P Grachev former Minister of Defense. Grachev, Pavel. “The instigator of the war in Chechnya was Chernomyrdin”

Bloggers are discussing the personality of Pavel Grachev, the first Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, who died yesterday at the age of 65. General Grachev, who had the unofficial nickname “Mercedes Pasha” and sided with Yeltsin in 1991, is known for organizing the shooting of the Russian parliament in October 1993 and defeat in the First Chechen War.

Criminal Pavel Grachev: “White and fluffy”

starshinazapasa Former Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev has died

Former Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev died at the age of 65, RIA Novosti reports citing a representative of the Vishnevsky military hospital. The politician died on September 23 around 15:00 Moscow time.
There is no official data yet on the causes of Grachev’s death. It is known that the general was hospitalized on September 12 in the intensive care unit of the Vishnevsky hospital. According to the LifeNews portal, Grachev was then diagnosed with a stroke.
Pavel Grachev served as Russian Minister of Defense in 1992-1996 in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. He was one of the participants in the August putsch, on the side of the State Emergency Committee he commanded the airborne troops, but during the putsch, together with a group of other military men, including generals Boris Gromov and Vladislav Achalov, he went over to the side of Boris Yeltsin.
Grachev took the post of Russian Minister of Defense on May 18, 1992; shortly before that, he - the first in Russia - was awarded the rank of army general. Under Grachev, Russia fought the First Chechen War (1994-96), after the defeat of which the minister began to be criticized and subsequently, in June 1996, was dismissed.
After leaving the post of minister, Grachev worked in senior positions, first at Rosvooruzhenie, then at Rosoboronexport. Since 2007, Grachev has been an adviser to the general director of the Omsk production association Popov Radio Plant.

alex-tverskoy The fate of Pavel Grachev...

holmogor Pavel Grachev was very unlucky that ex-deputy Sergei Yushenkov was killed as a sidekick for money much before his death.

As a result, the only strong and unconditionally true statement of Grachev that is memorable to the public: “You bastard!” Now they hardly remember it, because it’s not relevant.

krylov Parachutist

After a difficult, long life, Pavel Grachev, a Russian statesman and military leader, the first Yeltsin governor, died.

It seems that no one writes anything good about him - not patriots, not liberals, not communists, no one at all.

True, they remember different things: the shot parliament, the Chechen campaign, corruption in the army, the “Mercedes Pasha”, etc.

Although, in fact, he was just a Soviet military man. Not even the worst. That the elders saw him and promoted him, first raising him, and then appointing him to Yeltsin’s team, was lucky: his place of birth played a role (even the name - “the village of Rva”, luxurious), corresponding parents, textured appearance, clumsy speech, stupid peasant greed and peasant he was smart, and other circumstances had developed: just such a person was needed. I don’t even think that he was particularly active and “eager to do it himself.” They put the man on skis and he went.

There was some good in him too. In Afghanistan, he didn’t put living people in stacks at all, he spent no more than the standard (and this is the best of all that we generally say about our “military leaders”). Before the shooting of the White House, he got drunk, which in these circles is considered a sign of humanity. He tried to “preserve” the “army” - which in some sense he succeeded, adjusted for quotation marks. In Chechnya... well, in Chechnya there was a state matter, as in Transnistria, Ossetia, Abkhazia and so on. It was not his business, his business was to carry out political decisions and bear the burden of responsibility. He carried the load to the grave without spilling a word.

And what he really knew how to do, understood and loved was a parachute. Six hundred jumps.

About the late Grachev

Among the many publications about the late Grachev, commentators stubbornly do not pay attention to this characteristic detail: in the early 90s, Grachev was called “Mercedes Pasha,” and this was very offensive. Of course: the general has already purchased several Mercedes, this is out of the question!

koygore Pasha Mercedes gave oak

In Moscow, the man who, thanks to his stupidity, mediocrity and martinetry, destroyed thousands of soldiers' lives during the first Chechen campaign, has thrown off his hooves - former Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev, who was at one time contemptuously called "Mercedes Pasha" for his tricks and fraud.

