The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points. Programming Olympiad - document. MS Excel spreadsheet processor

FunctionIF. Building graphs and diagrams

Workshop 6. I feel sorry for the fish...

Option 1

The fish stock in the pond is estimated at 1200 tons. The annual increase in fish is 15%. The annual catch plan is 300 tons. The smallest fish stock, below which the stock is no longer restored, is 400 tons. Construct a table calculating the number of fish in a pond for 15 years. Mark from what point it is impossible to carry out the specified catching plan. Draw a graph of changes in the number of fish in the pond.

Option 2

The fish stock in the pond is estimated at 1000 tons. The annual increase in fish is 13%. The annual catch plan is 180 tons. The smallest fish stock, below which the stock is no longer restored, is 250 tons. Construct a table calculating the number of fish in a pond for 20 years. Mark from what point it is impossible to carry out the specified catching plan. Draw a graph of changes in the number of fish in the pond.

Option 3

The fish stock in the pond is estimated at 1800 tons. The annual increase in fish is 17%. The annual catch plan is 400 tons. The smallest fish stock, below which the stock is no longer restored, is 500 tons. Construct a table calculating the number of fish in a pond for 16 years. Mark from what point it is impossible to carry out the specified catching plan. Draw a graph of changes in the number of fish in the pond.

Programming Olympiad

Option 1. The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 0.1 of the accumulated amount for students in grades younger than 10th. 12 people took part in the Olympiad: 4 from 8th grade, 3 from 9th grade, 3 from 10th grade and 2 from 11th grade. The first task was worth a maximum of 10 points. The second - at 8, the third - at 12. Those who score more than 27 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 25 - a 2nd degree, and more than 23 - a third degree. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Construct a diagram of the total points scored for those who received a 1st degree diploma.

Option 2. The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 0.1 of the accumulated amount for students in grades younger than 10th. 14 people took part in the Olympiad: 3 from 8th grade, 4 from 9th grade, 4 from 10th grade and 3 from 11th grade. The first task was worth a maximum of 12 points. Second - at 10, third - at 12. Those who score more than 30 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 27 - 2nd degree, more than 25 - third degree. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Construct a diagram of the total points scored for those who received a 2nd degree diploma.

Option 3. The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 0.1 of the accumulated amount for students in grades younger than 10th. 10 people took part in the Olympiad: 2 from 8th grade, 3 from 9th grade, 3 from 10th grade and 2 from 11th grade. The first task was worth a maximum of 15 points. The second - at 12, the third - at 10. Those who score more than 34 points receive a 1st degree diploma, more than 30 - a 2nd degree, and more than 27 - a third degree. Create a table of participants and their results. Determine the diplomas of the participants. Construct a diagram of the sum of points earned for those who received a 3rd degree diploma.

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No. 3120 Information technologies in management – ​​127 questions. ORIGiz217 - 350 RUR

1. Applicants take four exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The “Enroll” message will be sent to those applicants who: – scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points) ; – the sum of points in all subjects is not less than 240. The remaining applicants will receive a “Refuse” message. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated)

2. Applicants take four exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The “Enroll” message will be sent to those applicants who: – scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points) ; – the sum of points in all subjects is not less than 240. The remaining applicants will receive a “Refuse” message. Based on the data in the source table, establish a correspondence between the names of the applicants: Chernova P., Khasanov R., Denisov V. - and the colors of the graphs constructed based on the scores they received

3. Applicants take four exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The “Enroll” message will be sent to those applicants who: – scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points) ; – the sum of points in all subjects is not less than 240. The remaining applicants will receive a “Refuse” message. Sort by spreadsheet according to the column “Sum of points” in descending order. Determine the last applicant admitted and his result. In the answer field, enter the last name of this applicant and the amount of his points separated by commas without spaces (for example, Ivanov, 35)

4. Most experts in the field of business communications believe that etiquette is in its most vivid and full form formed and developed in a country like

5. In the 60s of the last century, information systems were used for control and management, in the 70s - for planning and modeling, and by the 80s they began to be used for decision making and strategic planning

6. The following types of diagrams are distinguished in UML

7. In business communications, affront is a violation of the rules of politeness.

8. In business communications, the traditional size of a business card is for men.

9. In the IDEFO model, the function of a certain system, graphically represented by a rectangle, is

10. Within the framework of the UML modeling language, diagrams are used to model the behavior of system objects when transitioning from one state to another

11. Within the UML modeling language, diagrams are used to model the behavior of a system under various use cases

12. Within the UML modeling language, diagrams are used to model the physical architecture of a system

13. Due to the fact that label signs are of a two-sided nature, they can be distinguished

14. In decision support systems, the component that provides simple interaction between system users, the database and the reference case is

15. In decision support systems, a collection of mathematical and analytical models is

16. In decision support systems, a collection of current or historical data from a number of applications or groups organized for easy access to application areas is

17. Important in business etiquette is mutual arrangement interlocutors in space, the choice of a certain distance, the presence or absence of physical contact between them. This organization of space in etiquette is called etiquette _____

18. An evening reception that starts between 17.00 and 18.00 and lasts about two hours without seating at the table is called _____

19. The return of processed data to the control subject occurs in the process

20. Enter the terms that correspond to the process of perception, mutual understanding of the participants in communication: 1. a way of knowing another person, in which an assumption about his internal state is built on the basis of attempts to put oneself in the place of a communication partner - _____. 2. emotional empathy for another person - _____. 3. a mechanism of self-knowledge in the process of communication, which is based on a person’s ability to imagine how he is perceived by his communication partner _____. 4. mechanism for interpreting the actions and feelings of another person (finding out the reasons for the object’s behavior) - casual _____

