Plan for joint work of preschool and school material on the topic. Continuity program between preschool and primary education Plan for joint work of kindergarten and school

Lina Shirtanova
Plan for joint work between school and preschool educational institution

Target: formation of educational and cognitive motivation for learning in school.


Ensure full interaction between gaming and educational-cognitive activities in the pedagogical process;

Develop interaction between preschool educational institutions and educational institutions in order to production single line of quality development preschool and school education of the city of Cheboksary

Shape from elders preschoolers basic learning skills;

Create conditions for children to develop an interest in learning in school;

Create conditions for successful adaptation preschoolers to school conditions;

Promote the physical and mental development of children, maintaining their health;

Ensure cooperation between teachers and parents.

Principles of interaction:

Developing curiosity in preschooler as the basis for the cognitive activity of the future student;

Development of the child’s abilities as ways of independently solving assigned tasks;

Formation of creative imagination as a direction of the child’s intellectual and personal development;

Development of communication as one of the most important areas of social development.

No. Action Dates Responsible

Methodical Job

1 Discussion work plan on preparing children for school september st. teacher

uch. beginning classes

2 Introducing the teacher to the training and education program in primary school Educational System Concepts « School -2100» September teachers

3 Introducing the teacher to educational work in a preschool group September school. beginning classes

5 Primary school teachers visiting classes in preschool group:

Target: acquaintance with the level of acquired knowledge, skills, and creative abilities of children preschool group.


uch. beginning classes

6 Pedagogical meeting in preschool group.

Issues for discussion:

the role of didactic games in learning preschoolers;

creative development of children in classes in appliqué, modeling, design, music classes;

results of educational work in a preschool group. may teachers,

primary school teacher

7 Readiness monitoring preschoolers to school May senior teacher

8 Round table for educational institutions teachers based on monitoring results "Readiness preschoolers to school education» September educators, teachers beginning classes

Working with parents

1 Round table "Pedagogy cooperation: teacher-child-parents" November educators, teachers beginning. classes

2 Stand design in preschool groups “For you, parents of future first-graders” December teachers

uch. beginning classes

4 Parent survey “Your child will soon become a first-grader”. January educators, teachers beginning. classes

5 Non-traditional forms working with parents.

6 Visual Information “How to help your child prepare for school» ; March Educators, primary school teachers

7 Meeting for parents of future first-graders “Admission of children to school- an important event in the lives of children." April educators, teachers beginning classes

8 “Features of organizing training according to the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school" April teachers beginning classes

9 Individual counseling of parents based on the results of diagnosing their children’s readiness to study in school. may teachers

10 Children's exhibitions works throughout the year, teachers

Work with children

1 Children's excursions to school:

getting to know the building schools;

acquaintance with the office (class);

acquaintance with school workshop;

acquaintance with the gym;

acquaintance with school library. throughout the year, educators, early teachers. classes

2 Intellectual marathon “Know this!” for older children preschool age February teachers

3 Job« Schools future first grader" September - April teachers beginning. classes

4 Graduation score “Farewell, beloved kindergarten! Hello hello, school! may teachers, music director

The modernization of the Russian education system has particularly actualized the problems associated with its humanization, one of the conditions of which is paragraph 1.6. in the general provisions of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on January 1, 2014. The standard is aimed at solving one of the following tasks: ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education).

Preschool education is the first link of a unified system of public education. The admission of graduates of a preschool educational institution to primary school occurs in the process of children’s adaptation to new conditions, which is carried out on the basis of the formation of children’s readiness to study at school. The process of adaptation of graduates to school is multifaceted and includes adaptation to the school’s operating mode, school and student staff, organizational forms of education and upbringing, traditions and values ​​of the primary school.

The practice of continuity between the family, preschool institution and school has not yet reached the level where the child, unnoticed by himself, teachers and parents, moves from the kindergarten table to the school desk. Often such a process is sensitive and painful for the participants, primarily for the child himself. This is evidenced by the annual deterioration in the physical and psychological health of first-graders: in schools, up to 70% of children have symptoms of maladjustment.

