HIA - what is it? Children with disabilities: training, support. The role of additional education in the upbringing and training of children with disabilities Organization of additional education for children with disabilities

Short description

Socialization of children with disabilities in the conditions of modern life and their creative development.


Socialization and development of children with disabilities means of additional education.
The health and well-being of children is the main concern of the family, state and society. One of the main tasks of institutions is additional education - socialization of children in the conditions of modern life and their creative development. When solving this problem, special attention is paid to working with children with disabilities, children with disabilities, as a category of children who especially need help and support not only from loved ones, but also from society. Only in close cooperation can we help a child realize the significance of his personality, ensure the social, emotional, intellectual and physical development of a child with disabilities, try to maximize his potential for learning, help him realize himself and establish himself in public life.All children, without exception, have the right to receive an education. In the 90s, it was decided that there were no uneducable children. In the Russian Federation, children with disabilities have the opportunity to study in eight types of special (correctional) general education institutions. There are schools for deaf children, for hard of hearing and late-deafened children, for visually impaired children, for children with severe speech impairments, for children with musculoskeletal disorders, for children with mental retardation, for children with intellectual disabilities. For children with certain diseases, distance learning is possible. And very few institutions are working to integrate children. L.S. Vygotsky in his book “The Team as a Factor in the Development of a Defective Child” wrote that children with disabilities and healthy children should develop together.The opportunity to integrate children with disabilities into society is provided by the system of inclusive (integrated) education. The widespread introduction of integrated education requires an integrated approach, including the creation of a barrier-free environment, training of teaching staff and the formation of a tolerant attitude of students and parents towards the problems of “special” children and their families. In the process of inclusive education, a disabled child is included in society from an early age, which allows him to speed up the process of his adaptation and socialization in society, and makes it possible to feel equal among equals. A properly organized educational environment has a strong therapeutic effect on the child. And this allows him to most fully and successfully integrate into the environment of his peers.The Children's Creativity Center, as an institution of additional education, is one of the most important social institutions that creates conditions for the development, education and protection of every child, including children with disabilities. It is here that teachers, children and parents are united by caring for the child’s health, creating an atmosphere of trust and personal success in joint activities.Since 2007, our institution has been implementing a targeted program "Children of Special Care" for disabled children, with limited health capabilities and children at risk (guardians, children in special needs, children's care, from large families). Wherein a new opportunity has emerged to diversify the types of activities at the institution and provide a wide range of educational services in artistic-aesthetic, social-pedagogical, physical education-sports and environmental-biological areas.Target programs: creating conditions for a comprehensive impact on the child, his development for the purpose of social rehabilitation through additional education.Tasks:1. Overcome negative stereotypes of the ideas of others and the child himself about his abilities and inner world;2. Contribute to the disclosure of the child’s capabilities and creative potential, using various areas of activity;3. Create a system of volunteer assistance to parents with special children;4. Organize cultural leisure activities that contribute to the development of the child’s positive emotional-volitional sphere in joint creative activities.Socialization, thanks to which in recent years children with disabilities have had a real opportunity to be included in society, is bearing fruit. Our Center for Children's Creativity gives children the opportunity to show their talents - they sing, read poetry, draw, participate in arts and crafts exhibitions, and in various events together with a healthy environment.Parents give high marks to the work of the teaching staff of the Central Children's Centre. In October 2012, our institution received a winner’s diploma in the regional competition “Parental recognition" in the nomination "Best Institution of Further Education". Today, teachers see great educational opportunities in cooperation with parents. Communication with parents makes it possible to study their position and take it into account when organizing work and choosing forms and areas of activity. Therefore, every parent is a welcome guest in creative associations. Their opinions, wishes, and value judgments are taken into account by teachers.We use a wide variety of forms of work with families: Open days, family living rooms, parent meetings and individual consultations, parent surveys, exhibitions of creative works, open classes, children's concerts, sports events.From parent to parent, knowledge about social problems affecting the interests of children is passed on, as well as the desire to change the situation of children for the better through the active participation of parents themselves in social processes. In this case, the following forms of work are used: conversations, seminars, lectures, master classes, creative circles, research, actions, etc.Changes in the socio-political and economic life of Russia make it possible to integrate people with disabilities into society and create the preconditions for their independent life.“Children of Special Care” is an attempt to solve the problem of integrated education for children with disabilities through education in creative associations that would provide them with equal opportunities. In our institution, an environment has been created for students with developmental disabilities where they can develop and adapt in a healthy society. Children are engaged in additional educational programs of arts and crafts “Rainbow”, “Souvenir”, “Sparkles” (rhythm), environmental and biological direction “Berendey’s Workshop”, both on an individual educational trajectory and together with healthy children. For each child with disabilities, an individual development card is filled out, in which behavioral, psychophysical, organizational-volitional, orientation qualities are tracked, and characteristics of his activities are given. An educational psychologist works with children. At the end of the school year, an assessment is made, positive and negative changes in the child’s behavior, character, and activities are indicated, and a long-term work plan for the next school year is outlined. Training seminars are regularly held with additional education teachers on working with “at-risk” children and using techniques and means of correctional work.An integrated approach to working with children with disabilities is necessary in order to organize the education of children in a “two-way traffic” mode:1. Additional education teachers go to a child who is unable to come to the CDT and conduct classes at home. Education at home is necessary for children with complex diagnoses who, for health reasons, cannot attend the Children's Creativity Center. Training methods will include non-traditional forms of work, the use of special aids and simulators for the development of fine motor skills. The library for the blind, which has a huge “methodological base,” helps us with this.2. Classes, both individual and in integrated groups, organized at the Center.3. Consultations for parents and classes are conducted by an educational psychologist.4. Involving children with disabilities and their parents in cultural events held at the CDT.In addition, on the basis of the “Center for Children's Creativity”, a volunteer detachment “Generation” was created, the purpose of which is to unite teenagers and youth to develop and protect creative, intellectual and other opportunities and interests. Today, the members of the detachment work actively and fruitfully. Volunteers participate in labor activities: landscaping areas, caring for monuments and obelisks, and providing assistance to veterans and disabled people. Volunteers of the detachment have created a group in “Contact” to attract new volunteers. Leisure activities for children with disabilities are organized, such as:- “I give my heart to children” campaign. The guys collected toys, things, books, and found an opportunity to allocate money, which was used to buy sweet gifts. We prepared a game program for children.- action “Help for Children”. For a month, volunteers posted advertisements at bus stops and entrance doors and appealed to Internet visitors with a request to help children with disabilities in orphanages and boarding schools. The Generation team plans to constantly visit boarding schools, orphanages, and children's hospitals with various entertainment and educational programs.Thus, our institution strives by all available means to provide conditions for children with disabilities to receive creative development. We have a wealth of experience and new opportunities have emerged to use the latest technologies in the process of socialization of children with disabilities. We have to face many problems in the process of working with disabled children, but we are actively helped by parents, special services workers, specialists from the social protection committee, medical workers and many other institutions.In the search for interesting and effective forms and methods of training and education, we are helped by studying the experience of working with children with disabilities and disabilities in Russia and abroad via the Internet, as well as participation in full-time and part-time All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences. The work of teachers with families is aimed at the versatile education of children, their creative development and the realization of their abilities in public life. The forms and methods of work are varied, but they are all based on long-term traditions, joint holidays and events. Our students, despite their illnesses and illnesses, must remain kind, sympathetic people. Positive human qualities and actions should be a priority. Many of our traditional activities are aimed specifically at realizing our human qualities.In the future, we plan to implement distance learning programs in two areas:

