Autumn matinee in the senior group "dragonfly and ant". Scenario of the autumn holiday "Autumn Tale" Dance with leaves

Scenario “Adventures in the autumn forest” for children of senior and preparatory groups

The hall is festively decorated to resemble an autumn forest. To the sound of “Waltz” by composer Delibes, children of both groups easily run around the hall in pairs. They stop along the side walls.


Rain fell on the rowan bunches,

A maple leaf circles above the ground...

Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise

And again she put on the gold outfit...

You bring with you a sad violin,

So that the sad tune sounds over the fields,

But we, autumn, greet you with a smile

And we invite everyone to the festive ball!

G. Demkina

Children sing a song about autumn chosen by the music director.


It's raining all over the land

Wet road...

Lots of drops on the glass

And there's a little heat.


Birches sleep in silver,

Brighter than the green of the pine trees,

Because it's outside

Gold autumn.


It's autumn time again

Spun by the wind,

She has wonderful colors

Everyone was fascinated by:

Look at the carpet

Leaves at the doorstep!

It's just a pity that there are brighter days

In autumn a little...

V. Semernin. Golden autumn

A song about autumn is performed at the choice of the music director.

The children go to their places. A girl with a headscarf on her head runs out into the middle of the hall - Alyonka.


The scarlet and yellow leaves are torn by the wind,

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

The sun will just come out -

He'll hide again...

Let's go to the forest soon

Find autumn!

Children become pairs and walk around the hall with the song “Autumn”, music and words by Eliseev. They stop in a circle.


Hello, our protected forest!

Meet city guests!

Can you hear us? Then in response to us

Shake the branches!

A phonogram of forest noise sounds.


Into the dark dense forest

Autumn has arrived.

How many fresh cones

At the green pines!


How many scarlet berries

At the forest rowan!

The waves have grown

Right on the path!


And among the lingonberries,

On a green hill

A fungus mushroom came out

In a red scarf.


The wind was blowing

In a forest clearing,

Spun the aspen tree

In a red sundress.


And a leaf from a birch tree

golden bee

It curls and flies

Above the prickly tree.


We'll walk slowly

On the forest fluffy mosses,

Here is a rowan - what a miracle -

The bunch is being handed to us!

Children of the preparatory group perform the round dance “Rowanushka”, music and lyrics by A. Rozhdestvensky.

Child(senior group).

Whose red tail flashed there?

Here's a jump! One more jump!

Just came closer -

Squirrel - hop! And - off we go!

Child(senior group).

The squirrel is stocking up

The bunny doesn't even know

He will chew the carrot right away

And a whole forkful of cabbage!

S. Podshibyakina

Children of the older group stage the song “Squirrels”, music by Z. Levina, lyrics by L. Nekrasova.



Lead us forward

Help us autumn

Find it quickly!

A soundtrack sounds - the cry of flying cranes, a child comes out.

Child(senior group).

Cool autumn has already arrived,

And the maple dropped two leaves onto the path.

Sad birds fly south

To return again in early spring.

Children of both groups perform the song “Cranes”, music by I. Arseev, words by P. Vorolko.

Children from the older group come out wearing Ducky hats.

Child(senior group).

Ducks, ducks,

Where are you flying to?

Autumn is golden

You will find it for us!

1st duck.

If the sun is colder

If the days are shorter

The evening is cloudier, longer

And darker than the night...

2nd duck.

If the clouds are low,

This means that autumn is very close.

3rd duck.

That's right, that's true!

Believe me. Crack! Crack! Crack!

A subgroup of children from the older group performs the song-dance “Ducklings” (recording of a French song).

Next comes the performance of “Kikimora and Leshy” based on the poems of Svetlana Podshibyakina. The soundtrack plays - disturbing music from the movie “Fire, Water and Copper Pipes”. The music sounds quieter, Alyonka speaks in the background.


The sky suddenly darkened

A shadow fell over the forest and meadow.

Someone is cracking branches,

Puffing under the snags...

And squeals! And something is scratching...

Oh! Kikimora and Leshy!

(Runs to the side.)

Kikimora runs into the hall with wooden spoons in his belt, and Leshy with an accordion. They perform ditties.



Stretch your furs, accordion,

Eh! Play and play!


I'll hit the spoons loudly

Sing, don't talk!

I walked along the forest side,

The devil is following me!

I thought it was a man

What the hell is this!


Barmaley, you, Barmaley,

You love little children.

Twist your mustache -

We'll find them for you!


Stretch your furs, accordion,

Eh! Play and play!


I'll hit the spoons loudly

Sing, don't talk, eh!

A soundtrack of threatening music sounds, Kikimora and Leshy speak in ominous voices.

Leshy. What?! Are you afraid of us, guys?!

Kikimora. They certainly chickened out!

Goblin. Run away without looking back!

Kikimora. Otherwise, let’s shave our sides!

Alyonka. (Angrily.)

What do you just want from us?

They detained everyone on the way,

Here are the kids from kindergarten,

We want to find autumn!

Goblin (imitates).

How wrong! They need O-autumn!

Kikimora (grimacing).

We detained the guy!


Let's throw you all into the swamp!

Kikimora (ominously).

Let's put a spell on everyone!


"Autumn! Autumn!" - refrigeration!

It's raining from the sky!


The wind is howling!

He's looking in the branches!

(Angrily.) It just doesn’t let me sleep!

Kikimora. We won't let her in! Just know!

Leshy (dreamingly).

Summer would be better! And warm-oh-oh!


And even laugh, even cry, -

You're very unlucky!

(Giggles, rubs hands.)

Alyonka (stomping angrily).

If you don't wait, we won't cry,

Let's sing and dance!

(Kikimora and Leshim are outraged.)

Alyonka (quietly to the children).

Maybe we'll get lucky

Run away unnoticed?

(Kikimore and Leshy).

You love to scare everyone

Do you know how to play?

Kikimora with Leshim. Why not!

Alyonka. Here's a difficult riddle for you:

We all love to play...

Kikimora with Leshim. Hide-and-seek!

Alyonka(cunningly). Right! (Blindfolds them.)

A game of hide and seek is played. Children clap their hands and gradually run out of the hall, while parents and spectators continue to clap their hands. Kikimora and Leshiy follow the sounds and grab the spectators’ hands. Having untied their eyes, they look around.


Ugh, abyss! I knew it!

They tricked us again!


Why did you do bad magic?!

Where should we look for them now?!

Kikimora (confused).

Let's run... uh... there! Let's look!

(Threateningly.) I won’t run far!

(Looking at Leshy.)

Why are you bulging your eyes?!

Catch up! Otherwise they will leave!

Kikimora and Leshiy run away from the hall.


The guys outwitted them

Everyone went into the wilderness of the forest.

And, although it was a little difficult,

We finally found autumn!

To the lyrical melody of the quadrille, children, led by Autumn, enter the hall in a chain, holding hands. They walk in a “snake” from one side wall to the other and at the end of the music they line up in a semicircle facing the audience. Autumn is coming into the middle.


Autumn, we were looking for you,

We walked around the magical forest.

1st child. Squirrels, we saw ducks

2nd child. And they danced with the mountain ash,

All(in unison). The forest is full of your miracles!


Everyone calls me - golden autumn,

I walked through fields and forests.

