Occult secrets of the Reich. The secret of the Third Reich. Hitler, the occult and aliens Hitler's occult sciences

Occultism(from the word occultus - hidden or secret) - this is the doctrine of the secrets of nature. This term includes the study of all areas of the psychological, physiological, spiritual and cosmic realms. TO occultism include various mystical teachings, ancient “secret knowledge” about the supernatural. Occultism rose to unprecedented heights during his rise to power in Germany Nazis. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were many adherents occult beliefs.

From childhood, Hitler was fond of reading books on mythology and occultism and with his coming to power, hundreds of soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants flocked to Germany. Among Hitler's superstitious associates were also Adolf Rosenberg, the ideologist of Nazism; Rudolf Hess - whose fix idea was the revival of ancient pagan beliefs; Heinrich Himmler - dreaming of rebirth German nation.

Not far from the town of Externstein in the Teutoburg Forest in 1934, Heinrich Himmler rented the ancient castle of Wewelsburg, its restoration was carried out by prisoners of a concentration camp located nearby. This castle housed an archaeological museum and a library occultism, Institute ancient history and the "Nordic Academy" of the SS.

Himmler made it his residence, where in the North Tower, the most majestic, a “sanctuary” was built Nazi“new religion” created within the SS, which was a symbiosis of ancient Germanic paganism, early Christianity and modern occultism.

At the base of the tower, a crypt was built - “Temple for the glory of the deceased SS leaders”; twelve pedestal foundations were built along its edges, where urns were supposed to be installed with the ashes of the great SS generals who would die in future battles. Directly above the crypt was the Hall of SS Leaders, where Himmler intended to meet with the twelve senior officers of his service.

Thus, a parallel was drawn with the Celtic legends about the Knights of the Round Table during the time of King Arthur. Himmler, creating the SS according to the type of the Teutonic Order of the 13th century (you can read more about the Order of the Templars), dreamed of creating a new German aristocracy of supermen, which, like the mentioned knights, would exterminate and enslave the peoples of the lands they conquered; by the way, in the enslaved lands, SS officers were promised feudal allotments with working, and in reality slave, force.

The Nazis saw the source of esoteric power as the Mysterious Cup of the Holy Grail, in which, according to ancient sources, the blood of the Savior was collected. It was believed that by possessing this Christian artifact, which promised prosperity, well-being and power, Third Reich will ensure an easy victory in the war. According to archaeologist Otto Rahn, who was Himmler's adviser on this matter, the Chalice was hidden in one of the caves in the south of France in ancient times. By order of Himmler, expeditions were sent, including to the Montsegur fortress, where the remains of the once powerful Albigensian fortress were preserved.

It was a heretical sect destroyed in the 13th century due to accusations of devil worship. According to legend, three warriors managed to leave the fortress on the eve of the defeat, take with them something extremely valuable and hide it in one of the many caves. It is believed that this was the Holy Grail. From the stories of the expedition members it is known that a small detachment went into the depths of mountain caves along the Ran underground passage. Tired people returned, confirming that they had discovered two walled caves, where only swords and armor, corroded by rust, were found.

But Ran was pleased - these finds corresponded to some of his assumptions. The next day, Ran went into the caves alone and was absent for two days. Upon his return, he did not tell anyone anything, but a happy smile shone on his face. The next day the camp was removed and Otto Rahn lost all interest in it. No one ever found out what he found or did not find... The archaeologist in 1938 wrote a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the SS and he (an unprecedented case!!) was released.

Ahnenerbe Society

In 1939, Otto Rahn was found dead in the Austrian Alps under unknown circumstances. It is believed that it was on Himmler’s orders that the archaeologist was liquidated, since the search for the Holy Grail was unsuccessful, or vice versa, having found the Chalice for Nazis they no longer needed him... One of the most mysterious organizations Third Reich, shrouded in secrets and speculation was " Ahnenerbe”, which translated from German literally meant “Heritage of the Ancestors”. It was her task to apply the secret knowledge of European mystics and Eastern occultists to exalt Third Reich both spiritually and practically.

The origins of " Ahnenerbe" are served by the societies "Hermanenorden", "Thule" and "Vril". It was these mystical organizations that became the “three pillars” of the ideology of National Socialism, supporting the idea of ​​the existence in prehistoric times of a certain state, whose powerful civilization knew almost all the secrets of the universe and which died after a grandiose catastrophe. Miraculously saving some of the people, mixing with the Aryans, and gave rise to the appearance of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans.

For people interested in history Nazi Germany superficially, the title " Ahnenerbe"will say little. But the very fact that the president of this society was Heinrich Himmler and he charged his subordinates with a total search of all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world, speaks of the importance given to the work of this society.

A special expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Ahnenerbe" The main areas of research were studying the properties of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, and human pain thresholds. In addition, there was great interest in mass psychological and psychotropic effects, and work was underway to create superweapons. For scientific research « Ahnenerbe"attracted famous world-famous scientists.

« Ahnenerbe“in German, he meticulously clearly delineated the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic weapons, as well as the possibility of using religious and mystical practices. For research " Ahnenerbe» Nazi Germany spent huge amounts of money. Some sources claim that even more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. The so-called Nordic theory was one of the main areas of activity " Ahnenerbe"since its creation. Many Germans sincerely believed that they were the descendants of the ancient Aryans, or Aryans, who moved to the southern lands from the legendary Hyperborea-Thule, mentioned by Herodotus. And that it is they, with the help of the so-called Vrile forces (for the first time about psychokinetic energy - Vril was written in 1871 by the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book “The Coming Race”) will be able to become a race of supermen and rule the world. It was assumed that “dormant” parapsychological abilities could be awakened in the heirs of the Aryans and used in the service of Greater Germany.

Scientists from the SS had to study runic writings, the history of the Aryans and much more in order to substantiate the superiority of the Aryan race and its right to world domination and, accordingly, find evidence of the inferiority of other peoples, primarily Jewish and Slavic. Ethnographers and archaeologists, historians and philologists in the service of the Ahnenerbe wrote educational programs for the SS and made “scientific propaganda” films. Members of the SS were required to be taught rune reading. The society created new civil ceremonies for weddings, funerals, the blessing of newborn babies and, of course, the initiation ceremony and the presentation of weapons to recruits.

Nazi the elite believed that as soon as evidence of their ancient and almost divine origin was found, they would easily be able to recreate superhumans through selection. The SS units became the breeding pool, where the strongest, physically healthy and most beautiful young men, certainly tall, blue-eyed blonds, were selected. They also had to be of impeccable Aryan origin and well educated. The purity of the family was supposed to be monitored since 1750. Members of the SS, regardless of their marital status, were charged with “producing” as many offspring as possible.

Lebensborn - an incubator of Nazism

In 1935, Himmler formulated the Levensborn program (translated from German as Source of Life), its task was to encourage the birth and livelihood of truly Aryan children. The doctrine, in particular, provided for and encouraged in every possible way that girls could and should have relations with the SS men. Children born in such relationships were not considered dishonorable at all if the mother and father met the standard of true Aryans. Between 1935 and 1945, 11 thousand such children were born. Babies were the property of the state and it took care of them, transferring them to special boarding schools or to the families of SS members. Children with Aryan appearance were also taken from occupied countries and placed in Levensborn orphanages in Germany.

Ruling elite Nazi Reich was obsessed occultism and racial theories of superiority and actively imposed ideas of a super-race on the entire German people. Adolf Hitler and his associates regularly held loud, carefully planned speeches by the Fuhrer, theatrically staged with parades, torchlight processions and other spectacles.

« Ahnenerbe» and Tibet

Scientists from the SS identified the birthplace of the Aryan civilization as Central Asia, the region of the Gobi Desert, the Pamirs and the mountains of Tibet, where, starting in the 30s, they began to equip numerous expeditions in order to search, firstly, for mythical relics that would contribute to the exaltation Nazi Germany, and also, secondly, the search for the mythical cities of Shambhala and Agartha (these hidden underground cities were believed to be located under the Himalayas), and restore contact with the Aryan ancestors located there.

