Long-term planning in the first junior group of kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year by month. Long-term planning in the first junior group of kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard for the year by month Daily planning 1st junior group October

Calendar planning for the 1st junior group for the month of October “I am a person in the world”

Koroleva Nina Anatolyevna. This material will be useful for teachers of the 1st and 2nd junior groups.
PT Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic “I can” Goal: develop cognitive activity, teach children to manage their behavior
2. Didactic game for speech development “Toy Store” Purpose: To develop monologue speech
3. Low-movement game "Who's next" Purpose: to develop throwing skills To develop the eye
4. Exercise with massage balls “Affectionate hedgehog” Purpose: development of fine motor skills
5. preliminary work on speech development - viewing illustrations in the book
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
2. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 6 reading the story by L.N. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse” goal: to improve children’s ability to listen to a story without visual accompaniment V.V. Gerbov “speech development in kindergartens with children 2-3 years old” ( p.42)
2. FKGN “How to wash your hands correctly” Purpose: remember the sequence of hand washing, learn to give detailed answers
3. Outdoor game “Cucumber - cucumber” Purpose: to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game, repeat words
4. Role-playing game "Tram" Purpose: to consolidate the rules of behavior in public transport To activate speech
5. Independent activities for children: Balls, hoops, caps for familiar games, breathing machines, gurneys, etc. Goal: encouraging children to participate in joint games, fostering interest in physical exercise

Individual sculpting work. – learn to roll plasticine between your palms

Mon Morning 1. Conversation about kind children and their good deeds goal: to instill good, moral qualities
2. Didactic game for FEMP “Our Day” Goal: to teach how to correctly use parts of the day
3. Outdoor game “Bubble” Goal: remember the words of a familiar game, develop the ability to walk in a circle
4. Work assignments Put toys back in their places after playing Goal: to cultivate hard work and the ability to work collectively
5. Preliminary work Familiarization with your surroundings - consider objects of different shapes

2. Cognitive development
Familiarization with the surrounding environment Lesson No. 3 goal: to develop the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: brick, ball; to develop the ability to perform actions with objects: stroking with the palm, placing. ride, build simple buildings. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina “FEMP with children 2-3 years old, 2015 (p. 12)

1. Gymnastics after a nap
2. Listening and singing familiar songs Purpose: to develop the desire to sing and sing along to melodies, to introduce them to music
3. Role-playing game "Birthday" Purpose: to teach children to distinguish dishes and name them
4. Didactic game for speech development “Name your mother” Purpose: to develop children’s memory and thinking
5. Independent activities for children: noisemakers, musical instruments, sounding toys, hats and masks Goal: to interest children in musical instruments and theater supplies.

Individual work on speech development - teaching children to listen to a story without visual accompaniment

VT Morning 1. observation of the work of the assistant teacher goal: to form a friendly attitude of children towards the educational assistant.
2. Didactic game: “Name the object” Purpose: enrichment of vocabulary.

3. Examination of plot pictures: “Children in kindergarten”; Goal: to instill in children a friendly attitude towards sex work
4. N/Game “Russian nesting dolls” Purpose: to develop color perception, the ability to correlate objects by color
5. Preliminary work on DRAWING - consider the finished works of senior children

Individual work AWARENESS WITH YOUR ENVIRONMENT goal: to develop the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: brick, ball

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING “Water, water, wash my face” goal: to introduce the properties of paints, teach to hold a brush in the right hand, pick up paint on the bristles of the brush, move it along the sheet, lightly touching the paper.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 7 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction by S.Ya. Laise “Physical school for kids” p. 76

Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep
2. Situational conversation about caring for books. goal: to instill a love of books
3. FKGN behavior at the table Purpose: To teach children to hold a spoon correctly, lean over the plate, and chew food thoroughly.
4. m/n game “What can our legs do?” Goal: develop the ability to walk one after another in a given direction
5. Independent activity of children: games in a living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figures

Wed Morning 1. Conversation “Tell about yourself” Purpose: To consolidate children’s ideas about their appearance; learn to use a mirror when describing your appearance, naming parts of the body and face; clarify their functions
2. MP/i “Locomotive” Goal: to develop coordination of movements, to teach how to move in a column without pushing other children or stumbling
3. X/l - “Napping while visiting the children” Purpose: to teach to understand the semantic meaning of the content of nursery rhymes and songs. To form an auditory perception of the rhythm and melodiousness of Russian folk songs and small forms of folklore. Develop an active vocabulary
4. D/i “Our Helpers” Purpose: To consolidate children’s ideas about the functional purpose of the eyes; cultivate a caring attitude towards your eyes
5. Preliminary work on SPEECH DEVELOPMENT - read poems and fairy tales with a clear emphasis on the sound “U”
Individual work DRAWING goal: learn to hold a brush in your right hand, pick up paint on the bristles of the brush
GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 7 games and activities on the sound pronunciation of “U”. Reading the song “Conversations” goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “U”. V.V. Gerbova “speech development in kindergartens with children 2-3 years old” (p. 42)

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 8 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction by S.Ya. Laize “Physical school for kids” p. 76
1. Gymnastics after a nap,
2. FKGN “Let’s dress ourselves” goal: to teach children to dress in the right sequence
3. D/i “Show the same one” Purpose: To teach how to find identical objects at the request of the teacher, to develop visual memory
4. Independent activity of children. games Purpose: to encourage children to play independently

THURS Morning 1. D/i “Human Helpers at Work” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the functional purpose of hands
2. P/i “Shaggy Dog” Purpose: to teach how to move, following the instructions given in a playful way
3. Work assignments “Let’s put things in order in the group” goal: To teach you to clean up toys after yourself
4. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills goal: to cultivate the ability to hold a spoon correctly, eat carefully, above your plate
5. Preliminary work on Modeling. – “warm up” the plasticine together with the children so that it becomes soft
Individual work on SPEECH DEVELOPMENT goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound “U”
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING “Fence for a horse” goal: continue to learn how to roll out plasticine with straight movements of the palms, placing sticks on top of each other. encourage recognition of familiar objects in combinations of shapes.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lesson No. 8 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction S.Ya. Laise “Physical school for kids” p.76

1. Gymnastics after a nap
2. D/i “We’ll dress the doll after sleep” Purpose: to learn to name items of clothing
3. S/r game “At the Doctor’s” Purpose: To familiarize children with the activities of a doctor, to consolidate the names of medical instruments. Teaching children how to implement game plans
4. Independent activity of children with/r games goal: to involve children in a play situation

Fri Morning 1. Observing the weather outside the window goal: to teach children to see the beauty of nature
2. X/l - Retelling of Russian folk tales “Ryaba Hen” Purpose: to encourage children, together with the teacher, to retell a short literary text; develop intonation expressiveness of speech
3. p/i “Catch up with me” Purpose: To teach children to act quickly on a signal, to teach them to navigate in space, to develop dexterity
4. D/i “Lacing” Goal: development of fine motor skills and sensory perception
5. preliminary work on music - remind children how to walk in a circle without bumping into each other.
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by music director)
2. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 8 Examination of plot pictures (at the teacher's choice) goal: to teach children to understand what is shown in the picture, to comprehend the relationships of the characters by answering the teacher's questions. V.V. Gerbova “speech development in kindergartens with children 2-3 years old” (p. 43)

