“Online help. The most frequently asked questions about “1C: Managing our company” (formerly “Managing a small company”). Video materials on “1C: Managing a small company Managing a small company 8.3 tutorial read online

The software product “1C: Managing Our Company” is presented on the market as a multifunctional management decision for small businesses. At first it was called “1C: Management of a small company”, but was renamed at the initiative of the partners of the 1C company.

1C UNF meets two main requirements of small businesses - low cost and minimal implementation costs. Suitable for businesses with a small number of employees (10 - 20 people). But it should be noted that there are no strict frameworks, and everything is determined by the needs of the company. Can be used in such areas of small business as:

  • Wholesale and retail trade;
  • Performance of work and provision of services;
  • Small production;
  • Internet trading.

When you start working with the 1C UNF program, the initial setup assistant is automatically called up, following whose prompts you can configure everything necessary for work or, if necessary, use the services of a specialist who will install the program. As a rule, 1C partners include one hour or more for free setup when purchasing programs.

Let's consider the capabilities of 1C UNF using the example of the demo database edition 1.6 (version

The initial loading window may look like Fig. 1 (approximately). All functions are grouped into sections with clear and simple names, so navigation will not be difficult (Fig. 1, left side). The proposed set of forms in configuration 1.6 allows you to customize the initial page to suit your needs (Fig. 1, right part). To do this, in the main menu you need to go to “View – Home Page Settings” and select the desired indicators in the window that opens.

Rice. 1

The program has a wide range of functionality:

  • Small production (piecework, custom);
  • Trading operations and accounting of services;
  • Retail and online sales;
  • Pricing;
  • Warehouse accounting and purchasing;
  • CRM (customer interaction);
  • Accounting and financial management;
  • Salary and personnel;
  • Submission of regulated reporting for individual entrepreneurs (STS, UTII);
  • Analytical reports;
  • Data exchange and integration.

Here is a brief description of sections of 1C UNF 1.6

Some functions are repeated in different sections, but the composition can be configured in any form convenient for work by making the necessary changes in the program configuration.


We manage orders and invoices, analyze order fulfillment, plan and analyze sales, generate price lists, plan and notify events and tasks, mass mailings of letters and SMS, assess risks for counterparties, analytical reports, segmentation of counterparties (divided into categories by various signs), control of mutual settlements.

There is a mechanism for notifying changes in order status. An SMS notification or email can be sent to the buyer, a reminder to the manager, a task, or a calendar entry.

Section “CRM – Workflow Rules” (Fig. 2).



Wholesale – customer orders, sales of goods, reservation of goods, tasks for working with orders, product management, price management, price lists, sales planning according to various parameters: managers, departments, groups and categories of products.

Retail – cash register receipts, cashier workstation, revaluation, exchange with equipment (cash registers) operating in Offline mode. There are various reports for sales analysis (Fig. 3).


Orders to suppliers, invoices from suppliers, registration of goods receipts, price lists of suppliers, product management, inventory management: control, movement, reservation, analytical reports and reconciliations with suppliers, procurement planning - automated calculation of the product procurement plan and inventory requirements ( Fig.4).


Planning and control of work performed according to work orders, work assignments, recording working hours, work schedules. There is a visualization of the stages of implementation and the status of payment, analysis of the degree of completion (Fig. 5).



Orders and placement into production, planning and control of production execution on orders, formation of piecework orders based on customer orders, cost accounting and distribution, inventory management, working time accounting, production reports.


Accounting for cash and non-cash funds, planning financial flows, reserving money, payment calendar, acquiring transactions on cards (Fig. 6).



Personnel records, salary documents, salary reference books, time sheets, salary reports: salary slips, pay slips, etc.


The section contains all directories, property data, budget and sales planning, setting up and administering the program, entering initial balances, financial transactions, the possibility of electronic document management, integration with other programs, and company analytical reporting.

