Planning and control of marketing activities at the enterprise. Marketing planning and marketing control Planning and control in marketing

Marketing planning in different companies is carried out differently in terms of the content of the plan, the duration of the planning horizon, the sequence of development, and the organization of planning. The content of the marketing plan varies from company to company: sometimes it is only slightly broader than the plan for the sales department, and in other cases, the marketing plan, based on a broad consideration of business strategy, may include goals and programs for performing some marketing functions.

Statistics on marketing planning in foreign companies are very contradictory. Thus, studies of the activities of 162 American industrial firms showed that the vast majority of marketing operations in them are carried out in accordance with plans developed by various departments of the company (production plan, product sales plan, consumer service plan, advertising campaign plan, etc.) .

However, several large firms and a number of small ones do not have a unified marketing plan. Another survey of 346 US companies found that 73% regularly developed a company-wide plan for market strategy and tactics. At the same time, only 10% of American firms operate on the basis of a single, approved administrative marketing plan. According to other data, some type of marketing plan is developed by all companies studied. As the table shows, a large number of manufacturing companies develop separate planning documents for each major product. This is especially true for consumer goods. Thus, many separate marketing plans can exist separately. These plans can often be mechanically compiled into one document plan book.

The environment within which marketing is carried out includes factors controlled by the firm's top management and factors controlled by marketing. In order to coordinate them and create a basis for decision-making, it is useful to use a consistent strategic planning process. From a marketing perspective, a strategic plan specifies what marketing actions a firm should take, why they are necessary, who is responsible for implementing them, where they will be taken, and how they will be completed. It also determines the firm's current position, future orientation and resource allocation. The strategic plan sets the direction for the company's activities and allows it to better understand the structure of marketing research, the processes of consumer research, product planning, promotion and sales, and pricing. It also provides each department in the company with clear goals that are linked to the overall goals of the company. It stimulates the coordination of efforts of various functional areas. Strategic planning relies on a clearly articulated firm's mission statement, a statement of supporting goals and objectives, a healthy business portfolio, and a firm's growth strategy.

An organization exists to achieve something within its environment. The firm's control goal or program is usually clear from the outset. However, over time, as the organization grows and enters new products and markets, the program may lose its clarity. Or maybe, while maintaining clarity, it will no longer correspond to the new environmental conditions.

The mission statement should clearly indicate the area (or areas) of the firm's activities. The boundaries of areas of activity can be defined by products, technologies, customer groups, their needs, or a combination of several factors. A market-oriented mission statement defines an enterprise in terms of its activities in serving specific consumer groups and or meeting specific needs.

Objectives and goals of the company.

The firm's program should be expanded into a detailed list of supporting goals and objectives for each echelon of management. Each manager must be assigned tasks for which he is responsible. This system is known as “problem-solving management”.

As an illustration, let's take the International Minerals and Chemical Corporation, which, among other things, produces fertilizers. At the same time, she proclaims her program to be “the fight against world hunger.” Such a program entails a clear hierarchical ladder of tasks. The company's mission to combat world hunger means that the firm's mission is to increase agricultural productivity. And agricultural productivity can be increased through the creation of new fertilizers that promise an increase in output. However, research is expensive and requires increased profits, royalties from which would be used to further finance exploration work. Thus, the main task becomes to ensure profit growth.

Profits can be increased by increasing sales of existing products, reducing operating costs, or both. Sales can be increased by gaining a larger share of the domestic market or entering new foreign markets. This is precisely what becomes the current objectives of the company in the field of marketing.

To solve these marketing problems, it is necessary to develop appropriate marketing strategies. To increase its share of the domestic market, the company ensures greater availability of its goods and engages in intensive promotion. To enter new foreign markets, it will lower prices and focus its efforts on large firms. This is what her marketing strategies will look like in a broad sense.

Each marketing strategy will need to be written out in detail. For example, a sales promotion effort will require an increase in the number of sellers and the intensity of advertising. Separate, detailed strategies must be developed for both. This is how the company’s program is transformed into a list of specific tasks for the current period.

Company growth strategy.

In addition to assessing existing production, strategic planning should identify what kind of production the company would like to acquire in the future, in which areas to direct its efforts.

A growth strategy can be developed based on analysis carried out at three levels. At the first level, opportunities are identified that the company can take advantage of at its current scale of activity (opportunities for intensive growth). At the second level, opportunities for integration with other elements of the industry’s marketing system are identified (opportunities for integration growth). At the third stage, opportunities opening up outside the industry are identified (opportunities for diversified growth).

Intensive growth is justified in cases where the company has not fully exploited the opportunities inherent in its current products and markets. To identify opportunities, it is convenient to use a method called the “product and market development grid” (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1

Identifying new markets through product and market development

Deep market penetration involves a firm finding ways to increase sales of existing products in existing markets through more aggressive marketing.