Congratulations to everyone on the autumn holiday,

Let him be remembered by you forever!

Children stand around Autumn in two circles and perform “Round Dance with Autumn” to the words and music of S. Yu. Podshibyakina. after which they sit down.


Under the fallen leaves

The mushrooms hid together:

One is under the birch tree,

The other is under a pine tree.

Follow them along the forest path!

Two boys in caps come out - Mushrooms.

1st fungus.

The rowan tree is burning on the bushes -

Both elegant and tasty.

But why did you lure me away?

Is she visiting Mushrooms?

2nd fungus.

We are poor russulas

We sit quietly under a leaf.

Come on, let's go out into the clearing

And we will defeat the mountain ash!

Children perform the song-dance “Picking Mushrooms”, music and lyrics by L. Abelyan.

Presenter(laying out mushrooms).

Chocolate mushrooms,

Beautiful, elegant.

I'll put you in a basket,

I'll take it home now!

There is an attraction called “Collect mushrooms with your eyes closed.”


Let's play, mushrooms,

The guys are waiting for you now.

Stand together in a circle -

You can't hide from us!

The children of the preparatory group play the game “Look”, music by T. Lomova.

Autumn(scattering leaves).

I hurried here to see you, friends,

Golded everything around!

Covered everything around with leaves -

We'll sing about her now!

A general round dance “Autumn Leaf Fall” is performed, music and lyrics by M. Dorofeeva.

At the end of the round dance, Autumn brings a pie into the circle and bows to the children.


I baked pies for you -

They give off a forest spirit! -

Strawberry and honey

Both rowan and mushroom!

I invite you to tea!


Autumn, autumn, wait

Weave rain from water!

Cloud, don't butt the sun,

Give me blue skies!

Flash, river and stream,

From the straw rays!

So that day and midnight

Starry or sunny.

Autumn bows to all the children, and they go to drink tea and pies.

17.09.2016 | Looked at the script 10013 Human

Dear Guys! So autumn has come. Collected from fields and gardens
harvest. It's the last warm days. But we are not sad, because
Well, every season has something unusual and magical.
The leaves in the yard have turned yellow...

Autumn Festival at the preschool educational institution "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | Looked at the script 7410 Human

1st presenter:
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Yellow aspen sounds the alarm,
A leaf fell from a birch tree,
And like a carpet, it covered the road.
2nd presenter:
The sun is tired,
You are sparingly warming.
Yellow and scarlet
The sheets are spinning.
3rd presenter:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest Friends"

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 21615 Human

To the music of the song "Autumn", children enter the hall in a group and look at it.

Presenter: Guys, look how elegantly our hall is decorated. Please tell me what time of year this design is best suited? Why?

Children answer: For autumn! ...

Scenario of the holiday "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | Looked at the script 20969 Human

To the sound of a cheerful Russian folk melody, children of the junior and middle groups enter the hall and sit on chairs in the auditorium.

What an artist he is!
All the forests are gilded!
Even the heaviest rain
I didn't wash this paint off.

Scenarios for autumn matinees - Meeting autumn

17.08.2013 | Looked at the script 16121 Human

Summer is coming: Hello children! I'm summer, do you recognize me? It's nice. Did you have a good time with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, heated water in the rivers for you, and helped the tasty and juicy berries to sing. But three months have flown by and it’s time for us...

Scenario for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | Looked at the script 17685 Human

The festival of the autumn ball, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of skits, competitions, and theatrical performances. At such an event you can see a wide variety of skits and theatrical performances. They usually prepare for the autumn ball...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | Looked at the script 15689 Human

Two children enter the hall to the sounds of a waltz.
Rain fell on the rowan bunches,
A maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again she put on the gold outfit.
You bring with you sad...

"Extraordinary adventures of preschool children." Scenario for an autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | Looked at the script 17765 Human

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit autumn.
The spider bounces on a thread.
What? Don't you want to let us through? Strange... What about you...

Scenarios for autumn holidays "Autumn Gifts"

13.09.2011 | Looked at the script 19557 Human

Cobwebs fly by
With spiders in the middle,
And high from the ground
Cranes fly by.

Everything is flying, it must be
Our summer is flying away.

Summer is flying away, and the golden sorceress is rushing towards him...

"Autumn sisters" scenario for the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | Looked at the script 15481 Human

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, branches of rowan, aspen, and maple.
Children run into the hall and dance to “Waltz” by A. Griboedov.

1st child.
Summer flew away quickly
A migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn has spread wonderfully

Scenario “Autumn visiting the kids.”

Scenario for holding the autumn holiday “Autumn Visiting the Kids” in the junior group of the MKDOU Ergeninsky kindergarten “Girl”.

Celebration progress:

Children with a teacher, listening to music, enter the hall and stand in a semicircle

Leading: Look, guys, everything around has turned yellow.

Autumn has covered everything with its golden carpet!

Children read poetry:

1 Jal: The autumn garden has turned yellow, the leaves are spinning and flying.

2 Sanan: It rains often, he doesn’t tell us to walk.

3 Yana: The birds have flown away, the days have become shorter,

The sun is not visible - dark, dark nights.

Leading: The leaves are all so beautiful on an autumn day,

Let's invite golden Autumn to visit!

(music sounds, Autumn enters with a basket.)

AUTUMN: I am golden autumn,

I came to you for the holiday,

Autumn leaves

I brought it to all the kids.

Take the leaves quickly

Dance with them!

Dance of autumn leaves.

AUTUMN: How many golden leaves!

I'll collect them soon!

(Autumn walks among the children and looks behind the leaves.)

AUTUMN: Oh, it’s our kids who hid!

When the breeze blows, fly away quickly, leaf!

(Autumn is blowing, children run away and sit on chairs.)

HOST: Autumn, dear, sit down,

Have fun with us!

The children will sing songs and read poems to you.

1 Jal: What a beautiful Autumn

What a golden dress.

And visit today, guys,

The autumn holiday has come to us.

2 Xiang-Tsag: Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

Red and yellow

The wind tears the leaves.

3 Batu: Yellow leaf on the palm

I'll put it to my cheek.

It's sunny summer

I hold it in my hand.

4 Maxim: Yellow leaf, don’t fly away!

Don't forget about me!

AUTUMN: If the cloud frowns

And it threatens to rain,

Let's hide under an umbrella

Let's wait out the rain!

Let's play game "Sunshine and Rain".

AUTUMN: Children, someone is running towards us,

And he’s in a hurry for our holiday.

Bunny runs in.

Bunny: I'm Bunny, I'm completely frozen!

Ears are freezing, nose is freezing.

It's been raining all day.

Zainka is completely sad!

AUTUMN: So that it is warm in winter,

Build yourself a tower!

And the kids will help you.

Finger game "House".

Knock, knock with a hammer! (knocks fist on fist)

The bunny is building a new house!

The roof is large - (raise the handles high up)

Here it is!

The windows are large - (spread their arms wide to the sides)

Like these ones!

The bunny builds all day long! (knocks fist on fist)

The bunny is not too lazy to build a house.

He will call guests to the house (they “call” with his hand towards himself)

It will be more fun in the house! (clap hands)

AUTUMN: Here comes the little mansion!

He is neither short nor tall!

But the first guest is rushing to our Teremka.

Frog runs in.

FROG: Kwa-kwa! Teremok!

