Oriana, Arctida, Hyperborea - traces of a lost civilization are being sought in the north of Yakutia and Evenkia. G. Sidorov: the civilization of Hyperborea was undoubtedly cosmic Why did Hyperborea die

Civilization arose 380 c. back.

Civilization stopped in the 170s. back.

Civilization began to take shape with the advent of the Cro-Magnon type of man 40 thousand years ago and was finally built after 2 thousand years

20 thousand years ago, the pra-state of Hyperborea was formed.

For some reason, the Hyperborean civilization needed this tool of self-government.

It was the first formation of this kind, and some of its features were subsequently inherited by other states to one degree or another.

17 thousand years ago, the territory of Hyperborea finally sank.


This civilization was the result of a craft of extraterrestrial origin. They do not leave any skeletons behind, because at the end of their existence they simply dissolved in space. Although they participated in the creation of megastructures. These are civilizations of Antigods, Anunaki, Atlanteans, Gods, Demigods, Daariytsev, Demons, Cyclopes, Lemurians, Cyclopes.

In the early editions of the myths of all peoples, including the ancient Greeks, the country of the Giants Tula was spoken of as the country of the "Golden Age of mankind", as the "Earth of Paradise". The Hellenes called one of the colonies of immigrants from this United Country Hyperborea, that is, “located behind the north wind Boreas.

The map of G. Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all time, who relied on some ancient knowledge, has been preserved, where Hyperborea is depicted as a huge Arctic continent with a high mountain Meru in the middle.

Some of the Giants, knowing about the upcoming natural disasters, "descended" to this Earth, just like a few in Hyperborea did not take the opportunity to leave this Earth through Mount Meryu. But those who remained here remained to bring light and Knowledge to other, sometimes quite “wild” peoples.

WITHThe Hyperboreans called you Tulaians. In Greek times they were also called Delphi.

GThe Hyperborean civilization was located on the mainland, which occupied the basin of the Arctic Ocean, and the Far North of Russia was the south for it. The North has long attracted the attention of man. This, probably, has its own magical power: according to one version, the powerful Hyperborean civilization once lived here, which many call the "Cradle of Humanity". That is, the North is our common homeland, where, obeying the will of their subconscious, many people strive to visit. Beyond the Urals there are Hyperborean settlements: Arkaim, Mangazeya and other settlements of the Rus, the descendants of the Hyperboreans, who landed in the north of Eurasia many thousands of years ago. Many now dream of finding the legendary Raml or Rakreml - an ancient Hyperborean fortress, supposedly located somewhere on the Chukchi coast about twenty thousand years ago. This is evidenced by the legends of the Olochs and Yukaghirs, Chukchis and Eskimos.

WITHThere is a hypothesis that the ancient Hyperboreans, who inhabited the northern continent tens of thousands of years ago - where the ice is now, were magicians. Wizards. Twenty thousand years ago there was a great battle between the magicians of Atlantis and Hyperborea, which changed reality. Ural - the result of the war of magicians. In its place was once the southern strait, which, together with three other straits, forms a whirlpool - a symbol of the power of Hyperborea. The potential of the descendants of the Hyperboreans has not yet been revealed. (Golovachev)

Ghyperborea - in ancient Greek mythology and in subsequent cultures, the legendary northern country, the habitat of the blessed people of the Hyperboreans. The name literally means "beyond Boreas", "beyond the north".

WITHAccording to Ferenik, they grew from the blood of the most ancient titans. The Hyperboreans are mentioned by Alcaeus in the hymn to Apollo. They were mentioned in the poem of Simius of Rhodes "Apollo". According to Mnases, they are now called Delphi.

INFrom time to time, Apollo himself sets off from the Hyperborean country in a chariot drawn by swans in order to return to Delphi at the appointed time of the summer heat. The Hyperboreans, along with the Ethiopians, the Phaeacians, and the Lotus-eaters, are among the peoples close to the gods and loved by them. Just like their patron Apollo, the Hyperboreans are artistically gifted. The blissful life is accompanied by the Hyperboreans with songs, dances, music and feasts; eternal joy and reverent prayers are characteristic of this people - the priests and servants of Apollo. Hercules brought the olive from the Hyperboreans at the source of the Istra to Olympia.

WITHAccording to Diodorus Siculus, the Hyperboreans in hymns incessantly sing of Apollo when he comes to them every 19 years. Even death comes to the Hyperboreans as deliverance from satiety with life, and they, having experienced all the pleasures, throw themselves into the sea.

Rthe poison of the legends is associated with the Hyperboreans bringing the first harvest to Delos to Apollo: after the girls sent with gifts did not return from Delos (they remained there or were subjected to violence), the Hyperboreans began to leave gifts on the border of a neighboring country, from where they were gradually transferred by other peoples, all the way to Delos.

MAbaris and Aristaeus, the udretsy and servants of Apollo, who taught the Greeks, were considered to come from the country of the Hyperboreans. These heroes are considered as the hypostasis of Apollo, since they possessed the ancient fetishistic symbols of God (the arrow, raven and laurel of Apollo with their miraculous power), as well as taught and endowed people with new cultural values ​​(music, philosophy, the art of creating poems, hymns, building the Delphic temple).

MMany sources and experts believe that the Hyperborea had power over the elements, which explains the absence of bad weather and natural disasters in their territory.

GA lot of literature is devoted to Hyperborea, mostly of a parascientific or occult persuasion. Various authors localize Hyperborea in Greenland, not far from the Ural Mountains, on the Kola Peninsula, in Karelia, on the Taimyr Peninsula; it has been suggested that Hyperborea was located on the now sunken island (or mainland) of the Arctic Ocean.

