Pet what level. What is the PET (Preliminary English Test) exam and how to prepare for it? How is the PET exam scored?

Since 2015, we have to use a special scale that was invented for Cambridge English. They even renamed the exams themselves for teenagers and adults. Now there are two names for each:

  • KET/ Cambridge English: Key (for Schools), level A2
  • / Cambridge English: Preliminary (for Schools), level B1
  • / Cambridge English: First (for Schools), level B2
  • / Cambridge English: Advanced, level C1
  • CPE / Cambridge English: Proficiency, level C2.

Since I am not preparing for KET, I will not write about it in detail. My area of ​​responsibility is PET, FCE and CAE. And CPE will be my next and last step in official English levels. That's why I'm taking over the grading of the last four exams. Information on transferring points is based on a document from You will find it if you make a search request in English Converting practice tests scores to Cambridge English Scale Scores. If you don't find it, write to me and I'll send it to you.

Overall FCE, CAE and CPE score

The scores for each exam were divided into grades and placed on the Cambridge English scale. This information is approximate and does not guarantee the same result on the exam itself. But you can find out what to work on next after completing the Cambridge English Practice Tests.

Correlation between CEFR levels, points and exam grades. This scale is available on almost every page of the Cambridge English website.

There are four parts to PET - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. For each, the candidate receives points that must be added and divided by four. With FCE, CAE and CPE the story is similar, only the results of five parts are added up (Reading, Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking) and divided by five. Then the total score and grade from the table are obtained.

When the result is less than the points for Grade C, a certificate for a lower level is issued. These points are marked in a more transparent color on the table. A grade is equivalent to a higher level. For example, you received Grade A in FCE, level B2. This means that the next level will be written on the certificate - C1.

In addition to general data, information for each part is recorded in the certificate. To know approximately the result, you need to show genius in working with your brain, pen and calculator.

Don’t be afraid that you “failed” one or two parts and received a few points less than the passing grade. Main - get the total amount minimum 140 in PET, 160 in FCE, 180 in CAE and 200 in CPE.

Speaking and Writing in PET, FCE, CAE and CPE

Speaking and writing are assessed by certified examiners using quite complex criteria. I am related to oral examination. Therefore, from personal experience I can say that it is difficult to measure such skills on your own. But basic information has never hurt anyone. You can roughly understand the state of speaking and writing based on the format.

In the post I mention counting meters but don't explain them. You can read about them and the format of the assignments in the Handbook for Teachers. There is such a book for every exam on the Cambridge English website.

Results for each part of PET

This is a giveaway concerns the PET format until 2020. Next there will be a slightly different scale, which I will not present here. My Preliminary program is closed.

For Reading Need parts 1-5 in Reading and Writing. For each correct answer 1 point is given. The maximum for reading is 35.

Writing. Tasks 6–8 in Reading and Writing. Task 6 - 1 point. Tasks 7 and 8 are assessed by examiners according to the criteria. The maximum per letter is 25 points.

Listening. 1 point for the correct answer. Total - 25.

IN Speaking two examiners give different marks. Interlocutor gives 0-5 points for Global Achievement. It's needed multiply by 2.

  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Discourse Management
  • Pronunciation
  • Interactive Communication.

The maximum for speaking is 30 points.

The scores are called Practice Test Scores. You can see them in the table approximate relationship with the final result for each part of the Cambridge English Scale Score and CEFR levels. To pass the test, you need a total score of 140 from the sum of the scores of all four parts.

PET/ PET for Schools (Preliminary English Test)
160–170 Pass with Distinction (something like “excellent”, maximum score)
153–159 Pass with Merit (as in "good")
140–152 Pass (“passed”).

The points in the table are the minimum for Pass and Pass with Distinction. To roughly calculate the points for Pass with Merit, subtract 1-2 points from the numbers on the top line.

Results for each part of FCE

Tasks Reading should be taken from Reading and Use of English:

  • Parts 1 and 7 - 1 point for correct answer
  • Parts 5 and 6 - 2 points
  • The maximum number is 42 points.

Tasks for Use of English also taken from Reading and Use of English:

  • Parts 2 and 3 - 1 point
  • Part 4 - 1-2 points
  • Maximum - 28 points.

Each parameter in Writing can receive 5 points each: Content, Communicative Achievement, Organization, Language.
Two parts - 20 points each. The maximum is 40.

IN Listening 30 questions - 1 point for each correct answer.

On Speaking there are five criteria. multiplied by 4.

The form filler (Assessor) works with four parameters and gives 0-5 points for each:

  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Discourse Management
  • Pronunciation
  • Interactive Communication.

multiplied by 2.

Global Achievement 3×4 =12
Grammar and Vocabulary 4×2=8
Discourse Management 5×2=10
Pronunciation 3×2=6
Total: 12+8+10+6+8=34.

Maximum 60 points for speaking.

The received Practice Test Scores are converted into exemplary Cambridge English Scale Score and correlated with CEFR levels. If you score 160 points out of the total points of the five parts, then you have passed the exam.

FCE/ FCE for Schools (First Certificate in English)
180–190 Grade A (as “excellent”)
173–179 Grade B (as in "good")
160–172 Grade C (“passed”).