21. Selection (the development of algorithms for calculating the transformation of input information into output is carried out within the framework of the following set of operations for setting the problem

22. The division of information systems into strategic, managerial, knowledge and operational is a classification according to

23. Let's say that you are applying for a job. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main ones is his ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with graphic and text editors, and confident use of the Internet. To encode the color of a pixel in the 24-bit RGB model, hexadecimal intensity values ​​of color components of the RRGGBB format are used, where RR is the red color code, GG is the green color code, BB is the code of blue color. Pixel code 808080 will correspond to _____ color

24. Let's say that you are applying for a job. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main ones is his ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with graphic and text editors, and confident use of the Internet. The user is going to download mp3 music files from a file hosting service. The data transfer speed via an ADSL connection is 512 Kbps. The free connection time is limited to 5 minutes. The average size of one music file is 4 MB. Calculate the largest number of files that he can download for free in one connection session. The time spent on requests is not taken into account; assume that files can be downloaded one after another continuously; a file that is not fully downloaded will not be saved. Consider that 1 Kbps = 1000 bps

25. Let's say that you are applying for a job. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main ones is his ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with graphic and text editors, and confident use of the Internet. The user is going to download mp3 music files from a file hosting service. The data transfer speed via an ADSL connection is 512 Kbps. The free connection time is limited to 5 minutes. The average size of one music file is 4 MB. Calculate the largest number of files that he can download for free in one connection session. The time spent on requests is not taken into account; assume that files can be downloaded one after another continuously; a file that is not fully downloaded will not be saved. Consider that 1 Kbps = 1000 bps. Answer: _____

26. Let's say that you are applying for a job. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main ones is his ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with graphic and text editors, and confident use of the Internet. To encode the color of a pixel in the 24-bit RGB model, hexadecimal intensity values ​​of color components of the RRGGBB format are used, where RR is the red color code, GG is the green color code, BB is the blue color code. Pixel code 808080 will correspond to _____ color

27. Let's say that you are applying for a job. Among the requirements for the applicant, one of the main ones is his ICT competence. At the interview, you must demonstrate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with graphic and text editors, and confident use of the Internet. The user is going to download mp3 music files from a file hosting service. The data transfer speed via an ADSL connection is 512 Kbps. The free connection time is limited to 5 minutes. The average size of one music file is 4 MB. Calculate the largest number of files that he can download for free in one connection session. The time spent on requests is not taken into account; assume that files can be downloaded one after another continuously; a file that is not fully downloaded will not be saved. Consider that 1 Kbps = 1000 bps

28. If married couples meet, the greeting order is as follows: (Set up the sequence of events according to business etiquette)

29. The rigid method of conducting negotiations in business communications is characterized by such a feature as

30. Information systems in the twentieth century. began to be used for monitoring and control in

31. Information systems in the twentieth century. evolved into custom decision support systems and early strategic planning systems in

32. Information systems in the twentieth century began to be used for control and management in

33. Information systems in the twentieth century began to be used for planning and modeling in

34. Information systems in the twentieth century developed as operational-level systems designed to perform basic operations in

35. Information systems in the twentieth century developed as systems with an operational level, designed to perform basic operations in

36. Information systems evolved in the 20th century into custom decision support systems and early strategic planning systems in

37. The organization of space in negotiations includes

38. Speech etiquette includes

39. Control professional level full-time employees are trained in the following direction of AIS development

40. Brief summary of the most important facts and arguments; Expressing sincere gratitude for your attention; An invitation to ask questions. All this applies to _____

41. Leaders of groups of programmers and analysts, project managers, managers of physical assets, data transfer managers and heads of office automation groups are

42. The method of constructing an enterprise model, which begins with a general overview of the object of study, and then involves its sequential detailing is called

43. A model that always begins with a representation of the process as a single functional block with interface arcs extending beyond the scope of the area under consideration is obtained using the methodology

44. The soft method of negotiating in business communications is

45. At business meetings, according to etiquette, a man can only wear jewelry

46. ​​At international negotiations, the program of stay does not include

47. It is not customary to indicate ladies on business cards

48. Unverified information is recorded or collected within the organization or from the external environment in the process

49. Processed data is transferred to personnel or processes where it will be used in the process

50. One of the positive consequences of the implementation information technologies is that the processing of source data and calculations is entrusted to

51. The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the accumulated amount for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated)

52. The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the accumulated amount for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement. Analyze the diagram below according to the suggested answers.

53. The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the accumulated amount for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement. The total result for all participants is ... Round the result to one decimal place, for example 225.5

54. Operations to determine the purpose of the task, its purpose, frequency and deadlines are carried out within the framework of the following set of operations for setting the task

55. Operations to determine the composition of the details of the output information, the location of the details of the output information with a reflection of the test example, description of the fields (the details of the output document are carried out within the framework of the following set of operations for setting the problem

56. Operations to determine the composition of the details of the output information, the location of the details of the output information with a reflection of the test example, the description of the fields (details of the output document) are carried out within the framework of the following set of operations for setting the problem

57. Determine Compliance – 7 Questions

58. The peculiarity of constructing an enterprise model, which consists in the hierarchical ordering of the selected elements of the system with the determination of the relationships between them, is inherent in the following method

59. The peculiarity of constructing an enterprise model, which consists in the use of a graphical representation of the interrelations of system elements, is inherent in the following method

60. A feature of constructing an enterprise model, which consists in dismemberment complex system into parts, represented as “black boxes”, each “black box” implements a specific function of the control system, inherent in the following method