  • Firstly, training can take place online. This will be a dialogue between a teacher and a student via a webcam.
  • Secondly, it is possible to independently train students who master step-by-step lessons developed by the teacher with a detailed description of methods of work, photo and video materials, technological maps, samples, and a system of tests that allow them to consolidate the material. In this case, the child himself chooses the pace of mastering each topic.But there are problems and difficulties in learning at a distance, since many children need “live” contact with a teacher, because disabled children already have a limited circle of contacts. And the teacher can give the child a positive emotional mood, calm him down in case of failure, and adjust the lesson to the mood and individual capabilities of his student. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to study all the possibilities of using Internet resources.The teaching staff of the Center tries to create the most favorable conditions for the socialization of the personality of a child with disabilities. It is important for teachers not only to teach a child some business or craft, but also to help him so that this knowledge will be useful to him in later life, and perhaps become his profession.We can still talk a lot about the problems of socialization of children with disabilities, disabilities and their creative development, but in the context of the establishment of additional education, taking into account new pedagogical technologies, many interesting projects can be implemented that will help us achieve positive results.
    Methodologist MBOU DOD CDT p. Uralsky Oksana Viktorovna Busovikova.

Nikitina Natalya Vasilievna

Sphere without boundaries!

From 2011 to 2013, a family club operated on the basis of the Children's Creativity Center "Rostock" for families, having children with disabilities. I happened to do some work with special needs children and their families. There is an opinion in society that if a child is disabled, then he is abnormal, but having encountered one-on-one with special children, I realized that ill-mannered people who do not know how to put themselves in the place of others think this way. Children studied with different diagnoses diseases: cerebral palsy, autistic people, people with disabilities, speech, hearing, vision impairments, there was a boy whose fingers were partially missing from his hand, but maybe such children are not strong in mathematics, physics, or the humanities, but creativity is for special people children this is huge affordable field of activity, where there are no restrictions.

Family club meetings were held monthly "Rostock", where information, advisory and psychological support was provided to families. The topic was varied: "Communicative development children» , "My family is my joy", Education in Christian traditions", “Plot-role-playing games in education children» . IN work club discussed Topics: "Hippotherapy - the path to health", “How to massage at home”, “I get to know myself and others” where GUZ specialists spoke "Nikolaev Central District Hospital", introduced new methods and techniques in massage techniques, and showed therapeutic exercises.