Results for each part of CAE

Reading calculated based on the results of tasks 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 from Reading and Use of English:

  • Parts 1 and 8 - 1 point
  • Parts 5, 6 and 7 - 2 points
  • Maximum - 50.

Use of English consists of tasks 2, 3 and 4 from Reading and Use of English:

  • Parts 2 and 3 - 1 point
  • Part 4 - 1-2 points
  • Maximum - 28 points.

IN Writing You can get a maximum of 40 points, 20 points for each task.

U Listening 30 questions - 1 point for each correct answer

On Speaking there are five criteria. The person talking to candidates (Interlocutor) gives 0-5 points for Global Achievement, which multiplied by 5.

The form filler (Assessor) works with five parameters and gives 0-5 points for each:

  • Grammatical Resource
  • Vocabulary Resource
  • Discourse Management
  • Pronunciation
  • Interactive Communication.

Scores for each of these items multiplied by 2.

Global Achievement 4×5 =20
Grammatical Resource 4×2=8
Vocabulary Resource 4×2=8
Discourse Management 5×2=10
Pronunciation 4×2=8
Interaction communication 4×2=8
Total: 20+8+8+8+10+8+8=62.

The maximum is 75 points.

Practice Test Scores are converted to exemplary Cambridge English Scale Score and correlated with CEFR levels. The total score from the sum of the scores of all sections is distributed according to the grades.

CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)
200–210 Grade A
193–199 Grade B
180–192 Grade C.

The points in the table are the minimum for Pass and Pass A. To roughly calculate the points for Pass B, subtract 1-3 points from the numbers on the top line for Reading, 1-2 for the rest.

Results for each part of the CPE

IN Reading Need tasks 1, 5, 6 and 7 from Reading and Use of English:

  • Parts 1 and 7 - 1 point
  • Parts 5 and 6 - 2 points
  • Maximum - 44 points.

Use of English includes parts 2, 3 and 4 from Reading and Use of English:

  • Tasks 2 and 3 - 1 point
  • Task 4 - 1-2 points
  • Maximum - 28.

IN Writing A maximum of 40 points is scored, 20 points for each task. The format and criteria are detailed in the Handbooks for Teachers for Proficiency.

Maximum 30 points Listening, 1 point for each correct answer

On Speaking 5 parameters work. Interlocutor gives 0-5 points for Global Achievement, which multiplied by 5.

The form filler (Assessor) works with five criteria and gives 0-5 points for each:

  • Grammatical Resource
  • Vocabulary Resource
  • Discourse Management
  • Pronunciation
  • Interactive Communication.

Ratings for each of these points must be multiply by 2.

Global Achievement 4×5 =20
Grammatical Resource 4×2=8
Vocabulary Resource 4×2=8
Discourse Management 5×2=10
Pronunciation 4×2=8
Interaction communication 4×2=8
Total: 20+8+8+8+10+8+8=62.

The maximum number of points for speaking is 75.

The calculated Practice Test Scores are converted into exemplary Cambridge English Scale Score and correlated with CEFR levels. This is how the total score is distributed across the grades.

CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
220–230 Grade A
213–219 Grade B
200–212 Grade C.

The points in the table are the minimum for Pass and Pass A. To roughly calculate the points for Pass B, subtract 1-3 points from the numbers on the top line for Reading, 1-2 for the rest.

Post from me - Ekaterina Zubkova. The signs are mine and from the Cambridge English website.

When you need to take an international exam in English for study or work, the recommended level is B1. There is one option for this - the PET (Preliminary English Test) exam.

The question immediately arises of how to understand that you have the right knowledge. I don't want to prepare hastily. It is harmful to your health to write down the three-thousandth word in despair, read the next text with your eyes drooping, and listen to people whose speech resembles one big word.

It's great if you've completed the tutorial. English File, New Total English, Face2Face or any other with the letter B1 (intermediate). The best option is to go through books from A1 to B1 of the same series, because between them there is at least some continuity in words and grammar.

If you have a strong aversion to such materials, or a love for other options, then make sure you read, use and hear the structures in the Preliminary Wordlist and Handbook for Teachers, which you will find at

IELTS and TOEFL are tested using the same scale and given level B1. Then what's the difference?

PET format

It is taken on a computer (computer-based) or on paper (paper-based). For teenagers there is Cambridge PET for Schools. The difference between it and just PET is only in subject matter. The school version does not mention work, great achievements, or abstract topics “about life.” Children talk and listen about the Internet, subjects at school, their hobbies and friends.

The exam has three parts. This format applies to exam up to 2020. Next it will be a little different. But I won’t list the changes on my blog because my Preliminary preparation program is closed.

The longest - Reading and Writing(reading and writing). It comes first and lasts 1 hour 30 minutes. Time goes fast. You also need to transfer the answers to the form if you are submitting the “paper” version.

On Listening(listening) give about 30 minutes and 6 minutes to fill out the form.

Speaking(speaking) happens in pairs and triplets. Time in pairs is 10–12 minutes, in threes - a little more. One examiner talks, the other enters marks on the form for each candidate.

