Pedagogical values: universal, spiritual, practical and personal. Values ​​of pedagogical activity Pedagogical values, universal, spiritual, practical, personal

Priority tasks of pedagogical axiology

V.A. Slastenin and G.I. Chizhakov consider the following:

Analysis of the historical development of pedagogical theory and educational practice from the perspective of the theory of values;

Determination of the value foundations of education, reflecting its axiological orientation;

Development of value-based approaches to determining the development strategy and content of domestic education;

The problem of criteria for assessing and determining the value of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical phenomena.

The value maturity of the teacher himself determines the effectiveness of interaction with students in mastering the values ​​they need, the desire or unwillingness to follow the example of the teacher, and purposefully work on oneself.

Knowledge that is not transformed by the efforts of teachers into values ​​and not mastered by the student as values ​​is easily forgotten and never becomes a meaning-forming factor.

Values ​​of pedagogical activity.

  • Humanistic values ​​of pedagogical activity:

Student - the student’s personality as the highest value in the educational process. Value guidelines determine a person’s behavior, and a value-based attitude towards a student is a condition for the development of the subjective principle in him and forms the basis for ensuring students’ readiness for personal self-determination.

Childhood- this is a unique, valuable period of life that differs from an adult, a special culture characterized by a holistic worldview, openness to the world, sensitivity, emotionality, and spontaneity. Childhood is the main value. Premature growing up is not an achievement, but a misfortune, a skipping of stages or periods of child development that have lasting value.

Uniqueness and individuality of personality . It is a miracle that each individual is different from everyone else. Individuality, as such, has an ideal value character and is understood as a set of semantic relationships and attitudes of a person in the world, which are assigned during life in society, provide orientation in the hierarchy of values ​​and mastery of behavior in a situation of struggle of motives.

Student development. The concept of pedagogical professionalism is considered in the context of the extent to which a teacher can develop the subjective potential of students and provide conditions for their personal growth.

Self-realization of the student. The leading need of both the teacher and the student is the need for self-realization. However, there is a contradiction between the teacher’s desire for self-realization and his focus on developing students’ ability for creative self-realization.

  • Professional and moral values:

Good- this is the criterion of all moral values, meaning a deliberate desire for selfless help and mercy. Goodness is inseparable from morality, and morality is inseparable from mercy and compassion.

Compassion- this is not only suffering with those who suffer, and not only sympathy for another person about his problems, but it is also helping someone who does not have the strength to change anything. Compassion can also be for people who have chosen false paths in life that lead to degradation and destruction, for those who are deceived and do not have the strength to get out of the networks of lies.

Mercy- willingness to help a student or forgive out of philanthropy; is an important feature of a moral teacher. Mercy reaches moral fullness when it is embodied in actions that are not only aimed at satisfying the interests of another, but also based on the desire for perfection. Mercy leads to an understanding of value peace.

World– agreement, absence of hostility, quarrels, absence of pedagogical conflict.

Sincerity - honesty, integrity and integrity. This value is characterized by a pronounced lack of contradiction between real feelings and intentions towards another person (or group of people) and how these feelings and intentions are presented to him in words.

Loyalty– steadfastness and immutability in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty.

Professional duty- this is the totality of a person’s responsibilities to other people, society, and himself. Duty is a compulsion that acts as an internal experience to act in accordance with the needs emanating from moral values ​​and to build one’s existence in accordance with them.

Freedom. The formation of moral values ​​requires individual freedom. K. D. Ushinsky believed that morality and freedom are two phenomena that determine each other and one cannot exist without the other, “only that action that stems from my free decision is moral, and everything that is not done freely is under whether under the influence of someone else’s will, under the influence of fear, or under the influence of animal passion, there is, if not immoral, then at least not a moral action.”

Faith- a state of the subject, closely connected with the spiritual world of the individual, arising on the basis of certain information about an object, expressed in ideas or images, accompanied by the manifestation of confidence and a number of other feelings and serving as a motive, incentive, attitude and guideline for human activity

Confidence precedes faith. Trust is a feeling of confident expectation of help from another and confidence in his will, character, etc.

Justice- the concept of what is due, containing the requirement of compliance between action and retribution: in particular, the correspondence of rights and duties, labor and reward, merit and their recognition, crime and punishment, compliance with the role of various social strata, groups and individuals in the life of society and their social positions in it; in economics - the requirement of equality of citizens in the distribution of a limited resource. The lack of proper correspondence between these entities is assessed as injustice.

Patriotism- one of the most significant, enduring values ​​inherent in all spheres of life of society and the state, is the most important spiritual property of an individual, characterizes the highest level of its development and is manifested in its active self-realization for the benefit of the Fatherland. Patriotism personifies love for one’s Fatherland, inseparability with its history, culture, achievements, problems, attractive and inseparable due to its uniqueness and irreplaceability, constituting the spiritual and moral basis of the individual, forming his civic position and the need for worthy, selfless, even self-sacrifice, serving the Motherland.

Mandatory- this is the habit of doing, without reminders, in a timely manner what was agreed upon with others, or what was planned for oneself.

Professional honor and dignity in pedagogy, this is a concept that expresses not only the teacher’s awareness of his importance, but also public recognition, public respect for his moral merits and qualities. A highly developed awareness of individual honor and personal dignity in the teaching profession stands out clearly. If a teacher, in his behavior and interpersonal relationships, violates the requirements imposed by society on the ideal of a teacher, then, accordingly, he demonstrates disdain for professional honor and dignity.

  • The value of creative self-realization:

Improving professional and creative abilities - a set of individual psychological characteristics of a teacher’s personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity.

Subject taught. Depending on the type, an academic subject has a personal semantic value for the student, manifested in cognitive and social motives, among which achievement motives occupy an important place, being a means of realizing their life plans in the future.

Continuous self-improvement of the teacher - its initial condition and result is the teacher’s readiness for professional self-improvement as a professionally important integral quality of a person, which allows him to consciously, purposefully, systematically and independently build and implement a strategy for professional and personal growth.

The value of innovation. Caused by awareness and the need to constantly improve the educational process , based on new ideas, being an effective potential for the teacher.

  • Intellectual values:

True- a true, correct reflection of reality in thought, the criterion of which, ultimately, is practice.

Professional knowledge– the result of the process of cognition of reality, verified by socio-historical practice and certified by logic; its adequate reflection in the human mind in the form of ideas, judgments, theories.

Creation– the process of creation by a person of objectively or subjectively qualitatively new material and spiritual values.

Cognition– acquisition of knowledge, comprehension of the laws of the objective world. Cognition is the assimilation of the sensory content of what is experienced or experienced, the state of things, states, processes in order to find the truth.

Free access to information is a necessary condition for the professional competence and professional growth of a teacher. This is determined by rapid changes in the field of education, innovative processes in it and the greater opportunities for students to master and acquire the necessary information.

  • Social values:

Professional and pedagogical communication – this is a system of techniques and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity and organize and direct the socio-psychological interaction between the teacher and students (V.A. Kan-Kalik).

Professional and pedagogical corporatism. Professional and corporate culture, becoming the basis of behavior, perception, cognition, decision-making in the field of professional and pedagogical activities, is manifested in the content and results of educational and pedagogical activities aimed at transforming and developing the sphere of human relationships, and includes intellectual, moral and aesthetic , value development of a teacher.

Conciliarity. Conciliarity is integrity, internal completeness, a multitude gathered by the power of love into a free and organic unity; a special conciliar state of a person, true faith, when all the diversity of a person’s spiritual and mental powers is united into a living and harmonious integrity by his conciliar will, moral self-awareness, and striving for creativity.

Traditions . In pedagogy, tradition is an effective incentive to master values ​​that are expressed in the culture of the people or life meanings. In pedagogical traditions, the teacher comprehends his life, discovers the goal, that is, he finds the unifying center of life (primarily spiritual), which for him are the beliefs, values ​​and ideals of his people.

Family- the most important school of morals, here a person takes the first steps along the path of moral development of the individual.

Love and affection for children. It is an immutable value in pedagogical activity. Without love for children, pedagogical activity and the entire pedagogical process loses its meaning and purpose. .

  • Aesthetic values:

beauty- “everything that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure,” says S.I. Ozhegov in the Russian language dictionary.

Harmony– coherence, consonance, agreement, the consistency of parts in a dismembered whole corresponding to aesthetic laws.

A wide range of pedagogical values ​​requires their classification and ordering, which will make it possible to present their status in the general system of pedagogical knowledge. However, their classification, like the problem of values ​​in general, has not yet been developed in pedagogy. True, there are attempts to define a set of general and professional pedagogical values. Among the latter, there are such as the content of pedagogical activity and the opportunities for personal self-development determined by it; the social significance of pedagogical work and its humanistic essence and others.

Pedagogical values ​​differ in the level of their existence, which can become the basis for their classification. On this basis, personal, group and social pedagogical values ​​are distinguished.

Social and pedagogical values

This is a set of ideas, ideas, rules, traditions that regulate the activities of society in the field of education.

Group pedagogical values

can be presented in the form of concepts, norms that regulate and guide pedagogical activities within certain educational institutions. The set of such values ​​is holistic in nature, has relative stability and repeatability.

Personal pedagogical values

These are socio-psychological formations that reflect the goals, motives, ideals, attitudes and other ideological characteristics of the teacher.

The axiological Self as a system of value orientations contains not only cognitive, but also emotional-volitional components that play the role of its internal reference point. It assimilates both socio-pedagogical and professional-group values, which serve as the basis for an individual-personal system of pedagogical values. This system includes:

Values ​​associated with an individual’s affirmation of his role in the social and professional environment (the social significance of a teacher’s work, the prestige of teaching activity, recognition of the profession by his closest personal environment, etc.);

Values ​​that satisfy the need for communication and expand its circle (communication with children, colleagues, reference people, experiencing children's love and affection, exchange of spiritual values, etc.);

Values ​​that focus on the self-development of creative individuality (opportunities for the development of professional and creative abilities, familiarization with world culture, studying a favorite subject, constant self-improvement, etc.);

Values ​​that allow for self-realization (the creative, variable nature of a teacher’s work, the romance and excitement of the teaching profession, the possibility of helping socially disadvantaged children, etc.);

Values ​​that make it possible to satisfy pragmatic needs (opportunities for obtaining a guaranteed public service, wages and vacation duration, career growth, etc.).