The expeditions sent had to ask for help, and, of course, receive it from local initiates who allegedly owned secret occult forces, such as the previously mentioned power of Vril, possessed secret knowledge that could become the key to absolute power over the world by the Aryan master race. Some researchers still believe that the information obtained during expeditions to Tibet significantly advanced the development of a certain prototype of a combat atomic charge and that the Americans allegedly discovered them at the end of the war.

« Ahnenerbe"organized an expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939 under the leadership of Ernst Schaeffer. The expedition members were able to visit not only the city of Lhasa, which is closed to strangers, but also visited the sacred site of Yarling. Having worked in this region for three months, the expedition brought home hundreds of meters of film, on which various mystical and religious rituals were filmed, and many manuscripts for careful study. The result of the analysis of the results of the expedition was a report presented to Hitler personally, after reading which he was extremely excited and the thought of superweapons, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left him. Radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa, and a large group of Tibetan representatives arrived on a secret mission. The corpses of these Tibetans, for some reason in SS uniform, were subsequently found in Hitler's personal bunker and in the premises of the Reich Chancellery. They voluntarily took all their secrets with them to the grave.

Special teams of German researchers visited not only Tibet in search of mystical knowledge and documents. In the laboratory " Ahnenerbe“Dozens of manuscripts were delivered in both Sanskrit and ancient Chinese. Wernher von Braun, who was at the origins of the creation of the first rocket aircraft V-1 and V-2, said that scientists found a lot of interesting things for themselves in these documents. Recently, incredible evidence has emerged that the Nazis received knowledge on the development of space technology and non-standard weapons from a certain alien civilization, contact with which took place (details about the theory of paleocontact) at a top-secret base located in Antarctica. In 1946, under the leadership of Richard Evelyn Brown, the Americans sent a search expedition to Antarctica. It consisted of a submarine, an aircraft carrier and fourteen ships. Many years later, Byrd admitted that he was indeed at the base " Ahnenerbe"and saw extraordinary things there aircrafts disc-shaped, capable of covering vast distances almost instantly.

In the laboratories " Ahnenerbe“were actively working on the creation of atomic weapons. Sometimes there are publications that supposedly the Germans took the wrong path in research and would never have been able to obtain positive results. But this is not true, there is evidence that in 1944 the bomb Third Reich was! Several tests were carried out - in the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen and in Thuringia. The experimental “material” in these tests were prisoners of war who died during the explosion. Their bodies burned without a trace or were severely damaged by radiation and high temperature exposure. Both Stalin and Truman learned about the German tests literally a few days later. It must be emphasized that the German bomb was rather not atomic, in the physical sense, but thermonuclear.

In January 1945, the German Minister of Armaments said that “there is enough explosives the size of a matchbox to destroy the whole of New York.” Analysts claim that Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time, one year was not enough for them to create weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence services of the USSR and their allies were very interested in the activities of the organization " Ahnenerbe“, but the constant control of the German security services thwarted all efforts to penetrate this society. Despite the fact that most of the intelligence operations carried out during the Second World War have long been declassified, most of the secrets of the work " Ahnenerbe» has not been disclosed by anyone.

The order's headquarters of the Ahnenerbe is Wewelsburg Castle.

After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the USA and the USSR made truly titanic efforts to search for archives " Ahnenerbe", all kinds of materials and developments, as well as his employees. Everything that was found was taken to complete secret. Scientists continued their work in new, again secret, laboratories of the victorious countries.

It was not for nothing that the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers was abruptly interrupted at the Nuremberg trials - Secretary General « Ahnenerbe"And why was a simple SS colonel so hastily shot among the most important war criminals" Third Reich"? And Dr. Cameron, who later headed the CIA’s “Blue Bird” project for the development and application of psychoprogramming and psychotronics, may not have been in vain in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of “ Ahnenerbe" And significant breakthroughs that occurred almost simultaneously in the field of rocketry, space research, and the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons in the post-war years of the USSR and the USA suggest that secret archives were captured “ Third Reich". Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were particularly active in research in the field of psychotropic weapons. Before this, the Nazis successfully carried out death camps.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared " Ahnenerbe» criminal organization. But comments claiming that in the archives " Ahnenerbe" did not contain anything serious and concrete clearly do not stand up to any criticism. Belief in astrology and prophecies did a disservice to the top Nazi Reich. The famous German astrologer Wilhem Wulff, who was under arrest, compiled a horoscope for Adolf Hitler and predicted his death in May 1945. And so it happened. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in the Führer's personal bunker on April 30, 1945. Goebbels shot himself and his wife, after poisoning his six young children. Himmler, disguised as a private, tried to escape, but was captured on May 23, 1945, and while detained by an English patrol, he chewed a cyanide capsule. While in Nuremberg prison.

In November 1945, the survivors appeared before the military tribunal of the victorious countries in Nuremberg. Nazi leaders. Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in prison at the age of 93. Alfred Rosenberg, ideologist Nazism and the philosopher of racism was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in October 1946. Lasted only 12 years Third Reich, and not the millennium expected by its creators. History has pronounced its verdict - the fate of almost 50 million dead was shared by representatives of Hitler’s “superior race,” which was supposed to lead to future generations of Aryan supermen.

include various mystical teachings, ancient “secret knowledge” about the supernatural. Occultism rose to unprecedented heights during his rise to power in Germany Nazis. Among the high-ranking officials of the party, there were many adherents occult beliefs.

Cover of a book by the Thule Society, which included Hitler and other Nazi leaders.

From childhood, Hitler was fond of reading books on mythology and occultism and with his coming to power, hundreds of soothsayers, astrologers and clairvoyants flocked to the city.

Among Hitler's superstitious associates were also Adolf Rosenberg, the ideologist of Nazism;

Rudolf Hess - whose fix idea was the revival of ancient pagan beliefs; Heinrich Himmler - dreaming of the revival of the German nation.

Not far from the town of Externstein in the Teutoburg Forest in 1934, Heinrich Himmler rented an ancient castle, its restoration was carried out by prisoners of a concentration camp located nearby.

This castle housed an archaeological museum and a library occultism, Institute of Ancient History and "Nordic Academy" SS. Himmler made it his residence, where in the North Tower, the most majestic, a “sanctuary” was built Nazi“new religion” created within the SS, which was a symbiosis of ancient Germanic paganism, early Christianity and modern occultism.

A crypt was built at the base of the tower - “Temple to the glory of the deceased SS leaders”, twelve pedestal bases were built along its edges, where it was planned to install urns with the ashes of the great SS generals who would die in future battles. Directly above the crypt was the Hall of SS Leaders, where Himmler intended to meet with the twelve senior officers of his service.

Thus, a parallel was drawn with the Celtic legends about the Knights of the Round Table during the time of King Arthur. Himmler, creating the SS according to the type of the Teutonic Order of the 13th century (you can read more about the Templar Order), dreamed of creating a new German aristocracy superhumans, which, like the mentioned knights, will exterminate and enslave the peoples of the lands they conquered; by the way, in the enslaved lands, SS officers were promised feudal allotments with working, and in reality slave, force.

The Nazis saw the source of esoteric power as the Mysterious Cup of the Holy Grail, in which, according to ancient sources, the blood of the Savior was collected. It was believed that by possessing this Christian artifact, which promised prosperity, well-being and power, Third Reich will ensure an easy victory in the war.

According to archaeologist Otto Rahn, who was Himmler's adviser on this matter, the Chalice was hidden in one of the caves in the south of France in ancient times. By order of Himmler, expeditions were sent, including to the Montsegur fortress, where the remains of the once powerful Albigensian fortress were preserved.

It was a heretical sect destroyed in the 13th century due to accusations of devil worship. According to legend, three warriors managed to leave the fortress on the eve of the defeat, take with them something extremely valuable and hide it in one of the many caves. It is believed that this was the Holy Grail.

From the stories of the expedition members, it is known that a small detachment went into the depths of the mountain caves along an underground passage known only to Ran. Tired people returned, confirming that they had discovered two walled caves, where only swords and armor, corroded by rust, were found. But Ran was pleased - these finds corresponded to some of his assumptions. The next day, Ran went into the caves alone and was absent for two days.

