Partner planets in my houses. Synastry. Partner’s planets in my first house Influence on appearance and character

First House

Partner's Sun in the first house.

If the Solar potential of will and creation of one person is aimed at stimulating the same qualities of another person in the 1st House, then speaking about their relationships, it can be argued that these individuals, when solving mutually interesting goals and objectives, will be either in a state of competition or in a state of cooperation. Since the natural ruler of the First House is Aries, in this situation both personalities will strive to improve each other until they become practically similar in their life views and positions. This state of affairs, taking into account the desire of each to play an equally important role, should very obviously lead to their close cooperation on the basis of competition. At the same time, both individuals, without much damage to their pride, are ready to hide their egoism if their cooperation is obviously highly effective. Romantic and intimate relationships of such partners are characterized by strong mutual attraction. This is because the Sun is the natural ruler of the Fifth House and the Ascendant influences the physical body of a person.

Partner Moon in my first house.

This case implies the formation of a strong emotional connection in relationships of high significance between people. Self-expression of the First House personality evokes emotional responses from the “lunar” personality. If the Moon is somehow connected with the Fifth House of at least one of the horoscopes of these individuals, then with a high degree of probability we can talk about the emergence of a romantic relationship between them. Family and household affairs are the main color in which these relationships are painted. The individuality of the First House, apparently, has a very definite influence on home life“lunar” personality, which implies the presence of a strong emotional connection in the factor of family relationships. So, for example, a child raised in such conditions may subsequently not feel emotional independence from his parents and his father’s home, having become quite old and mature. In the relationship under consideration, both individuals are prone to memories of their early childhood and those distant family habits and traditions, which naturally stimulates the development of corresponding psychological reactions in them in the process of all their subsequent relationships. Will these reactions have an overall positive or Negative influence on the dynamics of the development of relations between these people depends on other important factors of this comparative aspect, as well as on the aspects of the Moon. In some cases, the "lunar" personality may begin to irritate the First House person with his emotional problems and mood swings, and if the aspects of the Moon are unfavorable or the whole comparative aspect is quite difficult, then it is likely that the First House personality will emotionally depress the "lunar" one.

Mercury Partner in my first house.

The “Mercurian” personality stimulates the “First House” personality intellectually with the goal of more effective self-expression. And the personality of the “First House” constantly “throws up” ideas for the creative self-expression of the “Mercurian”. At the same time, it inspires the latter to actively promote these ideas forward thanks to its high energy capabilities. Depending on the aspects of Mercury in comparison and in the horoscope of the “Mercurian” personality, we can talk about a positive or negative impact on the image and self-expression of the “First House” personality, the opinions and authority of the “Mercurian” personality. One way or another, the “Mercurian” personality contributes in every possible way to the formation of “ feedback" in their relationship, which naturally stimulates creativity and self-expression of both partners.

Venus Partner in my first house.

Partners strive to match each other emotionally. The “Venusian” personality helps the “First House” personality develop more harmoniously and effectively, and that, for its part, helps the “Venusian” person become more self-confident, more socially active and show more desire for constructive creative activity.

If the personality of the “First House” is modest and shy by nature, then the love and attention of the “Venusian” will help her “stir up.” Their areas of common interests are culture and creativity, as well as social activity.

The First House is associated with Aries and Mars. In this regard, the "Venus" personality may view the "First House" personality as too aggressive and eccentric, especially if Venus is negative in comparison.

The “Venusian” personality may view the person of the “First House” as a certain source of luxury and well-being, and therefore gradually becomes dependent on it. This option is very promising for business partnerships, especially if it is related to art and everything beautiful. Strong romantic feelings may arise between partners, which gradually develop into a marital relationship.

Mars Partner in my first house.

The “Martian” personality has a powerful energetic influence on the “first house” personality, actively stimulating it to action. The “First House” person also does not want to remain passive in this process and stimulates the "Martian" personality.

Whether the relationship will be constructive or destructive depends on the maturity of the individuals and on the characteristics of the aspects of Mars in comparison.

Healthy competition often arises between partners in professional and social spheres associated with attempts to satisfy ambitious ambitions. Romantic relationships based on strong physical attraction can also arise between partners of different sexes.

Jupiter Partner in my first house.

The "Jupiterian" personality has positive influence on the person of the “First House”, contributing in every possible way to her self-expression and self-improvement, helping to develop a positive worldview. The personality of the “First House”, in turn, helps the “Jupiterian” to more actively implement their ideas and projects.

With active cooperation between partners, constructive relationships develop in the cultural, educational, philosophical and social spheres. They charge each other with energy and vitality, love to travel and jointly increase their intellectual level. At the same time, they are very actively involved in issues of their home, considering family relationships to be a very important aspect of living together.

With Jupiter negative in comparison, the “First House” personality may feel that the “Jupiterian” is showing some strange benevolence and connivance towards her, thus trying to win her favor, or suddenly begins to become prude and hypercritical.

Saturn Partner in my first house.

Relationships are formed that are characterized by the seriousness of the intentions of the parties. The “Saturnian” personality tries to discipline and keep within acceptable limits the self-expression potential of the “First House” person, which, if the aspect is favorable and positive, gives its positive tangible results, expressed in the development of the “First House” personality’s abilities of insightful foresight in constructive life activities.

With Saturn negative in comparison, the First House personality will clearly feel pressured by the Saturnian personality, who views the First House person as impulsive, eccentric, and morally immature.

With positivity, partners can effectively cooperate in business, financial and professional activities. They are, as a rule, good friends and socially active members of society.

Partner Uranus in my first house.

Unusual and very unbalanced relationships are formed, when partners constantly arouse in each other irrepressible freedom-loving moods, a passion for adventure and unique self-expression. At the same time, they respect each other as individuals, completely rejecting the tendency to dominate and rule.

The “Uranian” personality helps the person of the “First House” achieve their goals and feel more confident intellectually and spiritually, avoiding external dependence. This is achieved thanks to their mutual passion for metaphysics, meditation and yoga, which contribute to personal self-improvement. The “Uranian” personality, as a more socially active one, helps to attract the “First House” personality to engage in the above-mentioned teachings.

The “First House” personality teaches the “Uranian” personality determination, especially when it is necessary to implement intuitively found solutions, developing completely unusual unique projects that require the complete independence of the author.

Partners inspire each other in terms of overcoming routines and traditional worldviews that hinder progressive reforms.

Neptune Partner in my first house.

A strong psycho-emotional connection is established between individuals, forming their future relationships. The intuitive possibilities of foresight that arise at the level of the subconscious of the “Neptunian” personality have a constructive or destructive influence on the possibilities of self-expression of the person of the “First House”.

With the positivity of Neptune, the “Neptunian” personality significantly increases the level of spiritual and emotional perception of the “First House” personality, allowing it not only to improve, but also to express itself constructively, and this, in turn, stimulates the “Neptunian” personality to reveal itself even more positively and actively your intuitive, aesthetic and creative abilities.

When Neptune is defeated, the “Neptunian” personality has a negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of the “First House” personality, condoning her bad habits and inclinations, while she literally begins to drown in empty and useless fantasies of an unreal, made-up world.

If the partners are closer, being in family and household relationships, then all of the above effects become even more pronounced.

Partner Pluto in my first house.

Relationships are formed based on the very strong influence of the “Plutonian” personality on the subconscious and self-expression of the “First House” personality.

With harmonious Pluto, a person of the “First House” begins to rely more in all matters not on emotions, thoughts and feelings, but on principles emanating from his subconscious. The influence of the “Plutonian” personality is expressed in the fact that the “1st House” personality begins to feel like a spiritual nature, capable of exercising complete self-control. As a result, their relationship becomes constructive.

Given the negativity of Pluto in comparison, the “First House” personality protests in every possible way against attempts to influence her personal qualities by the “Plutonian” personality. If the relationships between partners are positive, their interests intersect in such areas of life as science, spirituality and the occult, technology and industry, as well as politics, economics, sociology and ecology.

Second house

The Partner Sun is in my second house.

In this situation, cooperation in the field of finance and business is possible. Solar energy and creative potential lead to an improvement in the material condition of the individual in the “Second Home”, due to the mobilization of its hidden capabilities. The more energetic “Sunny” personality exerts its influence on the personality of the Second House by shaping the aesthetic tastes of the latter or its new ideas about material values, as well as both, while the personality of the Second House, gradually transforming in the eyes of the first, is a constant source undisclosed possibilities that feed the “Sunny” personality in this regard.

In friendly, romantic and family relationships, disagreements and confrontations can arise due to existing ulterior motives related to the material and material side of their relationship. Horoscopic comparisons of these people will show whether there are opportunities to eliminate these difficulties.

Partner Moon in my second house.

This comparative combination is widespread in relationships in the field of family business (restaurant, service, real estate, household goods, etc.). The family and home activities of the “lunar” individual influence the financial activities of the Second House individual, whose success in this direction has, in turn, an emotional impact on the “lunar” individual. This implies the development of good business partnerships as the Moon happens to be exalted in the Second House, which aligns with Taurus in the natal Zodiac. In some cases, both partners find pleasure in spending luxurious time, in particular, in pompous dinners together.

Mercury Partner in my second house.

This combination is an indicator of the formation of business and professional relationships between people, provided that Mercury does not behave extremely negatively in comparison.

Serious business relationships are established between individuals and they are quite capable of solving complex financial issues on high level.

The “Mercurian” personality actively stimulates the personality of the Second House in mental and intellectual terms in matters of reasonable and effective business management, and the latter, in turn, provides all kinds of support, including financial support, to the ideas of the “Mercurian” personality. The joint activities of these partners can effectively develop, both in the field scientific activity, and in art.

Venus Partner in my second house.

This comparative option is very promising for the formation of business relations between partners, especially if it is associated with financial activities or with what constitutes material, spiritual and aesthetic values. Both personalities strive for everything beautiful and luxurious.

The Personality of the Second House has the opportunity to provide the “Venusian” with finances and other material assets, and she, for her part, provides her with all possible assistance and assistance in acquiring them and developing the most promising financial projects.

The marital relationships of these people are built mainly on the basis of the same mercantile financial interests.

If the comparison is negative, these individuals can encourage each other to engage in frivolous financial scams, excessive luxury, and ill-considered spending of material resources.

Partner's Mars is in my second house.