He is neither short nor tall!

Let me, Bunny, live with you!

Bunny: What can you do?

FROG: Kwa-kwa! I'm a Frog!

I can sing songs and look at the sun.

HOST: They began to live together in Teremka.

Guys, someone else is running.

Foxy runs in.

CHANTERELLE: I'm a cunning Fox, red sister!

Oh, what a tower! He is neither short nor tall!

Let me live with you, Bunny!

Bunny: What can you do?

CHANTERELLE: I'm Little Fox,

I am beautiful to the whole world!

I came to the children

I brought mushrooms and cones.

You'd better run out

Yes, play with me!

Game “Collect mushrooms and cones”

HOST: This is how the animals began to live together in a warm and large mansion. Now they are not afraid of any frosty winter. (artists take a bow)

And I invite you to dance.

Dance of fly agarics.

Presenter: Autumn, you are a sorceress, show the children your miracles.

Autumn: I’ll show you, but I’ll ask you guys to help.

Have you collected mushrooms? How did the mushrooms dance?

(shows a small mushroom and places it in the middle of the circle).

Would you like a mushroom treat? Then repeat the magic words after me:

You, fungus, grow, grow,

Treat our kids!

Presenter: For some reason our mushroom is not growing.

Autumn: It needs to rain.

Children perform song "Rain"

The presenter distracts the children, Autumn changes the small mushroom to a large one.

Presenter: Oh guys, look how our fungus has grown.

Autumn takes off the mushroom cap, and inside there are mushroom-shaped cookies.

The children and the presenter thank Autumn for the treat.

AUTUMN: It's fun to play with you, sing songs and dance!

I thank you for everything! It's a pity to part with you,

But the time has come to say goodbye. Goodbye!

HOST: This concludes our holiday, our dear guests, we were glad to see you at our autumn holiday.

Scenario of the matinee in the senior group “Autumn Tale”.

Scenario for holding the autumn holiday “Autumn Tale” in the senior group of the MKDOU Ergeninsky kindergarten “Girl”.

Foster a love of nature through a children's matinee dedicated to the time of year;

To consolidate and expand children’s ideas about autumn natural phenomena through their expressive performance of songs, dances, poems, and games;

Develop children’s musical and creative abilities, maintain an emotionally positive attitude;

To promote the development of children's creative abilities, the development of a sense of collectivism, and the ability to work in a team.

Teach children to expressively perform songs, recite poems, and dance on stage;

Develop communication skills, a sense of mutual assistance, develop creative abilities, and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

The presenter and 1 child enter the hall.

1. Presenter: Hello, dear guests!

Have fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time!

And your holiday We're starting autumn.

Forget about worries

Take a break from work

Have fun, don't be shy

And smile with us!

2. : Brings us autumn sad violin,

So that the sad tune sounds over the fields

But we always We greet autumn with a smile

Together : And we invite everyone to our festive hall!

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, one after another, in a chain with maple leaves. (arms extended down, slightly to the sides) and stand in rows in their places.

Poems tell:

1_________. Look guys, our hall is so elegant

We invited guests here, what kind of celebration is there in our hall?

TOGETHER : This autumn she came to us and brought gifts for everyone.

2__________. Fruits, vegetables, flowers - unprecedented beauty!

3__________. And nuts, and honey, and rowan, and fungus!

4___________. Gave me leaf fall -

TOGETHER : The leaves are burning with gold!

Performed DANCE WITH LEAVES “Leaf, leaf fall.”

After the dance, hide the leaves behind your back and hold your hands like that while the children read poetry.

Children read poetry:

1__________. The rain is pouring over the river

A colorful rainbow rises

Look at this miracle

Who could paint it?

2___________. All paths and paths

As if in motley shreds.

It's Autumn unnoticed

He walks around with paint in his hands.

3____________. Rowan red paint

Decorated in the gardens,

Splashes of scarlet viburnum

Scattered it on the bushes.

4____________. Autumn will be painted yellow

Poplars, alders, birches.

The rain is pouring like gray paint,

The sun laughs goldenly.

5 ___________ Autumn lowered the brush

And looks around.

Bright, kind, colorful

TOGETHER : She gave us a holiday!

Performed dance "Rainbow" (girls of the senior group).

There is the sound of thunder, then the sound of rain. Children groan (together) and cover the head with leaves on top.

Then they run backwards and sit on their knees, continuing to hold the leaves on top.

AUTUMN: And now, my boys,

Guess the riddles!

(Autumn asks children riddles, children answer ).

1. Alenka dressed up in her green sundress,

Her frills are curled thickly, and her name is... (cabbage).

2. Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun, crochet tails (cucumbers).

3.Long red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head,

Only green heels (carrots) stick out in the garden bed.

4.Before we ate it,

We had time to cry (bow).

AUTUMN: Well done guys, you guessed all my riddles!

Rain runs out to the cheerful music (in a blue and white outfit, with droplets and a cloud on his clothes, holding rain in his hands, arms bent at the elbows, waving above his head. He makes a circle around the hall (in front of the children, runs up to the children, standing to the side of them:

RAIN : Wait, wait, wait!

I won't tell you to sing and dance anymore.

The invitation was not sent

You are the autumn rain!

I'll be here with you, I'll cry,

I'll clear out the puddles and slush,

Now I’m going to wet everyone and of course I’m going to upset everyone.

The sound of rain sounds. The children run away and sit down in their places.

At this time, the rain is jumping around in a circle accompanied by cheerful music.

The second teacher collects the leaves.

Leading : Rain, rain, stay

Have fun with us.

The rain is very friendly with us,

After all, everyone knows -

TOGETHER : We need rain!

Leading : And now, my friends, let's sing a song about autumn and rain for our guests.

Performed song “Autumn has come” (middle group)

(children take bells from under the chairs and stand in their places as if dancing with leaves)

Presenter: Autumn touches the leaves,

He pours out handfuls of acorns,

In a moment he will come from a gray cloud,

Flooding everything with rain,

Summer has come and gone

The time of autumn has come.

Who would say autumn?

Come to our bright hall.


Presenter : Moms, dads, don't sit! Call us autumn! TOGETHER! FRIENDLY!

TOGETHER WITH PARENTS : Come visit us in the fall, we all ask you very much.

Autumn comes out to the center of the hall, spins in place and begins to sing, standing on the right side of the hall, addressing children and adults.

AUTUMN: 1. The yellow leaf is spinning, (children repeat while sitting on chairs)

Slowly flies (children repeat)

The rain is restless, (children repeat)

It drips and knocks. (children repeat)

Autumn is golden, (children repeat)

I came to visit YOU, (came to visit us)

Ended suddenly (children repeat)

Summer time. (children repeat)

During the loss, Autumn says to her parents:

Very simple! Now YOU help us, okay?

Let's listen carefully!

2. Autumn has come - repeat

The flowers have dried up - repeat,

We watched before - repeat,

How they bloomed - repeat.

The sky is now frowning - repeat,

There are no bright colors - repeat,

Golden autumn - repeat,

Sends us his greetings - repeat.

Autumn: How beautiful it is in your hall,

A world of comfort and warmth,

You called me poems,

Finally, I came to you.

With your magic brush

I'm repainting

All autumn nature

And trees and fields.