Otto Rahn during archaeological excavations

Upon his return, he did not tell anyone anything, but a happy smile shone on his face. The next day the camp was removed and Otto Rahn lost all interest in it. No one ever found out what he found or didn’t find... The archaeologist in 1938 wrote a report on his dismissal from the ranks of the SS and he (an unprecedented case!!) was released.

Ahnenerbe Society

In 1939, Otto Rahn was found dead in the Austrian Alps under unknown circumstances. It is believed that it was on Himmler’s orders that the archaeologist was liquidated, since the search for the Holy Grail was unsuccessful, or vice versa, having found the Chalice for Nazis they no longer needed him...

One of the most mysterious organizations Third Reich, shrouded in secrets and speculation was " Ahnenerbe”, which translated from German literally meant “Heritage of the Ancestors”. It was her task to apply the secret knowledge of European mystics and Eastern occultists to exalt Third Reich both spiritually and practically.

The origins of " Ahnenerbe" are served by the societies "Hermanenorden", "Thule" and "Vril". It was these mystical organizations that became the “three pillars” of the ideology of National Socialism, supporting the idea of ​​the existence in prehistoric times of a certain state, whose powerful civilization knew almost all the secrets of the universe and which died after a grandiose catastrophe. Miraculously saving some of the people, mixing with the Aryans, and gave rise to the appearance of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans.

For people interested in history Nazi Germany superficially, the title " Ahnenerbe"will say little. But the very fact that the president of this society was Heinrich Himmler and he charged his subordinates with a total search of all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world, speaks of the importance given to the work of this society.

A special expedition was immediately sent to each newly occupied country by the Wehrmacht. Ahnenerbe" The main areas of research were studying the properties of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, and human pain thresholds. In addition, there was great interest in mass psychological and psychotropic effects, and work was underway to create superweapons. For scientific research " Ahnenerbe"attracted famous world-famous scientists.

« Ahnenerbe“in German, he meticulously clearly delineated the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons of mass destruction, including atomic weapons, as well as the possibility of using religious and mystical practices.

For research " Ahnenerbe» Nazi Germany spent huge amounts of money. Some sources claim that even more than the United States to create the first atomic bomb. The so-called Nordic theory was one of the main areas of activity " Ahnenerbe"since its creation. Many Germans sincerely believed that they were the descendants of the ancient Aryans, or Aryans, who moved to the southern lands from the legendary Hyperborea-Thule, mentioned by Herodotus.

And that it is they, with the help of the so-called Vrile forces (for the first time about psychokinetic energy - Vril was written in 1871 by the British novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book “The Coming Race”) will be able to become a race of supermen and rule the world. It was assumed that “dormant” parapsychological abilities could be awakened in the heirs of the Aryans and used in the service of Greater Germany.

Scientists from the SS had to study runic writings, the history of the Aryans and much more in order to substantiate the superiority of the Aryan race and its right to world domination and, accordingly, find evidence of the inferiority of other peoples, primarily Jewish and Slavic. Ethnographers and archaeologists, historians and philologists in the service of the Ahnenerbe wrote educational programs for the SS and made “scientific propaganda” films.

Members of the SS were required to be taught rune reading. The society created new civil ceremonies for weddings, funerals, the blessing of newborn babies and, of course, the initiation ceremony and the presentation of weapons to recruits.

Nazi the elite believed that as soon as evidence of their ancient and almost divine origin was found, they would easily be able to recreate superhumans through selection. The SS units became the breeding pool, where the strongest, physically healthy and most beautiful young men, certainly tall, blue-eyed blonds, were selected. They also had to be of impeccable Aryan origin and well educated. The purity of the family was supposed to be monitored since 1750.

Members of the SS, regardless of their marital status, were charged with “producing” as many offspring as possible. In 1935, Himmler formulated the Levensborn program (translated from German as Source of Life), its task was to encourage the birth and livelihood of truly Aryan children. The doctrine, in particular, provided for and encouraged in every possible way that girls could and should have relations with the SS men.

Children born in such relationships were not considered dishonorable at all if the mother and father met the standard of true Aryans. Between 1935 and 1945, 11 thousand such children were born. Babies were the property of the state and it took care of them, transferring them to special boarding schools or to the families of SS members. Children with Aryan appearance were also taken from occupied countries and placed in “” orphanages in Germany.

Ruling elite Nazi Reich was obsessed occultism and racial theories of superiority and actively imposed the ideas of a super race on the entire German people. Adolf Hitler and his associates regularly held loud, carefully planned speeches by the Fuhrer, theatrically staged with parades, torchlight processions and other spectacles.

« Ahnenerbe» and Tibet

Scientists from the SS identified the birthplace of the Aryan civilization as Central Asia, the region of the Gobi Desert, the Pamirs and the mountains of Tibet, where, starting in the 30s, they began to equip numerous expeditions in order to search, firstly, for mythical relics that would contribute to the exaltation Nazi Germany, and also, secondly, the search for the mythical cities of Shambhala and Agartha (these hidden underground cities were believed to be located under the Himalayas), and restore contact with the Aryan ancestors located there.

The expeditions sent had to ask for help, and, of course, receive it from local initiates who allegedly owned secret occult forces, such as the previously mentioned Vril force, possessed secret knowledge that could become the key to absolute power over the world by the Aryan master race. Some researchers still believe that the information obtained during expeditions to Tibet significantly advanced the development of a certain prototype of a combat atomic charge and that the Americans allegedly discovered them at the end of the war.

« Ahnenerbe"organized an expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939 under the leadership of Ernst Schaeffer. The expedition members were able to visit not only the city of Lhasa, which is closed to strangers, but also visited the sacred site of Yarling. Having worked in this region for three months, the expedition brought home hundreds of meters of film, on which various mystical and religious rituals were filmed, and many manuscripts for careful study.

The result of the analysis of the results of the expedition was a report presented to Hitler personally, after reading which he was extremely excited and the thought of superweapons, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, no longer left him. Radio communication was established between Berlin and Lhasa, and a large group of Tibetan representatives arrived on a secret mission.

The corpses of these Tibetans, for some reason in SS uniform, were subsequently found in Hitler's personal bunker and in the premises of the Reich Chancellery. They voluntarily took all their secrets with them to the grave.

Special teams of German researchers visited not only in search of mystical knowledge and documents. In the laboratory " Ahnenerbe“Dozens of manuscripts were delivered in both Sanskrit and ancient Chinese.

Wernher von Braun, who was at the origins of the creation of the first rocket aircraft V-1 and V-2, said that scientists found a lot of interesting things for themselves in these documents. Recently, incredible evidence has emerged that the Nazis received knowledge on the development of space technology and non-standard weapons from a certain alien civilization, contact with which took place (in detail about the paleocontact theory) at a top-secret base located in Antarctica.

In 1946, under the leadership of Richard Evelyn Brown, the Americans sent a search expedition to Antarctica. It consisted of a submarine, an aircraft carrier and fourteen ships. Many years later, Byrd admitted that he was indeed at the base " Ahnenerbe"and saw there extraordinary disc-shaped flying machines, capable of covering enormous distances almost instantly.

In the laboratories "" they worked actively on the creation of atomic weapons. Sometimes there are publications that supposedly the Germans took the wrong path in research and would never have been able to obtain positive results. But this is not true, there is evidence that in 1944 the bomb Third Reich was! Several tests were carried out - in the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen and in Thuringia. The experimental “material” in these tests were prisoners of war who died during the explosion.

Their bodies burned without a trace or were severely damaged by radiation and high temperature exposure. Both Stalin and Truman learned about the German tests literally a few days later. It must be emphasized that the German bomb was rather not atomic, in the physical sense, but thermonuclear.

In January 1945, the German Minister of Armaments said that “there is enough explosives the size of a matchbox to destroy the whole of New York.” Analysts claim that Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time, one year was not enough for them to create weapons of mass destruction. The intelligence services of the USSR and their allies were very interested in the activities of the organization, but the constant control of the German security services thwarted all efforts to penetrate this society.