Methodological issues of continuity in the education of children of preschool and primary school age are reflected in the studies of R.A. Dolzhikova, E.A. Konobeeva, E.E. Kochurova, I.A. Popova.

Most of these studies were carried out in the second half of the 20th century. The changes taking place in society and the education system at the present time require new approaches to the problem under discussion: the implementation of continuity, taking into account the current state and prospects for the development of preschool and primary education. A study of the state of the issue in theory and practice shows that continuity is often understood narrowly and is more declared than implemented. Continuity is often characterized as informative preparation of a child for a new stage of education, as mastering the content of school courses, which leads to unformed readiness for school and negatively affects the success of the child’s education and the comfort of his stay in the classroom. Studying at school, starting from the age of 6, further actualizes the problem of continuity. Difficulties in learning at school are also associated with insufficient attention.

Therefore, the goal of this problem was the need to establish the relationship between adjacent links of continuity in the education system for the successful adaptation of children.

Consequently, the continuity of a preschool institution and a school provides for the following tasks:

1. Prepare children for school with a high level of general development and education, which meets the requirements of school education.

2. Develop the knowledge, skills, and qualities of children that have already been acquired by preschoolers.

3. Actively use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for the further comprehensive development of students.

Continuity between kindergarten and school is carried out both in the content of teaching and education, and in methods, techniques, and organizational forms of educational work.

In order to successfully adapt children, preschool workers must be well aware of the requirements that are presented to children in the first grade, and in accordance with them, prepare older preschoolers for systematic education.

To increase the effectiveness of teaching, an elementary school teacher uses gaming techniques that are often used in kindergarten; The kindergarten teacher includes special educational tasks and exercises in the learning process, gradually complicating them, and thereby forms the prerequisites for educational activities in preschoolers. A lesson as a form of education in kindergarten precedes a lesson at school.

One of the integral indicators of the activity of a preschool educational institution is the formation of children’s readiness to study at school. This indicator reflects the quality of work of teachers, educational psychologists, medical workers and various educational specialists.

Forming readiness for learning at school means creating in children the prerequisites for successfully mastering the curriculum and joining the student body. This is a long and complex process, the purpose of which is the comprehensive development of preschool children.

It is necessary to distinguish between a child’s special and general readiness to study at school. Special readiness is determined by the presence of knowledge, ideas and skills, which form the basis for the study of such school subjects as the native language and mathematics. General readiness is determined by his physical and mental development.

The development of their cognitive interests and curiosity is of great importance. This is the basis for developing diverse learning interests in children at school.

An important component of a child’s psychological readiness to study at school is moral and volitional readiness. Educational activity requires voluntary attention, targeted memorization, the ability to control one’s behavior, discipline, responsibility, independence, organization, etc. The concept of moral-volitional readiness also includes those moral qualities that will help the child enter a new school team.

The child must be prepared not only for new activities at school, but also for the new social position of the student, who has his own rights and responsibilities.

Upon entering primary school, dramatic changes occur in the status, lifestyle and activities of children who attended preschool educational institutions. The benevolent-democratic style of communication is replaced by a lesson-official and authoritarian one. The difficult, painful process of the child’s adaptation to the new conditions of education and upbringing in primary school begins - adaptation, which lasts on average 3-6 months. During this period and the next 1–1.5 years, it is especially important and necessary to ensure continuity in the content of education, forms, methods, technologies of preschool educational institutions and primary schools.

In the practice of preschool institutions, there has been some experience in connecting kindergarten and school. There are two lines along which this connection is established: close contact between the teaching staff of kindergarten and school and direct rapprochement between preschoolers and first-graders.

Educators get acquainted with the content and specifics of teaching and educational work in the primary grades of the school, determining the prospects for the development of children and ensuring the level of development required by the school. In turn, teachers get an idea of ​​the content of educational work carried out in kindergarten in order to rely on the children’s knowledge and experience.

The forms of communication between these teaching teams are varied:

1. Joint discussion and study of the 1st grade program and the kindergarten education program, a deep understanding of their continuity.

