Organized criminal community or socio-political union "Uralmash". Vekselberg vs Terentyev Terentyev Sergey Veniaminovich

Vekselberg vs Terentyev

The background to the searches in the office of the leader of the former organized crime group "Uralmash"

In Yekaterinburg, at the Grand Avenue Hotel, today, November 21, searches took place in the office of the leader of the former Uralmash organized criminal group, Sergei Terentyev. The reason for them was the investigation of a criminal case of an attempt on the life of the former head of the Kurgan Region Internal Affairs Directorate, Boris Timonichenko. But, as the site managed to find out, the main reason for the searches was a communal conflict between the T Plus companies, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, and GESKO LLC, close to Terentyev. We are talking about a debt that, according to unofficial data, reaches 1 billion rubles.

The searches at the Grand Avenue Hotel became known this morning around 10:00. Employees of the Sverdlovsk department of the Investigative Committee came to the address with the support of riot police of the Russian Guard. According to the SPARK system, the sole owner of this hotel at the moment is entrepreneur Andrei Lubnin. He is also the sole owner of YUSTA Hotels Management Company LLC. As is known, a chain of hotels and restaurants operates under the USTA brand in the Ural capital, controlled by people from the Uralmash OPS.

On the police side, today's searches were personally supervised by the deputy head of the main department, Major General Viktor Romanyuk (the head of the main board, Lieutenant General Mikhail Borodin, is currently on a working trip to the North Caucasus).

According to sources on the site who are aware of the progress of the special event, the searches took place in one of the offices on the sixth floor of the hotel, personally owned by the leader of the former Uralmash organized criminal group, Sergei Terentyev. Moreover, information has emerged that the actions of the security forces are connected with the assassination attempt on the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg, then the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kurgan Region, retired Major General Boris Timonichenko.

A letter as a reason for searches

On February 19 of this year, ex-policeman Boris Timonichenko was shot at the entrance of his own house on Botanika. The defendants in this case are the former head of the police department for the Ordzhonikidze district of the Ural capital Oleg Dudko and his acquaintance Igor Kazakov. Depending on the role of each, they were charged under Part 3 of Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, paragraphs “g”, “h” of Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Attempted murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, for hire”), Part 2 Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal storage, transportation and carrying of firearms and ammunition, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy”) and part 2 of Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal acquisition, storage and transportation of narcotic drugs on a large scale”).

The accused of the assassination attempt on Timonichenko declared revenge on the part of the Uralmash OPS

Almost immediately after the assassination attempt, the media began to link the crime with the current activities of Timonichenko, who heads the security and regime department of the Sverdlovsky branch of T Plus PJSC. Among other functions, the security officer oversees the collection of accounts receivable. As of November 2016, the receivables to the branch for the supply of energy resources exceed 6.8 billion rubles. Also in the media at that time OPS Uralmash was mentioned. Part of the current business of its leaders is related to the activities of management companies. It is clear that to one degree or another they intersect with the interests of T Plus PJSC. Specific information about the existence of conflicts was not made public at that time.

On July 20, Dudko’s lawyer Alexander Beloborodov invited journalists to his office at Uralmash, where he read a letter from his client. In the letter, Dudko stated that both he and Timonichenko worked in the team of Nikolai Ovchinnikov in the 90s. From 1995 to 2000, Ovchinnikov headed the Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg. Dudko denied his participation in the assassination attempt on his former fellow soldier, said that they were trying to frame him, and hinted at revenge on the part of those whom he imprisoned.

“Time has passed, and, in my opinion, the time has come for revenge on us, the old guard. Many crooks got free when they were released as adults. Unfortunately, there were a lot of them, and they hit both Boris and me at the same time. Devilishly, they pushed their heads together on the basis of an imaginary order and hostility,” Dudko put forward his version in a letter.

One of our publication’s interlocutors said that it was this July letter from Dudko that served today as the reason for conducting searches in Grand Avenue. It is curious that in the text signed by Dudko, the names or names of structures that, from his point of view, are related to the “provocation” of the attempt on Timonichenko are not written anywhere. In just one line, the ex-silovik mentioned that he worked “in the most difficult direction,” at Uralmash.

“We decided to fray our nerves”

The majority of functionaries of the former Uralmash OPS interviewed today on the website reacted quite calmly to the information about the searches in Grand Avenue. “This is all nothing more than fraying your nerves. Who in their right mind can claim that Uralmash or Sergei Veniaminovich [Terentyev] are involved in the assassination attempt [on Timonichenko]?

He, by the way, admits that “there is a conflict with Vekselberg” and concerns the utility business - “T Plus” stole 1 billion rubles.” However, the dispute is entirely resolved “in arbitration court”. Moreover, the attempt on Timonichenko’s life, in his opinion, is an absolutely illogical step. Firstly, people from the Uralmash OPS, taking into account the background of this association, will be the first to be checked. Secondly, Timonichenko is absolutely not the right figure in T Plus for an attempt on his life to change anything.

“Well, this is pure nonsense: where is Timonichenko and where is Vekselberg?! Does anyone seriously think that Vekselberg, after shooting at one of his “security guards,” will get scared, change his shoes in the air and change the company’s policy?! This whole story is one complete provocation. For someone, and we understand who, it is very beneficial for the Uralmash OPS to be mentioned in connection with the assassination attempt,” says our interlocutor.

Lawyers for Oleg Dudko, Alexander Beloborodov and Igor Kazakov, Maxim Razinkin, in a conversation with a website correspondent today, also reported that their clients had not changed their testimony recently and did not give reason to suspect any of the Uralmash members of participating in the assassination attempt. At the same time, Razinkin recalled that for searches in office premises, only a decision of the investigation is needed (searches in housing are carried out only with court permission or such permission must be obtained within 24 hours after the special operation) and any operational intelligence data can serve as the basis. “What kind of data this is, we may never know,” Razinkin emphasized.

Turin conflict

According to the main version, which is being discussed in Terentyev’s circle, the searches are related to the conflict in Nizhnyaya Tura, where the interests of T Plus and the City Energy Service Company LLC (GESKO), close to Terentyev, collided. “T Plus has reached a dead end in the fight against our heat supply structure in Nizhnyaya Tura. We beat them in the courts, and they try to take revenge. Timonichenko is the deputy for security at T Plus, so they are trying to connect us with the attack on him,” he noted. He added that in 2012, T Plus “broke accounting units and issued fake invoices,” and concluded that “T Plus knows what an unpleasant situation they can find themselves in,” so they are now looking for any way out. Apparently, we are talking about the 1 billion rubles mentioned above.

According to SPARK, the director of GESKO is Grigory Tregubov, and the sole owner is Igor Cherepakhin, who was previously associated with LLC "UK Dom", LLC "UK Ekaterinburg", LLC "ZhK Admiralsky", LLC "UK Tatishchevskaya" in Yekaterinburg. These management companies are also associated with Terentyev.

