Convert ppm to volume percentage. Units of measurement of concentration (fraction) PPMv and PPMw. PPM - how to understand? Unit PPB (ppb). Coefficient of various devices

For mass concentrations 1 ppm = 1 g/t = 1 mg/kg. If it is indicated that the mass fraction of a substance in a mixture is 15 ppm, this means that for every kilogram of the mixture there are 15 mg of this substance. If we are talking about volumetric concentrations (volume fractions, volume fractions), then 1 ppm (1 ppmw) is a cubic centimeter (aka milliliter) per cubic meter (cm 3 / m 3), “cube” per “cube”, or half a glass (100 ml) per 10,000 buckets (10 liters each). Thus, the volumetric concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is about 380 ppm, which means that in every cubic meter of air, 380 ml (the volume of two glasses) is occupied by carbon dioxide.

To reflect the dependence of the relative change (instability) of a physical quantity on the indicator that caused this change, dimensionless shares can be combined with the units in which these indicators are expressed. For example, temperature coefficients of voltage, resistance, capacitance, etc. values ​​are expressed in ppm/°C.

Other units

  • ppb, parts per billion(ppb, billion−1, 10−9). This is roughly equivalent to one drop of ink in the average pool, or one second in 32 years. 1 part of 10 9.
  • Parts per trillion(ppt, trillion −1, 10 −12). This is roughly equal to one drop of ink in a shipping lock filled with water, or one second to 320 centuries. 1 part of 10 12.
  • In chemistry, abbreviation ppm used to designate mole fractions, ppmw - for mass fractions, ppmv - for volume fractions.

Common Mistake

Often, mg of a substance reduced to 1 cubic meter of gas under normal conditions is also called ppm. This is only partly true, since the mass of 1 cubic meter of air is close to 1 kg (more precisely, 1.2 kg). But this is completely wrong if this definition is expanded to a cubic meter of arbitrary gas. It is also incorrect to consider ppm equal to 1 mg per liter, which is partly true for aqueous solutions, but gives a large error when moving to hydrocarbons, the density of which is 0.5-1 kg/l.


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See what “Part per million” is in other dictionaries:

    ppm- ppm (part per million) A widely used measurement of concentration indicating the number of parts by weight of a dissolved or suspended component per million parts by weight of water or other solvent. IN… … Explanatory English-Russian dictionary on nanotechnology. - M.

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    Non-system units relates the magnitude of the dimensionless ratio k.l. physical quantities to the physical name of the same name. the value taken as the initial one. Designation million 1. 1 million 1=10 6 = 0.0001%= 0.001о/оо (see Percent. Permille) ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

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    I decomposition wives to noun millionth I II adj. decomposition A very small, insignificant part or fraction of something. III number decomposition Part, share obtained from dividing something into a million equal parts; one millionth. Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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ppm- 〈Abk. für engl.〉 part per million, gibt an, dass auf eine Million Teilchen einer Sorte ein Teilchen einer anderen Sorte kommt * * * ppm pp Einheiten. * * * I ppm , Mengenangaben … Universal-Lexikon

ppm- ppm, PPM: Part per million (ppm, from the English parts per million parts per million) is a unit of measurement of concentration. ppm (eng. pages per minute) is a unit of measurement for the speed of printers and scanners. PPM format... ... Wikipedia

ppm- parts per million; a measurement showing how much of a particular substance something contains: employees exposed to formaldehyde concentrations of 1 ppm or more * * * ppm UK US noun MEASURES ABBREVIATION FOR parts per million: the… … Financial and business terms

PPM- (PPM, ppm) Proporción de la concentración de una sustancia con respecto a la concentración de otra, como una unidad de soluto disuelta en un millón de unidades de disolvente. Se puede expresar también en terminos de peso peso, volumen volumen o… … Diccionario médico

PPM- may refer to:* In music: ** Please Please Me, the first album by The Beatles. * In computing: **Perl package manager, a packaging system for distributing precompiled modules for use with the Activestate binary distribution of the Perl... ... Wikipedia