During classes to develop creative abilities, children learned through the means of artistic expression to control and express their emotional state, to create a positive mood for themselves. Positive dynamics were observed in the development children, children overcame psychological barriers of isolation and alienation, learned to be more independent and organized.

Games were played with the children to get to know each other, to relieve emotional stress, competitions, and quizzes. Children received intellectual, cultural, aesthetic and physical development, overcame social exclusion through mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Children developed creatively, making various crafts from natural and waste materials, took part in cultural and leisure socially significant events: "Mothers Day", "Autumn Gatherings", "New Year's performance", "Christmas Gatherings", "Christmas tree". Interesting and varied a decade of disabled people took place from December 1 to 10, children together with their parents participated in festive, sports and entertainment events: "Let's wish each other of good» , “If you want to be healthy, work out with us”, "Birthday Day", "Game library" in quizzes "The Magic World of Fairy Tales". Children took part in the competition drawings: "Nature and us" "Birds are our friends", master classes on making crafts from salt dough, where Ilya Kurkin, Danil Burtaev, Natalya Larina, Ildar Ashirov were awarded with diplomas.

District and regional propaganda trains were held "For healthy Lifestyle» , specialists from the State Health Institution were invited to participate "Nikolaev Central District Hospital", at which trainings were held with parents, competitive and educational events, thanks to which children received positive emotions and a sense of unity.

A sensory room is a room where a child or adult, being in a safe, comfortable environment filled with various incentives, independently or accompanied by a specialist, explores the environment.

Optimal complex effect on all sensory organs and the human nervous system, charm "living fairy tale", creating a joyful mood and a feeling of complete safety - all this allows us to talk about the uniqueness and value of sensory rooms.

Combination of different incentives (light, music, color, smells, tactile sensations) in the sensory room has different effects on the mental and emotional state person: both relaxing and tonic, stimulating, restorative. Therefore, the sensory room not only helps to achieve relaxation, but also allows you to activate various functions of the central nervous system.

Much attention was paid to conducting sociocultural events: "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "International Women's Day", "International Family Day", "Day of Defense children» , "Day of Knowledge", "Autumn Gatherings", "Mothers Day", "Decade of Disabled People", "New Year's performance", "Maslenitsa", "Birthday Day".

Children attended the circus and puppet shows.

In the summer from June to August, recovery took place children at a day camp called "Sail of Hope". The camp was attended by children from disabilities, children from low-income and large families.

Shift direction:

Cultural and leisure;

Artistic and aesthetic;

Ecological and local history;

Competitions for the best squad newspaper, games for getting to know each other and relieving emotional stress were held with the children. During all shifts, children received intellectual, cultural, aesthetic and physical development. In order to study and preserve the nature of their native land, excursions were held to the forest, to the square, to the river, to the park area, where children combined relaxation with work, clearing the areas of garbage. The children visited the local history museum, studying the history of the Nikolaev region, the history education of the village of Nikolaevka.

In order to improve the culture of education, children visited the children's library and the cultural and leisure center of the International Children's Cultural Center. Children were given educational quizzes about nature, the animal world, birds, and the history of their native land. Children took an active part in competitive programs and celebrations "Guinness Show", "Lessons in Politeness", "Sirs and Madams", "Russian Birch Festival", "Russian souvenir", "Farewell Carnival". The children were amused by relay race games "Out there on unknown paths", travel games "The earth is our common home", attention games "Merry monkeys", "Bananas", "Horses", "Fish" etc. To develop motor activity, outdoor games were carried out "Reindeer", "Caterpillar", "Carousel", "Cat and mouse" and etc.

Teachers from the children's creativity center conducted master classes with children on making three-dimensional crafts from natural and waste materials, applications from colored and corrugated paper, and drew pictures in various techniques. execution: "monotype", “on a wet sheet, with colored chalk on the asphalt, with your fingers on the sheet, thanks to which thinking, memory, and fine motor skills of the fingers develop.

IN additional education both ordinary children and special children can find themselves disabilities, as well as their parents, grandmothers and even grandfathers. Special children are very capable, they have a kind heart and a big open soul, you just need to feel it, see it, and touch it. We must learn to see the divine essence in every person, then the opinion about abnormal children and people will dissolve.

We can burn like a torch with warmth and light, bestowing it on people, or we can smolder like a rotten stump if we only serve ourselves.

V. Nikolaeva

Socially positive activity organization

additional education for children with disabilities.

In the new socio-economic conditions of our society, the question of the priority importance of the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, their socialization and development has become acute and urgent. This is evidenced by a number of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Legislative consolidation of issues related to providing appropriate conditions for the education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities is reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

The Law “On Education” approves state guarantees for education for persons with developmental disabilities and guarantees them:

  • education and training;
  • social adaptation and integration into society.

In the decision of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 18, 2000. №1-2

“On increasing the role of the additional education system in working with children with disabilities” it is stated that the main task facing the state and society as a whole in relation to children of this category -creating appropriate conditions and providing assistance in their social rehabilitation and adaptation, in preparation for a full life in society.