TThere is also a version that the Hyperboreans lived on the Solovetsky Islands, where, according to legend, they still live in an underground city. In pre-war times, in the 1930s, on the largest island of the archipelago, Soviet expeditions found a labyrinth of stones, in the center of which there was a passage to a system of underground tunnels. Later, all the data obtained during the expeditions were classified. There is a version that since those expeditions were supervised by Lubyanka, their goal was to find the "Absolute Weapon" that the Hyperboreans owned and from which they apparently died.

HMany scientists consider the myth of the Hyperboreans to be devoid of a specific historical background and consider it a special case of utopian ideas about marginal peoples, characteristic of various cultures. However, the Russian Academy of Sciences annually finances expeditions to the Seydozero region (one of the supposed places for the existence of the Hyperborean civilization).


Honce the Northern Hyperboreans soared over Solovki. At the time of Atlantis, there was one of the most developed civilizations of the Hyperboreans (antediluvian civilization). Priests and magicians marked their mysterious labyrinths here, mysteries were performed in priestly labyrinths. And the scientists of the antediluvian Atlanteans watched the underground fire, flying machines rose to the sky - they were not a curiosity.

Pthe wisdom of the ancient antediluvian civilizations was imprinted in one of the chronicles kept in the archives of Solovki. Solovki served as a mystical ark. So, before Noah's flood, a special prayer was performed on them, and on the eve of Noah's flood, the angels of the Council came to Solovki and determined the fate of the world. Here was the beginning and end of all civilizations and all worlds. Here the destinies of civilizations, all peoples and histories were decided.

ABOUTfiery whirlwinds sent peace to some powers and swept others off the face of the earth. Here was put his mystical ark. And whoever entered into it was saved. There is no such accumulation of mysterious souls and forces of darkness and light over any archipelago of the world. In no country in the world did such Armageddon erupt as over Solovki.

WITHthe traps contain the greatest mystery of all time. Here Satan is allowed power, like a demonic pandemonium on Golgotha, and God appears in a power that has not been from the creation of the world. For five thousand years, the ineffable solar glory of the God of hosts has been standing over the archipelago. Solovki will determine the fate of mankind today. Solovki will serve as an ark, a sanctuary and a place of shelter for souls before the fiery flood.


G. Klimov. History of Europe

ABOUTApproximately 20-15 thousand years ago, the first state of Hyperborea on the planet was formed. IN this case this formation can be called a pra-state, since it was the first formation of this kind and some of its features were later inherited to one degree or another by other states.

RThe reconstruction of the social system of Hyperborea can be made on the basis of a comparison of various cults, peoples, formed under the influence of the ancient Aryans. Especially the peoples of Tibet, Japan, India, Iran and the North Caucasus. As well as the sacred books that have come down to us - the Jewish Kabbalah, the legends of the Celts and the Slavic epic.

GHyperborea was probably the most perfect state of all times and peoples. Probably, there was no institution of private property here. The activity and life of each person, any of his actions were regulated.

WITHthere were strict rules about when to get up, what to do, and when to go to bed. Every woman who reached the age of majority was entitled to a husband. Childbearing was under the complete control of the Magi. They appointed husbands for one year, and then changed them according to a certain formula. Unsuccessful, in their opinion, children, sick or freaks were destroyed. Ordinary people were sacrificed from time to time. It was considered an honor to be sacrificed. This tradition, by the way, was preserved among some later peoples, for example, among some peoples of the American continent.

Wand all this was followed by a special estate, the Rus - "people who give light." It was a special caste in society, something between priests and warriors. Some Rus kept the vow of celibacy. Any man dreamed of becoming a Russian. And in principle it was possible if a certain physical development and certain academic success were achieved. The Russians were constantly trained in martial arts and learned sciences. The most prominent of the Rus became sorcerers.

INthe olkhs lived in a castle, which was a rock with caves, galleries and underground halls carved into it. This entire underground city was lit by torches. Around the castle there were clay houses, usually round in shape, in which the Rus lived. And already further, simple Aryans lived in separate tribes. The tribe was always led by the most experienced woman of the family. She was chosen by the magi.

INsmall religious denominations also retain the vestiges of an archaic society. The more closed a religious association is, the more influential the position of clerics or priests in it.

ANDToday, in the 21st century, they solve the main issues of the life of their adherents: they select married couples, bless them for various forms of work, treatment, the birth of children, and prohibit the commission of certain social acts.

HBut it is not only in closed sects that total control over the personal and social life of the individual is maintained. Examples of totalitarian states of the 20th century are an attempt by the genetic memory of a person to return to the past, when there was no need to make decisions, and someone decided everything for you. For many people, making a decision is a severe torture.

GHyperborea existed for several millennia. It was a kind of genetic reactor in which a new breed of people was bred. People lived for a long time. Every woman gave birth every year to different men. As a result, from one woman arose, taking into account grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, almost a thousand new people. Humanity has grown at an incredible rate.

TOBy the way, in nature there are analogues of such communities - this is, say, an ant colony or a bee hive. All individuals are subject to the law of the genus.

BThere was absolute discipline. Just as rebellion among ants is impossible, so was rebellion among people. This model of man was practically no different from us today. Their speech was developed, sciences developed, especially astrology and mathematics, art developed. But it was a highly disciplined society.

Phaving been called to the sacrifice of the arias with a joyful face, without protection and coercion, he himself came to the sanctuary at the appointed hour. Modern man it seems wild, but the previous version of the person did not even think that it could be otherwise.

DLater I will return to the history of the emergence of language. I understand that all these calculations of mine are incomprehensible and uninteresting to many, but I still have to explain this, because the people who can understand this are already in the majority.