PPM- puede referir a: Partes por millón, unidad de medida. Páginas por minuto, referido a la velocidad de impresión Pulsaciones por minuto, unidad utilizada para expresar la velocidad de una pieza en música Partido Popular Monárquico, Portugal… … Wikipedia Español

ppm- Abreviatura de partes por millón. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermeria y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 Diccionario medico

PPM- ● PPM Abréviation de l anglais part per million (partie par million), désignant une concentration d une substance égale à 10−6, soit un millionième … Encyclopédie Universelle

ppm- simb. TS chim. parts per million, parts per million … Dizionario italiano

ppm- 〈Physik; Abk. für engl.〉 part per million, gibt an, dass auf eine Million Teilchen einer Sorte ein Teilchen einer anderen Sorte kommt … Lexicalische Deutsches Wörterbuch


  • Lõppmäng , Frank Brady , Kui 20-aastane Bobby Fischer tuli 1964. aastal USA malemeistriks, polnud see asjatundjatele mingi üllatus. Saavutuse tegi enneolematuks asjaolu, et ta võitis kõik üksteist mängitud partiid,… Category:

Product defects are equally often expressed both as a percentage and in relation to a million samples produced. You can argue about the pros and cons of this or that method of expression for a long time. In my practice, I most often use the expression of defectiveness in relation to a million samples and find it more convenient. However, the calculation methods discussed in this article can be easily transferred to percentages.

Product defectiveness is a characteristic that describes the number of defective samples in a batch or a certain number of produced samples. In this case, we will use the PPM (Parts Per Million) indicator - the number of defective samples in relation to a million manufactured.

PPM = number of defective samples / million samples produced

2500 ppm means that out of a million products manufactured, 2500 may be defective.

The point is to determine how many defective samples we will get when producing 1 million products. Please note that we are not talking about defects, but about defective samples. Those. When calculating, it is not the number of defects that is taken into account, but the number of products containing at least one defect. Each defective sample can contain an unlimited number of defects, and yet, it is the number of samples that is taken into account.

To calculate the indicator, you do not need to wait until a million products are produced. When calculating, any number of observed products can be taken into account. In this case, the calculation formula will take the following form:

PPM = (number of defective samples / number of samples produced) 1,000,000

For example, 750 products were produced, 36 of which did not pass quality control and turned out to be defective. Thus:

PPM = (36 / 750) 1,000,000 = 48,000

Using PPM to Assess Quality in Sampling Inspections

When using a metric to account for the results of sampling, the question arises of how to relate the number of defective samples found - to the sample size or the lot size?

The number of defective samples found in the sample is compared with the estimated number, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the suitability or unsuitability, acceptance or non-acceptance of the entire batch. If the batch is accepted based on the inspection results, the number of defects is compared with the number of products in the batch. If a batch is blocked, the number of defects is compared with the sample size. After sorting the batch, the total number of defective samples found is compared to the number of products tested. The calculation formulas are given below:

  • For accepted batch:
    PPM = (number of defective samples / lot size) 1,000,000
  • For rejected batch:
    PPM = (number of defective samples / sample size) 1,000,000
  • For a batch of products after sorting:
    PPM = (number of defective samples / number of tested samples) 1,000,000

The last formula is also used for multi-level sampling control. For example, a batch of 1000 samples was randomly tested. Sample size: 50 samples. 2 defective samples were found, which is within the tolerance for this case. The calculation is carried out as follows:

PPM = (2 / 1,000) 1,000,000 = 2,000 ppm

If the batch was rejected (2 defective samples out of 50 is not acceptable), the calculation is carried out as follows:

PPM = (2 / 50) 1,000,000 = 40,000 ppm

The rejected batch was 100% inspected, resulting in another 37 defective items being found. So the final result looks like this:

PPM = [(2 + 37) / 1,000] 1,000,000 = 39,000 ppm

Instead of the PPM indicator, DPM (Defects Per Million) is sometimes used - the number of defects per million products. Although both indicators can reflect the same value - the number of defective samples in a million products - they should be distinguished and used for different purposes. DPM, as a measure of the number of defects per million samples, is certainly less commonly used than PPM, but can reveal much more about a process.