2. Familiarization of teachers with the forms of work in the preparatory group, as well as the level of knowledge and skills acquired by children by the end of senior preschool age; for this purpose, it is advisable to have primary school teachers attend classes in kindergarten, observe preschoolers, have individual conversations with some of them, and attend pedagogical councils held in kindergarten based on the results of work in preparatory groups.

3. Observation of teachers over their students in the first months of school in order to identify how they manifest themselves in a new team, how they master the program, and what difficulties they encounter; visiting pedagogical councils at school based on the performance of first-grade students.

Conducting conferences and pedagogical readings on the problems of comprehensive readiness of preschool children for school, joint discussions of new pedagogical and psychological literature, etc.

4. The relationship between the psychological services of the kindergarten and the school makes it possible to develop coordinated views on the criteria for children’s readiness for school education and on the conduct of diagnostic procedures in connection with the enrollment of children in school.

5. Use of health-saving technologies of preschool educational institutions in primary schools. Carrying out joint health and educational events with preschool educational institutions: “Health Days”, “Sports Festivals”, “Open lessons and physical education classes with the invitation of parents”, etc. The use of hardening technologies in preschool educational institutions.

Along with traditional forms of continuity during the innovative movement in education, new ones have appeared, such as workshops, days of joint learning, psychological trainings, online meetings, “creating a single portrait of a graduate of a preschool educational institution” and others.

As a result of such contacts between teachers of preschool institutions and schools, their mutual understanding is achieved. Educators are more clearly aware of the requirements of the school, the tasks of preparing children for school, and solve them more successfully. Teachers, in turn, delve deeper into the tasks, content and methods of work of the kindergarten, which helps them establish continuity in educational methods.

Communication between preparatory group children and schoolchildren is maintained throughout the school year. Familiarizing preschoolers with school makes it possible to expand the corresponding ideas of kindergarten students, develop their interest in school, and the desire to learn. The forms of this work are varied: excursions to school, visiting the school museum, library, workshop, conducting joint classes, matinees, musical and literary evenings, organizing exhibitions of drawings and crafts.

Establishing connections and creative cooperation between kindergarten and school is a necessary condition for successfully solving the problems of preparing children for systematic education.

From work experience:

In our preschool educational institution the following forms of succession are carried out:

1. From time to time, children go on excursions to school. Children have the opportunity to sit at a desk and feel like they are on an equal footing with the students. In September, children from the preparatory group attended a school assembly. These meetings leave especially joyful impressions on children.

2. A year before the children enter, the school administration determines the teacher to whom they will come on September 1st. During the school year, the teacher attends scheduled moments of the educational process. He watches the children and communicates with them.

3. The teacher and primary school teacher attend open lessons and classes with each other.

4. Individual conversations are held between preschool teachers and educators with parents and their children.

5. It is planned to hold joint sports entertainment with first-graders and children of the preparatory group.

Thus, continuity is inherent in the very nature of teaching and raising children and is their attribute. Based on the characteristics and nature of the phenomenon being studied, the goal of implementing continuity has been determined - creating conditions for an effective and painless transition of children from preschool educational institutions to primary school.

Plan for joint work between preschool educational institutions and primary schools

Kind of activity

Form of conduct



Mark on the implementation

Joint pedagogical events

Seminar “Study and analysis of preschool and primary school programs and their connection”


head teacher of the school

Joint cultural events

Concert of school students and kindergarten students (based on the kindergarten)

“Academy of Arts” (exhibition of drawings and handicrafts by pre-school graduates and kindergarten students)

Supervision of preschool educational institution graduates at school (conversations with teachers about each preschool educational institution graduate, discussion of creative development, how to find the “key to everyone”)




music head of preschool educational institution

Art. preschool teacher

Art. teacher

Mutual visits

Teachers of classes in the preparatory group for school, senior group in mathematics, preparation for literacy

Lesson teachers in 1st grade

Workshop (round table) “Exchange of experience. Analysis and discussion of lessons at school and activities in kindergarten"

October, February

November, March


head teacher of the school,

Art. teacher

Art. teacher, head teacher of school

Art. teacher, head teacher of school

Taking care of your health

"Health Day"

Registration of health cards for each child of a kindergarten graduate


by April

preschool teachers

Work with children

Make a selection of books about school. Decorate the corners of the books “We read ourselves”

