibrations of two people are not harmonious, although each in itself is good. Thus, a good-natured simpleton will feel out of place in a highly intelligent society, and a professor will feel uncomfortable among the poorly educated, although good people. Therefore, you should listen to your own feelings, but do not rush to make hasty conclusions, but try to control your emotional state.

Phenomena of the Subtle World can cause certain physical and chemical reactions. For example, there is a popular expression: “ got a whiff grave cold " This expression is not accidental. People's observation has noticed one of the phenomena that has not yet been studied by science, and there are few such references in occult sources. But if we know that some substances can change their properties depending on temperature or the presence of a magnetic field, and even emotions change the static field of the skin, then the approach of energy beings can also be detected by indirect and direct signs. Thus, when spirits or some creatures of the Subtle World approach, sudden chills, cold breezes and other temperature sensations may occur.

The fear of Astral phenomena is based on reasons other than ghosts, for you need to understand the cold of the Astral as a chemical reaction(Agni Yoga, 352).

The approach of Fiery and Subtle Beings is marked by heart palpitations and a feeling of cold or heat . But if we are constantly surrounded by beings of the Subtle World, then why do we feel them only sometimes? This is the law and quality of thought. If these beings are directed towards us, in other words, they think about us, then we feel them not only as fiery centers, but even physically. It is customary to talk about hair standing up from horror, but this is not horror, only a special effect of energy, partly similar to electricity. This feeling is also based on thought. It is not a special suggestion, but the qualities of thought that give these feelings. Even a physical glance makes a person turn around, how much more powerful should the fiery energy act? Higher Worlds! So, we have a whole row in front of us again useful experiences and observations of how and on which centers the fiery energy of the Higher World acts. It should also be noted that sometimes cold is felt; Isn’t a resemblance of it also felt near an operating electric machine? The study of the external influences of thought should occupy the attention of scientists (Fiery World part 1, 451).

It is instructive to observe from a scientific point of view the content of the atmosphere surrounding the essence of the Subtle or Fiery World when it is condensed to appear among the dense world. One can remember the blows that preceded the phenomenon, but one can distinguish how in one case a kind of mountain coolness is felt, and the phenomenon can even bring a fragrance. But otherwise, you can feel a piercing cold and an unpleasant smell - this is how the layers of the worlds differ. But it would be possible to distinguish different chemical compositions condensed atmosphere. Wouldn't this be a manifestation of higher realities? In this way one can both spiritually and physically comprehend the greatness of the Invisible Worlds. You need to not only get used to this wonderful consciousness, but also build your actions commensurate with the greatness of the Universe. (Fiery World part 1, 610)

These descriptions of sensations when invisible beings approach expand the list of perceived phenomena:

  • not only cold, but also heat, and the sensations of cold are different (mountain coolness and piercing cold)
  • heart flutter;
  • hair standing up in horror;
  • whiff;
  • fragrance or unpleasant odor.

Also very interesting is the mention of “grave cold” in the letters of Helena Roerich:

Teach children to understand the meaning of every thought, every act, every manifestation of Nature and the depth and immutability of its laws, which severely punish those who violate them. Point out that all vitality, all creativity, both ours and all other kingdoms of nature, depend on the Invisible World, on invisible vibrations, rays emanating from the Great Life Givers, the Great Ascetics of the Spirit, both past and present. Children will easily grasp the reality and power of this invisibility, for their imagination has not yet been corrupted by self-destructive doubt. And besides, there are now so many visual experiments on rays that constantly prove to us this invisible influence and creativity. Even the most ordinary example of photographic film, which perceives the most complex scenes, but which, without being developed chemically, does not give us even a hint of them on its smooth, unblemished surface, will be convincing to them. Just as when a sensitive plate records distant stars, invisible even through the most powerful telescopes, or, finally, the outlines, often very clear, of invisible presences near us. It is necessary by all means to introduce the concept of the Subtle World surrounding us and to destroy the horror of death and contact with this World. This world is as inevitable as earthly life, and, being a sublimation of the earthly sphere, it can open up to us indescribable possibilities and beauties. Therefore, by all means it is necessary to wean children from the fear of death (which does not exist) and so-called ghosts. Usually children, whose eyes are open to the subtle world, are not afraid of what they see, until adults enlighten them with ridicule or their stories about ghosts and the grave cold coming from them. This “grave” cold is nothing more than a simple chemical reaction when the subtlest energies come into contact with our gross world.