1. Gymnastics after a nap
2. S/r “Let’s rock our daughter” Purpose: to teach children to perform a number of play actions using the words in speech: “wrap”, “rock”.
3. D/I: “Guess what mood” Goal: develop the ability to respond to the general emotional state
4. MP/s: “Catch the ball” Purpose: to practice catching the ball
5. Independent activity of children P/I goal: to encourage children to play in groups
Individual work in physical education. – teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope

Mon Morning 1. Conversation “About girls and boys” using story pictures. Goal: expand children’s self-image and gender perceptions
2. Theater on flannelgraph based on the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky “The Wolf and the Little Goats” Purpose: to introduce verbal art; memorizing the text of a fairy tale.
3. Didactic game: “Name the object” Purpose: enrichment of vocabulary
4. P/i “Let’s help the bunny jump from a low bench” Goal: Develop coordination of movements, practice jumping from low heights
5. Preliminary work Familiarization with your surroundings - prepare vegetables and toys, let the children see and hold them

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSICAL CLASS (organized by music director)
2. Cognitive development
AWARENESS WITH THE AROUND “Carrots from the Bunny” goal: to expand children’s understanding of vegetables (carrots). develop a friendly attitude towards others. O.A. Solomennikova “Acquaintance with nature in kindergartens with children 2-3 years old” 2016, (p. 20)
Evening 1. Gymnastics after nap
2. S/R game “Taking the doll to the clinic” Goal: to develop the ability to follow certain rules in the game, choose a role
3. P/I “Sun and clouds” Goal: develop the ability to listen to the rules of the game, perform movements on a signal
4. Work in a corner of nature: watering indoor plants, wiping ficus leaves. Goal: to cultivate a desire to care for plants and help adults.
5. Independent activity of children in drawing Goal: to interest children in colored pencils
Individual work on music - training in walking in a circle

October is the perfect time to introduce children to the signs of autumn. The teacher pays attention to the beauty of autumn nature, examines autumn leaves with the kids and plays with them. During walks, the teacher pays attention to the autumn sky, bright flowers and leaf fall, and learns chants about rain. Descriptions of games and exercises, nursery rhymes and chants about rain and other material on the topic can be found in the appendix to the “Golden Autumn Themed Week” plan.

Social and communicative development

The adult continues to teach the kids how to develop elementary play stories and encourages them to play together in situations like “Let’s put the doll to sleep,” “Porridge for Masha,” and “Where the cars are going.” Social and communicative development occurs in the games “I know the word “please””, “Locomotive”, “Vodichka-Vodichka”.

Cognitive development

To introduce children to the signs of autumn, an adult offers to look at leaves of different colors and sizes, find a pair of the same ones, and continues to get acquainted with fruits and vegetables. Solving problems of cognitive development, the teacher forms ideas about safe behavior, encourages children to name the material from which the toy is made, and reinforces the names of clothes.

Speech development

During the week, the teacher introduces the children to the story “The Mouse and the Little Fox” by V. Bianchi, the nursery rhyme “A fox with a box ran through the forest” and other works for children. Games aimed at speech development allow you to form correct sound pronunciation and enrich children's vocabulary with nouns and adjectives.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The theme of autumn is also reflected in the artistic and aesthetic development. The teacher encourages children to draw autumn leaves with their palms and rain pencils. An adult introduces children to Dymkovo toys, encouraging children to name colors and highlight painting elements.

Physical development

The teacher organizes various outdoor games with leaves, exercises “Fan”, “Sun and Rain”. Work continues on teaching children to line up in a circle, developing motor skills and physical development through the outdoor games “Bunny Dance”, “Hen and Chicks”.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Situation “Katya has a beautiful dress, tell her about it.” Goal: to promote the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers.Looking at autumn leaves. Goal: to develop perception and interest in the beauty of nature.Exercise “Looking at shoes.” Goal: to teach children to understand the general concepts of “clothing, shoes.”Game "Find the same leaf." Goal: to form ideas about identical objects, to learn to find paired pictures.Exercise “What comes first, what comes next” (considering the sequence). Goal: to form in children the habit of washing their hands and then drying them with a personal towel.
Joint games with the teacher. Goal: to promote contact between children and adults.Examining the trees on the site. Goal: identify the signs of autumn, maintain interest in learning about nature.Finger game "Autumn". Purpose: to introduce movements and words.Exercise “Merry Orchestra”. Goal: to develop auditory perception, encourage people to associate the sound of a toy with its image, and cultivate the joy of playing together.Introducing the outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”. Goal: to develop interest in outdoor games.
2 p.d.Game situation “Let’s help the animals get ready for a walk.” Goal: to teach children to dress in a certain sequence.Exercise “Toy for Mishka and Mishutka.” Goal: to encourage children to select pictures according to verbal instructions based on the size of the object, to develop the generalization function.Reading the Polish song “Shoemaker” in the lane. Zakhodera. Goal: to cultivate a desire to listen to a song without visual accompaniment.Game situation “Leaves in the garden.” Goal: to introduce children to a new fairy tale, to encourage them to move to the music in accordance with its character.P.i. “Dance bunny.” Goal: to develop the ability to move in accordance with the text.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game situation “Let's teach the bunny to hold a spoon.” Goal: continue to teach children how to hold a spoon correctly.Game "Leaves are flying." Goal: to encourage children to find and name objects at the request of an adult, to compare leaves by size and color.Game "Our ducks in the morning." Goal: to achieve clear pronunciation of sounds, develop memory.Drawing “Rain, rain, more!” Goal: to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly and apply short strokes.P.i. "Blow up the bubble." Goal: continue to teach children to line up and walk in circles.
Game "Let's put the doll to sleep." Goal: to develop gaming skills, enrich the vocabulary with the names of bedding.Floor mosaics. Goal: to develop the ability to play games, to bring the job started to the end.Game "Tender Name". Goal: learn to interact with each other, say the name of another child.Game situation “Beautiful toys”. Goal: to introduce the Dymkovo toy.Outdoor games with autumn leaves. Goal: to develop motor skills.

In early October, work continues to introduce children to pets. The teacher organizes game situations in which children learn about a cow, a ram, a horse, etc. Much attention is paid to introducing children to cats and kittens. It is possible to use ICT to form children’s ideas about animals, their habits and distinctive features. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the topic of animals is reflected in all educational areas, which creates opportunities for children to get to know pets in more detail. The content of conversations about pets, finger games, speech and physical exercises on the topic can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Grandma’s Compound”.

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to teach children to say their name, form the habit of washing their hands in the correct sequence and folding things neatly. Social and communicative development also occurs in conversations “How to cross the road”, “What a teacher’s assistant does.”

Cognitive development

Cognitive development is facilitated by observing the flowers in the flowerbed and the weather, the board game “Many - One”, the introduction of the game “Magic Buttons” and game situations aimed at developing the sensory experience and perception of children.