Of the large number of functionalities of 1C UNF 1.6, we will highlight the most useful:

  • A general block of settings for all sections of the program with interactive tips for choosing options. Opens in any section under the item “Even more opportunities”;
  • Maintaining management accounting for several organizations, and with a given setting – for the company as a whole;
  • Pricing is based on base prices. There is a calculation based on markup percentages, a fixed amount, an arbitrary formula (the formula constructor is used);
  • The monitor of the current state of the company on the home page is customized individually to obtain the most necessary and operational information about the company, reminders about business and other events. A brief management balance sheet allows you to monitor the state of the company for any period (Fig. 7).


  • Simple and informative management of orders to suppliers, from buyers and to production, as well as work orders. (Fig. 8).


  • Planning and adjustment of work schedules can be done directly from the documents work order, production order, piece work order, work order (Fig. 9).


  • The planner contains a schedule for the status of fulfillment of production orders. It can also analyze the planning and use of labor resources.
  • Planning for the receipt and expenditure of money is carried out by appropriate money planning documents. It is also possible to do this directly from incoming, outgoing invoices and work orders. In the payment calendar you can create a plan for the required period.
  • In 1C UNF 1.6 you can only maintain management accounting. To maintain regulated accounting (except for special modes), you need to use 1C: Accounting. Integration can be configured through the built-in data exchange mechanism. Integration with other 1C programs is also possible.
  • Submission of regulated reporting is possible, but only for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system (STS) or the system for paying a single tax on imputed income (UTII).
  • You can carry out electronic document flow with the client-bank. Also with counterparties if there is a connected service “1C-EDO” or “1C-Takskom”.
  • It is possible to interact with the organization’s website. In particular, you can import orders from the site and update data on products on the site.

In 1C UNF 1.6 it is possible to use other 1C services, including the newest ones - 1C Counterparty, 1SPARK Risks, 1C Reporting, 1C DirectBank, etc.

You can implement the program in stages and choose the cost. For example, in the basic version the cost of UNF 1.6 is minimal, but there are limitations - you can work in one information base and only one user at a time, and keep records for no more than two organizations. In addition, the configuration cannot be modified (update only).

The professional and package versions of the program have significantly more possibilities. This is a multi-user mode, an unlimited number of organizations, work through a web interface, as well as with external connections, support for client-server mode. Wherein additional licenses can be purchased as the number of users increases.

In conclusion, we can say that 1C UNF 1.6 is a product specifically created for small businesses. It has wide capabilities, flexible settings, and a simple and intuitive interface. Allows you to introduce functionality gradually as new requirements arise. At the same time, 1C UNF is not complex and practically does not require special knowledge of accounting.

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of service companies and service companies, as well as any companies providing regular services. All stages of the work of a service company (service company) in the 1C: UNF program are simply and clearly analyzed - from entering initial balances and initial settings to working with clients, monitoring personnel and analyzing business performance. In a programme:

1. Overview of the functionality of the UNF for service companies

3. Modern CRM for the service industry: . Full control of transactions; . Subscriber service management
4. Analysis of employee workload
5. Service execution management
6. Management reporting and analytics

Management of trading activities in "1C:UNF"

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of trading companies - wholesale, wholesale-retail, and online stores. All stages of a trading company’s work in the 1C:UNF program are simply and clearly analyzed - from entering initial balances and initial settings to working with clients and analyzing business performance. In a programme:

1. Overview of the capabilities of the 1C:UNF program for trading companies
2. "Quick start" - how to configure the program correctly
3. Modern CRM for trade: sales management and customer support
4. Management of trading activities
5. Procurement and warehouse
6. Pricing
7. Management reporting and analytics
8. Online store

Managing a manufacturing company in 1C:UNF

The webinar will be of interest to owners and directors of small manufacturing companies and firms that assemble products from components. The work in 1C:UNF is simply and clearly analyzed - from receiving an order to releasing a product, from purchasing materials to selling finished products. Webinar program:
"Quick start" - how to properly configure the 1C:UNF program
Modern CRM for manufacturers: Production of products “to order” - how to minimize costs and fulfill promises to customers
Order fulfillment management
Sales management: wholesalers and own store
Procurement optimization.
Cost Analysis
Management reporting and analytics.