Among the mentioned pedagogical values, we can distinguish values ​​of self-sufficient and instrumental types, which differ in subject content.

Self-sufficient values

These are value-goals, including the creative nature of the teacher’s work, prestige, social significance, responsibility to the state, the possibility of self-affirmation, love and affection for children. Values ​​of this type serve as the basis for the personal development of both teachers and students.


act as a dominant axiological function in the system of other pedagogical values, since the goals reflect the main meaning of the teacher’s activity.

By searching for ways to realize the goals of pedagogical activity, the teacher chooses his professional strategy, the content of which is the development of himself and others. Consequently, value-goals reflect state educational policy and the level of development of pedagogical science itself, which, being subjectified, become significant factors in pedagogical activity and influence instrumental values, called value-means. They are formed as a result of mastering theory, methodology and pedagogical technologies, forming the basis of a teacher’s professional education.

Pedagogical values ​​differ in the level of their existence, which can become the basis for their classification. Using this basis, we will highlight personal, group and social pedagogical values.

Social and pedagogical values reflect the nature and content of those values ​​that function in various social systems, manifesting themselves in the public consciousness. This is a set of ideas, ideas, norms, rules, traditions that regulate the activities of society in the field of education.

Group pedagogical values can be presented in the form of ideas, concepts, norms that regulate and guide pedagogical activities within certain educational institutions. The set of such values ​​is holistic in nature, has relative stability and repeatability.

Personal and pedagogical values act as socio-psychological formations that reflect the goals, motives, ideals, attitudes and other ideological characteristics of the teacher’s personality, which together constitute the system of his value orientations. The axiological “I” as a system of value orientations contains not only cognitive, but also emotional-volitional components that play the role of its internal reference point. It assimilates both socio-pedagogical and professional-group values, which serve as the basis for an individual-personal system of pedagogical values. This system includes:

values ​​associated with an individual’s affirmation of his role in the social and professional environment (the social significance of a teacher’s work, the prestige of teaching activity, recognition of the profession by his closest personal environment, etc.);

values ​​that satisfy the need for communication and expand its circle (communication with children, colleagues, reference people, experiencing childhood love and affection, exchange of spiritual values, etc.);

values ​​oriented towards the self-development of creative individuality (opportunities for the development of professional and creative abilities, familiarization with world culture, studying a favorite subject, constant self-improvement, etc.);

values ​​that allow for self-realization (the creative nature of a teacher’s work, the romance and excitement of the teaching profession, the opportunity to help socially disadvantaged children, etc.);

values ​​that make it possible to satisfy pragmatic needs (opportunities for obtaining a guaranteed public service, wages and duration of leave, career growth, etc.).

Among the mentioned pedagogical values, we can distinguish values ​​of self-sufficient and instrumental types, which differ in subject content. Self-sufficient values ​​- These are value-goals, including the creative nature of the teacher’s work, prestige, social significance, responsibility to the state, the possibility of self-affirmation, love and affection for children. Values ​​of this type serve as the basis for the personal development of both teachers and students. Values-goals act as the dominant axiological function in the system of other pedagogical values, since the goals reflect the main meaning of the teacher’s activity.

The goals of pedagogical activity are determined by specific motives that are adequate to the needs that are realized in it. This explains their leading position in the hierarchy of needs, which include: the need for self-development, self-realization, self-improvement and the development of others. In the minds of the teacher, the concepts of “child’s personality” and “I am a professional” turn out to be interconnected.

By searching for ways to realize the goals of pedagogical activity, the teacher chooses his professional strategy, the content of which is the development of himself and others. Consequently, value-goals reflect state educational policy and the level of development of pedagogical science itself, which, being subjectified, become significant factors in pedagogical activity and influence instrumental values, called means-values. They are formed as a result of mastering theory, methodology and pedagogical technologies, forming the basis of a teacher’s professional education.

Values-means are three interconnected subsystems: actual pedagogical actions aimed at solving professional, educational and personal development tasks (teaching and education technologies); communicative actions that allow the implementation of personally and professionally oriented tasks (communication technologies); actions that reflect the subjective essence of the teacher, which are integrative in nature, since they combine all three subsystems of actions into a single axiological function. Values-means are divided into groups such as values-attitudes, values-quality and values-knowledge.

Values-attitudes provide the teacher with expedient and adequate construction of the pedagogical process and interaction with its subjects. The attitude towards professional activity does not remain unchanged and varies depending on the success of the teacher’s actions, on the extent to which his professional and personal needs are satisfied. The value attitude to pedagogical activity, which sets the way the teacher interacts with students, is distinguished by a humanistic orientation. In value relations, the teacher’s attitude towards himself as a professional and an individual is equally significant. Here it is legitimate to point out the existence and dialectics of the “Real Self,” “Retrospective Self,” “Ideal Self,” “Reflective Self,” and “Professional Self.” The dynamics of these images determine the level of personal and professional development of the teacher.

In the hierarchy of pedagogical values, the highest rank is given to values-quality, since it is in them that the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher are manifested. These include diverse and interconnected individual, personal, status-role and professional-activity qualities. These qualities turn out to be derived from the level of development of a number of abilities: predictive, communicative, creative, empathetic, intellectual, reflective and interactive.

Values-attitudes and values-qualities may not provide the necessary level of implementation of pedagogical activity if another subsystem is not formed and assimilated - the subsystem of values-knowledge. It includes not only psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, but also the degree of their awareness, the ability to select and evaluate them on the basis of a conceptual personal model of pedagogical activity.

Values-knowledge - this is a certain ordered and organized system of knowledge and skills, presented in the form of pedagogical theories of development and socialization of personality, patterns and principles of construction and functioning of the educational process, etc. Mastery of fundamental psychological and pedagogical knowledge by a teacher creates conditions for creativity, allows one to navigate professional information, solve pedagogical problems at the level of modern theory and technology, using productive creative methods of pedagogical thinking.

Thus, the named groups of pedagogical values, generating each other, form an axiological model that has a syncretic character. It manifests itself in the fact that goal values ​​determine means values, and relationship values ​​depend on goal values ​​and quality values, etc., i.e. they function as a single unit. This model can act as a criterion for acceptance or non-acceptance of developed or created pedagogical values. It determines the tone of culture, stipulating a selective approach both to the values ​​existing in the history of a particular people, and to newly created works of human culture. The axiological wealth of the teacher determines the effectiveness and purposefulness of the selection and increment of new values, their transition into motives of behavior and pedagogical actions.

Syncretic - fused, undivided.

The humanistic parameters of pedagogical activity, acting as its “eternal” guidelines, make it possible to record the level of discrepancy between what is and what should be, reality and ideal, stimulate creative overcoming of these gaps, evoke a desire for self-improvement and determine the ideological self-determination of the teacher.


CHAPTER 1. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of values 13

1.1. The problem of values ​​in philosophical and pedagogical literature 13

1.2. Teacher's pedagogical values ​​46

CHAPTER 2. Experimental studies of pedagogical values 100

2.1. Objectives, methods, main stages of the study 100

2.2. Level of teacher professionalism and pedagogical values ​​103

2.3. Dynamics of teacher’s pedagogical values ​​111

2.4. Pedagogical values ​​and their role in the formation of a teacher’s personal qualities 120

Conclusion 126

Used literature 130

Applications 151

Introduction to the work

At present, when there is a process of transformation of various spheres of our life and rethinking of spiritual, moral, professional values, special attention should be paid to the training of specialists in universities. This is primarily due to the need to develop the student’s civic and professional positions, the development of his intellect and creative thinking, culture and morality. This means that one of the current areas of scientific and practical interest for pedagogy in the field of improving professional training of teachers is axiology, which forms the basis of the spiritual paradigm of education in the innovative conditions of the pedagogical space.

An overly hasty reassessment of values ​​caused a crisis in the social and moral sphere, a breakdown of the usual ideological and ethical foundations, therefore, the professional training of future specialists cannot but be carried out without an axiological approach to the philosophical, pedagogical, social, psychological and other problems of our time. In this regard, this study is focused on creating the necessary conditions conducive to creative development, the formation of spiritual, moral and professional values, and further improvement of the specialist’s personality. Successful results in teaching can only be achieved by teachers with a high moral culture, who have a strong personality, who defend their position and style in pedagogy, and who are ready for continuous self-education, self-education and creative self-development.

The process of forming a teacher’s pedagogical values ​​is an important social, moral and spiritual potential, the implementation of which is of strategic importance for its sustainable functioning and development in the context of the implementation of national projects in the field of education implemented by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Knowledge of modern socio-economic and political processes is impossible without a comprehensive study of the values ​​of society as a whole and their historical analysis. The pedagogical values ​​of the teacher and his professionalism play a key role in the social reproduction of new generations and their value orientations.

Russian teaching is a special subcultural group (the core of the intelligentsia), which performs the function of spiritual and moral education of the nation, storage and reproduction of its cultural gene pool. The destruction of this tradition is fraught with irreversible consequences for the fate of Russia and its cultural identity.

This is precisely the reason for the choice of the topic of the dissertation, devoted to the research and creation of a model of a teacher’s pedagogical values ​​as the basis of his professionalism. Most of the studies carried out so far on axiological issues are mainly devoted to values, value orientations of teachers, schoolchildren, and, to a lesser extent, to the problems of forming pedagogical values ​​in teaching through aspects of the professionalization of students as future specialists associated with the spiritual sphere of human culture.