(sit on a chair, puts a magic brush next to it)

Children read Autumn poems:

____________: Lately, from morning to morning,

All you can hear is that autumn has come.

A yellow piece of paper burst into our room -

______________ : A drop of rain sparkles on the palm -

Dad said: “Autumn sheds tears.”

The rowan tree in the garden under the window turned red,

And grandma: “Autumn is beautiful. I put on the beads.”

_____________ : So autumn is knocking on our windows

A gloomy cloud, cold rain.

And it will never come back

Summer with a sunny, warm ray.

___________: Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light,

Summer is lost somewhere.

__________: On a bush-bush -

yellow leaves,

A cloud hangs in the blue, -

So, it's time for autumn.

Leading: Maybe he really is wandering through the forest

All dressed up like a princess

In gold, scarlet satin, turquoise...

Want to take a look at this beauty?

Children: YES.

Leading: All you can hear from morning to morning:

"Autumn has come, autumn has come."

Let's look for her! Let's ask everyone:

“Has anyone seen where autumn is hiding?”

____________: I walk and feel sad alone:

Autumn is nearby somewhere

A yellow leaf in the river

Summer has drowned.

I throw him a circle -

Your last wreath.

Only summer cannot be saved,

If the day is autumn.

____________: Spun around me

The rain of leaves is mischievous.

How good he is!

Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under it,

We danced like friends -

____________: Autumn!

It's frosty in the morning,

Yellow leaves are falling in the groves!

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

The ice in the puddles is transparent blue,

There is white frost on the leaves!

___________: Autumn gathers birds in flocks

And they fly south, they fly.

You are a beautiful golden autumn,

How beautiful is your farewell outfit.

____________: Summer flew away quickly

A migratory bird into the distance,

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl!

Autumn, how glad we are to see you.

Variegated leaves are falling.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

Autumn decorates the parks

Multi-colored foliage

Autumn feeds with harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens and vegetable gardens

Both in the forest and near the water.

Prepared by nature

All kinds of fruits.

The fields are being cleaned.

People are collecting bread.

The mouse drags the grains into the hole,

To have lunch in the winter.

Dried squirrels roots.

Bees store honey.

Grandma makes jam

Apples are placed in the cellar.

Who worked hard,

Who hasn't been lazy all summer,

He will be full all winter

Children(in unison) : Autumn will generously reward.

Autumn: And now, kids, an interesting game awaits you!


Two teams of 6 people each participate - children and parents. This is grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a “turnip” - a child wearing a hat with a picture of a turnip. Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the “turnip”, runs around it and returns, clinging to it (takes him by the waist) grandmother, and they continue running together, go around the “turnip” again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, she clings to the mouse "turnip". The team that pulled it out faster wins. "turnip".

While autumn plays with the children, "unnoticed" Baba Yaga enters, steals the magic brush and runs away to her hut (model of a hut in the corner of the hall).

Autumn(notices the missing magic brush):

Oh, what a problem! I don’t know what to do

I have no idea where

The gold brush is missing.

Magic brush

Which I repaint

All autumn nature

And trees and fields!

Baba Yaga (paints his hut with a magic brush, sings):

1. Near the forest on the edge

Yaga lived in a hut,

Completely skewed

A little house from ancient times.

And it’s very convenient

I found a brush

I'll repaint the hut,

So that it would be a tower.

Presenter: Autumn, look, so that’s who took your magic brush!

(Addressing Yaga): Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: Well, I do not! What I got was lost!

Presenter: But you stole this brush from Autumn, how can Autumn now bring beauty without a magic brush? Look how beautiful it is in our hall, Autumn has dressed it up so much. And Autumn needs to give golden outfits to the trees and cover the ground with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: Oh, you are so cunning! They themselves will bring beauty, but what, will you order me to live out my entire life in such a lopsided, shabby hut? No, now I’ll make myself beautiful and live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in! (goes to his house)

Presenter: What to do? How can we lure Baba Yaga’s magic brush for Autumn? I came up with it (approaches the hut and knocks)

Baba Yaga: Who's there?

Presenter: This is us, your guests.

Baba Yaga: What other guests are there? I won't let you in!

Presenter: Well, since you don’t want to let guests in, then take us as your employees.

Baba Yaga: You? To workers? And what, pray tell, can you do, workers?

Presenter: Well, for example, we can work as accountants. We will count your finances, and your cups and bowls, and your ladle, and your jet mortars, and your chicken legs.

Baba Yaga: Oh, so tiny - and count! What kind of accountants are you? I’ve been making money on my property for three hundred years and three years, and you’ll send me around the world in three days.

Presenter: We won't let you in! And we will rewrite your goodness.

Baba Yaga: Oh, let's rewrite it! Now the hut will fall apart from laughter. Do you know the letters?

Presenter: Our kids know letters and numbers, and they can also sing.

Baba Yaga: Yah? I love songs! Sing, I'll listen.

Performed song "Autumn, dear, rustle"

Baba Yaga: Oh, what a soulful, touching song!

Presenter: Baba Yaga, and our kids can dance too!

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'll be happy to watch.

Performed "Mushroom Dance"

Presenter: Well, Baba Yaga, did you like our guys?

Baba Yaga: Oh, great guys, you know how to have fun. But I'm bored alone.

Presenter: This is Baba Yaga, you are the only one bored because you have no friends.

Baba Yaga: Friends? Yes, it's boring without friends. Who will be my friend?

Presenter: Here you go guys, do you want to make friends with them?

Baba Yaga: Really want to! (approaches the children, shakes their hands, "says hello" with them, hugs). Or maybe you can play with me?

Presenter: Let's guys play with Baba Yaga?

Game - attraction"Gather the Harvest"

There are 2 baskets near the central wall, and closer to the audience they are scattered in hoops - "beds" vegetables. Two players, at a signal, carry a basket in their hands and go to the beds, collecting vegetables in a box. Having collected the vegetables, they carry the harvest to its original place. The one who collected and brought it first wins.

Baba Yaga: (Gives the brush to Autumn). I see your holiday is in full swing here. You are all so beautiful and elegant!

Presenter: Yes, Baba Yaga, today is our holiday, and you need to dress up - change your image, so to speak.

Baba Yaga: Image? That's right, I'll go and change into something festive! (goes off to dress up)

Autumn: I don’t know how to thank you. I will perform so many miracles,

I'll go and gild the whole forest. I will give red beads to mountain ash,

Birch trees have yellow scarves. Lay the carpet on the ground,

I'll insulate the hedgehog's hole. And the wind - how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall! And greetings to you from Autumn -

Autumn festive bouquet.

Music sounds, Autumn gives the Host a bouquet of autumn leaves and leaves.

Leading: And now, guys, while our Baba Yaga is being transformed, I suggest you play the fun dance game “Look.”

Performed dance game “Look”.

The soundtrack of the song is playing “And I’m walking like this all...”, a fashionably dressed Baba Yaga enters, humming a song.

Presenter: Wow! Guys, you won’t even recognize Baba Yaga. How beautiful and fashionable she has become!

Baba Yaga: Oh guys, that's right! It's like I'm younger. I got my second wind. Thank you guys very much for your friendship and understanding. It turns out that at three hundred years old life is just beginning!

Presenter: Baba Yaga, since you’re younger, maybe you’ll dance with us?

We invite you and our mothers to a common dance!


