Long-term annual plan for speech therapy work with children with SLD. A long-term plan for speech therapy work with children of the older group with general speech underdevelopment. A long-term plan for the development of speech in preschool children by a speech therapist.

Calendar and thematic planning of work with children with special needs (5-7 years old) based on the albums of N.E. Teremkova. Thematic planning compiled on the basis of the “Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with special needs (from 4 to 7 years)” by N.V. Nishcheva, taking into account the profile of the speech therapy group and the age of the children.

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“Calendar-thematic planning of work with children with special needs”

Thematic planning of individual correctional and developmental classes with children

with general speech underdevelopment (GSD) (5 – 7 years)


Month, week

Lexical topic

Diagnostics speech development children

October 1 week

Vegetables. People's work in gardens and fields.

Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Vegetables”. Children's ideas about people's work in the fields in the fall, about the necessity and importance of work. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Retelling based on a mnemonic table. Development of coherent speech, phonemic awareness, memory, thinking, visual attention, general motor skills. Unlearning finger gymnastics“Basket with vegetables”, Plot – role playing game“Cooks”, teaching in the game the formation of relative adjectives (carrot juice....)

October 2nd week

Fruits. People's work in gardens.

Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic: “Fruits”. Adult labor in gardens. Expansion of expressive speech with words – antonyms. Learning to draw up a story plan and a creative story based on a picture. Learning to draw from life. Learning the “Gardener” exercise.

October 3rd week

Autumn. Periods of autumn.

Systematization of ideas about autumn and typical autumn changes in nature. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Autumn”. Improving the grammatical structure of speech, the syntactic side of speech. Development of coherent speech, phonetic concepts, breathing, speech hearing, thinking, all types of perception, creative imagination, fine motor skills. Learning the moving exercise “Wind and Leaves”.

October 4 week

Trees in autumn.

Generalization and systematization of ideas about autumn changes in nature. Formation of ideas about the periods of autumn and their characteristic features. Replenishing the active vocabulary with nouns with diminutive suffixes (oak, birch, aspen), complicated words(leaf fall). Expanding ideas about the figurative meaning of a word ( Golden autumn). Improving the grammatical structure of speech.


Generalization and systematization of ideas about the changes that occur in the life of the forest in autumn, about wild berries, and their places of growth. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Berries”. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of coherent speech, speech hearing, phonetic concepts, general speech skills, visual perception and attention, thinking, coordination of speech with movement, articulation, fine and gross motor skills.


Generalization and systematization of ideas about the changes that occur in the life of the forest in the fall, about mushrooms, and their places of growth. Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Mushrooms.” Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Development of coherent speech, speech hearing, phonetic concepts, general speech skills, visual perception and attention, thinking, coordination of speech with movement, articulation, fine and gross motor skills. Learning the exercise “For mushrooms”.


Expansion, clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic: “Man”. Generalization of ideas about parts of the face and body. Learn to determine your mood by looking at your face. Improve knowledge of what function each organ performs. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Doing the “Help the Artist” exercise.


Systematization of knowledge on the topic: “Toys”. Improving grammatical structure and syntactic aspects of speech. Expanding knowledge about components toys, the material from which it is made. Game "Find the differences".

December 1 week


Expanding knowledge about the subject world. Generalization of ideas about dishes, their details, the materials from which they are made. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Dishes”. Improving the skill of forming words with suffixes – ici-, -k-. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. Clarification of the dictionary on the topic: “Dishes”. Learning finger exercises “Porridge Machine” and riddles about dishes.

December 2 week


Activate vocabulary on the topic “Food”. Consolidating the ability to change nouns by case. Exercise in the use of words - antonyms. Practical use in speech possessive pronouns. Strengthen the agreement of numerals with nouns. Formation of relative adjectives. Develop holistic perception, memory, fine motor skills

December 3rd week


Generalization and systematization of ideas about the surrounding objective world, about clothing, the materials from which they are made, about the production process. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Clothing”. Improving grammatical structure and syntactic aspects of speech. Learning tongue twisters and riddles about clothing.

December 4 week


Generalization and systematization of ideas about the surrounding objective world, about shoes, the materials from which they are made, about the production process. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Shoes”. Improving grammatical structure and syntactic aspects of speech. Learning tongue twisters and riddles about footwear in finger gymnastics “Boots”.


