December Uprising Park jogging. Park of the December Uprising and Peter's Park. Buildings and structures

The December Uprising Park near the Ulitsa 1905 metro station is dedicated to clashes between workers and the police at the very height of the first Russian revolution. Another common name for the Park among Muscovites is the 1905 Square.

The Park is located in the Krasnaya Presnya district – industrial center the capital, which became one of the key places of the December Uprising of 1905. It was here that barricades were erected by workers who entered into street battles with government officials.

In Soviet times, the December Uprising was given great ideological significance, and the city authorities decided to build a memorial complex in honor of this event. In the Park there is a large obelisk in memory of the fallen workers, a monument to Lenin and the world-famous sculpture “Cobblestone - the weapon of the proletariat”.

The first sculpture dedicated to the heroes of the uprising was laid. Krasnopresnensky workers collected money for construction. The construction of the facility was completed in 1920. Forty years later, a second sculpture appeared in the Park - a monument to V. Lenin. The revolutionary leader is depicted sitting in a chair. The sculpture was repeatedly attacked by vandals.

The monument “Cobblestone – a weapon of the proletariat”, installed in the Park in 1967, depicts a young participant in the December uprising lifting a cobblestone pulled from the pavement. The sculpture was made in plaster by I. Shadr back in 1927 and has been waiting in the wings ever since. The monument is distinguished by its realism and dynamism; it is very recognizable in the world and enjoys great love among Muscovites.

The December Uprising Park has a rectangular shape, its total area is about 6.6 hectares. Linden and maple alleys are laid through the park space. In summer the Park is cool, in autumn the purple and yellow foliage delights the eye.

Mothers and children love to walk in the Park: there is a well-equipped playground for children. You can take leisurely jogs along the park paths.

The atmosphere in the December Uprising Park is reminiscent of that present in good Soviet films. It's beautiful, cozy and unpretentious here. The buildings located around the park were mainly erected during the Soviet era. Modern houses made of glass and concrete are practically invisible from here.

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The Park of the December Uprising is also known under other names: “park named after the December Armed Uprising”, “square of 1905”, “square on Trekhgorny Val”. Obviously, the park was named after the December Uprising of 1905. In the northern part of the park there is a monument “Cobblestone - the weapon of the proletariat” - a bronze copy of the famous sculpture by I. D. Shadr (1927). The monument was erected in 1967, architects M. N. Kazarnovsky, L. N. Matyshin.

Behind the sculpture there is a small stone wall. In 2012, the inscription in bronze letters was restored on it, from which V. I. Lenin’s statement is made up: “The feat of the Presnensky workers was not in vain. Their sacrifices were not in vain." . The monument is included in the list of objects cultural heritage Moscow.

The hero of the sculpture is a generalized image of a proletarian of the early 20th century, a fighter for revolutionary ideals and freedom. The sculpture gained popularity in the USSR and gave rise to a playful and ironic catchphrase"Cobblestone is a weapon of the proletariat."

“Cobblestone - the weapon of the proletariat” is one of the most striking phenomena of realistic art of the 20th century. The composition is based on a coil of an unwinding spiral. The relief plasticity of the body of the proletarian is conveyed by the sculptor very expressively and accurately shows the state of spiritual elation, creating a heroic image symbolizing the era October Revolution and started Soviet power. The intensity of a proletarian fighter makes him similar to Myron’s “Disco Thrower,” and the strong-willed aspiration that can be read in his facial features makes him similar to Michelangelo’s “David.”

In the center of the park is located obelisk “To the Heroes of the December Armed Uprising of 1905”, built in 1920 with money from Presnya workers. On the obelisk there is an inscription carved: “To the heroes of the December armed uprising of 1905.” The monument is included in the list of Moscow cultural heritage sites.

In the southern part of the park there is monument to V.I. Lenin sitting in a chair (sculptor B.I. Dyuzhev, architect Yu.I. Goltsev; 1963). The monument is made of forged copper and installed on a granite pedestal in the center of a large round flower bed.

And right across the road from the park there is a sculpture composition “Dedicated to the revolution of 1905-1907.” The sculptural composition was installed in honor of the 75th anniversary of the December armed uprising of 1905 in front of the pavilion of the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station. In this area (Krasnaya Presnya) the hottest and most fierce battles between the rebels and the police took place. The names of the streets Barrikadnaya and 1905 (formerly Voskresenskaya) were given in honor of these events, because they, as well as st. Krasnaya Presnya was lined with barricades and was the center of the revolutionary events of 1905.