With this comparative combination, relationships are formed that are based on common financial and business interests and are distinguished by their energy.

If Mars is positive in comparison, then people become good business partners, working efficiently and energetically.

When Mars is negative, disagreements begin between partners. This also applies to all other relationships formed between them.

The Second House personality considers the Martian to be overly aggressive, impulsive, demanding and extravagant in financial matters, and she, for her part, considers the Second House personality to be conservative and stingy in financial matters.

Jupiter Partner in my second house.

With this comparative combination, relationships are formed between people that can be considered successful in the field of financial and business activity. The “Jupiterian” personality skillfully uses his wisdom, experience and knowledge, and the personality of the Second House does his best to ensure that these abilities are actually brought to life, providing the material and everyday side of their life together.

The “Jupiterian” personality also takes on organizational activities, providing representation and connections.

With such joint cooperation, partners not only constantly improve their well-being and intellectual level, actively stimulating each other to do this, but also try to lead a socially active and healthy lifestyle, have many friends and associates, travel and relax.

With the negativity of Jupiter, partners, as they say, can easily “skid” and they are capable of plunging each other into the most unreasonable waste and clearly unprofitable projects.

Partner Saturn in my second house.

With this aspect, relationships are formed between individuals based on strict mutual responsibility.

“Saturnian” influences the personality of the Second House, teaching it prudence and frugality in matters of joint financial activity. As a result of this, the personality of the Second House begins to competently manage their affairs. And the experience, skill and hard work of the “Saturnian” personality ultimately ensure the success of the joint active life of this union.

If the comparison is negative, financial losses and difficulties may haunt partners in their activities. The “Saturnian” personality can become selfish and tactless, which makes it difficult to successfully complete the assigned tasks of joint business activity.

Partner Uranus in my second house.

With this combination, the relationship between partners is based on a mutual desire to use unique, unusual ways and methods of doing things in the process of joint life activity, both in work and in everyday life. “Uranian” inspires a person of the Second House to practically implement all new products and promising ideas, when decisiveness and speed of action are of paramount importance.

The Personality of the Second House, for its part, helps the “Uranian” to become more practical and effective in matters of self-expression.

With Uranus positive in comparison, partners can achieve tangible and noticeable success in all respects.

However, it cannot be said unequivocally that the aspect is characterized by the constant success of partners. Their penchant for constant experimentation and personal testing of everything untested often leads to material losses. This is especially true when Uranus is negative in comparison.

Neptune Partner in my second house.

With this aspect, relationships between people are formed on the basis of joint activities related to its financial aspects.

If Neptune is negative in comparison, then the influence and activities of the “Neptunian” personality lead to material waste, ill-considered actions leading to financial losses, waste and losses associated with the fraudulent actions of the “Neptunian” personality. It is clear that such a “partner” can hardly be tolerated calmly, and therefore the personality of the Second House protests in every possible way and does not want to put up with such a dishonest and frivolous partner.

With a positive aspect, the intuitive abilities of the “Neptunian” personality very effectively contribute to the successful development of a common cause in all areas of the partners’ mutual life activity.

Partner Pluto in my second house

In this case, relationships are formed between people, the main distinctive feature, which has a financial-materialistic coloring in all spheres of joint life activity - science, professional activity, technology, research, industry and representation. However, financial issues are prevalent. Personalities are different high degree responsibility, especially when it comes to issues of a social nature.

When Pluto is negative in comparison, this factor worsens significantly due to the egocentrism and short-sightedness of partners. In addition, disagreements and conflicts arise between them in the area of ​​effective use of material resources and making unwise decisions.

If the aspect is positive, partners can interact very effectively. The “Plutonian” personality teaches the person of the Second House to invest wisely and effectively in the implementation of projects and ideas for joint life and activity.

Third House

Partner Sun in my third house

Here, mutual intellectual and mental stimulation is quite possible through the emergence of more and more new ideas and proposals on the part of the individual for whom the Third House of the horoscope is compared. A more energetically active personality, skillfully using the influence of the Sun, will, in turn, constantly stimulate the idea-generating personality with originality, breadth of thinking and an indomitable passion for cooperation. This kind of relationship is simply a dream for writers, scientists and all those who live and create in conditions of constant work of active thinking. The negative aspects are expressed mainly in countless ideas of pursuit of pleasure.

Partner Moon in my third house

With this combination, relationships are formed on the basis of joint life activities in everyday conditions, taking into account the personal, emotional, family and home characteristics of the formation of the nature of each individual. The emotional reactions of the “lunar” personality influence the mental-intellectual side of the relationship, which stimulates the person of the Third House to exert their emotional impact on the “lunar” personality. Problems in relationships arise as a result of “too much fuss about nothing,” which, naturally, does not in any way contribute to serious joint activities, and indeed does not decorate the relationship as a whole. The sphere of common interests covers intellectual and educational activities at home. A person of the Third House may well help the “lunar” personality in developing financial issues and ideas. The positivity of this comparative aspect can significantly improve the quality of relationships.

Mercury Partner in my third house

With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed based on an intellectual basis. Since in the natural Zodiac Mercury is the ruler of the Third House, we can safely assume that individuals will actively intellectually stimulate each other's creative self-expression. In this regard, this combination is very effective in relationships related to the field of education and pedagogy. However, in any scientific research, journalism, art, travel, industrial production etc. this combination will have a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of the relationship. In order to more specifically determine the sphere of life where this aspect is most positively effective, it is necessary to more carefully examine the influence of Mercury in the horoscope of one person on the aspects of comparison as a whole for the Third House of the horoscope of another person.

Venus Partner in my third house

With this option, people find many common interests in poetry, literature and other forms of art. Venus in this comparison has a positive influence on the formation of harmonious relationships. Partners are polite, tactful and diplomatic in relation to each other and therefore, without any problems, they overcome all sorts of difficulties associated with misunderstandings that arise in the course of their relationship. The personality of the Third House in every possible way assists the “Venusian” in raising her intellectual level, and she, for her part, in every possible way contributes to the social recognition of the person of the Third House as an individual, forming the necessary opinions and creating the necessary connections.

Mars Partner in my third house

In this option, relationships are formed between people based on a fast-acting and energetically powerful mental connection. When Mars is positive, people inspire each other to engage in scientific, intellectual, professional and social activities. When Mars is negative in comparison, disagreements arise between partners in all matters of joint life. In this regard, they should try to avoid disputes and be more accommodating towards each other, so as not to complicate their lives, especially during joint travel and business trips.

When the aspect is positive, normal constructive and creative relationships are formed between individuals. The Personality of the Third House considers the “Martian” to be undiplomatic, overly impulsive, and she, for her part, considers the Personality of the Third House to be demagogic and carried away with reasoning that has no real implementation and result. In order to avoid subsequent disagreements, partners should be more attentive to each other, having studied in advance the characteristics of the nature of the opposite side. During joint social activity, partners willingly involve their relatives, friends and acquaintances in it

Jupiter Partner in my third house

In this variant, people form their relationships on the basis of common spiritual, educational, cultural and philosophical worldviews. The “Jupiterian” personality in every possible way contributes to increasing the spiritual and cultural level and optimistic and positive attitude of the person of the Third House, who, for its part, helps the “Jupiterian” in the formation of a scientifically sound basis for her philosophical worldview. Personalities love to spend time in interesting, educationally useful discussions and philosophical conversations. Partners love self-education, travel and educational excursions. This aspect is considered very promising for family relationships. When Jupiter is negative in comparison, partners begin to “hover in the clouds” more and more, thereby reducing the potential for joint practical creativity.

Partner Saturn in my third house

In this option, people unite in terms of serious intellectual self-improvement, actively engaging in joint business and professional life activities that allow them to achieve what they want. They treat not only each other responsibly and honestly, but also what they do. The “Saturnian” personality directs the intellectual abilities of the Third House personality in the right direction, instilling in her a sense of responsibility towards others, and she, for her part, helps the “Saturnian” personality in terms of enriching herself with ideas and practical skills. With a negative aspect, the “Saturnian” personality shows a reluctance to perceive everything new and useful, which makes the Third House personality consider it stupid, stubborn and unresponsive in a positive way.

Partner Uranus in my third house

With this aspect, relationships are formed between people, based on the fairly rapid formation of an intuitive connection, a common component, which is the strong mutual desire of the parties to learn and test everything new, hitherto unknown to them. Partners willingly and actively cooperate in all mutually interesting areas of life, where they can really express themselves in terms of constant reform activities. The “Uranian” personality stimulates the Third House personality in terms of great receptivity and ease of thinking when assessing everything new and promising, helping it to more effectively and wisely use practical experience and intuition when making responsible decisions. The personality of the Third House, for its part, helps the “Uranian” in obtaining verified and confirmed information necessary for developing and making the right decisions. Without a doubt, this aspect is very effective in joint scientific research conducted by these people. Being socially active individuals, individuals willingly participate in travel and other social events held in a group of mutual friends and associates.

When the aspect is negative, partners stop properly understanding each other and stimulate unrealistic and impractical ideas and projects. And in general, many positive connections and relationships, both at work and in everyday life, begin to turn into negative ones.

Neptune Partner in my third house

In this case, rather fragile and ambiguous psycho-emotional relationships are formed between people at the subconscious level. Problems of mutual understanding may arise between them, because the “Neptunian” personality relies on the psycho-intuitive abilities of the imagination, and the personality of the Third House relies on the logic of thinking and the objectivity of information. However, a lot depends on the mental characteristics of the partners laid down in their natal horoscopes. With a positive aspect, individuals discover many common interests in the spiritual-religious and cultural-intellectual spheres of active life. At the same time, the intuitive abilities of the “Neptunian” personality are perfectly combined in a constructive and creative sense with the practical skills of a person of the Third House.

When the aspect is negative, partners have problems and difficulties in relationships associated with the absent-mindedness, recklessness and insincerity of the “Neptunian” nature, which considers the person of the Third House to be incapable of intuitive thinking and purely attached to trifles, a pedantic and down-to-earth person, who, for his part, believes "Neptunian" personality, simply unbearable. However, if this aspect is considered generally positive, then these relationships can be considered as promising in a creative and constructive way, especially in those areas of life activity that are associated with creative and spiritual-intellectual activity. In terms of family life, this aspect is also very promising.