INthe olkhvs in Hyperborea created a language that sounded the same for everyone, but different classes understood it differently.

DThe discipline of society was also supported by the fact that the pronouns "mine", "your", "his", "ours", "whose", etc., were completely absent in the language. Man felt himself a part of nature, and he simply did not imagine what property or personal interest is.

DFor him the whole world was both his and not his. Man had no ego, another soul substance. He did not yet feel himself separate from the rest of the world, but existed as a separate atom, built into the structure of a single and inseparable bio-anthroposphere.

Pfall of the first empire

Aarchaeologists in the settlements of later cultures that formed after the collapse of Hyperborea find strange clay tablets that look like school alphabets. This is really the alphabet of the Magi. On them, rearranging the letters, they came up with new words. They were probably meditating on the word GOD, from which all other words were derived.

TWithout really understanding yet that the central letter "O" is a circle, they invented the phrase "more is better than less", perhaps without even imagining what consequences this would lead to. Then came the pronouns "my", "your". When these words came into use, after several generations people began to psychologically separate themselves from nature, then from other genera, and then themselves from the clan. The ego, the missing part of the soul, has arisen in man. Discipline has broken. People began to take the initiative and express their opinion.

EIf you try to reconstruct these times by comparing relic myths different peoples, it seems that events unfolded as follows. The people began to stir. But a split also occurred among the Magi. Two parties were created.

Pparty "Kom", apparently led either by the wife or daughter of the high priest, began to fight for the preservation of the old way of life, and another party "Ego", represented by the male half, began to assert that the letter "O" suggests that you can return to the ideal society in the process of development, turning Chaos into a new order.

WITHActually, the rest of the history of mankind up to the present day - this is the struggle of two parties - "Kom" and "Ego". On modern language: communists and egoists. It is interesting that in different religions the degree of socialization of the anthroposphere is considered differently.

ANDIt is sometimes said that humanity, after disintegration and disintegration into separate individuals, will again come to God and become part of something greater. And this should have happened approximately in 1986-2016. This deadline has almost passed. What happened on planet Earth at this time? The only thing that comes to mind is that the Internet was born at that time. Maybe the prophets had something else in mind that we haven't realized yet?

GIbel Hyperborea

DThe processes of disintegration, the emergence of private property, institutions of domination of some classes over others did not reach the end in Hyperborea, because it died due to a climatic catastrophe. The glacier melted, it became cold in the north of Russia. But the German, Finno-Ugric and Russian tribes that remained in these parts adapted to the frosts.

PThe reason for her death was probably something else - in these places there was a flood, which is mentioned in almost all the legends of the peoples of the world. Creation scientists argue that the so-called geological column (layers of chronological epochs) could only be formed as a result of a serious catastrophe.

ABOUTThe end of the ice age led to serious changes in the natural environment and habitats of human tribes. The process of warming has led to a sharp rise in the level of the World Ocean (up to 100 m). Before that, in the era of the last glaciation, there was no modern North Sea. The British Isles were part of Europe.

ABOUTthe English Channel that now separates them from the continent was a river whose tributaries were the present rivers Thames, Seine, Scheldt, Rhine, Meuse, which now flow into the North Sea. Oceanological studies show that the valleys of these rivers stretch along the bottom of the North Sea. The depth of the sea here never falls below 37 m.

WITHmany times the tools of human labor rose from the bottom. The land that existed in the place of the North Sea was flooded gradually. So, the British Isles separated from the continent in the III millennium BC. The Baltic Sea arose as a result of the breakthrough of ocean waters into a freshwater glacial lake and acquired its current boundaries around 2000 BC. The Kerch Strait was the bed of the Don River.

TOThe end of the ice age led to significant natural disasters in the Black Sea basin as well. There are references to this in the "Geography" of Strabo, who indicated that several thousand years BC. The Black Sea was not connected with the Mediterranean. According to modern data, the breakthrough of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea into the Black Sea occurred in 7500 BC, when the waters of the Mediterranean Sea with a monstrous roar with the power of 400 Niagara Falls fell into the Black Sea, which then began to move towards land at a speed of 1 km per day .

PApproximately the same thing happened on the territory of Hyperborea. The waters of the Arctic Ocean broke into the vast lowland where the Aryans lived, and formed the White Sea. Those who managed to escape crossed the Valdai watershed and began to restore the state already in the southern steppes modern Russia and Ukraine.

PTrue, some still remained in the forest zone, but the bulk of the Aryans, not accustomed to life among impenetrable forests, a strip of which turned out to be on their way to the south, rushed to the plain. In these places, the storm rains have already stopped, and the climate has become more or less tolerable.


PAccording to the British professor Napier, 12.9 thousand years ago, this swarm overtook the Earth in its journey, which at that moment was turned towards it by the Western Hemisphere. The earth intercepted only a small part of the swarm, about 0.01%, but this was enough for a catastrophe that swept all of North America and affected the climate around the planet. For about an hour, a grandiose fiery rain was pouring over the continent, which was accompanied by explosions of several hundred, or even thousands of large fragments, not inferior in power to the Tunguska meteorite. And, as in the case of Tunguska, there are no craters left on Earth: the cometary substance is very loose, and explodes in the atmosphere before it reaches the surface of the planet.

Paccording to Napier's calculations, each such "kuzkina mother" (the energy of the largest explosions was tens or even hundreds of megatons of TNT - like the most powerful thermonuclear bombs) released enough energy to ignite a forest fire over an area of ​​​​thousands of square kilometers. And if you estimate the total mass of microscopic hexagonal diamonds scattered over North America, and divide by the total mass of fragments that could set fire to forests across the continent, you get exactly the concentration of lonsdaleite that is directly measured in meteorite material.