I am also very happy about your insights into the Subtle World. It seems to me that your explanations are correct, for the one who sees always knows better in spirit their meaning than another. For the symbols of visions are always chosen to be those closest to the consciousness of the seer, and it is not uncommon that the same symbol in different persons can mean an opposite concept. Listen to the voice of your heart and you will not be deceived. (15.01.32 Roerich E.I. Letter to F.D. Lukin).

Similar references can be found in other sources. In the article “The Magical Evocation of the Spirit of Apollonius of Tyana,” H. P. Blavatsky cites an excerpt from Eliphas Levi. In addition to physical cold, it also mentions tinnitus, accompanying the approach of disembodied shells (elementaries):

If a person has lived well, his astral corpse or spirit evaporates like pure incense, ascending to the higher regions; but if he committed atrocities, the astral body, holding him captive, again seeks objects of passion and longs to resume its life. It torments young girls in their sleep, bathes in the vapors of spilled blood, swirls around the places where the pleasures of its life took place; guards the treasures he has buried, exhausts himself with fruitless attempts to create material organs for himself and live forever. But the stars attract him and absorb him; he feels how his mind is weakening, how his memory is fading, how his whole being is dissolving... his vices appear to him and pursue him in the form of monsters; they pounce on him and devour him... The unfortunate man loses one by one all his members, which served to satisfy his vicious appetites; then he dies a second time - and forever, for now he loses his individuality and memory. Souls called to live, but not yet completely purified, remain for some time in captivity in the astral body, in which they are purified by odic light, which seeks to assimilate them into itself and dissolve them. And so, in order to get rid of this body, suffering souls sometimes enter the bodies of living people and are held there in a state that Kabbalists call embryonic.

These are the air phantoms summoned during necromancy. These are larvae, dead or dying entities that come into contact during evocations; they cannot speak otherwise than through the ringing in our ears produced by nervous trembling, which I have already mentioned and, when discussing, usually only reflect our own thoughts or dreams.

But in order to see these strange forms, you need to put yourself in a special state bordering on sleep and death; that is, one must magnetize oneself so as to achieve some degree of lucid and wakeful somnambulism.

Closing my eyes, I called Apollonius three times and, when I opened them, stood before me a man completely wrapped in a kind of shroud, which seemed to me more gray than white; his face was thin, sad and beardless, which did not at all correspond to my idea of ​​Apollonius. I felt extremely cold and when I opened my mouth to ask the ghost a question, I could not utter a sound.

An excerpt from the memoirs of Archibald Keightley (a contemporary of H. P. Blavatsky) also confirms this phenomenon:

Blavatsky's lodge meetings were extraordinary. Sometimes there were invisible visitors that only a few of us saw. One evening before a meeting, I came downstairs and found that the room had become like a freezer, although the fire in the fireplace and the lamps were burning full blast. I drew HPB’s attention to this, but she answered me with a laugh: “Oh, here my friend came to see me, and he forgot to remove his atmosphere.” (“The Occult World of Blavatsky”).

Based on the presented materials, it is too early to draw clear conclusions. They rather point to new directions in the study of phenomena that accompany the approach of beings from the Subtle World. But these phenomena are quite real at the physical level, which means they can be recorded and studied even by technical means. Moreover, the best apparatus can be the human body, which is why it is so important to develop straight-knowledge and listen to your own feelings.