Partner Pluto in my third house

With this aspect, relationships are formed based on mutual interest in the deep study of science, economics, spiritual and religious teachings, which develops in them the habit of a fundamental view of real existence. Physics, mathematics, biology, electronics, medicine and parapsychology attract the attention of these people, who willingly engage in any joint creative and constructive activity related to the use of these sciences. Engaging in art, culture and creative activity is also not alien to them. They love to travel for educational purposes and for pleasure. It is likely that a telepathic connection will arise between them. They are socially active and happily collaborate with groups of friends, associates and like-minded people, among whom they prefer to see family and friends.

Fourth House

Partner Sun in my fourth house

This kind of relationship reflects, by and large, dramatic relationships of a family nature, say, between a parent and a child, or the relationships of people simply living under the same roof, not necessarily relatives. Emerging in in this case relationships are of an internal subconscious nature and if they develop in a positive direction, then a real manifestation of the chain “stimulation - increasing the factor of self-expression - response to stimulation” inherent in the relationships discussed in this chapter of the book is possible.

Partner Moon in my fourth house

This combination largely determines strong relationships based on home and family activities. Individuals are either members of the same family or live together under the same roof. Emotional family connections and traditions in their relationship form the basis and are very strong. Both individuals sacredly honor parental instructions from early childhood and build a psycho-emotional relationship on their basis. Those who form this kind of relationship will constantly emotionally educate each other in matters related to house building, provide each other with all kinds of support, including financial, in any endeavors that can improve the status and well-being of their common home. The abilities in matters of house-building of a person of the Fourth House will stimulate the emotional reactions of the “lunar” personality, who will skillfully guide and direct these abilities of the person of the Fourth House in the right direction.

Mercury Partner in my fourth house

The flow of ideas of the “Mercurian” personality exerts its influence on the everyday life of the personality of the Fourth House, giving it a more meaningful and purposeful character, which, in turn, has a very beneficial effect on the further creative self-expression of the “Mercurian” personality. At the same time, she begins to take the formation of her life more seriously, which, naturally, strengthens the family relationships of the partners. In some cases, both individuals find a common interest in studying environmental problems, as well as other purely materialistic aspects of existence. The “Mercurian” personality tries to put their common interests on the platform of scientific and intellectual creation, expanding socially active activities and helping the person of the Fourth House to take a more meaningful approach to assessing their sensory-emotional functioning and psychological connections with the outside world. The latter, in turn, in every possible way contributes to the further effective intellectual improvement of the “Mercurian” personality. Common interests in matters of everyday life and a healthy lifestyle further strengthen the relationship between partners.

Venus Partner in my fourth house

In this case, people like to spend time at home, with their family and household members, having lunches and dinners together. The “Venusian” personality skillfully arranges the life of a person of the Fourth House, who, for its part, creates all the conditions for creative self-expression, artistry and social expressiveness of the “Venusian” personality. The “Venusian” personality inspires the Fourth House person to organize house parties and other events with a wide range of invitees. Both willingly discuss and participate in the preparation of exotic dishes and drinks for these Sabantui. They spare no money or time to improve their home, trying to make it as comfortable and cozy as possible. In some cases, their home becomes a place for joint business. With this combination in family life partners gradually enter into harmony in their relationships. It develops most favorably if the “Venusian” personality is a woman and the Fourth House personality is a man. Idyll and harmony are not disturbed, if, of course, Venus is positive.

With the negativity of Venus in the Fourth House of Comparison, difficulties begin to appear in the relationships of these people, which are the result of unpredictable mood swings and hypersensitivity. Their normal social activities are also disrupted.

Mars Partner in my fourth house

With this combination, people show mutual activity in home and family life. With the positivity of Mars, their relationships in this area are simply excellent, and they engage in house-building with great desire and love. With the negativity of Mars, such wonderful relationships collapse before our eyes, giving way to disputes, disagreements, and discord. Since Mars can be unintentionally weakened in the Fourth House, this aspect is, by and large, considered unfavorable in the formation of marital relationships. The Fourth House personality feels depressed due to the emotional insensitivity, aggressiveness and inattention of the “Martian” personality, especially when it comes to home building problems. The Fourth House personality feels a certain threat to inner harmony and peace of mind. The “Martian” personality considers the Fourth House person to be lazy and emotionally damaged due to being overwhelmed with domestic problems. The positive side is that the “Martian” personality can help the Fourth House personality mobilize its efforts to solve the most pressing problems of existence.

Jupiter Partner in my fourth house

With this combination, relationships are formed between people, which are based on the harmony of the family and the household as a whole. Individuals make every effort to ensure that their common scrap becomes their fortress in the literal and figurative sense. All their life activities in terms of self-education or professional self-improvement in one way or another relate to issues of general house building. This aspect is very promising in the formation of any positively creative relationships, both in business, especially family, and in everyday life. The “Jupiterian” personality tries in every possible way to bring a spiritual, philosophical and scientific-educational stream into joint life activities.

When the aspect is negative, friction begins between partners based on the manifestation of selfishness, possessive habits and excessive patronage.

Partner Saturn in my fourth house

With this combination, relationships are formed between individuals based on joint serious engagement in family and household activities, with high discipline and mutual responsibility. The "Saturn" personality stimulates and inspires the Fourth House personality, which is constantly able to provide the "front" of work.

If the aspect is negative, the professional activity of the “Saturnian” person may come into conflict with the everyday needs of a person of the Fourth House, who may view the “Saturnian” person in this regard as insensitive and unreceptive in relation to feelings and emotions, as well as burdensome in many respects.

If the aspect is positive, there are practically no significant disagreements between partners, both in the business and family spheres of active life and activity.

Partner Uranus in my fourth house

With this aspect, misunderstandings often arise between people in the process of forming relationships due to the fact that the “Uranian” personality provokes incredible and sometimes even destructive events and changes in everyday life and family. In addition, quite often the “Uranian” personality tries to provoke changes at the psycho-emotional level of the Fourth House personality. This may well be a consequence of the unforeseen consequences of experimentation on a subconscious level using spiritual and psychological experience (occultism, meditation, etc.). However, from a positive point of view, such an impact contributes to the psychological emancipation of the Fourth House personality, allowing it to get rid of the negative influence of past life experiences that have enslaved the subconscious. In family and everyday life, the experiences of the “Uranian” personality are manifested in the choice of non-standard solutions, both in matters of house construction (their house is unusual, including furniture, dishes, etc.), and in its use (gatherings, circles, parties, etc.). P.). The personality of the Fourth House provides the “Uranian” with the opportunity to express themselves creatively, taking on menial and everyday work, stimulating the desire to engage in more practical activities. The negativity of the aspect is expressed in a violation of harmony both in work and in everyday life.

Neptune Partner in my fourth house

With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed between people based on a psycho-emotional connection, which, with closer family and everyday relationships, turns into a karmic, characteristic coloring (positive or negative), which is determined based on the influence of Neptune in the most comparative aspect, because the “Neptunian” personality has great impact potential. With a positive aspect, relationships are characterized by spiritual and emotional uplift and creative constructiveness in all mutually interesting areas of life.

When the aspect is negative, psychological disharmony, misunderstanding, disagreements and incompatibility begin when trying to work together. Partners distance themselves spiritually, sensually and emotionally from each other, because joint life activities cause undesirable negative consequences psychologically.

Partner Pluto in my fourth house

With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed between individuals based on an active mutual passion for issues of everyday life and house building in a family environment. The “Plutonian” personality constantly strives to positively and creatively change the living conditions of a person of the Fourth House.

When the aspect is negative, the relationship between partners turns from constructive to destructive.

If the personality aspect is positive, they are willing to engage in environmental problems, because they really love nature and a healthy lifestyle. The areas of their joint life activity may include any activity that directly or indirectly relates to issues of everyday life and house building (procurement, farming, interior design, etc.). They love to travel and are socially active and outgoing.

Fifth House

Partner Sun in my fifth house

The nature of relationships of this type is purely romantic and family, since they are based on the enormous potential for emotional and romantic rapprochement. Individuals in such relationships always strive for each other, trying to express themselves through communication in all aspects of life together in art, sports, social active work, birth and raising children. The ideal relationship of this type is considered to be in pairs “parent-child”, “teacher-student”, as well as in the field of professional joint activities in various fields.

Partner Moon in my fifth house

This comparative combination predetermines the emotional and romantic attraction of individuals. At the same time, individuals can be so absorbed in the joint pursuit of their own household management that they can easily live together under one roof without entering into a marital relationship.

It is possible that one of the individuals will take on “parental” functions. They may well have children together without, again, entering into a marital relationship. Home, children, family and well-being are the main life values ​​of these relationships. Even romanticism and physical attraction fade into the background. If this relationship concerns parents and children, then a strong emotional connection is established between them. Both personalities stimulate each other’s creative and artistic imagination in every possible way. They are socially active and constantly strive to seek pleasure in life together. They like to cook delicious dishes together. If the aspects of the Moon are positive, then it is quite possible to talk about the possibility of good business relations arising between these individuals, especially in the field of beauty. The imagination with which the “lunar” personality is rich will stimulate in in the right direction the creative abilities of the Fifth House personality, thereby contributing to the response stimulation of the socially active factor in the activity of the “lunar” personality.

Mercury Partner in my fifth house

The “Mercurian” personality intellectually stimulates the Fifth House personality, which begins to look at the basic life and spiritual values ​​of existence in a completely different way. Both partners, based on the emerging relationship, find many common interests in the cultural, business and everyday spheres of life. Creative self-expression and artistry of the Fifth House personality are, without a doubt, of great interest to the highly intelligent “Mercurian” nature. Since Mercury is essentially a neutral planet, this comparative combination is completely uncharacteristic of forming relationships based on purely physical attraction. In this regard, romantic relationships between them are formed on the basis of high feelings and emotions. Considering that in these relationships the partners find great pleasure in intellectual communication with each other, we can confidently say that this comparative aspect is very effective in the formation of educational and pedagogical relationships.

Venus Partner in my fifth house

With this combination, strong romantic and physical attraction to each other prevails in people's relationships. They strive to spend most of their time together everywhere and always. Their marriage is based on pure high feelings, and not on any mercantile interests. “Venusian” individuality brings into the life of the Fifth House personality a certain sensual-romantic and pleasant completeness in all respects, skillfully assessing her social, romantic and artistic inclinations. Their joint hobbies involve expression in all its glory and a thirst for beauty. Business relationships also bear this coloring.