Baba Yaga: Oh, what friendly people you are! And now I want to treat you, my friends! Do you like hotels? (children answer)

Baba Yaga treats children with apples. The holiday ends.

Droplets. music by T. Kulinova lyrics Nekrasova S.

1. Droplets sit on an autumn leaf,

And they look at mother cloud cheerfully:

`Mom, Mama Tuchka, we want to go for a walk!

Let us go, mom, to the kindergarten!”

Chorus: Drip-drip-drip on flowers

Drip-drip-drip on the bushes

the rain is more fun

Don't skimp on the bubbles!

Drip-drip-drip on flowers,

drip-drip-drip on the bushes.

The rain is more fun

Don't be sorry for the bubbles!

2.Mom told them, shaking her finger:

`Sit quietly, listen to me.

The autumn brook invited us to visit.

Get ready, drops for the autumn ball!`

3. The droplets jumped, jingling merrily!

They sang a song: “You can’t walk in the rain!”

And in the high sky thunder rumbles again -

It’s Mama Tuchka who came out to dance.

Merry mushrooms (Dance of fly agaric mushrooms)

How fun, how fun, everyone lined up
Funny mushrooms with hats are standing.
They are so friendly, their whole family:
Mom, dad, daughter, son – it’s me (or: and of course me).
Spin around, spin around, oh, how much fun we have,
We are mischievous mushrooms, we are simply classy mushrooms.
Squat, squat, squat, one, two, three,
We are so cheerful, inedible inside (or: look, look).
We'll stomp our feet, stomp-stomp-stomp-stomp-stomp.
We clap our hands clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap.
And we'll shake our hat, tra-la-la-la-la-la,
Such a cheerful and friendly family.
Here the cheerful music calls us to a round dance,
Let's go around in circles - we are good people.
We are all so friendly, we are a whole family:
Mom, dad, daughter, son - it's me.


Yellow leaf, yellow leaf
It will fall onto the path.
This means, this means
Autumn is coming to visit us!
Come, beauty,
Autumn is golden.
The kids really like it
Autumn is golden.
Here comes the rain from the cloud, rain
It will fall on your palm.
This means, this means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Rain (Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock)

Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock
There was a knock on the glass.
It's raining in the morning
Woke up all the kids.

Drip-drip, don-dong-dong
The drops began to ring.
If you go out for a walk
Don't forget to take an umbrella.

Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip
The rain has a cheerful disposition.
Tomorrow morning we will again
Let's go for a walk in the rain.

Song "Falling Leaves"
Music by T. Popatenko. Words by E. Avdienko.

1.Clouds are spinning in the sky
Every step is a puddle,
Every step, every step
Every step is a puddle.

2. The autumn day is frowning,
Leaf fall on the street
Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaf fall on the street.

3. It creeps along the road
Yellow blizzard,
Yellow, yellow,
Yellow blizzard.

Song "Autumn"
Music by N. Lukonina. Words by L. Chadova.

1. The leaves are spinning
And ice on the puddles.
Yellow leaves are flying,
Autumn, autumn, leaf fall!

2. Yellow and red,
You leaves are different.
We will collect you in a bouquet,
There will be an autumn portrait!

3. Golden rays
Hid behind the clouds.
Yellow autumn is coming,
The rain is coming to visit us!

Song "Rain"
Russian folk melody. Arranged by G. Lobachev. Words by A. Barto.
For children 2-3 years old.

Cap! Cap! cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! Cap!
Rain, rain - it's raining!
Wet paths.
We can't go for a walk -
We'll get our feet wet.
Cap! Cap! cap! Cap!
Cap! Cap! cap! Cap!

Song "Autumn"
Music by Y. Mikhailenko. Words by V. Petrenko.

1. Autumn, autumn has come to us,
Brought rain and wind.
Brought rain and wind.

2. The green garden turned yellow,
The leaves are spinning and rustling.
The leaves are spinning and rustling.

3. The songs of the birds are not heard, -
Let's wait for them until spring.
Chick-tweet, chick-tweet,
Let's wait for them until spring.

The song “This is how we can do it.”
Music by E. Tilicheeva. Words by N. Frenkel.
For children 2-3 years old.

The legs walked -
Top, top, top!
Right along the path -
Top, top, top!
Well, more fun -
Top, top, top!
This is how we can -
Top, top, top!
Boots are stomping -
Top, top, top!
These are our legs -
Top, top, top!

- Two kittens met: “Meow-meow” (knock your little fingers against each other and connect your fingertips)
- Two puppies met: “Aw-aw” (also with ring fingers)
- Two foals met: “I-go-go” (also with middle fingers)
- Two tiger cubs met: “R-r-r” (also with index fingers)
- Two calves met: “Moo!” (also with thumbs)
- Show me what horns they have. (place your index fingers to your head and draw horns)

Scenario of the autumn matinee "Queen Autumn"

Characters: Presenter, Queen Autumn, Scarecrow - adult, autumn months (September, October, November) - children.


Children run on tiptoes into the hall, run around a circle and sit on chairs.

Presenter: Autumn has come to us - the golden time! Autumn covered the entire earth with a golden carpet, exposed trees and bushes, and gave gardeners and grain growers a lot of work. The wheat is ground so that you and I can then eat fragrant and fluffy pies. Our mothers and grandmothers make jam, compotes, stock up on vegetables for the winter, and mushroom lovers dry and salt them, collecting them in the forest after the rain.
No, whatever you say, autumn is a wonderful time!
Today we will go on an extraordinary journey to the beautiful land of fairy tales for the autumn holiday. You can get there if we say the magic words. Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three – open the doors to a fairy tale.”

- Open your eyes, well, it seems we are there (looks around)

(Fanfares sound in the recording, children come out - three autumn months: September, October, November)

September: Attention, attention! Today our mother Empress Autumn deigned to invite all her subjects and guests to the holiday!

October: Attention! Attention! There is a strict order for everyone: to have fun, sing and dance until you drop, and whoever disobeys and does not fulfill the royal will will be sad until winter!

November: Listen up, everyone! The Empress Autumn herself will come to the holiday! And for this, a song about autumn should now be played.

A song about autumn is performed by Star gr.

Presenter: And here comes Queen Autumn! Meet!

(The moon children go to meet Autumn, take her hands and dance to waltz music, then they accompany Autumn to the throne, which is located near the central wall of the hall, and they themselves go to the children)

A girl and a boy come out
Rain fell on the rowan bunches,
A maple leaf circles above the foliage.
Ah, Autumn, again you took us by surprise,
You put on your gold outfit again.

You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad tune sounds over the fields.
But we, Autumn, greet you with a smile
And we will open the ball with a merry dance.

The dance “Invitation” is performed, followed by the song “On the mountain there is a viburnum!”
(Exclams are heard at the door of the hall: “Let me in, let me in!” The Garden Scarecrow runs into the hall with a broom in his hands and falls at the feet of the Queen of Autumn)

Scarecrow: Mother, my dear, our Queen, don’t order the execution! Say your word!

Autumn: Who are you? Where? Why did you come to the holiday in this form?

Scarecrow: (gets to his feet)

I don't dress according to fashion
I've been standing on guard all my life.
Am I in the garden, in the vegetable garden?
I instill fear in the flocks.
I'm magpies, jackdaws
They are more afraid than a stick!