Despite the fact that most of the intelligence operations carried out during the Second World War have long been declassified, most of the secrets of the work " Ahnenerbe» has not been disclosed by anyone. After the defeat of Nazi Germany, the USA and the USSR made truly titanic efforts to search for archives " Ahnenerbe", all kinds of materials and developments, as well as his employees. Everything that was found was taken out in complete secrecy. The scientists continued their work in new, again secret, laboratories of the victorious countries.

It was not for nothing that at the Nuremberg trials the interrogation of SS Standartenführer Wolfram Sievers, the General Secretary, was abruptly interrupted “and why a simple SS colonel was so hastily shot among the most important war criminals.” Third Reich"? And Dr. Cameron, who later headed the CIA’s “Blue Bird” project for the development and application of psychoprogramming and psychotronics, may not have been in vain in Nuremberg as part of the American delegation and studied the activities of “ Ahnenerbe».

And significant breakthroughs that occurred almost simultaneously in the field of rocketry, space research, and the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons in the post-war years of the USSR and the USA suggest that secret archives were captured “ Third Reich". Also, immediately after the war, the two superpowers were particularly active in research in the field of psychotropic weapons. Before this, the Nazis successfully carried out death camps.

The Nuremberg Tribunal declared Ahnenerbe a criminal organization. But comments claiming that the Ahnenerbe archives did not contain anything serious and concrete clearly do not stand up to criticism. Belief in astrology and prophecy did a disservice to the top of the Nazi Reich.

The famous German astrologer Wilhem Wulff, who was under arrest, compiled a horoscope for Adolf Hitler and predicted his death in May 1945. And so it happened. Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in the Führer's personal bunker on April 30, 1945. Goebbels shot himself and his wife, after poisoning his six young children.

Himmler, disguised as a private, tried to escape, but was captured on May 23, 1945, and while detained by an English patrol, he chewed a cyanide capsule. While in Nuremberg prison accepted Hermann Goering poison capsule. In November 1945, the survivors appeared before the military tribunal of the victorious countries in Nuremberg. Nazi leaders.

Rudolf Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment and died in prison at the age of 93. Alfred Rosenberg, ideologist Nazism and the philosopher of racism was found guilty of crimes against humanity and hanged in October 1946. Lasted only 12 years Third Reich, and not the millennium expected by its creators.

History has pronounced its verdict - the fate of almost 50 million dead was shared by representatives of Hitler’s “superior race,” which was supposed to lead to future generations of Aryan supermen.

The most terrible thing in the fight against such a difficult and insidious enemy as Nazism is not the results of research. The worst thing is when they try to pretend that questions and problems do not exist at all.

When you first get acquainted with the Nazi space plan "Aldebaran", it is difficult to get rid of the obsessive thought that all this is primitive and nothing more than fantasy. But as soon as you come across the name of Wernher von Braun in information about the same plan, you become a little uneasy. Because SS Standartenführer von Braun, many years after the end of World War 2, was one of the key figures in the overseas plan to fly to the Moon. Of course, the Moon is much closer than the deep space planet Aldebaran. But, as you know, the flight to the moon took place.

One of the most mysterious issues associated with the name of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich he led is the connection with the occult sciences, which were one of the main ideas of the Nazis. If we assume that all the research of the Nazis is connected with the search for answers to questions about the other world and the search for the perfect person, then it becomes unclear why the German government refuses to declassify documents related to expeditions organized by the top of the Third Reich in Tibet, as well as everything related to the program Ahnenerbe. To understand everything that happened in Germany during Hitler's reign, it is necessary to look at the origins of everything connected with the occult in Germany at the beginning of the twentieth century.

At dusk on April 20, 1889, in the Austrian town of Branau am Inn, a man was born about whom more was written and spoken about during his lifetime than about anyone else in history. Researchers believe that it is about him that the famous medieval magician Nostradamus remembers in his prophecies: “The Emperor will be born... and many will think of him more as a murderer than as a prince.” History knows him under the name Adolf Hitler.

In 1837, in the Austrian village of Strones, unmarried Anna Maria Schickelgruber gave birth to a son, Alois. Five years later she married Johann Gorg Hiedler, brother of Johann Nipomuk Hiedler, on whose farm she worked. Until the age of 40, Alois was a Schickelgruber, until in 1876, after the death of Gorg, Nipomuk confirmed under oath (or perhaps persuaded the local priest) the paternity of his brother, and Alois became Hitler. Nazi lawyer Hans Frank, who studied the Fuhrer's genealogy in 1930, believed that Adolf's grandfather was the Jew Frankenberg from a wealthy family in Graz, where Anna Maria worked as a cook. Interestingly, this family paid Anna Maria assistance until Alois was 14 years old. In order not to disturb the people with the origin of the leader, in May 1838, after the annexation of Austria, Wehrmacht troops conducted combat training, and the village in whose cemetery there was the grave of Adolf’s grandmother disappeared. Alois, a tyrant by nature, was forced, poor fellow, to marry three times and gave his last wife, Clara Pjoltsl, four sons and two daughters. Only one was able to survive childhood, perhaps this is where the “struggle” began - his name was Adolf. In 1895, Alois bought a farm near Lambach and Adolf began attending school at the local Benedictine monastery. Here he had a dream of becoming a priest. The passion for Catholicism quickly passed, but the love for ritual remained for life. After the death of his father in 1903, his successful failure to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts and the death of his mother, Adolf, at the age of 19, left Linz with the assurance that he would return with success. The only capital he took with him to Vienna was an iron will and faith in his calling. Without a profession, without any particular desire to work, Adolf sinks to the very bottom, but in order to save money for books from the sale of his paintings, he gives up drinking and smoking. Reads a lot haphazardly: Nietzsche, Blavatsky, eastern religions, “the search for the Holy Grail” - all this later, mixed with true patriotism, became the basis of a new religion - National Socialism. Adolf left inhospitable Vienna in 1913 with the firm conviction that there is nothing better in human life than to give it up in war for the sake of victory. The millions killed did not bother him - life, like a struggle, is cruel. Moving to Munich did not bring anything good: without friends, family and livelihood, Adolf hoped only for a gift from fortune. And she did not disappoint - he met the beginning of the First World War on his knees, thanks to heaven. What was the end for millions was the beginning for him. Whatever they say, Hitler was a brave warrior: the Order of the Iron Cross (first of the second, and then of the first degree) was not given for nothing. The surrender of Germany found him in the hospital - the result of an English attack using mustard gas. “Once again the darkness thickened before my eyes... It means everything is in vain... sacrifices and hardships, hunger and thirst. Subsequently, I realized my calling in the world... I decided that I should take on political work. In 1919, A. Hitler became the seventh member of the Committee of the German Workers' Party.