Generalization and systematization of ideas about the surrounding objective world, hats, the materials from which they are made, and the production process. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Hats.” Improving grammatical structure and syntactic aspects of speech.


Generalization of ideas about winter and typical winter phenomena in nature. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic “Winter. Winter fun" Improving the syntactic side of speech.

Wintering birds

Activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Winter. Wintering birds." Enrichment of expressive speech with adjectives denoting moral qualities. Improving the grammatical structure of speech and retelling skills.

February 1 week

Wild animals

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about domestic animals, their appearance and lifestyle. Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Pets”. Improving the skill of writing a story based on a picture.

February 2 week


Generalization and systematization of knowledge about poultry, their appearance and lifestyle. Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Poultry”. Improving the skill of writing a story based on a picture.

February 3rd week

Migratory birds

Generalization of ideas about the periods of autumn and changes in nature in late autumn. Systematization of knowledge about migratory birds, their appearance, and lifestyle. Clarification and activation of the dictionary on the topic: “Migratory birds”. Improving the skill of storytelling from a picture. View slides with images of migratory birds, learn the exercise “Swans learn to fly.”

February 4 week


Generalization of ideas about early spring and typical spring phenomena in nature. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic: “Spring”. Improving the skill of viewing a picture. Learning the finger gymnastics “Thrush-Thrush”.


Expanding knowledge about the subject world. Generalization and activation of the dictionary on the topic: “Furniture” based on the generalization of knowledge about the environment. Improving the grammatical structure of speech. A conversation about furniture, its details, from which it is made. Compilation complex sentences. Learning finger gymnastics “Our Apartment”.


Expanding and consolidating ideas about transport based on systematization and generalization of previously formed ideas. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary

Objectives and content of correctional education for children of the 5th year of life with special needs levels 1-2. is determined taking into account the potential capabilities of children identified during a speech therapy examination, and are correlated with the general educational requirements presented in the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” /edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova/

Organization of correctional and educational work of a speech therapist.

The main directions of correctional education in middle group:
1. Development of speech understanding;
2. Formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech;
3. Formation of correct sound pronunciation.
These areas are implemented in individual and subgroup lessons

Subgroup speech therapy classes in the first period of training are held 3 times a week:
(September October November December)

2 lessons: formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and development of coherent speech;

1 lesson:

The purpose of subgroup speech therapy classes in the first period of training:

Development of speech understanding;
- expanding the volume of children's vocabulary; work on the syllable structure of a word;
- work on the structure of the phrase, its grammatical and intonation design;
- teach children to listen and understand short stories, be able to answer questions based on the content (can be in monosyllables or in short sentences).

Thematic and lexical-grammatical planning in the first period of training

Lesson topic





Activation of subject and verb vocabulary, formation simple sentence

Mastering a generalized concept: toys. Formation of the diminutive form named after noun. Sensory development.

Generalization. Education will reduce.-caress forms named after noun. Formation of a simple sentence.

Understanding short story(poem.). Making a simple sentence.

Comprehension of a short story.Noun. singular and plural Generalization. Daten.p. noun (to whom?)

Generalization. Diminish-caress.name noun. Sensory development.



Education of plural nouns. Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic. Practical use of the preposition-na.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic. Practice the practical use of prepositions – top-bottom.

Clothes, shoes

Preposition-under. Numerator agreement from creatures (one, one, one)

Early winter

Existence in date (to whom?). Compilation of simple sentences of various types.

New Year

Memorizing various poems. Listening to a short text. Festive performance by children.

Individual lessons in the first period


- development of thinking, memory, attention;
- phonetic exercises for clarification correct pronunciation preserved sounds; for staging missing sounds

Subgroup speech therapy classes in the second period of training are conducted 3 times a week:

(January February March April May)

2 lessons: formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and development of coherent speech;

1 lesson: integrated with educators or specialists to consolidate correct sound pronunciation, develop phonemic awareness, and form the syllabic structure of a word.

The purpose of subgroup speech therapy classes in the second period of training:

Activation speech activity and development of lexical and grammatical means of the language;
- development of independent phrasal speech;
- development of the pronunciation side of speech;
- work on the syllable structure of the word;

Thematic and lexical-grammatical planning in the second period of training

Lesson topic



Practice making sentences like: The dog loves a bone, and the cat loves milk. Use of noun gender with prev. -y.