BMoreover, other fragments of it are still flying here. As the scientist showed, 19 of the largest near-Earth asteroids and comets have orbits that would be characteristic of fragments of a single large comet. Among these objects is the famous short-period comet Encke. This comet, by the way, has been repeatedly associated with an object that exploded over Podkamennaya Tunguska on June 30, 1908, and with a large meteorite that fell in the Canadian province of Yukon on January 18, 2000. Nepier is trying to blame the same family of objects for the cooling at the Younger Dryas boundary.

TOOmet Encke returns to Earth every 3 years and 4 months. It will be possible to see the closest relative of the killers of American mastodons through binoculars this year, in August and September. And if you wait a couple more months, you can get to know other relatives with the naked eye. These are the Taurid meteors that scatter across the sky from the constellation of Taurus from September to November each year when the Earth crosses the swarm's orbit. Fortunately, over the course of tens of thousands of years, it has spread along the entire length of its orbit, so that its density has noticeably dropped, and the “rain of fire” does not threaten us.

ABOUTIt is to be hoped that neither the Encke comet, nor the Taurid complex, nor other members of the same family hold larger surprises for our planet. We don't need one and a half thousand years of glacial conditions at all. Winter has dragged on for so long.


According to ancient legends, this people lived in the Far North, or "beyond Boreas". These people especially loved the god Apollo, who was relentlessly sung in hymns. Every 19 years, the patron of the arts set off in a chariot drawn by swans to this ideal country, in order to return to Delphi at a certain time of the summer heat. Apollo also rewarded the northern inhabitants with the ability to fly like a bird in the sky.

A number of legends say that the Hyperboreans for a long time observed the ritual of bringing the first harvest to Apollo on Delos (a Greek island in the Aegean Sea). But one day, after the most beautiful girls sent with gifts did not return (were subjected to violence or remained there of their own free will), northern residents began to leave offerings on the border of a neighboring country. From here they were gradually transferred, up to Delos itself, by other peoples for a fee.

Hyperborea was famous for its favorable climate. The sun rose there only once at the summer solstice and shone for half a year. It set, respectively, during the winter solstice.

In the very center of this northern state there was a lake-sea, from which four large rivers flowed into the ocean. Therefore, on the map, Hyperborea resembled a round shield with a cross on the surface. The country was surrounded high mountains through which no ordinary person could cross. The Hyperboreans lived in dense forests and groves.

The state of the northern inhabitants was ideal in its structure. Eternal fun reigned in the Land of the Happy, accompanied by songs, dances, music and feasts. “There are always round dances of maidens, the sounds of a lyre and the singing of a flute were heard.” The Hyperboreans did not know strife, battles and diseases.

The northern people even treated death as a deliverance from satiety with life. Having experienced all the pleasures, the man himself threw himself into the sea.

Still remains unresolved issue what race the legendary Hyperboreans belonged to. Some believe that they were people with black skin. Others argue that the skin was white and it was from the Hyperboreans that the Aryans subsequently descended.

This highly developed civilization had close trade ties with many countries of the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and even America. In addition, the inhabitants of this northern state have gained fame as excellent teachers, thinkers and philosophers. It is known, for example, that the teacher of Pythagoras was a man from a country where "the day reigned for half a year."

Famous sages and servants of Apollo - Abaris and Aristaeus - were considered natives of this country. They are also considered as hypostases of Apollo, since they knew the designations of the ancient fetishistic symbols of God (arrow, raven, laurel). During their lifetime, Abaris and Aristaeus taught and endowed people with new cultural values ​​- such as music, the art of creating poems and hymns, and philosophy.

Here is a few information about the life of the people loved by Apollo. Of course, they are not proof that the Hyperboreans really existed many millennia ago, but scientists continue to search and receive more and more confirming facts. Quite a few interesting information researchers gleaned from the myths, legends and tales of the ancient peoples of the Earth.

In the ancient Indian Vedas there is a text that says that far to the north is the center of the universe, in the very place where the god Brahma fixed the North Star. In the Mahabharata it is also reported that Meiru, or the World Mountain, stands in the Dairy Region. In Hindu mythology, it is associated with the axis of the earth around which our planet revolves.

Here is a country whose inhabitants "taste bliss." These are brave and courageous people, renounced from all evil, indifferent to dishonor and possessing great vitality. The cruel and dishonest have no place here.

In ancient Sanskrit traditions, the first inhabited continent is mentioned, which was located near the North Pole. The legendary Hyperboreans lived here. Their country was named after the Greek god Boreas, the lord of the cold north wind. Therefore, in literal translation, the name sounds like "the extreme northern country located at the top." It existed around the beginning of the Tertiary era.

It is known that the Hellenes and Greeks knew about the northern country. Probably, before Hyperborea disappeared, it was one of the main spiritual centers of the entire Ancient World.

Reconstruction of the city of Arkaim in the South Urals. Some believe that it was built by people from Hyperborea

There is also mention of a great power in Chinese writings. From them we learn about one emperor - Yao, who worked hard to rule ideally. But after the emperor visited the "white island", inhabited by "real people", he realized that he was only "spoiling everything." There, Yao saw a model of a superman, indifferent to everything and "allowing the cosmic wheel to spin."

The peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Mexico also knew about the "white island". But what is this mysterious island? Researchers also correlate it with Hyperborea as a whole or with one of the islands that belonged to it.

The inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya also have legends about a mysterious country. They, in particular, say that if you go all the time to the north through long ice and wandering cold winds, you can get to people who only love and do not know enmity and malice. They have one leg each and cannot move individually. Therefore, people have to walk embracing, and then they can even run. When northerners love, they work wonders. Having lost the ability to love, they die.