Executive Director of GESKO Igor Zhuravlev claims that T Plus used a “standard scheme” in Nizhnyaya Tura: “the worse the networks, the better the business.” “It works like this: the more worn out the networks are, the more heat is lost into the air and, accordingly, the more resources are needed to supply the city,” he says. According to Zhuravlev, T Plus rented municipal networks in Nizhnyaya Tura for about 10 years, and their quality left much to be desired. In addition, Zhuravlev confirms that the energy metering units were actually broken.

In the summer of 2014, the Nizhnyaya Tura mayor’s office entered into a concession agreement with GESKO, leasing the network to it. “T Plus” didn’t even enter the competition at that time. “According to the agreement, we were supposed to invest about 35 million rubles in the modernization of networks, but we invested more than 80 million rubles,” says Zhuravlev.

A website source at T Plus PJSC confirms that the company had a conflict in Nizhnyaya Tura with GESKO. But the energy structure sees the situation differently. “The debts that accumulated before 2015 for heat energy are huge, and, apparently, GESCO is not going to repay them,” says a source in the company. According to him, T Plus is now trying to recover about 480 million rubles in court. The company categorically denies all accusations, including information about fake invoices, as well as the fact that T Plus deliberately did not repair the networks. “In 2015, we stopped applying for competitions (for renting networks - Znak.. Then the networks were rented by the company GESKO. “We handed over the networks according to the act, they were in better condition compared to what we received at the time. Accident rates were reduced ", - say the company.

The arbitration court file actually contains many cases of “T Plus” against GESCO. In one of them, T Plus is trying to recover more than 200 million rubles from GESKO. In other claims, the amounts are smaller, for example, about 20 million rubles or about 13 million rubles. But the essence of the dispute is practically the same: “T Plus” demands collection of debts for the supplied thermal energy, and GESKO does not recognize the amount, insisting that the metering units were broken. “As of today, there is not a single decision in favor of T Plus that would finally come into force,” emphasizes the SESKO.

Double receipts and verification by the prosecutor's office

For its part, the prosecutor’s office is now studying the conflict situation in the utilities and energy sector of Nizhny Tura. As the press secretary of the regional department of the supervisory agency, Marina Kanatova, told the site, based on a number of requests from residents of the municipality, the Nizhny Tura prosecutor’s office carried out an appropriate inspection. According to the data obtained during it, Sverdlovsk Heat Supply Company LLC (now the Sverdlovsky branch of T Plus PJSC) previously actually acted in Nizhnyaya Tura as a guaranteeing supplier of hot water and heating. However, from October 1, 2014, this function was transferred to GESKO LLC. Accordingly, payments from consumers should have been transferred to the accounts of this structure. However, until December 31, 2015, the collection and transfer of utility bills in Nizhnyaya Tura was carried out by EnergosbyT Plus OJSC (a subsidiary of T Plus PJSC). And in April 2015, this structure transferred payments from the population to STC as payment for consumer debt for heat and hot water consumed before October 1, 2014.

Further, in May 2015, EnergosbyT Plus employees again issued double receipts to consumers, including the debt incurred in April 2015 to GESKO.

“At the same time, EnergosbyT Plus OJSC did not inform either consumers or City Energy Service Company LLC about the “double” payments,” the prosecutor’s office emphasizes. Since January 1, 2016, RCC LLC (director and co-owner Vladimir Tkachev) has taken over the collection of utility bills in Nizhnyaya Tura. However, in March, this structure also began to issue inflated bills to consumers - “indicating the debt, as well as penalties accrued in connection with its presence.” “The basis for presenting these debts to consumers was the information and documents provided by EnergosbyT Plus OJSC,” the prosecutor’s office states.

At the moment, a proposal has been submitted to the director of the Sverdlovsk branch of Energosbyt Plus, Georgy Kozlov, on behalf of the Nizhnyaya Tura prosecutor’s office, demanding that the violations be eliminated. The regional department of the supervisory agency took control of the situation.

At this point there was an article entitled “The Golden Sum dissuaded, or Why the forecast of the editors of Kompromat-Ural regarding Ziya(v)udin Magomedov is coming true.” The text of the article dated April 4, 2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now the former general director of United Grain Company JSC (UGC). Kiiko stayed in this position for barely a year and a half and was fired in November 2018. JSC "OZK" is half owned by a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov.

The mention in the above-mentioned article about the “relationship of financial dependence” between Magomedov and Kiiko caused the latter’s displeasure. Mr. Kiyko’s application demanding the removal of the disputed article (all five paragraphs, and not just about Kiyko) was considered by a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region Elena Seliverstova. She fully satisfied the claim, which was far-fetched, in our opinion.

On 01/09/2019 the decision came into force. Following the letter of the law, the editors of Kompromat-Ural deleted the text within the established period. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal the illegal and absurd, in our opinion, judicial act and thank all readers who assist in this.

We remind you of the feedback address:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

The May holidays turned out to be hot for the correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal. We have new information at our disposal to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Brykin. This former general tax police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a representative of the lower house of parliament in the Supreme Court (Brykin was delegated to the State Duma in 2016 on the list of United Russia from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Tyumen Region).

The scandals surrounding Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra entrepreneur is from the “list Titova» Konstantin Dyulgerov, forced to flee Russia due to pressure from the security forces, openly accused the retired general of organizing a custom-made criminal prosecution. Dyulgerov revealed the details of his misadventures in detail in an actual interview with Novaya Gazeta. The victim in the dubious case of Dyulgerov is Brykin’s son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal himself, as the editors of Kompromat-Ural found out, before being nominated to the State Duma, transferred multimillion-dollar development assets on the Black Sea coast to his daughter Valentin Kiryanov(in 2016, Breeze LLC, which was transferred to her, had assets worth almost half a billion rubles on its balance sheet!). Brykin ran for deputy as a modest representative of the “patriotic fund” (legally this was a fiction).

The other day, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural received a response from the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Valeria Volkova(Valery Georgievich came from the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office for supervision over the implementation of anti-corruption legislation). We contacted Yuri Chaika on the issue of verifying the accuracy of the declaration information about the personal welfare of Mr. Brykin. Is the people's servant living within his means, who in the shortest possible time after leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then just as quickly got rid of his “deserved” wealth before the elections to the State Duma?

In a recent publication by our colleagues from the Tyumen publication, it was noted that according to formal declarations, Nikolai Brykin hangs out at the bottom of the deputy rating: “for 2017, his income amounted to “only” 4.8 million rubles. Less than others, but don’t rush to conclusions. He owns two huge plots of land, a couple of spacious country houses and a modest apartment of 76 square meters. His wife has a larger apartment: 116 square meters. Also registered on it are four residential country houses and two plots of land. And all their family vehicles are registered to Brykin’s wife - a Toyota Land Cruiser, a Shore Land SRV31B trailer and a Sea Ray 185S boat. How the lady managed to buy all this “herself”, earning 2.9 million a year, one can only guess.”