Expanding the boundaries of the market consists of the company's attempts to increase sales through the introduction of existing products into new markets.

Product improvement is the firm's attempts to increase sales by creating new or improving products for existing markets.

Integration growth is justified in cases where the industry has a strong position and when the firm can obtain additional benefits by moving backwards, forwards, or horizontally within the industry. Regressive integration involves a firm's attempts to gain ownership or greater control of its suppliers. Progressive integration consists of a firm's attempts to take over or bring under tighter control a number of competing enterprises.

Diversified growth is justified in cases where the industry does not provide the firm with opportunities for further growth or when growth opportunities outside the industry are significantly more attractive.

Concentric diversification, i.e. replenishment of its range of vision are similar to the company's existing products.

Horizontal diversification, i.e. replenishment of its assortment with products that are in no way related to those currently produced, but may arouse the interest of the existing clientele.

Conglomerate diversification, i.e. replenishment of the assortment with products that have nothing to do with either the technology used by the company or its current products and markets (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Key areas of growth opportunities

Marketing control

Since many surprises arise during the implementation of marketing plans, the marketing department needs to constantly monitor the progress of their implementation. Control systems are needed in order to be confident in the effectiveness of the company. Three types of marketing control can be distinguished (Table 1.3).

Table 1.3

Types of Marketing Controls

Control type

The main people responsible for its implementation

Purpose of control

Principles and methods of control

Monitoring the implementation of annual plans

Top management. Middle management

Ensure that the intended results are achieved

Analysis of sales opportunities.

Market share analysis.

Analysis of the relationship between marketing costs and sales

Profitability control

Marketing control

Find out how the company makes money and how it loses it

Profitability by product, territory, market segment, trade channel

Strategic control

Top management. Marketing Auditor

Determine whether the firm is truly using the best marketing capabilities available to it and how effectively it is doing so

Monitoring the implementation of annual plans means that marketing specialists compare current indicators with the target figures of the annual plan and, if necessary, take measures to correct the situation. Control is carried out by analyzing: sales opportunities, it consists in measuring and evaluating actual sales in comparison with planned ones, market share, if the market share increases, then the competitive position of the company strengthens, if it decreases, the company begins to yield to competitors, the relationship between marketing costs and sales , i.e. make sure that the company does not spend too much in its efforts to meet its sales targets.

Profitability control involves determining the actual profitability of various products, territories, market segments and trading plans. This information will help management decide whether to expand, reduce, or completely curtail the production of certain goods or conduct certain marketing activities.

Strategic control consists of regularly checking the compliance of the company's initial strategic settings with existing market opportunities, i.e. critical assessment of marketing effectiveness in general, through a marketing audit. A marketing audit is a comprehensive, systematic, impartial and regular examination of the marketing area of ​​its objectives, strategies and operational activities in order to identify emerging problems and opportunities and make recommendations on an action plan to improve marketing activities.

The organization of marketing is based on careful consideration of the existing material and financial resources of the enterprise and market opportunities. Management needs to know how to identify and evaluate these opportunities. Each opportunity must be assessed in terms of its relevance to the goals and available resources of the enterprise. Having decided on market positioning, the company develops a marketing mix to support it.

To carry out marketing work, it is necessary to create marketing control and planning, a marketing service. The strategic planning system has the main goal of creating a strong company; as part of planning, long-term and annual plans are developed. According to some authors, “marketing is a promising system for large firms, but small firms have neither the personnel, nor the funds, nor the time to deal with it.” Agreeing that the size of the company largely determines the degree of division of labor between administrative personnel or the possibility of specialization, it should be noted at the same time that:

  • - marketing problems do not disappear just because the company does not have the personnel or resources to solve these problems;
  • - work related to marketing should be performed to a greater or lesser extent indirectly or specifically by one of the company’s employees or from outside persons;
  • - the failures of small enterprises seem to depend not only on their size, availability of capital and competence in matters of production, but on fundamental deficiencies in management and planning, in particular in planning the range of products and their sales, due to poor quality accounting, insufficient or inaccurate information, heterogeneous experience of managers and low levels of financial planning and control.






Department of Trade Business

Course work

Discipline: Marketing

Topic: Marketing planning and control

(using the example of LLC Yurinat)

Work completed

student of study group 10-AE

Reznikova A.I. ____________________

Kaliningrad, 2012


Chapter 1.Marketing planning and control

1 Concept and meaning of marketing control

2 Marketing planning

Chapter 2. Planning and control of marketing at the enterprise LLC "Yurinat"

1 General characteristics of the enterprise Yurinat LLC

2 Planning of the marketing budget at the enterprise LLC "Yurinat"

3 Organization of marketing control at the enterprise Yurinat LLC




Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activity in specific markets. Goals in the field of product policy, pricing, bringing products to consumers, advertising, etc. are lower level goals.

