Open lesson on speech development “We are going to look for spring. Open lesson on speech development “We are going to look for spring Final classes on speech senior group

Summary of the final lesson on speech development in the senior group: “Following the bear’s tracks”


Develop coherent speech, phonemic awareness, fine and gross motor skills, visual attention

Improve the grammatical structure of speech;

Develop the ability to competently answer questions posed by the teacher;

Continue teaching children to differentiate sounds in words;

Continue teaching how to write proposals on a given topic;

Development of the emotional and personal sphere, cognitive abilities of children.

Develop an understanding of spatial relationships in a group of real objects and in a group of objects depicted in the picture.

Materials: teddy bear, hat, tree, treasure chest, inflatable ball, bear tracks, barrel, pictures with animals with sound [z], pictures with sound [s], wild and domestic animals, pencils, wax crayons, 2 sheets of A3 , Treasure card.

Progress of the lesson:

1 . Organizing time. (Children enter the group.)

Guys, while we were away, someone visited our group! Did you notice any traces? Who do you think they are? Animal or human? ... Let’s follow these tracks, it’s not for nothing that they were left to us?! (children walk through the maze of bear tracks and find the “Treasure” card). I propose to go through all the obstacles on the way to the treasure, and find out where it is hidden and what lies in it!

2. Main part.

Educator: Before we begin, let's remember the rules of behavior when traveling. Remind them to me

1 child: Every day, always, everywhere,

During the lessons in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We're not in a hurry.

2nd child: If you want to answer, don't make noise,

Just raise your hand.

- We need to guess who was with us? To do this, guess two riddles:

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl,

He sleeps in a snow hut.

The beast waddles

For raspberries and honey.

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams.


So who is the owner of the forest? (children's answers)

And whose traces are these? (children's answers). That's right, guys, these are bear tracks! Apparently, the bear came to visit us, and we were not in the group, so he left us all a surprise, and to find it we must go through obstacles and difficulties! But we will overcome them all together!

(On the map, children find obstacles marked with numbers and pictures, and in the group they look for hidden tasks with a hint - the same objects as on the map.

A) The task is hidden under a hat lying on the table. Under the hat is a card with a task:

Game "Continue the sentence":

So, the first obstacle... Guys, I will read the sentence, and you will have to continue it:

The dog barks, chews bones, guards..., protects...

The horse neighs, grazes..., carries...

The cat purrs, catches mice, washes itself..., climbs...

The cow moos, eats..., gives...

Tell me, what kind of animals are these? Where do they live?

b) The task is hidden in a ball, which is located in the creativity corner. It contains a task card:

Game "Ball and Mosquito":
I remind the children. The sound з is the song of a mosquito, s is how air comes out of a balloon. At different ends of the table there are 2 drawings: a mosquito and a ball. Various objects are laid out on the table: a napkin, a hare, an orange, a badge, a castle, a fox, etc. The child takes the object, names it, determines what sound it contains and places the object next to the picture.

V) The task is hidden in a bird's nest located in a corner of nature. Inside the nest is a card with a task.

A game " Who lives in the house

Guys, look how many animals there are! It seems to me that they ran wild in the meadow and it’s time for them to go home. Let's help them get home?

(Children select and place in the house only those animals whose names contain the sound [k])

G) Mishka offers to rest.Physical training.

The bear crawled out of the den,

I looked around on the threshold. (Turns left and right.)

He stretched out of sleep: (Stretching - arms up.)

Spring has come to us again.

To quickly gain strength,

The bear's head was twisting. (Rotate your head.)

Bent forward and backward, (Bends forward and backward.)

Here he is walking through the forest.

The bear is looking for roots

And rotten stumps.

They contain edible larvae -

Vitamins for the bear. (Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa.)

Finally the bear had his fill

And he sat down on a log. (Children sit down.)

d) The task is hidden in a barrel of honey located in the gaming corner. Inside the barrel there is a task card:

Game "Who has who?"

I will throw a ball to each of you and name an adult animal. You will catch the ball, name the baby of this animal and return the ball to me.