Autumn: Stop talking in riddles here! Answer the Queen’s question properly!

Scarecrow: Empress, I’m not some kind of slacker and lazy person! I am a labor Scarecrow! All summer I stand in the garden. In any weather: sun, rain, wind. I guard the master's harvest. I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, I work tirelessly. Yes, I have witnesses. (addresses the children) Tell me, do I chase birds in the garden?

Children: You're racing.

Scarecrow: And also, I protect fruits and berries from winged robbers?

Children: Protecting.

Scarecrow: Well, they don’t let me go to the holiday, they say the outfit is not fashionable! This is what they gave out! And then, if I stand in the garden in a beautiful suit, then neither bird nor animal will be afraid of me.

Autumn: Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Now we have it all figured out. Come in, have a seat, be a guest. (The scarecrow sits on a chair next to the children)

September: Dear Mother! We are your beloved sons: I, brother October and brother November, decided today to amuse you, have fun, and show you what we are capable of. Each of us has faithful assistants who are capable of various tasks. Allow us, Mother, to begin our holiday!

Autumn: I give you permission to start the holiday, let's have a lot of fun today, otherwise someone came up with the idea that autumn is a sad time!


In a golden carriage with a playful horse,
Autumn galloped through the forests and fields.
The good witch changed everything,
She painted the ground bright yellow.

The song “Autumn Time” is performed by the preparation. gr. , and the boys are old. gr. They dance with Autumn.
Numerous army
Collects old stump.
Thin-legged guys
They grow up every day.
Troops march across the grass
Mushroom pickers will find it here.
Just bend over a little
And look, the basket is full.

Mushroom ditties

1. Place your ears on top of your heads
Listen carefully,
Let's sing ditties about mushrooms
Very good.
2. I was sitting on a tree,
I looked at the mushrooms from above.
How the wind blew
I fell head over heels from the birch tree.
3. How old are you, morel?
You look old.
The fungus surprised me:
“I’m only two days old!”
4. Our Zinochka with a basket
I went mushroom picking
She lost her way
And I ended up in the wrong place.

5. Lenya got up early,
I collected all the mushrooms in the forest.
Boasts of mushrooms
With little white dots.
6. My girlfriend and I went to the forest,
They found a huge mushroom there.
The two of us dragged him
They barely made it home.
7. If only
There were mushrooms growing on my nose,
We'd cook ourselves
Yes, and they rolled into your mouth!
8. We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that we can be applauded.

September: Guys, do you want to play and show off your dexterity?
The game “Dress up the scarecrow” is played (3 participants from each group: 1 boy is a scarecrow, the other two dress up) the game is played twice, simultaneously with both groups.
Presenter: Here is Queen Autumn, you see how clever, fast and cheerful our guys are!

Autumn: Yes, well done guys!
November: Of course, brother September, everyone knows that you are rich in mushrooms, but what else can you do to amuse us?
September: And now my assistants will ask you difficult riddles. (children ask)
1. To dig up the earth,
I need you guys
New and durable
2. So as not to dry out under the sun,
All plants need
Clean, transparent,
3. So that a flock of hungry birds
The harvest was not tormented,
Needs to be put out in the garden
4. How to hill potatoes
Grandfather and grandmother know
Mom knows, dad knows
It will come in handy...(chopper)
5. Cucumber and tomato, everyone knows
I'm used to the warmth.
And for them, of course, they need
Warm film…(greenhouse)

Presenter: Queen Autumn, and we also have our own garden.

The scene “Vegetable Garden” is performed
1st child – presenter:
You are generous with beauty, golden autumn,
And the miracle is also rich in harvest:
Cucumbers and tomatoes,
There are carrots and salad,
Onions in the garden, sweet peppers,
And a whole row of cabbage!

2nd child – leader:
It takes a lot of work
Gather a big harvest,
And then have fun -
Songs to sing and dance!

3rd child – leader:
Which of all vegetables
And tastier and more tender?
Who with all the diseases
Will it be better for everyone?


You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber,
Everyone will like it, of course.
It crunches and crunches on your teeth.
I can treat you!

I am a ruddy radish
I bow to you low - low!
Why praise yourself?
I'm already known to everyone!

Let me say a word!
Eat beets for health!
You need beets for borscht
And for the vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself,
There is no better beetroot!

You beetroot, shut up!
Cabbage soup is made from cabbage.
And what delicious cabbage pies!
Bunnies are tricksters
They love stumps,
I'll treat the kids
Sweet stump!

The story about me is not long,
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And nibble on a carrot.
You will always be, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous!

Autumn: (gets up)

You are all right, don't argue!
To be healthy and strong,
There's no doubt about it
Gotta love vegetables
Everyone, without exception!

You also forgot one vegetable. Here's a riddle for you:
Unprepossessing, smallish,
All the guys just love
Baked in the fire
In a fragrant peel.
“Russian bread”, we call the baby -
Our good...
A relay game “Plant Potatoes” is being played (2 hoops are placed in each of them, a spatula, a bucket of potatoes, a rake, a sprayer, a waterer, and nearby containers for planting seedlings are placed) rules of the game: - plant potatoes, water, weed, spray, dig)

The song “Oh, potatoes, potatoes!”

Scarecrow: (carries a bag with “Seeds” written on it) But look what other harvest we have!

The comic song “Seeds” is performed (sung by a girl and a boy)

Autumn: Well, now your hour has come, my second son, Golden October.

Show your skill
And present your creations!

Autumn at the edge
I mixed the paints.
Quietly through the leaves
I used a brush.
The hazel tree has turned yellow,
And the maples began to glow,
In the purple of the aspen,
The oak is still green.
Autumn comforts
Don't regret the summer
Look - autumn
Dressed in gold.

The song “Autumn has knocked on us” is performed
Presenter: And now, Queen Autumn, listen to poems about you.

Reading poetry

Well read the poems
Aren't you tired of sitting?
You guys are not lazy,
Braid a wattle fence?

The game "Wattage" is being played, r.n.m.
Children join hands and stand in two lines (one opposite the other). To the music of a Russian folk melody, each of the ranks in turn walks towards the opposite rank and bows.

After bowing, the children return to their original place. As the merry dance begins, the children leave their ranks, disperse throughout the room, and dance using well-known dance movements.

As soon as the music ends, each line must take its original place, and the children quickly and correctly “braid the fence” (hold hands crosswise).

Presenter: Guys, have you noticed what a beautiful rowan tree autumn has given us? There are so many berries on it!

Bright and juicy
The rowan tree has grown.
Mom her daughter
Dressed up for the holiday.
Red scarf,
Red boots.
I stood on a rowan tree
The girl is similar.

The round dance "Rowanushka" is performed
Autumn: Thank you, son October. I liked your helpers too. And now it’s your turn, my most serious son, frosty November!

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter.
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise.
Quite a boring time
It was already November outside the yard.

“I can’t even imagine, Mother, how to please you.” You yourself know what a dreary time it is - late autumn.

Like friendly guys
The spoons clattered in a row.
Knock, knock, ah liu-li!
We all love them!

The orchestra performs “Spoons” (children play, and the scarecrow sings ditties “Nonsense”)

I’ll also tell you a riddle:
“A drop one, a drop two,
Very slowly at first.
And then, then, potto,
Everybody run, run, run.”