Difficulty in detecting obsession

The mental sphere is so intertwined with the physical world that it is difficult to draw the line between illness and obsession. For example, obsessives often like to hide behind oddities and behavioral peculiarities, and as long as they succeed, their hands are free. As soon as a ray of understanding points to the real cause of these oddities, they can no longer harm with impunity under the guise of a sick person with a bad character and are forced to moderate their activity.

But there can also be the opposite situations, when people cover up their weaknesses with obsession. V. Dahl describes an interesting case of curing hysteria. In one village, before the next service, a small shed was built with a device for treating whooping - an ordinary garden hose, from which it was supposed to pour over whooping to drive out demons. The device and principle of action of the “medicine” were clearly explained and even demonstrated in action. During the next service in the temple, not a single clique appeared. V. Dahl suggested that under the hysteria these women simply hid their weaknesses, for example, the inability to cook or run a household.

Likewise, duality of thinking is not always caused by obsessions.

Urusvati knows that the duality of human consciousness often manifests itself. The easiest way to explain this is obsession, but in addition, features of a past existence are affirmed. But there can also be insights into the future that tear you away from the present, like self-hypnosis.

It is also instructive to observe that such duality appears much more often than is thought. It cannot be attributed only to bad character or habits; it will be like a temporary darkening of consciousness. Some researchers believe that there is a touch of waves of chaos that knock consciousness out of its normal state. Undoubtedly, there is a basis for such an observation.

People study their normal consciousness too little to detect deviation. We constantly advise studying people's consciousness in order to find all sorts of phases of deviations. It cannot be assumed that a disease in the body will constantly affect consciousness. Sometimes it is illness that will be the source of sublime consciousness.

We will not list the various circumstances that assert different states of consciousness. Now we just want to point out that the duality of consciousness is a very common phenomenon, although undesirable. It is all the more harmful because it does not provide the opportunity to influence a person, because each of his states will require special techniques of suggestion.

Sometimes the duality is so opposite that it is impossible to apply suggestion at all. Every minute hesitations can occur and the suggestion will turn out to be pointless and even harmful. Truly, a person needs to study his psychic energy.

Many experiments are taking place, but the consequences are not great yet. The reason is that researchers observe only fragmentarily and many phenomena go unnoticed.

The Thinker indicated that each observation should occur continuously, and people should not introduce their influences. (Elevated, 284).

To these options we can add the presence of our own complexes, suppressed by consciousness, and the picture of mental consciousness will become even more complicated, although it will get closer to reality. Also, obsessive thoughts can come from different sources. In addition to dark suggestions and spatial waves, the following reasons are quite likely:

- Immobility of brain centers. The person is unable to find a solution and constantly repeats the same thought. To solve a problem and overcome obsession, you need to learn to put thoughts aside, as it were, and also give different tasks brain to stimulate it. For example, mastering new skills, solving unexpected problems, singing, and everything that is not present in everyday life.

- Different layers of thinking. Thinking occurs on several levels, and a person may think that he has gotten rid of some thought, although in fact he is immersed in it. Therefore, it is important to develop purity of thinking in any environment, not limited to everyday problems and ordinary work. The development of creativity, self-education, conscious development of mental abilities, the pursuit of beauty and other areas of thinking will help cleanse the deep layers of consciousness.

- Clogging space with negative thinking. In the conditions of a modern city, even without creatures of the Subtle World, thousands and millions of stupid, low and rude thoughts are simultaneously generated. They spread through space like invisible pepper dust, causing everyone around them to sneeze. And these negative thought forms and vibrations can poison even the most beneficial effects, just as one fly in the ointment spoils a whole barrel of honey. Moreover, it is not necessary to generate black hatred; even dull thought-components change the formula of the human condition.

Urusvati knows that spatial currents are essentially beneficial, but can also be destructive when they touch the putrefactive earthly atmosphere. Often the most beneficial chemical compounds turn into strong poisons from one ingredient. The same thing happens with some spatial currents when they are affected by the brown gas of the Earth. But the planet itself is not to blame for such harmful fumes. The king of the planet, man, is the creator of poisons.