The Board, in particular, decided to pay special attention to:

  • integration of children with disabilities into the environment of healthy peers;
  • pre-vocational training of children with disabilities in order to ensure their social vulnerability;
  • develop a system of measures to intensify work with children with disabilities in institutions of additional education for children;
  • strengthen the interaction of educational institutions with families of children with disabilities;
  • more actively involve children with disabilities in the preparation and holding of public events with students, participation in competitions, shows, festivals, competitions, olympiads and other forms of additional education at the municipal, federal and international levels.

The Concept for the Modernization of the Russian Education System defines the importance and significance of the additional education system, which promotes the creative development of children with disabilities and their adaptation in the life of society.

Children with disabilities are a complex category of children that require increased attention, care and understanding.

The socially positive activities of students with disabilities in the system of additional education for children are primarily focused on creating a situation of success for a student with disabilities. In fact, the training and upbringing of such a child is largely difficult due to the fact that from an early age he perceives the world around him to a greater extent as an aggressive, hostile environment, which gives rise to his desire to “hide” and go away. Overcoming such “defense” can be extremely difficult even for an experienced teacher. The inclusive education project, which is actively developing these days, is characterized by the too rapid “entry” of a child with limited health opportunities into the world of healthier peers. And often both sides are equally unprepared for such interaction. And the reason is not the lack of special conditions or organization of the environmental space of the educational institution. This problem can and should be solved.

For children who, for health reasons, cannot attend preschool educational institutions and study in general educational institutions and special education institutions. institutions (since it is absent in the territory of our region) on the basis of the UNITER CDOD with approvalDeputy Chief Doctor for Childhood and Obstetrics at Ruzaevskaya Central District Hospital,a group of short-term children with disabilities in health and development “Nadezhda” was created. Admission is carried out on the basis of a personal application from parents, classes are held in the first half of the day and in the presence of parents. The reason for refusal of admission may be the lack of vacancies and contraindications of medical workers.

The group carries out its activities on the basis of a work plan approved by the administration of the Center in agreement with the Director of UNITER.

Classes are carried out according to the schedule approved by the director of the Center. The beginning of the school year is September 1. The end of the academic year is May 31.

Training is conducted in the following areas:


Speech development;

Classes on developing a healthy lifestyle.

Classes are held on the basis of developed programs.

  1. "Learning to Speak"
  2. "Man and his health"
  3. "Good word"

The implementation of educational programs in a group involves the use of the following methods of corrective influence on the emotional and cognitive sphere of children with developmental disabilities:

Gaming activities (promoting the development of the ability to communicate with each other);

Physical education (development of general and fine motor skills, correction of physical development and motor apparatus);

Fine art (modelling, applique);

Psycho-gymnastics and relaxation (allowing you to relieve muscle spasms and tension, especially in the face and hands).

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts (pre-numerical period)

The work has been carried out for 3 years.

The main problems arise when trying to overcome the barrier between a child with disabilities, members of his family and society deprived of a particular illness. The school education system is a more rigid system, since the organization of school education itself involves following a mandatory set of rules that help the teacher build relationships on the “teacher-class” principle. But the process of uniting classmates, including children with disabilities, into a single, integral community of children occurs differently. Children react sharply and directly to the “otherness” of another, and at the slightest change in the adult’s attitude towards such a child, isolation and rejection of the “ugly duckling” begins. In the system of extracurricular work, this problem is solved in two ways. Firstly, the organization of additional education itself presupposes a different, individual interaction between teacher and student. Secondly, during the lessons the presence of any family member of children with disabilities is allowed and actively encouraged. Feeling the real support of an adult, the child develops a comfortable perception of the surrounding space, anxiety and fear decrease. This greatly contributes to the maximum development of the student’s capabilities, since it is no longer necessary to overcome the barrier of socialization during classes.

The UNITER Center for Additional Education for Children has accumulated some experience in working with children with disabilities. But before the real result appeared, the staff of the educational institution had to work hard.

Initially, the tasks of working with this category of children were outlined, which subsequently determined the priority areas of activity.

A special issue is the expansion of social partnership. With effective cooperation with other institutions, including medical ones, a contingent of children is formed. There is close cooperation with the rector of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Fr. Gregory (holding celebrations, conversations, providing sponsorship)

Currently there are 16 students studying at our Center.These are children with mental retardation, children with various developmental disabilities, children with poor health. All necessary conditions for personal development are created for children.The forms of classes used by the UNITER Center in working with children include integrated forms, individual meetings, group specialized classes: “Birds are the messengers of spring”, “How bread came to the table”. Psychological support is also provided to his family members. It has already become traditional for Easter students to visit the Ruzaevsky Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. During classes, children gain experience in socialization, adapt to the society of their peers, and try to determine their own place and role in the world around them. Once again touching on the topic of creating a situation of success for children in this category, we should emphasize the urgent need to provide them with the opportunity to demonstrate their own skills and abilities to the outside world. For this purpose, holidays, creative competitions, festivals are held: “Christmas gatherings”, “Mother’s Day”, “Maslenitsa”, etc. An excursion to the bakery is organized.