Practical marketing is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

justification of the need for the production of certain products (goods, services) by identifying existing or potential demand;

organizing work to create samples of product models that meet customer needs;

improvement of product sales methods;

regulation and coordination, in accordance with the market situation, of all the activities of the enterprise, including the current operational management of transportation, packaging, sales, advertising, technical and service maintenance to achieve the general goals of the enterprise in the field of production and sales.

Control, as one of the functions of managing the production and commercial activities of an enterprise, occupies a prominent place in marketing. First of all, this is a form of targeted influence on the enterprise’s staff, systematic monitoring of the enterprise’s activities, comparison of actual performance results with planned ones. The end result of control is the development of corrective actions on controllable factors and recommendations for adapting the enterprise’s activities to uncontrollable factors.

The main objectives of this course work are:

) reveal the concepts of “marketing planning and control”;

) mastering the theoretical foundations of marketing planning and control at an enterprise;

) reveal the processes of marketing planning and control using the example of the company Yurinat LLC

The object of the study is the process of planning and controlling the marketing activities of Yurinat LLC

The subject of the study is methods of marketing planning and control at the enterprise LLC "Yurinat"

Chapter 1. Marketing planning and control

1 Concept and meaning of marketing control

Control, as one of the functions of managing the production and commercial activities of an enterprise, occupies a prominent place in marketing. First of all, this is a form of targeted influence on the enterprise’s staff, systematic monitoring of the enterprise’s activities, comparison of actual performance results with planned ones. The end result of control is the development of corrective actions on controllable factors and recommendations for adapting the enterprise’s activities to uncontrollable factors. Marketing control (audit) is a deep analytical work, as a result of which the enterprise administration abandons ineffective methods of marketing management and seeks new methods and tools that meet the conditions for the survival of the enterprise to influence controllable factors and adapt to uncontrollable (hard) factors of the internal and external environment.

Marketing control is the process of measuring and evaluating the results of implementing marketing strategies and plans, performing corrective actions to ensure the achievement of marketing goals. Control completes the cycle of marketing management and at the same time gives rise to a new cycle of planning marketing activities. Thus, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of marketing activities and analyzing the level of implementation of marketing plans are necessary for the correct selection of goals and strategies for marketing activities for the next planning period.

When implementing the control function, it is necessary to use certain norms and standards that reflect the expected level of the characteristics being assessed. For example, a reduction in the number of consumer complaints over the year by 20%, an increase in the number of new customers over the same period by 10%, and no marketing costs exceeding the marketing budget figures.

Based on the results of control, adjustments are made to marketing activities. For example, if sales are lower than expected, you need to determine what is causing this and what should be done to correct the situation. If sales volume is higher than expected, then you should determine what is causing this. The price of the product may need to be raised. This will inevitably lead to some reduction in sales, but may provide higher profits.

The importance of marketing control grows with increasing dynamism of the environment, the size of the enterprise, and the level of division of labor. Let's consider the main forms of control - control of results and marketing.

) The task of monitoring results is to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the implemented marketing concept by comparing planned and actual values ​​and identifying the reasons for deviations. Control can be aimed at marketing in general or at individual tools. There is also a distinction between monitoring economic (sales, market share) and non-economic (consumer attitude) results. When monitoring, they use data from the accounting system (sales control, profit calculation, etc.) and market research data (analysis of image, level of fame).

a) Sales control. Sales is the classic measure of marketing success. Sales analysis is possible for the entire enterprise and for various groups and objects (regions, customers, products, sales routes, etc.). Variance analysis allows you to determine what role individual factors (for example, price and quantity) played.

b) Control of market share. Market share is the ratio of an enterprise's sales to the sales of the product as a whole, to the sales of an industry leader or several major competitors. Market share reflects the company's position in the market. However, sales growth does not mean a stronger position, since the market can grow even faster. It has been proven that a high market share gives a company an advantage over competitors in terms of the ability to reduce costs. A decline in market share means that there are weaknesses in the marketing concept, except when there is a new entrant into the industry. When sales were deliberately reduced in order to increase profits. When the decline in market share was the result of random events, for example, as a result of the receipt of a large order not at the end of the year, but at the beginning of the next.

To calculate market share, it is necessary to have accurate data on your own sales and market volume. The accuracy of the indicator depends on the coincidence of parts of the formula in terms of product, space and time (special problems arise with determining market volumes).

Marketing control involves calculating the total costs of production and sales of goods, then measuring sales costs broken down by individual components (sales, advertising, transportation, etc.), then calculating costs separately for each sales channel and

profits and losses are determined in order to identify the most promising of them and adjust the company’s sales policy.