Speech development

The teacher creates conditions for speech development by encouraging children to look at pictures of pets, furniture and toys in a group. Children and adults play onomatopoeic games and get acquainted with nursery rhymes about animals.

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the area of ​​artistic and aesthetic development, it is planned to sculpt pies for kittens, construct a tower of three cubes, listen to the song “We Lived at Grandma’s,” play “Merry Orchestra” and play situations in which kids select objects by color and size.

Physical development

This week, the teacher introduces the children to the game “Blow up the Bubble” and encourages them to transform into pets. Physical development is promoted by gymnastics for the eyes “The cat came out on the ledge”, the games “Across the stream”, “Bring the ball”, “In the morning the gander stood up on his paws”.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise “What comes first, what comes next” (considering the sequence). Goal: to form in children the habit of washing their hands and then drying them with a personal towel.Exercise “Grandma Came to Visit.” Goal: to teach how to compare familiar objects, to promote the realization of the need for actions with objects.Game situation “I know the word “Please.” Goal: develop the ability to play with peers, develop the ability to state a request calmly, and use the word “please” in speech.Exercise “Merry Orchestra”. Goal: to develop auditory perception, encourage people to associate the sound of a toy with its image, and cultivate the joy of playing together.Outdoor games with autumn leaves. Goal: to develop motor skills.
Game "Bell". Goal: to continue to form friendly relationships between children.Observing flowers in a flower bed. Goal: to draw attention to the beauty of autumn flowers, to arouse interest in observations.Finger game “Two Little Goats”. Goal: to promote speech development and moral education.Theatrical game “We are playing a fairy tale.” Goal: to cultivate interest in the game, teach children to listen to a fairy tale and accompany it with playful actions.Game "Hen and Chicks". Goal: to encourage children to move in accordance with the text.
2 p.d.Exercise “Let’s make an accordion out of a sock.” Goal: to create a desire to keep things clean and fold them neatly.Game situation “In Grandma’s yard.” Goal: to evoke positive emotions in children and enrich their impressions.Exercise “Funny little train”. Goal: continue to introduce children to pieces of furniture, develop the ability to find objects according to the verbal instructions of an adult.Game situation “Guess what it sounds like.” Goal: to enrich children’s vocabulary with the names of musical instruments, to develop auditory differentiation.Learning the game “Blow up the Bubble”. Goal: to develop the ability to line up and walk in a circle.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game situation “Water-water”. Goal: learn to take soap from a soap dish, with the help of adults, soap your hands, put the soap in place, rub your palms together, rinse off the soap.Looking at illustrations with a mouse. Purpose: to introduce the mouse, teach to recognize animals in the picture.Exercise “Show in the picture who is happy and who is sad.” Goal: to enrich the vocabulary with verbs denoting an emotional state, to cultivate interest in looking at pictures and illustrations.Listening to the song “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.” Goal: to enrich musical experiences, to encourage children to finish speaking and sing along.Exercise “In the morning the gander stood up on his paws.” Goal: to develop the ability to move in accordance with the text, to develop motor activity.
Observation “What a teacher’s assistant does.” Goal: to attract children's attention to the work of adults, to develop interest in work.Game "Let's feed the dog." Goal: to develop the ability to correlate objects by size.Finger game “Two Little Goats”. Goal: to achieve clear pronunciation of different sounds.Construction of a “Tower of three cubes”. Goal: to improve children’s skills in building a tower, to practice naming the building.P.i. "Blow up the bubble." Goal: continue to get acquainted with the game.

Group subgroup


With a subgroup of children, water the plants. Examine the plants, highlight parts and colors. Morning exercises.

Complex (birds).

Suggest a mosaic, find the same color as I show (out of 2 colors) Frol, Kirill, Zhenya

Teach to sit at the table, not fidget, hold a spoon correctly, teach Sophia to drink from a cup.

Springs, mushrooms.

Conversation with parents about the well-being of children at home on weekends.

Drawing “Apples grew on an apple tree” page 28


Observation of leaf fall reading verse leaf fall.

Work. Collection of natural materials for crafts

d/and what color is the leaf? Pay attention to color, learn to find yellow.

P/n “Everyone clapped their hands”

Ind.work. running in one direction. Kirill, Nikita, Sophia

D/U “who does what?” learn to look at a picture and name what is depicted in it.

Offer to play with the doll “Let’s treat the doll to tea.” Teach how to play with the doll and perform simple actions with it

D/and “lacing” to develop fine motor skills. Zhenya Alisa, Dima.

Teach children to wash their hands before eating and find their own towel.

Laces, mosaic.

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents and social partners

Direct educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Group subgroup


Encourage children to communicate on topics close to the child from personal experience, encourage them to actively respond to an adult’s questions and suggestions by all available means.

Games with did. with toys - pyramids, strengthen children’s ability to assemble a pyramid of 3-6 rings, the ability to determine the color and size of the rings.

continue to learn how to take off socks and shoes on your own. support the child's desire to act independently

Tables with pyramids.

Conversation with parents about the need to talk more when dressing, to focus on the color and item of clothing, and the sequence of dressing.

Speech development “Looking at fruits”

Physical training

Lesson 3 page 78


Observing the flowers in the flowerbed will introduce children to marigolds and clarify its structure. introduce the name of the flower and its parts into children's speech.

Labor Collecting seeds.

D/i Games with sand “let’s bake a pie” to strengthen children’s ability to use molds.

P/n “Run to me” to teach children to run in all directions.

When running, do not push.

Ind. slave Walking on a limited surface. Sophia. Frol, Alisa.


Continue to introduce the group room and the things that are in it. activate children's vocabulary. Develop in children the need to cooperate with adults

We play with cereals, develop fine motor skills Kirill, Nikita, Dima.

continue to teach how to put on socks and shoes independently. support the child’s desire to act independently.

Select the color of things.

Cubes for building a path are toys for playing with.

Kalyuzhnaya Anna Sergeevna


N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises

Attracting children's attention to food; individual work to educate food culture

examination of subject pictures “At Grandma Arina’s in the garden”

Fiction:“Masha and the Bear” - teach to listen carefully to the work, cultivate perseverance

Lesson 1 (drawing): __

Target: ______

Health work

Ind. Job: ___________

Equipment: ______

Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise:“Who is taller?” - practice high jumps.

Observation: Watching the falling leaves. Goal: to evoke in children an emotional attitude towards natural phenomena. Learn to admire leaves and treat them with care.

Games: moving: “Catch up with a leaf” - practice running.

sedentary:“You to me - I to you” - teach how to roll the ball to each other, play together in harmony.

Work: collect branches and debris from the area

: Continue to remind Pavlik that sand is dirty and should not be put in your mouth. Sand can be placed in buckets and loaded into a car. You can make pies and Easter cakes from sand

with external materials.

II half of the day:

Lesson 2 (physical education):


Health work: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: __

Equipment: ___

Methods and techniques ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vladik, reviewing the album “Autumn” - exercise the ability to highlight the characteristic features of this time of year.

board and printed game “Cut pictures” (leaves) - to develop in children a holistic perception of an object, to teach them to distinguish leaves by color.