Pets and their babies

Activation of subject and verb dictionary on the topic. Generalization. Formation of verbs from onomatopoeia. Preposition – from.

Wild animals

An exercise in retelling a short story. Sush. dat.p. without pretext. Prepositions -in-from.

Wild animals and their babies

Generalization. Retelling a short text Activating the dictionary of antonyms. Making sentences like: A wolf, a fox, a bear live in the forest.


Formation of verbs from onomatopoeias. Preposition-for. Compose a statement like: A good girl feeds the pigeons.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Repetition of poems and songs. Work on expressiveness of speech. Children's performance.

Our family

Agreement of verbs with nouns in gender. Preposition-u. Sentence: Mom, dad and grandma are having lunch.


Preposition – on. Making statements like: I put a dress on the doll.


Generalization on the topic. Compiling a short descriptive story. Consolidating verbs. Preposition-for.


Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures. Formation of prefixed verbs. Prelogo-po. Dividing words into syllables.

Writing a descriptive story. Agreement of nouns with adjectives. Preposition-by.



Flowering plants

Individual lessons in the second period

- development of articulatory and finger motor skills;
- cause missing sounds (early and middle ontogenesis);
- form the syllabic structure of a word.

Working with teachers

1. Work in a group should be carried out in close cooperation with teachers. To this end, carry out:
- together with teachers, conduct a comprehensive examination of children’s skills and abilities;
- conduct an open speech therapy hour for teachers;
- tell educators about each child’s speech defect;
- introduce educators to the different requirements for children’s speech at different stages of work;
- attend classes with teachers in order to develop uniform requirements for children’s speech.
2. Conduct consultations with the group teachers on the following topics:
"Survey results"
“Correction of secondary defects”
“Use of visual aids in classes as instructed by a speech therapist”
3. Release the “Sound Pronunciation Screen”.

Working with parents

1. Regularly promote speech therapy work among parents.
2. Conduct five-minute consultations on the following topics:
3. Visual propaganda. Set up a screen stand on the theme:
- "This week"
- “Prevention of speech disorders”
- “We are learning to speak”

4. Conduct parent meetings on topics:
"Characteristics of speech and general development children"
“Results of speech therapy work for the first half of the year”
“Results of speech therapy work for the 1st year of study”

Methodical work. Training.

1. Regularly attend methodological associations.
2. For the teaching council, prepare a review on the topic:
3. Systematically study methodological literature.
4. Combine the work of the preschool educational institution with teaching activities at Moscow State University for the Humanities. Sholokhov, transfer work experience to students in practical classes.

Svetlana Ermakova
Long-term planning of a speech therapist teacher with children with special needs development

teacher- speech therapist Ermakova S. G., Motina A. A.

General underdevelopment of speech with normal hearing and intact intelligence is a disorder that covers both phonemic and lexical grammatical system language.

Before starting work on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language, the development of coherent speech and the formation of correct sound pronunciation, teacher- speech therapist compiles long-term plan work for the entire period of study. Planning- this is an advance determination of the order and sequence of corrective implementation -educational work indicating necessary conditions, means, forms and methods used. With proper planning it becomes possible to predict the results of each child’s activity, which makes it easier to achieve correctional and educational goals.

Approximate forward planning compiled by us based on the program “Speech therapy work on overcoming ODD in children” developed by T. B. Filicheva and G. V. Chirkina, T. V. Tumanova and others, as well as takes into account recommendations, standard program of a child care institution "From birth to school" under. ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S., Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. The main form of training in our work for children with special needs speech therapy is speech therapy classes, where the development of the language system is carried out.

There is a sequence of thematic speech material in each of the training periods.

IN long-term plan, developed by us, the following main sections:

General speech skills; general motor skills, speech with movements; fine motor skills; visual and auditory attention, speech hearing, development of memory and thinking; development of vocabulary and coherent speech; development of grammatical structure of speech; sound pronunciation; literacy, skills development language analysis and synthesis;

When working on With a long-term plan, we tried to take into account that that teamwork teachers-speech therapist and teacher is the key to the success of correctional work. This section planning, How “Vocabulary and coherent speech” and assumes working together specialists, in which the leader is teacher speech therapist, and the teacher only reinforces the material that has already been covered and practiced with speech therapist for children. Work on sound pronunciation, development of language analysis skills, general speech skills, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech and teaching coherent speech is also carried out by a speech therapist, and the teacher, being his assistant, consolidates the results achieved.