Conversations with children: “If you are left at home alone” (basics of safety), “Why go to school”

Design corners for school games in groups

Conduct diagnostics of psychological and social readiness for school.

by April



March, April

teachers of senior groups

teachers of senior groups

preschool teachers

Art. teacher

Working with parents

Workshop “Family well-being on the eve of school life”

Consultations: “Criteria for a child’s readiness for schooling”

- “Portrait of a future first-grader”

Parent meeting for children of the senior, middle group “To school from 6 years old. Pros and cons"

- “School Presentation”






Art. teacher

Art. teacher

Art. teacher

Art. teacher, school psychologist

head teacher of the school

Currently, with the introduction of new educational standards for preschool and primary general education, it is already established at the regulatory level that the implementation of educational programs is based on a social contract.

Thus, at the formal level, the interaction of all interested participants in the educational process has become mandatory: teachers and parents, representatives of the public in a broad sense.

Attractive features of interaction between kindergarten and school based on socio-pedagogical partnership as a mechanism for implementing continuity are:

  • an extensive network of educational, cultural, sports and other types of institutions, social and psychological services, available in a specific educational space, with large resources;
  • a real possibility of integration and pedagogical expediency of the educational process for a child at all stages of his age development and all levels and programs of education;
  • organization of joint activities of interested organizations.

It is in this type of interaction between kindergarten and school that continuity can best be realized as a two-way connection between adjacent levels of education. At the same time, options for mechanisms for implementing the continuity of preschool and primary levels of education may be different:

  • from a plan for the joint activities of a kindergarten and a primary school to large-scale projects of a preschool educational institution-school as a single educational complex;
  • from coordinating the positions of teachers within the framework of similar didactic systems in the process of methodological work to the introduction of a conceptually unified educational system.

A plan for the joint activities of a kindergarten and a primary school is a coordinated system of decisions, a targeted program of action for the teaching staff of a kindergarten and a school, which spells out with a certain degree of specificity: content, time frames, responsible executors and recipients, organizational forms and methods of achieving succession goals.

When planning the joint activities of a kindergarten and a primary school, as in any plan, the following principles are taken into account:

  • scientific character, perspective and clarity of goals;
  • taking into account the specific conditions of specific educational processes;
  • collectivity in developing plans, focus on modern achievements in the field of education and training [Kodzhaspirova, G.M. Dictionary of pedagogy / G.M. Kodzhaspirova, A.Yu. Kojaspirov. - M.: ICC “Mart”; Rostov-n/D: publishing center “Mart”, 2005. - P. 319].

There are a large number of examples of planning joint activities between kindergarten and school in the methodological literature and pedagogical practice. Necessary and sufficient elements of such plans are:

  • problem-oriented analysis on the problem of continuity, carried out at different levels (state and microsocial);
  • goals and objectives of the activities of preschool educational institutions and schools to ensure continuity;
  • meaningfully filled areas of joint activities between kindergarten and primary school, ensuring their continuous connections;
  • time frame for execution of plans;
  • responsible executors from kindergarten and school;
  • specific cases (events) with the participation of children, teachers and educators, parents, and other interested parties in the education system.

Clarification and expansion of the plan for joint work of kindergarten and school within the educational complex makes it possible to ensure continuity of related levels of education, taking into account specific educational conditions. Building continuity between a preschool educational institution and a school within a single educational complex today has been sufficiently worked out in practice and is well described in the works of S.N. Dmitrieva, Z.V. Doshchitsyna, T.A. Matveeva, M.M. Pashkova and others. Such forms of continuity in educational practice are rare due to high resource costs. Let’s imagine an option for implementing continuity between a preschool educational institution and a school in a single educational complex, as was done by S.N. Dmitrieva [Dmitrieva, S.N. Implementation of the principle of continuity in the conditions of the educational complex kindergarten - school: author's abstract. ...cand. ped. Sci. - Yakutsk, 2006. - P. 7.].