61. The evaluative factor in appearance for a business woman is

62. The first step to establishing a business acquaintance is

63. According to the protocol, when seating passengers, sit next to the driver

64. The concepts of “functional block”, “interface arc”, “decomposition”, “glossary” are basic in the methodology

65. Representatives of the departments for which the applications were created, with the exception of the information systems group, are

66. Converting information into a user-friendly form occurs in the process

67. When developing a business card design, it is necessary to take into account that a business card is usually served

68. Greeting is one of the manifestations of politeness and is a special form of mutual respect. An element such as a handshake came to us from time immemorial. At one time he demonstrated the lack of _____ in his hands

69. The duration of the presentation should be

70. The negotiation process consists of

71. Working with a PC leads to (two correct answers)

72. Work to improve the forms of documents processed in the AIS circuit is carried out in the following direction of AIS development

73. Place the AIS classes presented below in the chronological order of their appearance

74. A type of AIS, which is characterized by a large volume of initial data and the simplicity of the algorithms for processing it, is called

75. A type of AIS that provides data processing using a solution optimization algorithm economic problem called

76. A type of AIS designed to generate new knowledge not explicitly contained in the source data is called

77. A type of AIS designed to search and provide information at the request of a consumer is called

78. The development and implementation of methods for monitoring the reliability and completeness of data are carried out in the next direction of AIS development

79. Rationalization of technical means in terms of throughput, the use of progressive means in the technology of recording and storing information is carried out in the next direction of development of AIS

80. A Roman citizen could be recognized by such a mandatory type of clothing as

81. From the point of view of microeconomic theory, information technologies should affect the size of contracts of firms using them in the following way

82. From the point of view of microeconomic theory, information technologies should affect the size of management costs of firms using them in the following way

83. From the point of view of microeconomic theory, information technology should affect the number of middle managers and employees in the following way

84. From the point of view of microeconomic theory, information technologies influence the size of contracts of firms using them in the following way

85. From the point of view of microeconomic theory, information technologies influence the size of management costs of firms using them in the following way

86. Information fixed on a tangible medium in a formalized form is called

87. Information fixed on a tangible medium in a formalized form is called

88. Information that reduces the user’s a priori uncertainty in any area is called

89. Reducing time costs (due to automation of management) for information processing should lead to

90. The improvement and development of new software for data processing is carried out in the following direction of AIS development

91. According to Moore's rule, the computing power of computers doubles every

92. Drawing up a list of input information and the composition of the details of each type of input information, location of the details of the input information, description of the fields (the details of the input documents are carried out within the framework of the following set of operations for setting the problem

93. Drawing up a list of input information and the composition of the details of each type of input information, the location of the details of the input information, description of the fields (details of the input documents are carried out within the framework of the following set of operations for setting the problem

94. Information systems employees who communicate between the information system group and the rest of the organization are

95. Information systems employees who communicate between the information system group and the rest of the organization are

96. Information systems employees who develop computer software are

97. The combination of equipment (computers, software, procedures, documentation, forms and personnel responsible for entering, moving, managing and distributing data and information is

98. The combination of equipment (computers, software, procedures, documentation, forms and personnel responsible for entering, moving, managing and distributing data and information is

99. The specificity of interaction is that each participant retains his autonomy and can ensure self-regulation of his communicative actions. R. Bales grouped the observed patterns of interaction into four global categories that capture the form of interaction: Group the following areas of interaction and the main behavioral manifestations below

100.Standard abbreviation “p.c. (pour condoleance)", which is usually written in pencil in the lower left corner of the card, means _____. (enter one or two words)

101.Students take 5 tests in computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above. Sort your spreadsheet by the Score column in descending order. Determine the total number of students who received grades “3” and “2”

102.Students take 5 tests in computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated)

103.Students take 5 tests in computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above. Based on the data in the source table, establish a correspondence between the names of the students: 1) Serova T.V., 2) Bondarenko D.A., 3) Golubev V.V. and the colors of the graphs constructed based on their assessments

104.Students take 5 tests in computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above. Sort your spreadsheet by the Score column in descending order. Determine the total number of students who received grades “3” and “2”. Answer: _____

105.Students take 5 tests in computer science. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above. Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated). Enter formulas into the spreadsheet to calculate: – the values ​​in columns G and H (use the logical “IF” function); – the average value in cell G15. Based on the calculations obtained, establish a correspondence between the following participants in the Olympiad: 1) Bondarenko D. A., 2) Ignatiev S. A., 3) Kudinov V. S. and the number of points they scored

106.The theory of communication is developed by a number of sciences, in particular

107.The type of letter below: “We ask you to inform us when and under what conditions you can supply us with 200 sets of equipment” refers to the _____ type. (two words, in the nominative case)

108. A typical issue solved by decision support systems, which is the ability to record, execute, and save for later use regularly executed series of commands and messages, is formulated as _____ _____. (enter two words

109. A typical issue solved by decision support systems, which is the ability to record, execute, and save for later use regularly executed series of commands and messages, is formulated as command _____

110. A typical question solved by decision support systems is to identify for a selected outcome variable all input variables that affect its value, and estimate the amount of change in the outcome variable for a given change in the input variable, for example, by 1%, is formulated as _____ analysis

111. A typical question solved by decision support systems, which consists in combining the results obtained from different forecasts or for different models, is formulated as

112. A typical question solved by decision support systems, which consists in combining the results obtained from different forecasts or for different models, is formulated as _____

113. A typical question solved by decision support systems, which consists in assessing changes in output variables with random changes in input quantities, is formulated as _____ analysis

114. A typical question solved by decision support systems, which consists in finding values ​​of controlled input variables that provide the best value of one or more resulting variables, is formulated as _____

115. A typical issue solved by decision support systems, which consists of directly entering previously available data into the model and manipulating them during forecasting, is formulated as _____ analysis