An assistant to Yuri Chaika reported to the editors of Kompromat-Ural that “the powers to conduct appropriate checks in relation to deputies of the State Duma” are vested in the Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of income information, headed by Natalia Poklonskaya(she is also deputy chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption). Therefore, according to Valery Volkov’s response, the appeal about Brykin was sent to the lower house. The editors of Kompromat-Ural will monitor the responses of the State Duma Speaker’s office Vyacheslav Volodin and the profile commission. In mid-April, Mrs. Poklonskaya confirmed to reporters that Brykin is indeed one of the five persons involved in anti-corruption checks carried out by the commission she heads. By the way, in this list Brykin is adjacent to the “pubic” deputy from the LDPR, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Current publications

What is happening in the Russian government, which after 20 years of “stability” seemed to have grown into a harmonious vertical in order to heroically live under the “dictatorship of the law”? Where is all this? Current employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - assistant to the plenipotentiary representative Nicholas Tsukanova, it turns out, “having received Polish citizenship, bought real estate there, was recruited by intelligence and informed NATO about Security Council meetings and family Putin" We've arrived! A few years ago, another odious ex-official got involved with Tsukanov Alexei Bagaryakov, who recently moved to Yekaterinburg to follow Tsukanov, but due to the spy scandal, never had time to “fledge.” According to the editors’ interlocutors in the security forces, Bagaryakov has been “under development” from the moment he received a position in Tsukanov’s embassy. Such information reports are studied by observers of the Kompromat-Ural resource.

"Mole Hole. An entire spy network has already been found in the entourage of Plenipotentiary Representative Nikolai Tsukanov,” such headlines fill the media. “A 39-year-old assistant to the plenipotentiary representative in the Ural Federal District, arrested on suspicion of high treason Alexander Vorobyov- Actual State Councilor of the third class. Major General, if in military terms. Spies of this caliber (if the accusation is confirmed. - Ed.) have not been caught in our country, it seems, since the 80s, or rather, since the capture of the famous Cylinder - Major General of the GRU Dmitry Polyakova. And now Vorobyov is in prison. What will happen to his boss Nikolai Tsukanov now that he is free?

Tsukanov ordered Vorobyov to be hired while he was governor of the Kaliningrad region, in 2010. They are fellow countrymen, both from the border town of Gusev. Before this, Vorobyov served in various minor positions, and in 2005 he successfully traveled to Warsaw for an internship. There, they say, he was recruited. And as soon as Vorobyov had a chance to infiltrate the governor’s inner circle, various miracles began to happen to Tsukanov. Before the rapprochement with Vorobyov, the name of the owner of the Russian exclave, if it flashed in scandals, was purely economic, mainly related to protecting the “amber mafia”. But as soon as Vorobyov became Tsukanov’s right hand, the scale of the scandalous stories changed qualitatively. At first, Tsukanov called the fascist occupiers “German soldiers who fought for their fatherland.” And then the scandalous epic began with the renaming of Kaliningrad to Königsberg. In September 2011, the Polish press trumpeted this initiative of Tsukanov - allegedly the governor had the imprudence to make such a promise to a member of the European Parliament from the German Green Party. Werner Schultz(this happened in Warsaw on the sidelines of a meeting of the Committee on Interparliamentary Cooperation between Russia and the EU). Tsukanov tried to give back: they say, I didn’t promise anything like that, but the Poles pinned him against the wall with a dictaphone recording (apparently, the conversation was recorded by the governor’s counterpart, because the conversation was conducted one-on-one. And where! In the men’s toilet!). Later it turned out (Tsukanov himself somehow let it slip) that the “good advice” to rename Kaliningrad was given by none other than his lawyer Vorobyov. They say that the renaming could have a positive impact on the growth of German investment. Tsukanov fell for it.

Media partners of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board ask our observers to cover a resonant story, which for unknown reasons remains without a proper reaction from the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office, headed by Sergei Litvinenko, and the head office of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, which is headed by Novel Plugin. We are talking about the fact that “the fugitive billionaire Aghajan Avanesov, who is on the federal wanted list for transferring about nine billion rubles abroad, lives quietly in a hotel in St. Petersburg...” “Why is no one looking for a wanted billionaire?” journalists ask rhetorically, probably sadly once again becoming convinced that “everyone is equal before the law and the court” - these are beautiful and meaningless words from the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

“For a couple of years now, the former head of the board of directors of StarBank, Agadzhan Avanesov, has been on the federal wanted list. Investigative authorities in St. Petersburg are looking for him as part of a criminal case for theft on an especially large scale. We are talking about the delivery of a large batch of fish products worth 131 million rubles, which the partners of Fish Factory LLC did not receive. This company is also part of the business of banker Avanesov. A large trading company paid all the cash tranches in full, but the fish never arrived.

In September 2017, the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud). As part of this case, in the fall of the same year, the property of Fish Factory LLC was arrested by court decision...

Do you know about other criminal authorities who are formally wanted, but selfishly motivated security forces do not bother them? Report to:compromising- ural@ protonmail. com

“In Russia, I think the judiciary should be subject to lustration. Totally. Because what we have under the guise of justice is an insult.” “I believe that complete lustration of the judiciary would be extremely desirable. The current Russian court is a stronghold of lawlessness.” These and other bold statements were recently made in various media by a famous scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valery Nightingale.

“With high confidence,” he predicts the beginning of a serious political crisis in Russia in 2020 and calls not to have any illusions about law enforcement officers, who are unleashed and armed to the teeth, who will supposedly stand up as a monolithic wall to protect the current regime. “Even ordinary security forces are experiencing increasing pressure from the authorities - remember how much news there has been lately about the suicide of certain security forces,” notes Valery Solovey.

Observers of the Kompromat-Ural project drew attention to the interview, or rather, even an extensive conversation between Valery Dmitrievich and an Ekaterinburg journalist Evgeniy Senshin on the current topic: “Should we expect a revolution in Russia?”

During an information investigation regarding a large coal “baron” Dmitry Bosov(TIN 770400406175), found out Interesting Facts his biography and features of doing business. This includes connections with the arrested ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov and crime bosses, and illegal coal mining, and offshore companies, and environmental pollution, and Italian villas. However, this time he managed to win the battle with his competitors and the details that emerged did not affect his fate in any way.

At the end of March, it became known that the Krasnoyarsk department of the FSB of Russia opened a criminal case against unidentified persons from among the leaders of the Arctic Mining Company (AGK), part of the VostokCoal group, which is owned by Dmitry Bosov and Alexander Isaev(TIN 502482607042). The third co-owner of Arctic Mining Company LLC (AGRK, INN 7707255694), according to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural, is the notorious oligarch Bokarev Andrey Removich(TIN 771312791603), partner of UMMC beneficiaries Iskandar Makhmudov And Andrey Kozitsyn.