All three documents go to the British center Cambridge. There they check Listening, Reading and Writing and reduce all the results to one score.

How is the PET exam scored?

For each part there will be points that will make up the overall result:

  • Pass with Distinction (excellent) - 160–170 points;
  • Pass with Merit (good) - 140–152 points;
  • On Pass (will do) 140–152 points are scored.

When only 120–139 points are received, the exam is not passed. Instead of a certificate there will be a document at a lower level - A2. And with Pass with Distinction, Cambridge pulled off a marketing trick and gives you a B2 level. The decision was successful for the candidate - it was not in vain that he tried so hard. On the paper for any result, points for each part will be written down.

Writing and Speaking have their own assessment criteria, according to which the results are converted into points. I will make separate posts for them.

When the results

You can stop being nervous 6 weeks after the “paper” exam. The torment ends faster if you took it on a computer - in 2–3 weeks.

Start holding the certificate in your hands, taking selfies and showing off online after 5–6 weeks. Based on the time you receive your computer test results. Wait a little later for a “paper” certificate - 7–9 weeks.

Where to take it

You can take international English exams at Cambridge centres. In Cambridge English, select your exam, country and city. Be sure to register two to three months in advance.

Any exam will not be difficult and tiring if you think about preparing at least three months in advance, devote time to it and work with quality materials.

In order to take the exam, you need to find an authorized center in your city. After this, you need to choose a convenient session - as a rule, they take place three times a year: in March, June and December. Then you need to register at the selected center - send an application and pay for the exam. Registration usually begins 3 months before the exam. The cost of the PET exam in Moscow is now about 6,000 rubles. When registering, you will immediately know the date of the written part, but the oral part, as a rule, is held on a different day. First, only the frame is indicated (for example, from December 3 to December 17), and after payment and confirmation of registration, approximately 3-4 weeks before the exam, you receive the exact schedule and information about the location of the exam.

You must have your schedule and identification document with you during the exam. When you enter the classroom, you will be asked to put away all your belongings, and your mobile phones will be collected, giving you a number in return, just like in the cloakroom. You can only leave a document and a bottle of water on the table. All stationery supplies are provided by the center. All parts of the exam, except Writing, are completed with a pencil, and Writing with a pen. Erasers are also provided, so even if you make a mistake, you can change your answer. For each part you receive a booklet with tasks and an answer sheet. The booklet can be used as a draft, and the final answers can be transferred to the form. For the Writing part, you will be provided with a draft. Even if you made a mistake in the final version, it’s okay, it can be corrected. The most important thing is to write the text so that it is easy to read.

You will learn the result 4-6 weeks after passing the exam. It can be viewed on the website. And after a few weeks at your center you will receive your certificate.

An international examination of the English language, the result of which is an indicator of English language proficiency at the initial level (CEFR A2). There are 2 types of exam - for adults (from 15 years old) and for children and teenagers (it is called KET for Schools) - for children 11-14 years old.

  • The KET testing process includes 3 modules: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking.
  • KET results are assessed according to the following system: a total of 230-point scale is adopted in the assessment system. The maximum score for KET is 150. With a result from 120 to 133 points you receive a Pass grade, from 134 to 140 points - Pass with Merit and receive an Advanced level certificate. If you score 140-150 points, you receive a Pass with Distinction grade. Upon receipt of the Pass with Distinction assessment, the certificate is marked with level B1. If you score less than 120 points, then the certificate is marked with level A1.
  • The KET certificate is valid for life and is a recognized international document in business and academic environments.
  • The KET certificate is proof of the holder's basic knowledge of the English language and is accepted throughout the world.

Despite the fact that KET is an entry-level exam, it gives you a unique opportunity to find out the strengths and weaknesses of your English and determine what you need to “pull up” in the future, and also allows you to pass higher level exams: Preliminary English Test (PET ) and First Certificate in English (FCE).

Preliminary English Test (PET)

An international exam assessing English language proficiency at a basic level (CEFR B1). There is also PET for schools and PET for adults.

  • PET testing consists of 3 modules: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking.
  • PET results are scored on a scale of 230 points. Here, for Pass you need to score 140-153 points, for Pass with Merit – 154-160 points and get a B1 level certificate, for Pass with Distinction – 160-170 points (and get a B2 certificate). If you score less than 140 points, but at least 120 points, you will receive an A level certificate
  • The PET certificate also has no expiration date and is a recognized international document in the academic and business environment.

Having a PET certificate gives its owner many advantages. Firstly, it proves that its owner understands English at an everyday level. That is, it is quite possible to use English for office work, such as secretary or manager positions. Also, a PET certificate can be extremely useful if its holder gets a job in a foreign company or plans to work abroad in a field where spoken English is vital.

First Certificate in English (FCE)

An international exam on knowledge of British English for everyone with a level of knowledge not lower than the Upper-Intermediate level (CEFR B2). This is the last exam to be divided between the FCE for Schools and the standard adult exam.