  • PPMv(parts per million by volume) is a unit of concentration in ppm by volume. Those. the ratio of the volume fraction to everything (including this fraction). Naturally, for small values ​​of concentration this value is equal to the ratio of the volume fraction to everything else without taking this fraction into account.
  • ! This is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in a gas mixture to the pressure of the dry mixture. For measuring small values ​​of humidity in gases, this is the most common unit and in 99% of cases it is meant by a mysterious abbreviation PPM(=ppm).
  • PPMw(parts per million by weight) is a unit of concentration in ppm by weight(sometimes they say “by weight”). Those. the ratio of the mass fraction to everything (including this fraction). Naturally, for small values ​​of concentration this value is equal to the ratio of the weight fraction to everything else without taking into account this fraction.
    • lim x→0 (x/(1-x):1/x)=1, i.e. for x→0 the ratio x/(1-x) → x;
  • ! In relation to humidity, this is the ratio of the mass of water vapor in the gas mixture to the mass of the dry gas mixture.
  • Likewise: PPB (parts per billion) is the unit of concentration in ppb = parts per billion. Figure it out there :)

How to convert ppm to mg/l?

  • For solutions of something in water at 1 ppm w = 1 mg/l
  • For all other cases, keep in mind that mg- this is, and l- . Be careful when crossing a hedgehog and a grass snake!
  • Above is all the necessary data for translation :)

Note that in most cases, the undefined unit “PPM” is PPMv for gas mixtures, and PPMw for solutions and dry mixtures, although there is often a desire to give a black eye to the author of the text who used such a unit for fractional estimates without reservation. Be careful, because if you make a determination error, you may not even get within the order of the reliable value.

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1 milligram per liter [mg/l] = 1.000000002 parts per million

Initial value

Converted value

kilograms per liter grams per liter milligrams per liter parts per million grains per gallon (US) grains per gallon (UK) pound per gallon (US) pound per gallon (UK) millionths of pounds per gallon (US) pound per million gallons ( British) pound per cubic foot kilogram per cubic meter meter grams per 100 ml

More information about mass concentration in solution

General information

In everyday life and in industry, substances in their pure form are rarely used. Even water, if not distilled, is usually mixed with other substances. Most often we use solutions, which are a mixture of several substances at the same time. Not every mixture can be called a solution, but only one in which the mixed substances cannot be separated mechanically. Solutions are also stable, that is, all the components in them are in the same state of aggregation, for example, in the form of a liquid. Solutions are widely used in medicine, cosmetics, cooking, dyes and paints, and cleaning products. Homemade cleaning products often contain solutions. Often the solvent itself forms a solution with contaminants. Many drinks are also solutions. It is important to be able to adjust the concentration of substances in solutions, since the concentration affects the properties of the solution. In this converter, we'll talk about concentration by mass, although you can also measure concentration by volume or percentage. To determine the concentration by mass, it is necessary to divide the total mass of the solute by the volume of the entire solution. This value can be easily converted into a percentage concentration by multiplying it by 100%.


If you mix two or more substances, you can get three types of mixture. Mortar is just one of these types. In addition, you can get colloidal system, similar to a solution, but translucent, or an opaque mixture in which there are particles larger than the particles in the solution - suspension. The particles in it are even larger, and they separate from the rest of the mixture, that is, they settle if the suspension is left at rest for a certain time. Milk and blood are examples of colloidal systems, while air with dust particles or seawater after a storm with silt and sand particles are examples of suspensions.

A substance that dissolves in a solution is called solute. The component of a solution in which the solute is found is called solvent. Typically, each solution has a maximum solute concentration for a certain temperature and pressure. If you try to dissolve a larger amount of this substance in such a solution, it simply will not dissolve. With a change in pressure or temperature, the maximum concentration of a substance usually also changes. Most often, as the temperature increases, the possible concentration of the solute also increases, although for some substances this relationship is the opposite. Solutions with high concentrations of solute are called concentrated solutions, and substances with low concentrations are called weak solutions. After the solute dissolves in the solvent, the properties of the solvent and the solute change, and the solution itself assumes a homogeneous state of aggregation. Below are examples of solvents and solutions that we often use in everyday life.