He was 64 years old. Born into the family of a mechanic and a milkmaid in the village of Rva, Tula region. After graduating from school, he entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, which he graduated with honors as a “platoon commander of airborne troops” and “referent-translator with German language" in 1969. He served in the Airborne Forces, then studied at the Frunze Military Academy.

In 1981, he was sent to Afghanistan, where he served intermittently for more than five years, and based on the results of his service, he was awarded the star of the Hero of the USSR. After returning from Afghanistan in 1988, he worked at the Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces. In 1990 appointed deputy Airborne Forces Commander.

In 1991, Grachev, now commander of the Airborne Forces, played an important role in the August putsch. On the first day of the coup, the general carried out the order of the State Emergency Committee to send the 106th Airborne Division to the capital, but the next day, having agreed with Air Marshal Evgeny Shaposhnikov, and generals Vladislav Achalov and Boris Gromov (the future governor of the Moscow region), he refused to obey the State Emergency Committee and transferred on the side of Boris Yeltsin. Here it is, the essence of the general. Today is yours, tomorrow is ours. Political prostitute, what else can you say. He sensed whose was winning and switched sides.

At the end of the coup he was appointed chairman State Committee Russia on defense issues, then, in May 1992, headed the Ministry of Defense. In this position he led the withdrawal of the Western Group of Forces from Germany. In this regard, many media outlets accused the minister of corruption. Thanks to the publications of Moskovsky Komsomolets, the general was given the nickname “Mercedes Pasha” for a long time. This was not a “withdrawal of troops.” It was a shameful flight. And then how people were thrown into empty fields to live in dirty tents, without food and basic amenities, and there was nothing to spread.

Grachev’s name was also associated with the murder of newspaper journalist Dmitry Kholodov, who died on October 17, 1994 at his workplace as a result of the explosion of a bomb built into a suitcase. As the investigation believed, the murder was organized by retired Airborne Forces Colonel Pavel Popovskikh, who acted in the interests of Grachev, who was angered by Kholodov’s publications about corruption in the group Russian troops in Germany. Popovskikh and other defendants in the case were acquitted; involvement in the murder of Pavel Grachev remained unproven. Still would. With such and such a lobby. They smeared "Pasha-Mercedes".

In the spring of 1993, the Minister of Defense took part in the development of the new Constitution of Russia, and in October of the same year he supported Boris Yeltsin in a conflict with the Supreme Council. The crisis turned into armed clashes in Moscow and ended with the shooting of the White House. For these actions the general was awarded the order"For personal courage." He turned out to be a loyal guardsman. Like a mad dog, he attacked everyone the owner pointed at.

In 1994, he commanded federal troops during an unsuccessful operation to neutralize separatists controlled by Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudayev. After a barrage of criticism in the media in 1996, he was dismissed and left completely government activities. For what he did there, I would personally shoot that bastard.

alnikol About Pavel Grachev.

ev-chuprunov Obituary: Pavel Grachev. No stamps.

On September 23, 2012, the former Minister of Defense died Russian Federation Pavel Sergeevich Grachev. On the Internet, the attitude towards the departed military man is mostly one of disdain. However, due to Russian tradition, one should speak about the dead either well or not at all. As a kind of obituary, I offer a biography of Pavel Grachev. I will try to write at least neutrally.

Pavel Grachev (1948)- comes from a simple family. Until a certain point, a military career was built more through personal talents than through connections. Graduate of the Ryazan Airborne Forces School. Then service, a series of appointments to command positions. From 1971 to 1978, Pavel Grachev made a rapid career: he rose from platoon commander to battalion commander.
In 1979, the USSR invaded Afghanistan. It is this date that can be considered the beginning of Grachev’s real ascent to the top. In 1981, Pavel Sergeevich went to Afghanistan. Grachev spent a total of more than 5 years in Afghanistan. Received the rank of colonel (1984) and the star of Hero Soviet Union. The command noted his ability to achieve assigned tasks with minimal human losses.
Since 1990 - Commander of the USSR Airborne Forces, with the rank of Major General. Grachev's career can be described as surprisingly successful - in 20 years the officer went from platoon commander to general.