Hare (hares).

Badger (badgers).

Fox (fox cubs).

Squirrel (baby squirrels).

Wild boar (wild boar).

Wolf (wolf cubs).

Cuckoo (cuckoo).

Bear (cubs).

- Hedgehog (hedgehog).

Deer (fawns).

Beaver (beaver cubs).

Already (squeezed).

e) The task is hidden in the paws of a squirrel sitting on a Christmas tree. The squirrel has a card with a task:

A game " Who is hiding in the picture? Tell about him"

Guys, look carefully at our clouds. You need to choose a cloud, say what animal it looks like, describe the animal according to the diagram:

  1. Who is this?
  2. Domestic, wild.
  3. Body parts.
  4. What is covered?
  5. Voice.
  6. What does it eat?
  7. Housing.
  8. What does he do in winter?
  9. Cubs.

(2-3 stories)

and) -Look, what is this under our Christmas tree? Treasure!!! But the chest with the treasure is locked! And he is guarded by a bear guard. You need to find the key to it, and to do this, complete the last task...

Game "5 extra" (consolidating children’s ability to identify a common feature, develop the ability to generalize).

Explain your choice.

Four daisies with five petals hang on a magnetic board, with a letter on each petal:

1 flower: K, K, K, K, K

2 flower: L, L, M, T, P

3 flower: N, K, S, a, K

4 flower: i, o, d, s, y

From the extra petals we make up the word “Treasure”.

The teacher invites the children to do a sound analysis of the word TREASURE. (Children are seated at tables, and everyone works at the cash registers; one child, who finished first, works at the board)

Educator: How many sounds do we hear in the word treasure?

What is the first sound in this word?

Children: sound [K], consonant sound.

Educator: What chip do we designate this sound?

Children: blue chip.

Educator: What is the second sound in this word?

Children: the sound [L], a consonant sound, is indicated by a blue chip.

Educator: What is the third sound in the word treasure?

Children: The sound [A], a vowel sound, is indicated by a red chip.

Educator: What is the fourth sound we hear in this word?

Children: The sound [T] is a consonant sound, indicated by a blue chip.

Educator: Guys, I want to tell you a secret that in the word treasure we hear [T], but we write [D].

Well done guys, you did a very good job with this task.

3. Final part.Children open a treasure chest and take out sweet forest treasures...

Guys, let's draw a portrait of the forest owner as a gift. (Group work: a gift from girls and a gift from boys. The guys are given an A3 piece of paper in the center of which a large sun with beautiful rays is drawn, the guys draw their drawings around the sun).

Final lesson in the senior group on speech development “Forest walk to grandma’s birthday.”

Description: this methodological development is intended for teachers of the senior group, methodologists, kindergarten directors and parents.

Target: Identify and consolidate children’s level of knowledge on speech development.

- consolidate knowledge about such a genre of fiction as the Russian folk tale;
- consolidate knowledge about hissing sounds, practice their pronunciation;
- repeat the types of insects and reptiles, their natural sounds;
- consolidate knowledge about wild animals and their habitats;
- consolidate skills in dividing words into syllables;
- practice word formation using the task “Name it affectionately”;
- practice selecting antonyms – adjectives and antonyms – verbs;
- continue to develop fine motor skills and logical thinking when making a gift for grandma;
- contribute to the formation of the grammatical structure of speech by composing a sentence based on a picture;
- exercise the ability to draw up a sentence diagram;
- strengthen the speech apparatus and improve the pronunciation of sounds by repeating pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters;
- apply health-saving technologies during organizational gymnastics, eye gymnastics, finger gymnastics, dynamic pause.

Integration of educational areas: Reading fiction, Environmental education, Cognition (the world around us), Visual activities.
Preliminary work: studying sounds, reading fairy tales, studying animals and their habitats, exercises in word formation, selection of antonyms.

Progress of the lesson

Slide 1(topic of the lesson).
Educator: Guys, come to me. Look how many guests came to us today. Let's smile at the guests and each other and meet today with a smile, a good mood and with the words:
What a miracle - miracles:
Here's my hand for you
Here is the right palm,
Here is the left palm!
Let's tell you the truth:
These are all my friends.