Analysis of the relationship between marketing and sales costs allows us to determine the effectiveness of marketing measures and the proportionate funds spent and prevents spending unreasonably large sums to achieve marketing goals.

Typically, the analysis of the results of the sales service is carried out in 3 stages:

Sales costs include all expenses associated with the sale of goods, including those incurred in other areas of the enterprise.

Calculation of sales results by market segments. Segment analysis compares expenses and income for individual target groups. In this regard, there is a need to correctly distribute costs among segments. When distributing costs, calculations can be made using the full cost method or the partial cost method.

Calculation using the full cost method takes into account both unit and total sales costs. Each segment has its share of total costs. It is possible to compare net profit for a segment with the results of other segments, with the plan and previous periods.

For large segments of product groups and sales regions, the method brings more accurate results. The calculation procedure is usual: first, direct sales costs for the segment are determined, then total costs are distributed using percentages, additions, etc. The validity of distribution is almost always problematic, so it is better to supplement the results with calculations using the partial cost method.

Calculation using the partial cost method. Using this method, the end result is the amount that the segment brings to cover total costs and profits. The accuracy of the method increases if the calculation is based on marginal costs (those costs that disappear when a segment is deleted). The analysis is primarily tactical in nature, since overall distribution costs cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.

) Marketing audit is an audit, detection of weaknesses in the marketing concept. The subject of the audit is both organizational and functional issues. The audit procedure is usually the same as for monitoring results: establishing a standard, clarifying the actual state, comparison and analysis (but the order may be different).

a) Control of the planning information base. The purpose of this area of ​​control is to identify and verify all assumptions underlying the marketing plan.

b) Revision of goals and strategies is aimed at timely detection of inaccuracies and weaknesses. To do this, the auditor must first find out the real situation, determine what goals and strategies were planned, and then evaluate them from the point of view of operation, visibility, completeness, relevance and feasibility.

c) Audit of marketing activities. The task of auditing a set of marketing tools is to check the content of the marketing mix, the size and distribution of the marketing budget. Particular attention is paid to checking the structure of the marketing mix, since in practice it tends to become fixed (which can be unfavorable when conditions change). The starting point of control is to clarify the real state according to approximately the same standard as when revising goals.

d) The purpose of monitoring organizational processes and structures is to check the organization of marketing and its connection with other areas of the enterprise. The purpose of control is to detect weaknesses, inappropriate organizational rules and eliminate these errors.

The organization of control depends on the size of the enterprise, the qualifications of personnel, the complexity of control tasks and other factors. The decision to conduct control on your own or with the help of third-party experts can only be made taking into account the situation.

The advantages of control with the involvement of third parties include: objectivity, impartiality, greater knowledge and experience, overcoming problems with time and personnel.

The advantages of own control include knowledge of production problems, maintaining secrecy, and ease of communication.

When organizing marketing control, it is necessary to determine who should control marketing - the marketing department or another service of the enterprise (for example, enterprise management) and whether the creation of an independent organizational unit is required to perform control tasks.

As an enterprise grows and marketing functions expand, the need for specialization increases, and creating a separate marketing control unit makes a lot of sense. The question of who should report to this unit - the marketing service or the control service - does not have a clear answer. Some enterprises still find a compromise in dual subordination: on a professional line - the control service, on a disciplinary line - the marketing department.

Characteristics of control types

Marketing control systems are needed in order to be confident in the effectiveness of the company. Marketing control is the process of quantifying and analyzing the results of implementing marketing strategies and plans, as well as taking corrective actions to achieve set goals.

Types of control:

Monitoring the implementation of annual plans;

Profitability control;

Strategic control;

Performance monitoring.

Control of annual plans - assessment and adjustment of the level of implementation of annual buildings in terms of sales volume, profit and other indicators in the context of individual markets and products. Since it is in the annual marketing plan in the specified sections that, as a rule, individual areas and indicators of marketing activities are worked out in detail, information about the level of their implementation is of great interest to the management of the organization. Carrying out marketing activities involves significant costs. Their reasonableness and effectiveness are also assessed when monitoring annual marketing plans. Further, with this type of control, the correctness of the assumptions regarding the external marketing environment included in the annual marketing plan is analyzed.

Profitability control - assessing and implementing corrective actions to ensure the profitability of various products, territories, consumer groups, distribution channels, activities in different markets. This control can be carried out on a different time basis - weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. It may be part of the annual control.

Typically, marketing effectiveness is monitored in terms of individual elements of the marketing mix.

As part of product policy control, the characteristics of individual products, their labeling and packaging quality are assessed from the perspective of consumers. In fact, prices are analyzed from the perspective of consumers and resellers and compared with prices of competitors.