Children: Rain!

We're not scared at all
Run in the rain.
If the rain is heavy,
Let's take umbrellas.

The dance “Dance with Umbrellas” is performed

Autumn: Yes, guys, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet. I am very glad that you love me for my generosity, beauty, for rare but glorious warm days. Thank you for coming to the holiday in the autumn fairy kingdom. Low bow to you. And for this I want to treat you. There is a magic mushroom in my forest kingdom, here it is. (Takes it and examines it)

This mushroom is not simple.
He is beautiful and big.
I'll take off his hat, what's in it?
I'll show you.

(Treats the children with “Mushroom” cookies, says goodbye and leaves)

Presenter: I think that our trip to the land of fairy tales for the autumn holiday lifted your spirits!

I want to sing, always smile,
Children, do you agree with me?

Children: Yes!
Presenter: But, it’s time to return to our kindergarten. Close your eyes and repeat after me: “One, two, three – close the doors to the fairy tale.”
(Children cover their eyes with their hands and repeat the words after the leader)
(The presenter invites everyone to a tea party, everyone leaves the room to the music)

Scenario for the Autumn holiday for children of the senior preparatory group

The garden scarecrow is visiting the guys. Autumn matinee for children of senior preschool age

Ivleva Irina Mikhailovna, MBDOU DS No. 93, music director, Chelyabinsk
Description of material: The material is useful for teachers and music directors when organizing autumn leisure activities with children of senior preschool age.
Target: create a joyful mood in children, cause a positive emotional uplift.
Equipment: A fake rowan tree, musical instruments, models of vegetables and fruits, baskets for dancing, a Scarecrow costume, children's costumes (prepared by parents), a table with medicines for Badger.
(two children enter the hall and read poetry)
Child: Rain fell on the rowan bunches,
A maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again she put on the gold outfit.
Child: You bring with you a sad violin,
So that the sad tune sounds over the fields,
But we, autumn, greet you with a smile
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!
(a waltz sounds, all the children run into the hall and stand scattered)

1. Login
Child: It's autumn time again
Spun by the wind,
She has wonderful colors
Everyone was fascinated by:
Look at the carpet
Leaves at the doorstep!
It's just a pity that there are brighter days
A little in the fall.
Child: It's raining all over the earth,
Wet road
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.
Child: Birch trees sleep in silence,
Brighter than the green of the pine trees,
Because it's outside
Gold autumn.

2. Song “Round dance at Ryabinushka’s”

The children take their seats.

3. The sounds of birds flying away are heard.
Host: Oh, guys, what does this mean?
Do I think someone is crying?
Musical director: These are birds gathering in flocks
And in the spring they return to us again
High, high from the ground
The cranes flew south.
Wings raised to the sky,
We left our dear land.
They began to purr in the distance
Crane cranes.
I know you have prepared a lot of songs and poems about birds, let’s perform them for our guests.

4. Song “Cranes”
Child: Starling! Look, there he is!
It's time for him to go south
And he before departure
He returned home suddenly.
A bird flew to us
To say goodbye until spring.
Child: Over the yellowed grass,
Above the grove of poplars
A crane flies south,
With a flock of cranes.
Crane, crane,
Bon Voyage!
Crane, crane,
Come in spring!
Host: Now everything is clear to me. You know so much about birds that I wanted to play the game “The Birds Have Arrived” with you. Now I will only name birds, but if suddenly I make a mistake and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. Begin.

5. Game “The birds have arrived”
Presenter: The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts... (Children stomp.)
Presenter: What's wrong?
Children. Flies!
Leading. And who are the flies?
Children. Insects.

Leading. You're right. Well, let's continue:
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta!.. (Children stomp.)
Leading. Let's start again:
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, foxes!...
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits.
Lapwings, siskins,
Teapots, swifts... (Children stomp.)
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Mosquitoes, cuckoos... (Children stomp.)
Leading. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts.
Lapwings, siskins.
Storks, cuckoos.
Swans, starlings...
Well done to all of you! (Applause for yourself!)
Host: Well, we won’t be sad!
Autumn is good too!
Let's all dance together,
Let your soul have fun!

6. "Adults and children"
After the dance, the boys escort the girls to their chairs.
And the Garden Scarecrow comes into the hall, swears and waves his arms - “chasing” the crows. When the children sit down on the chairs, the Scarecrow stops waving his arms.
Scarecrow: Who else is this? I'm tired of chasing the crows here - everyone is trying to peck the apples! - and then uninvited guests arrived.
Host: These are guys from kindergarten. And who are you?
Scarecrow: I am a garden watchman. My name is Scarecrow Garden. I’m protecting the harvest here so that the birds don’t eat it. Why did you come? Break the order? Should I pull out my vegetables? Shoo! Go here!
Host: Let us not touch your beds. You’d better tell me how long have you been guarding the garden?
Scarecrow: Yes, I’ve been standing since spring! As soon as the first shoots appeared, they put me here. They made it out of straw, gave him a shirt and a hat - for the sake of respectability.
Host: Aren’t you bored here?
Scarecrow: Isn't it boring? They themselves would try to hang on a stick from morning to evening. There is no one to exchange a word with. Only birds around.
Host: So let us amuse you.
Scarecrow: How is that possible?
Presenter: Our children can sing, dance, and read poetry.
Scarecrow: Really? So let them show their skills!

7. Noise orchestra.
Scarecrow: I see, you people are cheerful,
I invite you to my garden.
To make it more fun, start the game quickly.

8. Attraction “Sort out the vegetables and fruits”
Host: Well, we played together. Vegetables and fruits were scattered in buckets. But the old grandfather still can’t figure out where the turnips and carrots are in his garden. Let's tell our guests a story about a grandfather who got everything mixed up.

(Children, the heroes of the scene, come out and take their places)

Presenter: My grandfather planted a turnip in the garden...
Grandfather said to turnip:
Grandfather: You grow, grow big.
Become a rich harvest
So that I can be proud of you.
I'll bring you some water,
Five buckets of fertilizer...
Oh, I'm tired, it's time to sleep.

(Lies down near the turnip and falls asleep.)
Host: Grandpa sleeps without worries.
Meanwhile the turnip grows,
Yes, he fights with weeds:
Their feet and hands...
It's already autumn in the yard.
Chilly morning in September
Grandfather woke up and got scared.

(Grandfather wakes up and jumps from the cold, his teeth chattering.)
Grandfather: Oh, I'm old and overslept.
It's time to pull the turnip.
I've grown up, I look a little.
Oh, yes, the turnip is born!
I never dreamed of such a thing.

(Grabs a turnip and pulls.)
Presenter: Grab it, but the turnip was indignant.
Carrot: What a clumsy old man!
I'm not a turnip, I'm a carrot.
You clearly haven't washed your eyes.
Turnips I'm a hundred times slimmer.
I have no substitute for soup...
And one more secret.
I'm rich in vitamins
All useful carotene.
I am a great harvest!

And I’ll pull out another turnip.
Potato: Oh, oh, oh. I protest!
I'm not a turnip. I am Potato! Even the cat knows this.
I am the head of all fruits
It’s as clear as two and two:
If there are no potatoes in the soup,
There is no need to pick up a spoon.
I'm talking about chips, grandpa,
The most important component.
In hot oil, look
I can become French fries
I am your main harvest!

Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
I'll go down the turnip again.
How tightly it sits in the earth!
Oh yes turnip, here you go!

Cabbage: Really, I’m outraged!
Grandfather, you've eaten too much Snickers,
I've seen enough TV series,
Maybe you fell off the stove?
Once I didn’t recognize cabbage.
I don't look like a turnip
She has only one clothes
I have a hundred of them!
All without buttons...
And then...
I am crispy cabbage!
Without me the salad is empty,
And any lunch with me
Cabbage roll or vinaigrette...
It will be 10 times more useful!
And then me, my dear,
You can ferment and salt...
And store it until summer.
You can eat me all winter!

Grandfather: You are welcome... in the basket.
But it's still interesting
Where is the turnip? Maybe this one?

Bow: I'm almost the same color
But not a turnip, old man,
I am your onion!
Even if a little insidious,
But he is popular among the people.
The most delicious kebab
The one with the onion in it.
All housewives know me
Add to soup and porridge
In pies, in mushrooms, in broth...
I am a nightmare for viruses!
Even the flu scares me...
At least now I'm ready to fight.
I am a great harvest!
Grandfather: Well, get into the basket.
Host: The evening is coming to an end.
The moon is coming out in the sky.
It's time for grandpa to go home.
Tomorrow morning
He will look for the turnip again,
And now I want to sleep.
Wow, heavy basket
A car would be useful...
And the fairy tale came to an end.
Well done to whoever listened.
We expect applause from you,
Well, and other compliments...
After all, the artists tried,
Let them be a little confused.

(children artists sit down)
Host: Now, girls, take your baskets and go for a walk in the autumn forest.

9. Dance with baskets.
Host: Well, Scarecrow-Ogorodnoye, did our guys entertain you?
Scarecrow: Oh, they entertained, oh, they entertained!
Host: How long are you going to stand here?
Scarecrow: The owners said until the fall. When is this autumn? How will you know?
Host: Well, autumn is already here.
Scarecrow: It can't be! You're deceiving me.
Host: Guys, tell Scarecrow what time of year it is?
Children: Autumn!
The presenter invites the children to name signs that indicate that it is autumn.
Child: Summer flashed by quickly, ran through the flowers,
He walks somewhere beyond the mountains and is bored there without us.
Birds flew after him
To a region where it is hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking on our doors,
Autumn is coming to visit us!
Child: All around, colored umbrellas opened in the rain.
Someone's boots started running away from the rain.
In vain my mother gasped
It's raining, so be it.
I'm not made of sugar at all
I'm not afraid to melt.
Under the roof for me and the girls
I don't want to go
Like saffron milk caps and butter
We are in a hurry to grow up.
Child: Here is a crow sitting on the fence.
All the barns have been locked for a long time.
All the convoys have passed, all the carts have passed,
It's time for bad weather.
She's fussing about on the fence.
Woe to her. Real grief!
After all, the crow doesn’t have a grain
And there is no defense against the cold...
Scarecrow: What's true is true. And I didn’t even notice!
Host: Here, Scarecrow, your watch has come to an end. The vegetables in the garden are ripe, the apples on the trees are ripe. You can rest. Get off your pole and warm up properly!
Scarecrow: Hurray! Hooray! Autumn time! Let's run and play! Let's sing songs!

10. Song “For mushrooms”
Leading. Shouldn't we have an autumn show?
To everyone's surprise!
Our group of artists is full,
And it’s easy for them to perform a performance!
There was a forest behind the village,
Full of fabulous wonders.
To the accompaniment of cheerful music, animals are engaged in “forest” activities: squirrels are circling, a hare with a little hare in a stroller is walking, a bear is sitting on a bench, etc.
Leading. The magpie has arrived
And she sat on a spruce branch.

A magpie flies in to the music.
Magpie: Attention! Attention!
Dear residents!
Would you like to hear the latest news?
Badger opens a pharmacy
And he calls all the animals to him.
For dear customers
There will be a rich choice there.
The prices are very tempting,
The discounts are simply amazing!
Hurry there quickly
To Uncle Badger's Pharmacy!
All the animals sit down to the music.
A badger appears. A table is placed next to him, with various medicines on it.

Badger: Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
I'll ask everyone to come here!
Come quickly,
Take a closer look!
There are forest herbs
Spare tails
Useful tinctures
And iron teeth.
Have fun flying
And buy, buy!
Presenter: The solemn moment has come:
The first client appeared at the door!
Mikhailo Potapych came.
Bear: I was visiting the beaver,
I caught a cold - just fear!
I urgently need to warm up,
Maybe rub something on it?
Badger: For colds
Birch broom is the healthiest!
Heat the bathhouse hotter,
Take the broom with you -
Tomorrow you'll be like a cucumber
You will forget about illness.
To the music, the bear receives a broom and leaves.
Presenter: Two beauties galloped up,
Do you recognize red squirrels?

Squirrels run out.
1st squirrel: We were in the fox’s salon,
They curled their mustaches there.
2nd squirrel: We burned our noses with a hairdryer
And they came to you for ointment.
Badger: I’ve known this excellent remedy since childhood!
Buy sea buckthorn here and rub it gently on your nose.
Wait three minutes and blot with a napkin.

The squirrels get the remedy and run away.
Presenter: A mother comes in with a child,
A hare with a little bunny.
Hare: My son blew up the firecracker.
His ear dropped.
I used to frolic like a foal,
And now the child can’t hear anything.
(sobs): Help quickly!
Give me something quickly!
Badger: Take this herbal tincture,
Apply a compress to your ear at night.

The hare and the little hare leave.
Presenter: Then the dragonfly stood in line.
She stood and stood. Yes, I fainted!

Screaming, the dragonfly falls onto the bench.
Presenter: Hey, orderlies, run here,
Bring the dragonfly to the hospital quickly!

To the accompaniment of live music, a wolf - an orderly - runs out, checks the pulse,
listens to breathing.
Wolf: Yes! All clear!
The red summer sang,
I didn't take any vitamins.
The orderly takes the dragonfly by the hands.
Dragonfly (waking up): To the hospital? Injections?
Well, no, no!
Shooting I'm better
More candy!
Wolf: No!
Buy lingonberry syrup
And take it every day!
Presenter: The patient buys syrup,
He drinks it right away (the dragonfly buys it, drinks it..)
And out of joy the dragonfly began to sing songs.

11. Song.
Presenter: Attention, dear viewers!
Would you like to see the continuation?
Evening is coming in the forest,
Badger closes the pharmacy
Counting money at the cash register.
Suddenly, out of nowhere,
Swamp kikimora appear!
Kikimora appears. Busily inspects the pharmacy, important
sits on a chair, crossing his legs.
Kikimora: What do I see? Business here?
Let me sit down!
Trade flourishes here.
And you miss me!
Jars, bottles, honey, mustard...
And why do you all need treatment?
My advice: eat in the morning
Three huge mosquitoes.
You will be healthy for a lifetime,
And no doctors needed!
Host: I just managed to say,
Suddenly she bent over and crooked!
(Kikimora bent over from imaginary pain.)
A strong cough appeared
The right eye suddenly squinted!
(Kikimora coughs and squints her right eye.)
Suddenly my hand broke,
Suddenly my leg started to itch.
(Kikimora performs movements according to the text.)

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