The main tasks in the work of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and schools are as follows:

Coordination of the goals and objectives of education, training and development at all levels of the educational complex;

Improving the forms and methods of organizing teaching and educational activities in a complex based on the joint methodological work of teachers of preschool and primary levels of education;

Creation and rational use of the educational space of the complex for the purpose of intellectual, moral, emotional, physical and aesthetic development of the child’s personality;

Ensuring the possibility of cooperation between preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in a multi-age group of children.

Coordination of the positions of teachers within the framework of similar didactic systems in the process of methodological work is a necessary component of ensuring continuity both in goals and content, and in methods and forms of education at related levels. This can be achieved most effectively by implementing methodological work in kindergarten and school in a single target field of continuity in education.

Today, methodological work is considered as a systemic activity, which involves studying the goals, objectives, main directions and content of teachers’ activities, methods and forms of working with children, predicted results and means of achieving them.

This work, as a rule, is carried out by teachers in relation to the level of education at which they work. In the case of building continuity between kindergarten and school, teachers need to better master the content, methodology, requirements and standards of education at related levels: educators - primary school programs and standards, teachers - preschool education programs and standards. This creates certain difficulties: teachers, as a rule, have a great focus on “their level” - on the educational level where the educator or teacher performs functional responsibilities. And the focus on related (lower or higher order) levels of education is limited.

In addition, today a new model for training a teacher as a subject of professional activity is under development, which involves increasing the professional skills of teachers not through the quantitative accumulation of knowledge, skills, and abilities, but through in-depth penetration into new educational technologies. In this regard, the following difficulties arise in methodological work on succession:

  • formation of motivation of teachers to master psychology, pedagogy and methods of related levels of education;
  • selection of forms of methodological work that are adequate to the goals of building the continuity of a preschool educational institution - school, taking into account general pedagogical approaches and the specifics of preschool pedagogy and elementary school pedagogy.

It should be noted that methodological work aimed at ensuring continuity is not isolated - it comes into contact with other areas, such as: advanced training of teachers, the work of the methodological office, work with pedagogical experience, interaction with parents, therefore it is important to rationally design and implement it.

Modification of the algorithm for interaction between kindergarten and school

  • First step. Creation of a temporary methodological association of teachers of a preschool educational institution and primary school teachers through agreements within the framework of the Coordination Council of educational institutions of the microdistrict. The association is created for one calendar year - from January (the beginning of the second half of one academic year) to December (the end of the first half of the next academic year). It should unite educators who, at the time of the formation of the methodological association, are leading graduating groups of kindergarten and teachers who will accept these children into 1st grade next year.
  • Second step. An agreement by all participants in the methodological association on a common understanding of the goals: the level of readiness for school that must be achieved at the end of kindergarten, as a prerequisite for studying in the first grade, on compliance with uniform technologies and principles embedded in the educational program of the school and kindergarten. The implementation of this step involves finding a compromise between the experience and traditions of teachers of preschool and primary education: the formation of a single set of qualities of a graduate of a particular kindergarten as the ultimate goal of the implementation of the educational program and the uniform requirements for him in primary school. At the same time, teachers analyze the organizational, intellectual, evaluative and communication skills indicated for future first-graders, detail and supplement this list based on the situation in school and kindergarten. This step also involves clarifying the continuity of content reflected in the educational programs of preschool and primary education. All this allows us to begin to build lines of continuity (targeted, methodological and substantive).
  • Third step. Primary school teachers’ visits to classes and routine moments in the kindergarten preparatory group and collective discussion from the standpoint of compliance with the principles and technologies of personality-oriented education and the level of development of the qualities of a kindergarten graduate. This allows elementary school teachers to get to know their future students in advance and see their capabilities in a familiar and comfortable environment. Specific corrective measures are being developed to ensure an increase in the level of readiness of children for school.
  • Fourthstep. Development and implementation by primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers of joint activities with children of the preparatory group. Educators and teachers jointly conduct games, holidays, and leisure activities with children; they involve school students in this work, who prepare performances, crafts, costumes, etc., help conduct games, and actively participate in events. At the same time, future first-graders get to know their teacher and engage in interaction with schoolchildren, which will make their transition to a new level of education more prepared and psychologically comfortable.
  • Fifth step. Diagnosis of children's readiness for school upon leaving kindergarten and upon entering primary school. This work is carried out with the involvement of independent specialists - educational psychologists, speech therapists, medical workers, which allows us to obtain objective data on the development of children and outline personal corrective measures. Carrying out diagnostics twice (at the end of visiting the preparatory group and at the beginning of the first grade) allows you to clarify the level of current development and the zone of proximal development of the child by identifying their dynamics. At the same time, such work allows us to draw a conclusion about the course of a child’s adaptation without additional diagnostic procedures, with subsequent assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical measures in relation to a group of children and each child.
  • Sixth step. Attendance of lessons in 1st grade by the head of the methodological association and teachers of the preschool educational institution. It is necessary to help primary school teachers put into practice joint agreements on successive technologies in organizing children’s activities, learning new material, and working with texts.
  • Seventh step. Regular consultations with 1st grade teachers - discussing lessons, coordinating work and solving emerging problems. Regular meetings are of fundamental importance, at which teachers discuss how first-graders see themselves in the new conditions, and what educational or psychological difficulties arise. At this stage, it is possible to involve specialists from a psychological and pedagogical council working on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach.
  • Eighthstep. Determining the effectiveness of succession work - analyzing the results, adjusting the activities of the teaching staff. Thus, the work of kindergarten and school according to a single plan in order to implement continuity in work is a well-known mechanism used since the mid-twentieth century in the domestic education system. Modern mechanisms for building continuity between kindergarten and school represent a certain purposeful activity of teaching teams at related levels of education based on their interaction.