Version 1.6.6 1C:UNF - overview of functionality

Review video about the innovations of UNF version 1.6.6: autonomous workstation, warranty periods and serial numbers, integration with GISM, expanded integration with EGAIS, working with incoming mail, expanded integration with sites on 1C-UMI.ru, etc.

Beginning of work

1C: Managing a small company: new features of edition 1.5

Review of new features of the 1C: Small Firm Management program, ed. 1.5. The program provides flexible configuration of access rights, automatic verification of counterparties using the Federal Tax Service database, and convenient filling out of contracts. Improved email integration.

Interface of the program “1C: Management of a small company”, ed. 1.5

The program interface is called “Taxi”. It is more convenient to use and easier to learn for novice users.

Fast start

See how you can download quickly background information and initial balances and immediately begin working in the program.

Setting up your workspace

This video explains how to set up the workspace on your screen so that the program can be used comfortably on small screens.

How to set up a convenient program desktop. Part 1

How to set up a convenient program desktop. Part 2

Each employee has his own range of responsibilities, according to which the information most needed in his work should always be at hand. You will learn how to do this by watching this video.

Favorites, “history” and other useful buttons

This video will introduce you to the features of the toolbar, using which you can make your work in the program more comfortable.

Setting up document forms. Adaptation for small screens

By default, document forms are configured in such a way that they are convenient to work with on small screens. The composition, name of details, bookmarks in forms can be changed. You will learn how to do this by watching this video.


discount cards

See how you can work with discount cards in the program.

Automatic discounts

After watching this video, you will learn how to set up and apply discounts and markups on sales documents.

Payment by bank cards

The unfamiliar term “acquiring” hides a service that is familiar and in great demand by millions of people - payment for goods and services with a bank card. After watching this video, you will learn how to carry out acquiring operations and control accounting for them in the 1C: Small Firm Management program.

Cashier's workplace

The cashier's workplace allows you to: Quickly and conveniently issue cash register checks, Perform routine cash transactions, Quickly and conveniently process returns from customers for open and closed cash register shifts, Accept payments in cash and bank cards. Including paying one cash register check with several cards at once, promptly searching for retail documents.


Marketing promotions

Elements of the CRM program 1C:UNF are an excellent tool for communicating with clients. With its help, your company will become more popular, and your brand will become more recognizable and attractive.

Client classification

See how in the 1C:UNF program you can quickly divide your client base into groups according to various criteria.

Sending SMS messages

Do you want to inform your customers about the fulfillment of an order or about a special promotion, or maybe about discounts on a product they are interested in? 1C:UNF will help you quickly cope with this task using SMS.

Mass mailings E-mail and SMS

See how, using the mechanism for sending mass mailings of the 1C:UNF program, you can easily and quickly inform customers about marketing events.

Download contacts from Google. Sync calendars

Scheduled meetings, tasks and completing them on time are an integral part of the work of any company. If you maintain an address book and calendar in Google, you can use them in the 1C: Small Firm Management program. How? - find out by watching this video.

Messaging in the program

After watching this video, you will learn how in the 1C: Small Firm Management program you can send messages, links to each other, and record changes in documents and the main directories of the program.


ABC, ABC/XYZ - sales analysis

Using the ABC and ABC/XYZ reports - sales analysis, you can analyze the company's sales by product, manager or customer and identify clear leaders and outsiders in each group.

Inventory valuation

Effective inventory management requires prompt and accurate information about the availability and movement of goods. You will learn how to get it by watching this video.

Customer base analysis

Business grows as it increases client base and strengthening relationships with consumers. In this regard, the task of knowing your client “by sight” is becoming increasingly important. Reports from the 1C: Small Firm Management program will help you with this.

Manager Monitor

“Manager’s Monitor” allows you to quickly and conveniently obtain the most important information on the main areas of the enterprise’s activities and promptly identify points of growth or negative dynamics. The video will introduce you to two versions of the “Executive Monitor”. The choice of which “Monitor” to work in is yours.

Director's reports

The program reports give the director a complete picture of the state of affairs in the company. They help him monitor key performance indicators of the company and make more informed management decisions.

Mutual settlements

Analytics of accounting for other income and expenses

After watching this video, you will learn how to analyze the “Other income” and “Other expenses” accounts of the management chart of accounts in the “1C: Small Firm Management” program.