The intelligence services were interested in the illegal mining and sale of coal, RBC writes, citing a source familiar with the investigation and an interlocutor at the Ministry of Natural Resources. An unnamed source claims that the case was initiated on the basis of illegal business activity (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The Nezygar Telegram channel even published photographs of the decision to initiate a criminal case dated April 8, and then the protocol of interrogation of the general director of AGK Vadim Bugaev(TIN 420523793968), which took place on April 17.

“El Dorado in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or the Minister’s “Candle Factory” Kolokoltseva“- this is the title of an anti-corruption journalistic investigation recently published in the media. The editors of Kompromat-Ural carefully studied the resonant materials. As the authors believe, “it seems that a giant “raspberry” has grown and expanded in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: the generals of the department may be involved in possible fraudulent tricks of the “Main Center for Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.”

Apparently, the alleged fraud may be on a gigantic scale, since the editors have received shocking documents about what is going on in the labyrinths of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at 16 Zhitnaya Street. And this is a continuation of the topic that was covered in the recent investigation “Mislanded Cossack in a state corporation” Rostec". The material described the virtuoso schemes that the Federal State Institution (FKU) “Main Center for Communications and Information Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation” uses to chop “cabbage.” And one of the “carriers” of information, a certain colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ruslan Suleymanov, who magically escaped prison, is now doing chemical work at the Rostec Group of Companies.

And although the “ulcers” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have long been opened, the “boils” have been cleaned out, but things are still there! But at PKU, bosses still change like socks. There are already criminal cases filed here. There are requests for an international search, but the office is working, billions are flowing and flowing in the “right” direction. El Dorado - a fairy-tale wonderland - blooms and smells in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And only Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev, for some unknown reason, clearly does not notice what is happening?

In general, we are talking about possible “corruption schemes” in the department of General Kolokoltsev...

In Yekaterinburg, at the Grand Avenue Hotel, today, November 21, searches took place in the office of the leader of the former Uralmash organized criminal group, Sergei Terentyev. The reason for them was the investigation of a criminal case of an attempt on the life of the former head of the Kurgan Region Internal Affairs Directorate, Boris Timonichenko. But, as managed to find out, the main reason for the searches was a communal conflict between the T Plus companies, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, and GESKO LLC, close to Terentyev. We are talking about a debt that, according to unofficial data, reaches 1 billion rubles.

The searches at the Grand Avenue Hotel became known this morning around 10:00. Employees of the Sverdlovsk department of the Investigative Committee came to the address with the support of riot police of the Russian Guard. According to the SPARK system, the sole owner of this hotel at the moment is entrepreneur Andrei Lubnin. He is also the sole owner of YUSTA Hotels Management Company LLC. As is known, a chain of hotels and restaurants operates under the USTA brand in the Ural capital, controlled by people from the Uralmash OPS.

On the police side, today's searches were personally supervised by the deputy head of the main department, Major General Viktor Romanyuk (the head of the main board, Lieutenant General Mikhail Borodin, is currently on a working trip to the North Caucasus).

According to sources knowledgeable about the course of the special event, the searches took place in one of the offices on the sixth floor of the hotel, personally owned by the leader of the former Uralmash OPS Sergei Terentyev. Moreover, information has emerged that the actions of the security forces are connected with the assassination attempt on the former head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg, then the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kurgan Region, retired Major General Boris Timonichenko.

A letter as a reason for searches

On February 19 of this year, ex-policeman Boris Timonichenko was shot at the entrance of his own house on Botanika. The defendants in this case are the former head of the police department for the Ordzhonikidze district of the Ural capital Oleg Dudko and his acquaintance Igor Kazakov. Depending on the role of each, they were charged under Part 3 of Article 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, paragraphs “g”, “h” of Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Attempted murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, for hire”), Part 2 Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal storage, transportation and carrying of firearms and ammunition, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy”) and part 2 of Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal acquisition, storage and transportation of narcotic drugs on a large scale”).

Almost immediately after the assassination attempt, the media began to link the crime with the current activities of Timonichenko, who heads the security and regime department of the Sverdlovsky branch of T Plus PJSC. Among other functions, the security officer oversees the collection of accounts receivable. As of November 2016, the receivables to the branch for the supply of energy resources exceed 6.8 billion rubles. Also in the media at that time OPS Uralmash was mentioned. Part of the current business of its leaders is related to the activities of management companies. It is clear that to one degree or another they intersect with the interests of T Plus PJSC. Specific information about the existence of conflicts was not made public at that time.

On July 20, Dudko’s lawyer Alexander Beloborodov invited journalists to his office at Uralmash, where he read a letter from his client. In the letter, Dudko stated that both he and Timonichenko worked in the team of Nikolai Ovchinnikov in the 90s. From 1995 to 2000, Ovchinnikov headed the Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg. Dudko denied his participation in the assassination attempt on his former fellow soldier, said that they were trying to frame him, and hinted at revenge on the part of those whom he imprisoned.

“Time has passed, and, in my opinion, the time has come for revenge on us, the old guard. Many crooks got free when they were released as adults. Unfortunately, there were a lot of them, and they hit both Boris and me at the same time. Devilishly, they pushed their heads together on the basis of an imaginary order and hostility,” Dudko put forward his version in a letter.

One of our publication’s interlocutors said that it was this July letter from Dudko that served today as the reason for conducting searches in Grand Avenue. It is curious that in the text signed by Dudko, the names or names of structures that, from his point of view, are related to the “provocation” of the attempt on Timonichenko are not written anywhere. In just one line, the ex-silovik mentioned that he worked “in the most difficult direction,” at Uralmash.

“We decided to fray our nerves”

Most of the functionaries of the former Uralmash OPS interviewed today by reacted quite calmly to the information about the searches in Grand Avenue. “This is all nothing more than fraying your nerves. Who in their right mind can claim that Uralmash or Sergei Veniaminovich [Terentyev] are involved in the assassination attempt [on Timonichenko]?” - one of the interlocutors of is indignant.

He, by the way, admits that “there is a conflict with Vekselberg” and concerns the utility business - “T Plus” stole 1 billion rubles.” However, the dispute is entirely resolved “in arbitration court”. Moreover, the attempt on Timonichenko’s life, in his opinion, is an absolutely illogical step. Firstly, people from the Uralmash OPS, taking into account the background of this association, will be the first to be checked. Secondly, Timonichenko is absolutely not the right figure in T Plus for an attempt on his life to change anything.

“Well, this is pure nonsense: where is Timonichenko and where is Vekselberg?! Does anyone seriously think that Vekselberg, after shooting at one of his “security guards,” will get scared, change his shoes in the air and change the company’s policy?! This whole story is one complete provocation. For someone, and we understand who, it is very beneficial for the Uralmash OPS to be mentioned in connection with the assassination attempt,” says our interlocutor.