Educator: Now let's sit down ( children sit at tables) – sat down correctly, moved the chairs.
Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know?
What do fairy tales teach us? (children: be kind, friendly, don’t be greedy, don’t cheat, protect the weak)?
Do you think the fairy tale is fiction or true? (artifice).
What happens in fairy tales? (miracles, magic).
How I want to get into a fairy tale... Do you want to? We are going with you on a walk through a fairy tale. Guess what fairy tale we are about to find ourselves in:

Grandmother loved the girl very much
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Well done, you solved the riddle.

Slide 2(animation - a red riding hood appears).
Little Red Riding Hood was getting ready to go to her grandmother's birthday party. Do you want to go with Little Red Riding Hood to her birthday party? Tell me, where does Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother live? ( children: at the edge of the forest, at the edge of the forest).
Then we hit the road. The road there is very long and difficult.
Are you ready to cope with difficulties?

Slide 3(flowers grow in the clearing, mosquitoes and bees fly, a grass snake or snake crawls).
Children, we find ourselves in a fairy-tale clearing. Follow with your eyes. What insects do you see on it? ( children: mosquito and bee). Let's remember what sound a mosquito makes? Children make a sound [h]. And the bee? - sound [ and]. Who else is crawling there? ( children: snake). How does a snake hiss? – make a sound [w].

Look, there are flowers and pictures in front of you. On the flower where the mosquito sits, put pictures with the sound [z], where a bee - with the sound [zh], where a snake - with the sound [w]. We attach three flowers to the magnetic board, and under them there are three pictures for each sound; the children are called up one at a time, select the necessary pictures and move them to the corresponding flowers. A bee sits on the next flower, then a snake. Children move pictures with the corresponding image to the remaining two flowers in turn.
Well done guys, you placed all the pictures correctly.
We are walking with you further through the forest.

Slide 4(a squirrel sits on a tree).
Who do you see? That's right, a squirrel. Tell me how many syllables are in the word squirrel ( two syllables)?
Where does the squirrel live? ( children: in the hollow). How many syllables are in the word hollow? ( two) Children place the back of their hand under their chin and count the number of syllables by hitting their beard against it.
Do you know if squirrels have friends? Tell me who they are ( children: hare, wolf, bear, fox).

Slide 5(squirrel friends: hare, wolf, bear, fox).
Think about where the hare lives ( under the bush). How many syllables are in the word bush? What is the name of the wolf's house ( lair). How many syllables are in the word lair? Where does the bear live? ( den). How many syllables are in the word den? Also fox ( burrow). How many syllables are in the word nora? So you and I found out where our squirrel friends live.
Call them affectionately.
For example, a squirrel is fluffy, let's call it affectionately - fluffy. The wolf is gray, and affectionately gray; the hare is eared, and affectionately is eared. The fox is red, and affectionately red. The bear is clubfooted, and affectionately - clubfooted.
Well done, children, you affectionately called your squirrel friends, and they want to play with you. Go out into the clearing.

Dynamic pause.

The bear crawled out of the den,
I looked around on the threshold. ( Turns left and right)
He stretched out of sleep: ( Stretching - arms up)
Spring has come to us again.
To quickly gain strength
The bear turned his head ( Head rotation)
Leaned forward and backward, ( Bend forward - backward)
Here he is walking through the forest.
The bear is looking for roots
And rotten stumps.
They contain edible larvae -
Vitamins for the bear. ( Tilts: touch your left foot with your right hand, then vice versa)
Finally the bear had his fill
And he sat down on a log ( take their seats).

Slide 6(the forest gnome sits sad in the clearing).
Educator: Guys, this is a forest gnome. He sits completely sad because he mixed up the words. Let's help him say the words backwards ( words are called without pictures, by ear).

Cheerful - sad
Small big
Thin - fat
Dry – wet
White black
Light dark
Long short

Walk - stand
Cry - laugh
Be silent - speak
Lose - find
Start - finish
Meet and see off
Lighten - darken

Well done, look, the gnome's mood has improved because you helped him.