Mars Partner in my fifth house

In this variant, relationships are formed between individuals based on a strong romantic and physical attraction to each other. The Personality of the Fifth House, however, considers the “Martian” to be too rude and demanding, and she, in turn, does not cease to constantly show her impulsiveness, especially in those areas of life that promise her maximum pleasure and enjoyment. When individuals are immature and when Mars is negative in comparison, their relationships take on a threatening character and clearly harm both parties, both morally and physically - disputes, irritations, financial losses, physical injuries, etc.

Jupiter Partner in my fifth house

With this combination, favorable romantic and marital relationships are formed between individuals, as well as pedagogical, educational and educational relationships. The latter - thanks to the abilities of the “Jupiterian” personality in organizing the pedagogical and educational process on scientific basis. In romantic and marital relationships, partners find much in common in the spiritual-philosophical and cultural-educational aspects of their worldview, and therefore these relationships are durable. If Jupiter is in the Sign of Vola, then the spouses strive to create a large, friendly family. Partners love an active lifestyle and travel often. Business relationships with this combination are based mainly on theoretical areas of activity.

With the negativity of Jupiter, individuals can indulge each other in bad habits, unreasonable projects leading to a waste of time, effort and material resources, and wasting time.

Saturn Partner in my fifth house

In this case, it is difficult to expect compatibility between people in romantic relationships, because they most often enter into such not at the behest of the soul and heart, but out of purely mercantile interests. When the aspect is positive, loyal relationships arise between individuals, in principle. The “Saturnian” personality is distinguished by discipline and a responsible attitude towards others, and if these behavioral features are supported by thoughtfulness of actions and love, then they largely enhance positive creative and constructive activity. When the aspect is negative, the emotional and sensory coloring of the activity potential fades significantly, which does not at all decorate the relationship itself. If the aspect is positive, the relationship between partners can be confidently considered positive and highly constructive and creative in all areas of joint life, be it business or domestic.

Partner Uranus in my fifth house

With this comparative aspect, relationships are formed based on the unexpected romantic and physical attraction of the parties to each other. At the first meeting, they begin to feel a certain magical attraction. However, most often such relationships are not strong and long-lasting, unless, of course, other comparison factors contribute to this. In the process of relationships, partners do not take into account generally accepted norms of morality and behavior (meaning romanticism), and if Uranus is negative, then their relationship generally looks immoral. In principle, business relationships can be formed between them, however, with the negativity of Uranus, they are characterized by unprofitable and clearly adventurous projects.

With the positivity of Uranus, these relationships are very promising in terms of pedagogical and educational activities, since individuals have the opportunity to express themselves most fully in all their capabilities.

However, with the negativity of Uranus, these relationships become destructive and disharmonious, losing all purposefulness.

If the aspect is positive, we can confidently talk about the formation of good friendly relationships between people who find many common interests, activities and friends.

Neptune Partner in my fifth house

With this aspect, very specific and often karmic relationships are formed between individuals, full of thoughts and uncertainty and characterized in terms of positivity or negativity by the behavior of Neptune in comparison. When it is negative, in particular, relationships begin to become one-sided, when the opinion or desire of one side prevails. Naturally, in such a situation it is impossible to normally carry out creative and constructive activity in any of the spheres of life activity - disputes, disagreements, deceptions, connivance of bad habits, material waste, perverted ideas about elementary norms and ideas, etc. are by no means uncommon in in a similar situation.

With a positive aspect of personality, they quickly find common interests in intellectual, spiritual, educational, family, everyday and many other areas of life activity and form positive creative and constructive relationships. The “Neptunian” personality helps the Fifth House personality solve many practical issues, relying on its intuitive abilities, and the same, for its part, in every possible way contributes to a more effective real embodiment of the creative, aesthetic and intuitive abilities of the “Neptunian” personality.

Partner Pluto in my fifth house

With this aspect, relationships between people are formed on the basis of romantic feelings and physical compatibility of partners. If the aspect is negative, disagreements and problems arise precisely on this basis. Only with the help of a good attitude towards each other and the desire for mutual understanding with the seriousness and discipline of the parties can all difficulties and problems be solved, especially in the pedagogical and educational sphere of the joint life of the parties.

If the aspect is positive, partners trust each other and understand each other, which is a guarantee of creative and constructive joint life. The “Plutonian” personality tries to remake the person of the Fifth House in terms of a positive outlook on life, as a source of joys and pleasures. They willingly engage in science and spiritual self-education, and are fond of art, especially its unusual types (impressionism, for example). Dealing with business, professional activities and finances is also not alien to their joint life activities.

Sixth House

Partner Sun in my sixth house

A person with great solar energy potential can quite successfully stimulate another person in my sixth house in the areas of career, work, health and general potential for self-expression. Such relationships often arise in “employer-executor” pairs and they are very fruitful when they arise in the field of financial activity, business, cooperation, unless, of course, there are negative aspects in the Sixth House. A more energetically active person in such relationships is a spiritual and ideological mentor, a scientific authority. This relationship is quite typical for a doctor-patient pair. Issues of fashion, behavior, personal hygiene, etc. almost always become common interests for a given couple.

Partner Moon in my sixth house

This comparative combination works very successfully in employer-employee relationships, when people are engaged in joint activities on one scale or another almost every day.

The personality of the Sixth House methodologically qualitatively directs in the right direction the active professional or everyday life of the “lunar” personality, which, for its part, constantly strives to improve the conditions of active life and activity, the professional and business qualities of the personality of the Sixth House. Both partners are very interested in a healthy lifestyle, which they constantly promote at work and at home. They are very sensitive to house building issues, trying in every possible way to do everything possible to ensure that their home is cozy, clean and prosperous in all respects.

If this combination is negative, the personality of the Sixth House may begin to treat the “lunar” with some irritation, which is associated with the latter’s excessive scrupulousness in matters of improving general life activity.

Mercury Partner in my sixth house

With this comparative combination, relationships are formed between partners based on professional activities and a healthy lifestyle. The ideas, knowledge and experience of the “Mercurian” personality stimulate the person of the Sixth House to more effective activities and care for their health. These relationships imply the joint life of partners in such areas as business, cooperation, and professional activities. They are also very effective for the doctor-patient pair, especially if the doctor is a Mercurian personality. Individuals actively and willingly help each other in solving all current problems of existence.

If Mercury behaves negatively in at least one of the compared horoscopes, then the partners begin to be more and more critical of each other, excessively finding fault with little things.

If the aspect is positive in general, we can talk about its effectiveness in forming reliable relationships covering most areas of scientific and intellectual activity of partners

Venus Partner in my sixth house

With this combination, friendly relationships are established between individuals, extending to the business and professional spheres of life. Partners are socially active and harmonious in the formation of business relationships in such areas of activity as social, creative, related to medicine, nutrition, and leisure activities. The “Venusian” personality strives in every possible way to bring harmony and aesthetics into the life of a person of the Sixth House, producing a tangible effect thanks to his demeanor and goodwill. Everything beautiful and spiritual is used.

If Venus is negative, hypochondriacal moods may manifest.

Mars Partner in my sixth house

With this combination, energetic and creative relationships are formed between people in the business and professional spheres of activity, when partners are able to overcome significant difficulties and achieve tangible results in their joint activities.

When Mars is negative, disagreements and contradictions arise between partners, not only the harmony of business relationships is disrupted, but also a real threat arises, both morally and physically (irritation, stress, physical injuries, overload, etc.). The “Martian” personality, due to its impulsiveness and aggressiveness, constantly strives to achieve excessive performance results, which, of course, often does more harm than good. The person of the Sixth House tries in every possible way to “challenge” the zealous arrogance of the “Martian” personality for the common benefit of both, tries to look for optimal and effective ways to solve all problems and tasks.

Jupiter Partner in my sixth house

This aspect is considered promising in the formation of relationships such as “employer-executor”, “employees-associates”, “doctor-patient”, etc., when kindness, attention and the ability to create conditions for one individuality (“Jupiterian”) clearly contribute to maximum the effectiveness of the life activity of another person (Sixth House). They influence each other favorably and there are no signs of incompatibility of natures. As a rule, both parties are keenly interested in each other’s ideas and innovations, which allows them to develop an emotional, sensory and spiritual connection between them. This combination is very promising for joint activities of partners in the field of spiritual education, religion and medical and charitable work. They charge each other with the energy of activity and enthusiasm, which allows them to successfully and effectively implement most projects and ideas in practice. They love to travel and do house building.

Partner Saturn in my sixth house

With this aspect, the relationship between partners can be considered positive and constructive in an area that requires mutual responsibility and active work. The “Saturnian” personality actively helps the Sixth House personality to improve their professional level, to be disciplined and organized in all respects.

If the aspect is positive, it can be considered as very successful in a creative and constructive sense, when partners show each other mutual respect, interest and mutual assistance.

With the negativity of Saturn in aspect, the Sixth House personality begins to consider the “Saturnian” to be intrusive and exerting unreasonable pressure on others, and she, for her part, begins to consider the Sixth House personality to be irresponsible, lazy, disorganized and unproductive in matters of business activity.

Partner Uranus in my sixth house

In this case, relationships are formed between people based on a shared interest in health-related issues. A healthy lifestyle, issues of dietetics, especially its most revolutionary and promising areas, spiritual healing, including meditation, yoga, massage and psychotherapy - all this is of some interest to partners and may well form the basis of their joint active life. They are also actively interested in the occult and astrology, issues of reincarnation, especially as applied to their practical use. Individuals can be actively involved in other activities, but issues of normal relationships between employees and employers always fall within the sphere of their common interests - they actively participate in social activities to protect workers' rights.

With the negativity of Uranus in comparison, the impulsiveness of the “Uranian” personality can lead to sad consequences both for it and for the personality of the Sixth House, which relate mainly to health issues (nervous disorders, unforeseen injuries, etc.). Outbreaks of eccentric behavior are possible.

Neptune Partner in my sixth house

In this option, very specific relationships are formed between people, filled with unusual situations in the joint life of the parties. So, for example, a “Neptunian” personality can suddenly turn into an irresponsible, lazy, inattentive and frivolous person, which, naturally, does not in any way contribute to the positive creative and constructive joint life of the parties, especially in those areas where a serious attitude to business is required. The “Neptunian” reacts inadequately to dissatisfaction on this matter from the Sixth House personality, considering that person to be petty-critical, psychologically insensitive and purely materialistic in nature.