The USSR was already bursting at the seams. On August 19, 1991, the State Emergency Committee broke out. The putschists tried to reverse the situation - but extremely palely and ineptly. It seemed that they had neither a real program nor the political will and resources to take effective steps. The army was the first to see this. On August 20, Grachev, together with a group of high-ranking officers, intervened in politics - in fact, acting in the vanguard of the security forces who supported Yeltsin. The State Emergency Committee was crushed.
Naturally, new government She hasn’t forgotten her “heroes”: within three days Pavel Grachev becomes Deputy Minister of Defense, and soon receives new stars - already a colonel general.
At the beginning of May 1992, Pavel Grachev reached the apogee of his career, first becoming acting. Minister of Defense, and less than 2 weeks later he lost this console.

Serving as Minister of Defense
Grachev still knew how to work, otherwise it is difficult to explain his rapid rise from the ranks to the post of Minister of Defense. Grachev appointed trusted people to key positions, people he had known since Afghanistan. It must be said that the time was very difficult: the economy was crumbling, hyperinflation was on the horizon. Ethnic conflicts were raging in the post-Soviet space. Abroad, in the current “independent” republics, a huge Soviet contingent remained. Local princelings robbed military reserves, legally and not. It was in such circumstances that the ministerial work of Pavel Grachev began.
Then there was the 1993 crisis. Grachev has long tried to maintain a balance between the president and the opposition, declaring that the army should be neutral. Did not work out. For stars and appointments I had to get my hands dirty in the blood of my fellow citizens. They had to call troops to Moscow: the White House was shot from tank guns. This was the price for a career takeoff.
From this moment on, Grachev becomes an odious figure for many.

First Chechen. Decline of a career.
It is difficult to say who exactly Pavel Grachev crossed the road to. But from a certain period they began to actively discredit him. The case is about corruption. Allegedly, with the help of Grachev, a deal was carried out involving the purchase of two Mercedes cars in Germany. The scathing newspapermen gave Grachev the nickname Pasha-Mercedes, which remained with him for years to come. Lord, knowing the extent of corruption in modern Russia- what a little thing these two Mercedes were...
Next was Chechnya. A complex tangle of interests of the West and liberals, Chechen lobbyists in the Kremlin and intelligence services, behind-the-scenes games of oligarchs. Grachev and the army as a whole, corrupt newspapermen and the media blamed everything.

Grachev was also reminded of the phrase about the airborne regiment with which he intended to clear Grozny in 72 hours. This is what the General replied:
“And I still don’t refuse it. Just listen to my statement in full. Otherwise, they snatched only one phrase from the context of a big speech - and let’s exaggerate. The point was that if you fight according to all the rules of military science: with unlimited use aviation, artillery, missile forces, then the remnants of the surviving gangs could really be destroyed in a short time with one parachute regiment. And I really could do it, but then my hands were tied."

Grachev harshly criticized liberals and so-called human rights activists who twisted the armies of the army, actually condoning the militants. In 1996 he was removed from office. In fact, Grachev was responsible for the failure of the Chechen campaign.

The former Minister of Defense died on September 23 at the Vishnevsky Hospital. The main cause of death is the consequences of a severe hypertensive crisis.

PS - a complex and ambiguous life, full of ups and downs. In the biography of Pavel Sergeevich, the heroism of the times of Afghanistan and faithful service of the times of the USSR coexist with the betrayal of the times of Yeltsin and participation in political games.

History will judge.