Students of “Nadezhda” actively participate in All-Russian, republican and municipal festivals, competitions and exhibitions and are awarded certificates and diplomas at various levels.. For 3 years of work, by decision of the medical commission, students of “Nadezhda” are allowed to visit MBOU Ruzaevka and Ruzaevsky district-12, by two decisions of the medical The commission is allowed to visit a auxiliary school in Saransk. This is the result of that socially positive activityorganization of additional education for childrenwith children with disabilities, during which they socialized and adapted to the society of their peers.

In order to work more fully with children in this category, I would like assistance to be provided in:

  1. Registration and provision of regulatory framework
  2. Development of educational programs.
  3. Providing sufficient funding.

Specifics of the implementation discussed in paragraph 2.2. theoretical provisions for organizing work with children with disabilities in the field of additional education is manifested in several options for including them in the process of mastering additional educational programs.

The feasibility of implementing one or another option depends on a number of factors, the presence or absence of which determines its choice by the child, parents or specialists in the field of additional education. To choose the most suitable way for a student to participate in the process of mastering an additional educational program, it is worth answering a number of questions.

  • 1. How limited are the child's capabilities? In paragraph 2.1 we looked at the main groups into which children with disabilities can be divided. Of course, the category to which the student belongs, depending on his psychophysiological characteristics, has a certain significance when choosing the option of receiving additional education. But, as an analysis of experience shows, the most significant is the degree of severity of the child’s limitations. From this point of view, there are three possible options for students to master an additional educational program:
  • 1) in a children's educational association created on the basis of the organization of general or additional education, i.e. together with children who do not have disabilities. This option is implemented if deviations in the child’s development do not leave a significant imprint on his capabilities and allow him to master an additional program, subject to assistance from an additional education teacher and other specialists. An example of the implementation of this option is the situation described above with a girl who successfully studied in the “Clay Toy” studio together with healthy children;
  • 2) in a children's educational association created on the basis of the organization of additional education, correctional class or educational institution for children with deviations in psychophysiological development that do not allow them to receive additional education together with healthy peers. As an example, we can cite classes in the correctional mixed-age group “Young Hairdresser”, created on the basis of special (correctional) boarding school No. 82 in Yaroslavl. Students from the fifth to the eleventh grade can attend classes outside of school hours; the teacher works with them both in a group and individually, using project activity technology, which allows students with intellectual disabilities to successfully master the basics of hairdressing;
  • 3) in the process of individual educational activities organized by a teacher of additional education. This option is chosen when the child, due to existing problems, cannot master the additional program by systematically attending group classes, and is home-schooled. The basis for working with children in this group can be individual design, organized by the teacher during individual lessons at home or as part of distance communication using information and communication technologies. But even in this case, you should not neglect the organization of the child’s social interaction, for which you should periodically include him in a situation of communication with other people, for example, as part of a presentation or exhibition of projects created by other children.

It is worth noting that the indicated options can be integrated. For example, a child can master part of an additional educational program in a group, and part - as part of individual educational activities. It is also possible to jointly conduct some classes of associations in which children with disabilities are engaged, with the participation of their peers who do not have health problems.

  • 2. What are the capabilities of the educational organization in which the child receives basic education? Considering above the options for obtaining additional education, which can be chosen by a child or parents depending on the degree of disability, we mentioned that they can be implemented on the basis of a general education or special (correctional) school or an organization of additional education. Based on this, the following options for mastering an additional educational program can be distinguished:
  • 1) the student and parents can choose one of the programs implemented by additional education teachers at the school where the child is studying. For example, special (correctional) boarding school No. 82 in Yaroslavl offers its students the following list of additional educational programs: “Home hairdresser”, “Animation film studio “Live up, come to life””, “Computer games”, “Computer control” , “Theater Studio”, etc. These programs are implemented in different age groups for children interested in a certain type of activity;
  • 2) the child and parents choose an additional educational program, implemented in cooperation between general and additional education organizations. This option is possible if the school where the child is studying does not have a program that interests him and his parents, but the administration of the educational institution, interested in meeting the needs of students, establishes contact with additional education teachers and organizes (at its base or at a nearby additional education institutions) classes for their students. For example, in special (correctional) secondary school No. 77 of the VIII type, the administration, together with teachers of the additional education center, organized classes in the programs “Sports Games”, “Applied Arts”, “Origami”, “Music”, “Dance Class”, “Family Leisure” . This list was determined as part of a survey of children and parents conducted by teachers;
  • 3) children and parents are given the opportunity to choose an additional educational program, implemented as part of the network interaction of several general education organizations. This option can be used by schools located in rural areas. In this case, in order to satisfy the interests of the child and optimize work with children with disabilities, on the basis of each school included in the interaction system, a specialist implements a certain additional educational program, which can be mastered by those who wish to study in all educational organizations of the district. Thus, even if there is no additional educational program at school that interests the student and it is impossible to master it through the organization of additional education due to territorial remoteness, conditions are created to meet the needs of the child and organize the work of a specialist with him, and in addition, his circle of contacts significantly expands.