Scientists only agree with reservation that human radiation transforms the entire surrounding atmosphere. No other radiation is comparable to the power of man. It can both heal and poison everything around you. It is not so much sick people that can poison the atmosphere as irritation, anger and all kinds of malice. Now compare how many good radiations simultaneously appear on the earth’s crust and how much their evil thoughts exceed them.

I'm not talking about ideal dreams, but about medical advice. Humanity suffers from irritation of the mucous membranes and malignant tumors; these disasters take on epidemic proportions. Many considerations are expressed, but among them it is overlooked that such epidemics arise from spatial influences.

The Earth needs the phenomenon of sanitation. It is necessary to cleanse the infected layers, but only the person himself can do this. If every inhabitant of the earth thinks about the state of his psychic energy and is afraid of worsening it, then recovery can already begin. The most dangerous epidemics will encounter invisible resistance, and such protection can be started in everyday life.

The Thinker asked: “Do not allow anger, it is the source of disease.” (Aboveground, 413)

Diagnosing obsession is also complicated by the fact that not every obsession is dark.

There may be influences from the middle spheres, which, according to the possessors, are directed for good. But there are no particularly good consequences. Possessors of such low degrees and the capacity available to them for little development result in doublethink, imbalance and inability to control oneself. There are many people who are called weak-willed, and both wills diminish each other. It is possible to treat such people only by providing labor according to their choice, but to a large extent. (Fiery World part 1, 283)

In this particular case, concentrated work in a certain area will quickly become boring to the possessor, who seeks to reveal his “I,” and he will leave this body. But you should really, really think about what allowed penetration from the outside in order to strengthen your defenses and prevent repeated penetrations.

At all, attitude towards work - this is another indicator of the purity of mental energy and freedom from the possessor. For normal person natural desire for knowledge and some active work. For the dark ones, any creative work is hated, as the opposite of chaos and decay. Therefore, the conscious desire to work strengthens and purifies a person, strengthening his will against dark influences.

Until medicine has yet studied the relationship between complex psychological processes and health, it will be difficult to distinguish between the manifestation of mediumship, a reaction to spatial events and the awakening of a person’s own powers. The last two factors should not be discounted, so that when faced with unexpected phenomena, a person should not be treated for his own development and sensitivity:

Nerve centers and glandular secretions form the future direction of medicine. Through these areas, humanity will approach the discovery of the subtlest energy, which for the sake of simplicity we call spirit. The phenomenon of finding emanations of this energy will be the next step in the development of culture. (Agni Yoga, 42)

It has been correctly noted that we call some pains sacred, through them the spirit ascends and there is no other way. We don’t know of an example where consciousness rose without pain in the body. We need to understand how carefully we need to treat every phenomenon when we can expect the sending of higher energies every hour. (Agni Yoga, 235)

A physician who can study the sacred pains and does not do so is guilty. By studying these pains and comparing them with the phenomena that cause them, he could prepare the stages of the coming evolution. In essence, sacred pains should not exist in the spiritual development of the world, but the surrounding imperfections create these pains. (Hierarchy, 165)

Urusvati knows that there is sacred pain. Modern doctors will call this pain neuralgia, rheumatism, nerve cramps, inflammation of the nerve canals. Many definitions will be expressed, but even an earthly doctor will see something special. We define this something as the knocking of psychic energy in Infinity. You may notice that such pains begin for no apparent reason and also subside without consequences. They are varied and it is impossible to predict which center will become ill. (Aboveground, 158).

Therefore, some nervous reactions will not be a manifestation of the disease, but evidence of human development. Just as teething causes pain, this must be overcome, and one should not blame the person himself if new perceptions bring him grief caused by imperfections in the environment.