  • The FCE exam consists of five modules: Reading, Writing, Use of English (grammar and vocabulary), Listening and Speaking.
  • This exam uses a letter grading system - A, B and C. To obtain a grade C you need to score from 160 to 173 points, for a grade B - 174-180 points, and for a grade A - more than 180 points (and receive a certificate at level C1 ). If you score less than 160 points but at least 140 points, you will receive a Level B certificate
  • The FCE certificate received by the student is valid throughout life and does not require retaking after any period of time.

Obtaining an FCE certificate is a rewarding step for any English language learner. Thousands of educational institutions, employers and government agencies around the globe officially recognize the FCE as evidence of the holder's Upper-Intermediate level English language skills. In addition, having an FCE certificate allows its holder to pass higher level exams: Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) and Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).

Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

This is a kind of “bridge” between the FCE mentioned earlier and a higher level exam - Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). The international CAE certificate indicates a high level of English language proficiency of the listener (CEFR C1). This exam is an integral part of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • The CAE exam includes 4 modules: Reading and Use of English (reading, grammar and vocabulary), Writing (writing), Listening (listening comprehension) and Speaking (interview). The results for each module are assessed separately, and the points scored by the applicant for certificates are summed up to determine the final score.

To become a proud owner of a CAE certificate, you need to score from 180 to 193 points for grade C, from 194 to 200 points for grade B. For grade A you need to score more than 200 points, and plus you receive a certificate with level C2. If you score less than 180 points, but not less than 160 points, you will receive a B2 level certificate.

  • The certificate is valid for life and does not require replacement or confirmation in the future.

The CAE certificate documents the holder's good knowledge of the English language. In addition, having a CAE certificate is a very significant advantage when entering British educational institutions and when obtaining an immigration visa to the UK.

Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

The most difficult and most valuable of the entire series of Cambridge language exams. The presence of a CPE certificate indicates perfect proficiency in English at the native level, and the test itself is the final one in the system of language proficiency levels.

  • Like the previous two exams, the CPE consists of five modules: Reading (reading), Writing (writing), Use of English (grammar and vocabulary), Listening (listening comprehension) and Speaking (interview).
  • To obtain a grade C you must score at least 200 points, for a grade B you must score from 213 to 220 points. To achieve an A grade you must score more than 220 points. If you score less than 200 points, but not less than 180 points, you will receive a Level A certificate. The CPE certificate is issued for life and does not require confirmation, replacement or re-exams.

Having a CPE certificate indicates excellent command of the English language, sufficient for admission not only to British educational institutions, but also to the vast majority of universities in other English-speaking countries. In a number of countries, having a CPE instantly eliminates the need for its holder to pass qualifying exams for admission to educational institutions or jobs that require a high level of English language proficiency.

Business English Certificate (BEC)

This is a whole series of international exams on knowledge of British English in a business environment.

The easiest of them is BEC Preliminary. It is designed for applicants who speak business English at the Intermediate level.

There are other BEC options: BEC Vantage - designed for applicants who speak business English at the Upper-Intermediate level; BEC Higher - at the Advanced level

  • BEC international language exams include 4 modules: Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking.
  • The same scale is used to grade the BEC exam (all variants). For BEC Preliminary you need to score from 140 to 170 points, for BEC Vantage - from 160 to 190 points, for BEC Higher - from 180 to 210 points.
  • The BEC certificate is aimed primarily at students who want to build their business career in international corporations, or at workers who plan to connect their career with large foreign companies.

The advantage of international BEC exams is the official recognition of thousands of leading international companies, and, as a result, a significantly increased chance for its holders to find their dream job.

BULATS (Business Language Testing System)

This is another international exam that determines the level of business English proficiency. The special system of this exam allows you to accurately assess the language skills of applicants for obtaining an international certificate.

  • The exam itself consists of three modules: Reading and Listening, Writing and Speaking.
  • BULATS is assessed on a 100-point system and, unlike the international exams of the Business English Certificate (BEC) series, the applicant receives a certificate of completion of BULATS even in the case of a low (or zero) score.
  • The validity period of the BULATS certificate depends on changes in the level of knowledge of its holder. Therefore, it is recommended to take this international exam every two years

BULATS is ideal for people who need English for work. By passing this exam, you will not only confirm that you can effectively communicate with foreign partners, make presentations and conduct competent business correspondence in English, but you will also become a very attractive specialist in the labor market.

ICFE (International Certificate in Financial English)

This is the international Cambridge English language exam. It was specially designed for students and workers who specialize in finance and accounting. This exam was discontinued in December 2016, but existing certifications are still recognized worldwide.

ILEC (International Legal English Certificate)

This is a special international language exam that allows you to assess your knowledge of the English language in the field of jurisprudence and law. First of all, it is aimed at law students and lawyers planning to work abroad or in large international companies. This exam was discontinued in December 2016, but existing certifications are still recognized worldwide.

Who is KET for?

KET - the Key English Test exam - is the first in a series of Cambridge English exams. It requires knowledge of English at a basic level (Pre-Intermediate). Those who speak English at a basic level and can use it, for example, while traveling in a foreign country, to communicate in simple everyday situations can successfully pass the KET.