The degree of development of the research topic. In his work, the author relies on the already achieved level of knowledge of the value system, including the value orientations of the teacher. Well-known domestic researchers of the problem of values ​​in philosophy are S. F. Anisimov, L. M. Arkhangelsky, V. A. Vaselenko, O. G. Drobnitsky, A. G. Zdravomyslov, A. A. Ivin, M. S. Kagan, N. S. Kuznetsov, L. N. Stolovich, V. P. Tugarinov and others.

Historical analysis of the works of N. A. Berdyaev, S. I. Gessen, M. I. Demkov, I. A. Ilyin, P. F. Kapterev, K. D. Ushinsky and other representatives of domestic pedagogical thought and Russian abroad allows us to highlight the concept national values ​​of education based on the works of such co-

The problems of the formation and functioning of teachers' pedagogical values ​​were considered by V. I. Andreev, E. V. Bondarevskaya, V. I. Ginetsinsky, V. A. Karakovsky, S. V. Kulnevich, N. D. Nikandrov, V. A. Slastenin, G.I. Chizhakova and others. An analysis of the relationship between the theory of motives and the professionalization of a future specialist, the processes of his professional self-determination can be found in the works of E. A. Klimov, V. I. Kovalev, A. N. Leontyev, N. I. Meshkov and others. We relied on technologies for improving professional pedagogical activities (V.I. Avershin, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.I. Kunitskaya, G.A. Melekesov, E.I. Rogov, N.E. Shchurkova, etc.); research into the value consciousness of a future specialist (A.V. Bezdukhov, V.P. Bezdukhov, L.V. Vershinina, E.E. Volchkov, T.V. Zhirnova, V.P. Zinchenko, etc.); the main provisions of the culture of pedagogical research (E. V. Berezhnova, G. X. Valeev, A. I. Kochetov, V. V. Kraevsky, N. V. Kuzmina, G. I. Sarantsev, V. A. Yadov, etc. ).

Of fundamental importance for the study are normative legislative documents that define the principles of state policy in the field of education, the values ​​of a person and society as a whole. Today, the Russian education system is at the epicenter of the reform changes that are taking place in our society.

An analysis of existing research and teaching practice reveals a number of contradictions: 1) between the high social significance of the formation of the axiological foundations of a student’s professional activity, the ever-growing need of society for teachers with pedagogical and universal values, and the weak theoretical and methodological elaboration of the problem; 2) between the practical need for the formation of the pedagogical values ​​of the future teacher and the insufficient representation in pedagogical science of a holistic approach in the theoretical aspect for the development of an axiological model of the future specialist; 3) me-

I expect an objectively existing need for the formation of value foundations of professional activity, in particular the axiogram of students, and insufficient awareness of this need at all levels of the modern education system in Russia.

The need to resolve these contradictions determined research problem which consists in searching and identifying effective pedagogical conditions for the formation of a modern student, future teacher, priority orientation towards the spiritual and moral values ​​of domestic pedagogy and its ideals, which is one of the most important, necessary factors in the democratization of society. This determines the relevance of the research topic.

Purpose of the study consists in revealing the essential characteristics of pedagogical values ​​in modern conditions, identifying and justifying the pedagogical values ​​of the future teacher as the basis of his professionalism.

An object research- educational process at the university.

Subject of study- the process of forming the pedagogical values ​​of students.

The purpose and problem of the study determined the formulation of the following main hypotheses:

    It can be expected that pedagogical values ​​have a decisive influence on the formation of the professional and personal qualities of the future teacher.

The objectives of the study and testing of the hypotheses were achieved through solving the following tasks:

reflection of the essential characteristics of pedagogical values ​​and showing in the historical aspect the genesis of views on its most important components in psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature;

identifying the dynamics of pedagogical values ​​and value orientations;

carrying out an analysis of the practice of students mastering pedagogical values ​​in modern conditions;

identifying ways and means of forming pedagogical values ​​leading to high achievements in teaching;

clarification of the teacher’s value orientations depending on the level of his pedagogical professionalism.

When starting our dissertation research, we proceeded from the assumption that students’ mastery of pedagogical values ​​will be more effective if:

    the student is provided with pedagogical assistance in clarifying the essence of pedagogical values, the features of the process of their development;

    the activity of the individual himself in mastering pedagogical values ​​is updated.

Methodological basis of the study there are provisions on the structure of pedagogical values, on the systemic nature of personality traits, on personal-activity, cultural approaches, which are reflected in the works of Russian and foreign scientists on the problems of educational values.

To solve the problems, the following were used research methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, modeling, observation, conversation, pedagogical experiment, study of advanced pedagogical experience, testing, questioning, study of student performance results.

Experimental research base: Historical and Sociological Institute of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev."

The study was carried out in three stages.

At the first stage(1996 - 2000) the study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature was carried out, the determination of methodological approaches to the problem under study, the accumulation of practical experience, the design socio-pedagogical model of teacher’s pedagogical values. At this stage, a research program was developed, which included the definition of the goal, objectives, object and subject of research, scientific methods that make it possible to study the object of the research being carried out.

At the second stage(2000 - 2003) the design of a socio-pedagogical model of teacher pedagogical values ​​was completed. At the same time, a system of creative works was prepared, questionnaires were developed to identify and substantiate pedagogical ways to enhance students' mastery of pedagogical values. Practical testing of tasks and their adjustments were carried out. That is, at this stage, experimental work was carried out, on the basis of which empirical material was collected. During this period, work was carried out related to the search, comprehension and preparation of scientific instruments.

At the third stage (2003 - 2006), the final refinement and correction of the component composition of the teacher’s pedagogical values ​​model was carried out, the final stage of the teaching experiment was carried out, during which data were obtained and conclusions were drawn about the influence of the developed socio-pedagogical model of pedagogical values ​​on the professionalization of the future teachers.

Validity and reliability of the results research is provided with initial theoretical and methodological positions; based on fundamental research in pedagogy, philosophy, psychology, axiology, acmeology, on the analysis of university practice related to the formation

pedagogical values ​​as the basis for the professionalism of a teacher’s personality; using a set of methods that are adequate to the set goals and objectives; a combination of the results of quantitative and qualitative processing of data from a pedagogical experiment using statistical methods.

Scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the problem of determining the main directions, methods and means of forming pedagogical values ​​has been solved. This was done through the substantiation of the theoretical aspects of students’ mastery of professional values ​​and through the analysis of historical and specific pedagogical experience based on the value-acmeological approach, which allows, if there is a system of criteria for students’ knowledge of the essence of pedagogical values ​​and ways to enhance their mastery, to count on the successful implementation of this process and the creation of a personality axiogram future specialist. A multidimensional, dynamic model of the pedagogical values ​​of future teachers has been identified.

Theoretical significance of the dissertation research is as follows:

    The essential characteristics of pedagogical values ​​and the logical and substantive basis of the pedagogical axiology used within the framework of innovative technologies for training a future specialist in the conditions of the pedagogical space are determined.

    A socio-pedagogical model of teacher pedagogical values ​​has been developed.

    The fundamental necessity of affirming in the consciousness and self-awareness of the future teacher the priority of the spiritual, moral and national values ​​of the domestic pedagogical heritage is substantiated as one of the foundations for increasing the status of the teacher in society, university and school.

Practical significance The research is that the theoretical principles and practical recommendations developed by the author are applicable for the design of innovative technologies within the framework of various processes.

dagogical directions and concepts. The results obtained during the study allow:

review the relevant university training courses for future teachers and specialists in non-teaching specialties;

make changes to retraining and training courses in the system of institutes for advanced training of education workers.

The research materials can be used in the practical activities of university and school teachers, when teaching special courses on pedagogical values ​​and the spiritual and moral culture of a modern highly qualified specialist.

Testing and implementation of research results were carried out: through the author conducting (in line with the developed courses “Pedagogy”, “Pedagogical values ​​of the teacher”, “Methods of educational work”, “Acmeology”) various forms of training sessions (lectures, seminars, consultations, trainings, etc.) with students Historical and Sociological Institute and Faculty of Mathematics of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev"; during reports and speeches at international and all-Russian scientific and practical conferences, annual scientific conferences of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Mordovia State University named after N. P. Ogarev”; at methodological seminars. The author is one of the compilers of a series of collections on Maslovsky educational regional readings.

Provisions for defense:

1. The essential characteristics of pedagogical values ​​are determined by a set of characteristics, their hierarchy and content orientation, and place in the general system of values. There has been a change in the hierarchy of features of pedagogical values ​​in modern conditions, and the formation of a system

the value orientations of the future teacher occurred and are occurring in the difficult conditions of crisis processes in society and the reform of the system of higher professional education. Therefore, the mechanism for the formation of professional and spiritual-moral values ​​of a future specialist is unstable and selective, but at the same time directly related to his professionalism.

2. Priority for students of the pedagogical specialty are
social-professional and moral-psychological values, but
at the same time, they also highlight values ​​associated with the economic foundations of their
life activity both personally and professionally. Peda
gogic and universal values ​​are directly related to the motive
tion of professional activity.

When studying the role of pedagogical values ​​in the formation of the personal qualities of a future teacher, it is possible to identify the peculiarities of students’ mastery of pedagogical and universal values, which are manifested in two aspects: procedural and substantive. At the same time, the system of criteria for students’ mastery of pedagogical values ​​includes: cognitive, evaluative-emotional, ideological, behavioral. Based on a set of criteria and indicators, it is possible to identify axiological factors - the main reasons that have the character of driving forces, the main determinant of professionalism: objective, manifested as an external requirement and associated with the real system of professional activity, pedagogical values; subjective, related to individual prerequisites, measures of the success of professional activity - these are motives, orientation, interests, skill, etc.; objective-subjective, related to the organization of the professional environment, the quality of management and education.

3. Reasons that make it difficult for students to master pedagogical values
ties, are caused by socio-economic, pedagogical, personal
conditions. Pedagogical ways to activate the studied values ​​include
They expect: a differentiated, individual approach to creative development

future specialists, stimulation of creative self-realization, self-education and self-training and their inclusion in a situation of a social and moral nature. In this regard, the model of pedagogical values ​​of the future teacher is multidimensional and multi-level.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (195 titles), and appendices. The contents of the work are presented on 172 pages, including 19 tables, 8 figures, 2 diagrams.