116.A typical issue solved by decision support systems, which consists of directly entering previously available data into the model and manipulating them in forecasting, is the analysis of _____

117.A typical question solved by decision support systems that involves comparing the results of two or more predictions made under different input assumptions, or comparing the predicted results with the actual results, is called _____

118.A typical question solved by decision support systems is to study the behavior of the resulting variables depending on changes in the values ​​of one or more input variables

119.A typical issue solved by decision support systems, which consists in studying the behavior of the resulting variables depending on changes in the values ​​of one or more input variables, is analysis

120. A typical question solved by decision support systems is finding the values ​​of an input variable that provide the desired end result is

121.A typical question solved by decision support systems, which consists in finding the values ​​of the input variable that provide the desired final result, is analysis

122. A typical question solved by decision support systems, which consists in estimating the values ​​of output quantities for a given set of values ​​of input variables, is

123. A typical issue solved by decision support systems, which consists in assessing the behavior of output quantities when changing the values ​​of input variables, is

124.Indicate the correct sequence of stages in the design of automated information systems

125. Indicate the correct sequence of stages in designing forms of input and output documents of AIS

126.Successful communication involves feedback– receipt by the subject of information about the results of interaction. Establish correspondence between communication functions during joint activities of workers in the labor process

127. Most often, difficulties in negotiations arise due to

No. 3038 Management information technologies – 135 questions. ORIGiz156 - 350 RUR

1. (DB) is a collection of structured data stored in the memory of a computer system and displaying the state of objects and their relationships in the subject area under consideration

2. ... is a set of special software designed to control the loading, launch and execution of other (user) programs, as well as to manage computer computing resources called

3. An automated system that is software package, which includes an array of legal information and tools for working with it, is called

4. An alphabetical list of descriptors with their dictionary entries is called

5. A database stored in different nodes of a computer network and logically connected in such a way as to constitute a single set of data is called

6. An intra-company or inter-company computer network that has expanded capabilities due to the use of Internet technologies in it is called

7. A dedicated workstation for organizing multicast fax communication, with several fax modem boards is called

8. A dedicated workstation for organizing email, with electronic mailboxes is called

9. Computing systems with extreme characteristics of computing power and information resources are called

10. Urban or rural settlement, municipal district, urban district or intracity territory of a city of federal significance is called

11. Group of equivalent or similar in meaning keywords called

12. Documented information, access to which is limited in accordance with the law Russian Federation, called

13. The sufficiency of information to make a decision is called

14. Availability of information - this degree of possibility of obtaining information is called

15. Problem. Study of age-related criminal activity In table. Data are presented reflecting the relationship between age and changes in the percentage of persons who committed a crime. Information on age-related criminal activity

16. Concluding transactions to buy or sell valuable papers or foreign exchange assets over the Internet, in real time is called

17. Fill out the diagrams

18. Fill out the table

19. Registered signals and observations are called

20. Information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified is called

21. Changing any signal parameter in a communication channel in accordance with the current values ​​of transmitted data is called

22. Integrated information systems for managing a geographically distributed corporation, based on in-depth data analysis, widespread use of information support systems for decision-making, and electronic records management, are called

23. Information system - a unified repository of documents with tools for searching and issuing documents necessary for the user is called

24. Information system, which is a comprehensive integrated automated information system designed for information and analytical support of government and municipal government, called

25. Information technology, as a system of methods and methods for transmitting, processing, storing, and providing information based on the use of technical means is called

26. Picture

27. Picture

28. Picture

29. Picture

30. Picture

31. Picture

32. Picture

33. Picture

34. Picture

35. Picture

36. Commercial activity aimed at making a profit and based on complex automation of the commercial cycle through the use of computer networks is called

37. A set of language and software tools designed for creating, maintaining and sharing databases among many users is called

38. A computer (program) that uses a specific resource on a computer network is called

39. A computer (program) that controls a specific resource on a computer network is called

40. A computer that has direct access to the global network is called

41. The computer through which the user gains access to network resources is called

42. Computers, which are computing systems designed to organize a multi-user environment, are called

43. Models that involve the organization of interaction between authorities and citizens are called

44. A data model of a certain subject area, which is a set of relationships that change over time, is called

45. A model that involves organizing state and municipal procurement via the Internet is called

46. ​​A model that involves the provision of information and services by state and municipal authorities to business entities and entrepreneurs through state and municipal Internet portals is called

48. A set of devices and programs that allows you to effectively organize the procedures for creating, accumulating, storing, processing and sending electronic documents, called

49. The most significant words and phrases that have a naming function for displaying the content of a document are called

50. The largest theoretically achievable amount of information that can be transmitted through a system per unit of time is called

51. Accumulated information about the surrounding reality, recorded on material media that ensures the transfer of information in time and space between consumers for decision specific tasks called

52. The presence of information in excess of what is necessary to achieve the goal of perception is called

53. The science of management, communication and information processing is called

54. Some digital information that acts as a real equivalent of paper money is called

55. Some formalized semantic system designed to express the content of a document and a search query is called

56. Providing the client with the ability to manage a bank account via the Internet based on electronic payment systems is called

57. The reverse conversion of a modulated signal into a modulating signal is called

58. The objective unity of objects, phenomena, information, knowledge about nature and society that are naturally related to each other is called

59. Match 19 questions

60. An organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications, implementing information processes is called

61. Organizational, socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens and bodies state power, local governments, organizations - _____

62. The organization of text information, in which the text is a set of fragments with clearly indicated associative connections between these fragments, is called

63. Separate documents and separate arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems(libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems) are called