“From bump to bump” - practice jumping while moving forward.

did/game “Find the yellow leaf” - (form color perception, find and name the color yellow, participate in joint activities.


Observation: behind passing cars - practice distinguishing between trucks and passenger vehicles

P/game;“Birds and a car” - practice performing movements according to the text.

Phys. exercise:“Hit the target” - practice throwing at a target

Independent activity: games with portable cars - teach how to handle toys carefully, share toys.



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk

TUESDAY I half of the day:

Morning exercises:

: with Kira “Pyramid” - consolidate the ability to assemble a pyramid.

: teach how to properly pick up and carry chairs for eating

Fiction: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Independent activity (artistic and aesthetic development): _examination of illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Lesson 1 (musical):


Health work: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: ____


Methods and techniques:


Phys. exercise:“Step over the obstacle” - practice stepping over a cube

Observation: observing the work of the janitor: sweeping paths with a broom, raking leaves, putting leaves in a pile.

Games: mobile:“Catch up with me” - exercise running

sedentary: Outdoor game "Train" Purpose: to develop the ability to line up and walk in a column one at a time.

Work: Encourage children to collect toys after a walk and put them back in their place.

exercise the ability to describe the color of leaves and treat them with care.

Independent activity: games with cars - promote the desire to play calmly and independently.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats


Health work: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job:


Methods and techniques

): with Alya “Find the blue-green circle” - (form color perception, exercise the ability to distinguish between blue and green colors.

Joint activities (cognitive development): Games with cars and dolls to develop the game plot. Involve in joint games with adults and peers. Learn
observe the “Distance Discipline”, promote the development of the ability to play side by side without interfering with each other.

Independent activity (physical development): game exercise “Walk along the path” - exercise balance.

conversation “Rules of behavior in the locker room” - to cultivate a culture of behavior in kindergarten.


Observation: For a cat, practice naming parts of the body (there are paws, head, ears, mouth, tail).

P/game“catch up with the ball” - exercise running, coordination of movements

Physical exercise"Who is faster?" - practice running.

Self.activity; games with portable cars - learn to play together



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises:“Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

): conversation with Alice “What are the names of your family members?” - practice naming family members.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: Wash your hands and face before and after eating.

: Game exercise “Roll the ball into the collar” - develop the eye.

Fiction: reading the fairy tale “Teremok” - learn to listen carefully, name the heroes of the fairy tale.


Health work

Ind. Job


Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Observation: for the kitten - to form an idea of ​​the external signs of the kitten.


movable: “Cat and Mice” - continue to teach children to run in all directions without bumping into each other.

sedentary: “Big legs...” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Work: “Let’s feed the cat” - to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

): with Veronica P., “Find a beautiful leaf” - teach to see the variety of colors of nature.

Independent activity: games with toys and gurneys - exercise the ability to politely ask for a toy, negotiate independently.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities ________________________________

Lesson 2 (physical education):


Health work:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job


Methods and techniques:

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Leonid “Let's build a path” - teach how to build paths by placing cubes.

): “Let’s color the leaves” - exercise the ability to hold a pencil correctly

): role-playing game “Mom feeds the children” - teach children the simplest play actions, take care of the doll.

: finger game “Boy finger...” - developing understanding of speech, teaching children to understand the content of the nursery rhyme.


Observation: for the clothes of passers-by

P/game:“Sun or rain” - learn to perform actions according to the different sounds of a tambourine, development of auditory attention.

Physical exercise: “Catch the ball” - practice catching the ball with both hands

Independent activity: playing with sand - learning to use molds



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Veronica K., didactic game “Who Lives on the Farm?” - practice naming pets.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: teach how to dress with the help of an adult.

Joint activities (cognitive development):“What should we wear for a walk” - teach children to correctly name items of clothing

Fiction: reading the fairy tale “Turnip” - practice pronunciation with the teacher.

Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject____________________________________________________

Health work:______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise: “Through the stream” - practice jumping while moving forward.

Observation: examining an autumn tree - to develop knowledge about the main parts of the tree, their height and thickness, to cultivate the ability to enjoy beauty, to treat nature with care.


movable: “Birds are flying” - continue to teach children to quickly respond to the teacher’s signal.

sedentary: “Teddy Bear” - practice performing movements according to the text.

Work:“Let’s sweep the veranda” - to cultivate the desire to work.

): with Mark I., practice stepping over objects, develop coordination of movements

Independent activity: games with dolls - teach carefully, push a stroller.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats


Health work

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:

): Rudolf to practice naming the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip” and the sequence of their appearance

.): examination of traffic lights, name the main traffic signals, actions in accordance with the signals

): offer a ring throw, show how to use it - develop accuracy

): looking at the album “Dymkovo Toy” - practice describing the picture


Observation: looking at grass - exercise in describing changes occurring in nature

P/game: “The Fox and the Hares” - practice performing actions on a signal

Physical exercise: “Catch a mosquito” - practice high jumping

Independent activity: games with balls - exercise the ability to roll the ball in a straight direction



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half day:

Morning exercises:“Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

: conversation with Alya “What traffic light should I cross the street at?”

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: teach children to hold a spoon correctly while eating.

: looking at the album “Trees” - practicing naming

Fiction: reading the work of the Brothers Grimm “Sweet Porridge” - introduce the content.

Lesson 1 (sculpting) :


Health work:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:


Observation: behind the wind - continue to teach children to pay attention to weather conditions.


movable: “The little white bunny is sitting” - to train children in the ability to jump

sedentary: “Hen and Chicks” - practice performing actions according to the text

Work: teach children to put away scoops after playing basket

): with Rudolph - practice naming passing vehicles.

Independent activity: games with balls - create in children a desire to play calmly and independently.

II half day:

Lesson 2 (physical education ):


Health work:____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:

: with Vanya “find the same one” - exercise the ability to select a card by color.

): learn to clean up toys after yourself, place chairs at the table correctly.

Independent activity (physical development): “Roll the ball into the collar” - develop the eye, the ability to push the ball with both hands

): didactic game “What is this?” - exercise the ability to answer questions, name what is shown in the picture


Observation: looking at trees - exercise in describing changes occurring in nature

P/game: “Birds and a car” - practice performing actions on a signal

Physical exercise: “Jump over the river” - practice long jumps

Independent activity: games with balls - exercise the ability to roll the ball to each other



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to take the starting position

Ind. work on speech development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Elisha, “Clothes” - practice naming clothes

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills:

Joint activities (speech development):

Fiction: K. Ushinsky “Vaska” - teach how to answer questions based on the text, the ability to describe a toy.

Lesson 1 (drawing):

Target: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Health work:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Equipment: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Methods and techniques


Observation: examining dry twigs - introduce them to the qualities (bends, breaks)


movable: “Birds” - practice performing movements according to the text



Ind. work (social and personal development): with Rudolph - practice asking for a toy using polite words.

Independent activity

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (physical education): __________________________________________________Subject__________________________________________________

Target: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Health work: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Equipment: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Methods and techniques ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): Veronica P., reviewing the album “Animals” - practice onomatopoeia.