The problem of values ​​in philosophical and pedagogical literature

The problem of values ​​has recently found wide discussion on the pages of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature. This is due, first of all, to the influence of the value system that has developed in society on the pace of scientific, technical and social progress, the capabilities of society, and the level of development of pedagogical theory and practice.

Today the Russian education system is going through hard times. There is a serious reassessment of existing values. This is largely due to the emergence of the “free market”, which has become the main source of contradictions in Russian society. It was with its advent that the tendency towards the destruction of the existing system of traditional values ​​was outlined. Therefore, the formulation of the problem of values ​​intensifies during complex, turning-point stages in the development of society, acquires a new meaning, and therefore there is a change in value orientations. New spiritual, political, religious, ethical values ​​are based on traditional values ​​of universal and national significance. Thanks to this, the latter are preserved, replenished with new values ​​and create new trends for development in them.

A teacher is a bearer, first of all, of spiritual, moral and professional values. The latter form the basis of the motivational sphere of the teacher’s personality, which determines the level and direction of his creative activity. They act as a core component, the semantic foundation of a person’s life and his pedagogical activity,

In modern Russian pedagogy there is a search for a new system of values. One of the main tasks of domestic education is the formation of the spiritual values ​​of the younger generation, since it should focus not only on today, but also on the future. Particular attention must be paid to the training of teaching staff who are already working in the 21st century - the century of pedagogical technologies and innovations. The future of our children depends on what kind of teacher they will be. Therefore, issues related to the pedagogical values ​​of the teacher and his professionalism are especially relevant. He must meaningfully introduce his ideals and value ideas into the pedagogical process itself, determine the dynamics and direction of the pedagogical search. Today, a teacher needs to have organizational skills and human science, have a high general culture and professional competence; it is extremely important to understand the developmental characteristics of children of different ages, their inner world, and motives of behavior. Hence, in the system of training teachers, the most important problems arise related to the formation of spiritual values ​​and a culture of moral feelings.

Questions about the nature of various phenomena, which are now commonly called values, have been discussed in philosophy since ancient times. But the problem of value, as one of the main aspects of philosophy (axiology), arises only in the second half of the 19th century. The concept of “value” was introduced into Western European philosophy in the 60s of this century by G. Lotze, a German philosopher who developed the ideas of objective idealism, close to Leibniz.

V.I. Andreev notes that the concept of “axiology” was introduced into scientific circulation in 1902 by the French philosopher P. Lapi, and already in 1908 the German scientist E. Hartmann actively used it in his works. Subsequently, the problem of values, which received its active development in the second half of the 50s - mid-60s. XX century, was recognized as relevant by Soviet scientists (O. G. Drobnitsky, T. V. Lyubimova, V. T. Tugarinov and others) and remains so to this day. As the authors of the textbook “Introduction to Pedagogical Axiology” V. A. Slastenin and G. I. Chizhakova rightly note, axiology is a relatively independent branch of philosophy. In the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary (1997) axiology (from the Greek axia - value and logos - teaching) is the doctrine of values; axiological - defined according to its value, from the point of view of the theory of values.

In the context of axiological problems, various concepts are formed (naturalistic, transcendentalist, sociological, dialectical-materialistic), which differently define the nature of values ​​and the relationships between which form a new stage of axiological problems.

In recent years, interesting works have appeared in the domestic pedagogical literature devoted to the analysis of the relationship and relationships between pedagogical science and axiology.

Some argue that it is impossible to resolve axiological issues within the framework of pedagogical science. Highlighting axiology as a basic pedagogical discipline, supporters of this approach (B. S. Gershunsky, V. M. Rozin, P. G. Shchedrovitsky, etc.) consider axiological issues of pedagogy from the standpoint of the concept “philosophy of education”. It is this circumstance, in their opinion, that is one of the main arguments in favor of this concept.

Scientists who consider axiological issues within the framework of pedagogical science (V.V. Kraevsky, Z. I. Ravkin, etc.) do not see any contradiction in the combination of axiological and structural-systemic approaches. Moreover, according to a number of scientists (Z. I. Ravkin, V. A. Slastenin, V. P. Tugarinov), it is the value approach that “represents the necessary “bridge” from theory to practice, the connecting link between them.”

Teacher's pedagogical values

At the moment, in Russian pedagogy one can observe an increasing trend of its development in three main directions.

The first direction strives to introduce pedagogical technologies, which preserves the methodology of activity that developed during the Soviet period, while taking into account the modern requirements of society.

The second direction is characterized by a focus on student-oriented paradigms in education. In particular, this can be seen in the draft “National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, etc. This is primarily due to the introduction of foreign educational technologies into Russian schools, which often leads to a number of problems. Russia has a historically established national education system. It makes no sense to change it to something else, although the positive experience of foreign schools must be taken into account taking into account the Russian mentality.

The third direction involves turning to the spiritual and moral traditions of domestic education and upbringing, unjustly forgotten for many decades.

The last decade in the Russian education system has been mainly focused on narrow professional training. Right now, when the processes of spiritual, social and moral impoverishment are manifested with particular severity, society needs to pay attention to the unity of universal and professional education in the training of teaching staff at universities.

Unfortunately, a modern secondary school is not able to significantly influence the inner world, the culture of moral feelings and the souls of children, since the teacher himself does not have spiritual enlightenment, using which he could have a positive impact on the spiritual education, upbringing and development of the student.

For Russian society, the way out of the protracted socio-economic and national crisis is the revival of the spirituality, citizenship and patriotism of the peoples of Russia. The teacher can and should play a significant role in solving this problem. Therefore, issues of the spiritual and moral formation of the future teacher should be considered in university training. In this regard, the study of professional spirituality as a complex state of the teacher’s inner world is a promising and important task of our time.

Let us note that in all the variety of directions existing in modern domestic pedagogy, the most promising is an appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian school from the point of view of Orthodoxy, since it is associated with the restoration of cultural and historical traditions and national values. Christianity constitutes the foundation, the main essence of the Russian people, and therefore pedagogy.

It is necessary to look at man from the point of view of the teachings of Orthodoxy, in which man is the image of God. “It is very accurately said about a person in the Bible, in the Old Church Slavonic language: “Behold, this is great good.” That is, very beautiful (“dobro” means “beauty” in Slavic). Christianity says about this: “Yes, man is beautiful, despite the fact that we do not always see him as such.” . The history of the Orthodox Church confirms this with a wealth of holy images, examples of the lives of individuals (Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, holy righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov, St. Sergius of Radonezh, Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, St. Theodore (Elder of Sanaksar), Patriarch Tikhon, Saransk priest Alexei Maslovsky and many others) , who were carriers and exponents of the best ideas and traditions of their time, everyone listened to them and they became the spiritual guidelines of society. The process of spiritualization of life, the true transformation of human life, its beauty are possible only in spiritual unity with God.

Saint John Chrysostom, K. D. Ushinsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and other Orthodox figures of the past argued that the main thing in education is the cultivation of the human spirit. Since the spirit is primary in man. The correct structure of the spirit gives rise to the right ideas, feelings, and the right attitude towards everything. Therefore, young teachers raised in this way will be resistant to the false Christian teachings and religious sects that are alien to Orthodoxy in Russia, and therefore in schools and universities. To do this, it is necessary to seriously address the issues of Orthodox pedagogy in universities (such experience can be found at the Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S. A. Yesenin and educational institutions in other regions of Russia).

It is necessary to create Orthodox secondary schools (or gymnasiums), Orthodox summer holiday camps, Sunday schools, establish a Center for Orthodox Pedagogy, and in secondary schools, vocational schools, and universities, conduct special courses and special seminars on Orthodox pedagogy for teachers, university professors and students. All this can be an experimental platform at a university, and students are direct participants and researchers. In addition, organizing and conducting student scientific and practical conferences, at which theoretical aspects and practical experience based on materials from pedagogical observations and work in Orthodox schools and camps would be presented. This requires a revision of the system of training future teachers. Today, students have a lack of need for self-improvement, creative self-development, and this is due to the fact that they have a certain vacuum of spiritual and life ideal. Despite this, they want to improve and fill this vacuum, but do not know what to do to achieve this.

In the philosophical and religious concept - revelations, prophecies of the Russian philosopher and theologian A. S. Khomyakov, attention is drawn to the problems of education based on the principles of Orthodoxy; in addition, he considers the human spirit and religious experience of the nation to be the foundation of culture. In modern Russia, education should not be separated from spiritual education. As the Russian thinker Ivan Ilyin wrote in the publication “Russian Teacher,” “half-education leads away from the spirit and from God,” and “unprincipledness leads to the service of the devil.” Only knowledge and experience that have certain spiritual, historical, national roots will help the teacher become a person and fill the spiritual world of youth, as well as capable of purposefully educating youth from the position of a value approach.

Level of teacher professionalism and pedagogical values

A specific point of the study is the interpretation of the experimental results. Since the main goal of the work is designated as the creation of a socio-pedagogical model of a teacher’s pedagogical values, we initially tried to select and systematize pedagogical values ​​based on values-goals and values-means. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed (see Appendix 1) aimed at determining the rank of significance of these values. The basis for the typology was the division into terminal and instrumental.

The experiment involved 3rd and 4th year students majoring in History at the Historical and Sociological Institute (Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev). The choice of experiment participants, as already noted, was due to the fact that in the 3rd year they take the “Pedagogy” course, and in the 4th year they take the “Pedagogical Values ​​of a Teacher” and “Methods of Educational Work.”

Analyzing the psychological, pedagogical and philosophical literature, a fairly large list of values ​​was obtained. In order to systematize and define the model of pedagogical values, it was divided into 32 goal values ​​and 34 means values. Data from a comparative analysis of the research results are reflected in tables 1 - 4 (see Appendix 3). In the comparative analysis, we took into account only the minimum and maximum values ​​as they most clearly characterize the respondents’ preferences.