Legends and traditions about the country of the Hyperboreans, located in the Far North, are found in almost all the ancient peoples of the world. They are the only sources of information about the legendary country. But since myths and legends were formed by people, many facts or events that were incomprehensible to them changed. Therefore, researchers interested in ancient civilization seek to find scientific confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea.

Where did the Hyperboreans get their heat from?

Among all the questions regarding the existence of the legendary Hyperborea, scientists are especially interested in the following: where or how did the Hyperboreans get heat in the north?

Even M. V. Lomonosov spoke about the fact that once on the territory now covered with eternal ice there was a rather warm climate. In particular, he wrote that "in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heat waves, where elephants could be born and breed."

According to modern science, in that era the climate in Hyperborea was indeed close to tropical. There is a lot of evidence for this fact. For example, in Svalbard and Greenland, fossilized remains of palm trees, magnolias, tree ferns and other tropical plants were once discovered.

Scientists have several versions as to where the Hyperboreans took heat from. According to one hypothesis, they transformed the heat of natural geysers (as in Iceland). Although today it is known that its power would still not be enough to heat the entire continent during the onset of winter.

Proponents of the second hypothesis believe that the Gulf Stream could well be the source of heat. However, it also does not have sufficient power to heat even a relatively small area (an example is the Murmansk region, near which the Gulf Stream ends). But there is an assumption that earlier this current was more powerful.

According to another assumption, Hyperborea was heated artificially. If the inhabitants of this country solved for themselves the problem of air travel, longevity, rational land use, then there is a possibility that they could provide themselves with heat and even learned how to control the climate.

Why did Hyperborea die?

Scientists today are inclined to think that the cause of the death of this ancient civilization, as well as Atlantis, was a natural disaster.

It is known that the climate in Hyperborea was tropical or close to it, but then a sharp cooling set in. Scientists admit the idea that it happened as a result of global natural disasters, for example, the displacement of the earth's axis.

Ancient astronomers and priests believed that this happened about 400 thousand years ago. But then the hypothesis with an axis shift disappears, since, according to ancient myths and legends, the country of the Hyperboreans existed at the North Pole only a few millennia ago.

Another reason for the disappearance of the mainland could be ice ages following one after another. The last glaciation took place at the beginning of the 10th millennium BC. e. Latin America and Europe have been affected by this global process. The onset of glaciers most likely occurred very quickly (since the mammoths found in Siberia were frozen alive). As a result of the subsequent melting of glaciers, vast areas of land were under water.

It is assumed that Hyperborea was not completely flooded and Greenland, Svalbard, Iceland, Jan Mayen, as well as Siberia and the Alaska Peninsula located in this area are the remnants of the northern continent.

There are no other hypotheses as to why Hyperborea died today. Scientists do not undertake to answer this question until they find the solution to the most important riddle: where was she?

Where to look for Hyperborea?

Today there is no scientific evidence of the existence of the legendary seventh continent, if you do not take into account ancient legends, old engravings and maps. So, for example, on the map of Gerard Mercator, the Arctic continent is indicated (where Hyperborea was supposedly located), and the Arctic Ocean is depicted quite accurately around it.

The Arctic continent on the map of Gerard Mercator 1595

This map aroused great interest among scientists and researchers. The fact is that the place where the “golden woman” is located is marked on it - in the region of the mouth of the Ob River. Whether this is the same statue that has been searched for for many centuries throughout Siberia is unknown. The map also shows its exact location.

Today, many researchers engaged in the search for the mysterious Hyperborea believe that, unlike Atlantis, which disappeared without a trace, part of the land still remained from it - these are the northern territories of Russia.

According to other assumptions, Hyperborea was located on the site of modern Iceland. Although neither there, nor in Greenland, nor on Svalbard, archaeologists have yet been able to find any traces of the existence of an ancient civilization. Scientists attribute this to the volcanic activity that has not stopped until now, which destroyed, perhaps many millennia ago, the ancient northern cities.

Targeted searches for Hyperborea have never been carried out, however, at the beginning of the 20th century, a scientific expedition set off to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bSeidozero and Lovozero (Murmansk Region). It was led by famous travelers A. Barchenko and A. Kondiain. During research work they were engaged in ethnographic, geographical and psychophysical study of the area.

Once, travelers quite by accident stumbled upon an unusual hole that goes deep underground, but they could not penetrate it for a strange reason: everyone who tried to go down there was seized by a wild, inexplicable horror. Nevertheless, the researchers photographed a strange passage deep into the earth.

Returning to Moscow, the expedition submitted a report on the journey, but the data was immediately classified. The most interesting thing in this story is that in the most hungry years for Russia, the government approved the preparation and financing of this expedition. Most likely, she was given great importance. A. Barchenko himself, as a leader, was repressed and shot upon his return. The materials he received were kept secret for a long time.

In the early 90s of the XX century, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences V. Demin became aware of the expedition of A. Barchenko. After reviewing its results and studying in detail the legends and traditions of the peoples, which mentioned the mysterious northern country, he decided to go in search.

In 1997-1999, an expedition was organized to the Kola Peninsula in search of the legendary Hyperborea. The only task before the researchers was to find traces of the ancient cradle of mankind.


It may seem strange why it was in the North that they tried to find these traces. After all, it is believed that ancient civilizations existed in the Middle East, in South and East Asia between the 12th and 2nd millennia BC. e., but before that their ancestors lived in the North, where the climate was completely different.

As a result of the research work, it turned out that those peoples who live near Seydozero still have respectful respect and reverent fear of this area.