Benefits of KET

  • KET is recognized among organizations working in the administrative, industrial and service sectors as a qualifying examination for beginners in English. The KET level is sufficient to obtain an immigrant or fiancé visa.
  • KET is accepted by most educational institutions as proof of basic English language proficiency. Since KET tests all basic communication skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - the exam gives you the opportunity to assess your strengths and weaknesses, and understand in which direction to move in further language learning.
  • KET gives you confidence and helps you prepare better for tougher exams like PET and FCE.
  • Reading and Writing(Reading and Writing): 1 hour 10 minutes. The tasks test understanding of simple written information on signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines, as well as the ability to fill in gaps in simple sentences and write short messages or notes of 25-35 words.

    Listening(Listening): 30 minutes. You must understand spoken messages at a slow pace.

    Speaking(Oral speech): 10 minutes. It is necessary to demonstrate the ability to participate in conversations on simple everyday topics. This part is taken either in pairs with another candidate or in a group of three people.

    Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET)

    Who is PET for?

    PET - Preliminary English Test exam - the second in a series of Cambridge English exams. It requires knowledge of English at an intermediate level. Those who speak English sufficiently to communicate on familiar topics, conduct personal correspondence, and understand simple information by ear can successfully pass the PET.

    Benefits of PET

  • PET is recognized by a number of organizations as evidence of the ability to use English for work in administrative and secretarial positions, in tourism, retail, construction, and manufacturing.
  • Many universities and government organizations officially recognize PET as an intermediate English language qualification.
  • Since PET tests all basic communication skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - the exam makes it possible to assess your strengths and weaknesses, and understand in which direction to move in further language learning.
  • PET gives you confidence and helps you improve your qualifications for the more challenging Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam.
  • Passing the PET is also excellent practice before the Unified State Exam, which is a little more difficult in level.
  • What is the PET level

    This test corresponds to level B1 of the European scale (Intermediate). At this level the candidate must be able to:

    Understand the main content of clear instructions, public messages

  • Communicate in situations that arise in most cases during a tourist trip to an English-speaking country.
  • Understand the main points in ordinary conversation on familiar topics such as work, school, hobbies, etc.
  • Ask simple questions and participate in conversations in work situations.
  • Express yourself simply and coherently on familiar topics and personal interests.
  • Write letters, compose notes on familiar topics.
  • Reading and Writing(Reading and Writing): 1 hour 30 minutes. The tasks test your understanding of simple written information on signs, brochures, newspapers and magazines, as well as your ability to use different words and structures when writing 100-word messages or letters.

    Listening(Listening): 30 minutes. You must understand announcements, interviews and discussions on a variety of topics that do not require specialized knowledge. You must also demonstrate the ability to understand the mood and intentions of the speakers.

    Speaking(Oral speech): 12 minutes. During the exam, you will take part in a conversation, asking and answering your interlocutor's questions, freely expressing your opinions. This part is taken either in pairs with another candidate or in a group of three people.

    Cambridge English: First (FCE)

    Who is FCE for?

    FCE – First Certificate in English (or, as it is often called for short, “First Certificate”) is the third in a series of Cambridge English exams. It requires knowledge of English at a fairly high level (Upper - Intermediate). An FCE holder qualifies as an independent language user. To successfully pass the exam, you need to have a large vocabulary, be able to conduct a conversation and use a rich arsenal of communication strategies in a variety of life situations. FCE is an important qualification indicator for anyone wishing to work or study abroad, or to achieve professionalism in a field where language skills are required.

    Benefits of FCE

  • A high level of FCE is considered sufficient for work in the administrative sphere, in airlines, banks, in the service sector, and in production.
  • Many educational institutions and government organizations officially accept the FCE as an entrance exam.
  • The FCE test not only tests all four basic communication skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - but also pays serious attention to grammar and vocabulary in the Reading and Use of English section.
  • Preparing for FCE will give you the skills and abilities necessary to use English in work, study and various life situations.
  • FCE can be an important step towards preparing for higher level exams such as the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) and Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE).
  • Successfully passing the FCE will help you feel more confident at the Unified State Exam - the FCE level is slightly higher.
  • What is the FCE level

    This test corresponds to level B2 of the European scale (Upper-Intermediate). At this level the candidate must be able to:

  • Understand the main idea of ​​texts on various topics.
  • Express yourself freely and communicate with a native speaker without any of the interlocutors making special efforts.
  • Listen to the intentions and mood of the participants in an interview, telephone conversation, or radio broadcast.
  • Express yourself on various topics, discuss international news and be able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation.
  • Express your thoughts clearly and cogently in writing, expressing your own opinions and describing the advantages and disadvantages of different points of view.
  • Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)

    Who is CAE for?

    CAE - Certificate of Advanced English exam is the fourth in the Cambridge English exam series. It requires knowledge of English at an advanced level. CAE is an exam for professional users of English. To successfully pass the exam, you must use English fluently and effectively to solve everyday and professional problems, obtain higher education, and communicate freely. CAE is an important indicator of qualifications for any person wishing to work or study abroad, or to achieve professionalism in a field where language knowledge is required.