All values ​​offered to respondents were positive. The task before them was to distribute them in order of importance for them as the principles that guide them in their lives, and enter the results in the column numbered (I). As a comparative analysis showed, the most significant for 3rd year students were such values ​​and goals as the ability to re-educate “difficult” children, recognition of relatives, friends, acquaintances, the prevalence of the teaching profession, romance and fascination with teaching activities, children's love and affection, then there are values ​​that have personal and social meaning in their life and choice of the teaching profession. In the 4th year, the values ​​of the self-sufficient type become more conscious in the socio-pedagogical axiogram and with a stable choice of motivation: the prevalence of the teaching profession, love for teaching work, the prestige of the teacher’s professional activity, high motivation for professional activity, the development of student and teaching teams.

If we talk about values-means, then for 3rd year students the most significant are the opportunity for career advancement, a long vacation, for 4th year students - non-standard working conditions for a teacher, efficiency throughout the entire teaching career. At the same time, practically in the first places for two-year students, taking into account the new socio-economic working conditions, are competitiveness, entrepreneurship, and taking into account the importance of the ongoing processes in school - the integrity and continuity of pedagogical upbringing and education.

Next, it was necessary to divide each set into three groups of values ​​in order of importance and in each group determine the order of importance for students as the principles that guide them in their lives, and enter the results in the column numbered (II), thus: for the first group 1.1, 1.2, etc.; for the second group - 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc.; for the third group - 3.1, 3.1, 3.3, etc. This was done in order to determine the highest priority values ​​of teaching activity. The realized values-goals (according to the results of column (III)) for the 3rd year turned out to be the personality and individuality of the student, the prevalence of the teaching profession, the development of student and teaching teams, the spirituality of the teaching profession and high motivation for professional activity, and for the 4th year - also high motivation for professional activity, the prevalence of the teaching profession, in addition, the professional thinking of the teacher, the prestige of the teacher’s professional activity and love for teaching work. 3rd year students consider the following values ​​and means to be realized - competitiveness, hard work, productivity in teaching work, integrity and continuity of pedagogical upbringing and education, a system of moral and material rewards for conscientious work, entrepreneurship, and 4th year students also note entrepreneurship, competitiveness, long vacations, integrity and continuity of pedagogical upbringing and education, hard work, productivity in teaching work. When drawing up a research program and conducting trainings for professional and personal growth, the question arose about the connection between a student’s value orientations and the motivation for choosing the teaching profession. It has already been noted that spiritual, moral and pedagogical values ​​form the basis of the motivational sphere of the personality of a modern specialist.

Pedagogical values ​​and their role in the formation of a teacher’s personal qualities

If both criteria give a conclusion about the coincidence of values, only then can we talk about the coincidence of the average values ​​of the two samples.

Table 1 (see Appendix 6) shows the results of calculating the significance of the discrepancy between the analyzed values. In the first most significant group of pedagogical values-goals, students identified values ​​aimed at self-education, creative self-realization, social significance and prestige of teaching work, the opportunity to work with children and youth, nurturing a spiritual and moral culture, while taking into account the individuality and motivational sphere of the personality of a modern teacher . At the same time, the value-means in the first group for respondents (with the exception of 9 values) are significant in the formation of the value-motivational sphere of a professional’s personality and are determined by modern socio-economic conditions in the education system.

Having analyzed the results of identifying the dynamics of pedagogical values, we came to the following conclusions: 1. Students are characterized by the need for professional growth and the desire to achieve specific results in any type of activity. 2. Important for most students today is the implementation of such values ​​as entrepreneurship and competitiveness. This is explained by the current state of the employment market and the socio-economic conditions of Russian society. 3. Analysis of the research results shows that, contrary to our expectations, spiritual and moral culture, love for children and pedagogical reflection are significant for students in the teaching profession. 4. For many students, the need to preserve individuality and a creative approach to the teacher’s pedagogical work are important, which makes it possible to form an individual style in professional activities. 5. An analysis of universal human values ​​showed that students also highlight the sphere of leisure and entertainment. 6. 4th year students have higher needs for changes in social status and creativity. All the results obtained in the course of our research are, naturally, a reflection of the particular problems of the specialty “History” of the Historical and Sociological Institute of Mordovian State University named after N.P. Ogarev and cannot be transferred to the entire category of students, but at the same time it is possible to discover a number of patterns that make it possible to build a model of the pedagogical values ​​of a modern specialist. Pedagogical values ​​and their role in the formation of a teacher’s personal qualities When starting our dissertation research, we proceeded from the assumption that students’ mastery of pedagogical values ​​will be more effective if: 1) the student is provided with pedagogical assistance in clarifying the essence of pedagogical values ​​and the features of the process of their development; 2) the activity of the individual himself in mastering pedagogical values ​​is updated. As part of this study, to identify the role of pedagogical values ​​in the formation of a teacher’s personal qualities, we developed a special course “Teacher’s Pedagogical Values”, tested on the basis of the History specialty at the Historical and Sociological Institute of Moscow State University named after N. P. Ogarev (4th year). The purpose of the special course was the formation of pedagogical and national values, the spiritual and moral sphere of the student’s personality, ensuring the creative development and further improvement of the specialist’s personality. The design of the content of the material studied in this course was carried out taking into account the specific professional orientation of a modern specialist. In addition, the following course objectives were set: 1. Study of the axiological foundations of the pedagogical process and humanistic models of domestic and foreign schools as a positive pedagogical value of the professional development of a future teacher. 2. Consideration of the characteristics of pedagogical activity and the personality of the teacher, the essence of professionalism of pedagogical activity. 3. Conducting training for personal and professional growth of a specialist, mastering their methodology. 4. Formation of the teacher’s value orientations and his formation as a creatively self-developing personality. The program for the workshop “Teacher’s Pedagogical Values” included 17 hours of lectures and 17 hours of seminars.

As already noted, one of the current areas of scientific and practical interest for pedagogy, in particular in the field of improving the professional training of teachers, is axiology - the science of values. It forms the basis of the philosophical and spiritual-moral paradigm of education. Today, when there has been an overly hasty reassessment of values, we feel the consequences of a crisis in the social and moral sphere, a breakdown of the usual ideological and ethical foundations; it is impossible not to carry out professional training of future teachers without taking into account the axiological approach to the philosophical, pedagogical, social, psychological and other problems of our time. Therefore, this course was focused on creating the necessary conditions that would contribute not only to the creative development and further improvement of a specialist’s personality, but also to the formation of pedagogical, universal and national values, and the spiritual and moral sphere of the student’s personality.



Course work

Subject: Pedagogical values

Izhevsk 2009


1. The concept of pedagogical values

2. Classification of pedagogical values

3. The problem of classifying pedagogical values

4. Education as a universal human value

5. Value relations as the content of the educational process




In pedagogical science, a new branch of scientific knowledge has developed - pedagogical axiology, which studies the values ​​of education, their nature, functions and relationships. Values ​​include “elements of moral education, the most important components of a person’s internal culture, which, expressed in personal attitudes, properties and qualities, determine his attitude towards society, nature, other people, and himself” (N.A. Astashova). The basis of pedagogical axiology was the philosophical theories of values ​​developed by O.G. Drobnitsky, A.G. Zdravomyslov, M.S. Kagan, V.P. Tugarinov and others.

Value from the point of view of pedagogy is considered as psycho-pedagogical education, which is based on the attitude of the student to the environment and to himself. This ratio is the result value act of the individual which includes subject of assessment , object being assessed , reflection regarding the assessment and its implementation. In the educational process, value orientations act as the object of activity of the teacher and students.

The system of value orientations of students is always adequate to the value system of society. The revaluation of values ​​that occurs in society entails changes in the value orientations of those brought up. The modern social situation of the development of schoolchildren and students, their search for value guidelines is determined by the still ongoing radical revaluation of values ​​in society. In this regard, increasing importance is being attached to the pedagogical process in the field of development of humanistic value orientations of students.

The free creative process of mastering values, which is “characterized by the unity of objectification and deobjectification, actualization and consumption of values,” is considered as a priority task for teachers (N.A. Astashova). The formation of value orientations occurs through interiorization , identification And internalization . (See APPENDIX 1 for details).

The essence pedagogical axiology is determined by the specifics of pedagogical activity, its social role and personality-forming opportunities. Axiological characteristics of pedagogical activity reflect its humanistic meaning. In fact, pedagogical values ​​are those features that allow not only to satisfy the needs of the teacher, but also serve as guidelines for his social and professional activity aimed at achieving humanistic goals.

Pedagogical values, like any other spiritual values, are not affirmed in life spontaneously. They depend on social, political, economic relations in society, which largely influence the development of pedagogy and educational practice. Moreover, this dependence is not mechanical, since what is desirable and necessary at the level of society often comes into conflict, which is resolved by a particular person, a teacher, by virtue of his worldview and ideals, by choosing methods of reproduction and development of culture.

A wide range of pedagogical values ​​requires their classification and ordering, which will make it possible to present their status in the general system of pedagogical knowledge. However, their classification, like the problem of values ​​in general, has not yet been developed in pedagogy. True, there are attempts to define a set of general and professional pedagogical values. Among the latter, there are such as the content of pedagogical activity and the opportunities for personal self-development determined by it; the social significance of pedagogical work and its humanistic essence, etc.

Purpose of the course work: reveal the concept of “pedagogical value”, consider several existing classifications of pedagogical values, and reveal the essence of each group.

1. Conduct an analysis of the literature on this topic;

2. Define the concept of “pedagogical value”;

3. Identify several classifications of pedagogical values;

4. Reveal the essence of each group of pedagogical values.

1. The concept of pedagogical values

Pedagogical values ​​are norms that regulate pedagogical activity and act as a cognitive-acting system that serves as a mediating and connecting link between the established social worldview in the field of education and the activities of the teacher. They, like other values, have a syntagmatic character, i.e. formed historically and recorded in pedagogical science as a form of social consciousness in the form of specific images and ideas. Mastery of pedagogical values ​​occurs in the process of carrying out pedagogical activities, during which their subjectification occurs. It is the level of subjectification of pedagogical values ​​that serves as an indicator of the personal and professional development of a teacher (Slastenin V.A.).