Monitoring activities in the field of product promotion is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and other elements of the product promotion complex (stimulating trade and consumers, holding fairs and exhibitions, etc.).

The level of effectiveness of marketing activities is not necessarily determined only by the results of current activities. High efficiency may be due to the fact that the organization competently implements marketing policies on a strategic scale. Therefore, many organizations periodically carry out a critical assessment of the effectiveness of marketing activities in general, i.e. exercise strategic control over marketing activities.

Strategic control is a comprehensive, systematic, independent and periodic review of the external marketing environment, goals, strategies and individual types of marketing activities for the organization as a whole or for individual business units.

The main objects of control are the volume of sales, the size of profits and losses, the reaction of buyers to the new goods and services offered by the enterprise, the compliance of the planned and real (actual) results of production and commercial activities. In a strategic plan, it is important for an enterprise to know whether it is really and effectively using all its marketing opportunities. The adopted control system does not necessarily have to maintain marketing management at a constant level and within strictly selected standards. Over time, even the most progressive management methods become outdated and become inadequate to the strategic task of survival. Therefore, enterprise management should be flexible, adaptive, and the control system should contribute to the search for new methods (methods, processes) for managing production and commercial activities that correspond to changes in the external environment.

However, an excessive volume of control operations, especially with a stable position of the enterprise in the market, especially with positive dynamics in production and sales of products, can lead to extremely undesirable consequences: the distraction of management personnel and performers at various levels from performing their main job duties and switching to unnecessary contacts with controllers and auditors. The control must meet the requirements of sufficiency and timeliness. Control for the sake of control without sufficient grounds ultimately leads to the opposite result - to a decrease in the effectiveness of marketing management, especially at the middle and lower levels of the enterprise's hierarchical system.

Currently, most companies practice three types of marketing control: control over the implementation of annual plans, profitability control, and strategic control.

2 Marketing planning

A firm's strategic planning determines what activities it will engage in and outlines the objectives of those activities. The current plan is a set of separately developed plans for each product and each market. Plans for production, release of goods, and plans for market activities are being developed. All these plans are collectively referred to as the “Marketing Plan”. The composition of the marketing plan elements is presented in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Current planning stages

The summary of benchmarks includes:

sales volume in rubles and as a percentage of last year;

the amount of current profit in rubles and as a percentage of last year;

budget for achieving these goals in rubles and as a percentage of the planned sales amount;

Such information will help the firm's senior management quickly understand the focus of the marketing plan. Following the summary is a table of contents of the plan and a description of its sections.

The section "Current Marketing Situation" describes market segments, lists main products, lists competitors and indicates distribution channels (sales agents, retail outlets, direct deliveries, stores...).

The "Hazards and Opportunities" section lists all the hazards and opportunities that the product may face.

Hazard is a complication arising from an unfavorable trend or event that, in the absence of targeted marketing efforts, could lead to the product's life cycle being undermined or terminated.

A marketing opportunity is an attractive direction of marketing efforts in which a firm can achieve a competitive advantage.

The list of tasks and problems is formed in the form of specific goals (for example, to achieve a 15% market share with the existing 10%, or to increase profits to 20%). To achieve these goals, a marketing strategy is developed, that is, a scenario for actions in target markets, indicating these markets, new products, advertising, sales promotion. Each strategy needs to be justified and clarified how it takes into account the above threats and opportunities.

Marketing strategy is a rational logical structure, guided by which a company expects to solve its marketing problems. The marketing strategy must precisely name the market segments on which the company will focus its main efforts. After developing a marketing strategy, a detailed program of activities for the production and sale of goods is developed, assigning responsible executors, setting deadlines and determining costs. This program will allow you to draw up a budget for the current year.

At the same time, the business manager must consider the marketing mix and outline specific strategies for such elements of the marketing mix as:

new goods;

organizing local sales;

sales promotion;

distribution of goods;

Budgets: The action plan in the action program allows the manager to develop an appropriate budget that forecasts profits and losses. The budget contains 3 main columns: receipts, expenses, profit.

"Receipts" contains a forecast regarding the number and average price of commodity units that are planned for sale.

The "Expenses" column indicates the costs of production, distribution and marketing.

In the "Profit" column - the difference between "Receipts" and "Expenditures".

The approved budget serves as the basis for purchasing materials, developing production schedules, planning labor requirements, and conducting marketing activities.

Control procedure: This sets out the procedure for monitoring the progress of the entire planned plan. Typically, goals and budget allocations are outlined by month or quarter. This means that the company's top management can evaluate the results achieved in specific periods of time and identify production facilities that failed to achieve the set targets.

Scheme for developing a marketing budget.

When developing a marketing budget, two schemes are used. The first is planning based on target profit indicators. The second is planning based on profit optimization.