Just two centuries ago, the southern shore of the lake was considered the most honorable place for the burial of shamans and other respected people of the Sami people. Even representatives of this northern people caught fish here only once a year. In the Sami language, the names of the lake and the underworld are identified.

For two years, the expedition discovered many traces of the ancestral home of civilizations on the Kola Peninsula. It is known that the inhabitants of Hyperborea were sun-worshippers. The cult of the Sun existed in the North in subsequent times. Ancient petroglyphs depicting the Sun were found here: a dot inside one or two circles. Similar symbolism can be seen among the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. It also entered modern astronomy, where the symbolic image of the Sun remained the same as it was many thousands of years ago.

Artificial labyrinths aroused great interest among researchers. This is where they spread all over the world. Scientists today proved that these stone structures are a coded projection of the passage of the Sun across the polar sky.

Stone blocks on Mount Vottovaara in Karelia

In the area of ​​the sacred Saami Seydozero, a powerful megalithic complex was discovered: giant structures, religious and defensive masonry, geometrically regular slabs with mysterious signs. Nearby were the ruins of an ancient observatory built into the rocks. Its 15-meter trough with sights is directed to the sky and strongly resembles the famous Ulugbek observatory near Samarkand.

In addition, the researchers found several ruined buildings, a road, stairs, an Etruscan anchor and a well under Mount Kuamdespahk. They also made numerous finds, which testify to the fact that once upon a time peoples who perfectly mastered handicrafts lived here.

The expedition found several rock carvings of a lotus and a trident. Of particular interest was a huge cruciform image of a man - "Old Man Koivu", who, according to legend, was immured into the rock of Karnasurta.

These finds, of course, are not proof that a highly developed civilization once existed here. But quite often it happened like this: the most daring hypotheses, smashed to smithereens in their time, were subsequently confirmed.

So far, specific data on the location of the island or the mainland of Hyperborea have not been received. According to modern scientific data, there are no islands near the North Pole, but there is an underwater Lomonosov Ridge, named after its discoverer. He, along with the nearby Mendeleev Ridge, sank under water relatively recently.

Therefore, if we assume that in ancient times the ridge was inhabited, then its inhabitants could well have moved to neighboring continents in the areas of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the Kola and Taimyr Peninsulas, or in the eastern delta of the Lena River. It is in this territory that peoples live who have preserved the legends about the “golden woman” and, as a result, information about the legendary Hyperborea.

The answers to these and many other mysteries we have to learn in the future.

The reader discovers the truth that all the suffering of mankind from the Jews, who were once created in the desert by the black magicians of Egypt through psi-magic and crossing human races with half-monkeys. Subhuman Jews direct the development, or rather, the degradation of society towards Masonic globalization, degeneration and complete annihilation. For what? In order to make room for non-humanoid reptilians.
We quote the author.

"... The genetics of this unfortunate people resembles the genetics of our working termites. For this, the Semitic refugees from Egypt were kept in the desert for forty-two years. A monstrous experiment was carried out on the ancestors of the Jews to change the wave component of their gene pool. The dark priesthood used the same technologies that once, at the dawn of history, they allowed our priesthood to change the gene pool in wild animals in order to obtain domestic ones ... "

"...Now you understand why the Jews are trying so hard in terms of globalization? They were promised in the Talmud that all the property of the goyim-Akums would be their Jewish property.
The genes of archanthropes-hunters are at work. Demi-humans who, throughout their animal life, were engaged in appropriating what was ready ... "

"... the entire society of the Earth, except perhaps China, is controlled by the world mafia of the "chosen" people..."

The description of the Masonic-Jewish mafia, the author assigns most of his "esoteric" chronology. But sometimes he explains that after all "... the real rulers of the planet are not Jews and not Freemasons ..."
"... To hide the true nature of the masters of Western civilization... they blame everything on the Jews. The Jews serve not only as an instrument of the hidden forces of destruction, but also as their camouflage. Just a little, either the Jews or the Freemasons are immediately to blame..."

Who is hiding behind the subhuman Jews? Who are their creators and owners?

What are the most weighty arguments of the author about the "reptilians"?
“Most likely...”, “according to the legends...”, “we can agree...”
"Works of ufologists"... But in the archives of ufologists there are many different strange creatures, all sorts of gray dwarfs, tall blondes, black long-armed giants and even gnomes with elves.

But with all the mind-boggling heap of "esoteric" history that the author lays out before the reader, there is no hint of a system of knowledge, of a coherent, more or less intelligible scheme. Only hints that the Earth was once inhabited by aliens from the constellation of Orion and from the Sirius system, and “went and go”: some, remaining true Aryans, kept ancient knowledge and honor, others now and then - at the suggestion of "serpents" - copulated with monkeys and semi-monkeys, giving birth to genetic degenerates.

On this topic, not only the Jews inherited from the author. Hybrids-subhumans, in his opinion, are still "... Arabs, Turks, Caucasians, modern Afghans, Indians, Papuans, Negroes ..., Chinese ..."

Sometimes references are made to ancient Eastern sources, but one can see a very superficial acquaintance with them either by the author's mentors, or by the author himself (if he invented these mentors).

For example, the statement about the Nagas. In the sacred literature of India, in the esoteric Teachings of the East, Nagas-Snakes are wise highly spiritual beings, mentors of people, adherents of secret knowledge.
Sidorov writes:
“... Indian legends speak of the underground snake people of the Nagas. Nagas, according to the Vedas, are very smart, they can take on a completely human appearance. By the way, this is very important - remember! They are treacherous and cruel and wield the highest magic. They do not like people and constantly harm us ... "

It seems that the author is counting on a narrow-minded and lazy reader who is not burdened with erudition and will not compare facts with the statements of Sidorov's "esoteric Vedism". Or the author himself, with his "Old Russian holiness" brought to the primitive and cloying, is like that and counts on the same narrow-minded, blinkered followers.