The category of value is applicable to the human world and society. Outside of man and without man, the concept of value cannot exist, since it represents a special human type of significance of objects and phenomena. Values ​​are not primary, they are derived from the relationship between the world and man, confirming the significance of what man has created in the process of history. In society, any events are significant in one way or another, any phenomenon plays one role or another. However, values ​​include only positively significant events and phenomena associated with social progress.

Value characteristics relate both to individual events, phenomena of life, culture and society as a whole, and to the subject carrying out various types of creative activity. In the process of creativity, new valuable objects and benefits are created, and the creative potential of the individual is revealed and developed. Consequently, it is creativity that creates culture and humanizes the world. The humanizing role of creativity is also determined by the fact that its product is never the realization of only one value. Due to the fact that creativity is the discovery or creation of new, previously unknown values, it, creating even a “same-value” object, at the same time enriches a person, reveals new abilities in him, introduces him to the world of values ​​and includes him in the complex hierarchy of this world .

The value of an object is determined in the process of its assessment by the individual, who acts as a means of realizing the significance of the object to satisfy her needs. It is fundamentally important to understand the difference between the concepts of value and evaluation, which is that value is objective. It develops in the process of socio-historical practice. An assessment expresses a subjective attitude towards a value and therefore can be true (if it corresponds to the value) and false (if it does not correspond to the value). Unlike value, evaluation can be not only positive, but also negative. It is thanks to assessment that the choice of objects that are necessary and useful for a person and society occurs.

The considered categorical apparatus of general axiology allows us to turn to pedagogical axiology, the essence of which is determined by the specifics of pedagogical activity, its social role and personality-forming capabilities. Axiological characteristics of pedagogical activity reflect its humanistic meaning.

Pedagogical values, like any other spiritual values, are not established spontaneously in life. They depend on social, political, economic relations in society, which largely influence the development of pedagogy and educational practice. Moreover, this dependence is not mechanical, since what is desirable and necessary at the level of society often comes into conflict, which is resolved by a particular person, a teacher, by virtue of his worldview and ideals, by choosing methods of reproduction and development of culture.

Pedagogical values, like other values, are syntagmatic in nature, i.e. formed historically and recorded in pedagogical science as a form of social consciousness in the form of specific images and ideas. Mastery of pedagogical values ​​is carried out in the process of pedagogical activity, during which their subjectification occurs. It is the level of subjectification of pedagogical values ​​that serves as an indicator of the personal and professional development of a teacher.

With changes in social conditions of life, the development of the needs of society and the individual, pedagogical values ​​are also transformed. Thus, in the history of pedagogy, changes can be traced that are associated with the replacement of scholastic teaching theories with explanatory-illustrative ones and, later, with problem-based and developmental theories. The strengthening of democratic tendencies led to the development of non-traditional forms and methods of teaching. The subjective perception and assignment of pedagogical values ​​is determined by the richness of the teacher’s personality, the direction of his professional activity, reflecting the indicators of his personal growth (Slastenin V.A.).

Pedagogical values ​​have a humanistic nature and essence, since the meaning and purpose of the teaching profession is determined by humanistic principles and ideals.

The humanistic parameters of pedagogical activity, acting as its “eternal” guidelines, make it possible to record the level of discrepancy between what is and what should be, reality and ideal, stimulate creative overcoming of these gaps, evoke a desire for self-improvement and determine the ideological self-determination of the teacher. His value orientations find their generalized expression in motivational-value respect To pedagogical activities, which is an indicator of the humanistic orientation of the individual.

This attitude is characterized by the unity of objective and subjective, in which the objective position of the teacher is the basis of his selective focus on pedagogical values ​​that stimulate the general and professional self-development of the individual and act as a factor in his professional and social activity. The social and professional behavior of a teacher, therefore, depends on how he specifies the values ​​of teaching activity and what place he assigns to them in his life.

2. Classification of pedagogical values

Pedagogical values ​​differ in the level of their existence, which can become the basis for their classification. Using this basis, we select personal , group And social pedagogical values.

Socio-pedagogical values ​​reflect the nature and content of those values ​​that function in various social systems, manifesting themselves in the public consciousness. This is a set of ideas, ideas, norms, rules, traditions that regulate the activities of society in the field of education.

Group pedagogical values ​​can be presented in the form of ideas, concepts, norms that regulate and guide pedagogical activities within certain educational institutions. The set of such values ​​is holistic in nature, has relative stability and repeatability.

Personal and pedagogical values ​​act as socio-psychological formations that reflect the goals, motives, ideals, attitudes and other ideological characteristics of the teacher’s personality, which together constitute the system of his value orientations. The axiological “I” as a system of value orientations contains not only cognitive, but also emotional-volitional components that play the role of its internal reference point. It assimilates both socio-pedagogical and professional-group values, which serve as the basis for an individual-personal system of pedagogical values. This system includes:

· values ​​associated with an individual’s affirmation of his role in the social and professional environment (the social significance of a teacher’s work, the prestige of teaching activity, recognition of the profession by his closest personal environment, etc.);

· values ​​that satisfy the need for communication and expand its circle (communication with children, colleagues, reference people, experiencing childhood love and affection, exchange of spiritual values, etc.);

· values ​​oriented towards the self-development of creative individuality (opportunities for the development of professional and creative abilities, familiarization with world culture, studying a favorite subject, constant self-improvement, etc.);

· values ​​that allow for self-realization (the creative nature of a teacher’s work, the romance and excitement of the teaching profession, the opportunity to help socially disadvantaged children, etc.);

· values ​​that make it possible to satisfy pragmatic needs (opportunities for obtaining a guaranteed public service, wages and duration of leave, career growth, etc.) (Slastenin V.A.).

Among the mentioned pedagogical values ​​we can highlight the values self-sufficient And instrumental types that differ in subject content. Self-sufficient values - This values-goals , including the creative nature of the teacher’s work, prestige, social significance, responsibility to the state, the possibility of self-affirmation, love and affection for children. Values ​​of this type serve as the basis for the personal development of both teachers and students. Values-goals act as the dominant axiological function in the system of other pedagogical values, since the goals reflect the main meaning of the teacher’s activity.

The goals of pedagogical activity are determined by specific motives that are adequate to the needs that are realized in it. This explains their leading position in the hierarchy of needs, which include: the need for self-development, self-realization, self-improvement and the development of others. In the minds of the teacher, the concepts of “child’s personality” and “I am a professional” are interconnected.

By searching for ways to realize the goals of pedagogical activity, the teacher chooses his professional strategy, the content of which is the development of himself and others. Consequently, value-goals reflect state educational policy and the level of development of pedagogical science itself, which, being subjectified, become significant factors in pedagogical activity and influence instrumental values , called values-means . They are formed as a result of mastering theory, methodology and pedagogical technologies, forming the basis of a teacher’s professional education (Slastenin V.A.).

Values-means - these are three interconnected subsystems: actual pedagogical actions aimed at solving professional, educational and personal development tasks (teaching and education technologies); communicative actions that allow the implementation of personally and professionally oriented tasks (communication technologies); actions that reflect the subjective essence of the teacher, which are integrative in nature, since they combine all three subsystems of actions into a single axiological function. Values-means are divided into such groups as values-attitudes, values-quality and values-knowledge(Slastenin V.A.).

Values-attitudes provide the teacher with expedient and adequate construction of the pedagogical process and interaction with its subjects. The attitude towards professional activity does not remain unchanged and varies depending on the success of the teacher’s actions, on the extent to which his professional and personal needs are satisfied. The value attitude to pedagogical activity, which sets the way the teacher interacts with students, is distinguished by a humanistic orientation. In value relations, the teacher’s attitude towards himself as a professional and an individual is equally significant (Slastenin V.A.). Here it is legitimate to point out the existence and dialectics of the “real self”, “retrospective self”, “ideal self”, “I am reflective”, “I am professional”. The dynamics of these images determine the level of personal and professional development of the teacher.

In the hierarchy of pedagogical values, the highest rank is given to values-quality , since it is in them that the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher are manifested. These include diverse and interconnected individual, personal, status-role and professional-activity qualities. These qualities turn out to be derived from the level of development of a number of abilities: predictive, communicative, creative, empathetic, intellectual, reflective and interactive.

Values-attitudes and values-qualities may not provide the necessary level of implementation of pedagogical activity if another subsystem is not formed and mastered - the subsystem values-knowledge . It includes not only psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge, but also the degree of their awareness, the ability to select and evaluate them on the basis of a conceptual personal model of pedagogical activity (Slastenin V.A.).

Values-knowledge - this is a certain ordered and organized system of knowledge and skills, presented in the form of pedagogical theories of the development and socialization of personality, patterns and principles of the construction and functioning of the educational process, etc. Mastery of fundamental psychological and pedagogical knowledge by a teacher creates conditions for creativity and allows one to navigate professional information , solve pedagogical problems at the level of modern theory and technology, using productive creative methods of pedagogical thinking.

Thus, the named groups of pedagogical values, generating each other, form an axiological model that has a syncretic (fused, undivided) character. It manifests itself in the fact that goal values ​​determine means values, and relationship values ​​depend on goal values ​​and quality values, etc., i.e. they function as a single unit. This model can act as a criterion for acceptance or non-acceptance of developed or created pedagogical values. It determines the tone of culture, stipulating a selective approach both to the values ​​existing in the history of a particular people, and to newly created works of human culture. The axiological wealth of the teacher determines the effectiveness and purposefulness of the selection and increment of new values, their transition into motives of behavior and pedagogical actions.