Lawyers for Oleg Dudko, Alexander Beloborodov and Igor Kazakov, Maxim Razinkin, in a conversation with a correspondent today, also reported that their clients have not changed their testimony recently and have not given any reason to suspect any of the Uralmash members of participating in the assassination attempt. At the same time, Razinkin recalled that for searches in office premises, only a decision of the investigation is needed (searches in housing are carried out only with court permission or such permission must be obtained within 24 hours after the special operation) and any operational intelligence data can serve as the basis. “What kind of data this is, we may never know,” Razinkin emphasized.

Turin conflict

According to the main version, which is being discussed in Terentyev’s circle, the searches are related to the conflict in Nizhnyaya Tura, where the interests of T Plus and the City Energy Service Company LLC (GESKO), close to Terentyev, collided. “T Plus has reached a dead end in the fight against our heat supply structure in Nizhnyaya Tura. We beat them in the courts, and they try to take revenge. Timonichenko is the deputy for security at T Plus, so they are trying to connect us with the attack on him,” he noted. He added that in 2012, T Plus “broke accounting units and issued fake invoices,” and concluded that “T Plus knows what an unpleasant situation they can find themselves in,” so they are now looking for any way out. Apparently, we are talking about the 1 billion rubles mentioned above.

According to SPARK, the director of GESKO is Grigory Tregubov, and the sole owner is Igor Cherepakhin, who was previously associated with LLC "UK Dom", LLC "UK Ekaterinburg", LLC "ZhK Admiralsky", LLC "UK Tatishchevskaya" in Yekaterinburg. These management companies are also associated with Terentyev.

Executive Director of GESKO Igor Zhuravlev claims that T Plus used a “standard scheme” in Nizhnyaya Tura: “the worse the networks, the better the business.” “It works like this: the more worn out the networks are, the more heat is lost into the air and, accordingly, the more resources are needed to supply the city,” he says. According to Zhuravlev, T Plus rented municipal networks in Nizhnyaya Tura for about 10 years, and their quality left much to be desired. In addition, Zhuravlev confirms that the energy metering units were actually broken.

In the summer of 2014, the Nizhnyaya Tura mayor’s office entered into a concession agreement with GESKO, leasing the network to it. “T Plus” didn’t even enter the competition at that time. “According to the agreement, we were supposed to invest about 35 million rubles in the modernization of networks, but we invested more than 80 million rubles,” says Zhuravlev.

A source at T Plus PJSC confirms that the company had a conflict in Nizhnyaya Tura with GESKO. But the energy structure sees the situation differently. “The debts that accumulated before 2015 for heat energy are huge, and, apparently, GESCO is not going to repay them,” says a source in the company. According to him, T Plus is now trying to recover about 480 million rubles in court. The company categorically denies all accusations, including information about fake invoices, as well as the fact that T Plus deliberately did not repair the networks. “In 2015, we stopped applying for competitions (for network rental -, because we considered that this was not feasible from an economic point of view,” says a interlocutor. Then the network was rented by the company GESCO. “We handed over the networks according to the act, they were in better condition compared to what we received at the time. The accident rate has been reduced,” the company says.

The arbitration court file actually contains many cases of “T Plus” against GESCO. In one of them, T Plus is trying to recover more than 200 million rubles from GESKO. In other claims, the amounts are smaller, for example, about 20 million rubles or about 13 million rubles. But the essence of the dispute is practically the same: “T Plus” demands collection of debts for the supplied thermal energy, and GESKO does not recognize the amount, insisting that the metering units were broken. “As of today, there is not a single decision in favor of T Plus that would finally come into force,” emphasizes the SESKO.

Double receipts and verification by the prosecutor's office

For its part, the prosecutor’s office is now studying the conflict situation in the utilities and energy sector of Nizhny Tura. As the press secretary of the regional department of the supervisory agency, Marina Kanatova, told, based on a number of requests from residents of the municipality, the Nizhnyaya Tura prosecutor’s office carried out a corresponding inspection. According to the data obtained during it, Sverdlovsk Heat Supply Company LLC (now the Sverdlovsky branch of T Plus PJSC) previously actually acted in Nizhnyaya Tura as a guaranteeing supplier of hot water and heating. However, from October 1, 2014, this function was transferred to GESKO LLC. Accordingly, payments from consumers should have been transferred to the accounts of this structure. However, until December 31, 2015, the collection and transfer of utility bills in Nizhnyaya Tura was carried out by EnergosbyT Plus OJSC (a subsidiary of T Plus PJSC). And in April 2015, this structure transferred payments from the population to STC as payment for consumer debt for heat and hot water consumed before October 1, 2014.

“At the same time, EnergosbyT Plus OJSC did not inform either consumers or City Energy Service Company LLC about the “double” payments,” the prosecutor’s office emphasizes. Since January 1, 2016, RCC LLC (director and co-owner Vladimir Tkachev) has taken over the collection of utility bills in Nizhnyaya Tura. However, in March, this structure also began to issue inflated bills to consumers - “indicating the debt, as well as penalties accrued in connection with its presence.” “The basis for presenting these debts to consumers was the information and documents provided by EnergosbyT Plus OJSC,” the prosecutor’s office states.

At the moment, a proposal has been submitted to the director of the Sverdlovsk branch of Energosbyt Plus, Georgy Kozlov, on behalf of the Nizhnyaya Tura prosecutor’s office, demanding that the violations be eliminated. The regional department of the supervisory agency took control of the situation.

Yekaterinburg city

The company "BOO "RODINA" was registered on September 21, 2012 by the local body of the Federal Tax Service - Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky District of Yekaterinburg. Full official name - REGIONAL CHARITABLE NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION "CENTER FOR SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS "RODINA". The company was assigned OGRN 1126600004926 and TIN 6685993968. Legal address: 620075, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Lenin Avenue/Karl Liebknecht Street, 40/18, 654. The main activity is: "Providing other social services without providing accommodation, not included in other groups." The organization is also registered in such categories as: “Activities in the field of sports”, “Activities of other public organizations, not included in other groups." President of the NGO "RODINA" - Sergey Veniaminovich Terentyev.

general information

Accounting statements, TIN 6685993968

Financial indicators of "BOO "RODINA" / TIN 6685993968 based on information from Rosstat for 2012-2018.