We continue our journey through the fairytale forest.

Slide 7(the artist paints nature).
Educator: Who did we meet this time? Yes, this is a forest artist. He paints nature. You and I are going to a birthday party without a gift. Let's ask the artist to draw gifts for grandma. After all, grandma’s apron has become quite old. There are aprons on your tables. You need to paint them according to the artist's model ( the sample is attached to a magnetic board). The artist began to paint and did not finish. Let's finish the pattern.

I roll a pencil in my hands,
I'm turning it between my fingers.
Be obedient to every finger
I will definitely teach you.

Sit down correctly, backs are straight.

Our gifts are ready. Now we can go to the birthday party.

Slide 8(grandmother greets you with pies).
So grandma meets us. She's glad to see us. You need to say some nice words to your grandmother. ( Happy Birthday! Hello, grandma! Happy birthday, Grandma).
Look carefully, what can you say about grandma? Children say variations of their sentences. Grandma greets you with pies. You have come up with a proposal.
Let's remember what the first word is, the second, the third and the fourth. How many words are there in our sentence? Remember, a sentence begins with a capital letter, there is a short word, and a period is placed at the end of the sentence.
Let's outline this proposal. Take the strips. Children make up the board.
And grandma’s pies are not simple, but with magical filling. We can't just eat them. We need to repeat the plain saying. First all together, then some one by one.
Zhok - zhok - zhok eat the sweet pie.
And now a tongue twister:
The fellow ate thirty-three pies with cottage cheese (children repeat twice).

Slide 9(candies).
Well done, and what a filling! Candy! There are sweets on the plate. But they immediately asked not to give it back.

Was the trip to grandma's birthday interesting?
What did you do on the way?
Well done, you have overcome all the difficulties!
I praise you all.

Slide 10(Color picture of a grandmother with her granddaughter).
Look, guys, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother gave you their portrait along with a treat. But they are not bright at all, but black and white. You will color them as on the screen when you have time ( teacher handing out coloring books to children).
Now come and help yourself!


Coherent speech: learn to write riddles about animals (following the teacher’s model), develop the ability to use complete sentences, stimulate the use of comparisons and proverbs in speech;

Grammar: develop skills in using words formed from nouns, comparative and superlative adjectives.

Activate children's vocabulary with the names of trees and wild animals.

Develop memory, thinking, attention, imagination.

To foster interest in the life of the forest, teach to love and protect nature.

Materials: diagram “Forest - multi-storey building”, cards for individual work, pencils, pictures of animals and plants, audio recording of birdsong.

Vocabulary: fruit, edge, forest basement.

Progress of classes in the senior group of kindergarten:

(On the rug there is scenery of a forest clearing. The melody of birdsong sounds).

Educator. Children, you and I ended up in the Forest School, where forest dwellers study. The Wise Owl teaches them, and she is wise because she knows everything in the world. But why is she not there? (She sleeps during the day and flies at night).

Educator. How are we going to communicate with her? (Children's answers.)

Educator (reads a letter from the Wise Owl). “Dear children, now I’m resting. That's why I wrote you a letter. It will be a reference point for my Forest School. I know that you all attend kindergarten, so you should know everything. I will soon find out if this is so. Tasks you need to complete - e my students. Good luck to you!".

Educator. So our unusual lesson at the Forest School begins. Children, what is a forest? (Grass, plants, animals, birds, trees.)

Educator. But first of all, these are trees, let's remember the names of trees that can grow in the forest. (Children name trees)

Educator. You know that there are several types of forest. What is the name of a forest in which only fir trees grow? (Yelnik)

Educator. What is the name of the forest in which the giant oak trees grow? (Dubrava.)

Educator. What if only birch trees grow? (Bereznyak.)

Educator. What trees grow in a pine forest? (Pines.)

Educator. What can you call a forest in which there are different trees: maples, pines, and birches. (Mixed.)