Caveats when determining obsession

The definition of obsession must be approached carefully and carefully. There is no need to attract the person's attention, since obsessives are very sensitive to thoughts and can become violent when detected. Maximum caution and concentration are required, especially since obsession is contagious. By spreading low vibrations around themselves, the possessed become a channel for influencing others.

An accurate diagnosis of possession is possible only based on a combination of several factors, but even in this case, different manifestations and degrees of complexity are possible - from temporary possession by an average “firefly” to the presence of many astral larvae and rough elementaries. Unfortunately, at the present time, huge masses of people who do not think about the state of their psychic energy and even deny it are exposed to the danger of obsession. We can say that the Earth is engulfed in an epidemic of obsession, so in most cases the obsession will still be confirmed.

It is important for the person himself to admit that there is a problem. This is not even the first step towards liberation, but about half of the solution to the problem. Such a thought triggers the process of finding a solution in the mind and rearranges all the activities of the psyche and body.

Coldness and isolation in relation to the possessed are preferable to worries and violent exhortations. Any activity or activity is also beneficial. Work is useful, especially in the fresh air, long walks in nature, making something (sewing, knitting, weaving, crafts, etc.) and other activities that strengthen a person both on the physical and on the subtle level. Idleness and a passive state, lack of will and indulgence in lower passions and vices are unacceptable. Moderation in food, giving up alcohol, nicotine and drugs, changing your usual environment (as a field for the manifestation of an obsession), self-isolation and other measures will also be useful.

Fear when communicating with the possessed is unacceptable. Fear and doubt paralyze and suppress the action of psychic energy, which is also needed for one’s own protection. Therefore, when approaching the possessed, you need to be careful and remain calm, as if communicating with a simply sick person, and it is better not to show your attitude at all, so as not to offend the consciousness of the person’s physical body and feelings.

Caution is also necessary in disclosing all matters related to possession. A person risks not only being ridiculed, but also being subjected to real attacks from various forces who, with the help of obsession, want to strengthen their ranks. But this advantage is temporary, since obsession corrupts both physically and mentally. However, caution and vigilance are necessary for self-protection.

Anatoly Filozof

Obsession in most cases is represented by a state of a person's appearance, often different from his normal state. But the possessed person may also not have particularly noticeable external manifestations, and only his actions can identify him as an “obsessed person.” People who are possessed are used to being compared with a “psycho” or a maniac, with a person who, by something or someone, Christian doctrine, obsessed. In any case, such a characteristic of a person carries more negativity and is associated with the mental state and soul.

And what does this even mean? If a person is obsessed, this means that an external factor controls his life (stimulus, goal), perceived by the person as a personal motive, and which he considers the only true and useful for everyone. All his actions are aimed at striving for the goal, which is indicated by such a factor. Achieving goals itself is not an obsession. With this disease, achieving the goal is permanent, that is, a constant, continuous path. Everything would be fine if the possessed person took into account the opinions of others who may have different needs and goals.

An obsessive person may be obsessed with things, material or spiritual ideas. For example, this could be a food lover, or a person like Trotsky, who is a classic example of spiritual obsession (the idea of ​​permanent revolution). It is worth noting that people with addictions (diabetics, alcoholics, drug addicts) should not be classified as possessed, that is, they are sick and would gladly give up such addiction.

If everything is more or less clear with those who are obsessed with material things, then with those who are spiritually obsessed the situation is much more complicated. It seems that they are the same as everyone else: they smile, communicate normally, joke, lead an unremarkable lifestyle, have families and children, go to work. But they have a sensitive attitude towards the opinions of other people who do not coincide with their personal opinion. However, to what extent it is personal still needs to be figured out.