When the aspect is negative, partners begin to indulge each other in bad habits and inclinations, as well as unreasonable abuses.

If the aspect is positive, partners are equally interested in spiritual self-improvement, a healthy lifestyle, and charitable projects. The “Neptunian” personality skillfully uses his intuitive abilities for the benefit of the common cause and the effective implementation of his plans.

Partner Pluto in my sixth house

With this aspect, the relationship between partners is characterized by their high mutual responsibility in all areas of joint life activity - industry, science, technology, health issues, military affairs and law enforcement.

If the personality aspect is positive, they try to pay special attention to issues of a healthy lifestyle, as the main guarantor of successful life. At the same time, the “Plutonian” personality strives in every possible way to improve the life of the person of the Sixth House in this regard. In conditions of productive activity and representation, the “Plutonian” personality may even be too demanding in relation to the personality of the Sixth House, which, if the aspect is negative, is expressed in a violent protest on its part.

Seventh House

Partner Sun in my seventh house

With such a comparative combination, relationships in any area for these individuals will be determined solely by their personal or professional characteristics, which will be aimed at becoming as close and even similar as possible. Partners become, as it were, mirror images of each other, which allows you to constantly see not only all the good, but also all the bad. Ideally, this should lead to complete balance and harmony, when any outbursts from one side are quickly and completely extinguished by the response of the other. It is easy to conclude that these relationships are prevalent in good married couples and among old bosom friends. It is almost impossible to say that the individuals in this relationship do not experience mutual attraction to each other, expressed not only in a mutual desire to spend time together, but throughout their lives if tender romantic feelings arise between them.

Partner Moon in my seventh house

Sun. If your partner’s Sun is in your first house, then out of captivity you will do what he tells you and will not be able to understand why you listen to him at all. But if you listen to your inner “I”, you will understand what’s going on. But if you resist your partner’s wishes, a conflict will result. Only with good elaboration can this position be considered an aspect of spiritual teaching. Moon. This aspect makes your partner more sensitive to your appearance and direct personal manifestations. Your personal reactions are related to its lunar manifestations. Mercury gives you a partner who is interesting to talk to. Everything he tells you, even if you don’t understand everything, is meant for you. The highest egregor speaks to you through your partner. If your partner’s Venus is in your first house, then it is difficult for you to object to him; in general, your perception of your partner softens and you no longer see the shortcomings in him that everyone else sees. With this position, you can forgive a lot, since you will not consider his misdeeds as something offensive to you. This aspect helps your partner see all the beauty of the world through you and perhaps truly fall in love with you. Of course, you love him too, but his feelings in this case are deeper than yours. If the female Mars falls into the first house of a man, then even a small remark in his direction will be perceived by him as an insult, a humiliation of his dignity. Working through this aspect will help the sufferer raise his self-esteem. If a man’s Mars falls into the first house of a woman’s horoscope, then it will be easy for such a man to suppress the female personality, but having gotten used to such influence on his part, over time the woman will find the key to communicating with him, and will only benefit from the correct management of his energies. She may pretend to be very offended and pout, making him feel guilty. Or, on the contrary, showing your joy from communicating with him, begging for something for yourself. He won't be able to refuse her. When Jupiter is in your first house, your partner may praise you for non-existent merits, he may lecture you, and you will admire him, and sincerely. When working through an aspect, your partner helps you develop a broader personality, and you bring him new opportunities, joy and happiness. It is a very difficult aspect to work through when your partner’s Saturn is in your first house. It will seem to you that you are being held with a tight rein - you will have to strictly act according to the plan that your partner has prepared for you. The only trouble is that you won’t always understand what the plan is and what you should do and what you should give up. The fact is that he often voices only part of his instructions; you have to guess the rest on an intuitive level. This aspect is very useful if you have a weak Saturn and your discipline is poor. If your partner's Uranus is in your first house, then at times he will be unpredictable for you, and sometimes simply brilliant. For more precise definition you need to look at what position Uranus occupies in the natal chart of the partner himself. Your partner's Neptune in your first house makes for a very difficult relationship, as it will, by its nature, distort the reality between you. If your first house is afflicted, you will generally see in a bad light. If your first house is not affected, you will not want to formalize your relationship, but would prefer to leave everything as it is and just live together and enjoy life. In this case, you will prefer not to understand some situations that could lead you to confusion, but to pretend that nothing like that happened. The bad thing is that such a life can be full of illusions and deception. And sooner or later you will still have to figure out where the truth is and where the lies are. If your partner's Pluto is in your first house, then the relationship can be very difficult. You may feel some kind of threat in your partner, or maybe in his presence your mood will deteriorate and you will feel depressed. Relationships can worsen if Pluto is active in the partner’s natal chart (his profession is related to secrecy, working with large masses of people, his career is a military man, an atomic physicist, his profession is related to war, for this it is not necessary that he will be a military man). You must learn patience and obedience in such relationships, and your partner must understand that you were karmically sent to him, so that when he looks at you he sees his karmic tails and can refine them in this life.

This is a promising, but very difficult aspect for establishing sincere relationships. Neptune distorts reality between us, but it does it differently for me and for my partner, and a lot depends on the natal aspects of Neptune in his chart and, accordingly, the natal aspects of my first house. For example, the defeat of my first house may mean that I will almost always react negatively: I will constantly understand it in the worst possible sense, or even worse.

All my attempts to sincerely explain my position or condition will either lead him into ecstasy (with harmonious Neptune) or plunge him into complete bewilderment, but in any case, in order to learn to correctly perceive my personal manifestations, he needs to learn this for a long time; and the question whether I am sincere or not will often be the real stumbling block for him.

This aspect, especially if Neptune and my first house are not strongly affected, gives the temptation to sail according to the will of fate, not building relationships, but rejoicing in their bright moments, of which there may be many at first, and blurring the contradictions that arise, especially since an honest clarification of them may turn out to be very difficult. This path, however, leads to the fact that the partners get bogged down in impenetrable mutual lies, which are increasingly obvious (at least to me), and the joyful and blissful moments of joint meditations gradually fade away, and the meditations themselves become more and more rough. In general, this black-teacher aspect is at a low level: both have a constant temptation to lead their partner into deception, and he misleads me superficially, and I mislead him very deeply.

A strong psycho-emotional connection is established between individuals, forming their future relationships. The intuitive possibilities of foresight that arise at the level of the subconscious of the “Neptunian” personality have a constructive or destructive influence on the possibilities of self-expression of the person of the “First House”.

With positivity Neptune, the “Neptunian” personality significantly increases the level of spiritual and emotional perception of the “First House” personality, allowing it not only to improve, but also to express itself constructively, and this, in turn, stimulates the “Neptunian” personality to reveal its intuitive abilities even more positively and actively , aesthetic and creative abilities.

When Neptune is defeated, the “Neptunian” personality has a negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of the “First House” personality, condoning her bad habits and inclinations, and she literally begins to drown in empty and useless fantasies of an unreal, made-up world.

If the partners are closer, being in family and household relationships, then all of the above effects become even more pronounced.

F. Sakoyan L. Ecker. A. Podvodny

If in some social meeting you are tormented by the question: why is that fellow showing off so disgustingly, and no one will stop him, and even does not seem to notice how obnoxious he is, do not be upset: inadvertently find out his date of birth and inquire using the ephemeris, not whether the subject's natal sun, Mars or Jupiter happens to fall into your 1st house. If they do, you can be sure that your irritation is purely personal: you are simply jealous.

In a favorable scenario, the inclusion of your partner’s planet, which falls into your first house, attracts your admiring attention to him: how extraordinary he (she) seems to you. The nature of admiration is determined by the planet: Venus evokes a feeling of beauty, elegance, secularity, tactfulness, Mars - energy, the Sun - power, Jupiter - nobility, Saturn - responsibility, the Moon - gentleness, caring, kindness, Uranus - an interesting, non-standard, unpredictable person.

This impression is shallow, but, generally speaking, long-lasting: at least, changing in shades and even polarity (male Mars in the first house of a female chart can give its owner two extreme points of the gamut of relationships with a partner: “God, how I love you!” and “Lord, how I hate you!”, without intermediate options), my attitude towards the planets of my partner falling into my 1st house will always be interested. I perceive my partner to a large extent through these planets, and sometimes it is very difficult for him to come to terms with this, since the planets that are important to him may be completely different.

Consider, for example, a synastry in which my partner's weak Saturn is in my first house. If my partner is a cheerful, lively, frivolous person, then in these states of his I will perceive him somewhat detached, but in rare moments of despondency, depression, severe failures and illnesses, and especially when he suddenly decides to finally become serious a purposeful person and, as they say, to come to my senses - at these moments I suddenly feel a great personal responsibility for him and react, depending on the sign in which Saturn is located, passionately (Aries), practical (Taurus), emotionally (Pisces), etc. d. But all the circumstances of his life, where he is, from my point of view, not sufficiently serious, responsible and disciplined, do not cause a pronounced personal reaction in me, to which my friend can sometimes be very offended, but neither he nor I can do anything about it. A more careful analysis of our relationship will show that in fact he is not particularly fond of my purely personal appearances (except for caring during his illnesses, etc.) - they activate his Saturn, forcing him to temporarily lose his frivolity, take life seriously and etc. Therefore, he greatly slows down all my attempts at sincerely personal behavior (on any occasion), for example, by moving the conversation to another topic or cooling me off with purely Saturnian coldness: “Well, why are you so excited... you don’t need to take everything so close to yourself.. .be wiser.” Unfortunately, within the framework of the described synastric aspect, he has a much greater chance of becoming wiser; Using this material, I can deeply explore the topic of personal humility (unlearn how to be offended by someone else’s coldness), and at a high level - learn in difficult conditions and with small expressive means to convey subtle and deep personal experiences - an art necessary for a true actor.