We offer a sample long-term plan work I year of study, II period.

IN long-term plan indicated in brackets methodological literature and page number.

List of literature first year of study

1. Nishcheva N.V. “The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group with OHP”.

2. Konovalenko V. V., Konovalenko S. V. “Frontal speech therapy classes” (senior group 1,2,3 periods)

3. Kuznetsov E. V., Tikhonova I. A. “Development and correction of speech of children 5-6 years old”.

4. Kislova T. A. "On the road with ABC".

5. Smirnova L. N. "Speech therapy in kindergarten" (4-5 l. - I, 5-6 l. - II, 6-7 l. - III).

6. Arefieva L. N. “Lexical topics on the development of speech of children 4-8 years old”.

7. Vasilyeva S. L. « Workbook on the development of speech of a preschooler".

8. Tkachenko T. A. “If a preschooler speaks poorly” (A)

Development of connected speech (b)

Development of phonemic hearing (V)

Development of lexical and grammatical means of language (G)

Physical exercises (d)

9. Kurdvanovskaya N.V. « Planning the work of a speech therapist with children 5-7 years old» .

Publications on the topic:

Long-term planning for the project “Family Club “Home Speech Therapist” PERSPECTIVE PLANNING for the work of the family club “Home Speech Therapist” Dates Topic, purpose of the event Contents of the event.

Long-term planning of the work of a speech therapist in a preparatory school group. Stage I of work. 1. Development of general speech skills. 1. Develop clear, coordinated movements of the organs of the speech apparatus. 2. Educate.

Planning individual work of a speech therapist with children Individual work on speech correction and development is based on the following main areas: Articulatory gymnastics.

Essay “Teacher-speech therapist - it sounds proud!” And for me this is true. Even as a child, while studying at school, I dreamed of becoming a presenter or an actor, and of course, in each of these professions.

Essay “I am a speech therapist teacher” As a child, I raised and taught dolls, I dreamed of becoming a teacher and being not only a teacher for children, but also a mentor and friend. I played often.

Prepared by teacher - speech therapist Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Deryabina

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32"-KV Sterlitamak

Individual work plan (I year of study)

b) prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds _____________________________________________

c) clarify the articulation of sounds________________________________________________________________________________

c) learn to distinguish vowels and consonants by ear

d) learn to distinguish consonants by hardness and softness;

f) teach analysis and synthesis of 1-2 syllable words.

4. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words _____________________________________________________

6. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: learn to use _________________________________ correctly

7. Development of coherent speech:

a) teach dialogic speech;

Diary _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Individual work plan (II year of study)

from _____________________________________________ to 20___ - 20___

1. Development of non-speech processes:

a) develop all types of perception, attention, memory, thinking;

b) develop general, fine motor skills.

c) work on speech breathing, tempo, rhythm, intonation expressiveness of speech.

2. Corrective work by sound pronunciation:

a) through massage and articulatory gymnastics, achieve completeness, clarity, and switchability of movements of the organs of the speech apparatus.

b) prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds ________________________________________________

c) clarify the articulation of sounds________________________________________________________________________________

d) automate the delivered sounds in all speech structures.

e) differentiate oppositional sounds.

3. Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception, teaching the basics of literacy:

a) learn to isolate sounds from a number of sounds, from the composition of a word;

b) learn to select pictures for a given sound;

c) learn to distinguish vowels and consonants by ear;

d) learn to distinguish consonants by hardness and softness,sonority - deafness;

e) learn to find the place of sound in a word;

f) teach analysis and synthesis of 1-2-3 complex words;

g) teach typing letters, syllables, words and sentences.

4. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words ____________________________________________________________

5. Expansion and activation of the dictionary.

6. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: learn to use ___________________________________ correctly

7. Development of coherent speech:

a) teach dialogic speech;

b) teach detailed retelling.

c) teach how to compose a descriptive story, a story based on a series of plot paintings, a painting, a story based on a topic.

d) teach storytelling with elements of creativity.

Diary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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