GRACHEV Pavel Sergeevich (January 1, 1948 - September 23, 2012), statesman and military leader of the Russian Federation, army general. Born in the village of Rvy, now Leninsky district, Tula region. In military service since 1965. Graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School in 1969, Military Academy them. M.V. Frunze in 1981, Military Academy of the General Staff in 1990. Since September 1969 P.S. Grachev is the commander of a reconnaissance platoon and a company of cadets of the Ryazan Airborne School, commander of a training parachute battalion. Since 1981 - deputy commander, and since July 1982 - commander of a separate guards parachute regiment in Afghanistan. Since June 1983 - Chief of Staff of the Guards Airborne Division. In 1985-1988 - Commander of the Guards Airborne Division in Afghanistan. Since June 1990 - first deputy commander, and since December 1990 - commander of the Airborne Forces. From August to December 1991 - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. In 1992, Grachev was awarded the rank of army general. Since January 1992 - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent States, since April - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. From May 1992 to June 1996 - Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. In this post, he formed the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, prepared reforms in the Armed Forces in accordance with the instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - the President of the Russian Federation.

P.S. Grachev - Hero of the Soviet Union. Awarded two Orders of Lenin and the Red Banner, Order of the Red Star, “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3rd class, “Badge of Honor” and medals.

Pavel Sergeevich Grachev was the most famous and scandalous Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. He held this post from 1992 to 1996. Coming from a simple worker-peasant family (father is a mechanic, mother is a milkmaid), he went through a difficult path to the very pinnacle of power and did a lot to ensure that he would be remembered for a long time in this position.

Achievement list

Pavel Grachev was born in the Tula region in 1948. After school I went to the Airborne Forces School in Ryazan. Upon graduation, he served in a reconnaissance company in Kaunas (Lithuania), then on the territory of the Russian Federation. In 1981 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy in absentia. Served in Afghanistan. For his service he was awarded the Gold Hero Star. Then he served in various command positions.

Since the end of 1990, with the rank of major general, he became commander of the USSR Airborne Forces. After 2 months, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, which was more appropriate for his position. During military service Grachev has proven himself only positively. He was repeatedly wounded, shell-shocked, participated in testing new equipment, made over 600 parachute jumps, etc.

Grachev's actions during the putsch

During the August events in Moscow in 1991, Pavel Grachev initially followed the orders of the State Emergency Committee. Under his command, the 106th Airborne Division entered the capital and took custody of the main facilities. This happened on August 19. After 2 days, Grachev sharply changed his opinion about the events taking place, expressed his disagreement with the forceful methods of seizing power to the State Emergency Committee and went over to the side of the president.

He gave the order to use heavy armored vehicles and personnel under the command of Alexander Lebed “to protect” the White House. Later, during the investigation into the State Emergency Committee case, Grachev stated that he did not intend to give the order to storm the White House. On August 23, the president appointed Pavel Grachev as first deputy minister of defense. At the same time, the lieutenant general was promoted to rank. From that moment on, his career quickly took off.

As minister

In May 1992, Pavel Sergeevich became the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and received the rank of army general. During an interview with a correspondent of the Trud newspaper, Grachev admitted that he did not consider himself worthy of such a high post (he had, they say, not enough experience). But Yeltsin convinced him. At his new post, Pavel Grachev formed the entire cabinet, selecting people from those who served in Afghanistan.

The minister opposed the rapid withdrawal of troops from the Baltic states, Central Asia and Transcaucasia, rightly believing that it was first necessary to create conditions for military personnel in their homeland, and then transfer them to a new duty station. Grachev sought to strengthen the Russian army by prohibiting the formation of politicized organizations within its ranks.

During his command there were also contradictory, even strange steps. For example, Grachev ordered that almost half of the weapons of the Russian Army be transferred to the disposal of Dudayev’s militants. The minister explained this by saying that it was not possible to remove weapons from the territories captured by the Dudayevites. A couple of years later, separatists fired at Russian soldiers from these machine guns.