The brief biographical information presented above does not even hint at the formation of a future outstanding leader. When studying the history of the Third Reich, it is impossible to explain the rise of Adolf Hitler only by the action of everyday, generally accepted, rational factors. Many researchers assign a decisive role to the irrational, to what is called the occult and magical. The first third of the twentieth century in Europe had bright characteristic features. First of all, this is leaderism with a totalitarian state structure and the cult of struggle in its most frank, obvious form. IN former USSR Stalin with the theory of class struggle, in Germany Hitler with the struggle of races. The second thing that concerns Germany is the invasion of mysticism into politics, the formation of political figures among various occult societies. The above-mentioned German Workers' Party had its roots in the occult brotherhood of the Thule Gesellschaft and the Order of the Knights of the Holy Grail. The Thule Society had Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess and, most importantly, Dietrich Eckart, who played almost the decisive role in the promotion of Hitler and the popularization and financial support of the National Socialist German Workers' Party at that time. Eckart himself was a dedicated occultist and one of the few who saw a future leader in Hitler and about whom he said: “Here is the one for whom I am a prophet and forerunner.” Jörg Lanz (von Liebenfels), founder of the Order of the New Templars (New Templars), bluntly stated in 1932: “Hitler is one of our disciples. The day will come when you will feel how he, and through him we, will win and launch a movement that will make the whole world tremble.” Actually, from him the Nazis adopted the theory of racial purity and tried to bring it to life. It cannot be said that Hitler was a member of the New Templar Order, but scholars of Mein Kampf point to the influence of Liebenfels. Undoubtedly, we should mention Guido von List, the secretary of the Alpine Society, whose members greeted with the exclamation “Heil!” He also founded the Armanen society, named after the mythical race that used runes - an ancient magical alphabet, the invention of Wotan himself. Actually, the two lightning bolts on the SS buttonholes are two runes taken by Himmler. By the way, Liszt is considered one of the first in Europe at that time to use the swastika - the ancient Aryan symbol of the Sun, which the Nazis “twisted” counterclockwise. In Russian, as in Sanskrit, it means happiness. It is also known that Hitler used his stay in prison for organizing the unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch, in addition to dictating Mein Kampf to Hess, to communicate with the famous occultist Professor Haushofer, a follower of Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, and a student of Tibetan lamas. This is not a complete list of various kinds of occult societies that in one way or another influenced the then political life of Germany and in whose midst the birth of National Socialism took place. There is every reason to assert that Hitler himself was, first of all, a magician, and then a politician; he skillfully used occult knowledge and capabilities in politics. Everyone who communicated with Hitler in those years noted his unusual influence on those around him. Rauschning, in describing the Fuhrer, says: “Without a doubt, certain forces permeate Hitler... Forces are almost demonic, for which the character named Hitler is only a temporary garment.” Strasser recalled: “Whoever listens to Hitler suddenly sees the appearance of the leader of human glory... It’s as if light appears in a dark window.” The phenomenon of Hitler and National Socialism should be seen as the interaction of two factors. On the one hand, all these occult movements and societies were looking for a new messiah, and through their activities they were preparing for his coming. Their choice was not accidental, and they were not mistaken. Long before Hitler came to power, D. Eckart said: “May the will and desire of Providence come true, but I believe in Hitler - the dawn points to him.” On the other hand, Hitler himself, as a dedicated occultist, managed to integrate these disparate currents, take from them, in his opinion, the most essential and materialize all this in the iron progress of the legions... And he was wrong. Or maybe not.

In 1933, a historical exhibition was held in Munich, which bore the resounding name “Ahnenerbe” (“Property of the Forefathers”). The organizer of the exhibition was academician Herman Wirth. The oldest proto-runic and runic writings were displayed among numerous exhibits. They were collected in the Alps, in Palestine, the caves of Labrador, and also in all parts globe. Herman Wirth estimated the antiquity of some of them at 12 thousand years. A few years before the exposition, the book “The Origin of Society” was published, published by the same Wirth. He argued that at the beginning of civilization there were two single protoraces. The Nordic, northern spiritual race, and the Gondvanian, professing base instincts, the southern race. Hermann Wirth argued that modern descendants of these ancient and extinct races are scattered among different modern peoples. The SS authorities, who at that moment were beginning to gain their state power, showed special attention to the scientist. By that time, the powerful Black Order was trying to take over the functions of protecting the Nordic race in spiritual, genetic and inexplicable terms. To solve the problem, special knowledge was required, which was sought in the distant past. Heinrich Himmler was struck by the clarity of the results about the advantage of the Nordic race from the first moment of visiting this exhibition. And the Reichsführer offered Hermann Wirth cooperation. The Ahnenerbe organization was instructed to comprehend the heritage of its ancestors in the broadest sense.

For the formation of an alternative civilization, the need arose for the existence of not only an elite, but something much more - a new super-stimulus, fully capable, following the example of existing world religions, of captivating millions of people. Wirth's ideas were included in overall plan hierarchs of the Reich, and soon the Nazis had a powerful scientific construct at their disposal. It was made up of 50 universities. The Ahnenerbe organization was founded by Wirth together with Friedrich Guilscher. Darre handled the financial assistance.

The Ahnenerbe organization was seriously engaged not only in comprehension, but also in the revival of ancient inexplicable cults. On their basis, new rituals and rituals were created. From the books of List, Wirth and many other scientists, ariosophical judgments migrated to secret textbooks.

Ahnenerbe expeditions were carried out to remote Tibetan monasteries, numerous collections of materials from all known Masonic lodges, intelligence services, and secret societies were carried out. And it was in this way that the ancient spells of inexplicable elements, erased by time, were embodied in the vocabulary common to the 20th century, in the political phraseology inherent in National Socialism. Ahnenerbe's research covered a large area: from scientific activity to the comprehension of actual occultism, from experiments on unfortunate concentration camp prisoners to the complete control of secret societies. Various documents of that time indicate that in 1932 Hitler became the Epochal Master of the Teutonic Order. He met Hermann Wirth in 1933. In 1935, the SS Order became independent from the Teutonic Order and it ended its existence. This was carried out for some extremely significant reasons, and in the Third Reich the vacated occult place was taken by the created new orders of Hitler. In 1935, the Ahnenerbe joined all government organizations led by Wolfram Sievers, SS Sturmbannführer. By 1937, Himmler repurposed the Ahnenerbe, bringing the organization completely under his control. In 1939, the Ahnenerbe became fully involved in the SS design; by this time, the Ahnenerbe was a grandiose organization uniting about fifty universities. The objectives of this organization are: research in the field of localization of the spirit, deeds, and heritage of the Indo-Germanic race, popularization of the results of research. Here the internal concept of the party was developed, based on the doctrines of magic and religion. Closed plans for the runic symbolism of the rites of the SS and its divisions were immediately developed, and training programs in the field of runic magic and symbolism were created.

The search for treasures of the Albigensian Cathars gained enormous popularity. In June 1943, a scientific expedition organized by the Ahnenerbe arrived at the Montsegur Palace, which included famous German historians, geologists, ethnologists and cave exploration experts (speleologists). Members of the expedition immediately began excavations. Research works in Montsegur continued until the spring of 1944. There is a version that Ahnenerbe member Otto Rahn was able to dig up the Holy Grail and gave it personally to Heinrich Himmler, who kept it in Wewelsburg on a special marble pedestal. In the spring of 1944, another event occurred that was connected with Montsegur. During the colossal battle of Monte Cassino, Alfred Rosenberg flew to Montsegur. On March 16, 1944, on the 700th anniversary of the collapse of Montsegur, a banner with a huge Celtic cross flew over the last stronghold of the Cathars. The Nazis carried out an ancient magical ritual.

Under the supervision of Ahnenerbe employees, the Viking fortifications of the 9th century were explored, and ancient villages and burial mounds were protected in all occupied territories of Ukraine.

In addition to Wirth, Guilscher and Darré, Karl-Maria Wiligut took an active part in the organization of the Ahnenerbe. The chronology of the modern world, according to Wiligut, began approximately 228 thousand years before the Christian era, when there were three Suns in the sky, and Atlanteans, giants, gnomes and other creatures lived on earth. Wiligut worked closely with the Ahnenerbe from 1933 to 1939 and was attached to the scientific department of prehistoric research. Himmler continually consulted with him on a variety of topics and tasks. In 1939, Wiligut resigned due to sharply deteriorating health, but, obviously, the problem was different - the Nazis began an active search for the dark side of the universe, and this frightened the scientist.

With the outbreak of the war, the main thing among Ahnenerbe's developments was a program of anthropological research. These studies were carried out at the anatomical university of the Strasbourg Institute by August Hirt, professor and SS Hauptsturmführer. Himmler entrusted him with anthropology. In the late winter of 1942, Hirt complained to his patron Himmler that while his Anatomical University had a varied collection of skulls large number races, the number of Jewish skulls is extremely limited. He proposed to eliminate this shortage by supporting the war in the East and in a memorandum indicated that “as a result of violent death, the head of a Jew, which should remain undamaged, should be separated from the body and placed in a hermetically sealed vessel, which should first be filled with a preservative composition.” Heinrich Himmler recognized this requirement as objective, and Hirt received skulls throughout the war. In addition to anthropological research, Ahnenerbe also conducted medical experiments. Doctor Sigmund Rascher (Dachau concentration camp) and doctor Josef Mengele (Auschwitz concentration camp) worked in this area. Sigmund Rascher specialized in research into experimental conditions of the living human body. In particular, he comprehended the impact of high-altitude conditions on a living organism, for which he placed prisoners in a decompression chamber, and also carried out experiments with frostbite. Josef Mengele wondered main goal identify methods for increasing the German nation. To do this, he tested his experiments on subhumans using a variety of methods.