The work of schools and preschool institutions involves the use of all forms of continuity: study of programs, mutual exchange of experience, formation of interest in children in classes and educational activities. At the initial stage of work on continuity, the methodological service of our district organized seminars and round tables for teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary school teachers, but they were more of a formal nature. Only a few interested teachers came to the events, and, as a rule, there was no constructive dialogue.
Having analyzed all previous work on continuity, we came to the conclusion that, first of all, it is necessary to develop a unified, systematic and consistent work of two structures, preschool and primary education. Today we can say with responsibility that the situation has changed in many ways.
We developed a plan of joint activities, the implementation of which set the goal not of increasing the number of methodological activities, but of improving the quality of continuous connections between the preschool and primary levels. Today, 67 preschool groups have been opened in 37 secondary schools, which has allowed teachers to create a unified educational space and realize continuity in the development and education of children. Open days in preschool educational institutions for primary school teachers have also become traditional, which greatly helps to establish trust and partnership between teachers; Working groups have been created whose goal is to develop detailed methodological recommendations for teachers of preschool educational institutions, primary school teachers and parents.
Kindergartens and schools today are reviewing their work in the direction of continuity. Such forms of interaction as mutual acquaintance with the educational programs of kindergarten and school, the organization of joint pedagogical councils, round tables, and master classes have become effective. Familiarization with the specifics of planning work in kindergarten and thematic lesson plans at school allows teachers to exchange experiences, find optimal methods, techniques and forms of work, and introduces them to the environment and organization of children’s life and education. Such cooperation forms in teachers an understanding of the importance of the child’s development process, and not the accumulation of knowledge, helps to preserve the health of children and not infringe on their right to education, and determines the choice of methods for an individual approach to the future student.
Another important, in our opinion, area of ​​work for kindergartens and schools is the organization of joint holidays, exhibitions, festivals, participation in project activities and other interesting events. For example, schools hold such holidays dedicated to the beginning of the school year as “Farewell to the ABC Book” and “Book Week.” In turn, in kindergarten there are many interesting events in which school teachers take an active part - Farewell to kindergarten, Preschool Worker's Day, Children's Day.
Joint events “School Museums for Preschoolers” and “New Year’s Miracle” are organized for kindergarten and elementary school students; joint exhibitions of children's creativity “You and I will live on a blue planet tomorrow”, “The world through the eyes of a child”. Our pupils and primary school students took an active part in the festival “Scientific and Technical Creativity and Youth Initiatives”. Such meetings activate curiosity and creativity, develop preschoolers’ positive interest in school life, and introduce them to the educational space of schools.
However, the problem of excessive demands on a child’s readiness for school remains a serious problem. When entering some schools, it is required that the child read fluently, operate with numbers within a hundred and know much more. Hence the need for parents to meet the requirements of a high level of development of the child without taking into account his individual characteristics. Parents consider a kindergarten from which children move to an “elite” school to be good; in this regard, educators build the educational process in “school logic”: games and other activities specific to this age are replaced by lesson classes. These problems will be seriously considered in the new academic year at a meeting of the succession working group, which was created last academic year on the initiative of the Department of Education.
The head of the Department of Education, Olga Larionova, approved a work plan for implementing the continuity of preschool and primary general education for the 2010-2011 academic year, which will help preschool institutions and primary schools organize work in this direction jointly and systematically, and not from case to case.
To achieve successful continuity between kindergarten and school, it is necessary to systematically and gradually implement certain steps.
District methodological centers must:
- develop a project of joint activities between the structures of preschool and primary education in this direction;
- hold a number of interesting, vibrant joint thematic events of different directions for teachers and parents of preschool and primary institutions;
- create a district working group of teachers and specialists from preschool institutions and primary schools.
Preschool educational institutions and secondary schools need:
not formally, but thoughtfully conclude a cooperation agreement between the kindergarten and the school;
draw up a plan for joint activities of institutions;
regularly hold joint pedagogical councils to gain a deeper understanding of the education and training programs for children in kindergarten and primary school;
carry out mutual attendance of classes in kindergarten and lessons in primary school by educators and teachers;
hold joint meetings of kindergarten and school specialists;
plan joint activities for the successful adaptation of children to school.
I am sure that only the interest of the school, preschool educational institution and the parent community will truly solve the problems of continuity of preschool and primary education, and make the child’s transition from kindergarten to primary school painless and successful. Everyone will benefit from this, especially children. For the sake of children, you can find time, energy and means to solve the problems of succession.