Let's consider the first diagram in stages, table 1:

Table 1

Planning based on target profit indicators

Estimation of the total market size for the next year. It is formed by comparing growth rates and market volumes in the current year.

Forecasting market share next year. For example, maintaining market share, expanding the market, entering a new market.

Forecast of sales volume for the next year, that is, if the market share is n%-, and the forecast total market volume in natural units is m units, then the estimated volume will be X units.

Determining the price at which the product will be sold to intermediaries (unit price).

Calculation of the amount of income for the planned year. Determined by multiplying sales volume by unit price.

Calculation of the cost of goods: the sum of fixed and variable costs.

Gross profit forecast: the difference between gross revenue (income) and gross cost of goods sold.

Calculation of the benchmark target profit from sales, in accordance with the planned profitability ratio.

Marketing expenses. Defined as the difference between the amount of gross profit and target profit according to the plan. The result shows how much money can be spent on marketing, taking into account tax costs.

The second planning scheme is based on profit optimization. Optimizing profits requires the company's management to clearly understand the relationship between sales volume and the various components of the marketing mix. The term sales response function can be used to provide a relationship between sales volume and one or more stages of the marketing mix. The sales reaction function - a forecast of the likely sales volume over a certain period of time under different cost conditions for one or more elements of the marketing mix is ​​presented in Figure 2:

Figure 2. Sales reaction function

A preliminary assessment of the sales reaction function in relation to the company’s activities can be done in three ways: statistical, experimental, expert.

Chapter 2. Planning and control of marketing at the enterprise LLC "Yurinat"

1 General characteristics of the enterprise Yurinat LLC

The company "Yurinat" was registered on March 11th 1993. More than 80 suppliers from more than 20 countries have chosen Yurinat as their exclusive distributor in the Kaliningrad region. "Yurinat" works with all retail chains ("Victoria", "Vester", "Seventh Continent", "Semya").

general information

Full name of the organization: COMPANY S


Region:Kaliningrad region » Kaliningrad

Address: 236001, KALININGRAD, st. YALTINSKAYA, 44

General Director of the company Dergachev Yuri Sergeevich

The main industry of the company is Wholesale Trade.

The range of goods offered by the company to its customers includes alcoholic beverages, groceries, confectionery products, and frozen products.

LLC "YURINAT" is the official distributor of more than 50 Russian and foreign manufacturers, engaged in advertising, providing logistics services for storage and processing of goods, and manufacturing New Year's gifts. The company owns several dozen of its own gift packaging designs and has extensive experience in promoting New Year's products. In addition, additional areas include construction and installation work and the provision of auto repair services.

Today the company employs more than 300 people. Top managers and heads of departments improve their qualifications in Russian and foreign higher educational institutions.

In recent years, the company's turnover has increased more than fivefold. LLC "YURINAT" supplies goods to almost all retail outlets in the Kaliningrad region. His regular clients are cafes and bars, restaurants and shops, large retail chains: “Victoria”, “Vester”, “Seventh Continent”, “Semya”

In 1997, a branch of the company was created in Chernyakhovsk. The decision to create it was made due to the exceptional location of the city, which is favorable in terms of logistics costs - it is the center of the eastern part of the region.

Type of activity: Distributor

Product types:

Oriental flour sweets



Chocolate candies

Lollipops, candy caramel

Flour confectionery products


Other sugary products

Sugary confectionery

Sweet New Year gifts 2013

Company principles:

Clients are our wealth.

Our employees are our value.

Professionalism and high quality.

Loyalty and prestige.

Honesty and reliability.

Unity of purpose.

Discipline and diligence.

Collaboration and camaraderie.

Responsibility to society.

Responsibility to owners.

2 Planning of the marketing budget at the enterprise LLC "Yurinat"

Since one of the main goals of any business enterprise is to earn the maximum possible profit, it must plan and manage the marketing process. Marketing is a specific element of the enterprise management system.

Marketing management at LLC Yurinat is carried out by the marketing department. It consists of two specialists and the head of the department.

Planning the marketing budget of LLC Yurinat for the following components of the marketing mix: advertising, sales promotion, marketing research.

Promotion and advertising. The goods offered are consumer goods. Anyone can be a consumer of confectionery products at any time, be it a holiday (as it is customary to buy cakes and sweets on holidays) or morning breakfast - that is, a large circle of consumers. Therefore, we will primarily focus our advertising campaign on those with a “sweet tooth.” One of the main guidelines when determining advertising costs is the industry average advertising costs - the ratio of costs to sales volume is 1.5%. The production volume in 2011 amounted to 70,682 thousand rubles, which means advertising costs will amount to 1,060 thousand rubles. Television advertising suits us; in my opinion, it is the most effective, since television advertising has a very large audience, but its disadvantage is the high cost of advertising contact. For this we will use the channels: “Russia” and “First” - since this is one of the most popular channels. Also effective advertising for our product is advertising printed in the newspaper. This advertising is relatively inexpensive. Among the target consumers of our products, the majority live in our city, and, therefore, there is a high probability that they read the local newspaper and advertising contact may take place. We will use the most widely read newspapers - “Country Kaliningrad”.