If the husband’s Moon falls into the wife’s 1st house (this is, generally speaking, a natural synastric aspect for marriage), the wife will be keenly aware of the needs of his physical body, which will, of course, be convenient for the husband, but not always pleasant, since, for example, his mental the body, that is, the way of thinking, perceived by the wife through the prism of the physical, can lose a lot of its beauty and greatness (a typical situation: the husband expresses his opinions to his wife about international politics or acquaintances, and she, looking at him with devoted eyes, thinks about what would be best to feed him in the evening, or whether he has enough shirts in his wardrobe). However, this aspect means precisely the wife’s external, superficial interest in how well-groomed her husband is: for example, if he comes home and announces that he is hungry, this serves as a strong incentive for her to act, but if he says that he does not want to eat, it sounds as a clear signal, even if it was not true.

Much deeper care for the husband is given by the position of his Moon in the fourth house of his wife or the conjunction of his Sun with her Moon. Likewise, the husband’s Venus in the wife’s 1st house gives her, unless her 1st house is strongly affected, a vision of him as handsome, elegant, gentle - but also a constant dependence on his Venusian manifestations - small gifts, signs of attention, declarations of love. If their flow ends for some time, she takes it very personally and is offended, as if saying with all her appearance: “You were sent to decorate my life - so why are you maliciously ignoring your main responsibilities?” However, the guilt in this case can easily be smoothed over with a gentle look or a beautiful bouquet.

Partner planets in my first house

Synastry Sun of (partner) in (my) first house

Aspect of spiritual teaching. The will of the partner acts on me directly; in other words, this person tells me: “You should be like this and like that,” and I inevitably obey, at least superficially. But this obedience is illusory if I myself, from within, do not meet the changes that are happening to me at the will of my partner. In principle, I will perceive such a partner very personally and, with the affected first house, often painfully, and the harmonious aspects of his Sun will rather aggravate than alleviate my reactions. My reactions can be very misleading to my partner, because, apparently submitting to his will, in matters that are serious for me, I resist her very well, although I do not advertise this; It can be very difficult for him to resist my sincere impulses, which quickly “turn him on”, literally forcing him to take various initiatives. At a high level of developing paired relationships, this is a very creative aspect for him, and even just my appearance can inspire him. If the relationship goes badly, the partner begins to seem to me a cruel and unforgiving tyrant, the main objective which is the humiliation of my human dignity and the destruction of me as an independent person. I act for him in the guise of a daring and disobedient slave, who has power over him that is not entirely clear, but whom he, nevertheless, must train, break his pride and bring to an acceptable form (which one, the synastric aspects of the Sun as a whole will show - they symbolize a person’s direct duty to his partner).

Synastric Moon in the first house

Aspect gives me a partner with whom it is interesting to talk, but sometimes his texts seem too personal to me, and I want to tell him: “Easy on the turns, buddy.” If his Mercury is in, say, the ninth house of his natal chart, the following kind of misunderstanding can regularly arise between us. My presence and any personal manifestations activate his mind, and he begins to reason in the style of the ninth house, that is, in general, abstracting himself, going on long journeys and quoting ancient authors, and perceiving me as a learned audience - while all his reasoning seems to me aimed at me personally, and are often perceived as very offensive, at least when my first house is affected, which is very difficult for a partner, especially with harmonious Mercury and his own first house, to understand. “Yes, I didn’t mean you personally at all, I was talking in general.” But it is precisely this “in general” that I do not perceive, or rather, it is perceived as specifically for me - and karmically this is exactly how it is, and when working through my first house and relationships in general, I will gradually understand that the words of my partner are addressed by the egregor to me personally much more often than he thinks. In general, this person’s thinking and reasoning make a strong impression on me, they can directly suppress me, but if it seems to him that he is able to convince me of anything, he is mistaken: my silence in this case does not mean agreement at all, but symbolizes the difficulties of counter-argumentation (if , of course, my Mercury, Sun or Mars are not in synastric conjunction with his Mercury).

Synastry Venus in the first house

The aspect makes a partner's smiles and charm almost irresistible to me; If someone needs to come to an agreement with me, it is difficult for him to find a better mediator. However, my first reaction gives way to a second, deeper one - and at the same time it can change dramatically. In any case, it is difficult for me to directly contradict my partner, so if my first house does not have, say, Mars in Aries, I may be tempted to superficially agree, since my partner apparently promises me love, joy, happiness and understanding, and, of course, I really don’t want to lose all this. Venus of a partner in my first house, if he is not strongly affected, smoothes and softens my perception of him as a whole, and I can almost not notice outright aggression, hostility, even betrayal, or I can easily forgive them after a minimal apology on his part... and, of course, all this is fraught with a potential explosion, especially with a tense synastry in general, if difficulties in relationships are not chronically worked through. Nevertheless, this aspect brightens the life of my partner to a much greater extent than it does for me: in my presence, he sees the beauty of the world better, and through me, opportunities for socialization open up for him, although apparently our situation often looks the opposite. If we talk about love, then in general the aspect in question can give me a slight superficial infatuation with a partner, while he risks falling in love seriously and then will revel in my every gesture or other personal manifestation - but, of course, for such a strong connection additional instructions are needed in synastry.

Synastric Mars in the first house

The aspect expands and enhances my perception of my partner, and unless he is my implacable enemy, my attitude towards his activity will most likely be ambivalent. Generally speaking, it can easily turn me on, aggravate personal problems and cause acute personal reactions, and here the interpretation largely depends on the aspects and level of elaboration of my first house. If female Mars falls into the first house of a male horoscope, a man can react ridiculously strongly to any female activity, perceiving it as a humiliation of his personality. However, here a lot depends on how seriously he takes himself and what the planetary accentuation is that corresponds to his male identification. If this is a man of the feminine type with lunar male identification, that is, he feels a connection with his gender in moments of female self-care, then such a synastry may not threaten his personal dignity at all (position: “I am a man for those women who themselves appreciate me.” and are surrounded by comprehensive, devoted care, and the rest are bad feminists who belong in a neurological clinic."

On the contrary, for a man of the masculine type, with a Martian or solar masculine identification, who is determined to fight or defeat a woman, the synastry in question can be very dangerous, especially if he has a personal inferiority complex, since in battles with a partner he is at great risk of aggravating it; but working through the aspect gives him the opportunity to increase self-confidence (at a low level with a harmonious first house, the aspect will give him a strong temptation to boast). If the male Mars falls into the first house of the female horoscope, it will be relatively easy for a man to suppress the female personality - but only on the surface, and a woman, having gotten a little used to the situation, can learn to manage the energy of her partner: a slight pout of the lips or, conversely, a joyfully pleading smile can have a surprisingly strong effect on him. If a man has Martian masculine identification, a woman can literally destroy or, conversely, resurrect him as a man with insignificant means, and her coquetry or a slight outside hobby can cause him to react almost like a highlander.

Synastric Jupiter in the first house

This is the aspect of a kind and generous, but not very attentive uncle, who cares about the wide smile on my face, and all the other circumstances of my life somehow slip away from his consciousness. In fact, my smile brings happiness to him - but it seems to both of us that everything is the other way around, and he showers me with his bounties. A closer examination, however, shows that his generosity somehow does not really reach me, or leaves the most superficial impression. However, I perceive this person through the prism of his supposed nobility and selfless generosity, and it may be difficult for me to get rid of this impression, especially since any of my personal manifestations push him in this direction. Even if he is by nature a terrible bore and curmudgeon, when I see him, something like a wry smile appears on his face, supposed to depict a wide smile, and an incomprehensible impulse arises to give me something as a gift or say something good (at a weak Jupiter may not be able to do this well, but the Jupiterian impulse itself is usually clearly visible). This partner will have a strong temptation to spoil me, praising me for non-existent personal merits, and teaching me from a higher position, but I will be pleased to be proud of him for at least something: in married couples, such an aspect at a low level can be adored by both spouses and equally we hate them by those around us: for example, a wife with Jupiter of her husband (or child) in her first house can sincerely extol him all her life, immensely admiring his virtues that are completely invisible to those around her. When working through an aspect, my partner helps me develop a greater breadth of personality, and I bring him new opportunities, luck and happiness.

Synastry Saturn in the first house

At first it seems to me that this man was sent to me by my jailer. It seems that he is able to evoke in me only one feeling - duty, but he does it strictly to the point of cruelty. I will perceive all its manifestations through the prism of some cruelty, attributing it to my partner and not noticing that in many ways I provoke it myself. Indeed, in his presence I somehow immediately become more serious, I become strict and responsible, first of all, towards myself personally, but also towards him, of course, too... however, all this is not too deep and, as a rule, dissolves quite quickly after our separation. And it’s very difficult for me to imagine how serious our relationship, and especially my personal reactions, are for him, how often I hurt him to the core, hurt him and force him to withdraw into himself. He really needs me to behave in some very specific way, or rather, so that my personal reactions do not go beyond some framework he has established - but it is difficult for me to understand and even more difficult to learn to comply with them, although progress in this direction would probably bring it benefits me a lot. Here a partner can teach me personal humility and the depth of his own personality, and I can teach him so much that he himself would be surprised to realize how much he actually owes to me as an indirect source of his self-discipline and humility. In general, this is a difficult aspect, but in marriage it can be very useful, for example, if my Saturn is weak, then the partner’s Saturn will take over its functions to some extent, but I should, to the best of my ability, meet his demands for discipline, etc.

Synastric Chiron in the first house

It looks like I won’t be bored with this partner, especially if I don’t take myself too seriously... it could be much worse for him if his Chiron is affected or is in a sensitive point of his chart. On a superficial level, our relationship can look like a clownery: he constantly makes fun of me, puts me in a seemingly hopeless situation, creates unthinkable and impossible situations for me, from which I rarely manage to get out without damaging my superficial self-esteem - but then I often find These are hitherto unknown to me personal reserves that will be successfully used in the future. Sometimes my partner greatly suppresses me, exacerbating personal complexes and tensions - but usually after some time they are paradoxically resolved; when the first house is affected, I can sometimes simply hate it, but this feeling quickly goes away, because deep down in my soul I feel that all my suffering is not so serious, and that the grievances are not trivial. For my partner, it can become a significant problem that I do not take him seriously: if he wants to express something sincerely and seriously, it will be difficult for him to break through my circus perception of him, especially since I quite strongly set him up in this way - but his dead ends in our personal communication and in general somehow connected with my appearance in his life may turn out to be very significant for him, and I should not just laugh at them.