Elena KIKTENKO, methodologist of the district methodological center of the Central Administrative District

Work plan for the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary general education for the 2010-2011 academic year

Cooperation between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution

Author: Galitskaya Maya Aleksandrovna, Russian language teacher, State Educational Institution "Nedoyskaya Basic School of the Buda-Koshelevsky District" of the Gomel Region of the Republic of Belarus

Subject: cooperation between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution
Relevance of the project:
In modern society, a child becomes a full-fledged member of society only when he learns social norms and cultural values ​​in unity with the implementation of his activity, self-development and self-realization in society. This is possible provided that the child effectively adapts to the school community, on the one hand, and, on the other, is able to withstand those life conflicts that interfere with his development, self-realization, and self-affirmation.
One of the main obstacles when a first-grader adapts to a school environment is the stressful situation in which he finds himself when he comes to school. A change in place of stay, environment, rhythm of activity, content of his daily life has a negative impact on the child’s psyche. Associated with this is the psychological crisis of 6 years of age, which occurs as a result of the fact that the baby’s nervous system cannot cope with the exorbitant load and new impressions that appear with his transition to the next stage of life development.
Thus, for the most successful adaptation of a preschool graduate, it is necessary that the borderline period of change in activity and social status of the child (preschooler - junior schoolchild) pass as calmly as possible, taking into account the personal and psychological characteristics of six-year-old children.
smoothing out the consequences of the kindergarten-school transition period;
creating conditions for the most stress-free adaptation of a first-grader at school.
Expected result: a graduate of a preschool institution is socially adapted and socially protected according to psycho-age needs, ready to start studying at a comprehensive school.

to cultivate the child’s activity in interaction with the environment;
develop a culture of behavior (develop habits and rules of behavior in society);
develop social culture (correct attitude towards the surrounding reality, towards nature);
cultivate citizenship (correct attitude towards work, public and private property);
teach the child to apply his existing knowledge, skills and abilities of communication and interaction with the outside world;
provide age-appropriate general educational knowledge and ideas about oneself and others;
to form a national culture (respect for state symbols, preservation of the country’s cultural traditions, education on the historical national heritage);
develop the level of creativity (the ability to create) through involvement in various activities;
to improve the gaming culture of six-year-olds, since the central new formation of the psyche of a child of this age is role-playing play.