Relation to Grachev

At first, the personality and actions of Pavel Sergeevich did not cause much debate. In 1993, the opposition's attitude towards the minister changed dramatically. After the October riots in Moscow, Grachev clearly demonstrated that he was ready to raise the army against the civilian population. Shortly before this, he stated the exact opposite: the army should not interfere in resolving internal political conflicts.

Grachev opposed the entry of troops into Chechnya. For this he was criticized by both Chernomyrdin and Yeltsin himself. At the same time, the minister personally led the military operations in Chechnya, and rather unsuccessfully. After several crushing defeats he returned to Moscow.

Grachev was subjected to sharp criticism for many of his actions and statements. For example, at the beginning Chechen war he threatened to restore order in Chechnya in two hours with one parachute regiment, and when asked how much time he needed to prepare, he answered: “Three days.”

In January 1995, Grachev said that “eighteen-year-old boys” in Chechnya are dying “with a smile,” speaking of dead Russian soldiers.

In 1993, in order to relieve himself of responsibility, he asked Yeltsin for written permission if necessary to open fire on the White House. After the Grozny “successes,” Grachev began to advocate a gradual reduction of the army and its transfer to a contract basis.


In 1997, Pavel Grachev was appointed advisor to the general director of Rosvooruzhenie. Next year - advisor to the general director of Rosoboronexport. In 2007, Grachev was dismissed from his last post due to the “abolition” of this and some other positions.

One of the most high-profile scandals was the case of corruption in the top military leadership of units located in Germany. This was in the early 90s. Alexander Lebed stated that Grachev was involved in this case and, using ill-gotten money, purchased several Mercedes abroad. Grachev was not brought to justice in this case, but he did not dispute his guilt in any way.

The ex-Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General Pavel Grachev, a military and statesman who at one time received a lot of the most contradictory characteristics from his contemporaries, is an extraordinary and significant personality who influenced not only the events of the 90s in Russia, but also the state of modern Russian armed forces. His contribution to the political atmosphere of the state is still assessed differently and will be analyzed in the future. The official cause of death of Pavel Grachev is meningoencephalitis.

He was born in 1948 in the village of Rva, Tula region, into a simple family. Graduated in 1964 high school and a year later he was called up for military service. IN Soviet army, Grachev entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School in 1965, graduating in 1969 with a gold medal and receiving the specialty “platoon commander of airborne troops” and “referent-translator from German”.

From 1971 to 1975, Pavel Sergeevich served in Kaunas, and later became a company commander at his native school. Already in 1975, he received command of a training parachute battalion and in 1978 became a student at the Frunze Military Academy. Since 1981, Grachev served in Afghanistan, where he participated in military operations: as deputy commander, and then as commander of the 345th Guards Separate Parachute Regiment. After a short break from 1983 to 1985, he was again sent to Afghanistan as commander of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division. Grachev was shell-shocked and wounded several times in battle.

In May 1888, Pavel Grachev received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for a successful military operation at the Satukandav Pass. After returning home, he continued his service and in 1988 became a student at the Academy of the General Staff Armed Forces THE USSR. After its completion, he was appointed deputy commander of the Airborne Forces, and from December 1990 - commander.

During the August putsch, Major General Grachev, by order of the State Emergency Committee, brought the 106th Guards Airborne Division into Moscow. However, he, along with other military leaders who arrived in the capital, refused to carry out the order of the putschists to seize the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Having contacted the government, Grachev gave the order to protect the White House. For this, he later received an appointment from Gorbachev as First Deputy Minister of Defense and Chairman of the RSFSR State Committee on Defense Issues. In October of the same year, new President - Boris Yeltsin confirmed this position by awarding Grachev the rank of colonel general.

Since February 1992, Grachev was the first deputy commander-in-chief of the United Armed Forces of the CIS and expressed ideas for creating a system of unified armed forces of the CIS. In May 1992, he received direct control of the Russian Armed Forces and became the first army general in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. From that time on, Pavel Grachev was the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation until 1969.