    Benefits of CAE

  • Higher education institutions in many countries consider StrAU to be an indicator of knowledge of the English language at a level that allows you to study and take exams in various specialties in English. Almost all UK universities and an increasing number of US universities recognize the CAE as an entrance exam for education and research programmes.
  • CAE provides a serious advantage in the labor market - many companies accept it as proof that its owner is able to function effectively in an international team.
  • CAE allows you to competently and objectively assess all communication skills.
  • Preparing for CAE is a great incentive to learn English at a high level.
  • CAE can be an important step towards preparing for the most difficult Cambridge exam - Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE).
  • What is the CAE level?

    This test corresponds to level C1 of the pan-European scale (Advanced). At this level the candidate must be able to:

  • Read quickly enough to cope with coursework taught in English.
  • Write notes in English during lectures or meetings.
  • Participate in meetings and conversations where abstract topics or topics of culture, politics, ecology, etc. are discussed.
  • Write clearly structured texts in various formats.
  • Fluently use English for social, professional and educational purposes.
  • Reading and Use of English(Reading and comprehension of the text and vocabulary and grammar test): 1 hour 30 minutes. The tasks test the ability to read and understand texts taken from fiction and non-fiction literature, magazines and newspapers. It is necessary to capture the essence of the story, the main ideas and details, to show an understanding of the composition of the text and the author’s intention. The test requires knowledge of a wide range of lexical and grammatical structures of the English language, the laws of their compatibility and the ability to handle them. This knowledge and skills must be demonstrated by performing various tasks, working both with the text and with individual sentences.

    Writing(Written): 1 hour 30 minutes. During this testing stage, two written papers must be written. The first is an article / report / letter / commercial proposal of 180 - 220 words. The first task of the section regulates not only the format, but also the topic of the work, leaving the candidate no choice. The second writing task asks the candidate to choose between writing a letter/report/review/article/essay on a given topic and writing an essay/review/article or report on a book from a list of works of fiction. The volume of the second part of the written assignment is 220-260 words. The ability to complete a given task, vocabulary, knowledge of text structure, format, style, organization of material, text coherence, and literacy are assessed.

    Listening(Listening): 40 minutes. In this part of the test, you need to demonstrate the ability to understand spoken English and grasp the essence of what you heard. Texts for listening are varied - these can be short excerpts or long recordings of interviews, discussions, lectures, announcements, radio programs, news broadcasts, films and just conversations. Consists of 4 parts, 30 questions.

    Speaking(Oral or Speaking): 15 minutes. To pass this part of the test, you need to be able to communicate in English in a variety of situations, describe pictures and photographs, give arguments, and come to a compromise. This part is taken either in pairs with another candidate or (rarely) in a group of three. The completion of tasks by each candidate is assessed separately, so if you get a very strong or, on the contrary, a very weak partner, this will not affect your assessment.

    Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE)

    Who is CPE for?

    CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English exam - the latest and highest among the Cambridge English exams. It requires knowledge of English at a professional level close to that of a native speaker (Proficiency). To successfully pass this exam, you need either a special philological education or significant experience of functioning in a language environment.

    Benefits of CPE

  • Higher education institutions in many countries consider CPE to be a high indicator of English language proficiency, which is necessary for studying for bachelor's and master's degrees, as well as for participating in research projects.
  • CPE gives a serious advantage in the labor market - it is accepted by many companies and government organizations as proof that its owner is able to function professionally in an international team.
  • CPE allows you to competently and objectively assess all communication skills.
  • The CPE certificate is a qualitatively personal achievement for those for whom English is a profession.
  • What is the CPE level?

    This test corresponds to level C2 of the pan-European scale (Proficiency). At this level the candidate must be able to:

  • Argue on complex topics, correctly constructing your speech and presenting arguments.
  • It is worthy to get out of awkward communication situations, to understand humor, hints and allusions.
  • Participate in meetings and conversations where abstract topics or topics of culture, politics, ecology, etc. are discussed. on equal terms with native speakers.
  • Understand complex audio texts of various formats.
  • Understand the speech of your interlocutor with a regional accent
  • Write competent lecture notes, keep minutes of business meetings.
  • Use a range of communication strategies to achieve your goals, choosing the style that is most appropriate for a particular situation.
  • Conduct professional correspondence and resolve non-routine problems.
  • Perceive fiction, theater, cinema, and do not experience difficulties in understanding television and radio broadcasts.
  • Fluently use English for social, professional and academic purposes.
  • Reading and Use of English(Reading and comprehension of the text and vocabulary and grammar test): 1 hour 30 minutes. The tasks test the ability to read and understand texts taken from fiction and non-fiction literature, magazines and newspapers. It is necessary to grasp the meaning of each word, sentence, paragraph and text as a whole. It requires an understanding of the essence of the text, its composition and structure, the author’s ideas and his mood, the essence of the narrative.

    Writing(Written): 1 hour 30 minutes. It is necessary to complete written assignments (write an essay / article / report / letter or commercial proposal of about 300 - 350 words), which are given on the basis of short supporting texts taken from newspaper or magazine articles, official or informal letters, etc. The test includes two tasks. The first assignment is an essay in which you evaluate and summarize different points of view. The second writing task asks the candidate to choose between writing a letter/report/review/article/essay on a given topic and writing an essay/review/article or a book review from a list of works of fiction proposed by the exam organizers in advance.