The Ahnenerbe expedition also visited South America on the ancient ruins of the city of Tiwanaku, whose titanic basalt blocks still stand as a silent reminder of the once largest and most developed civilizations, the strength of which modern underdeveloped science does not even have the slightest idea of. Myths and legends point us to the existence of these civilizations, and in this regard it is impossible not to mention the name of the greatest scientist and prophet, the Austrian engineer and physicist Hans Gorbiger. It was he who challenged these insignificant insects, pathetic pygmies, so-called scientists, disgusting with their vulgar stories about progress, not wanting to see, or rather feel all the greatness, every Sacred Genius of our Nordic ancestors. And it is not surprising that they, the disciples of the two-dimensional world, these insignificant worms, formed a conspiracy of silence against not only the greatest concept of Fire and Ice of Gorbiger, but also against those few and best who rebelled against each deadly fall of the Aryan spirit, against the forces of destruction, decay, decline and racial mixing. And it is not surprising that the Nazis had great respect for Gorbiger. Gorbiger turned in his inexplicable insights to the mythological and inexplicable past human races. He explains that modern science does not have knowledge and cannot explain the origin of the Universe, cosmic accidents, the origin of human species, the recurrence of disasters. He turned to those principles when other moons, other cosmic stars, other Almighties existed above the earth's sky. He, like his phenomenal disciple Adolf Hitler, returned the original values ​​of honor to the Aryan race, defending the Sacred nature of the white man, thereby restoring the inequality of people and blood. Because, in a deep sense, the word Nazism is the path to the coming of a completely new race, the Sonnenmensch, the clear man. A race that will not contain the hypocrisy and squalor of the bastard current “civilization,” but which will find within itself the dormant magical perception of the world and the Universe. A race that will bring into reality another great thinker and seer, the New Man - Friedrich Nietzsche. This is an incomprehensible alchemical path of transformation of heroes, transformation into something greater than themselves, into a Luminary, into a Star, into a Sonnenmensch.

Experts from the occult world love to talk about white and black magic. Typically, white magic is the personification of good, and black magic is the personification of evil. I wonder what people thought about flowers when they wrote a song with the words: “Oh, I am black and black,” and how much good they put into the expression “white as death.” It seems more likely that there is complete indifference to magical energy factors and colors, coupled with the concepts of good and evil. Therefore, the explanation of the fiasco of the Third Reich by the fact that Hitler was a black magician, and the dark forces constantly had to give way to the light ones in their eternal struggle, seems rather primitive. Apparently, Adolf went too far. Simply put, he summoned forces that he could not control. Phaeton, as you know, could not cope with Helios’s chariot, and this led to disaster, but no one would think of calling the Sun a dark force. Contemporaries who directly communicated with Hitler note in their memoirs that from the end of 1941 it was as if he had been replaced. This substitution can be interpreted in different ways: the influence of the drugs that the American intelligence services fed Hitler through Morel’s personal physician, the opposition of English magicians, etc., but it is obvious that by this time the Fuhrer still had a connection with his native land and expressed the desire of the people. Over time, the Fuhrer begins to be guided by other categories. He told Rauschning: “...There is a planetary upheaval that you, the uninitiated, cannot understand... What is happening now is more than the birth of a new religion.” It was no longer enough for him to create a new religion; he strove to create a new man - a Superman. For this, the lives of millions are nothing, and not only of the enemy. Therefore, the Fuhrer was shocked by Paulus’s betrayal - he expected their heroic death. For the same reasons, at the end of the war, hundreds of thousands of minors rushed into battle. This is the main mistake of the Fuhrer: he already lived in the categories of another world, which had not yet had time to sufficiently materialize. The new religion had not yet fully taken hold in the minds of the converts. The legions, although they believed in the messiah, were not ready to give birth to a race of new people. The Messiah has gone too far ahead. A fiasco was inevitable. The war, just a war, could be won. From the very beginning of the campaign, millions of Ukrainian volunteers were ready to dismantle the capital of the Red Magicians brick by brick. But Hitler had other goals. These higher goals began to overshadow the realities. In military terms, he made many mistakes: the campaign against Leningrad, the premature declaration of war on the United States, mistakes in Egypt, Stalingrad, and the Caucasus marked the beginning of the collapse of the physical existence of the Third Reich. In the sphere, so to speak, otherworldly, the Third Reich exists. The sown grains gradually sprout, only others take care of them. The projections of this virtual Reich onto the real world can be seen if we carefully study some of Hitler's statements, as well as his spiritual testament, drawn up on the eve of his controversial suicide.

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According to some reports, religious buildings could be located in the dungeons of the Third Reich. Interest in the occult was generally characteristic of representatives of the National Socialist elite, and not only. German romantics of the Second World War were fond of ancient mythology, Aryan mysticism and esotericism. Therefore, mysticism and occultism were very widespread in the Third Reich.

The Origins of the Occult in the Third Reich

When Hitler's headquarters was captured by the liberating troops, it turned out that his personal guard included many Tibetans in SS uniforms. It is no coincidence that the monks who initially professed the religion of non-violence, Buddhism, found themselves under the banner of a left-handed swastika.

In his youth, Adolf Hitler, like other future spiritual and political leaders Nazi Germany, was interested in Eastern occultism. Esotericism and mysticism in the Third Reich were rooted in popular late XIX century mediumship sessions and German romanticism enchanted by the East. Hitler himself considered himself a man with clairvoyant abilities, the reincarnation of one of the Sicilian satanic magicians of the 11th century and, in a sense, a message from divine forces.

The occult history of the Third Reich assumed a complete rejection of the Jewish Old Testament heritage (Jesus was declared an Aryan martyr). The ancient Aryans are believed to have lived for a long time isolated from the Jewish Christian course of history in the legendary mysterious Shambhala high in the mountains of Tibet. In the thirties, the Nazis equipped several expeditions there. And if at first the Tibetan monks greeted the German guests rather coldly, before World War II in the Tibetan highlands, Hitler was received with honor as an exponent of “Aryan wisdom” in the West.

Occultism in the Third Reich also took its origins from the depths of the Thule organization, which, through several stages of initiation, introduced its followers to the processed and reinterpreted teachings of Eastern spiritual leaders. This community appeared back in 1911, but active work it dates back to the period after the end of the First World War , when Germany, disappointed by its defeat, became carried away by revanchist ideas...

Members of the Thule Society - bearers of truth or provocateurs?

One of the main ideological pillars of Thule society was the idea of ​​the existence in the distant north (somewhere in the Scandinavia region) in prehistoric times of the legendary Hyperborea, Thule, a country of morally and physically perfect Aryans. Knowledge about this country was lost later in history, but supporters of the society believed that through magic it was possible to join the spirit of their ancestors and awaken the necessary qualities in modern Germans related to the Scandinavian peoples. When complemented by eugenics (the policy of racial purity), these ideas became the moral justification for a whole series of tragic events, the consequences of which affected the entire world history.

It is not known for certain whether Hitler was a member of the Thule Society. But a historically proven fact is the membership in this organization of Karl Haushofer, Alfred Rosenberg, Rudolf Hess, who had significant influence on Hitler. It is believed that members of the Thule Society taught Hitler the art of public speaking and instilled in him confidence in his own “superpowers.” Some researchers believe that perhaps the less charismatic and more cautious German occultists simply wanted to use Hitler's personality as a political vehicle for their ideas. But the mysticism of the Third Reich at some point got out of control and began to depend entirely on the will of a suspicious, powerful and, most importantly, beloved “leader” by the people, who brutally suppressed any dissent in the ranks of the Nazi leadership.