The big boom in sweets throughout the year occurs on New Year's Day, so the most effective advertising is television advertising, which should be carried out in November and December. Also in February and March - since these are February 14, 23 and March 8, which are not complete without sweets and cakes. But we will not run the commercial all week, but from Thursday to Friday. Advertising in the newspaper is very effective and inexpensive, and since we chose “Kaliningrad Country”, and it comes out every week, we will place our advertising weekly. On radio (“Russian Radio” and “Europe +”) we will place only on holidays, this is in February, March, April, May and December. Now let’s calculate the total cost of our advertising in 2012, in Table 2:

table 2

Number of days used

Total cost (RUB)

3. Planning and control in marketing

Marketing planning. The company's strategic plan determines what kind of production it will engage in and sets out the objectives of these productions. Now each of them will have to develop their own detailed plans. If production includes several product groups, several products, brands and markets, a separate plan must be developed for each of these positions. That is why we are faced with production plans, product release plans, branded product release plans and market activity plans. We will refer to all these plans under one term: “marketing plan”. Marketing plans vary: “By duration: short-term (less than 3 years), medium-term (3-5 years), long-term (more than 5 years)). “By scale: for an individual product, for an assortment group, integrated marketing plan). “According to the development method: bottom-up (decentralized form), top-down (centralized form).

Main sections of the marketing plan:

Summary of control indicators At the very beginning of the plan there should be a brief summary of the main ones. goals and recommendations that will be discussed in the plan. The table of contents of the plan is placed behind the summary.

Current marketing situation. It describes the nature of the target market and the firm's position in that market. The planner describes the market in terms of its size, major segments, customer needs and specific environmental factors, provides an overview of the main products, lists competitors and indicates the distribution channel.

Dangers and opportunities.

Hazard is a complication arising from an unfavorable trend or specific event that - in the absence of targeted marketing efforts - can lead to the survivability of the product or its destruction.

A marketing opportunity is an attractive avenue of marketing effort in which a particular firm can achieve a competitive advantage. Managers should list as many hazards and opportunities as they can imagine, and assess the likelihood of their occurrence and the impact they might have.

Tasks and problems. The manager sets tasks and outlines the range of problems that arise. Objectives should be formulated in the form of goals that the company strives to achieve during the period of the plan.

Marketing strategy. This section outlines a broad marketing approach to solving these problems. It includes specific strategies for target markets, marketing mix, and marketing spend levels.

Target Markets: The marketing strategy must clearly name the market segments on which the firm will focus its main efforts. These segments differ from each other in terms of preference, response and profitability. A firm should concentrate its efforts and energy on the segments it can serve best. For each of the selected target segments, you need to develop a separate marketing strategy.

Marketing Mix: The manager should outline specific strategies for such elements of the marketing mix as new products, field sales, advertising, sales promotion, pricing and distribution.

Level of marketing costs. The size of the marketing budget required to implement the planned strategies is indicated, taking into account ensuring maximum profitability.

Action program. Marketing strategies need to be turned into specific action programs that provide answers to the following questions: what will be done? when will this be done? who will do this? how much is it? During the year, as new problems arise and new opportunities emerge, adjustments are made to plans and activities.

Budgets are generally forecasts of profits and losses. In the “Receipts” column, a forecast is given regarding the number and average price - net of commodity units that will be sold. The “Expenses” column indicates the costs of production, product distribution and marketing. Their difference gives the amount of expected profit. Approved by senior management, the budget serves as the basis for purchasing materials, developing production schedules, planning labor requirements, and conducting marketing activities.

Marketing control. Since many unforeseen circumstances arise in the process of implementing marketing plans, the marketing department must constantly monitor the implementation of marketing activities (marketing control). Marketing control is an assessment of the results of the implementation of marketing strategies and plans and the implementation of corrective actions to achieve set goals. It is divided into 4 stages: 1) Formulation of goals 2) Measuring performance results, 3) Analysis of performance results 4) Corrective actions.

Operational control includes comparison of current performance with the annual plan and, if necessary, corrective actions.

Strategies, control consists of determining the compliance of the company's main strategies with its capabilities.

Main objects of control: - sales volumes

Profit and loss amounts

Reaction of buyers to new goods and services offered by the enterprise

Compliance of planned and actual results of production and commercial activities.