Synastric Uranus in the first house

The aspect makes my partner unpredictable for me at times, and sometimes simply brilliant - these are, at least, my personal impressions, but here a lot depends on the activity of Uranus in his chart. If Uranus is weak, this aspect will affect my expectations with some zest associated with my partner... however, our constant communication can bring his Uranus to life, and then the partner in my presence will feel sharp energy activations, emotional ups and downs, even bouts of inspiration - but from here it is quite far from true creativity, but it can be very easy for me to inspire him to this or that outrage or eccentric disgrace - I just need not to speak directly (Sun), and not to put pressure (Mars) and not to persuade (Mercury), but just turn on a sincere personal impulse: “So that we, gentlemen, could take a whip, Whipping passers-by on the bridge.” (K. Prutkov) A strong inclusion of a partner’s Uranus - for example, the creative ecstasy that gripped him - can be a difficult experience for me, and next to him I can feel the mediocrity of my personality - but also some of its echoes on the partner’s inspiration, which over time and with internal support can help me break through to my own creativity - but it will, of course, be completely different from what I see in him. I can really have a much greater influence on the development of his genius, whatever it may be: he will be inspired by my person, but this alone, of course, is not enough.

Synastric Neptune in the first house

This is a promising, but very difficult aspect for establishing sincere relationships. Neptune distorts reality between us, but it does it differently for me and for my partner, and a lot depends on the natal aspects of Neptune in his chart and, accordingly, the natal aspects of my first house. For example, the defeat of my first house may mean that I will almost always react negatively: I will constantly understand it in the worst possible sense, or even worse. All my attempts to sincerely explain my position or condition will either lead him into ecstasy (with harmonious Neptune) or plunge him into complete bewilderment, but in any case, in order to learn to correctly perceive my personal manifestations, he needs to learn this for a long time; and the question whether I am sincere or not will often be the real stumbling block for him. This aspect, especially if Neptune and my first house are not strongly affected, gives the temptation to sail according to the will of fate, not building relationships, but rejoicing in their bright moments, of which there may be many at first, and blurring the contradictions that arise, especially since an honest clarification of them may turn out to be very difficult. This path, however, leads to the fact that the partners get bogged down in impenetrable mutual lies, which are increasingly obvious (at least to me), and the joyful and blissful moments of joint meditations gradually fade away, and the meditations themselves become more and more rough. In general, this black-teacher aspect is at a low level: both have a constant temptation to lead their partner into deception, and he misleads me superficially, and I mislead him very deeply.

Synastric Pluto in the first house

In communicating with this partner, I can feel some kind of hidden threat, a heaviness spreading from him in my direction, which I can feel much more keenly than he thinks or means. If difficult, fatal events begin to occur in his life, it is very likely that they will arouse in me a guilt complex towards him, even if I had no direct connection to these events. However, they will suppress me strongly and somehow darkly, at least my immediate reactions in our contract. However, if my partner believes that this gloominess of mine that manifests itself in his presence is deep, he is mistaken - it is very likely that it disappears as soon as we part. Such a synastric aspect for spouses can lead to very difficult family relationships, especially if the Pluto in question is active in the spouse’s natal chart - for example, he works with large masses of people (TV announcer), or his profession is related to atomic physics, war, secrecy, etc. .d. Here I must learn to humbly endure the personal clicks I get from my partner, the moments of its oppression and suppression - plutonic cleansing is rarely completely painless, but since it starts, it means I need it, and the fruits of my humility will affect issues that are very serious for me , and first of all, it will become much easier for me to live every day. However, this aspect is much more responsible for my partner, who may not understand for a long time that karmically I was sent so that, looking at me, he could see and feel his evolutionary “tails”, shortcomings, shortcomings and outright marriage, and could first voluntarily, and after seventy seventy warnings, forcibly get rid of them. However, it may seem to him that the situation is the opposite, and he must clean up my evolutionary shortcomings, but I resist, and that is why he has a lot of trouble.

TO As a rule, the question of whether we are suitable for each other or not arises when doubts about the partner arise. Or some understatement and misunderstanding of his behavior. They say that there are no ideal people, and we will never find someone 100% suitable for us: as luck would have it, he has either already died or has not yet been born. There is a point: if we love a person, he is always ideal for us.
In the process of building relationships, we may encounter minor problems, the cause of which may be some kind of psychological misunderstanding. Therefore, in order to better understand the person we love, with whom we are friends, work together, or who lives in the next apartment, let’s settle our planets in his Homes. Or his planets into our Homes. And let's see what his planets bring with them to our House.

1 House

Moon - reactions to appearance, manifestation of care, the owner of the 1st House in which the Moon falls will indulge the whims and moods of the owner of the Moon, but with him we will be comfortable and cozy.

Mercury - a person’s thinking and reasoning have a strong influence on the personality, he seems smart, who guesses our thoughts or thinks the same way as we do.

Venus – we really like a person, he is irresistible to us. We can close our eyes to its shortcomings or not see them at all. And forgive small dirty tricks and even major nasty things after an apology. Actually, we are his type too.

Mars - the partner actively influences us, it can aggravate personal problems, its actions can aggravate personal reactions, lead to irritation and conflicts.

Jupiter stimulates us as a person, develops a broad nature. This is a generous, generous partner who, however, can praise us for what we don’t have. Such a partner will claim that we are wonderful, good at this and that, but this will either be too exaggerated or not true at all. Moreover, the partner himself will be confident that he is right and not an ounce of flattery.

Saturn – calls for humility and discipline. A partner teaches us modesty, responsibility and takes responsibility for us. He wants us to do what is right and honest, as He sees fit. We must control ourselves, not allow liberties where he does not consider it necessary to allow them. He limits our development, not allowing us to go beyond the boundaries of decency that he himself established.

Uranus - the partner will be seen by us as an original and a genius. Next to him, sometimes we will feel ordinary. He is capable of turning our world upside down with unexpected ideas and sudden impulses. Change is always around the corner.

Neptune - it is not clear to us what kind of mystery personality visited our House. The partner will catch up with the foggy one, mislead, deceive and hold back. It will lead to confusion and stimulate withdrawal into the world of illusions and conjectures. But under a favorable combination of circumstances, he can endow us with high spiritual qualities and subtle feelings.

Pluto - makes us feel a hidden threat; in family relationships - pressure, the desire of a partner to subordinate us to his unquestioning will. We will see our partner as a significant and strong person with a Nordic character.

2 House

The moon will create comfort and coziness, surround you with care, give serenity, warmth, tranquility to a person, but at the same time, he will consume our resources - material and energy, i.e. the owner of the 2nd House will also need to take care, incl. material and fulfill the whims of the owner of the Moon.

Mercury - as a rule, inclines more towards business partnerships and generates thoughts on financial topics, will help solve everyday problems, it will be important for him to discuss with us serious issues related to our well-being and give us ideas aimed at improving it.

Venus - it will be extremely pleasant to spend time with your partner, there will be no omissions or conflicts with him, it’s easy and comfortable with him, you’ll want to shower him with gifts just to give him a compliment. You can lose a significant amount of resources on this, but it will probably be worth it. Synastry Venus in the 2nd House can change our view of our value system and bring good luck. In general, with such a partner, life will be comfortable and stress-free.

Mars - partner can provide us with financial support, but can make sharp critical comments regarding our value system and conflict on material topics.

Jupiter will help us become more generous mentally and financially, it will set us up for a favorable outcome of things, make it clear that we can achieve anything and become successful. It will give us a feeling of importance, elevate us and make us more noble. We can always count on his support.

Saturn, the partner, will point out our shortcomings and harshly criticize our value system and our ethical guidelines. He will call us to financial responsibility, force us to be frugal, try to limit our spending, call us to conscience and rethink our life attitudes. It will significantly limit our finances.

Uranus - entails pitfalls, surprises and drastic changes in terms of resources, incl. material. But, thanks to its ingenuity, Uranus can suddenly give us a cool and extraordinary idea for achieving financial well-being.

Neptune - possible dishonesty on the part of the partner, deception, concealment of expenses, concealment of income, can lead into temptation and lead to unnecessary expenses, the irrationality of which we realize after they have been committed.

Pluto can transform our system of values ​​and ethical aspects of life, force us to reconsider and radically change our attitude towards the financial side of life.

3 House

The Moon in the 3rd House - for the Moon this is the House of joy, the 3rd House is the house of conversations, short trips. A partner whose Moon falls in our 3rd House will be a good interlocutor for us who will show understanding and empathy. It will be easy and simple with him, you can have intimate conversations. He will always keep you company.

Mercury - a partner whose Mercury falls into our 3rd House will be extremely talkative, but the conversations will be mainly social topics. This will have nothing to do with romance. A good conversationalist who will understand us perfectly.

Venus is a pleasant and delicate interlocutor, a good partner for going to a museum or theater. If Venus falls into the 3rd House, then the owner of Venus may seem very elegant, noticeable, standing out to us in society among other people.

Mars – if the partner’s Mars is in our 3rd House – then this Mars, or more precisely, this person is called upon to teach us something. For example, a broader understanding of the surrounding reality. What does it mean? Sometimes we are talking to someone, and our interlocutor turns what we said upside down. Those. understands us not even approximately as well as he should. Why? Because our understanding is somewhat limited, and we do not know how to look at things more broadly. The owner of Mars, who will place his Mars in our 3rd House, is precisely sent to us for a deeper and broader understanding and feeling. On the other hand, it will cause aggression in us. It will be interesting to argue with him.

Jupiter – partner Jupiter entering our 3rd House is a good aspect. This person cannot be ignored by us. He is cordial, eloquent, knows a lot, and is interesting to listen to. He may well become an authority for us, whose advice we will listen to.

Saturn – finding a partner Saturn in our 3rd House is a difficult aspect. The partner will lecture, lecture and find fault with words. Will call for discipline. Sometimes, his teachings will actually be beneficial for our growth. But, as a rule, the owners of the 3rd House do not listen to their partner’s Saturn, they make fun of them, which can result in misunderstanding and a conflict like a “cold” war. With such a partner it is better to remain silent.

Uranus - the partner will bring notes of originality and even eccentricity into communication. He will always tell you something unusual and interesting.

Neptune will bring disagreements and mutual misunderstandings. A partner can distort our words and actions. And we will influence the owner of Neptune in a stupefying way. Those. in our presence he will be scattered, uncollected.

Pluto – in the presence of the owner of Pluto, we will feel some anxiety. It will intensify the feeling of being in danger. Perhaps he will say things that traumatize us. He is characterized by jealousy and the desire to protect us from society.