Such people like to prove to others their point of view, which for them is the only correct one. But which one normal people don't like to do this? Naturally, everyone is pleased to feel like a winner in an argument, strong and incredibly smart. All this has a connection with personal egoism. And how unpleasant it sometimes is, and we realize that we are wrong, when the arguments of our interlocutor are more accurate than our own. This is a normal human reaction in the process of learning about the world. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone can correct them. But with the spiritually possessed it is different. Once an idea is fixed in the head and the presence of a feeling of inferiority (which is also associated with irresponsibility for actions committed and decisions made: the obsessed person believes that everyone else owes something) does not allow him to look at himself from the outside, to discern his mistakes, much less admit to them. He always shields himself, leads to absurd conclusions, gets personal, hangs labels, and avoids direct questions. For an obsessed person (as a biological species, and not as a set of certain mental qualities), another opinion different from his is a sign for calibrating the enemy. Those who are not with us are against us.

Since spiritual obsession is associated with a person’s mental state, the sociological term “mental Trotskyism” arose. Simply put, this is a person who says one thing but actually does another. This criterion applies to most public figures and modern politicians. But do not forget that politics is an activity in which many interests must be taken into account. For example, Obama can be classified as possessed, but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cannot, although he has been “playing naughty” lately. Other historical figures diagnosed with “mental Trotskyism” include Hitler, Churchill, Trotsky, Bukharin, Sverdlov, Khrushchev, Gorbachev, and Tsar Nicholas II.
This category can easily include puppet leaders of various local revolutions and dictators of countries in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. There are quite a few of them in “civilized” society: they wear expensive suits, make sugary speeches, and give promising forecasts. All objections to their opinion are relegated to the category of ignorant. Sometimes it seems that such a person has autism, although this is often not the case. They know exactly what they want and constantly adjust reality to their templates and perception of the world. Anything that doesn't fit they discard as harmful. All criticism is perceived as an unambiguous evil that harms the cause. Such a person, if he has the resources, will never be able to give up his plans. The obsessive's motto is that the end justifies the means, but in reality the means justify the end. The result of such “purposefulness” can be various troubles: both with the possessed person (the same Trotsky) and with those around him (the Chernobyl disaster, 1986). It definitely makes you happy to notice such people around you, but if there are a lot of them, think: did you end up there, and what to do about it?

Possessed people resemble crazy people during a seizure. Once in church I had the opportunity to observe such an attack. It looks creepy, and the relatives of the possessed person are shocked, because in ordinary life and had no idea that their loved one was possessed. In the article I will tell you how to distinguish a person possessed by a demon, and what to do if you are affected by such a problem.

What to do if you suspect that there is a possessed person in your environment? To get started, read the signs below and try to determine if they match his behavior. Then you will understand whether there is reason to sound the alarm.

The signs are as follows:

  1. The voice changes. It acquires a special, incomparable timbre. When you listen to the “possessed” one, it becomes creepy. He speaks as if in an inhuman voice, which is completely unusual for him.
  2. Body convulsions or paralysis may occur. Limbs go numb. This is similar to the behavior of a person in an epileptic seizure. The face twitches, sometimes a weak nervous tic is noticeable on the face.
  3. The possessed person seems to have remarkable physical strength that was previously unnoticed. In a state of obsession, a person is capable of killing someone who is significantly stronger than him or moving heavy objects.
  4. A big belly grows for no apparent reason. Weight may also drop sharply, causing painful thinness. It comes down to anorexia and a threat to life.
  5. There have been cases in history when possessed people levitated, that is, rose above the ground. It is unknown how reliable this data is, but according to eyewitness accounts, this happens.
  6. A person can begin to imitate any animal, as if this animal has taken possession of him. He runs on all fours, growls or barks, or makes some other inarticulate sounds.
  7. An unpleasant smell appears - sulfur, which demonologists interpret as the “smell of hell.”
  8. A previously educated and highly moral person may begin to behave dissolutely and indecently. His thoughts also change - he becomes very lustful, like an animal.
  9. Hatred everything that concerns God. Expresses a sharply negative attitude towards the church and can desecrate holy water, crosses, icons and other holy paraphernalia.
  10. Can start writing automatically, without involving thoughts. Usually these are incomprehensible scribbles. Demonologists believe that this is the message of the devil himself, which he is trying to convey through the possessed into the human world.