Although descriptions of experience working with children with disabilities in the field of additional education, organized on the basis of additional education centers, are more common, it should be noted that general education organizations have no less opportunities to implement additional educational programs and can meet the needs of students by attracting additional education teachers to conducting classes at its base.

  • 3. For what purpose will the additional educational program be mastered? If, in answering the first two questions, we mostly considered organizational options for implementing additional educational programs for children with disabilities, then this question is directly related to the content component of a possible option for working with students of this category in the field of additional education. Analysis of the experience of including children with disabilities in the process of mastering additional educational programs allows us to highlight the following options:
  • 1) additional educational programs aimed primarily at the labor and professional rehabilitation of children with disabilities. This option of additional education is implemented in most special (correctional) general education organizations. For example, in special (correctional) boarding school No. 82 in Yaroslavl, students can choose and master (if existing developmental problems allow) any of five professions: seamstress, carpenter, shoe repairer, wood painting artist, knitter ;
  • 2) additional educational programs focused on social rehabilitation through the inclusion of the child in various types of creative activities. This option is implemented in general education organizations and additional education organizations and involves the development of the student’s creative potential within the framework of activities available to him and the social adaptation of children with disabilities in a team (including in interaction with healthy people). It is also worth noting the compensatory component of this option, since the opportunity to develop certain abilities and express oneself in some form of creativity allows you to adjust the child’s self-esteem, reveal the full range of his capabilities, thereby relegating existing limitations to the background;
  • 3) correctional additional educational programs, designed primarily to compensate for the child’s weaknesses, providing him with assistance in the formation of certain qualities that are significant for successful personal development.


A school for children with disabilities “Nadezhda” was created on the basis of the UNITER center for additional education for children in the Ruzaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia. The institution implements a correctional and developmental program for children of preschool and primary school age who do not attend general education organizations (due to limited capabilities) and special institutions (since there are none in the area). Additional education teachers, a psychologist, a speech pathologist, and a speech therapist work with students at the school.

The options outlined above presuppose that the teacher of additional education has competencies that allow him to fully implement the content of a certain additional educational program: the first option requires possession of skills within the framework of any profession, the second presupposes developed skills in the creative field, the third requires the presence of special speech therapy, defectology , psychological knowledge.

It is worth noting that the selection of the options indicated above is rather conditional, since many additional educational programs are of an integrated nature. For example, a child’s mastery of a program related to any type of art can become the basis for his future professional activity. Most programs developed for children with disabilities necessarily contain a correctional component.

Thus, by answering the three questions above, we can specify characteristics of the optimal option for obtaining additional education for a child, based on his capabilities, desires and interests, as well as the characteristics of the educational space.

However, the list of possible options for organizing work with children with disabilities in the field of additional education can be supplemented with options for integrating a child of this category into the educational space of a school or additional education center.

Based on the options proposed by L. V. Bayborodova for organizational solutions to the problems of educating children with disabilities, we can highlight the following ways to implement additional educational programs for children of this category on the basis of an educational organization:

  • 1) the organization implements an additional educational program for all children with disabilities living in the municipal area (an example of the implementation of this option was given above);
  • 2) an additional educational program implemented for a group of children of the same age with disabilities studying in a given educational organization;
  • 3) an additional educational program implemented in a mixed-age group of children with disabilities studying in a given educational organization;
  • 4) an additional educational program implemented by an educational organization for both healthy children and students with disabilities, while individual plans for its development are developed for the latter;
  • 5) individual projects in the field of additional education, implemented by children with disabilities under the guidance of an additional education teacher at the school where they study, or the organization of additional education.

The described options for organizing work with children with disabilities in the field of additional education illustrate the availability of a fairly wide range of opportunities for implementing additional educational programs for the category of students under consideration.

At the same time, the specifics of the work of an additional education teacher with a child with disabilities is determined not only by the chosen option for implementing the educational program: the organization of work in additional education is also influenced by model of inclusion in educational activities.

The authors and developers of the Moscow Department of Education project “Development of pedagogical technologies for the inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs”, based on an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the results of experimental work carried out on the basis of additional education organizations, identify three such models:

  • A) integration model, based on the concept of normalization;
  • 6) inclusion model, based on the social model of disability;
  • V) cultural approach to inclusion of children with disabilities, based on the concept of rehabilitation of children with disabilities through creative types of socio-cultural activities.

The implemented model leaves its mark on the characteristics of the conditions that should be created for students in this category.

goria in an educational organization (including with the help of support programs). In table 2.2 presents the characteristics of the conditions created within the framework of a particular model.