During his activities in this post, Pavel Sergeevich quite successfully resolved some issues regarding the conclusion Soviet troops from the former Soviet republics, strengthening unity of command in the army and others. During the intensification of Chechen militants by 1994, Grachev advocated a peaceful resolution of issues, but was criticized by the leadership and the opposition. The war in Chechnya dragged on, despite his assurances that all military operations would be completed in a short time. This and statements about the reduction of the Armed Forces and contract service became the reason for Grachev’s resignation from office. After several years of working as a military adviser on various issues, he was retired in 2007.

In September 2012, 64-year-old Gromov was taken to the Vishnevsky Hospital in serious condition, but doctors were unable to save him: he died 12 days later. Trying to establish why Pavel Grachev died, experts put forward 2 main versions: a stroke as a result of alcohol intoxication and mushroom poisoning: the day before the patient celebrated a friend’s birthday. There are also suggestions by the former press secretary of the Ministry of Defense Barants about the voluntary poisoning of the general after failures and a long painful illness. The real reason Only his relatives know about Grachev’s death.

He is buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Russian military leader.

May 18, 1992

September 23, 2012

Grandson - Pavel (born 2009).
Granddaughter - Natalya.


Grachev Pavel Sergeevich

Russian Military Leader

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (1992-1996)

First Russian army general (May 1992)

Chairman of the Russian State Committee for Defense Issues (1991)

First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union (since December)

Hero of the Soviet Union

Army General

Military Figure

News & Events

Storming of Grozny by Chechen opposition forces

The November assault on the city of Grozny by the Chechen opposition took place on November 26, 1994 during the conflict in the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. The assault troops received active assistance from the Russian military. The purpose of the assault was to overthrow Chechen President Dzhokhar Dudayev. The operation ended in failure.

Russian military leader.
Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (1992-1996).
The first Russian army general (May 1992). Hero of the Soviet Union.
Chairman of the Russian State Committee for Defense Issues (1991).
First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union (from December 1990 to August 1991).
Commander of the Airborne Forces of the Soviet Union (from December 1990 to August 1991).

Pavel Grachev was born on January 1, 1948 in the village of Rvy, Tula region. The boy grew up in a worker-peasant family. His father worked as a mechanic, and his mother as a milkmaid. After graduating from high school in 1964, a year later he was drafted into the armed forces. Having been demobilized, he entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, from which he graduated with a gold medal in the specialties “platoon commander of airborne troops” and “referent-translator from German.” In 1968, Pavel became a master of sports of the Soviet Union in cross-country skiing.

From 1969 to 1971, Grachev served as commander of a reconnaissance platoon of a separate reconnaissance company of the 7th Guards Airborne Division in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas. He was then appointed platoon commander. In 1972, he was promoted to the rank of commander of a company of cadets at the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. In 1975, he became commander of the training parachute battalion of the training airborne division.

Further, since 1978, Pavel Sergeevich was a student at the Mikhail Frunze Military Academy, from which he graduated with honors in 1981. Then he was sent to Afghanistan, where he took part in military operations. From 1981 to 1982 he served in the rank of deputy commander. In 1982, he was appointed commander of the 345th Guards Separate Parachute Regiment as part of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan.

Returning from Afghanistan in 1983, Grachev was again sent to Kaunas, Lithuania, as chief of staff and deputy commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Division. In 1984, he was awarded the rank of colonel ahead of schedule.

From 1985 to 1988, upon reappointment to Democratic Republic Afghanistan, served as commander of the 103rd Guards Airborne Division as part of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces. Grachev received the next military rank of major general on October 1, 1986.