Balance sheet (asset) Revenue Net profit

Full financial report

Address and telephone numbers

Details of "BOO "RODINA"


All OKVED codes 2017

Activities in the field of sports Activities of other public organizations not included in other groups

Types of activities according to OKPD2

    Vocational rehabilitation services for the unemployed
    This grouping includes:
    - vocational rehabilitation services and providing work for the unemployed with a minimum of training
    This group does not include:
    - vocational rehabilitation services in which training is a major component, see section 85;
    - services for vocational rehabilitation and provision of work for disabled people with a minimum of training, see 88.10.13

    Other social services without providing accommodation, not included in other groups
    This grouping includes:
    - other social services without accommodation, such as marriage counseling;
    - services on vocational guidance provided to persons on parole or parole;
    - providing social assistance to victims of natural disasters, refugees and immigrants, including the provision of temporary housing;
    - charitable services such as fundraising or other assistance services related to social services

    Guidance and advisory services related to children, not elsewhere classified
    This grouping includes:
    - guidance and advisory services, not elsewhere classified, provided to individuals and families, usually the child's parents, in their own place of residence or elsewhere
    These services may relate to behavior problems and other problems related to children, such as family disruption, school problems, physical development problems, child abuse prevention, crisis intervention, adoption, etc.
    This group does not include:
    - advisory services for children in the field of education, see 85.60.10

    Social services without accommodation
    This grouping includes:
    - social services without housing support, such as services to determine eligibility for social assistance, rent supplements (housing subsidies) and food stamps;
    - day care services for homeless people and other socially disadvantaged groups;
    - advisory services on home budget problems;
    - advisory services on loans and debts;
    - services provided by communities and surrounding areas
    This group does not include:
    - home health care services, see 86.90.12;
    - services of day care centers for the elderly and disabled, see 88.10.12, 88.10.15

    Other social services without providing accommodation, not included in other groups

Founders of "BOO "RODINA"

"BOO "RODINA" in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
October 5, 2016 Changing information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk Region List of documents provided:

April 8, 2018 Submission of information on the issuance or replacement of citizen identification documents Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg

By buying pizza or rolls, accommodating guests in a hotel, paying the apartment bill, a resident of Yekaterinburg supports the prosperity of OPS "Uralmash" . Or, to be precise, that group of union founders that were able to adapt to the rules of the 2000s, survived and became legalized. Yekaterinburg is increasingly declaring its desire to become a business center in Russia. Its trade potential is approaching the scale of Moscow, and the number of international events and exhibitions is off the charts. More and more businessmen are investing in local megaprojects, not suspecting that they are actually investing in a criminal “common fund.” The killers of the “immortal” OPS “Uralmash” “rewinded” their sentences and became directors of enterprises, while the raiders who were part of the union became respected top managers working in the Russian and international markets. For your attention - a rating of the heirs of the scandalously famous business empire throughout the country and their plans for further enrichment.

The surface of the iceberg. "Uralmash" + "Center" = general business

OPS "Uralmash" was and remains one of the main symbols of Yekaterinburg. In the heady 90s of the last century, it took control first of the city, then of most of the Sverdlovsk region, and then entered the international market. Street shootouts and gangster gatherings have become commonplace. “Well, okay, they’re mafiosi, but they’re ours, our relatives. And they live according to clear rules, unlike the authorities,” said the Ural residents. The founders of the union heeded this request and actively went to power.

A decade later, the former “guys from the working-class outskirts” fell into disgrace, becoming victims of a nationwide campaign against corruption and crime. Law enforcement officers reported on the defeat of the group, but in reality they were wishful thinking. The empire built on blood continued to grow both in breadth and upward. Some of its creators were left out of work. Thus, the former leader of the OPS was pushed away from the financial trough Konstantin Tsyganov . “Today he is for permanent residence in Bulgaria. Once he came to Yekaterinburg and asked why he was not in the share. But they quickly explained to him that only those who live in the Urals, or at least maintain close contact with them, are entitled to their “piece,” says one of the knowledgeable sources.

Other “fathers” of Uralmash (a striking example is Alexander Kukovyakin, who lives comfortably in the UAE) went on the run. Still others went into “retirement” voluntarily. In particular, people who are well acquainted with the OPS talk about Igor Mayevsky’s poor health: “The main thing for him now is peace and quiet.” Some of the once militant founders agreed to compensation in the form of one or two small enterprises and lead a quiet lifestyle, far from noisy showdowns. Among them are Konstantin Patrushev, who receives a small but stable income from managing a bottled water plant and several restaurants, and Mikhail Shelomentsev, who maintains special vehicles.

The rest of the founders of the union, their closest friends, relatives and companions rallied around Sergei Terentyev . Of course, the “elections” did not take place at a criminal meeting. “God forbid, times are no longer the same. Everyone has become civilized people. We sat in the office, drank tea and came to a consensus,” says a knowledgeable expert.

First of all, the “chairman” of the updated OPS told his comrades-in-arms to forget about squabbles with old enemies from grouping "Center" , which they caught all over the world a decade and a half ago. Insiders call the current “cashier” Terentyev, who was once related to the “center” of Yekaterinburg entrepreneur Vitaly Kochetkov. The first “managerial circle” also included Alexander Gorbunov and Yuri Kukushkin, who were involved in a number of raider attacks.

It is this group that develops strategies and chooses directions for the development of the empire. The other founders who remained loyal to Terentyev have not lost their authority, but have only the right of an advisory vote. “The same Sergei Vorobyov may have more assets, but he spends most of his time in the United Arab Emirates. They, of course, consult on many issues on Skype, but the last word still remains with Terentyev,” says an expert familiar with the current life of the Uralmash OPS.

The structure of the Uralmash business is most clearly demonstrated by the rating of the heirs of OPS assets. It takes into account the largest authorized shares of enterprises owned by representatives of the union personally, or controlled through short chains of founders. Of course, these figures reflect only the visible tip of the iceberg, recorded in official documents. Its underwater part is much more massive and voluminous.

Economic “roots” of Uralmash: an equation with three unknowns (1-4 place, 1 billion 100 million rubles)

The entire economic empire controlled by Sergei Terentyev is built on four “pillars”. This is exactly how many people are the founders of four enterprises, which, in turn, control two strategic centers of the updated OPS - CJSC Continent and CJSC European-Asian Company. From the latter, chains stretch to almost all structures included in Uralmash.

One of the “roots” of the extensive “Uralmash” “tree” is Sergei Terentyev himself (owns shares in at least 26 enterprises, 334 million 839 thousand rubles of authorized capital). His three companions are “dark horses.” The names of Sergei Shevchuk (11 enterprises, 333 million 978 thousand rubles), Konstantin Druzhinin (7 enterprises, 215 million 604 thousand rubles) and Pavel Tutarov (7 enterprises, 215 million 254 thousand rubles) are difficult to remember even by experts close to the OPS. They left virtually no “traces” on the Internet. Only once on the official website of the union did a message appear about the successful performance of students of the Uralmash sambo school at the Ural Federal District championship, in which a certain master of sports Konstantin Druzhinin took second place. However, it is impossible to say with certainty that this particular silver medalist is at the heart of the OPS.