“... The old sorcerer fell silent, poured himself a full mug of fruit drink, and ordered me to do the same. When we drank a fruit drink with fragrant bread and honey together, he continued ... "

Sidorov's mentors are deceitful and hypocritical. They talk about righteousness and sin, but they themselves are full of arrogance and lust. This is evident where in their revelations they concern women.

- Do you seriously think that after their migration to Eurasia and Africa, women from Atlantis began to prefer semi-monkeys instead of their men? I asked.

– Is it possible that Atlantean men, instead of white, delicate blonde beauties with clear smooth skin and a sonorous voice, began to prefer dirty, shaggy, mute, smelly and ugly cannibals? - Laughing, the "healer" asked me a counter question.

– And then a civilized woman is always very practical, more materialized than a man, and more selfish. And finally, the monkey can be washed, combed ... In the end, teach articulate something to mumble.

These priests, “patristic elders”, “sorcerers”, “healers”, have long appeared on the horizon of the Russian literary world. They were hinted at by the creators of the concept of "KOB", they are referred to by other authors of this direction of modern "Russian Aryan mysticism", in which the concepts of earth, race and blood exactly repeat the dogmas of Aryan mysticism of German Nazism during the Third Reich, only with the transfer of the object of influence from the Germans on Russians. Once upon a time, these theories of racial hatred managed to process and make idiot fanatics out of Germans, now Russians are being processed with them.

It seems that with the advent of Sidrorov, the regiment of theorists of bestiality-oskotinization arrived. These theorists differ in their level of erudition and ability to cover ideas with intellectual speculation. Dugin, Klimov, Avdeev, Levashov, Menyailov ... Sidorov is not the most cunning in this regard.

Let's take, for example, one of his revelations - about Carbon and prominences.

“... for the first time the white race of the constellation Orion appeared in the orbit of the Earth somewhere in the Devonian.
In fact, it was difficult to live on it even in the Carboniferous: in the Carboniferous period, there was enough fresh water and oxygen, but the greenhouse effect reigned almost all over the Earth. Was
hot and very stuffy. But by and large, the climate for our ancestors was not a serious problem. The trouble was something else. Prominences of the Sun!

Sometimes the Sun became so active that its prominences reached the surface of the planet. And then the whole Earth was on fire! Forests of ferns, ancient club mosses, horsetails burned, lakes and small rivers evaporated. The burning stopped only when the amount of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere sharply decreased... It was these charred tree trunks that eventually turned into coal. Scientists still cannot understand how he, coal, could form.
“Well, how do you think the ancient fauna survived?” I asked.
“You know that the Carboniferous was inhabited mainly by amphibians. The water saved them. By the way, plant spores and some insects survived in the water. Other arthropods in the desert at high temperatures could burrow in the sand ... "

The sun became so active that its prominences reached the Earth and burned all life on it, but the oceans did not evaporate, thanks to which life was preserved...

I hope the reader understands the stupidity of what Sidorov's mentor, the "old sorcerer", "healer", the keeper of "esoteric" knowledge, is broadcasting here? Either the mentor himself, or Sidorov, who invented him, never looked into books on astronomy.

For those who especially believed in the revelations of Sidorov, for those who still do not understand the absurdity of the statement about prominences, I will explain.

The diameter of the Earth is 12742 km.
The diameter of the Sun is 1,391,000 km.
The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 150,000,000 km.

For clarity, I will change the scale and reduce the exact dimensions of the Sun-Earth system to such a size that the Earth is the size of a grain of sand - 1 millimeter in diameter.

We get:
The diameter of the earth is 1 mm.
The diameter of the Sun is 109 millimeters, that is, approximately 11 centimeters.
The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 11 meters 77 centimeters, that is, approximately 12 meters.

So, we present. The sun is the size of a large orange and the Earth is the size of a grain of sand 12 meters away.
Still unclear?
Then we imagine that the tongue of the prominence rises from this “orange”, a fiery fountain and stretches 12 meters in length. This fiery "tongue" reaches the "grain of sand" of the Earth and burns out what is on its surface with pinpoint precision... I think it is unnecessary to comment further.

The question of the disappeared northern country has always worried scientists.
How did Hyperborea die?
What do the sources of ancient civilizations say?
How did the ancestors of the Slavs survive the global catastrophe?
Where could the survivors go?

The Italian historian Mavro Orbini, in his book “The Slavic Kingdom” (1601), wrote: “The people of the Slavs are much older than Egyptian pyramids and so numerous that it inhabits half the world. Although the written history of the people who lived before our era does not tell anything, traces ancient culture in the Russian North - a scientific fact. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Plato wrote that the centuries-old roots of the Russian people originate in Arctida.

Evidence of the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. Mercator map

Medieval maps in museums around the world show that Hyperborea was located on islands around the modern North Pole. Some scientists are sure that it also occupied Greenland and Scandinavia.

The fact of the existence of the Slavic ancestral home is evidenced by the works of the greatest traveler and cartographer of the 16th century, Gerard Mercator. No one has ever doubted his discoveries, even in our time. How this man could draw up an accurate map of Hyperborea remained a mystery. Indeed, by the time it was compiled (1595), this territory no longer existed.