Didactic game “Which tree belongs to which fruit”

Children perform tasks on cards: using a pencil, they connect trees with their fruits.

A mutual check is being carried out.

(While the children were completing tasks, the teacher lays out silhouettes of plants on the rug.)

Educator. Children, look carefully, are all the plants the same size?kindergarten teacher classesLet's try to arrange them from smallest to tallest.

(The “Forest-multi-storey building” diagram appears).

Educator. Look, the forest is like a big house, which has several floors and also has a basement. What's in the forest basement? (Roots). What's on the first floor? (Grass, berry bushes.)

Educator. And on the second? (Bushes, young trees.)

Educator. Third floor - medium-sized trees. Name them. (Maple, birch, linden.)

Educator. Fourth floor - tall trees. What tall trees do you know? (Pines, spruces, oaks, poplars.)

Didactic game “Compare by height”

Children compare plants by height using comparative and superlative adjectives. For example: the bush is low, the maple is higher, the pine is the tallest.

Educator. Now the bunnies have brought you the second task.


Name the animals that live in the forest

Why are they called wild? (Children's answers.)

Educator. In order for wild animals to play a game with us, we need to make riddles about them. Riddles can reflect the appearance of animals and their habits.

Sample teacher: “He is small and grey, has needles, but does not embroider” (Hedgehog)

(Children make up riddles on their own)

Didactic game “Who lives where?” (Work in subgroups)

It is necessary to help animals find their habitats.

Educator. Let's travel further. (Music sounds.)

Physical education lesson “Leaves”

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches. (sit down)

The wind blew and we flew,

We flew, we flew (easy running in a circle)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves. (easy running in a circle)

Spun and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (sit down)

Educator. Children, are you feeling tired? Shall we go home? (No.)

Educator. If we don’t return home, then listen to what I tell you about. Animals and plants that live in the forest should not be considered separately. The forest is a multi-storey building, everyone in it has their own place and their own business. The caterpillar has a place on a leaf. She climbs and eats it, so much so that you can even hear the crunch. On the ground, the mouse also eats, sometimes a blade of grass, sometimes a root. And in the tree trunk, under the bark, the beetle gnaws the wood. What happens that these little creatures can eat the entire forest? (No. Birds help destroy insect pests)

Educator. And what birds help preserve green spaces? (Children's answers.)

Educator. Yes, a titmouse ran along a branch, and then a caterpillar! - and carried it to the nest. A snake slithered through, and there was no mouse. On a tree, a woodpecker bent its head and pulled out a beetle from under the bark.

But for the titmouse, woodpecker, and snake, there are also other hunters - falcons, owls. A forest is a collection of animals and plants.

(A parrot and a camel appear)

Educator. Children, are these forest dwellers? Where do they live? (A camel lives in the desert, and a parrot lives in the jungle.)

Educator. Why can't they live in our forest? (There are no conditions for food and existence.)

Educator. The parrot brought us a task. Children, name our friends in the forest. (Birds are our friends. Animals are our friends.)

Educator. Now, let's remember the rules of friends of the forest. Let us mark the correct actions with a “+” sign, and the incorrect actions with a “-” sign.

Breaking branches.

Feed the birds.

Destroy anthills.

Take care of trees.

Bottom line. Reflection.

Educator. Our lesson at Forest School has ended.

What do you remember?

What caused the difficulties?

Gubina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher 1st category
Educational institution: MBOU "Kindergarten "Belochka"
Locality: With. Manzherok
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Final lesson on speech development "Journey to the land of beautiful speech"
Publication date: 04.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Final lesson on speech development in the senior group: “Travel to the country

Beautiful speech.

To determine the level of children’s mastery of sound analysis (determining the sequence

sounds in words, the ordinal place of sounds in a word, the ability to distinguish by ear the sounds of vowels and

consonants, hard and soft consonants, the ability to find a stressed syllable in a word).

Exercise children in syllabic analysis of words.

Reveal children’s ability to compose sentences with a given word, group individual

words into a sentence.

Exercise the ability to select words (from different parts of speech) on a given topic, words with

the opposite meaning.