Credits and loans

After watching this video, you will learn how to reflect transactions on loans and borrowings and control settlements on them in the 1C: Small Firm Management program.

Settlements with other debtors and creditors

In the course of its activities, small businesses have to come into contact with counterparties, who, depending on the circumstances, are creditors or debtors. After watching this video, you will learn how to conduct settlements with other debtors and creditors in the 1C: Small Firm Management program.


Preparation and submission of reports for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system/UTII

In this video you will learn how to easily generate and submit reports to regulatory authorities using 1C:UNF. The program supports the possibility of generating taxes and reporting if an entrepreneur uses a simplified taxation system, a single tax on imputed income.


Direct exchange with the bank using DirectBank technology

From this video you will learn how you can exchange payment documents with banks directly from the 1C:UNF program without installing additional software.


1C: Managing a small company - business automation

1C: Managing a small company allows you to effectively manage sales, purchases, production, services, work, interact with clients and counterparties, manage funds, analyze the results of the company’s activities using the program’s operational and financial reports.

Organization of sales in small businesses with 1C:UNF

The purpose of the webinar: to tell users about the functionality of the application solution “1C: Small Firm Management” related to sales management, and practical experience in using this solution in small trading companies.

Mobile application 1C:UNF

See how to organize convenient ordering in a mobile application, maintain a customer base, take into account balances and movement of goods and funds, and receive various reports.

How difficult is it to implement and use 1C:UNF?

The program is based on the principles quick start, guaranteeing its simple and quick implementation into your business:

  • the program is not overloaded with unnecessary features, it implements the most necessary for accounting, control, analysis and planning in a small business;
  • a visual interface with prompts helps you quickly master the program and ensures the convenience of daily work;
  • Built-in start-up assistants allow you to quickly configure the program by checking the boxes. With literally one click you enable or disable existing functions;
  • To use the program, no knowledge of accounting and tax accounting is required.

Is 1C:UNF suitable for my business?

The 1C: Managing Our Company program is aimed at use in small business trading, service and manufacturing companies. The recommended number of employees is from 1 to 20 people, but there are no restrictions on the final number of users.

The direction of commercial activity and the age of the company do not matter: the program will be equally effective when starting a business from scratch, when expanding and reaching a new level, when starting individual commercial or production projects within the same organization.

Will I need to buy something else besides 1C:UNF for full operation?

There is no need to purchase any additional options or software packages. 1C: Managing our company is a single and comprehensive solution. Everything is concentrated in one program: CRM, sales, purchasing, warehouse, finance, clients, suppliers, reports for the manager, tax and other reporting.

The program supports several work scenarios (trading in a store, online trading, services, production), downloading data from Excel, Google, synchronization with mail, downloading categories from Yandex.market, downloading data from the site.

All the capabilities of 1C:UNF are described most fully in this section.

How can 1C:UNF help a start-up business?

The initial settings for starting a business are already in the program. Enter your personal information and get started right away. Develop and maintain a database of clients and useful contacts from related fields, look for profitable suppliers and partners, and upload contractors from your contact list to a single database.

If you are launching an online store, fill it in one click directly from 1C:UNF. Maintain a website with minimal time spent by setting up automatic uploading of goods, pictures, prices, balances to the website and loading orders into the program for processing shipments. You will have at your disposal all the necessary tools for accounting for transactions, events, income and expenses, for planning and analytics, for monitoring all stages of activity.

Banking transactions are carried out simply and quickly - payments and statements are sent to the bank directly without an accountant. Using the 1C-Reporting service, prepare and submit reports yourself (for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system and/or UTII).

How can 1C:UNF help experienced businesses?

The program will allow you to collect and organize all the information you have in a single database, find and use resources to increase income and reduce costs.

With 1C:UNF you can:

  • maintain strict financial discipline by controlling accounts receivable, planning and coordinating expenses;
  • save employee time by creating document templates (for example, recurring invoices and payments);
  • segment customers and target offers, introduce a flexible and controlled system of loyalty programs;
  • quickly select products based on characteristics, prices, and availability in stock;
  • evaluate the performance of managers, apply motivational schemes, issue tasks and monitor their implementation;
  • get a real picture of the business - operational, up-to-date information in different aspects at any time for reflection, analysis, comparison.