“Perhaps these are so-called “nominal values,” some experts suggest. “These are people who belong to the board, who do not pretend to do much, but at the same time they will never throw them away,” others are sure.

Tavda! There is so much in this sound!

Since the 90s of the last century, the second capital of the Uralmash OPS after Yekaterinburg has been and remains Tavda, the assets of which continue to be managed by the Big Four. They say that it was from the local hydrolysis plant, won from Pavel Fedulev, that representatives of the union carried cash in boxes to the election headquarters of Governor Eduard Rossel. Unable to withstand such a massive “sucking out” of financial resources, the enterprise sank and ended up bankrupt. A similar fate befell the local mechanical plant, which was part of the OPS. So far, only the plywood mill and several dozen companies associated with it are managing to stay afloat.

Let us recall that in November 2009, the owner of TFK (Fortuna LLC, controlled by the leader of the Uralmash community Sergei Vorobyov) replaced the top manager. Instead of Dmitry Davydov (who was a protege of other representatives of the Uralmash community - Alexander Kukovyakin and Sergei Makarov), Andrei Zenchenko, who was involved in the high-profile case of the Kurdyumov gang (the so-called “Uralmash special forces”), was appointed to the position of director of the TFK. According to the court verdict, Mr. Zenchenko was imprisoned for banditry and murder for 15 years. While serving his sentence, he received an economic education and after his release headed the TFC.

“The discord within the Uralmash community on Tavda issues began a long time ago, ever since Kukovyakin fled to the Emirates. They say that Davydov wanted to squeeze everything he could out of the plant through shell companies and quietly bankrupt it, but Vorobiev kicked out the entire Makarov-Kukovyakin team and installed his own man,” say people familiar with the situation. Now TFC is being completely eliminated. Instead, another enterprise appeared, the founders of which no longer listed Makarov.

The ex-mayor of Tavda, Alexander Solovyov, never hid the fact that he served the interests of the “brothers”. People close to the Uralmash team say that the mayor allegedly personally delivered money “parcels” to Kukovyakin in the UAE. In August 2010, Soloviev was forced to resign. But the growing strength of the OPS again calls him to power. The former mayor intends to win the upcoming elections to put local utility resources in the hands of the current union leaders.

Spend the night with the OPS, and the mayor's office will not forget you! (5, 6 and 20 places, 79 million 533 thousand rubles)

One of the largest areas of Uralmash's economy has been and remains the hotel business. To manage it, the YUSTA group of companies was created, whose general director Sergei Danilik and his deputy Sergei Sayfutdinov took fifth and sixth places in the ranking of heirs (10 enterprises, 46 million 406 thousand rubles and 12 enterprises, 32 million 757 thousand rubles, respectively).

[, 12/07/2012, “Members of the Uralmash community privatized the property of the Yekaterinburg mayor’s office”: Municipal shares of two large Yekaterinburg enterprises passed into private hands. We are talking about shares of OJSC Ekaterinburg Taxi and OJSC Grand Avenue Hotel. The auctions took place today at the city administration.

Yes, package valuable papers“GrandAvenue Hotel” was sold for 46 million 305 thousand rubles with an initial price of 44 million 100 thousand rubles. The new owner of 416,834 shares, constituting 25% + 1 of the authorized capital, was CJSC Hotel Ekaterinburg - Central (part of the Usta Group, owned by the Uralmash community). In addition to the CJSC, the owners of shares in this company are other structures of the former OPS Uralmash: CJSC Continent (35.63%), OJSC Dezha-Invest (20.87%) and CJSC Euro-Asian Holding Company (18.51%) . According to the company's report, the company's net profit for 2011 amounted to 8 million 51 thousand rubles. - Insert]

According to the Business Quarter, only three of the seven Yekaterinburg OPS hotels - Moskovskaya Gorka, Grand Avenue Hotel and Yekaterinburg Central - hosted 70,868 guests in 2012, each of whom paid at least 3 5-4 thousand rubles. It turns out that the total turnover of the sphere exceeds half a billion rubles. The founders of the OPS share part of this money with the Department of Municipal Property Management (DUMI) of the Yekaterinburg Administration, whose chairman Vadim Dudarenko is a member of the affiliates of Magister and Grand Avenue Hotel. “They have known Terentyev since the dashing 90s. At first they fought with each other - the city was closely connected with the “centers,” which infuriated Uralmash immensely, but a few years ago they became intertwined,” says an informed source.

Those purchased at one time by the OPS for hotels in Moscow, the Krasnodar Territory and many other regions have not gone anywhere either. They continue to be led by top managers loyal to Sergei Terentyev.

Big market game. (7,8 and other places)

As in previous decades, the OPS continues to control hundreds of retail and wholesale trade enterprises. Its largest asset since the dashing 90s remains the Uralmashevsky Market Complex (Gorod-2000 LLC, co-owner Konstantin Koldan - 20th place). Businessmen belonging to the union control several car markets and auto shops (Sergei Koksharov, 15th place, 936,250 rubles). But this is clearly not enough for the Uralmash team. They intend to resume the war for other tasty retail properties.

The first sign of the upcoming battles was the seizure of the Kirov Wholesale Market (KOR) last spring. Hundreds of thugs broke into tenants' safes and doors, and forced people out of work premises onto the street. According to some reports, Alexander Gorbunov, who was part of Terentyev’s inner circle, personally supervised what was happening.

Of the same kind, the events that took place at the Yekaterinburg base at Komsomolskaya, 73 and the Vegetable Base No. 4, once controlled by Vice-Mayor Viktor Konteev. “This is just the beginning. Very soon there will be a “mix” at the Tagansky Ryad market. Alexander Khabarov also had conflicts with its current owners. Since then nothing has been forgotten. Either the “Afghans” Nikiforov and Testov will transfer the market to Uralmash voluntarily, or they will be forced to do so,” predicts an anonymous source.

“Meat with blood” in OPS style (9, 11, 14 and 16 places, 22 million 125 thousand rubles)

Another perpetual profit generator is the catering industry. Uralmash has tightly occupied this niche, filling it with both second-rate cheap eateries and elite restaurants. The vast majority of them opened in hotels controlled by the union and are directly or indirectly controlled by Andrei Lubnin, Igor Mayevsky and Roman Klimov (“Pins Pub”, “Maison”, “Case”, “Eridan”, SeaZone, coffee shop “Shoko”, “Wasabi” , “Portofino”, “Alibi”, “Savoy”, “Jam”, “Premier” and many others).

One of the most profitable investments of OPS was the purchase of a share in Rosinter Restaurants Yekaterinburg LLC, which is developing a cafe under the international KFC brand. Its general director, Mikhail Sirin, who was once considered one of the leading strategists of the criminal raider Pavel Fedulev, simultaneously oversees the KFC chain in Tatarstan and the Perm region.