In the center of the composition are revolutionary worker vigilantes with flags and weapons, on the right is a worker and a girl in a fight with a mounted gendarme, on the left is a fallen vigilante and a woman who raised her hands clenched into fists in anger.

The sculpture, located near the main exit from the 1905 metro station, is located directly at the intersection of Krasnaya Presnya, 1905 and Presnensky Val streets.

  • Nearest metro:"Street 1905 Goda".

Park of the December Uprising July 24th, 2012

The December Uprising Park is located very close to the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station in Moscow. It is also known as the park named after the December Armed Uprising, or the park of 1905, as well as the park on Trekhgorny Val. The park was named in honor of the December Uprising of 1905.

The park itself is not very large, and really looks more like a square, enclosed between residential high-rises.

In the southern part of the park there is a monument to V.I. Lenin sitting in a chair (sculptor B.I. Dyuzhev, architect Yu.I. Goltsev). The monument was erected here in 1963. It was damaged by vandals - a strong dent was made on the head.

There are also children's playgrounds in the park:

In the center of the park there is an obelisk “To the Heroes of the December Armed Uprising of 1905,” built in 1920 with the money of Presnya workers. The monument is included in the list of Moscow cultural heritage sites.

In the northern part of the park there is a monument "Cobblestone - the weapon of the proletariat."

This is a bronze copy of the famous sculpture by I.D.Shadra. The monument was erected in the park in 1967 (architects: M.N. Kazarnovsky, L.N. Matyshin). Behind the sculpture there is a small stone wall. In the past, bronze letters were attached to it, from which V.I. Lenin’s statement was composed: “The feat of the Presnensky workers was not in vain. Their sacrifices were not in vain.” However, the letters on the wall are currently missing. The monument is included in the list of Moscow cultural heritage sites.

Very close to the December Uprising Park, on the corner of Shmitovsky Proezd and 1905 Street, there is a small square where the sculptural composition “Eternal Friendship” is installed. Its authors are Dmitry Ryabichev and his son Alexander Ryabichev. The sculpture was installed on June 16, 1989 as a sign of friendship between the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow and the Bavarian region of Denkendorf.

There is also a memorial sign-stele in honor of N.P. Shmit, an active participant in the 1905 revolution and the owner of a furniture factory in Presnya. It was in memory of him that Shmitovsky Proezd was named.

Yes... it really works.

Since the entire area surrounding the park is associated with revolutionary events, we will end our walk near the monumental monument to the “Heroes of the Revolution of 1905-1907.” Its authors are sculptors O.A. Ikonnikov and V.A. Fedorov, architects M.E. Konstantinov, A.M. Polovnikov, V.M. Fursov. The monument was erected next to the entrance hall of the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station in 1981. The monument is facing Krasnaya Presnya Street.

To the Park of the December Uprising

The December Uprising Park is located very close to the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station in Moscow. It is also known as the park named after the December Armed Uprising, or the park of 1905, as well as the park on Trekhgorny Val. The park was named in honor of the December Uprising of 1905.

The park itself is not very large, and really looks more like a square, enclosed between residential high-rises.

In the southern part of the park there is a monument to V.I. Lenin sitting in a chair (sculptor B.I. Dyuzhev, architect Yu.I. Goltsev). The monument was erected here in 1963. It was damaged by vandals - a strong dent was made on the head.

There are also children's playgrounds in the park:

In the center of the park there is an obelisk “To the Heroes of the December Armed Uprising of 1905,” built in 1920 with the money of Presnya workers. The monument is included in the list of Moscow cultural heritage sites.

In the northern part of the park there is a monument "Cobblestone - the weapon of the proletariat."

This is a bronze copy of the famous sculpture by I.D.Shadra. The monument was erected in the park in 1967 (architects: M.N. Kazarnovsky, L.N. Matyshin). Behind the sculpture there is a small stone wall. In the past, bronze letters were attached to it, from which V.I. Lenin’s statement was composed: “The feat of the Presnensky workers was not in vain. Their sacrifices were not in vain.” However, the letters on the wall are currently missing. The monument is included in the list of Moscow cultural heritage sites.