Occult practices in the service of Nazism

Since Thule was a long-gone country, the connection with the ancestors had to be restored in special ways. In search of the best “contact”, a number of practicing “mediums” appeared in Munich in the twenties and thirties. Satanic rituals of astrological Arab magic were practiced both in city apartments and in castles . Later, during the war years, the Nazis often resorted to sacrifices and burnings. And Dietrich Eckart, who had influence on Hitler, developed in his “astral body” centers for entering the macrocosm and interacting with the forces of darkness.

Occultism includes the entire sphere of psychological, physiological, physical, spiritual and cosmic phenomena. The Theosophical Dictionary of H. P. Blavatsky explains that “due to the manipulation of facts of the deepest essential nature, occultism has developed a specific terminology that blocks secret knowledge from profane people who turn divine science into evil.” Occultism includes various mystical teachings, ancient “secret knowledge” about the supernatural. The concept of occultism includes all mystical teachings - from the lightest, highest, Divine, to the darkest, satanic. Hitler's occultism was of the most extreme, dark direction. He recognized the world of “Chaos”, the world of “Dark Gods” as the highest, as the source of all creation, as the basis of the universe, and hence his entire worldview and the need for submission to an overwhelming external force. This external force, having mastered over time inner world Hitler, gave him special, demonic abilities and powers. He became a conductor of this demonic into the world, he became a conductor of the energies of darkness. Thus, studying the atmosphere of Germany in the 30s, it is difficult not to come to the feeling of the presence of some otherworldly force that managed to make a real revolution in German minds in just 3-4 years.

To implement their ideology and implement their ideas, Hitler and his like-minded people studied mystical teachings and borrowed from them what could help in achieving their goals. The emblems of fascism came from Ancient Tibet. The swastika is an ancient oriental sign symbolizing the sun and eternity. During World War I, the Germans began wearing the swastika as a protective amulet. When Hitler came to power, the occult underbelly of National Socialism was reflected in German symbolism. Runes became the symbols of various ministries - signs (letters) once used by pagan Scandinavian and Germanic tribes for cult inscriptions. Then, in the 30s, on the orders of Himmler, the architect Barthes built Wewelsberg Castle, which was to become the center of the SS. Each of its rooms was arranged in a medieval style using mythological symbols. Beneath the main hall was Valhalla, where ceremonies dedicated to dead SS officers took place. An eternal flame burned in the crypt. After the death of a member of the SS, his personal ring was placed in a special urn, symbolizing the connection between the dead members of the order and the living. In his memoirs, one of Hitler’s close associates, Hermann Rauschning, cites the following saying of the Fuhrer: “Hierarchical organization and initiation through symbolic rites that act magically on the imagination is a dangerous element... Don’t you understand that our party should be of the same nature? An order, a hierarchical order of secular priesthood... We are either the Masons or the church - there is room for only one of the three..." The Nazis built their associations on the model of knightly medieval orders, since their strict hierarchy and iron, unquestioning discipline fit perfectly the structure of the entire German society at that time. Thule was one of the most influential occult organizations in Nazi Germany. On the one hand, it absorbed all the ideas of Hermanenorden, all the currents of Nazi mysticism; on the other - the doctrines of the secret teachings of the East. Many of its members entered the leadership of the Third Reich. Among them are the personal secretary of the Fuhrer Hess, the official ideologist of the Reich Alfred Rosenberg, SS chief Himmler and, of course, Hitler. The knowledge they acquired in the Thule society began to determine both the culture and politics of Germany. The most widespread and effective scheme of action of the secret order worked in Tula. Everything was led by consistent supporters of ideas supplied by certain magicians capable of establishing a spiritual connection between the Aryans and the Higher Unknowns.

The Thule Society was founded by the son of a Prussian worker, Rudolf Glauer, who became a baron and changed his name to Rudolf von Sebottendorf. In his youth, as a fireman's assistant, he spent a lot of time at sea on ships. Once in Egypt, he spared no time in studying the culture of this country. Once in Turkey, he began to learn the language and began self-education. Then he became interested in the occult. His owner Hussein Pasha was well versed in Sufism, the mystical movement of Islam, which is an esoteric doctrine of God and the creation of the world and the preaching of ascetic practice. Among Muslims, representatives of this teaching were considered sages and saints. Hussein Pasha talked a lot on these topics with Glauer. In Turkey, Glauer met the wealthy Jewish family of Termudi... The head of the family, having handed over all matters to his children, was searching for texts related to alchemy and the Rosicrucians, and collected good library on esotericism and plunged into the world of Kabbalistic mysticism. Under his leadership, Glauer began to study Kabbalah, and after the death of Termudi, he received his entire library into his hands. In one of the books on secret Islamic cults, Glauer discovered signs similar to runes, and became even more convinced of the common Aryan roots of these two religions. Glauer traveled a lot. In 1901 he was accepted into the Masonic lodge, and then von Seebotgendorff founded his own order. He devoted a lot of time to researching one Turkish occult sect associated with Freemasonry in Europe. One day, the German Baron Sebottendorf von der Rose appeared in Turkey, adopted Glauer and gave him his title. In the name of Baron Glauer saw an indication of the Rosicrucian tradition. Even under Emperor Otto II, this family was granted a knighthood. Having once seen a brochure by Hermanenorden calling for people to join this organization, Rudolf went there. Among the leaders of the order, Rudolf met Hermann Pohl, and, as it turned out, both of them were interested in ancient writing and the lost mystical meaning of signs. Soon Hermanenorden experienced a split. "Thule", formed in 1915, became a branch of the order. The name alludes "to the mythical country of Thule, which was mentioned in Roman and Germanic legends. It was sometimes identified with Atlantis. At the end of the 19th century, von List published the book "The Mysterious Language of the Indo-Germans", in which he claimed to have found traces of the spirituality of his ancestors in the Germanic tradition , who lived in ancient times on the continent of Arctogea. The capital of this ancient land called Thule.

As the emblem of the society, Sebottendorff chose a dagger and a swastika, placed in a wreath of oak leaves. The initiates were given ritual weapons. Subsequently, blades with the motto: “My honor is loyalty” will be received by those joining the elite SS units. The main symbol, the swastika, will be transferred from the order's coat of arms to the Nazi flag. The Thule Society was formed at a very difficult time for Germany. In 1918, a socialist revolution took place in Bavaria, then in Berlin. Sebottendorff, in his speech addressed to members of the brotherhood, called for attention to the occult and mystical side of the events and to begin a decisive struggle against the new regime. Sebottendorff supervised the arming of members of the Thule Society and their preparation for military action. Training battles took place not far from Munich. Members of the order considered one of the main tasks to be the liberation of Bavaria from communist rule. After the final establishment of the Nazis in Germany, the baron published the book “Before Hitler Came,” in which he described the anti-communist struggle in the south of the country. Sebottendorff made a number of interesting observations regarding the formation of the National Socialist Party, which brought Hitler to power. The author, in particular, says that it was to the members of the Thule Society that Hitler turned for help, and they were the first to support him. It was from Thule and from the branches of Hermanenorden that NSDAP activists were recruited. However, after the publication of this book, Hitler ordered the entire circulation to be bought up and destroyed. Sebottendorff himself, most likely, was killed on the orders of the Fuhrer, and not simply drowned, as the official version said. There were activists in Tula who influenced the course historical events no less than its founder. In 1923, a certain Dietrich Eckart, a military man, a gifted writer, a mystic who actively participated in the affairs of a secret society, died in Munich. Before his death, he read his own prayer in front of a strange altar, which was a piece of a black meteorite. This meteorite was received in the will of Professor Oberth, one of the founders of modern astronautics. Before his death, Eckart told his friends: “Follow Hitler! He will dance, but I ordered the music... I influenced history more than any other German...” Who is Dietrich Eckart? He was born on March 23, 1868, and from his youth became an ardent anti-Semite. He considered the 1918 revolution, which put an end to the rule of the Hohenzollerns, to be the result of a Jewish conspiracy and propagated his views very actively, using his position as a reporter. Eckart traveled a lot, was in North Africa, Spain, Sicily, where he looked for traces of Arab mystics. Unfortunately, Eckart abused alcohol, smoked hashish, and as a result ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