64. A data packet (message) that contains in its header the information necessary to transmit it from the source to the recipient, regardless of all previous and subsequent messages, is called

65. A pair of programs interacting with each other according to certain rules, called

66. A subsystem about which it is known only what data is received at its input and what data is received at the output; nothing is known about how the data is processed inside it

67. A multi-user computer designed to process requests from all workstations on a network, providing these stations with access to shared system resources, is called

68. A software and hardware complex that provides collection, storage, analysis and provision of territorially coordinated data based on electronic geographic maps is called

69. A hardware and software complex designed for processing documents and automating the work of users in control systems is called

70. Programs designed to organize easy user interaction with a computer system in a windowed dialog mode are called

71. The processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and distributing information are called

72. A high-power computer operating on a network that has software (applications) that network clients can work with is called

73. Information about persons, objects, facts, personal

The values ​​in column G are calculated using the formula: =IF(D4>=6,B4+C4+D4*1,2+E4+F4,SUM(B4:F4)) .
The values ​​in column H are calculated using the formula: =IF(G4<20;2;ЕСЛИ(G4<30;3;ЕСЛИ(G4<40;4;5))) .
The value in cell G15 is calculated using the formula: =AVERAGE(G4:G13) .

Thus, S. scored 19 points, A. – 43.4 points, M. – 44.8 points.

Case 1 subtask 2

Students take 5 computer science tests. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above.

Based on the data in the source table, establish a correspondence between the students’ surnames:
1) V.,
2) A.,
3) V.
and the colors of the graphs constructed based on their estimates.



"Extra" the graph is blue.

Case 1 subtask 3

Students take 5 computer science tests. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above.

Sort your spreadsheet by the Score column in descending order. Determine the total number of students who received grades “3” and “2”.

After performing all the calculations and sorting by the “Rating” column in descending order, the original table will look like:

Thus, the total number of students who received grades “3” and “2” is 4.


Case 1 subtask 1

Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated).

Enter the calculation formulas into the spreadsheet:
– values ​​in columns G and H (in both cases, use the logical “IF” function);
– average values ​​in cells D15, E15, F15;
– the total score for all participants in cell G16.
Based on the calculations obtained, establish a correspondence between the problem numbers and the average results of their solution:
task No. 1
task No. 2
task No. 3

The values ​​in cells D15, E15, F15 are calculated accordingly using the formulas:

=AVERAGE(D4:D13) ,
=AVERAGE(E4:E13) ,
=AVERAGE(F4:F13) .
After all the calculations have been completed, the original table will look like:

Case 1 subtask 2

The Programming Olympiad is scored based on the total points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the total for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement.

Analyze the diagram below according to the answer choices provided.

The diagram below shows...

The option “distribution of participants by grade level” is not suitable, since in this case the pie chart should have two equal-sized sectors (for grades 8 and 10), and not three.
Option “contribution of points for each task to overall result winner" is not suitable, because there were three tasks, therefore there should be three sectors on the diagram, not four.
The option “best results in each category” is not suitable, because all four results are different. In addition, to compare individual values, it is more appropriate to use histograms.
Let’s consider the remaining option “distribution of participants according to award categories.” 3 participants were awarded a 1st degree diploma, 3 - 2nd degree, 1 - 3rd degree, 3 - certificates.
So, the diagram shown in the figure shows the distribution of participants by category of awardees

Case 1 subtask 3

The Programming Olympiad is scored based on the total points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the total for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement.

The total result for all participants is...
Round the result to one decimal place, for example 225.5.

After performing the calculations, the original table will look like:

Thus, the total result for all participants is 241.2.


Case 1 subtask 1

– scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points);

Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated).

Enter the calculation formulas into the spreadsheet:
– values ​​in columns F and G (to calculate values ​​in column G, use the logical “IF” function);
– average values ​​in cells B14, C14, D14, E14;
Based on the calculations obtained, establish a correspondence between the subjects and the average exam results for them:
Russian language

The values ​​in column F are calculated using the formula (for row 3): =SUM(B3:E3)
The values ​​in column G are calculated using the formula (for row 3):
=IF(AND(B3>24,C3>28,D3>25,E3>34,F3>=240); "Enroll"; "Refuse")
The values ​​in cells B14, C14, D14, E14 are calculated accordingly using the formulas:
=AVERAGE(B3:B12) ,
=AVERAGE(C3:C12) ,
=AVERAGE(D3:D12) ,
=AVERAGE(E3:E12) ,
After performing the calculations, the original table will look like:

Thus, the average exam result in mathematics is 60.8 points, in computer science – 53.8 points, in Russian language – 58.3 points.

Case 1 subtask 2

Applicants take four exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The “Enroll” message will be sent to those applicants who:
– scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points);
– the sum of points in all subjects is not less than 240.
Other applicants will receive a “Refuse” message.

Based on the data in the original table, establish a correspondence between the names of the applicants: – and the colors of the graphs constructed based on the points they received.

"Extra" the graph has ______________ color.


Golubeva, 246

After performing all the calculations and sorting by the “Sum of Points” column in descending order, the original table will look like:

Thus, the last applicant admitted will be with a score of 246.

State Autonomous Educational Institution NPO Professional Technical Lyceum No. 1


Student Group


Compiled by: Stupak Olga Valerievna

Blagoveshchensk 2014


Lesson No. 11

Spreadsheet processor MS Excel.


1. Look at the screenshot of the MS Excel spreadsheet processor. Remember the appearance and names of the main key elements spreadsheet.

Pay attention to the numbering of rows, columns and cells.


    the table consists of cells;

    cells grouped into a set rows and columns;

    some amount cells, who organize one or more tables called worksheet;

    some worksheets form book.


