From the battlefield to the concentration camps: The countries participating in the Second World War remember the victims of fascism. Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism - the most tragic memorable date in the modern history of our country September 9 is the day of the fight against fascism

Every second Sunday in September, the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is celebrated. In 2018, this day falls on the 9th. Read more about the history of the date and traditions - read further in the material.

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism September 9: the history of the date

Since 1962, every second Sunday in September, the whole world celebrates this day, the main purpose of which is to fight against the ideology of the revival of fascism.

The date of the Day was set for September, because it is in this month that two events related to the Second World War fall - the day of its beginning and its complete end. This was one of the reasons for the establishment of the day of mourning on September Sunday.

The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is a day of remembrance for tens of millions of people who died as a result of a large-scale and inhumane experiment. These are the millions of soldiers that the fascist leaders have pitted against each other. Civilians suffered most of all, who died under bombs, in concentration camps, from disease and hunger.

Death camps in Nazi Germany

Everyone knows that no country would have benefited from the rule of the Nazis, no nation would have been enriched materially or spiritually as a result of their rule. All over the world, this ideology is recognized as the most cruel and terrible in history, because it makes people guilty from birth only for the blood that flows in their veins.

Even in modern life in a number of countries, politicians are trying to revise the results of the Second World War, and there is a gradual whitewashing and revival of Nazism.

At the same time, it is important to remember that this ideology brought losses and destruction not only to those who opposed it, but also to those who created it. And then, more than half a century ago, the huge Nazi machine was stopped and destroyed. Soldiers of different nationalities fought shoulder to shoulder and were able to win.

Eisenhower death camps

Every year on this memorable day, during peaceful actions, the following slogan is used: "Unite to resist neo-fascism."

In addition, the International Day of Remembrance in every country that took part in the Second World War is celebrated not only by the cancellation of entertainment events, celebrations that fall on this date, but also by visiting monuments, memorials, cemeteries. Also in many states it is customary to take care of unmarked, abandoned and mass graves on this day.

most tragic memorable date in the history of Russia on September 9, the Day of Remembrance for the victims of fascism in the Second World War, which is celebrated every year on the second September Sunday. This is the memory of tens of millions of people who died as a result of the monstrous experiment of the Nazis. On September 9, they remember the soldiers, as well as civilians who died during the hostilities, as well as the millions of people who died in concentration camps from starvation or were tortured to death.

International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Fascism Established

In 1962, the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was established, which is aimed at combating the ideology of recreating fascism. It is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in September. September became the date of the event for a reason. This month is associated with two important events that occurred in World War II. A large-scale bloody war began on September 1, 1939 with the German attack on Poland, and on September 2, 1945 it ended. The war has engulfed almost the entire world. At that time, out of 73 states from around the world, 62 countries participated in the Second World War. Warfare took place on three continents and four oceans. The most tragic were the results of the war. According to historians, the total number of dead is from 50 to 55 million people, and at the front - 27 million people. Huge human losses were suffered by many countries, especially the USSR, China, Poland, Japan and Germany. The economies of these countries were seriously destroyed.

The Nazi invaders, who dreamed of world domination, started the Second World War. Adolf Hitler became the main ideologist and leader of the Nazis, who in 1933 headed the German government. His policy, which he pursued, was based on anti-Semitism and a particular xenophobia towards Jews, expressed in a negative attitude towards them due to religious and ethnic prejudices. Adolf Hitler became head of state in connection with the death of the President of Germany in 1934, after which the presidency was abolished. This allowed Hitler to start the bloodiest war in the history of mankind and capture other countries. Jews were subjected to mass persecution and then physical extermination as Hitler intended to completely exterminate the nation. The phenomenon became known as the Holocaust. A third of the Jewish population was exterminated worldwide. As well as persecution and physical extermination, a third of the Roma people, homosexuals, representatives of a religious sect, disabled people, mentally ill people were subjected to persecution.

Celebrating the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism today

The word "fascism" in translation from Italian means a bunch, association. The term refers to a political right-wing movement led by a dictator. Most countries around the world have felt the devastating impact of this phenomenon.

The ideology of fascism brought huge human losses and serious destruction both to the countries that opposed it and to the initiators themselves. The terrible fascist machine was stopped more than 50 years ago. Soldiers from various countries fought for victory and won. On this day, people from countries that took part in the Second World War visit monuments and memorials, cemeteries. In most countries, on the International Day of Remembrance of Fascism, a common, abandoned grave is looked after. On this day, all entertainment events and celebrations are canceled.

The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism is the Day of Remembrance of tens of millions of people who perished as a result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are millions of soldiers whom the fascist leaders pushed against each other, but even more civilians who died under bombs, from disease and hunger. The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is the Day of Remembrance for tens of millions of people who perished as a result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are the millions of soldiers that the fascist leaders pushed against each other, but even more civilians who died under the bombs, from disease and from hunger.