Joint activities (artistic and aesthetic development):

Independent activity (physical development):

Joint activities (cognitive development):


Observation: dog - practice naming body parts, naming actions

P/game;“Shaggy Dog” - practice performing actions on a signal.

Phys. exercise:“Get into the basket” - practice throwing at a target.

Independent activity: games with external materials - teach how to handle toys carefully.



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk

TUESDAY I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Elisha “Lay out the pictures” -

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills.

Fiction: reading the Georgian song “Do you know, mom, where I was?” - exercise the ability to conduct a dialogue based on content.

: examination of illustrations to the works of A. Barto

Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject___________________________________________________


Health work: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:


Phys. exercise:"Throw the ball!" - practice throwing a ball into a basket

Observation: watching a pigeon - introduce the rules of behavior in nature


movable:“My funny ringing ball” - practice high jumping

sedentary:“On a level path” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.


Ind. work (speech development): Maricom - exercise the ability to climb a step.

Independent activity: molds and scoops - promote the desire to play calmly and independently.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (r/speech and x/literature): ___ ___Subject: ________________


Health work: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Equipment: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Methods and techniques

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Lenya “What is hidden in the nesting doll?” - teach how to disassemble and assemble a matryoshka doll.

Joint activities (cognitive development):“What rolls, what doesn’t roll?” - exercise the ability to distinguish objects and perform actions with them.

Independent activity (physical development): game exercise “Stream” - practice stepping over an obstacle without stepping on it.

Joint activities (social and personal development) (without):“Find a house for a bear” - exercise the ability to correlate plane figures with the house.


Observation: if it rains, practice describing the weather.


Physical exercise“Catch the ball” - practice running.

Self.activity; games with external material - learn to play together



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises:“Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on social and personal. development (With whom? What? Purpose): conversation with Rudolf “You can’t offend little ones” - teach them to play together.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: learn to use a handkerchief with the help of an adult.

Independent activity (physical development): Game exercise “Knock down the pin” - develop the eye.


Lesson 1 (child and surrounding world): ___________________________________________Subject____________________________________________________

Health work:____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise






Ind. work (x/aesthetic development): with Veronica K., “Blow on a leaf” - teach to see the variety of colors of nature.

Independent activity: offer sultanas, show ways of working with them.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities

Lesson 2 (physical education): ___________________________________________Subject________________________________________________________


Health work:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Vladik “animals” - practice the ability to name pets.

Joint activities (x/aesthetic development): “Treat for a doll” - exercise the ability to roll out a column.

Independent activity (socio-communal development)(social): conversation “we don’t need fighters” - learn to ask for a toy.

Joint activity (speech development): repetition of the nursery rhyme “The sun is looking through the window” - developing understanding of speech, teaching children to understand the content.


Observation: looking at branches on a tree

P/game:“My funny ringing ball” - learn to perform actions according to the text, practice high jumps.

Physical exercise: “Throw the ball” - practice throwing the ball with both hands

Independent activity: games at the request of children



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Vanya., didactic game “One - Many” - exercise in classifying objects by quantity.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills:

Joint activities (cognitive development):


Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject____________________________________________________

Target: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Health work:______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise: “Find the bunny” - exercise orientation in space

Observation: examining the buildings on the site - practicing the ability to name them.


movable: “Leaflets” - practice performing movements according to the text.

sedentary: “big, small legs” - practice performing movements according to the text.

Work:“Let’s sweep the buildings” - to cultivate the desire to work.

Ind. work (physical development): with Pavlik, practice jumping over the track, develop coordination of movements

Independent activity

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (r/speech and x/literature ): ______________________________Subject_


Health work:____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:

Ind. work on artistic/aesthetic development (With whom? What? Purpose): Alice, look at the illustrations to the poems of A. Barto, practice reciting in accordance with the picture

Joint activities (social and communicative development) (traffic rules).): looking at the album “Transport” - practice naming transport.

Independent activity (physical development): “Knock down the pin” - show how to operate with pins

Joint activities (art/aesthetic development


Observation: behind the fall of leaves - continue to introduce the natural phenomenon

P/game: “Leaves” - practice performing movements to show

Physical exercise: “hit the target” - practice throwing cones at a distance

Independent activity: games at the request of children



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half day:

Morning exercises:“Our beautiful hands” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on social/personal development (With whom? What? Purpose)

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills

Independent activity (cognitive development)


Lesson 1 (sculpting) : ___________________________________________________Subject__________________________________________________________


Health work:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:


Phys. exercise: “Get the toy” - practice stepping over an obstacle

Observation: for passers-by - practice naming the clothes of passers-by




Work: offer rakes, involve in cleaning leaves on the site

Ind. work (cognitive development): with Leonid - practice naming the body parts of a bird.

Independent activity: at the request of the children.

II half day:

Health activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (physical education ): ___________________________________________Subject_________________________________________________________


Health work:____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:

Ind. artistic/aesthetic work (With whom? What? Purpose)

Joint activities (social and communicative development) (labor

Independent activity (physical development)

Joint activities (speech development




Physical exercise

Independent activity



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Small birds” - exercise the ability to walk in a flock

Ind. work on speech development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Alice, “answer the question” - encourage repetition of individual words and phrases

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: learn to put toys away

Joint activities (speech development): conversation "Who has horns?" - practice the ability to name the animal and answer questions.

Fiction: Ch. Yancharsky “In a toy store” - learn to answer questions based on the text.

_Solomennikova, p.21._Topic: “Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves are flying”___

Target: Give children a basic understanding of autumn changes in nature; develop the ability to determine the weather by external signs and consistently, according to the season, dress for a walk; learn to identify the trunk, branches and leaves of trees.

Health work: outdoor game “We are autumn leaves”

Ind. Job: exercise Kira in the ability to determine the weather condition and describe it.

Equipment: Doll Masha and clothes for her.

Methods and techniques: Masha doll invites the children to the site and asks the children to tell about the structure of a tree. p/game, children depict leaves


Phys. exercise:“Don’t hit the rattle” - practice crawling under the arch.

Observation: following the sparrows - practice answering questions


movable: “Sunshine and rain” - practice performing actions on a signal

sedentary:“We are going in a circle” - practice performing movements according to the text.

Work: offer to collect toys after the walk

Ind. work (social and personal development): with Marik - practice walking on a limited surface.

Independent activity: offer machines, show how to operate them.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (physical education): ___Rykova page 34________________________________________________ Topic_________________________________________________

Target: practice walking on a limited plane, running after the teacher, throwing a ball at a distance, repeat climbing and crawling on all fours, learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, develop the ability to navigate in space, independence.

Health work: breathing exercise “Blow up a bubble”

Ind. Job: with Vanya - learn to roll the ball in a forward direction

Equipment: small and medium balls, bench, mats, arcs, wide board, bunny, soap bubbles, log, box.

Methods and reception s: children are greeted by a fairy-tale character, the fun game “Soap Bubbles, ORU”, p/game “Catch Me”

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): Veronica P., reviewing the album “Animals” - practice onomatopoeia.

Joint activities (artistic and aesthetic development):“Let’s dress up the bear” - exercise the ability to insert shapes into the slots, teach them to distinguish by color.