2. Look at the MS Excel window and the MS Word window (in workbook for the first module). Find common elements and write them down. Try to use the correct names.

3. Now do the same, but with unknown elements. Draw them and write down their names together with the teacher.

Additional task

Formulate the main capabilities of a table processor based on the names of its main elements.

The sheet has 256 columns and 16384 lines . In total, the worksheet contains 4194304 cells.


Lesson No. 12


Workshop 11

1. Create two tables of the following type and content on different worksheets.

2. Save the created book on a floppy disk under the nameThe Scarlet Flower. xls

Give yourself a grade for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rate your mood during the lesson:  ½ 

Lesson No. 13


Workshop 12

1. Filling the cells with the same data.

1.1 Select a cell E6. Enter text into it (for example, “Morning”). Capture data with a keystroke < Enter > . Reselect the cell E6. Please note that the selection frame has a rectangular thickening in the lower right corner. This is the so-called fill marker. 1.2 Move your mouse pointer to the fill marker.

1.3 Make the mouse pointer look like a thin black cross.

1.4 While holding down the left mouse button, move the pointer down a few cells. Do the same in any of the four directions.

1.5 Clear the table.

2. Using lists for autocomplete .

2.1. In one of the cells, enter the name of your favorite month. Drag the fill handle down a few cells. Instead of the expected copying, the cells were filled in accordance with a sequential list of months of the year. IN Excel There are several lists of preparations (for example, date, time, etc.). Remove all months except one.

2.2 Select the month and drag the fill handle up. Select the month and drag the marker to the right and then to the left.

2.3. Do something similar to task 2.2, having previously specified: a) date - 01/01/04 b) time - 13:25:44.

3. Specifying a rule for filling.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to fill adjacent cells not with the same data, but in accordance with some rule. The most common example is regular numbering. (for example, to number columns or rows).

3.1. To cell C5 enter the number 1. In the cell C6 Enter the number 2. Select both cells. Drag the general fill handle down a few cells.

Thus, by selecting two cells at once, you have determined the rule by which the cells are filled.

3.2. Repeat all the steps of the previous task, only drag the fill marker not down, but up, right, left.

3.3. By analogy with the previous example, create the following sequences:

a) odd numbers; b) even numbers; c) numbers that are multiples of three;

3.4. To cell C5 enter the date 10/06/98. To cell C6- 06.11.98. Mark both cells and drag the fill handle down a few cells.

Assignment for independent work:

Create a table of the top ten of your own hit parade in any of the categories: artist, musical group, theatrical production, etc., for example

Give yourself a grade for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rate your mood during the lesson:  ½ 

Lesson No. 14


Workshop 13

If you enter text into a cell, it will display

    this text

    or part of it, if the entire text does not fit into the cell.

If you enter a number into a cell, it will display

    this is the number

    or #### characters if the number is not within the valid range of the cell.

Entering a formula differs in that it is not the formula itself that is displayed in the cell ( set of entered characters), and the result of calculations using this formula.

!!! Entering a formula begins with an equal sign!!!

Exercise 1.

Create a template for a currency exchange office in such a way that the operator can enter a number - the amount of dollars being exchanged and immediately receive a response in the form of an amount in rubles in accordance with the current exchange rate.

TO key to the task:

1. In cells B2, B3 And AT 4 enter the appropriate text. Change column width IN so that the text in each cell fits completely.

2. To cell C2 enter the current value

3. To cell C3 enter the value of the exchanged

amounts in $.

4. To cell C4 enter the formula " =C2*C3" to calculate the amount in rubles as follows:

    select a cell C4(the cell in which the result of calculations using formulas will be placed);

    enter the equal sign " = ";

    click on the cell C2(first factor), a link to this cell will appear in the formula;

    enter the multiplication sign " * ";

    click on the cell C3(second factor), a link to this cell (its address) will appear in the formula. At this moment in the cell C4 formula typed " =C2*C3";

    fix the formula by pressing a key Enter. In a cell C4 a number will appear instead of the entered formula.

If symbols appear in the cell instead of a number #### , this means the number does not fit in the cell and you need to increase the column width.

Task 2.

Change the number - the amount of dollars exchanged, to do this, select the cell C2; enter a new number; record the data. Check how the amount in rubles has changed.

Task 3.

Prepare an order form for a furniture factory based on the sample.

Key to the task:

1. In cells A1 - C3 enter a table title. Select these cells and apply a bold style and center alignment to them.

2. In cells A4 - A8 enter a list of furniture.

3. In cells B3 - B8 Enter prices and apply a currency format to them.

4. Set the frame by selecting the block A3-C8.

5. To cell AT 10 Enter the text "Order Amount" and apply a bold style and right alignment.

6. For the cell C10 set the frame and apply the currency number format.

7. To cell A1 enter the title "Furniture Set". Apply a bold style to this cell.

8. To place the header in the center of the table, select the block of cells from A1 before C1 and by running the command [Format-Cells...], select tab Alignment and set the switch Horizontal alignment to position in the center of the selection.

When you center the contents of a single cell across multiple columns, the data must be entered in the leftmost cell of the selection.

9. In the “Quantity” column, enter the quantity of each type of furniture.

10. To cell C10 Enter a formula to calculate the order amount.

Answer the questions:

    In order to enter the formula, you need __________________________

    In order to set a frame for cells, you need __________________


    In order to align the data of one cell in the center of several columns, you need _____________________________________________________


Give yourself a grade for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rate your mood during the lesson:  ½ 

Lesson No. 15

Workshop 14

Independent work

Exercise 1.


leave an estimate of your pocket expenses for the past week.

    Fill in the table with data.

    Complete the table and calculate the total amount for each expense category.