Household and industrial cleaning products

Cleaning is a chemical process during which a cleaning agent dissolves stains and dirt. Often during cleaning, dirt and cleaning agent form a solution. The cleaning agent acts as a solvent, and the dirt becomes the soluble substance. There are other types of cleaning products. Emulsifiers remove stains, and biological enzyme cleaners process the stain, as if eating it. In this article we will only consider solvents.

Before the development of the chemical industry, ammonium salts dissolved in water were used to clean clothes, fabrics and wool products, as well as to prepare wool for further processing and felting. Ammonia was usually extracted from animal and human urine, and in ancient Rome it was so in demand that there was a tax on its sale. In ancient Rome, during the processing of wool, it was usually immersed in fermented urine and trampled under foot. Since this is quite unpleasant work, it was usually performed by slaves. In addition to or together with urine, clays were used that absorb fats and other biomaterials well, known as bleaching clays. Later such clays were used on their own, and they are sometimes still used today.

Substances used for cleaning at home also often contain ammonia. In dry cleaning clothes, solvents are used instead, which dissolve fat and other substances adhering to the material. Usually these solvents are liquids, just like in regular washing, but dry cleaning is different in that it is a more gentle process. Solvents are usually so strong that they can dissolve buttons and plastic decorative items such as sequins. In order not to spoil them, they are either covered with protective material or ripped off and then sewn on after cleaning. The clothes are washed with distilled solvent, which is then removed by centrifugation and evaporation. The cleaning cycle occurs at low temperatures, up to 30°C. During the drying cycle, clothes are dried with hot air at 60-63°C to evaporate the solvent remaining after spinning.

Almost all solvent used during cleaning is recovered after drying, distilled and reused. One of the most common solvents is tetrachlorethylene. Compared to other cleaning products, it is cheap, but is not considered safe enough. In a number of countries, tetrachlorethylene is gradually being replaced by safer substances, such as liquid CO₂, hydrocarbon solvents, silicone liquids and others.


The composition of nail polish includes dyes and pigments, as well as stabilizing substances that protect the polish from fading in the sun. In addition, it contains polymers that make the polish thicker and prevent the glitter from sinking to the bottom, and also help the polish stick better to the nails. In some countries, nail polish is classified as a hazardous substance because it is toxic.

Nail polish remover is also a solvent that removes nail polish on the same principle as other solvents. That is, it forms a solution with the varnish, turning it from a solid into a liquid. There are several types of nail polish removers: the stronger ones contain acetone, and the weaker ones do not contain acetone. Acetone dissolves polish better and faster, but it dries out the skin and damages nails more than solvents without acetone. When removing false nails, you cannot do without acetone - it dissolves them in the same way as nail polish.

Paints and solvents

Paint thinners are similar to nail polish removers. They reduce the concentration of oil paints. Examples of paint thinners include white spirit, acetone, turpentine and methyl ethyl ketone. These substances remove paint, for example, from brushes during cleaning, or from surfaces stained during painting. They are also used to dilute paint, for example, in order to pour it into a sprayer. Paint thinners emit toxic fumes, so they must be handled with gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

Safety rules when working with solvents

Most solvents are toxic. They are usually treated as hazardous substances and disposed of according to hazardous waste regulations. Solvents must be handled with care and safety instructions regarding their use, storage, and recycling must be followed. For example, in most cases of working with solvents, it is necessary to protect the eyes, skin and mucous membranes with gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator. In addition, solvents are very flammable and it is dangerous to leave them in cans and containers, even in very small quantities. That is why empty cans, cylinders and solvent containers are stored bottom up. When recycling and disposing of solvents, you must first become familiar with your local or country's disposal regulations to avoid environmental contamination.

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