Independent activity (physical development):“From hoop to hoop” - practice jumping while moving forward.

Joint activities (cognitive development): practice naming the parts of a flower, introduce the method of caring for it.

:listening to the fairy tale “Turnip” in audio recording


Observation: autumn evening - exercise in describing the characteristic signs of autumn

P/game;“Catch up with the dog” - exercise running in a forward direction

Phys. exercise:“Get the rattle” - practice climbing the gymnastic wall.

Independent activity: offer skittles and balls - show methods of action



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk

TUESDAY I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Small birds” - exercise the ability to walk and run after each other

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Elisha “Find a pair” - exercise in the ability to find an object by identity

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: continue to study independently, use a towel

Fiction: reading A Block “Bunny” - exercise the ability to conduct a dialogue based on the content.

Independent activity (artistic and aesthetic development): reviewing the album “Animals” (wild)

Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject___________________________________________________


Health work: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:


Phys. exercise:“We walk along the path” - practice walking along a winding path

Observation: behind the tree - remember its parts (trunk, branches, leaves)


movable:“Planes” - exercise the ability to run in different directions without bumping into each other

sedentary:"Where is it ringing?" - exercise orientation in space

Work: offer to collect the leaves in buckets.

Ind. work (speech development): Leonid “Bring what I will name” - to exercise in distinguishing and naming objects.

Independent activity: offer object toys, help in choosing a game

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (sculpting): Lykova Page 26 Topic: “Leaves are falling, falling...”

Target:. Creating relief paintings: tearing off pieces of plasticine and smearing them onto the background. Development of color sense and fine motor skills.

Health work: breathing exercise “Blow on a leaf”

Ind. Job: with Vanya – practice pinching off plasticine

Equipment: Small sheets of paper in brown, terracotta, gray and dark green; plasticine yellow, orange and red; paper and cloth napkins; bear toy; autumn leaves.

Methods and techniques: game situation, demonstration of execution, performance of works.

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Rudolph “Find in the group what is shown in the picture - to develop knowledge about the names of objects in your immediate environment.

Joint activities (cognitive development):“How to assemble a Christmas tree?” - learn to make a Christmas tree from triangles, introduce them to a schematic image of a spruce.

Independent activity (physical development): game exercise “Roll the ball through the collar” - practice rolling the ball through the collar.

Joint activities (social and personal development) (without): did/game “Who came?” - exercise the ability to name the names of children in the group

KDD (theatrical activities): surprise moment “Matryoshka Dance”


Observation: behind the sun - practice description.

P/game“Cat and Mice” - practice performing actions on a signal

Physical exercise“Get the bell” - practice high jumping.

Self.activity; offer sand sets - teach them to play together.



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk

WEDNESDAYI half of the day:

Morning exercises:

Ind. work on social and personal development (With whom? What? Purpose): conversation with Rudolph “How to behave in kindergarten” - learn to play together.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: learn to use a napkin.

Independent activity (physical development): Game exercise “Walk along the strip” - develop coordination.

Fiction: reading of the poem by S. Kaputikyan “Who will finish drinking sooner?” - practice answering questions about the content.

___Gerbova page 40________________________________________Topic______Horses_____________________________________________

Goal To teach children to listen to the end, comprehend it and take appropriate actions; distinguish between actions that are opposite in meaning (go up - go down); learn to pronounce sounds clearly [And].

Health work: “Blow on the turntables” - exercise the ability to exhale

Ind. Job: With Vanya – practice saying “bye-bye”

Equipment: Cubes, nesting dolls, dolls, basin, towel, cradle, truck.

Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise: “From circle to circle” - practice jumping while moving forward.

Observation: behind the wind - learn to determine the presence of wind, take out the plumes.


movable: “Cat and Mice” - teach to act on a signal.

sedentary: “Teddy Bear” - practice performing movements in accordance with the text.

Work: offer to collect twigs on the site.

Ind. work (x/aesthetic development): with Veronica P., “Bake pies” - learn to use a shortbread set.

Independent activity: children's games optional

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening gymnastics, post-sleep gymnastics, walking on massage mats________________________________

Lesson 2 (physical education): _____Rykova page 34_______________________________________________Topic______lesson No. 3__________________________________________________

Target: practice walking on a limited plane, running after the teacher, throwing a ball at a distance, repeat climbing and crawling on all fours, learn to roll the ball in a straight direction, develop the ability to navigate in space, independence.

Health work: Breathing exercises “Blow up your bubble”

Ind. Job: with Leonid – practice throwing objects into the distance

Equipment: small and medium balls, bench, mats, arcs, wide board, bunny, soap bubbles, log, box.

Methods and techniques: fun game “Soap Bubbles”, games with balls, game exercise “Walk along the path, “Catch the ball”

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Vanya “Clothes” - exercise the ability to name clothes.

Joint activities (x/aesthetic development): “Let's color the doll's dress” - practice the ability to hold a pencil correctly.

Independent activity (socio-communal development) (social): conversation “My Family” - learn to say the names of mom and dad.

Joint activity (speech development): Sound reinforcement exercise [And]- “Horse” (I-i-i-i-go!) - practice sound consumption.

KDD (theatrical activities): listening to the fairy tale “Kolobok” in audio recording


Observation: looking at leaves on a tree

P/game:“Hen and Chicks” - learn to perform actions according to the text, learn to run without bumping into each other.

Physical exercise: “Throw the bag” - practice throwing a bag of sand

Independent activity: games with cars



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Small birds” - practice the ability to perform movements together with the teacher

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Kira., didactic game “Toys” - exercise in classifying objects by purpose.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: develop the ability to dress with the help of an adult.

Joint activities (cognitive development): conversation “Trees” - practice naming parts of a tree

Fiction: reading the poem “Masha is having lunch” by S. Kaputikyan - practice answering questions about the content.

Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject____________________________________________________

Target: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Health work:______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise: “Where is it ringing?” - exercise orientation in space

Observation: for cars - learn to distinguish between trucks and cars.


movable: “Shaggy Dog” - exercise the ability to act on a signal.

sedentary: “Bubble” - practice performing movements according to the text.

Work:“Let’s sweep the sandbox” - cultivate the desire to work.

Ind. work (physical development): with Veronica P., practice stepping across the path

Independent activity: offer cars - teach how to interact with peers.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (r/speech and x/literature ): ______________________________Subject_

Target: To teach children to listen to a story without visual accompaniment; practice clear pronunciation of vowel sounds [i], [a] and sound combinations [ia].

Health work: practice onomatopoeia with pets

Ind. Job: with Alya - practice describing what is shown in the picture

Equipment: Winding key for outdoor games.

Methods and techniques: reading a story, imitating cat movements, comparing pictures (donkey-horse), playing with wind-up toys

Ind. work on artistic/aesthetic development (With whom? What? Purpose): Alei, look at illustrations for poems by K. Chukovsky, practice reciting in accordance with the picture

Joint activities (social and communicative development) (traffic rules).): examination of the album “Autumn” - exercise in describing the signs of this time of year.

