Error 4309 Sberbank what to do. What errors does the Sberbank payment machine produce: the meaning and ways to solve the problem. All-Russian competition of social projects on technology for primary and secondary school students “Social project Forward Russia!”

Every citizen of Russia has a Sberbank plastic card. It refers to a different payment system - Visa, MasterCard or Maestro. It can also be cumulative, debit or credit. With its help, you can pay for purchases or services, pay traffic fines and top up your mobile device account balance. It is not always possible to pay for goods with a bank card, so a Sberbank client needs to withdraw cash from an ATM. The terminal is used to perform various types of transactions. For example, transferring funds to another bank client or paying for housing and communal services. Sometimes the user encounters a problem; instead of information about a successfully completed operation, an error message appears on the screen. They are often associated with an internal failure in the system. For this reason, it is necessary to know what the numbers that appear on the screen mean so that you can take appropriate action.

Error 4309 Sberbank terminal in the 1c program is not related to the actions of the user himself. This problem occurs after configuration updates or the machine has run out of print ribbon. This error means there is nothing to print. When the receipt tape is present, but error 4309 is displayed, the internal terminal system cannot independently recognize its installation. The bank client checks to see if there are any scraps of checks or foreign objects in the device itself that issues checks. If there are no external signs that interfere with work, then contact the department staff for help. If the terminal is located in a remote place, then call the Sberbank technical service and explain what error occurred and under what actions.

What does error 4405 mean on a Sberbank ATM?

This code is one of the most common, and is found not only on Sberbank electronic ATMs, but also on mobile devices. Error 4405 is issued by the Sberbank terminal when transactions were not successfully completed. That is, payment or transfer is not based on a banking product. Often this code is accompanied additional information. The device notifies you that there is a break in the signal or that a poor-quality network is being used.

This problem is faced by users of banking services of third-party financial institutions who perform transactions at an ATM. Sberbank issues code 4405 when it suspects that a person wants to commit fraudulent actions, and then blocking occurs.

Important. When a similar situation occurs, the bank client needs to contact the call center and explain what is happening with the terminal. In addition, send a message to the technical service to the short number 9000. Bank employees will contact the victim as soon as possible and help eliminate the reasons for the failure to complete transactions.

If the error occurs directly on the mobile device, then try the following:

  • reboot the mobile device;
  • restart the application;
  • reconnect to the network.

If these steps do not help, contact the bank's technical support.

Why does error 4119 occur in the Sberbank payment machine?

A bank client encounters error 4119 in the terminal. There can be many reasons why this code appears on the screen. First of all, it means that the connection between the ATM and the banking organization itself has been broken. In this case, it is impossible to complete any transaction. This happens when the Internet connection is disconnected or the payment terminal does not work correctly. Then, to restore its functionality, it is recommended to reboot the device. The user can wait approximately 10 minutes and then try the transaction again. If after several attempts no changes occur, you should contact technical service.

Important. Error 4119 occurs when the KLK key that is entered for the pinpad is incorrect. This can only be corrected by ATM technical service specialists, as it is necessary to reduce the baud speed or change the current IP address.

Error 4468 in the Sberbank terminal

This error does not cause serious problems for the owner of the plastic product. It means that at this moment technical work is taking place in the system. During this period of time, you cannot carry out any transactions through a Sberbank ATM. But upon completion of the prevention, performance will be restored, and the client will be able to perform certain operations through the device. Sberbank carries out this technical work on a monthly basis; this is stipulated in the company’s regulations. As a rule, updating the server does not take much time, so you can try again to enter the plastic in 10-15 minutes.

The most common Sberbank ATM errors

Any system can fail, and the Sberbank payment terminal is no exception. Since they work around the clock and are subject to various types of malfunctions. Most often, it is impossible to fix the problem yourself, since it is necessary to make changes to the system itself; only Sberbank employees have access to it. Let's take a closer look at the errors that may appear on the payment terminal:

  • error 4134 is a problem with tags not being verified on the device for a long period of time. The violation is eliminated quite quickly, it is enough to calculate the results and you can immediately start using the device;
  • error 362 is not related to the operation of the terminal. The contact between the chip and the plastic has broken. The problem can be fixed on the spot; to do this, you need to rub a soft material over the chip that is installed on the credit card. Then try to insert the card into the terminal again. If code 362 appears on the monitor again, then you need to contact the bank branch;
  • error 4401 – authorization problem. To eliminate it, you need to contact Sberbank employees and, under their guidance, correct this problem;
  • error 4457 – the transaction is prohibited by the Bank due to problems;
  • error 4118 – error when entering the PIN code. The device cannot recognize the correctness of the input, the client entered it incorrectly or the red button was touched when pressing the keys. You should try to reinsert the plastic into the payment terminal, but if input problems persist, contact a specialist;
  • error 2000 - this problem occurs due to an error by the client itself. The cancel button was pressed while performing various operations. Then you need to remove the payment card from the device and try the operation again.