    Listening(Listening): 40 minutes. In this part of the test, you need to demonstrate the ability to understand spoken English, to grasp the essence, details and nuances of what you heard. Texts for listening are varied - these can be short excerpts or long recordings of interviews, discussions, lectures, announcements, radio programs, news broadcasts, films and just conversations.

    Speaking(Oral or Speaking): 16 minutes. To pass this part of the test, you need to be able to communicate in English in a variety of situations, describe pictures and photographs, give arguments, and come to a compromise. This part is taken either in pairs with another candidate or in a group of three people. The completion of tasks by each candidate is assessed separately, so if you get a very strong or, on the contrary, a very weak partner, this will not affect your assessment.

    IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

    IELTS is one of the leading international English language testing systems for foreigners, designed specifically for those who want to study, live and/or work abroad. Since the results of the IELTS exam are valid only for two years, it is advisable to take it for those who plan to enroll in foreign universities in the near future, take part in European exchange programs, or leave for permanent residence in the UK, Canada, Australia or New Zealand.

    Who is IELTS for?

    Since the results of the IELTS exam are valid only for two years, it is advisable to take it for those who plan in the near future:

    Enter foreign universities or take part in European exchange programs Leave for permanent residence in the UK, Canada, Australia or New Zealand In the first case, you will need to pass the Academic Module of the exam, in the second - the General Training Module.

    Part 1. Reading: 1 hour and 40 questions. This part has two varieties – Academic and General Traning


    Three excerpts from original texts taken from books, magazines, newspapers. At least one of the texts contains a reasoned discussion of an issue. Ten different types of tasks, including: determining the views of the author (for example, the statement: the author argues that punishment for a minor crime should only be in the form of a fine; answer options: yes, no, not given), finding certain information in the text.

    General Training:

    Three sections consisting of original text taken from advertisements, leaflets, newspapers, instruction manuals, books and magazines.

    1. The first section is related to questions of “survival” in an English-speaking country (for example, you need to read the instructions for any device and answer what needs to be done if, for example, there is a power cut in the house).

    2.The second section relates to working in an English-speaking country and contains more advanced vocabulary.

    3. The third section is the most difficult and contains texts with a more complex structure.

    Part 2. Writing: 60 minutes. This part has two varieties – Academic and General Traning


    Exercise 1.(20 minutes) Write a 150 word report based on information from a table, chart, or graph. Purpose: to demonstrate the ability to describe and explain. Task 2. (40 minutes) A ​​short essay in response to a proposed problem or opinion. Goal: To demonstrate the ability to discuss, present arguments, and use appropriate style and tone.

    General Training:

    Exercise 1.(20 minutes) Write a 150 word letter in response to a situation, asking for information or explanation. Goal: to show the ability to correspond, provide facts, express an opinion, write complaints, propose a solution to a problem.

    Task 2.(40 minutes) In the second task, the candidate is presented with a point of view, a problem. You must provide general information, propose a solution to a problem, justify your opinion, and evaluate ideas, evidence, or points of view. In both assignments, appropriate writing style is of great importance.

    Part 3. Listening(Listening): 30 minutes and 40 questions. Four audio recordings with increasing difficulty of material; mostly dialogues on everyday topics and monologues. Seven different types of tasks (including: tables, matching, filling in the blanks, filling out forms and tables) that must be answered as you listen. In the IELTS exam, audio material is played only ONCE. At the end, an additional 10 minutes are given to transfer the answers to special exam forms.

    Part 4. Speaking(Oral part): 11-14 minutes and 3 parts. Task 1. The examinee and the examiner introduce themselves. This is followed by questions about family, hobbies, studies, interests and other similar topics. Time: usually 4-5 minutes.

    Task 2. The tester is given a card with a question on any topic. You are given one minute to prepare, after which you need to speak on a given topic for 1-2 minutes. The examiner then asks several follow-up/clarification questions.

    Task 3. Discussion on abstract topics related to the topic of the card from the previous task. Time: 4-5 minutes.

    Cambridge English: Business Preliminary (BEC Preliminary)

    Who is BEC Preliminary for?

    The BEC Preliminary is an examination of business English proficiency corresponding to level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference (the same level as PET) - approximately Intermediate. This certificate demonstrates proficiency in English to the extent that it allows you to write a resume, fill out a questionnaire and provide personal information, and communicate at an intermediate level in work situations. Ideal as a graduation certificate at the end of corporate courses or to determine the language qualifications of potential employees during mass recruitment.

    Reading and Writing(Reading and writing): 1 hour 30 minutes. Reading includes 7 parts and 45 questions to understand vocabulary and business texts. Writing consists of two mandatory tasks. The first task of 30-40 words is focused on the ability to communicate within the company with colleagues on business-related topics (memo or e-mail). The second part of the letter of 60-80 words will test the candidate's ability to carry out business correspondence outside the company (letter or email to a client or supplier).