Is it possible collaboration 1C:UNF with an online store?

1C: Our company management can be used as a back office for one or more online stores. The program automates all areas of the online store: CRM, work with orders, printing documents, warehouse accounting, pricing, promotions and discounts. Allows the manager to build a variety of reports, plan finances, and calculate management salaries. Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system/UTII/patent can submit reports to the tax office directly through 1C:UNF. LLCs and individual entrepreneurs on OSNO can upload data to 1C:Accounting using a standard exchange to submit financial statements.

The program has standard integration with popular content management systems (CMS): 1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, InSales, HostCMS, Rugento, Diafan.CMS, Shop-Script. The information base of the online store and 1C:Management of our company work independently, and at a specified point in time (according to a schedule or by user decision), the information in the systems is synchronized: a list of products is uploaded to the site, and orders placed in the online store are uploaded to the accounting system .

You can also create an online store yourself directly from the 1C program: Managing our company using 1C-UMI.

To integrate an online store with the 1C:Enterprise system, an open data exchange protocol is used.

How to create your own online store using 1C:UNF?

Creating an online store does not require a lot of time and special skills. Launching a website and filling it with products is carried out in a few simple steps on the 1C-UMI platform:

  • go to 1C:UNF in the CRM menu - Company website - Create a website;
  • select the type of website from 4 options: online store, company website, landing page, specialist website;
  • check the e-mail and site name, then click Create site and wait a few minutes;
  • the site will open in a browser window. Products and their images, prices and balances will be automatically uploaded to it from 1C:UNF.

You don’t have to spend resources on hosting and website promotion, or worry about the safety of your data. Immediately after creation, you can begin promoting the site and accepting orders. If desired, the appearance of the site can be changed - for this, 550 ready-made templates are available in the Design menu. At any time, the site can be transferred to another hosting with the transfer of ownership rights to the user and full preservation of all developments - content, design, position in search engines, as well as full access to the source code.

Is it possible to work with 1C:UNF on a smartphone or tablet?

Yes, the program has mobile versions. While you're away, you can issue and pay bills, track cash receipts, and track customer information.

What are the differences between the cloud version of the program and the desktop version?

Cloud 1C:UNF

Works in a browser with a constant Internet connection.

Always automatically updated to the latest version.

Initially, only two users can work in the program. It is possible to connect new users with an additional payment for each of them. not limited.

Desktop 1C:UNF

Works only on a computer without an Internet connection.

Updates are installed by the user as they are released.

The number of users depends on the purchased version of the program and can be any.

Cloud 1C:UNF Desktop 1C:UNF
Works in a browser with a constant Internet connection. Works only on a computer without an Internet connection.
Always automatically updated to the latest version. Updates are installed by the user as they are released.
Initially, only two users can work in the program. It is possible to connect new users with an additional payment for each of them. The total number of users is not limited. The number of users depends on the purchased version of the program and can be any.

Will the cloud version of 1C:UNF work in any browser?

The cloud version of the program is guaranteed to work in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers only after their preliminary configuration.

What are the differences between the desktop versions of the program - basic, PROF and packaged?

Currently, three versions of the 1C: Managing Our Company program are available.

Peculiarities For whom?
  • designed for work on one computer;
  • installation on a second computer and connecting new users impossible.
For self-employed users and individual entrepreneurs without employees.
  • originally designed for work on one computer;
  • unlimited - no restrictions on time of use;
  • total number of users not limited.
For organizations that are just starting out, recruiting staff or plan to regularly expand.
  • originally designed to work immediately at five computers;
  • unlimited - no restrictions on time of use;
  • installation on additional computers and connection of new users is possible with an additional payment for each of them;
  • total number of users not limited.
For organizations with established staff that have the potential to expand and increase the number of employees.
Format A5 The year of publishing 2017
Number of pages 321 Author Kleptsova O.
Hard cover No Delivery type boxed version
CD included No Delivery within Russia is included in the price only together with 1C programs

You can buy this book at a special price at the same time as you purchase any 1C programs.