Continue to teach children to understand the learning task and complete it independently.

Cultivate a desire to learn and be literate.

Progress of the lesson:

Org. moment

Hello my dears! Today our group is bright and cheerful! And the fun is

our bright smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which

it becomes warm and good. Guys, let's smile at each other, our guests!

And let the good mood not leave us all day! Take each other by

hands and smile at each other, and now turn around and smile at our guests.


Today in class we will go on a trip to the fairyland of the Beautiful

speech. When people find themselves in this fabulous land, they change a little. Want to know how?

Then let's go. Since the country is unusual, we will go on a trip

in an unusual way: with the help of imagination.

What is fantasy? (fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something,

we invent something that doesn’t actually exist.)

Before we set off on this journey, let's remember the rules:

Our business is the business of secrets.

One hundred questions - one hundred answers.

Answer one at a time and you will learn everything!

A table is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

Sit slim at the table

And behave with dignity.

If a friend began to answer,

Don't rush to interrupt

Do you want to help a friend?

Raise your hand calmly.

So, let's go to the land of Beautiful Speech. (Fairytale music starts)

Please close your eyes. Imagine we're flying in a hot air balloon

through the clouds. From above we see forests and fields, hear the murmur of the river, feel

the smell of fresh air after rain.

Main part.

Here we are.

You warm the whole world

And you don’t know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you...

But for some reason it's sad? It has no rays.

Evil wizards bewitched its rays.

In order to disenchant the rays, we need to complete tasks

Guys, I have a magic lantern, it will show us the way to the ray

1 task.

“Call me kindly

Monkey, hippopotamus, dog, bull, wild boar, badger, beetle, dog, cat, squirrel, hare,

wolf, fox.

Well done on this task.

Task 2: Trick riddles

In the thicket I raised my head.

A giraffe howls from hunger. (Wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

A clubfooted brown... wolf. (Bear)

Daughters and sons. An ant teaches you to grunt. (Pig)

The fastest person to run from fear is... the tortoise... (Hare)

In your warm puddle

Barmaley croaked loudly. (Little Frog)

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

A cow jumps deftly. (Monkey)

3 task. (Pictures)

“Name it in one word”

Sofa, chair, table, bed, wardrobe.

Tomato, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions, peppers.

Mars, Venus, Earth, Pluto, Saturn.

Cook, driver, carpenter, salesman, doctor.

Ficus, oxalis, geranium, violet.

4 task

"Vice versa"

I give you a word, and you tell me the opposite.

Sample words. Big, loud, sad. Tall, open, easy, strong,

warm, clean, wide, white.

5 task.

“Name the signs”

In the land of Beautiful Speech there live amazing words that can call

different signs of objects, find out which ones?

Matryoshka made of wood...

Leather bag…

If the handle is made of plastic, then...

A boy with broad shoulders...

Brick house...

Porcelain saucer…

Now it's time to relax!


Working with cards (vowels and consonants)

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? (For vowels and consonants.)

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

And what obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

sounds? (lips, teeth, tongue).

Now we will play a game with you and find out where the sound is hidden. But what sound are you

you will guess the riddle.

E then who buzzes angrily,

Zhu-zhu-zhu yes zhu-zhu-zhu,

And flies to the flowers with nectar,

Scaring everyone as they go!

Answer: Beetle

So, where is the sound Ж hidden in the word?

Heat, ice cream, hedgehog.

Guys, what did we repeat now, what did we work with? (with sounds)

7 Task “How many syllables are in a word?

Clap how many syllables are in the word cow,

fox, wolf, squirrel, sparrow

8. Game “Distinguish the Sound” R and L

If you hear the sound R - “fish” hand movement

If L, ring the bell.

Porlyusha, birch, red, lion cub, zebra, ants, crawling, screaming, crying,

they are ringing.

Guys, the next task is this: we need to make a story based on the picture.

9 Cat with kittens.

Continued consolidation

Guys, the sun is shining in this wonderful country. What is it like?