    On the next line, enter a formula to calculate your estimated monthly expenses.

    Please enter your estimated expenses per year below.

    Calculate your total out-of-pocket expenses for the year.

Task 2.

Natasha Mikhailova dreams of going to Paris. Travel companies offer various tours. Prepare a table for the advertising brochure.

    In the next column, enter a formula so that Natasha can see the cost of each tour in rubles.

    The discount for a child placed third in a room with two adults is approximately 10%. In the next column, enter a formula to calculate the cost of the tour for Natasha's son Andrey for each tour (in $).

    In another column, calculate the total cost of Natasha’s trip if she plans to go with her husband and son (in $).

    Give yourself a grade for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Rate your mood during the lesson:  ½ 

    In the last column, help Natasha navigate by calculating how much one day of accommodation for each option will cost her family (in $).

Lesson No. 16


Workshop 15

Exercise 1.

    Create a pie chart based on the table data.

    To create a chart, follow these steps:

After performing all the steps correctly, you should get a diagram similar to the one shown in the figure.

Task 2.

Imagine yourself as the manager of a company that sells photographic film. Every day you summarize sales results and plan the order volume in the warehouse.

    Prepare a table according to the sample below and fill it out at your discretion (enter the number of films of each type sold). Try not to allow a large gap in the data.

    If the labels are not placed well, increase the overall height of the chart (stretch it) so that the labels fit on one line.

    If this does not help, then change the font in chart mode (click in the chart area on the desired axis and work with the font).

Give yourself a grade for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rate your mood during the lesson:  ½ 

Lesson No. 17


    Construct a random histogram for task 1 from workshop 14.

    Construct a diagram “Tour cost” for task 2 from workshop 14.

3. Document the solution to the following problems in a spreadsheet.

Task 1.

The fish stock in the pond is 1200 tons. The annual increase in fish is 15%. The annual catch plan is 300 tons. Construct a table of the number of fish in a pond for 15 years. Draw a graph of changes in the number of fish in the pond.

Task 2.

The Programming Olympiad is judged by the sum of points received for each of the three problems, plus 0.1 of the accumulated amount for students in grades younger than 10th. 12 people took part in the Olympiad: 4 from the eighth grade, 3 from the ninth, 3 from the tenth and 2 from the eleventh. The first task was worth 10 points, the second – 8, the third – 12. Create a table of participants and their results. Make a chart of the total points scored by each participant.

4. Answer the questions

    What is the difference between relative and absolute references?

    What serves as a separator when specifying a range of cells?

    What is the reason for the appearance of hash marks # in a cell?

    What will be stored in the cell when the value 01/01/00 is entered into it?

    How can I rename a sheet in a workbook?

    How is a cell designated in a spreadsheet?

    What character should the formula begin with?

    What can be inside the cell?

    Which component is used to create graphs and charts?

    List ways to design and format a table.

Give yourself a grade for the lesson: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Rate your mood during the lesson:  ½ 

Help No. 3.

Some special operations in Microsoft Excel

Formatting numbers.

First of all, you need to mark the cells in which you need to change the format of representing numbers. After this, you can either open the context menu with the right mouse button and call the directive in it Cell Format, or call the directive Cells from the menu Format. In any case, a dialog box will appear on the screen Cell Format. By default, the option in the top field of this window will be selected Number, which is designed to format numbers. In field Number formats There are various types of formats that can be selected by clicking the mouse or using the cursor keys. At the top of the window Cell Format there is a viewing field Sample, which shows what the cell's contents will look like in the selected format.

Inscriptions on the axes.

If you did not create a title for the chart and labels on the axes at the fifth step of working with the Wizard, then call the directive Headings from the menu Insert. In the dialog box that opens, you need to specify the location for the inscriptions that you want to enter. To enter a text, you need to enable optional buttons Chart title, Value axis (Y) And Category axis (X). For 3D charts, another button appears for labels on the third axis.

After clicking the button Value axis (Y) a text frame appears on the diagram containing the letter Y. This letter can be replaced with any text in the usual way. To complete the entry, you need to click the mouse button. Text appears on the chart and can be edited and formatted as usual. To do this, you just need to click on it with the mouse so that a text frame appears.

Calculation of the average value.

Mark the cell where the average value should be located and click on the Function Wizard icon. The Wizard dialog box will open. In the left field of this window, select a category Statistical, and in the right field click on the name of the AVERAGE function. Then click on the command button Further go to the second step of working with the Wizard. In the second step, you need to specify the arguments to this function. Here, too, for marking, you can either use the mouse in combination with the key, or enter the address from the keyboard. Finally, you need to close the Function Wizard window by clicking on the command button G done, after which the average value will appear in the table.

Additional objects.

On the menu Insert Directives are located that allow you to give the diagram a more attractive appearance. In particular, there is a directive here Drawing, which imports drawings in standard graphic formats (BMP, PCX, etc.). After calling this directive, a graphic file loading window opens. The selected picture appears in the diagram, surrounded by a frame. This frame can be moved around the diagram using the mouse and its size can be changed.

In addition, the Chart Wizard provides the ability to insert additional text into the chart, which will draw attention to individual parts of the chart. To insert text, you need to enter it from the keyboard into the typing line and press the enter key. Then a text frame will appear in the center of the diagram, which can be sized to the appropriate size using the mouse, and then moved to the desired location on the diagram.

The picture on the diagram can be drawn manually using the icon panel Drawing, which has all the necessary tools. You can call this panel through the right-click menu or by directive Toolbars from the menu View.

DE Case assignments

Case 1 subtask 1

– values ​​in columns G and H (use the logical “IF” function);
– the average value in cell G15.
Based on the calculations obtained, establish a correspondence between the following participants in the Olympiad and the number of points they scored:
Avilova O. S.
Vasilyeva K. A.
Denisov A. M.