Very close to the December Uprising Park, on the corner of Shmitovsky Proezd and 1905 Street, there is a small square where the sculptural composition “Eternal Friendship” is installed. Its authors are Dmitry Ryabichev and his son Alexander Ryabichev. The sculpture was installed on June 16, 1989 as a sign of friendship between the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow and the Bavarian region of Denkendorf.

There is also a memorial sign-stele in honor of N.P. Shmit, an active participant in the 1905 revolution and the owner of a furniture factory in Presnya. It was in memory of him that Shmitovsky Proezd was named.

Yes... it really works.

Since the entire area surrounding the park is associated with revolutionary events, we will end our walk near the monumental monument to the “Heroes of the Revolution of 1905-1907.” Its authors are sculptors O.A. Ikonnikov and V.A. Fedorov, architects M.E. Konstantinov, A.M. Polovnikov, V.M. Fursov. The monument was erected next to the entrance hall of the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station in 1981. The monument is facing Krasnaya Presnya Street.

December Uprising Park is a strict Soviet-style, but quite nice memorial place, located not far from the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station.

The park got its name in honor of the December Uprising of 1905 - after all, Presnya, which by that time had become overgrown with factories and manufactories and had built up great industrial potential, actually became one of its centers in which active battles took place. It is quite logical that it was here that such a memorial complex developed over time: in memory of the events of 1905, an obelisk “To the Heroes of the December Armed Uprising of 1905” and . There was also a monument to Lenin.

An interesting detail: people often get confused with the name of the park. It is known both as the park of the December Uprising and as the park named after the December Armed Uprising; some call it a park - the park on Trekhgorny Val or the park of 1905.


The park actually revolves around 3 monuments, which are installed as if along its line: in its northern part (from the side of Krasnopresnenskaya Zastava Square and the Ulitsa 1905 Goda metro station) there is , in the central, large square there is an obelisk, and in the southern (from the side of Shmitovsky Proezd) there is a monument to Lenin.

The very first obelisk to appear in the park was “To the Heroes of the December Armed Uprising of 1905” - it was built back in the 1920s with money from local workers. The obelisk is made in the form of a large block of stone on which the corresponding words are carved. Monument to Vladimir Lenin, designed by sculptor B.I. Dyuzhev and architect Yu.I. Goltsev, made 40 years later, in 1963. Local Lenin sits in a chair; The head of the leader of the world proletariat is disfigured by an impressive dent in the forehead - the monument was damaged by vandals.

The sculpture was installed only in 1967, but visitors to the park loved it much more than the obelisk and seated Lenin. The composition consists of a gray granite wall, on which the words of Vladimir Lenin are laid out in bronze letters: “The feat of the Presnensky workers was not in vain. Their sacrifices were not in vain” - and a bronze sculpture, in a realistic manner depicting a young worker who breaks out a cobblestone from the pavement in order to use it for combat purposes. There is a bronze copy installed in the park: the plaster original of the sculpture, made by Soviet sculptor Ivan Shadr in 1927, is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

It is interesting that the monuments to Lenin and the worker with a cobblestone were repeatedly attacked by vandals: Ilyich, in addition to his bruised head, was once doused with paint, and the granite wall behind the worker just a year and a half ago was covered with various obscene inscriptions (“Let’s not forget , we won’t forgive!”) and images. The bronze letters that enclose Lenin's statement were partially missing for a long time. Fortunately, now the monuments have been washed and the letters restored - and only a dent on the head of the leader of the world proletariat shows us that something is wrong.


Throughout the entire park (by the way, it is rectangular and small - about 6.6 hectares) there is a network of landscaped alleys, around which old linden trees, poplars, and in some places maples grow - in the summer the dense trees provide a gorgeous cool shade, and in the fall they invigorate with the cheerful yellowness of the leaves. The place is popular with a variety of segments of the population: there is a children’s playground, runners run along the paths, and the benches attract a wide variety of people. A particularly picturesque alley can be found from the side of 1905 Street and Shmitovsky Proezd, at the very edge of the park: the fact is that its territory near the intersection of the street and the passage is raised noticeably higher than the roadway, and along the outermost alley you can walk as if along balcony - amazing sensations arise.

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