Bank cards have become a part of human life; various transactions are made with their help. They are convenient to use when paying for goods or services. But sometimes you just need to withdraw cash or make a transfer to another person. Then you can’t do without the help of a Sberbank ATM. But not always technical device It works properly, and in case of any failure in the system it displays an error on the screen.

Each code means its own malfunction, and only technical service workers know how to fix the problem. Most errors are related to internal technical malfunctions, so the user of Sberbank banking services needs to report the error by calling the call center or sending a message to 9000. Then the employees will advise and describe in detail what actions need to be taken to resolve the problem.

Good afternoon everyone. My first post - I hope it will help someone, it’s just that an incredible amount of time was spent on all this.

The problem is like everyone else's - with this notorious "p" file when working through an RDP terminal session with a server, with Sberbank terminals (at the same time with cash registers - we have ATOL 30F).

1. Cash desks. Normal operation and acceptable printing speed were achieved only by implementing port forwarding via VSPE.
At local stations, all cash registers are connected to ports 10 and 11, in the VSPE client part a unique port is set for each computer - for example 5001, 5002, etc., on the VSPE server it listens to them. In 1c (we have KA1.1), a separate device is created for each cash register and the required port is selected. Those. There are a lot of cash registers in commercial equipment. The conf has been slightly modified so that a specific instance of a cash register can be linked to a department.

2. Acquiring. (I’ll immediately express my disapproval to Sberbank and the office that sets up and maintains the equipment). From the very beginning, the task was such that sellers could not enter numbers into the terminal by hand, and the data for the operation came from 1C. There was only one acquirer - Sber, because... online cash register systems were not yet planned - integrated (externally controlled) terminals with a receipt printer were needed. We were supplied with Ingenico IPP480 devices at all points (about 100). The software was installed on the server - folder sc552, dlls were installed from it, one equipment was created in 1c with 1 fixed com port (7). Forwarding is done using RDP - each session has its own com port, there is no confusion. After installing the cash register, no problems arose - the acquiring receipt was printed on the terminal, and the cash receipt was printed on the cash register.
After some time, I transferred about half of the terminals to another bank (due to the bank’s complete lack of customer focus - for six months (this is not an exaggeration) - they changed me the legal entity on which the point operates. My individual entrepreneur has been closed for a long time - and I have money for my account come from acquiring...) The new acquirer has an Arcus2 system, Ingenico IPP320 terminals without a printer. Having dug deeper, we achieved normal printing of acquiring receipts on cash registers. With one caveat - this system, by analogy with Sberbank, creates files cheq.out and chek.out in the server directory C:\Arcus2\ - which contain the text for printing a check; equipment processing grabs them and transfers them to the cash register for printing. Typically, files appear when a payment is made and then are deleted on their own. It is clear that with simultaneous access there will be an error (they do exist - but rarely), and sometimes the file freezes and is not deleted for some unknown reason. All terminals stop working due to a file access error. For such cases, a batch file has been written that every 10 minutes checks the current time and the time the cheq was created - if the difference is more than 10 minutes, then the file is frozen and the batch file deletes cheq.out. In 20% of cases it does not remove and has to be removed by hand. It's bad - but it works.

There was a need for 3 more terminals from Sberbank - they said they no longer produce IPP480, they brought 3 Verifone VX820 without a printer, of course. The work of the installers is of course touching - they put the SC552 folder on the local computer, run the USB driver on the device and run loadparm - reconciling the results - do you see the windows running through, the reconciliation was completed? do you see the "p" file appearing? Well, everything is ready!! And the fact that the 1c terminal doesn’t see them point-blank and I need not 9 com but the 7th, and the fact that the check on the cash register is not printed - they are deeply violet...

Further on the actual topic:
On the client computer in our situation - working via RDP with a terminal server - you only need to install USB firewood on the device itself. SC552 is needed only for initial (or further) testing of the terminal itself without 1c. Those. it can be safely deleted and no libraries need to be registered. Even if this folder exists on the local computer, no calls to it occur when working with RDP - i.e. for example, it is useless to edit the pinpad.ini file there - when running from the server, only the folder on the server C:\SC552\ works and the settings are read from there. There is no need to scatter SC552 folders among user folders and register libraries from there. Everything is done from the 1st folder on the server.
Because We already had a folder on the server - the first terminal started successfully - I created a file on the server in the folder C:\SC552\p. The reconciliation went through, the payments went through - there was no receipt for RRN/
The server had a DLL version of approximately 23 - and new terminals are designed for 29 (their firmware version must match the DLL version - this is in theory, in practice - depending on how it goes - it may work, or maybe not). We took a risk - we updated the DLL on the server - we were afraid the old terminals would stop working. No, lucky - they work. And the new VX820 began printing receipts on cash registers.
But it turned out that after one terminal created the p file - when trying to perform an operation on another - there was no access to this file. We slightly increased the rights for all users to the SC552 folder - and access appeared - one by one the terminals carried out operations, created a p file and issued a check to the cash register.
Old terminals that have a printer - they don’t care about this file - they don’t use it.