Work with children:
teach children to come into contact with others, with peers, so as not to disrupt existing relationships;
involve children to consolidate skills in multifaceted social contacts based on interest in certain types of activities;
the principles and methods of working with children in the process of interaction must be in strict accordance with the psychological laws of personality formation;
create all conditions for identifying and developing potential internal reserves of the individual;
provide psychological assistance in adapting to the changing conditions of everyday life;
help to assimilate national and universal moral values;
teach children to apply their existing knowledge, skills, and human communication skills in everyday life.
Working with teaching staff:
creation of an educational system that promotes the exchange of experience and mutual cooperation between schools and kindergartens;
organization and methodological support of interaction between members of the school teaching staff and members of the kindergarten teaching staff.
Project activity object (implementation base):
Preschoolers 4 – 6 years old.

Subjects of project activities:
members of the school teaching staff:

Teacher - organizer;
- school psychologist;
- teacher-defectologist (if necessary);
- social teacher;
- leaders of circles;
- primary school teachers;
- teacher receiving kindergarten graduates;
- leader of the children's association.
- creatively working teachers.

Members of the school's student body:
- an asset of the children's self-government system;
- active BRPO (Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization);
- children attending hobby groups and classes;
- "Octobers";
- guys who want to help in cooperation.

Parent Community;
Members of the teaching staff of the kindergarten.

Forms and methods of work:
Involving schoolchildren of different ages and preschoolers in joint gaming activities;
Organization of joint events, cultural activities of various types (game, educational, developmental, creative, intellectual);
Organization of excursion programs for preschoolers within the framework of “school - kindergarten”;
Organization and conduct of joint creative activities (exhibitions, competitions, festivals);
The work of socio-psychological services to study the personal and mental qualities and properties of each child with the subsequent introduction of differentiated, personality-oriented methods and forms of work;
Individual work on the formation, development and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the age characteristics required by the situation.

Implementation dates and schedules:
5 years
Planning stages:
Preparatory stage- 2 years:
Creation of a creative group consisting of teachers, educators, schoolchildren and parents;
Development of a program of cooperation and interaction between a secondary school and a preschool institution;
Planning of educational and methodological complexes;
Development of a comprehensive target system of pedagogical activity and interaction;
Creation of analytical material for diagnosing project implementation.

Main stage – 2 years:
Conducting planned educational and methodological events for participants in project activities;
Identification, generalization and dissemination of the best experience of participants in project activities on cooperation and interaction between a comprehensive school and a preschool institution;
Organization and implementation of educational interaction program;
Monitoring the implementation of project activities;
Analytical activities to implement project objectives.

Final stage – 1 year:
Monitoring and evaluation of project results;
Information and analytical work to summarize the results of project activities;
Accompanying first-graders in their first year of school.

Criteria by which the quality of the project will be monitored:

1. Level of socialization and adaptation of children at the borderline period “kindergarten – school”:
Level of motivation of children to study;
Assessing the opportunity of each child to demonstrate their creative potential;
The degree of realization of the value orientations of a first-grader;
The degree of influence of various factors of the social environment on children;
The place of school in the formation of a child’s personality;
The level of readiness of children to start school.

2. The degree of compliance of educational services with the needs and expectations of parents:
Comparative analysis of the opinions of first-graders and participants
project activities, parents regarding satisfaction with the work being carried out.

3. Assessment of the sociocultural situation:
Assessment of the activities of subjects of project work to develop the general cultural horizons of students;
Level of communication skills of first-graders;
Level of value orientations;
The level of education of children, the presence of negative phenomena in the adaptation of first-graders, their analysis;
The presence of sociocultural events in project activities;
The state of relationships between first-graders and other members of the school community.
Regulatory support:
Code of the Republic of Belarus “On Education”;
The concept of raising children and students in the Republic of Belarus;
Program for the education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus;
Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”.

Methodological support:
Scientific and methodological materials on the project problem;
Methodological developments of members of teaching staff of schools and kindergartens;
Methodological literature.

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