Table 2.2

Models of special educational conditions

Cultural approach





Philosophical and methodological basis

Based on the development of the cultural-historical concept of L. S. Vygotsky

Normalization concept


Inclusion in one’s own cultural development and formation of the foundations for active participation in the social environment

Normative socialization based on the cultural assimilation of the individual

Successful socialization in a multicultural social environment based on the principle of respect for cultural differences




Creation of an inclusive sociocultural developmental environment (one of the inclusion indicators is the length of stay in the program; development indicators are selected individually for each included child)

Achieving outcomes aligned with shared social and cultural norms by all children enrolled in programs

Formation of a tolerant attitude towards the characteristics of another person, readiness for intercultural communication

Special educational conditions

The specifics of special educational conditions are determined by the result planned within each model. Special educational conditions:

  • 1) programs (adapted, original, complex, etc.);
  • 2) approaches;
  • 3) methods;
  • 4) methods;
  • 5) forms (projects, research, excursions, case studies, etc.);
  • 6) material and technical conditions;
  • 7) psychological and pedagogical support and accompaniment

End of table. 2.2

Models of special educational conditions

Cultural approach



Function of educational programs

Additional education programs are designed as a means of creating a social environment for the individual and his cultural development in the process of education

Additional education is defined as a means of achieving goals external to the educational process

Participation in educational programs aims to include in the social environment created with their help and the cultural development of the individual.

Participation in educational programs is a means of acquiring a profession, a means of achieving subjective well-being in life

Participation in educational programs is a means of developing social competence in a multicultural environment (tolerance, acceptance of others, etc.)



Development Value

The value of the norm

The Value of Differences

Priorities of the educational process

Focus on creating a complex of life; polyvariance, different levels of programs used

Uniformity of requirements for mastering academic disciplines for all participants in the educational process

Priority of the quality of relations between participants in the educational process

Method of social organization of the educational environment

Joint creativity of a sociocultural community by members of an integrative team

Child’s adaptation to the education system, cultural assimilation

Adaptation of the education system to the child, culture of tolerance

The authors of the models of special conditions presented in table. 2.2, note that the characteristics defined for the models are designated based on the priority of manifestation when using them, but can be implemented within the framework of any of the models, provided they are adapted to its goals and objectives. Let us show with examples the implementation of the described models in the practice of additional education.

  • See: Devyatkova T. A. Effective ways to increase the motivation of children with mental retardation to master types of additional education that are significant for their successful socialization and social adaptation // Inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs / ed. A. Yu. Shemanova. pp. 57-74.
  • Inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs / ed. A. Yu. Shemanova. P. 18.

Abstract: Modern approaches to organizing additional education for children with disabilities are considered. The experience of creative associations in working with children and adolescents with various developmental disorders is presented.

Key words: children with disabilities, additional education programs, creative associations.

The development of additional education for children in recent years has become a priority policy direction of the Russian Federation. The practice of ensuring accessibility of education for persons with disabilities and limited health conditions (HHH) is being further developed, which is reflected in the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2012 by the Russian Federation. In accordance with the priorities of modern social policy, reflected in the “Strategy 2020”, one of the key directions for the development of education and socialization of children and adolescents is to ensure the educational success of each child and vertical social mobility through the formation of a support system for special groups of children. These include children who find themselves in difficult life situations, children of migrants, children with disabilities (CHD) and gifted children. Therefore, support for inclusive educational programs for children with disabilities should be reflected in all areas of education, including within the framework of additional education for children. .

Within the framework of this article, we will try to determine the main forms of work and directions of additional education programs and summarize the experience on the inclusion of children with disabilities accumulated by teachers of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth in Saratov.

The experience of teaching and raising children with disabilities in the additional education system has not yet been sufficiently studied. Turning to the existing practice of working with children with disabilities and disabilities, we can formulate the main goal of raising and educating such children as sociocultural rehabilitation through a variety of creative activities, ensuring the inclusion of children with disabilities in society. Inclusive education has only recently received regulatory support in Russia and is only now becoming a practice that is being applied. Particularly relevant is the acquisition of experience in including children with disabilities in additional education programs, due to the significant inclusive potential of the latter. Also, inclusive additional education is considered as a means of increasing the competitive ability of a child in the struggle for academic, creative achievements and subsequently in the labor market.

The forms of work of our institution with children with disabilities are varied: this includes conducting traditional classes and preparing for competitive events and festivals, as well as training volunteers to work with children with disabilities.

During the work of the association of pantomime and plastic arts “Theatre of the Wind”, its participants included students from a boarding school for children with musculoskeletal disorders. It should be noted that the “Wind Theater” is a theater of movement, freedom, strength, space - a street, farce theater. This is a theater that includes everything - acting, stage speech, plastic arts, dance, pantomime, clowning, acrobatics with elements of balancing act, the art of improvisation, performances, music, and visual arts. To participate in it, the child’s comprehensive development is required, both physical, intellectual, and aesthetic.

Combining the capabilities of several types of arts, theater has a tremendous impact on the emotional world of a child. Performing arts classes not only introduce children to the world of beauty, but also develop the sphere of feelings, encourage participation, compassion, develop the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to rejoice and worry with him.