3. The problem of classifying pedagogical values

Exploring the problems of pedagogical values ​​and their classification I.F. Isaev builds the following hierarchy of values:

· social and pedagogical

· professional group

· personal and pedagogical

The first reflect the nature and content of those values ​​that function in society and appear in the public consciousness. They represent a set of ideas, ideas, norms, rules, traditions that regulate pedagogical activities within society.

Professional group values ​​are a set of ideas, concepts, norms that regulate and guide pedagogical activities within certain educational institutions. The set of such values ​​is holistic in nature, has relative stability and repeatability. These values ​​act as guidelines for pedagogical activity in certain professional and pedagogical groups (school, lyceum, college, university).

Personal-pedagogical values ​​are the axiological “I” of the teacher, which reflects the goals, motives, ideals, attitudes and other ideological characteristics of the individual, which together constitute the system of his professional value orientations.

As we see, this classification, describing the generation, existence and movement of pedagogical values ​​vertically (from society to a social group and further to the individual), quite fully reproduces their multidimensionality - levels of existence. However, the versatility of values ​​remains undiscovered. The classification proposed by Isaev does not reflect specific groups and subgroups of values, which, in conjunction with socio-pedagogical and professional group values, serve as the basis for the formation of personal and pedagogical values, the axiological “I” of the teacher.

S.G. Vershlovsky and J. Hazard, studying the value orientations of Russian and American teachers, identified the following groups of pedagogical values:

1) values ​​that reveal the professional status of a teacher;

2) values ​​that show the degree of a person’s involvement in the teaching profession;

3) values ​​that reflect the goals of pedagogical activity.

As we can see, the basis for identifying pedagogical values ​​for the authors was job satisfaction and the possibility of self-realization in professional activities, however, this, in our opinion, does not reflect the entire diversity of pedagogical values.

E.N. Shiyanov, basing the classification on the material, spiritual and social needs of the teacher, which serve as guidelines for his social and professional activity, proposed the following division of pedagogical values:

1) values ​​associated with the affirmation of the individual in the social and professional environment: the social significance of the work of a teacher, the prestige of teaching activity, recognition of the profession by the immediate environment, etc.;

2) values ​​that satisfy the teacher’s need for communication: communication with children, colleagues, reference people; experiencing childhood love and affection; exchange of spiritual values;

3) values ​​associated with the development of creative individuality: opportunities for the development of professional and creative abilities; introduction to world culture; studying your favorite subject, constant self-improvement;

4) values ​​that allow self-realization: the creative nature of a teacher’s work, the romance and excitement of the teaching profession;

5) values ​​related to the satisfaction of utilitarian-pragmatic needs: the possibility of obtaining a guaranteed public service, wages and duration of vacation, etc.

N.Yu. Guzeva, considering the problem of forming professionally significant orientations of a future teacher in a pedagogical college, identifies three groups of pedagogical values:

1) values ​​associated with the conditions of professional activity:

· “freedom” in the pedagogical process;

· constant communication with people;

· detailed labor process;

· humanistic nature of the profession;

· constant self-improvement;

knowledge of your subject;

· respect and gratitude of people;

· creative nature of work;

2) values ​​associated with the personal-motivational sphere of the teacher:

· availability of prospects for professional growth;

· continuation of family traditions;

· compliance of the profession with inclinations and interests;

· desire to be the center of people's attention;

3) values ​​reflecting the managerial aspects of educational activities:

· the ability to influence the behavior of other people and direct them;

· love – the relationship between teacher and student;

· the opportunity to transfer your skills and knowledge.

4. Education as a universal human value

Today no one doubts the recognition of education as a universal human value. This is confirmed by the constitutionally enshrined human right to education in most countries. Its implementation is ensured by the existing education systems in a particular state, which differ in organizational principles. They reflect the ideological conditionality of the initial conceptual positions (Slastenin V.A.).

However, these initial positions are not always formulated taking into account axiological characteristics. Thus, in pedagogical literature it is often stated that education is based on fundamental human needs. Man supposedly needs education because his nature must be transformed through education. In traditional pedagogy, the idea that the educational process primarily implements social attitudes has become widespread. Society needs a person to be educated. Moreover, he was brought up in a certain way depending on his belonging to a particular social class.

The implementation of certain values ​​leads to the functioning of various types of education. The first type is characterized by the presence of an adaptive practical orientation, i.e. the desire to limit the content of general education training to a minimum of information relevant to ensuring human life. The second is based on a broad cultural-historical orientation. This type of education provides for obtaining information that obviously will not be in demand in direct practical activity. Both types of axiological orientations inadequately correlate the real capabilities and abilities of a person, the needs of production and the tasks of educational systems.

To overcome the shortcomings of the first and second types of education, educational projects began to be created that solve the problem of training a competent person. He must understand the complex dynamics of the processes of social and natural development, influence them, and adequately navigate all spheres of social life. At the same time, a person must have the skills to assess his own capabilities and abilities, choose a critical position and anticipate his achievements, and take responsibility for everything that happens to him.

Summarizing what has been said, we can highlight the following cultural and humanistic functions of education :

Development of spiritual strengths, abilities and skills that allow a person to overcome life’s obstacles;

Formation of character and moral responsibility in situations of adaptation to the social and natural sphere;

Providing opportunities for personal and professional growth and for self-realization;

Mastery of the means necessary to achieve intellectual and moral freedom, personal autonomy and happiness;

Creating conditions for the self-development of a person’s creative individuality and the disclosure of his spiritual potential.

The cultural and humanistic functions of education confirm the idea that it acts as a means of transmitting culture, mastering which a person not only adapts to the conditions of a constantly changing society, but also becomes capable of activity that allows him to go beyond the given limits, develop his own subjectivity and increase the potential of world civilization .

One of the most significant conclusions arising from understanding the cultural and humanistic functions of education is its general focus on the harmonious development of the individual, which is the purpose, calling and task of every person. In subjective terms, this task acts as an internal necessity for the development of the essential (physical and spiritual) powers of a person. This idea is directly related to predicting the goals of education, which cannot be reduced to listing the merits of a person. The true prognostic ideal of personality is not an arbitrary speculative construction in the form of good wishes. The strength of the ideal lies in the fact that it reflects the specific needs of social development, which today require the development of a harmonious personality, its intellectual and moral freedom, and the desire for creative self-development.

Setting the goals of education in this formulation does not exclude, but, on the contrary, presupposes the specification of pedagogical goals depending on the level of education. Each component of the educational system contributes to the achievement of the humanistic goal of education. Humanistically oriented education is characterized by a dialectical unity of the public and the personal. That is why, for its purposes, it must be presented, on the one hand, the requirements placed on the individual by society, and on the other, the conditions that ensure the satisfaction of the individual’s needs for self-development.

The humanistic goal of education requires a revision of its means - content and technology. As for the content of modern education, it should include not only the latest scientific and technical information. Equally, the content of education includes humanitarian personal development knowledge and skills, experience of creative activity, an emotional and value-based attitude towards the world and the person in it, as well as a system of moral and ethical feelings that determine his behavior in diverse life situations.

Thus, the selection of educational content is determined by the need to develop the basic culture of the individual, including the culture of life self-determination and work culture; political and economic-legal, spiritual and physical culture; culture of interethnic and interpersonal communication. Without a system of knowledge and skills that make up the content of basic culture, it is impossible to understand the trends of the modern civilization process. The implementation of such an approach, which can be called cultural, is, on the one hand, a condition for the preservation and development of culture, and on the other, it creates favorable opportunities for the creative mastery of a particular area of ​​knowledge.

It is known that any specific type of creativity is a manifestation of an actualizing (creating itself) personality not only in science, art, public life, but also in the formation of a personal position that determines the line of moral behavior inherent in this particular person. The transmission of impersonal, purely objective knowledge or methods of activity leads to the fact that the student cannot express himself in the relevant areas of culture and does not develop as a creative person. If, while mastering culture, he makes a discovery in himself, and at the same time experiences the awakening of new mental and spiritual powers, then the corresponding area of ​​culture becomes “his world,” a space of possible self-realization, and mastering it receives such motivation that the traditional content of education cannot provide. Maybe.

The implementation of the cultural and humanistic functions of education also poses the problem of developing and introducing new technologies of training and education that would help overcome the impersonality of education, its alienation from real life by dogmatism and conservatism. To develop such technologies, partial updating of methods and techniques of training and education is not enough. The essential specificity of humanistic educational technology lies not so much in the transfer of some content of knowledge and the formation of corresponding skills and abilities, but in the development of creative individuality and intellectual and moral freedom of the individual, in the joint personal growth of the teacher and students.

Humanistic technology of education allows us to overcome the alienation of teachers and students, teachers and students from educational activities and from each other. This technology involves a turn towards the individual, respect and trust in her, her dignity, acceptance of her personal goals, requests, interests. It is also associated with the creation of conditions for the disclosure and development of the abilities of both students and teachers, with a focus on ensuring the fullness of their daily lives. In the humanistic technology of education, its agelessness is overcome, psychophysiological parameters, features of the social and cultural context, the complexity and ambiguity of the inner world are taken into account. Finally, humanistic technology of education allows us to organically connect the social and personal principles.

The implementation of the cultural and humanistic functions of education, thus, determines a democratically organized, intensive educational process, unlimited in the sociocultural space, in the center of which is the personality of the student (the principle of anthropocentricity). The main meaning of this process is the harmonious development of the individual. The quality and measure of this development are indicators of the humanization of society and the individual. However, the process of transition from a traditional type of education to a humanistic one occurs ambiguously. There is a contradiction between fundamental humanistic ideas and the degree of their implementation due to the lack of a sufficiently trained teaching staff. The revealed antinomy between the humanistic nature of education and the dominance of the technocratic approach in pedagogical theory and practice shows the need to build modern pedagogy on the ideas of humanism.