Only thanks to the strength and courage of the Russian soldiers who defended our homeland in the 40s of the 20th century, many of us received the right to live in a free countryOnly thanks to the strength and courage of the Russian soldiers who defended our homeland in the 40s of the 20th century , many of us have received the right to live in a free country Thanks to the deaths of many fathers, sons and husbands today in Russia everyone has the right to a decent and free life. Thanks to the deaths of many fathers, sons and husbands today in Russia everyone has the right to a decent and free life . This holiday was established in honor of those who, without thinking about their death, stood up to protect children and women, did not let the enemy into our lands and stopped fascist lawlessness. This holiday was established in honor of those who, without thinking about their death, became protection of children and women, did not let the enemy into our lands and stopped the fascist lawlessness.

Fascism is a phenomenon whose pernicious influence has been felt by many countries. And none of them benefited from fascist actions. Fascism is a phenomenon whose pernicious influence has been felt by many countries. And none of them benefited from fascist actions. Fascism is the most terrible ideology, because according to its canons a person is obliged to die only because the wrong blood flows in his veins. Nazism, turning into fascism, has become a real hell for many people from different countries of the world. Fascism is the most terrible ideology, because according to its canons a person is obliged to die only because the wrong blood flows in his veins. Nazism, turning into fascism, has become a real hell for many people from different countries of the world.

This holiday was established in 1962. From that moment on, it was decided to celebrate every second Sunday of September, because the Second World War began this month (September 1, 1939) and it ended in September (September 2, 1945). This holiday was established in 1962. From that moment on, it was decided to celebrate every second Sunday of September, because this month the Second World War began (September 1, 1939) and it ended in September (September 2, 1945).

The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is celebrated in every country that directly took part in hostilities. This day passes under the sign of visiting soldiers' graves, monuments, memorials, laying wreaths and flowers. This is a tragic day that will remain in the memory of several generations for a long time. The Day of Remembrance for the victims of fascism is celebrated in every country that directly took part in hostilities. This day passes under the sign of visiting soldiers' graves, monuments, memorials, laying wreaths and flowers. This is a tragic day that will remain in the memory of several generations for a long time.

Remember the history of your country, read it and be grateful to those who won you a bright future and a peaceful sky above your head. Remember the history of your country, read it and be grateful to those who won you a bright future and a peaceful sky above your head.

The most tragic memorable date in the history of Russia is September 9, the Day of Remembrance for the victims of fascism in the Second World War, which is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in September. This is the memory of tens of millions of people who died as a result of the monstrous experiment of the Nazis. On September 9, they remember the soldiers, as well as civilians who died during the hostilities, as well as the millions of people who died in concentration camps from starvation or were tortured to death.

International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Fascism Established

In 1962, the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was established, which is aimed at combating the ideology of recreating fascism. It is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in September. September became the date of the event for a reason. This month is associated with two important events that took place in the Second World War. A large-scale bloody war began on September 1, 1939 with the German attack on Poland, and on September 2, 1945 it ended. The war has engulfed almost the entire world. At that time, out of 73 states from around the world, 62 countries participated in the Second World War. Warfare took place on three continents and four oceans. The most tragic were the results of the war. According to historians, the total number of dead is from 50 to 55 million people, and at the front - 27 million people. Huge human losses were suffered by many countries, especially the USSR, China, Poland, Japan and Germany. The economies of these countries were seriously destroyed.

The Nazi invaders, who dreamed of world domination, started the Second World War. Adolf Hitler became the main ideologist and leader of the Nazis, who in 1933 headed the German government. His policy, which he pursued, was based on anti-Semitism and a particular xenophobia towards Jews, expressed in a negative attitude towards them due to religious and ethnic prejudices. Adolf Hitler became head of state in connection with the death of the President of Germany in 1934, after which the presidency was abolished. This allowed Hitler to start the bloodiest war in the history of mankind and capture other countries. Jews were subjected to mass persecution and then physical extermination as Hitler intended to completely exterminate the nation. The phenomenon became known as the Holocaust. A third of the Jewish population was exterminated worldwide. As well as persecution and physical extermination, a third of the Roma people, homosexuals, representatives of a religious sect, disabled people, mentally ill people were subjected to persecution.

Celebrating the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism today

The word "fascism" in translation from Italian means a bunch, association. The term refers to a political right-wing movement led by a dictator. Most countries around the world have felt the devastating impact of this phenomenon.

The ideology of fascism brought huge human losses and serious destruction both to the countries that opposed it and to the initiators themselves. The terrible fascist machine was stopped more than 50 years ago. Soldiers from various countries fought for victory and won. On this day, people from countries that took part in the Second World War visit monuments and memorials, cemeteries. In most countries, on the International Day of Remembrance of Fascism, a common, abandoned grave is looked after. On this day, all entertainment events and celebrations are canceled.