Publisher 1C-Publishing vendor code 4601546128317
Name Real automation of small business 1C: Managing a small company Recommendation

This book is additional reading. This book is not included in the program documentation.

Price 450 rub.

What is the book about Real automation of small business 1C: Managing our company 8

Many companies, in a variety of fields, use "1C: Managing our company 8"(1C:UNF) to automate your processes and improve business efficiency. In the book, the authors revealed the key functionality of 1C:UNF, using their many years of experience in implementing 1C programs for management accounting. The material in the book is presented in the form of examples of various business problems facing management personnel of enterprises, and solutions to these problems using 1C: UNF tools. As examples, life situations arising at enterprises in various industries are used.

Who is this book for?

The book will be of greatest benefit to owners and managers of companies, commercial directors and production managers who set themselves tasks from automating individual processes to building a unified information system for managing their enterprises. The book is also recommended for specialists in the implementation of 1C: UNF for advanced training. The contents of the book are given on this page below.

This book may be of interest to users of the following programs:

Contents of the book Real automation of small businesses 1C: Managing our company 8

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. How the program works
  • Chapter 2. Getting started with the program
    • Setting up the program
    • Entering initial data
    • Interface setup
  • Chapter 3. Sales
    • Registration of a client's application and issuing an invoice for payment
    • Selling goods from a warehouse to a buyer
    • Reserving goods in the warehouse for the buyer
    • Removing goods from reserve
    • Providing services to the client
    • Monitoring the timely execution of customer orders
    • Formation of a sales plan
    • Retail sales
    • Selling consignment goods
  • Chapter 4. Marketing
    • Pricing
    • Working with the client base
  • Chapter 5. Procurement
    • Placing a purchase order
    • Receipt of goods to the warehouse
    • Purchasing goods to order from the buyer
    • Accounting for additional supply costs
    • Purchasing goods from a foreign supplier
    • Comparison of suppliers' purchase prices
    • Transfer of materials for recycling
    • Acceptance of products from the processor
    • Monitoring the supply of materials to the buyer's order
    • Determining the minimum required stock balance in the warehouse
    • Ensuring minimum inventory balance in the warehouse
  • Chapter 6. Warehouse
    • Warehouse movements
    • Inventory
  • Chapter 7. Production
    • Registration of product release
    • Specifications
    • Manufacturing Resource Management
    • Production Cost Accounting
  • Chapter 8. Works
    • Placing a work order
    • Implementation of completed work
  • Chapter 9. Cash
    • Cash register
    • Settlements with accountants
    • Payment schedule
  • Chapter 10. Mutual settlements
    • Settlements with customers
    • Settlements with suppliers
  • Chapter 11. Salaries and personnel records
    • Personnel accounting
    • Salary
  • Chapter 12. Property
    • Acceptance of property for registration
    • Depreciation calculation
    • Sale of property
    • Write-off of property
  • Chapter 13. Financial analysis
    • Methods of accounting for income and expenses
    • Income accounting
    • Expense accounting
    • Taxes
    • Analysis of the company's activities
  • Chapter 14. Regulated reporting
    • Tax reporting for individual entrepreneurs
    • Preparation and submission of reports according to the simplified tax system
    • Preparation and submission of reports on UTII
  • Chapter 15. Working with reports. Setting up reports
    • Selection
    • Grouping
    • Formation of charts
  • Chapter 16. Database Administration
    • Backup setup
    • Deleting documents, directories
    • Finding and removing duplicate directories
    • Group changes to the details of directories and documents.
    • Analysis of user work in the program
    • Data versioning. Analysis of changes to directories and documents
    • Setting up user rights
    • Configuration update
  • Chapter 17. Integration with other systems
    • Setting up exchange with "1C: Accounting"
    • Setting up exchange with "1C: Retail"
    • Setting up exchange with the site
  • Chapter 18. Examples of business process automation
    • Selling goods to a client with delivery in an online store
    • Accounting for business transactions not accepted for accounting
    • Carrying out work on the construction of a small house
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