Independent activity (physical development): “Ring throwing” - show how to use it, develop accuracy

Joint activities (art/aesthetic development): collective work “Let’s stick some leaves” - teach how to use glue

KDD (theatrical activities): fun game “Soap Bubbles”


Observation: for passers-by - exercise the ability to notice changes in clothing

P/game: “Silence by the pond” - practice performing demonstration movements

Independent activity: games at the request of children



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half day:

Morning exercises:“Small Birds” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on social/personal development (With whom? What? Purpose): conversation with Alya “Where do you live?” - practice naming a city, street

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: practice using soap, rinsing off foam

Independent activity (cognitive development): examination of the album “Dishes” - practice naming dishes

Fiction: reading the poem “The Cunning Hedgehog” by L. Voronko - introduce the content, practice answering questions

Lesson 1 (drawing) : ___________________________________________________Subject__________________________________________________________

Target: learn to lay out the leaves and glue them, apply glue to one side of the form, carefully apply it to the background and apply it with a napkin. Develop a sense of shape and color

Health work: Breathing exercise “Blow on a leaf” - exercise the ability to exhale

Ind. Job: with Vanya – teach how to use glue carefully

Equipment: a sheet of blue paper, dried autumn leaves, glue brushes, napkins, oilcloth.

Methods and techniques: looking at the poster “Autumn”, reading V. Shipunova’s poem “Autumn Bouquet”, laying out the leaves on paper, gluing the leaves.


Phys. exercise: “Find a toy” - exercise orientation in space

Observation: behind the crow - practice naming body parts


movable: “My funny ringing ball” - to train children in jumping

sedentary: “The little gray bunny is sitting” - practice performing actions according to the text

Work: offer buckets, involve in collecting leaves on the site

Ind. work (cognitive development): with Vladik - practice naming parts of a tree.

Independent activity: games with sand sets

II half day:

Health activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (physical education ): ____ Complex “Walk in the Forest”___Topic__________________________________________________________


Health work

Ind. Job: with Kira – practice jumping on two legs

Equipment: toy bear

Methods and techniques: performing exercises with audio recording

Ind. artistic/aesthetic work (With whom? What? Purpose): with Alice “find the same one” - practice the ability to carefully color the balls with a felt-tip pen

Joint activities (social and communicative development) (labor): “Let’s wash the toys” - practice following instructions, cultivate a desire to work.

Independent activity (physical development): “From hummock to hummock” - practice jumping on two legs.

Joint activities (speech development): “Blow a leaf” - an exercise to develop breathing

KDD (theatrical activities): game with cones “Teddy cones”


Observation: voronoi - practice naming body parts

P/game: “catch up with me” - practice running

Physical exercise: “Walk on a log” - exercise the ability to maintain balance

Independent activity: games with cones - practice throwing into the distance



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Birds are small” - exercise the ability to take the starting position

Ind. work on speech development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Elisha, “Clothes” - practice naming clothes

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: develop the ability to use a comb, put it away

Joint activities (speech development): conversation "Who has horns?" - practice the ability to name the animal and answer questions.

Fiction: Russian folk nursery rhyme “The cat went to Torzhok” “Vaska” - practice persuasion

Lesson 1 (child and the world around you): ___________________________________________________Subject______________________________________________________

Target: developing the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, ball).

Health work: physical just a minute

Ind. Job: with Vanya “Find the same one” - practice distinguishing the colors of balls

Equipment: Red and yellow boxes: identical; cubes: red and yellow; balls: red and yellow; bricks: red and yellow; 3 boxes

Methods and techniques: game exercise with a stick, putting balls into boxes


Observation: looking at a pigeon, practicing naming body parts


movable: “Shaggy Dog” - practice performing actions on a signal

sedentary:“We stomp our feet” - practice performing movements according to the text.

Work: offer to collect toys in a basket

Ind. work (social and personal development): with Vanya - practice the ability to ask for a toy using polite words.

Independent activity: games at the request of children

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (physical education): _____________Rykova __ page 35_________Topic _______lesson No. 5___________________________________________


Health work

Ind. Job: with Vanya – practice crawling on all fours


Methods and techniques

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): Veronica P., did/game “Place in boxes” - practice matching objects by color.

Joint activities (artistic and aesthetic development):“Let's dress Masha - exercise the ability to select clothes for the doll, teach her to distinguish by color.

Independent activity (physical development):“From circle to circle” - practice jumping while moving forward.

Joint activities (cognitive development): game exercise “Find the bear” - exercise orientation in space

): performing physical exercises to music


Observation: following the sparrows - practice naming body parts

P/game;“Sparrows and the cat” - practice performing actions on a signal.

Phys. exercise:“Get into the circle” - practice throwing at a target.

Independent activity: independent ball games



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk

TUESDAY I half of the day:

Morning exercises:

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Kira “Lay out the pictures” - practice classification (toys, dishes).

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: consolidate the ability to find your towel among others .

Fiction: reading the work of G. Logzdyn “Bunny, bunny, dance...” - practice pronouncing words.

Independent activity (artistic and aesthetic development): didactic game “What did the bear bring us?” - exercise in perceiving the shape of objects

Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject___________________________________________________


Health work: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques:


Phys. exercise:“Get the rattle” - practice high jumping

Observation: behind the trees - practice naming parts of a tree, naming the season


movable:“shaggy dog” - practice acting on a signal

sedentary:“Where the bunny hid” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Work: offer to collect toys after the walk

Ind. work (speech development): Veronica K. - offer to clean the benches in the car

Independent activity: with external material - to promote the desire to play calmly and independently.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (sculpting): ___Lykova ___Topic: ________________

Target:. Creation of a collective composition “leaf fall”. Continued acquaintance with paints. Mastering the finger painting technique: dipping your fingertips into paint and making imprints on paper.

Health work: physical minute “Okay, okay,”

Ind. Job: with Vanya – teach how to use paints carefully

Equipment: Sheets of white or light blue paper for “autumn windows”; gouache paints; oilcloth; napkins, autumn leaves.

Methods and techniques

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Lenya “What rolls, what doesn’t roll?” - develop the ability to perform actions with objects

Joint activity (cognitive development): didactic game “Cut-out pictures” - practice naming objects in your immediate environment.

Independent activity (physical development): game exercise “Climb under the arc” - practice crawling

Joint activities (social and personal development) (without): conversation “Matches are not a toy for children!” - develop knowledge about the rules of safe behavior

KDD (theatrical activities):


Observation: behind the sun - practice your ability to answer questions.

P/game“Sunshine and rain” - practice performing actions on a signal

Independent activity; offer sticks for drawing - learn to draw a circle



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises:“Birds are small” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on social and personal. development (With whom? What? Purpose): conversation with Lenya “We need to take care of toys” - learn to play with toys carefully, not to break them.

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: practice the ability to take care of your appearance

Independent activity (physical development): game exercise “Throw the ball into the basket” - develop the eye.

Fiction: reading an excerpt from I. Chapek’s work “The Doll – Yarinka” - practice answering questions about the content.

Lesson 1 (r/speech and x/literature): ___________________________________________ Topic______________ “Petya and Misha had a horse”__________________________________________

Goal: To improve children’s ability to listen to a story without visual accompaniment.