    Listening(Listening): 40 minutes. Includes 4 parts of 30 questions. Presentations, lectures, briefings, telephone conversations, discussions, etc. are used as listening texts. The format of the tasks involves choosing from the proposed options and filling in the blanks.

    Speaking(Oral part): 12 minutes. Rent in pairs with another candidate. Tasks include presentation, communication of candidates among themselves, with the examiner, and “mini-presentations.” Assignments focus on the topic of negotiation, exchange of information, expression of opinion, agreement/disagreement, comparison.

    Cambridge English: Business Vantage (BEC Vantage)

    BEC Vantage is an exam corresponding to Common European Level B 2 (same level as FCE) - Upper - Intermediate - very confident use of business English. This certificate indicates proficiency in English to the extent that allows you to use English in everyday business communication, receive visitors, fully perform work in the office, and conduct business correspondence. This level of business English is sufficient for almost all its users, except management.

    Reading(Reading): 1 hour. This testing stage includes 5 parts and 45 questions. Parts 1-3 assess reading comprehension skills. The last two parts of the exam test candidates' ability to grasp the meaning of written English at the word, phrase, sentence and paragraph level.

    Writing(Letter): 45 minutes. This part of the test consists of two mandatory tasks. The first task tests the ability to communicate within the company with colleagues on business-related topics, using formats such as instructions, explanation of the situation, request for information or comments. The second task will test the candidate’s ability to conduct business correspondence (report, commercial proposal, letter, fax, e-mail) with clients, suppliers or partners.

    Listening(Listening): 40 minutes. Consists of 3 parts and 30 questions that test the ability to highlight the main meaning or obtain specific information. Tasks include choosing answers from the proposed options, independently filling in the gaps in sentences, and relating fragments to descriptions. Monologues and dialogues, discussions on work topics, telephone conversations, etc. are used as audio texts.

    Speaking(Oral part): 14 minutes. Runs in pairs with another candidate. This exam unit includes three parts. The first part lasts 3 minutes, the second - 6 and the third - 5 minutes. Tasks include presentation, communication of candidates with each other, with the examiner, and “mini-presentations” on a business topic. In this part of the exam, candidates need to be able to negotiate, exchange information, express opinions, agree/disagree, and be able to compare.

    Cambridge English: Business Higher (BEC Higher)

    BEC Higher is an exam corresponding to level C 1 on the Common European Scale (the same level as CAE) - Advanced - and requires fluency in business English. The BEC Higher certificate testifies to its owner’s ability to solve complex work issues in English, communicate freely, and feel confident in an international environment. This is the standard in language use that those who decide to connect themselves with the international business environment should strive for. The BEC Higher Certificate is accepted by most UK universities as a qualification sufficient to study on an MBA programme. Its holders are also very much in demand in the labor market.

    Reading(Reading): 1 hour. This aspect includes 6 parts and 52 questions. Parts 1-3 assess reading comprehension skills. Parts 4-6 of the exam test candidates' ability to understand the meaning of written English at the word, phrase, sentence and paragraph level.

    Writing(Letter): 1 hour 10 minutes. The writing test consists of two tasks. The first task is mandatory and requires candidates to write a short report. In the second part you need to write a report, make a proposal or compose a business letter.

    Listening(Listening): 40 minutes. This testing stage consists of 3 parts and 30 questions. Tasks include choosing answers from the proposed options, independently filling in the gaps in sentences, and relating fragments to descriptions. Monologues and dialogues, discussions on work topics, telephone conversations, etc. are used as audio texts.

    Speaking(Oral part): 16 minutes. Usually paired with another candidate. This exam unit includes three parts. The first part lasts 3 minutes, the second - 6 and the third - 7 minutes. Tasks include presentation, communication of candidates with each other, with the examiner, and “mini-presentations” on a business topic.

    TKT (The Teaching Knowledge Test)

    TKT is a test of knowledge of English language teaching methods. The international TKT certificate confirms knowledge of the basic concepts and concepts of modern methods of teaching English, tools for working with audiences, knowledge of special terminology and the ability to use educational resources. The certificate is recognized all over the world; its presence means the possibility of obtaining a higher level and provides more chances for finding work as an English teacher in Russia and abroad. TKT is recommended to be taken by a candidate with a language level of at least Intermediate (B1) on the European scale. This test was developed primarily for teachers whose first language is not English, teaching children, adolescents and adults, as well as for secondary school teachers. TKT is suitable both for those who already have teaching education and for people who are just planning to start teaching English as a foreign language.

    Who is TKT for?

    This test was developed primarily for teachers whose first language is not English, teaching children, adolescents and adults, as well as for secondary school teachers. TKT is suitable both for those who already have teaching education and for people who are just planning to start teaching English as a foreign language.

    Unlike most Cambridge exams, the TKT is taken entirely in written form. The exam consists of three modules of 80 questions each. The duration of one module is 1 hour 20 minutes. Types of tasks: match pairs, choose the correct answer from three proposed, find the odd one out. One point is given for each correct answer. A separate certificate is issued for each module. It is possible to take one or all three modules in one session.

    Handbook for Teachers.pdf - the book for teachers contains information about the structure of the test, examples of test items with answers, assessment criteria and tips for preparing for the exam.

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