The cartographer described the legendary northern country as a rounded mainland, divided by huge rivers into four identical parts. Studying the map, modern scientists recognize the territory of the Arctic Ocean in Arctida. An accurate description of the northern part of the coast of America and Eurasia fully confirms the reliability of Mercator's work. Engravings of ancient peoples found by archaeologists also confirm the existence of Hyperborea. The map also has an image of Meru's ancestral mountain. This universal height was at the North Pole. According to declassified information, a mountain was discovered under the water of the Northern Ocean in Russia - a very high one, touching the ice cover. In addition, the ancient map depicts a strait connecting America and Asia. Interestingly, the Russian navigator Semyon Dezhnev discovered it only in 1648. After 80 years, this path was again passed by a Russian expedition led by Vigus Bering. Subsequently, the strait was named after the commander. How did Mercator know about the Bering Strait? How did he get on his card?

Proof of the existence of Hyperborea can also be found in the works of Yakov Gakkel, a well-known Soviet cartographer and oceanographer. His studies of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean confirm the existence of this civilization. According to the scientist, the descendants of the Hyperboreans were the eastern and western Slavs, who settled in the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as in the northern part of continental Europe.

The catastrophe that befell the northern country

In the ancient myths of the peoples of the world, Hyperborea was spoken of as a "paradise land." For example, the Hellenes called it that because it is located behind the north wind Boreas. They believed that it was the wise Hyperboreans who laid the foundation of modern civilization. Homer described Arctida as a highly developed civilization, and its representatives as giants with Slavic features. The ancient Roman erudite writer Pliny the Elder, who was considered one of the most impartial scientists of his time, called the nationality real. “Civilization lives near the Arctic Circle, has its own culture and is outwardly similar to the Hellenes. The Hyperboreans are a happy people, living to a decrepit age, having amazing legends. There the sun does not set below the horizon for six months. The whole country is flooded sunlight. Favorable climate, no cold wind. Groves and forests serve as dwellings for people. They do not know disease, strife, hatred. A person dies only when he is fed up with life, ”wrote Pliny the Elder. But Hyperborea has disappeared. What happened? Why did she go under water?

Many peoples of Siberia have legends describing the disaster that befell the "paradise land". Khanty, Mansi, Sakhalin Nivkhs, Nanais - all these peoples talk about the flood. But before this event there is fire from the sky. Then - a sharp cooling, and as a result - the death of all living things.

There is a version that before the "big water" there was a collision of the Earth with a meteorite. As a result, Hyperborea disappeared under water. However, at first it was part of the mainland. Then the entire territory went under water, with the exception of a few islands. Where did the Hyperboreans go? Scientists suggest that one part of the inhabitants of Hyperborea migrated to the southern lands. The other - to the territory of modern Germany, Poland and Belarus. Mixing with the indigenous population of nomadic tribes, new languages, customs arose, cultural heritage changed.

The legends of the Russian Templars say that Lelya (once the Earth's satellite), revolving around the planet in 7 days, fell on its surface. But it didn't fall by accident. He was destroyed in a space battle. It was this fall that caused a global catastrophe, as a result of which Hyperborea died. The earth's axis shifted, which led to a change in climatic conditions, and the Hyperboreans migrated to other favorable places.

According to the astronomical calculations of the ancient Egyptians, as well as the Mayan calendar, the catastrophe that hit Hyperborea dates back to 11,542 BC. The Flood, a sharp change in climatic conditions forced our ancestors to leave their country and settle almost all over the earth. Many teachings that have come down to us from antiquity mention a people in the North who possessed vast knowledge.

Other scientific confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea. Climate

Paleontologists and oceanographers from Russia, the United States and Canada have determined that the climatic conditions of the Arctic (from 30 to 15 millennium BC) were mild. The waters of the Arctic Ocean were warm, no eternal ice did not exist on the continent. The modern underwater ridges of Mendeleev and Lomonosov towered above the water surface of the ocean. North Pole had a temperate climate that was favorable for human life.

Migratory birds and their migration

The fact that the climate of the Arctic in the past was favorable is evidenced by the annual migrations of migratory birds. This can be explained by the genetically programmed memory of the warm ancestral home. The current state of the Arctic Ocean floor shows that it used to be a huge plateau with river valleys. Scientists believe: this is the mainland, which once towered over the ocean. If the map of the bottom of the Arctic Ocean is superimposed on the map of Gerard Mercator, the coincidences will be amazing. Therefore, it cannot be called a mere coincidence.

Structures made of stone

The fact that an ancient highly developed civilization existed in the northern latitudes is evidenced by stone structures. So, a labyrinth was discovered on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. This is an exceptional find, because such structures have never been found in these latitudes. Scientists continue to find traces of the life of ancient civilizations all over the Earth, from the Leningrad region, Yakutia and ending with Novaya Zemlya.

Quest for a Legendary Civilization

As history shows, such famous personalities as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler believed in the existence of Hyperborea. The German leader even equipped several expeditions to search for her. Soviet Union did not lag behind Germany. By order of Dzerzhinsky, three expeditions were organized. Two of them disappeared (most likely died), but one returned to Moscow with evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. But for unknown reasons, the leader of the expedition, Barchenko, was soon shot, and the rest of his group disappeared without a trace. What were all these expeditions looking for? Just archaeological interest? No. Most likely, they needed the lost knowledge of the Hyperboreans. After all, the ancient inhabitants of the northern country could adapt the forces of nature for their own benefit, for their needs.

All modern expeditions aimed at searching for Hyperborea, the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, raise new questions. There is new evidence of the real existence of this country. But there are more and more mysteries. The main thing is that no one doubts that Arctida is related to the history of ancient Russia. No one doubts that the Russian people, their language is connected with this disappeared country. Time will pass, and scientists will find more evidence of the existence of the northern mainland. This will change the perception of the last millennia in the history of all mankind. Perhaps the Hyperboreans will turn out to be not only the ancestors of the Slavs, but also the descendants of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization. Time will show…
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