5. Value relations as the content of the educational process

Attitude as the central category of education gives the educational process the highest complexity and extreme subtlety. The attitude does not have a direct one-time and unilinear form of its expression; it either manifests itself in speeches, or in emotional reactions, or in actions, deeds. It is well known that between these forms there is often a discrepancy and a significant one, and then we talk about hypocrisy, weak character, instability, and if this concerns children, then we note the immaturity of the relationship, that is, the disharmony of the substance of the relationship. Disharmony of a relationship is the basis for its development, overcoming the contradiction between the rational side of the relationship (I think, speak, evaluate, make a judgment, comprehend the meaning) and the emotional side (like, dislike, love, hate, causes unpleasant experiences, attracts), between internal and external , manifesting itself in actions, is a mechanism for the socio-spiritual development of a child who joins the system of relationships surrounding him. An illustration of such a real-life contradiction can be a teenager’s dream of becoming a pirate, the imitative behavior of a girl captivated by chance, or the swagger of a young man asserting his independence. “The mind is not in harmony with the heart” - this is almost the constant state of mind of a teenage schoolboy and a young man. The teacher can strengthen such a contradiction in order to give a new impetus for understanding the relationship. Intrapersonal struggle will ultimately end in harmony, but this outcome will not always be desirable for the teacher, because a choice will not always be made in favor of value.

Value relations are a person’s relationship to the highest (high level of abstraction) values, such as “man”, “life”, “society”, “work”, “cognition”..., but this is also a set of generally accepted ones developed by culture relations, such as “conscience”, “freedom”, “justice”, “equality”, when the relationship itself acts as a value.We will call value relationships both relationships to values ​​and relationships that are valuable for life.

Value relations are general in nature, and, having this broad feature, are able to include the entire amount of what is significant for human life. For example, love of nature integrates the enjoyment of fauna and flora, caring for plants and animals, concern about the destruction of natural beauty, the desire to preserve all living things, recreating elements of nature in the urban landscape, communication with nature, creative work to expand the field of natural life .

The teacher, by forming a value-based attitude towards nature, seems to relieve himself of the need to form particular manifestations. For example, he does not direct special efforts towards relationships with a rose, a kitten, a butterfly or a cypress, but promotes the development of love for all living things, and then, treating Life as such with respect, the child will be imbued with respect ("reverence" - said A. Schweitzer) for life of a flower, kitten, insect, tree.

The hierarchical pyramid of the highest values ​​is crowned with “Man”; he is the goal and measure of all things. Only the “humanized” world acquires value, that is, a world permeated with the idea of ​​man, assessed from the point of view of human life. The formation in children of a value-based attitude towards a person as such forms the foundation of the education program. In the past, this key content element was called moral education, accurately reflecting the main object of the relationship being formed - “the other person”. An expanded interpretation of the concept of “man”, a philosophical interpretation of the phenomenon “man”, when his presence is seen in things, and in phenomena, and in events, and in formulas, numbers, laws, forces us to abandon such a narrow terminological designation, but in no way without denying the importance of this element in education.

What does it mean to accept a person as a value?

Firstly, detect its presence in the surrounding world:

- Look, someone swept the paths for us early in the morning!..

- Do you feel the smell of buns?.. The chefs baked these for you and me...

- The artist painted to tell us something...

- Who flew an airplane?.. You have to be very smart to create such a machine...

Secondly, taking into account his presence, respect autonomy, well-being, interests:

- Let’s walk quietly on tiptoe!.. So as not to disturb anyone!

- Take your time - we will wait for you!..

- We don’t ask anyone for anything - we just express our desire!..

- Everyone thinks not about where to sit, but about where it is more convenient for others to sit!..

Third, help a person to the best of your ability:

- Young men! Furniture needs to be rearranged...

- Girls! The kids need affection!..

- Children! I know someone who needs help...

- Our school house needs care...

Fourth, understand a person in all his manifestations, explaining and justifying what seems strange:

- An incomprehensible picture?.. But does it tell us something? Is the artist entering into dialogue with us?..

- No matter how funny it may be for us, let’s think about what Maxim said or wanted to say!..

- Prominent people always seemed like eccentrics, and they often laughed at them...

-Are you offended? But is there any truth to what the physical education teacher said?..

Fifthly, to promote the good of man in his life on earth:

- Let's study to become creators...

- Our performance will bring joy to people...

- We have hands and we have strength - why do we walk on a dirty road?..

As a result, a value orientation toward a person gives rise to correct, stable relationships that act as personality qualities for the people around them: discipline, politeness, goodwill, attentiveness, honesty, conscientiousness, generosity, dedication and, as a generalization, humanity. The moral qualities of an individual are born as a consequence of the child’s humanistic orientation, as a product of its formation. Programming it greatly facilitates and simplifies the teacher’s work, because it directs the teacher’s attention to one object instead of an infinite number of objects. But, on the other hand, such bringing into focus the widest range of value phenomena (kids, old people, men, women, weak, strong, bosses, subordinates, close, distant...) requires from the teacher the highest professionalism, filigree in the pedagogical interpretation of current reality .


So, in general, we can say that the study of the values ​​of education, their nature, functions and relationships is dealt with by the branch of scientific knowledge - pedagogical axiology. Today there are many definitions of the concept pedagogical value, but they all reflect the fact that values ​​are not primary, they are derived from the relationship between the world and man, confirming the significance of what man has created in the process of history.

According to the level of their existence, pedagogical values ​​are classified into personal , group And social. Among the mentioned pedagogical values ​​we can highlight the values self-sufficient And instrumental types that differ in subject content. Self-sufficient values ​​are goal values, and instrumental values ​​are called means values. They are formed as a result of mastering theory, methodology and pedagogical technologies, forming the basis of a teacher’s professional education. Values-means are divided into groups such as values-attitudes, values-quality and values-knowledge.

Thus, the named groups of pedagogical values, generating each other, form an axiological model that has a syncretic (fused, undivided) character.

List literature

1. Astashova N.A. Conceptual foundations of pedagogical axiology// Pedagogy, 2002, No. 8.

2. Ananyev B.G. On the problems of modern human science. – M., 1977. P.344.

3. Vershlovsky S.G. “Features of social and professional orientations of teachers // Development of social and professional activity of teachers at different stages of activity”: Zb. scientific tr. – M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, 1990. – P. 5-24.

4. Hudachek J. Value orientation of the individual // Psychology of the individual in a socialist society: Activity and development of the individual. – M., 1989. P.102-109.

5. Dodonov B.I. Emotions as value. – M., 1978. P.272.

6. Isaev I.F. “Theory and practice of the formation of professional pedagogical culture of higher education teachers.” – M., - 1993. - 219 p.

7. Kiryakova A.V. Personal orientation in the world of values ​​// Magister. 1998. No. 4. P.37-50.

8. Klimenko I.F. Genesis of value orientations, study of attitudes towards the norm of social behavior at different stages of human social development // On the problem of the formation of value orientations and social activity of the individual. – M., 1992. P.3-12.

9. Pedagogy: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments/V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; edited by V.A. Slastenina. – 5th ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2006. – 576 p.

10. Psychology of the developing personality / Edited by A.V. Petrovsky. – M., 1987. P.240.

Shiyanov E.I. “Humanization of teacher education: status and prospects.” – M., Stavropol, 1991.

Annex 1

B.G. Ananyev notes that “personality formation through interiorization - the appropriation of the products of social experience and culture in the process of education and training - is at the same time the development of certain positions, roles and functions, the totality of which characterizes its social structure. All spheres of motivation and values ​​are determined precisely by this social formation of the individual.” I.F. Klimenko believes that interiorization socially significant values ​​occur through the assimilation of social norms both verbally and behaviorally. According to B.I. Dodonov, emotions play a very important role in the formation of value orientations. The author notes that “a person’s orientation toward certain values ​​can only arise as a result of their preliminary recognition (a positive assessment, rational or emotional).”

Identification , according to V.A. Petrovsky, forms one of the forms of reflected subjectivity “... when, as a subject, we reproduce in ourselves precisely another person (and not our motives), him, and not our goals, etc.”

Internalization is a process that involves conscious and active perception of the surrounding world, as well as the active reproduction of accepted norms and values ​​in one’s activities. V. Grulich gives the following structure for the internalization of values: information – transformation – activism – inclusion – dynamism.

Information contains data on the existence of value and the conditions for its implementation. Transformation produces “translation” of information into its own, individual language. IN active work value is accepted or rejected. Inclusion includes it in a personally recognized value system. Dynamism records personality changes resulting from the acceptance or denial of values. (Hudacek J.).

A.V. Kiryakova notes that “the process of orientation is complex, contradictory and at the same time natural, developing “in a spiral.” The author identifies 3 phases of the orientation process.

1 phase – appropriation of society’s values ​​by an individual. The individual develops a value attitude towards the phenomena of the surrounding reality, the formation and development of value orientations occurs. This phase is very closely related to the problem of belief formation.

2 phase – transformation of personality based on the assignment of values. During this period, self-knowledge, self-esteem of the individual occurs, and the image of “I” is formed. The process of developing a value-based attitude towards the world includes a revaluation of values, their greater differentiation. The theoretical basis of this phase is the psychological theory of “I - concepts”.

3 phase – forecast, goal setting, design. The individual establishes a system of value orientations, a hierarchy of values. The process of orientation acquires spatio-temporal three-dimensionality, which contributes to the aspiration of value orientations and self-awareness into the future and the formation of an individual’s life prospects.

ON THE. Astashova, considering the process of internalization of values ​​among those brought up in the educational space, identifies the following sequence of actions of the teacher: “inclusion of value objects in the educational process - presentation of personal values ​​- ensuring the connection “subject - object” - calling an emotionally positive reaction - fixing this reaction - generalization of the attitude - awareness of value – correction of value attitudes based on existing ideas about the ideal level of value.”

The process of forming value orientations, like any psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, cannot proceed ideally within the framework of a given model, because it is associated with the development of a person’s personal qualities; many factors, such as family, social circle, peers, teaching staff, the educational process and, finally, the entire environment, one way or another leave their mark on this process. And, therefore, educational activity will be effective when it meets the logic of the subject’s self-development and the priorities of personality-oriented education.

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