The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is perhaps the most tragic memorial date in modern history our country. On this day, we remember all those who died due to the fault of the Nazis. At the same time, we are talking not only about soldiers and civilians who perished during hostilities. As you know, millions of people died of starvation or were tortured to death in concentration camps.

In 1962, it was decided to appoint an international memorial date - the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism. This date was set for every second Sunday in September.

It should be noted that September was not chosen by chance. After all, two extremely important dates of the Second World War are connected with this month. So, on September 1, 1939, this terrible bloody war began with the German attack on Poland, and on September 2, 1945, it finally ended. The Nazis, as you know, invaded the territory of our country on June 22, 1941.

The Second World War

World War II swept almost the entire world, 62 states took part in it, and in total at that time there were only 73 countries in the world. Military operations were conducted on the territory of three continents and in the water space of four oceans. The results of the war were the highest degree tragic. Historians have calculated that the total human losses reached 50-55 million people, 27 million of them were killed on the fronts. Most people died in the USSR, China, Germany, Japan and Poland. The economies of these countries have also suffered greatly.

Everyone knows that the second world war unleashed by the German fascists, who dreamed of world domination. Their leader and main ideologist was the Nazi Adolf Hitler.

The word "fascism" itself comes from the Italian fascio. which can be translated as "bundle, bundle, union." This political science term implies specific far-right political movements, their ideology, and political regimes of dictatorial type headed by them.

The pernicious influence of this political phenomenon was fully felt by a large number of countries of the world. However, not a single country, not even Germany itself, was benefited by fascism.


Hitler was appointed head of the German government on January 30, 1933. He began to pursue his own policy, an important part of which was anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is a negative attitude towards Jews, hostility and prejudice towards them, which are based on religious or ethnic prejudices, is a kind of xenophobia.

On August 2, 1934, the President of Germany, Hindenburg, died. After that, the presidency in the country was abolished. Hitler received the powers of the head of state as the "Führer and Reich Chancellor". This gave him the opportunity to start seizing the territories of other states and unleash one of the greatest wars in the history of mankind.

Hitler began mass persecution of Jews and Gypsies. They were deprived of civil rights, later, already during the Second World War, their physical extermination began. In history, this phenomenon has been called the Holocaust. Hitler was determined to completely exterminate the nation of Jews. As a result, 60% of European Jews and about a third of the Jewish population of the whole world were destroyed.

In addition, about a third of the gypsy people were also destroyed. Homosexuals, followers of some religious sects, black people from Africa living in Germany, mentally ill people and the disabled were also subjected to total extermination.

German concentration camps

During the war, concentration camps were built in the territories occupied by Germany. These death camps were intended to hold prisoners of war and exterminate thousands of people. At the same time, the Nazis were constantly working on improving the technologies for the mass destruction of people.

The Nazis also performed inhumane medical experiments on victims of the Holocaust, which often resulted in death. Such extermination continued until the surrender of Germany. It must be said that the Nazis considered not only Jews, but also Poles, Russians and other Slavs as an "inferior race" that must be conquered. They wanted to make us slaves and then destroy us.

In 1933, the first concentration camp was established in Germany. It was built on the outskirts of the town of Dachau. Not far from Weimar, the infamous Buchenwald concentration camp was built in 1937.


Fascism is this terrible ideology that has turned the lives of millions of people around the world into hell. There is no state that would benefit from Nazi rule. The ideology of Nazism brought collapse both to its creator and to all those who suffered from the actions of its followers.

During the war, soldiers from different countries fought together against fascism and still won, however, at the cost of huge losses.

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is usually celebrated in every country that took part in the war. All celebrations and entertainment events are cancelled. Flowers and wreaths are laid at numerous memorials and monuments, cemeteries are visited. On this day, in many countries there is a tradition to visit and care for unmarked, abandoned and mass graves.

In Russia, every year on the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism, people remember all the innocent victims of fascism, and also honor the memory and merits of Russian soldiers. This date is very important for the Russians, because. we must never forget the feat of our people. We can say that this war, one way or another, touched almost every family in our country.

Our people managed to survive five years of hunger, constant fear, uncertainty, bombings, evacuations and other horrors of war.

We managed to survive only thanks to the fortitude and heroism of the Russian soldiers. They did the almost impossible, because the enemy army was better equipped technically and had more advantages in military strength, supplies and uniforms.

main goal international day The memory of the victims of fascism can be called the fight against the ideology of the resurgent fascism. Today, some people want to revive fascism again, apparently forgetting what it led to last time. The slogan of the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is Unite to resist extremism.

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