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands,

fingers. It became completely warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate. Rays

ran through the clouds, through the fields, through the forests, through the flowers and cast a spell on everything except

Evil wizards have mixed up all the fairy tales and now the fairy tale heroes cannot

figure out what comes first and what comes later. We need to help them.

Children arrange the story pictures in order.

Well done, the people of this extraordinary country say to you: “Thank you so much!

And we go home, close our eyes and imagine that we are flying on

hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests, fields, hear the murmur

river, we smell the fresh air after the rain. (Music sounds).

So we arrived in the group.

Now I’ll read a poem, and when you hear the word “boys” or

“girls” must clap their hands: first all the boys, and then all the girls.

So, be careful.

They came running, they came running

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs.

Forged, forged

Knives, knives.

They came running, they came running

Bunnies, bunnies.

Let's clap together

Let's clap together


And now everyone is together: both boys and girls. Applause!!!

And with this cheerful applause our lesson ended. Thanks to all!

The picture shows a cat with kittens. The cat is big. She's furry

wool. There are red and black spots on the back. Her eyes are kind. She

looks affectionately at the kittens. The cat lies on the rug and warms itself. Rug

soft. Kittens are small and fluffy. One is red, the second is black,

the third is gray. Mama cat purrs, purr, purr. And the kittens meow

meow. Kittens lap up milk, one kitten plays with a ball and rolls it.

Target. Children's speech development.

Tasks. Consolidate making sentences, a story based on the picture; navigate in time; divide words into syllables; name and distinguish the sounds of the Russian language, the ability to express one’s thoughts.

Develop speech, attention, memory, cognitive interest, creativity, as well as self-control and self-regulation.

Expand children's vocabulary.

To foster a desire for knowledge, to help a friend, to instill in children kindness, responsiveness and interest in their native language.

Integration of educational areas. Communication, socialization, music, physical development.

Equipment: story pictures on the theme “Masha goes to school”, a drawing or doll of Masha, an audio recording, cards with vowel sounds, cards for the games “One-Many”, “Odd Four”, briefcase, book, pen, album, paints, eraser , notebook, pencil, sharpener, ball, chips for children's self-control.

Methods and techniques:

Visually – effective (demonstration, illustration);

Verbal (explanation, clarification, telling);

Practical (game).

Progress of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

Good afternoon guys! Today we will have an unusual and interesting activity. A future first-grader will come to visit us. Listen to the recording and determine which cartoon it is from.

(An audio recording from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” sounds.)

Guys, did you find out where this music comes from? What episodes about Masha have you watched? Let’s come up with a new series about Masha ourselves and call it, for example, “Masha goes to school.”

And here is our heroine. (The teacher shows the doll Masha). What is her character like? (Cheerful, funny, restless, mischievous, inquisitive, curious, kind, friendly...)

2. Main part.

1) - Guys, as you know, Masha loves to travel. She travels to many kindergartens and will now tell you about her travels, and you will guess which rooms of the kindergarten or on the street she visited.

I went into the room where the children rolled up their sleeves, soaped their hands, and dried themselves. (Bathroom)

They yawn, relax, sleep... (Bedroom)

They dance, sing, spin... (Music hall)

I was in kindergarten when the children:

They come and say hello... (When does this happen?) (In the morning)

They have dinner, thank you, go to bed... (During the day)

They get dressed, say goodbye to the children and the teacher... (In the evening)

2) - And then one day, Masha decided that it was time for her to go to school. She collected her briefcase. Let's see what she put in it. One by one, we will take one item out of the briefcase, name it and describe it. What is the shape, color, size of the object, what parts does it consist of and what is the purpose of the object.

Game "Describe the object."

(Book, pen, album, paints, eraser, notebook, pencil, sharpener.)

How can you call all these objects in one word? (School supplies).

(The teacher puts everything in a briefcase.)

3) - Masha took her briefcase and hit the road. And the road went through forests, through fields..., oh, guys, I don’t know what happened next. But I have pictures from which we can determine how Masha got to school and what happened to her. Here is the first picture. Who is depicted on it? Make a sentence for this picture.