Living in Munich, he spent a lot of time in the cheapest city taverns, but still believed that it was he who was called upon to prepare a new German leader who would lead the fight against the world anti-German conspiracy. He was the first to pay attention to Adolf Hitler and made an appointment with him at the Richard Wagner House Museum. One of the influential members of Thule, Alfred Rosenberg, was present at the meeting. It was he who had a significant influence on Hitler, took a high position in Nazi Germany and, along with Hess, was the link between the Thule society and Hitler. For several years, Rosenberg and Eckart instilled in Hitler a special way of thinking, taught him to use the gift of persuasion in public speech, developed the skills to clearly formulate thoughts and conduct a propaganda campaign. In his book Mein Kampf, Hitler named Eckart as one of the heroes who serve as an example “to all those who waver, all who are weakened.” Hitler called Dietrich Eckart a man who served the revival of the German nation as a poet, thinker and fighter. At Eckart's suggestion, the National Socialist Party was created in the Thule society. Among its founders there were seven people. The seventh was Hitler. At first the new organization was called German workers' party. It was led by sports journalist Harrer, who adapted the secret ideology of Thule for political purposes. Harrer held meetings of this new organization in pubs, where there were many people who enthusiastically accepted any nationalist ideas. In 1920, after Hitler met with the leaders of the DAL, the party changed its name to the NSDAP, under which it became known throughout the world. In the book "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin" Eckart talks about his conversations with Hitler regarding secret knowledge and the occult world. He also mentions the mysterious “unknowns” who seek to establish dominance on earth. Eckart agreed with the theory of the hollow Earth; he believed that the mysterious country did not disappear, but disappeared under the water according to the good will of its inhabitants, who themselves decided to leave this world before the appointed time. Somewhere deep underground lies the magical center of the Aryan civilization. Only very few are able to perceive its inhabitants, the sacred energy of Vril. Eckart believed that a talented medium was able to broadcast it to the entire Nordic population. This should lead to the emergence of favorable mutations, thanks to which the troops of Nazi Germany will become invincible. This is how the idea of ​​an invincible army of the Third Reich, which would bring Germany power over the whole world, was introduced into Hitler’s consciousness. And Hitler himself felt that sometimes his consciousness changed in some mysterious way. This reinforced his confidence in the existence of magical allies.

The Fuhrer's conviction was supported by Karl Haushofer, the founder of geopolitics, a man who played an important role in the occult history of the Third Reich. Under the influence of Haushofer, the Thule becomes a real secret society with a very small circle of initiates, connecting all its members with mysterious patrons and giving them magical powers for their activities. It should be said that the energy of all adherents of the secret order is united into a single whole with the help of special rituals. Immediately after completing the initiation rite, the adept places part of his power at the disposal of the high priest, who is the main magician who knows everything about the tasks and goals of the order. He can also give psychic energy the desired form and send it in the right direction. However, one magician is not able to perform all these transformations. A medium is needed that accumulates information coming to it. It must be corrected in time with the knowledge of the magician, so that spontaneous discharge with unpredictable consequences does not occur. In the Thule society, Haushofer played the role of the chief magician, Hitler was his medium. Those who knew the Fuhrer testified that in his behavior he was unusually like an obsessed intermediary. Where did Hitler get the information that poured out to him when he was in a mystical trance? Were these really otherworldly forces of demonic origin, or was he unconsciously betraying what Eckart and Haushofer had taught him? Karl Haushofer, as you know, repeatedly visited places important for esotericists in Tibet and India, where he enriched himself with knowledge that would later become the foundation of many nationalist concepts. Apparently, one of his teachers was the famous Sufi magician Gurdjieff. Finding himself as part of a diplomatic mission in Japan, Haushofer began to study the language and culture of this country. There he was initiated into the Order of the Green Dragon. According to the laws of samurai ethics, if the mission failed, Haushofer was obliged to commit hara-kiri, ritual suicide. After Hitler's defeat in World War II, he did just that. As a member of the order, Haushofer gained access to closely guarded secrets of Tibet and India. He was initiated by great teachers whom most of the mystics in Europe did not know.

The results of the training showed very quickly. Colleagues were surprised how a young and inexperienced officer could see the situation so accurately and make such correct predictions. Rapid promotion followed, and within a few years Haushofer received the rank of brigadier general. During the First World War he performed miracles. Haushofer could accurately predict the moment the enemy attack began, the location of the Allied bombing, and the change in weather. Upon returning home, Haushofer became a professor of geography at the University of Munich. In 1921, the Institute of Geopolitics arose on the basis of the university with its own publication - a journal on geopolitics. Thus, Haushofer became the founder of a new science, originating from political geography. According to Haushofer, dominance in the world community should shift from maritime countries (Spain, Great Britain) to continental ones (Germany, Russia). Since the Germans sought to expand their territory by seizing the eastern lands, Haushofer named Russia and Great Britain as their main opponents. One of Haushofer's students at the university was Hermai Hess - "Nazi No. 3". It is possible that it was Hess who introduced Hitler to Haushofer. At the Nuremberg trials, Hess behaved strangely. He looked like a madman. His testimony was contradictory and absurd. But, having recovered from a trance for a short time, he said that Haushofer was a magician and secret teacher Hitler. Haushofer's teachings became widely known and were subsequently supplemented with mystical elements. This man wrote almost forty volumes of essays on geopolitics and found time to teach the almost unknown leader of the NSDAP. When Hitler was in prison due to the failed coup d'etat, Haushofer often visited him in his cell and had long conversations, the result of which was the book Mein Kampf. Perhaps this was the mission entrusted to Haushofer by the leaders of the Order of the Green Dragon. Hitler's confidence, which was difficult to distinguish from mystical tenacity, may have stemmed from Haushofer's corresponding predictions for which he became famous during the First World War. Haushofer predicted the date of the capture of Paris by the troops of the Third Reich, the time of breaking the blockade in Bordeaux, the day of Roosevelt's death.

Military plans were also developed in accordance with this. Haushofer was looking for a means of controlling people and higher occult forces. The Samurai Code and Buddhism, Schopenhauer and Ignatius of Loyola were for him sources of knowledge capable of subduing any will. However, having bet on the Fuhrer, Haushofer eventually admitted defeat, and the mission entrusted to him by the Green Dragon did not end in success. Supporters of the ideas of occult Nazism, however, said that Hitler’s defeat in World War II was natural, that he did not die at all, but was transported to a mysterious shelter. However, this point of view is refuted, albeit indirectly, by the suicide of Karl Haushofer in full accordance with the samurai code at the age of seventy. Nevertheless, there were people who believed that it was still possible to resurrect. It is possible that Haushofer was the inspiration for other ideas of Hitler that bordered on madness, as evidenced by the mass murder of people by the Nazis. This fact can be explained at the level of the doctrine of fascism: after all, “subhumans” were destroyed. Behind the screen of this official doctrine, there may have been an unofficial, esoteric one. Even in ancient times, mass human sacrifices took place in various places around the globe. This fact has many explanations, but two are the most popular. According to the first, such sacrifices were necessary for the ritual purification of the clan. All evil was transferred to the chosen group, after which this group was destroyed. The remaining part of the tribe, the community, found itself free from the power of dark forces. According to the second explanation, people were killed to appease the gods, the forces of nature, and to heed the prayers of the community. People thus became a kind of gift to cosmic beings. The occult leaders of the Reich apparently adhered to the second explanation. In any case, at the Nuremberg trials they answered the investigators' questions with complete indifference. It seemed that they had no idea at all about true reasons the massacres they commit. The Thule Society did not have enough strength to carry out large-scale changes during the reign of the Third Reich. And soon appears in Nazi Germany new star- SS, or "black order". Formed by Himmler from members of the Ahnenerbe organization, it will far surpass the Thule society both in the scope of its activities and in financial resources. The ranks of this organization will consist of politicians who clearly know their goals and soldiers loyal to them. This organization will absorb all the knowledge collected in the various orders of Germany, and organize expeditions to the most remote corners of the earth in order to look for particles of mystical experience there.

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