The values ​​in column G are calculated using the formula: =IF(D4>=6,B4+C4+D4*1,2+E4+F4,SUM(B4:F4)) .
The values ​​in column H are calculated using the formula: =IF(G4 .
The value in cell G15 is calculated using the formula: =AVERAGE(G4:G13) .

Thus, O. S. Avilova scored 19 points, K. A. Vasilyeva - 43.4 points, A. M. Denisov - 44.8 points.
Case 1 subtask 2

Students take 5 computer science tests. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above.

Based on the data in the source table, establish a correspondence between the students’ surnames:
1) Serova T.V.,
2) Bondarenko D. A.,
3) Golubev V.V.
and the colors of the graphs constructed based on their estimates.



"Extra" the graph is blue.

Case 1 subtask 3

Students take 5 computer science tests. For each test you can get from 0 to 10 points. If you receive at least 6 points for test No. 3, then this result increases by 20%. If the total number of points obtained during testing is less than 20, then this corresponds to a score of “2”; rating “3” corresponds to a number of points from 20 to 29; rating “4” – from 30 to 39; rating “5” – 40 points and above.

Sort your spreadsheet by the Score column in descending order. Determine the total number of students who received grades “3” and “2”.


After performing all the calculations and sorting by the “Rating” column in descending order, the original table will look like:

Thus, the total number of students who received grades “3” and “2” is 4.


Case 1 subtask 1

Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated).

Enter the calculation formulas into the spreadsheet:
– values ​​in columns G and H (in both cases, use the logical “IF” function);
– average values ​​in cells D15, E15, F15;
– the total score for all participants in cell G16.
Based on the calculations obtained, establish a correspondence between the problem numbers and the average results of their solution:
task No. 1
task No. 2
task No. 3








The values ​​in cells D15, E15, F15 are calculated accordingly using the formulas:

=AVERAGE(D4:D13) ,
=AVERAGE(E4:E13) ,
=AVERAGE(F4:F13) .
After all the calculations have been completed, the original table will look like:

Case 1 subtask 2

The Programming Olympiad is scored based on the total points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the total for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement.

Analyze the diagram below according to the answer choices provided.

The diagram below shows...

The option “distribution of participants by grade level” is not suitable, since in this case the pie chart should have two equal-sized sectors (for grades 8 and 10), and not three.
The option “contribution of points for each task to the overall result of the winner” is not suitable, because there were three tasks, therefore there should be three sectors on the diagram, not four.
The option “best results in each category” is not suitable, because all four results are different. In addition, to compare individual values, it is more appropriate to use histograms.
Let’s consider the remaining option “distribution of participants according to award categories.” 3 participants were awarded a 1st degree diploma, 3 - 2nd degree, 1 - 3rd degree, 3 - certificates.
So, the diagram shown in the figure shows the distribution of participants by category of awardees

Case 1 subtask 3

The Programming Olympiad is scored based on the total points received for each of the three problems, plus 10% of the total for students under 10th grade. Participants who score 27 points or more receive a 1st degree diploma, 25-26 points - a 2nd degree diploma, 23-24 points - a 3rd degree diploma. Participants who score less than 23 points receive certificates of encouragement.

The total result for all participants is...
^ Round the result to one decimal place, for example 225.5.


After performing the calculations, the original table will look like:

Thus, the total result for all participants is 241.2.


Case 1 subtask 1

Enter the source data into the spreadsheet (words can be abbreviated).

Enter the calculation formulas into the spreadsheet:
– values ​​in columns F and G (to calculate values ​​in column G, use the logical “IF” function);
– average values ​​in cells B14, C14, D14, E14;
Based on the calculations obtained, establish a correspondence between the subjects and the average exam results for them:
Russian language








The values ​​in column F are calculated using the formula (for row 3): =SUM(B3:E3)
The values ​​in column G are calculated using the formula (for row 3):
=IF(AND(B3>24,C3>28,D3>25,E3>34,F3>=240); "Enroll"; "Refuse")
The values ​​in cells B14, C14, D14, E14 are calculated accordingly using the formulas:
=AVERAGE(B3:B12) ,
=AVERAGE(C3:C12) ,
=AVERAGE(D3:D12) ,
=AVERAGE(E3:E12) ,
After performing the calculations, the original table will look like:

Thus, the average exam result in mathematics is 60.8 points, in computer science – 53.8 points, in Russian language – 58.3 points.

Case 1 subtask 2

Applicants take four exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The “Enroll” message will be sent to those applicants who:
– scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points);
– the sum of points in all subjects is not less than 240.
Other applicants will receive a “Refuse” message.

Based on the data in the source table, establish a correspondence between the names of the applicants: Chernova P., Khasanov R., Denisov V. - and the colors of the graphs constructed based on the scores they received.

"Extra" the graph has ______________ color.


"Extra" the graph is red.

Case 1 subtask 3

Applicants take four exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The “Enroll” message will be sent to those applicants who:
– scores in each subject are above the “threshold” value (in mathematics more than 24 points, in physics - more than 28 points, in computer science - more than 25 points, in Russian language - more than 34 points);
– the sum of points in all subjects is not less than 240.
Other applicants will receive a “Refuse” message.

Sort the spreadsheet by the Score column in descending order. Determine the last applicant admitted and his result.
In the answer field, enter the last name of this applicant and the amount of his points separated by commas without spaces (for example, Ivanov, 35).

After performing all the calculations and sorting by the “Sum of Points” column in descending order, the original table will look like:

Thus, the last enrolled applicant will be V. Golubeva with a score of 246.

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