(The teacher shows the first picture, the children make up sentences, the same with 2 and 3.)

Now, let’s make up a story based on these pictures about how the girl got to school.

Well done! Here we have such an interesting and new series.

4) - But at school you need to have certain knowledge. There are a lot of children there, you need to be able to communicate with them and find a common language. And we communicate with you using sentences, expressing our feelings and thoughts.

Guys, what do sentences consist of? (From words).

Count how many words are in the following sentence? The sun is shining. (2) Birds are singing on the tree. (4) Clouds are floating across the sky. (4)

Try to come up with your own proposal, any one.

5) - We already know that sentences consist of words. What are words made of? Tell Masha. (From sounds).

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? (For vowels and consonants).

How are vowel sounds pronounced? (Easy, free, sing, stretch). What about consonants? (do not stretch, do not sing)

Let's name the vowel sounds: A, O, U, I, Y, E

What are the consonant sounds? (Hard and soft).

Let's play the game “You give me - I give you.” I “throw” you a hard sound, you give me back a “soft” sound. (The teacher throws the ball to the child and says a hard sound, the child throws it back and says a soft sound.)

6) – Well done! Now Masha can count words in a sentence and distinguish sounds. But, guys, we still need to teach our future student to divide words into syllables. Shall we show you how it's done? Let's name school supplies and count the syllables in them. Prepare your hands for this, we will clap.

Notebook, pencil, ruler, textbook, eraser, album, paints, brush...

7) - Masha became sad. Oh, there are so many things she doesn’t know yet! She thought she had packed her briefcase and could go to school, but it turns out she needs to know and be able to do a lot of things. Masha's mood dropped. Let's make Masha happy again. Stand in a circle, hold hands.

Physical education lesson “If you have a good friend...”

The mood has dropped

Things are getting out of hand...

But all is not lost yet,

If you have a good friend.

Let's handle this together,

Let's breathe a sigh of relief -

Let's lift your spirits

And let's shake off the dust!

(They stand facing each other, hands up.

They “throw” their hands down...

They threaten with their index finger.

They clap their hands.

They join hands.

They sigh.

Raise your clasped hands up.

“Shake off” the dust and smile at each other).

8) - Now everyone will be in a good mood.

– You already know that Masha is very mischievous and loves different games. And he offers you the game “On the contrary” (With a ball). I name a word, and you say the opposite.

Joyful - sad, sorrowful

Lighten - darken

Dry – wet

Silence is noise

Often - rarely

Clear – cloudy

Freezing - warming up

Bad - good

Dark – light

Brave - Cowardly

High Low

Light heavy

Quiet - loud

Wide narrow

Cold - hot, etc.

9) - Oh, guys, look, they gave us a big letter. What's in it? Interesting...So this is a letter from Mishka! He sent us tasks, probably wants to check whether we can handle it or not. We will try?

- So, the first task. Prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine which sound is repeated in all the words? Name it.

Ball, noise, bump, car, whisper, Cheburashka.

Cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.

Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.

10) Second task. Game "One - Many".

Take one card at a time and don’t show it to anyone. I show a card with one item. For example, a ball, and the one who has a lot of balls shows his card and names many balls (ball - balls, house - houses, chicken - chickens, needle - needles, mouse - mice, coat - coat, pencil - pencils, etc.) d.)

And if all the objects disappear, how will we say what is missing? (Needles, saws, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats, pencils, coats.)

11) - Well done! One more task. You need to find an extra item.

Game “Fourth wheel”.

12) - What difficult tasks did Mishka come up with for us? Here's another one. There is a picture in front of you. What does it show? (House). Now everyone will turn away, Artyom will finish drawing a few details, and you will try to guess what changes have occurred.

3. Final part. - Well done, I’ll write an answer to Mishka saying that you completed all the tasks. Which tasks did you like the most?

You see how much you need to know and be able to do to go to school. Do you think Masha will now be accepted into 1st grade? From September 1, she, like you, will go to school and will study for A's and B's.

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