The listed signs do not always indicate obsession. They may also indicate some kind of mental illness or epilepsy. Therefore, in the Middle Ages, real demoniacs were often confused with simply sick people.

You can also confuse a possessed person with an ordinary person who behaves ignorantly, dissolutely, challenges others and violates everything existing rules and norms.

How does a possessed person behave in church?

Surely you have seen in the media or read or heard about cases of possessed people appearing in churches. Indeed, in churches demon possession manifests itself most clearly. A person is literally possessed by a “devil,” and this entity experiences tremendous pain near holy places.

It is enough to show the demoniac a cross or an icon, and he will have a seizure. In church, such people begin to behave like crazy people during worship. They rush about, howl, cry, swear, shout curses at God.

How to cast out a demon?

If you realize that there is someone possessed by a demon in your environment, you should try to help her. Moreover, such people themselves dream of getting rid of the scourge that eats them from the inside, destroys their psyche and life.

You have two options - turn to God or try to solve the problem with the help of esoteric practices. It all depends on your faith and religion.

How does the church rite of exorcism take place:

  • The priest reads a special prayer, not paying attention to the howling, swearing and seizure of the possessed. The ritual lasts quite a long time. During the process, anointing is performed and incense is lit - its aroma is considered the best for exorcism.
  • During the ritual, the possessed may writhe in pain, scream, lose consciousness, and throw himself at the priest. Therefore, the latter definitely needs assistants who, if anything happens, will restrain the possessed person.

If you are for a scientific approach, then you can try to solve the problem with the help of a psychotherapist. It may take several years of psychotherapy. A specialist will help you work through all the negativity that has accumulated in the subconscious and prescribe medications that curb aggression.

Faith, prayer and strict fasting are “maintenance therapy” that will prevent the demon from re-entering the consciousness of the former possessed person after healing.

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29.05.2014, 00:01



Horror films and mystical novels have taught us that the only person who can be possessed is a person who spits green mucus, crawls on the ceiling and always speaks in a scary demonic voice, and in half the cases it is not Latin. However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, possessed people behave exactly the same as you and I.

No, looking at them, we can safely assume that something is wrong with these poor fellows. But what exactly?.. As a rule, the most difficult diagnosis that others give them is “strange” or, to quote Courage Bombay, “minor problems with the cuckoo.” And this is despite the fact that a simply incredibly terrible misfortune happened to a person - some hellish creature moved into one of his subtle bodies, having already begun his enslavement, which almost always ends either in early death, or obligatory madness, or acts so monstrous that we We don’t even want to voice them.
At the same time, identifying a possessed person at any stage of the enslavement of his energies by a third-party entity is incredibly simple. To do this, all you need is to find in him at least 45% of the signs of obsession, which I, the witch Olga, will list below. Well, if you find them all, then you can rest assured that the worst has already happened to the person, and only an esotericist or a priest with exorcism skills can help him.

But one or two signs mean nothing. And I urge you to remember this when you undertake to diagnose your friends, relatives, mother-in-law or acquaintances.

1. The first thing you pay attention to when communicating or contacting the possessed is the smell. And this is not the unpleasant smell of stagnant sweat or unwashed sewage. The classic possessed person exudes a real stench around him, which not only almost instantly fills the entire room in which he is located or the interior of the bus, but also causes vomiting in many people, or a burning sensation in the eyes and throat.

2. Pay attention to the condition of his skin. In an obsessed person it is always either too pale or inflamed. The back, buttocks, hands and neck are especially affected. But on the face and other parts of the body you can find both a wet rash and real ulcers.

3. In some possessed people (and this was also written about by those who compiled treatises for the Inquisition on identifying carriers of hellish spirits) one or more moles can be found on the body correct form, so huge that they resemble a real nipple. It is believed that it is from him that the energy of the possessed creature is sucked out, settling not in him, but next to him - on some subtle planes.