4 House

Moon – finding the synastric Moon in the 4th House brings peace and satisfaction. But, at the same time, it may involve the infliction of severe mental wounds. The owner of the Moon will be pleased to come to visit us, and we will be no less pleased to receive him and surround him with care. The person will feel at home.

Mercury - with the owner of Mercury you will want to communicate on personal topics, but not related to friends or girlfriends, but related to family - stories about great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, for example, are suitable. This will be communication on “home” topics: about family, roots, improvement, etc.

Venus - the owner of Venus - the person who decorates the house. This is a favorable aspect for married couples, which will help eliminate contradictions and fill communication with love. This is the ideal housewife or person with whom you want to live under the same roof.

Mars - the owner of synastyrical Mars will be active, sometimes assertive and even rude, it can hurt us, but this is only in the opinion of the owner of the 4th House. But still, the owner of Mars can understand what actions of his cause a painful reaction in the owner of the 4th House and correct his behavior.

Jupiter - synastric Jupiter in the 4th House is a welcome generous guest. The man who brings the holiday. This is a positive aspect that promotes success for both parties.

Saturn – synastric Saturn in the 4th House promises difficult relationships. He will teach him about life, which will cause irritation and a desire to send him away. May be associated with the father. Responsible in household affairs.

Uranus – the presence of synastric Uranus in the 4th House is unfavorable for marriage. The aspect undermines the internal self-esteem of the owner of the 4th House and his self-confidence.

Neptune - a partner can cause unclear fears and suspicions.

Pluto will bring a feeling of threat; in its presence we will feel uncomfortable, out of place.

5 House

The Moon is a partner - a person who will take care and patronize.

Mercury is a partner-friend who will entertain with intellectual games. Fun and casual conversations.

Venus is a harmonious aspect that will inspire the owner of the 4th House. It promises a romantic relationship; with such a partner we will feel attractive, and he will seem to us the best.

Mars is a source of energy, an activator. It will provoke actions, incl. intimately and creatively. Can bring conflicts and aggression. He can represent either a hero-lover, a tyrant or a savior. This is an aspect of decisiveness, surprise, initiative.

Jupiter is an aspect that will develop creativity in us, promote growth, bring us into the light, and contribute to fame to some extent. In marriage, there are favorable romantic relationships; the aspect also means educational or pedagogical relationships. Relationships are characterized by strength.

Saturn - suggests strong affection on the part of the owner of Saturn, coldness, lack of passion in relationships, limitations. Romantic compatibility between people is hardly possible.

Uranus – unexpected physical and romantic attraction, similar to magical attraction. Relationships are not always strong and lasting. When Uranus is negative, relationships may appear immoral. Adventurous projects. Friendships based on common interests.

Neptune - promises material waste, connivance, deception - with negative aspects of Neptune. The owner of Neptune will be idealized by us. With harmonious aspects, Neptune helps solve practical issues for the owner of the 5th House, thanks to his intuitive abilities.

Pluto – romantic feelings and physical compatibility. The owner of Pluto will change the view of the owner of the 5th House on life as a source of joys and pleasures.

6 House

The Moon is a relationship that is more professional than personal. The owner of the Moon brings comfort to the home or improves living conditions in every possible way. Excessive attempts to improve health and improve life can begin to irritate the owner of the 6th House. The Moon in the 6th House can even become a burden in everyday life. The Moon in the 6th House entails service either to each other, or someone will serve alone. More precisely, to serve: to completely take on family responsibilities and responsibility for the family.

Mercury – relationships based on professional activities and a healthy lifestyle. Mercury directs the owner of the 6th House to more effective activities and health care. Mercury helps solve current everyday difficulties. The aspect is good for doing business together. Mercury will give valuable advice on the topic of fulfilling duties.

Venus – gives friendships and good relationships related to work activities. Venus will bring harmony and aesthetics into the life of the owner of the 6th House; Venus will gladly fulfill his requests.

Mars – gives activity in business and professional spheres. Mars will always strive to achieve high results. But excessive activity of Mars can also cause conflicts in a couple. The owner of Mars will interfere in all the affairs of the owner of the 6th House, will diligently strive to help and take everything into his own hands, to manage.

Jupiter - develops mutual sensual and spiritual connection. Partners infect each other with enthusiasm and energy of activity. The owner of Jupiter is a good helper for us, he opens up new opportunities and allows us to reach a new level of work or life.

Saturn - gives constructive and creative relationships, Saturn will help you maintain discipline, become organized, help you grow professionally, both individuals will help each other and respect each other. With a negative Saturn, the owner of Saturn can put pressure on the owner of the 6th House and limit his actions, guide him on the right path and will prove that he needs to work conscientiously, meaningfully, without being distracted by anything and with all seriousness.

Uranus - will strive to present a fresh and, in his opinion, original and most necessary idea at the moment. It will interfere. But he will develop an interest in the occult, innovations in the field of health, and nutrition. This aspect can lead to sudden health problems (injuries, nervous disorders).

Neptune is an inattentive, absent-minded, frivolous person. Misunderstandings, confusion, mistakes in work, deception. Connivance in bad habits and fraud. With a positive Neptune - spiritual growth, a healthy lifestyle.

Pluto – mutual responsibility, special attention is paid to healthy image life, Pluto will try to improve the living and working conditions of the owner of the 6th House, but in some places he may be overly demanding, relationships may have a tinge of forced.

7 House

The Moon is a romantic, family relationship. This will be especially noticeable if the Moon coincides directly with the Dsc of the owner of the 7th House. This aspect is favorable in the field of family business. The aspect also speaks of emotional and personal understanding and of treating your partner as a soul mate.

Mercury - relationships are based on discussion and exchange of information between partners, joint resolution of common issues, people complement each other intellectually.

Venus – it is pleasant to interact with a partner. The aspect gives a mutual desire for harmony, a romantic manifestation of feelings.

Mars – energy and dynamism in relationships. Conflict relationships, clashes and disagreements. Romantic relationships based on physical attraction may also arise, which do not promise a stable relationship. Most likely a rupture. The aspect implies competition: the partner is an eternal rival.

Jupiter - relationships are based on mutual assistance and responsibility, honesty and decency. Harmony and mutual understanding. Usually, these relationships have a serious foundation, their own financial base.

Saturn is the partner-leader. The relationship is loyal and serious. A strong marital union is possible. The aspect speaks of mutual responsibility and support for each other.

Uranus – mutual respect between the parties for personal freedom, common friends and comrades. Unusual interests, unusual marriage, lack of boredom and routine in relationships. With negative Uranus, a breakdown in relationships is possible, stability is impossible.

Neptune - interaction on a subconscious level. Sympathy, love. With a negative Neptune - deception, unreliability, irresponsibility. The aspect is unfavorable for professional activities, because Neptune has a disorienting effect.

Pluto - gives jealousy, a sense of ownership in relationships, attempts to remake the partner for oneself. At times, your partner will seem heavy and even cruel. With a positive Pluto, partners in a couple improve themselves.

8 House

Moon – provides emotional support and the formation of the foundation for future relationships. There is a strong, inexplicable emotional attraction between partners. Mutual interest in occult teachings and psychology.

Mercury - stimulating the study of something, in particular occult teachings. Partners develop spiritually and intellectually. It seems that people with this aspect can read each other's thoughts.

Venus - fatal love, strong physical attraction, strong intuitive connection, and with a negative Venus or afflicted 8th House - hatred, possessiveness and jealousy.

Mars - dynamic relationships in business and scientific and intellectual activity. Passion, energetic and sexual attraction. With a negative Mars, scandals, quarrels, and scenes of jealousy are possible.

Jupiter - joint spiritual and religious life, common interest in the occult, in issues of reincarnation. With a negative Jupiter - deception, self-interest, scams.

Saturn – creative and constructive relationships based on mutual responsibility. The aspect does not have any sexual connotation. In the first place are mercantile and financial issues. With a negative Saturn and defeat of the 8th House, quarrels and breakdowns in relationships are possible.

Uranus – a strong mutual passion for scientific research, the occult, issues of reincarnation, yoga. Arguments, disagreements and assault are possible with negative Uranus.

Neptune – general interest in religion, occultism, spiritual growth. The owner of Neptune is often idealized. With a negative Neptune - evasiveness, dishonesty in relationships.

Pluto – deep penetration into spiritual and mystical realms. It is possible to study parapsychology. Strong energy attraction between partners. With a negative Pluto - fears, worries, emotional decline.

9 House

Moon – relationships are based on family traditions. Relationships will be influenced by factors of education, upbringing and worldview. Partners will be united by joint travel and increasing the level of development.

Mercury – relationships are based on scientific-intellectual and spiritual-philosophical research. With negative Mercury, disagreements may arise on ideological topics.

Venus - relationships are based on increasing the intellectual level, passion for religion, philosophy. The owner of the 9th House helps the owner of Venus broaden his horizons, and the owner of Venus helps to more specifically and clearly define the goals of the couple.

Mars – gives joint trips, business trips; with negative Mars, conflicts are possible: people do not understand each other. The owner of Mars considers the owner of the 9th House to be too dreamy, and the owner of the 9th House believes that the owner of Mars is slow-witted.

Jupiter – general interest in religion, occultism, meditation. The aspect promotes joint travel on an intellectual and cognitive level.

Saturn - Saturn will give accusations of impracticality and having your head in the clouds, and will give some restrictions in trying to further develop, in traveling and broadening your horizons.

Uranus - relationships are built on the exploration of something extraordinary in the field of religion and philosophy. These are excellent friends and companions. It is possible to change the place of residence or stay for educational purposes. The owner of Uranus can dramatically change his views on the life of the owner of the 9th House.

Neptune - teaches you to be more intuitive, influences the religious views of the person of the 9th House, opens your eyes to more subtle aspects of religion and worldview that were previously not noticed. A person of the 9th House is ready to listen to the opinion of the owner of Neptune in matters of religion and worldview.

Pluto – desire for self-improvement, travel with educational purposes. Actively engaged in business and professional activities. Transformation of consciousness, growth of energy potential.

10 House

Moon - the owner of the Moon will provide comfort in relationships. The aspect is favorable for business relationships, for family businesses.

Mercury - the owner of the 10th House will raise the prestige of the owner of Mercury, the same will have a significant impact on the owner of the 10th House, and will give ideas for further professional development.

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