One more point - in our modern world, many professions have appeared that require a creative approach. This association creates maximum conditions for the development of creativity and the ability to look at the world, at the chosen business from a “different angle,” which helps the children in the future, in their chosen professions.

For a year and a half, children from the boarding school, accompanied by a teacher, attended classes of this association. As part of the classes, the idea of ​​staging a competition number arose. All children, depending on their capabilities, were given their own roles, which each of them coped with flawlessly. As a result, the stage performance was shown at the city competition “Stars of Saratov” and received the title of laureate. The jury members of this competition were surprised that children with disabilities participated in the act on equal terms with ordinary children.

For children with disabilities in our creativity palace there is an opportunity not only to realize themselves in the system of additional education, achieving high results and recognition in various types of creativity, but also to reveal their potential capabilities and abilities in various types of artistic activities in order to subsequently move on to professional training in chosen direction. Thus, the work of a teacher of the creative association “Orpheus”, to which a visually disabled child was brought, was interesting. In the process of studying in an additional educational program in academic vocals, a student with visual impairments from this association became a regular participant in vocal competitions at various levels (from city to international), where she received high marks from the jury. Subsequently, she graduated from the Saratov Regional College of Arts in academic vocals, and is currently a student at the Moscow State Institute of Arts.

The importance of including children with disabilities in additional education programs also lies in the fact that as a result of the development of social and creative skills, the child has the opportunity for creative self-expression, self-esteem increases, the process of accepting himself and his environment is facilitated, and the position of an active member of society is formed. This joint work of children with different abilities and abilities in conditions of inclusion is mutually beneficial and necessary for both parties - participants in the educational process, as it helps not only children with health problems undergo successful socialization and self-actualization, opening up new opportunities for them, but also those whom we We classify them as healthy because it teaches them to live in peace and harmony with those around them, teaches them to empathize, provide help and support. As a rule, the latter’s life values ​​and their position in life change significantly.

As an example, we can cite the “Hand in Hand” project of the creative laboratory for children’s leadership “Sinegoria”. One of the main activities of the organization is social design. Having extensive experience in working with teenagers, the project organizers focused their attention on the low level of gender socialization of teenagers raised in boarding schools. The target audience of this project were students from a boarding school for children with severe speech impairments.

The organizers of the project suggested that after participating in trainings and holidays dedicated to February 23 and March 8, boarding school students would improve their communication skills and level of gender competence, which would have a positive impact on their socialization. The work on the project was successful, the guys received the expected results, and the most interesting thing is that, based on the results of the work, the project participants released a collection of methodological recommendations, where they described their impressions, problems and ways to overcome them. Here are some impressions of volunteer participants:

“I acquired new volunteering skills while working with students from a Type V boarding school, i.e. with children suffering from speech disorders. These children perceive the world differently. This job gave me the opportunity to understand and feel the importance of expressing people's feelings and thoughts. This contributed to changing my perception of the world. I learned to understand others better. My level of empathy for people with disabilities has increased.” (Vladlena Maksimova (Onest)).

“We worked with children from a type V boarding school, i.e. - with children who suffer from speech disorders. After conducting a number of classes with them, I came to the conclusion that these guys are more interesting, inventive, and some of them are even more gifted than students in secondary schools. It was a pleasure working with them and I intend to continue this work.” (Efimova Maria (Marusya)).

“I realized that each of us is individual, and in adolescence a person’s personality is formed. These guys are no different from you and me, and our support during adolescence is especially important for them.” (Glivenko Damir (Xavi)).

Based on the results of participation in the project, boarding school students experienced an increase in the level of gender competence and, as a result, an improvement in the level of socialization of adolescents. The implemented project may have further development, in that the “Sinegorsk residents” plan to interest boarding school students in volunteer work, as well as involve them in preparing events at various levels.

All this suggests that children with disabilities can be successfully integrated into additional education. They find an association that interests them, achieve high creative success, which helps them overcome the psychological consequences of violations of certain functions, and form a stable interest in various types of creative activities, which can become the basis for further professional choice. And finally, the joint activities of participants in creative associations with different health conditions contributes to the effective integration of children with disabilities, their acceptance by healthy peers and the building of equal interpersonal relationships.

It should be noted that a prerequisite for the successful inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs is the skill of teachers. It is the teacher who develops in children with disabilities the ability to master educational material determined by the additional educational program and stimulates them to achieve high results. With the help of the teacher, friendly relationships are built between all participants in the educational process, aimed at one common cause.

Thus, the integration of children with disabilities into society should include: the impact of society and the social environment on the personality of a child with developmental disabilities; active participation of the child himself in this process; improvement of society, the system of social relations. Mutual understanding, mutual respect and interaction are three components of the success of including children with disabilities in the additional education system.


1. Inclusion of children with disabilities in additional education programs: Methodological recommendations / ed. A.Yu. Shemanova. – M. 2012.

2. Strategy 2020: New model – new social policy. Final report on the results of expert work on current issues of Russia’s socio-economic strategy for the period up to 2020 // “Vneshkolnik” No. 5 (155). M. 2013

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