4. Let's return to appearance, and pay attention to teeth and hair. The first ones, with a 99% probability, are simply in terrible condition, or even completely absent (professional athletes and fans of street fights don’t count). As for hair, its main problem is tangles, which constantly appear, despite the fact that their owner combs them daily.

5. Such a person usually dresses very poorly. Provided that he has the money to completely replace his wardrobe, he wears clothes and rags, which is why he looks cleaner than a real homeless person.

6. He avoids making eye contact even with those he is talking to. Such fear is so great that if you look into his eyes too closely, the possessed person can break off the conversation and leave. And this is understandable. After all, it is not for nothing that the eyes are considered the windows of the soul, through which one can see the evil spirit that has settled in the possessed person.

7. He generally avoids looking at anything directly, and therefore you can constantly see how such a person, standing slightly sideways, squints his eyes to the side, trying to look at something or someone.

8. Also, those possessed have an extreme dislike for mirrors, avoiding looking into them for a long time. At night, they generally experience a kind of mystical horror in relation to mirrors, which they cannot explain in any clear way.

9. Look at how such a person sleeps. The possessed person is constantly haunted by nightmares, the presence of which he may even complain out loud. But often the carriers of hellish entities in the morning are not able to remember what they dreamed. Although in their sleep they cried, screamed, tried to get up or sit down (as a rule, they did not wake up). Loud teeth grinding, which begins in the final stages of obsession, is also a classic sign.

10. Almost all obsessed people talk to themselves because they stop seeing the line between reality and their thoughts.

11. They are characterized by such strong changes in behavior that it often seems that every time you communicate with a completely different person.

12. In some cases, you can observe when men begin to behave like women, and women - like men. But such “attacks” quickly end, and the person returns to his “normal” state.

13. Obsessed people are incredibly helpful and constantly try to show their worthlessness compared to you. They easily agree to any humiliation, because they believe that otherwise they cannot hide from your attention the essence that already dwells in them.

14. And at the same time they are always ready to show their the real essence. So all they have to do is drink a little, and they turn into real monsters, evil cynics and boors, capable of showing aggression towards anyone or anyone.

15. But that is why they rarely drink alcohol. At least in unfamiliar companies, choosing as drinking companions those who are able to endure their attacks of rage and anger.

16. Ask the possessed person to tell you what awaits any mutual friend of yours, and he will definitely paint you a picture of illnesses, troubles, misfortunes, which will end with the obligatory fall of the person whose fate he will undertake to predict.

17. Obsessed people don’t like bright things. sunlight, and avoid crowded places. But they also cannot be alone for a long time, and in the same way they cannot stand the darkness of the night. If you go to such a person’s home in the evening, you will see that all the possible lights are on in his apartment, and the TV is always on, along with a computer, receiver or some other sound-reproducing device.

18. What such a person eats deserves special attention. Firstly, obsessives have a fantastic passion for low-quality or spoiled products. Secondly, they never go on diets or eat healthy foods, preferring fatty and starchy foods. Thirdly, they rarely imagine their daily diet without meat. And lastly, many of them are characterized by either excessive thinness or excessive weight, sometimes reaching the level of serious obesity.

19. At the same time, the possessed are distinguished by very good health - they rarely get sick, and even less often catch a cold. But, as they said, looking at them, it is incredibly difficult to call such people full of health.

20. In some cases, the possessed begin to actively use swearing and foul language in their speech. At the same time, if they see that it shocks you, they experience some obvious joy.

Well, the fact that those possessed may be afraid of holy water, the ringing of bells, prayer, or the very sight of a priest is nothing more than a myth. This is much more often a sign of either an overly active fantasy, or one of the forms of schizophrenia. And this has already been repeatedly proven by countless experiments, during which it turned out that all pseudo-possessed people are afraid only of the priests of the religion to which they belonged, or of prayers pronounced to them in a language they understand. Or any Latin texts that they took to be "strong Catholic prayers."
(c) Witch Olga

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