coming age=sign\ Show

This is what our file looked like initially.
If you comment out PrinterFile=p, the receipt will not be printed on the cash register.
If you write something else - for example PrinterFile=p22 - a p22 file will be created.
The task is to distribute these files - each terminal has its own.
It has been established that %UserProfile% does not work for us - the reason became obvious almost immediately - our users are set to Cyrillic.
For example, having specified PrinterFile=Vanya1, I received file “1”.
After reading about Windows system variables, I started trying different options - so that the files could somehow differ from each other.
I came across %CLIENTNAME% - the name of the computer connected to the RDP session. First of all, with us it is specified in Latin letters and is unique - i.e. each terminal can be identified by %CLIENTNAME%. And it took off. Now the line looks like this:


Instead of a mess with all sorts of SUBST, creating SC552 folders for each user along the %UserProfile% path and renaming users to Latin names - all printed files are in one folder, but with different names.
It would be nice to do this in Arcus - but it hasn’t worked out there yet.

PS - and one more thing - there is a program called TLvEdit - which reads and writes the firmware parameters of the terminal itself - so there is a setting there - the order of interaction with the cash register - there must be the correct checkbox - on the item (I don’t remember verbatim) - “Print a receipt on the cash register " - if the checkbox is not checked, you will not receive a receipt at the cash register.

Many users, when working with Sberbank terminals, may encounter a number of errors associated with dysfunctions in the operation of the terminal itself, as well as the payment system as a whole. At the same time, solving these problems can be quite lengthy and energy-consuming, especially when the user does not know what to do in the situation that has arisen. In this material I will tell you what terminal errors 4119, 4309, z3, 4405 are, what their meaning is, and what methods can be used to correct them.

Usually the message " The Terminal Server security layer detected an error in the protocol stream and disabled this client. Client IP address: XXX.XX.XX.XXX"occurs in a situation where the system has detected an attempt of unauthorized access to data (the RPD protocol component detected an error in the protocol stream and disabled the problematic client). After this, access to the server for this IP may be blocked for several days.

Error message: "The terminal server security level encountered an error"

For reference, RPD (“Remote Desktop Protocol”)- a remote desktop protocol that allows other computers to connect to your system, view its statistics and manage it.

To solve this problem you need to do the following:

  • Update the RPD client;
  • Delete the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client, and run mstsc with administrator rights;
  • Use a strong password policy for user logins via RDP;
  • Test the network card on your server (it may not work correctly).

Error 4119 Sberbank terminal

Error “4119” usually occurs due to a lack of communication between the terminal and the bank. An alternative cause of dysfunction may be an incorrect KLK key for the Verifone pp1000se pinpad, as well as the built-in Verifone pinpad. If the Verifone terminal works via Ethernet, then you can eliminate the error by lowering the port speed from 115200 to 57600 baud, as well as by changing the dynamic IP terminal to a statistical one.

If you encounter this error as a regular user, try repeating the operation several times. If the error occurs repeatedly, I recommend seeking advice from Sberbank personnel responsible for servicing this terminal.

Sberbank error code 4309

This error 4309 has the status “nothing to print”, no document was found to print. Usually it is associated with the operating features of the software that serves the terminal, and can occur after the next update of its configuration. This problem is not the fault of a specific user; I recommend contacting the Sberbank service that maintains terminals to resolve the problem.

List of system messages of Sberbank terminals

How to fix z3 error code on terminal

Error z3, meaning “unable to transmit authorization request online; rejected in offline mode” signals problems with communication at a specific terminal (usually the latter does not have access to the host). To fix the problem, I recommend calling back the support service of the bank whose terminal generated this error and informing them of the exact location of the problematic terminal.

You can also try typing Function + 0(Tests) + Enter on the terminal, which will allow you to check the connection to the host, and look at the EMV data (Function + 35 + Enter).

What does error 4405 mean in the Sberbank terminal

Error “4405” has the status “transaction prohibited” and occurs in a situation when the terminal refuses to carry out a transaction. This error appears as a result of a random failure in the system (in particular, due to a loss of connection to the network), so you need to contact Sberbank support service, describe the problem that has arisen, and wait for it to be resolved.

We study errors in Sberbank terminals


Terminal errors can have various causes related to a malfunction of the terminal, lack of communication, the actions of attackers and other factors. If you encounter errors 4119, 4309, z3, 4405, then, first of all, I recommend notifying the Sberbank support service about the problem that has arisen, indicating to the bank specialists the location of the problematic terminal. Usually, after a short time, the problem is resolved and you will be able to make payments as usual.

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