By decree of the Supreme Council of Russia for the completion of combat missions with minimal casualties and for the professional command of a controlled formation and the successful actions of the 103rd Airborne Division, in particular, in occupying the strategically important Satukandav pass, Khost province during the military operation "Magistral" on May 5 1988, Major General Grachev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After returning from Afghanistan, he continued to serve in the airborne forces in various command positions. On December 30, 1990, Grachev was appointed to the post of commander of the USSR Airborne Forces. In total, during his military service he made 647 parachute jumps, some of them while testing new equipment. Also, he was shell-shocked and wounded eight times. In February 1991, Pavel Sergeevich was awarded the next military rank of lieutenant general.

The Russian military leader, on August 19, 1991, carried out the order of the State Emergency Committee to send troops into Moscow, and also ensured the arrival of the Tula 106th Guards Airborne Division in the city, which took under protection the strategically important objects of the capital. In the afternoon of August 20, 1991, together with Air Marshal Evgeny Shaposhnikov, generals Vladislav Achalov and Boris Gromov, he expressed his negative opinion to the leaders of the State Emergency Committee about the plan to forcefully seize the Supreme Soviet of Russia.

Then he established contacts with the Russian leadership. By his order, tanks and personnel at the disposal of General Alexander Lebed were sent to the White House for its protection. According to the memoirs of Valentin Varennikov, in his testimony in the “GKChP case,” Grachev stated that no one was going to storm the Russian parliament. Subsequently, he received a promotion: on August 23, 1991, by Decree of the President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Mikhail Gorbachev, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR - Chairman of the Russian State Committee for Defense Issues.

Pavel Sergeevich, on August 31, 1991, relieved of his post as commander of the airborne troops. A decree of Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin on October 29, 1991 confirmed the appointment of Grachev as chairman of the Russian State Committee for Defense Issues, but two weeks later, due to the resignation of the Council of Ministers of Russia, he became the acting chairman of this state committee.

From February to June 1992, he was First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the United Armed Forces of the CIS, Chairman of the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Defense Issues. On April 3, 1992, Pavel Grachev took office as First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. At his post, he was responsible for interacting with the Main Command of the United Armed Forces of the CIS on issues of managing military formations under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation.

Since May 1992, Grachev has been entrusted with direct control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On May 7, 1992, Pavel Sergeevich, the first in Russia after the collapse of the USSR, was awarded the rank of army general. WITH May 18, 1992 took up the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, in which he served for four years.

In May 1993, he was included in the working commission to finalize the draft of the new Constitution of Russia. In November of the same year, he was appointed a member of the country's Security Council.

The following year, 1994, Pavel Grachev was included in the Group for the Management of Actions to Disarm Bandit Formations in Chechnya. From December 1994 to January 1995, he personally led the military operations from the headquarters in Mozdok Russian army in the Chechen Republic. After the failure of several offensive operations in Grozny returned to Moscow.

By decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin dated June 17, 1996, he was placed at the disposal of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. According to a special decree of the President, on December 18, 1997, he took up the duties of advisor to the general director of the Rosvooruzheniye company. Since April 1998, he became the chief military adviser to the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosvooruzhenie - Rosoboronexport, officially taking up his duties.

In April 2000, Pavel Grachev was elected president of the Regional Public Fund for Assistance and Assistance of the Airborne Forces “Airborne Forces - Combat Brotherhood”.

Later, on April 25, 2007, Grachev was dismissed from the group of advisers to the general director of Rosoboronexport. In the same year, he took up the position of chief adviser, head of a group of advisers to the general director of the Omsk production association “Radio Plant named after Alexander Popov”. At the end of 2007 he was transferred to the reserve.

On the night of September 12, 2012, Grachev was hospitalized in serious condition in the 50th cardiac intensive care unit of the Alexander Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital in Krasnogorsk.

Despite treatment, Pavel Sergeevich Grachev died September 23, 2012 from acute meningoencephalitis. He was buried with military honors at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

Wife - Gracheva Lyubov Alekseevna (died in July 2018).

Son - Sergei (born 1970), officer of the Russian Armed Forces.

Son - Valery (born 1975), studied at the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
Grandson - Pavel (born 2009).
Granddaughter - Natalya.

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