Health work: game exercise “Let’s harness the horses”

Ind. Job: conversation with Rudolf “We play together with children”

Equipment: jump ropes, illustration for the work

Methods and techniques: looking at illustrations, playing with skipping ropes


Phys. exercise: “Walk without falling” - practice walking on a log, the ability to maintain balance.

Observation: while older children are playing, practice naming the actions they perform.


movable: “Sun or rain” - learn to perform actions in accordance with the text.

sedentary: “We are walking in a circle” - practice naming each other’s names.

Work: offer to collect toys after a walk.

Ind. work (x/aesthetic development): with Veronica P., “Blow on a leaf” - teach to see the variety of colors of nature.

Independent activity: offer sultanas, show ways of working with them.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening gymnastics, post-sleep gymnastics, walking on massage mats________________________________

Lesson 2 (physical education): _____________Rykova __ page 36_________Topic _______lesson No. 6___________________________________________

Target: to train children in running along landmarks, in crawling on all fours on a limited surface, to develop a sense of balance, orientation in space and towards themselves.

Health work: breathing exercise “Birds are flying”

Ind. Job: with Vanya – practice crawling under an arch

Equipment: boxes (height 15 cm), wooden slides, mats, bench, goose, plumes, colorful ribbons, balls, bells.

Methods and techniques: surprise moment, game exercise obstacle course

Ind. work on cognition (With whom? What? Purpose): with Vanya “Fruit” - exercise the ability to show a fruit in a picture

Joint activities (x/aesthetic development): musical and rhythmic movements “This is how we can do it!” - develop a sense of harmony

Independent activity (socio-communal development)(social): conversation “What is the name of my brother (sister?”) - learn to name family members.

Joint activity (speech development): looking at pictures “Who is doing what?” - teach to understand the content.pictures

KDD (theatrical activities): games with sultans, accompanied by music


Observation: behind the sky - exercise the ability to describe the state of the weather.

P/game:“Shaggy Dog” - teach how to perform actions according to the text.

Physical exercise: “Catch the ball” - practice throwing the ball with both hands, develop speed

Independent activity: games at the request of children



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half of the day:

Morning exercises: “Birds are small” - practice the ability to follow each other

Ind. work on cognitive development (With whom? What? Purpose): with Leonid, didactic game “One - Many” - practice classifying pictures by color

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: develop the ability to wipe hands dry after washing

Joint activities (cognitive development):“Birds” - practice naming body parts

Fiction: reading the poem “Everyone is Sleeping” by S. Kaputikyan - practice answering questions about the content.

Lesson 1 (musical): ___________________________________________________Subject____________________________________________________

Target: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Health work:______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Methods and techniques


Phys. exercise: “Roll the ball” - practice rolling the ball in a straight direction

Observation: behind the clouds - give an idea of ​​seasonal changes


movable: "Who is faster?" - practice running in different directions

sedentary: “Bring it and show it” - exercise orientation in space.

Work:“Let’s clear the snow from the benches” - to cultivate a desire to work.

Ind. work (physical development): with Vanya, “Big Legs” - practice taking a big step

Independent activity: offer sand sets - teach how to interact with peers.

II half of the day:

Wellness activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (r/speech and x/literature ): ____Gerbova, p.37.__________________________ Topic_Reading the German folk song “Three Merry Brothers”

Target: To develop in children the ability to listen to a poetic text, pronounce onomatopoeic words, and perform the movements described in the text.

Health work: Physical minute “Three cheerful brothers” - practice performing movements according to the text

Ind. Job: with Pavlik – practice performing movements with children


Methods and techniques: reading a poem, performing movements in accordance with the text, negotiating for an adult

Ind. work on artistic/aesthetic development (With whom? What? Purpose): Alei “let’s color the doll’s dress” - to develop the ability to hold a pencil correctly

Joint activities (social and communicative development) (traffic rules).): conversation “What is the sidewalk for?” - practice naming parts of the road

Independent activity (physical development): “Ring throwing” - show ways of working with rings

Joint activities (art/aesthetic development): looking at illustrations of familiar Polish songs, practicing prodding

KDD (theatrical activities): “Horse” - practice performing movements to music, bring joy


Observation: behind the snowfall - introduce a natural phenomenon

P/game: "Catch me!" - practice running with a change of direction

Independent activity: games with shovels



on " ___ " ______________ 201 Teachers: N.I. Klam

N.V. Gordeychuk


I half day:

Morning exercises:“Birds are small” - exercise the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

Ind. work on social/personal development (With whom? What? Purpose): conversation with Alya “What does mom do?” - practice naming the professions of your immediate environment

Formation of CGN, development of self-service, education of behavioral skills: exercise the ability to see untidiness in clothing

Independent activity (cognitive development): looking at the album “Vegetables” - practicing naming

Fiction: reading the poem “The Cunning Hedgehog” by L. Voronko - introduce the content, practice answering questions

Lesson 1 (drawing) : ___________________________________________________Subject__________________________________________________________

Target: Introduction to the brush as an artistic tool. Mastering the position of the fingers holding the brush. Imitation of drawing - moving a brush in the air.

Health work:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ind. Job: with Pavlik – teach how to hold a brush correctly, carefully pick up paint

Equipment: two tassels – large and small – in bright paper skirts; a jar of water; gouache paints in jars of different sizes, watercolors in boxes, oil paints in tubes; various household packaging.

Methods and techniques: Drawing without a brush using the “print” method.


Phys. exercise: “crawl to the rattle” - practice crawling on all fours

Observation: for passers-by - exercise the ability to notice changes in the clothes of passers-by


movable: “My funny ringing ball” - to train children in jumping

sedentary: “Silence by the pond” - practice performing actions according to the text

Work: offer shovels, offer to clear paths

Ind. work (cognitive development): with Leonid - practice naming the clothes he is wearing

Independent activity: at the request of the children.

II half day:

Health activities: awakening exercises, after-sleep exercises, walking on massage mats

Lesson 2 (physical education ): ___________________________________________Subject_________________________________________________________

Target: Strengthening the health of long-term and frequently ill children aged 2–5 years. Promoting the physical and valeological development of preschool children.

Health work: game exercise “Teddy Bear” - exercise the ability to roll from one foot to the other

Ind. Job: with Vanya – practice the ability to imitate the gait of a bear

Equipment: toy bear

Methods and techniques: performing exercises with audio recording

Ind. artistic/aesthetic work (With whom? What? Purpose): with Alice “Find the same leaf” - practice the ability to carefully color with a felt-tip pen

Joint activities (social and communicative development) (labor): “Bring a toy” - practice following instructions, cultivate a desire to work.

Independent activity (physical development): “Jump over an obstacle” - practice jumping over an obstacle

Joint activities (speech development): looking at the album “Story Pictures”, conversation “Tell me what you see?” - exercise in describing the image in the picture

KDD (theatrical activities): listening to the audio recording “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass” - performing jumps to the music.


Observation: sparrow - practice naming body parts

P/game: “Catch up with the ball” - practice running with a change of direction

Physical exercise: “Walk along the strip” - exercise the ability to maintain balance

Independent activity: games at the request of children

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