Igor Mayevsky, who has practically retired, owns a share in the Chelyabinsk eatery "Lime", Igor Popozoglo - in FastFoodCity LLC. “This is one of the fastest growing areas of Uralmash business. Even during the 2008 crisis, it “sank” much less than all the others. They will buy up restaurants in batches. Those who do not agree will be convinced. It’s not difficult to guess what methods,” says one of the sources related to the OPS.

Uralmash gold and Roizman’s OPS “tail” (12 and 34 places, 1 million 972 thousand rubles)

Gold has always been and remains a symbol of power. One of the five co-founders of the Drug Free City Foundation understands this better than anyone else. Evgeniy Roizman (34th place). It is no secret to anyone that the fund was created at one time with the direct participation and supervision of the OPS. For many years, social activist Roizman tried to get rid of the “Uralmash” “tail” and earn the image of an independent and independent politician. We must pay tribute - he almost succeeded. But the social activist lost sight of one detail.

Roizman remained among the founders of Jewelry House LLC, the second owner of which is his classmate Vadim Churkin (12th place, controls a chain of jewelry stores). The latter is at the same time one of the founders of PKF Pride LLC, behind which stands the European-Asian Company CJSC (president Sergei Terentyev). The chain is closed. Why Roizman did not dare to “cut it off” in a timely manner is rather a rhetorical question.

Evgeniy Roizman is not ashamed of his Jewish origin - he is listed as a co-founder of the national foundation Hesed Menorah Center, within the framework of which he communicates with eminent regional politicians. First of all, with another co-founder of the center, Shlema Spektor, respected in the region and the Sverdlovsk government.

Communal apartment in Uralmash style (13, 21, 24 and 31 places)

One of the brightest representatives of the young “Uralmash” generation was the son of Sergei Terentyev, Grigory (31st place), who last year began active expansion in the Yekaterinburg housing and communal services market. To date, only four management companies are personally registered with him: Home Service, Tatishchevskaya, Admiralsky and Universal. The heir to the current head of the OPS is at the same time the general director of CJSC Management Company Ekaterinburg.

However, this is only a small part of the management companies that fell into the Uralmash network. The rest are designed for lesser-known characters. Including Igor Garfyanov (13th place) as the owner of a 50% stake in SUERZH-SK and Yug-Energo. And the general director of one of the largest communal structures in the metropolis, CJSC "UK REMP" ( Zheleznodorozhny district) - co-founder of Deja-Invest Alexander Kolesnikov (24th place).

In total, this is about 4 million square meters of housing in various areas of Yekaterinburg. And the area of ​​the housing stock accountable to the OPS will increase exponentially. In the near future, the Chkalovskaya Management Company (income at the end of 2012 is 161 million 832 thousand rubles) and a number of other well-known companies may become the property of Grigory Terentyev. “I think that by the end of 2013 the housing and communal services market will change beyond recognition. Why is OPS Uralmash such a problematic area? I think it’s to get utility budget subsidies through my people at the mayor’s office,” says a well-known specialist in the housing and communal services sector.

The last "Uralmash" deputy (17th place, 408 thousand rubles)

Many regional politicians who were previously, to one degree or another, included in the “Uralmash” team, today have no official connection with it. In particular, Maxim Serebrennikov and Andrey Alshevskikh are not connected by constituent chains with the Terentyev empire.

Only Ekaterinburg City Duma parliamentarian Eduard Romanovsky continues to conduct business together with Sergei Terentyev. Their interests intersect in Green-Park LLC. Regional communist deputy Nafik Famiev is also connected with the OPS team only symbolically. He relaxes on weekends in the garden plot adjacent to Romanovsky and, together with him, is part of the Lesnye Dachas gardening partnership.

Nevertheless, the leaders of the Uralmash OPS do not give up their claims to mandates. They are preparing new fighters on the political front. One of the future candidates for deputies of the Legislative Assembly may be a member of Kurdyumov’s gang, Igor Sychev, who served 15 years in prison. Today he is engaged in selling vegetables and strengthening his position in the Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

God be with them?!!! (Oleg Tsirelson, 33rd place, 5 thousand rubles)

At all times, both the founders and ordinary militants of the OPS were “devout” people. They diligently atone for the sins they had committed. It is no secret that the main church in the Uralmash microdistrict in the name of the Nativity of Christ was built with donations from criminal authorities. “It’s very simple - gangster money was laundered through the Russian Orthodox Church at one time,” say experts.

The rector of the “Uralmash” church was not the last person in the Yekaterinburg diocese, mitred Archpriest Vladimir Zyazev, about whose connections with the union our experts tell more than interesting legends. Allegedly, this priest is one of eight brothers whose fate is closely intertwined with the history of the OPS. There is a version that one of the Zyazevs was a member of the organized criminal group, and the other at one time worked as a deputy prosecutor of the Ordzhonikidze district and with his direct participation the materials of hundreds of criminal cases filed against members of the union disappeared without a trace. It seems that Father Vladimir also wore police stripes at one time.

On the part of Uralmash, the founder of the union, Oleg Tsirelson, is most closely in contact with the Russian Orthodox Church today. He is the founder of the parish in the name of St. Joasaph of Belogorodsky, and is the executive director of the “Acquisition of Cultural Values” charitable foundation established by the diocese. And at the same time, he owns Exclusive LLC, which specializes in jewelry trade. It turns out that by buying silver and gold crosses in churches, we are making our contribution to the budget of the OPS. However, the version about the control of the Uralmash OPS over trade in church shops requires additional verification.


The remaining representatives of the union are amazingly omnivorous. Thus, Andrei Shibakov (15th place) manages to simultaneously control agricultural farms, sawmills and financial consulting firms. From him the chain extends to Sverdlovsk and Perm travel agencies and a network of pawnshops, the development of which Shibakov is involved in together with Sergei Terentyev’s brother, Konstantin.

But the most popular type of business in OPS has been and remains the rental of real estate. Almost every member of the union has a couple of similar companies. Despite the almost symbolic size of their authorized capital, these structures are a real “gold mine” for the Uralmash team. “Even its managers probably don’t really know exactly how much real estate Uralmash owns. I won’t say that this is half the city, but it’s very, very large,” says a lawyer close to the OPS.

Big trip for budget money

The resurgent Uralmash considers itself a high-flying bird. Its leaders do not “get hung up” on small contracts, stretching out their hands to real money. According to some reports, businessmen cooperating with the union are already making money on Olympic construction projects in Sochi. The OPS is using all government and Duma connections to enter the preparation programs for the World Cup. “Now the time is different. No one is a gop-stopper, no one pulls small stalls. The founders have become serious people and play big. They have their own people not only in the city and regional administrations, but also in Moscow. Connections in the prosecutor's office, FSB. This is a dangerous car, it’s better not to get under its wheels - it will crush you,” the experts summarize.

Konstantin Dzhultaev

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