Based on the fundamental methodology of marketing as a market concept for production and sales management, we can consider a universal approach to defining and describing marketing functions. This approach consists of identifying a set of marketing functions, which can be structurally presented as follows: analytical function, strategic function, production function, sales function, incentive function, management function.

Pricing is the process of setting the price for a given publication, which in its enlarged form includes the following stages: setting pricing goals, identifying external factors in relation to the enterprise that influence its prices, choosing a pricing method, developing a pricing strategy for the enterprise, market price adjustment (pricing tactics ), insurance of pricing against adverse external influences. The main goals of pricing: 1. Sales: a) Maximization of sales, b) Achieving a certain market share. 2. Current profit: a) Maximization of current profit, b) Quick receipt of cash. 3. Survival: a) Ensuring cost recovery; b) Maintaining the existing situation. 4.Quality: a) Ensuring leadership in quality indicators, b) Maintaining leadership in quality indicators.

The company's strategic plan determines what kind of production it will engage in and sets out the objectives of these productions. Now each of them will have to develop their own detailed plans. If production includes several product groups, several products, brands and markets, a separate plan must be developed for each of these positions. That is why we are faced with production plans, product release plans, branded product release plans and market activity plans. Marketing plans vary: “By duration: short-term (less than 3 years), medium-term (3-5 years), long-term (more than 5 years)). “By scale: for an individual product, for an assortment group, integrated marketing plan). “According to the development method: bottom-up (decentralized form), top-down (centralized form).

Main sections of the marketing plan: summary of benchmarks, current marketing situation, threats and opportunities, objectives and problems, marketing strategy, target markets, marketing mix, level of marketing costs, action program, budgets

Since many unforeseen circumstances arise during the implementation of marketing plans, the marketing department must constantly monitor the implementation of marketing activities. Marketing control is an assessment of the results of the implementation of marketing strategies and plans and the implementation of corrective actions to achieve set goals. It is divided into 4 stages: 1) Formulation of goals 2) Measuring performance results, 3) Analysis of performance results 4) Corrective actions.


1. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing / Transl. from English - M.: Rosinter, 2006.

2. Golubkov E.P. Marketing: strategies, plans, structures. - M.: Delo, 2007.

Lecture 12. Planning and control in marketing o o o 1. Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles of developing a marketing plan. 2. Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control. 3. Tests.

1. Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o A marketing plan is an organizational and management document that allows you to bring together all types of marketing activities in accordance with the goals of the company, its resources, and organization. On its basis, a marketing budget is formed and the market behavior and results of the company are monitored. The entire range of activities should be reflected in the marketing plan.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles of developing a marketing plan o o o Types of marketing plans by implementation time: Strategic planning. Tactical planning. Operational planning. Elements of the strategic planning process in marketing are the definition of the company's objectives and the establishment of marketing goals.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Strategic planning has the goal of adapting an enterprise to predicted changes in the external environment, as well as achieving a reliable position in the market in a competitive environment. The goal of tactical planning is the consistent, step-by-step implementation of the developed strategy. The purpose of operational planning is to ensure daily consistency in the work of all departments of the enterprise with the best use of resources.

The result of the planning process is a marketing plan o o A marketing plan is a set of elements of an organization’s strategic plan and a strategic marketing plan that are controlled at the functional level of marketing. The marketing plan includes the following sections: n Introduction n Characteristics of the market environment and the current situation n SWOT analysis n Marketing objectives n Marketing strategies n Marketing mix activities n Budget n System for monitoring the implementation of the plan.

Marketing planning o Marketing planning is a process, procedure associated with drawing up a marketing plan, with the choice of marketing strategies aimed at increasing product sales and maximizing the company's profits.

Marketing planning - setting goals for marketing strategies and developing activities for them for a certain period, in other words, it is the activity of developing various types of marketing plans. When planning marketing, can be used "top down" "bottom up" "goals down plan up"

Positioning and marketing plan in the educational services market o The marketing program should provide answers to the following questions: n n n What should be done? When to take action? Who will be responsible for them? What is the budget for the implementation of activities? What is the expected result?


Structure of a marketing plan Section Purpose Overview of the plan Goals and objectives of research activities (summary) Current state of the market of the marketing plan Provides basic information about the market, product, competitors and distribution of the product Threats and Describes the main opportunities that opportunities can have an impact on the product Objectives and Briefly formulates the company's objectives for a given product, including issues of sales, market share, profits, as well as problems that the company may encounter in performing these objectives

Structure of a marketing plan Marketing strategy Represents the overall marketing approach that will be used to achieve the planned goals Programs Determine what will be done, by whom, when, and actions, how much it will cost Budgets Estimated income and expenses that allow for a preliminary financial assessment of the results of implementation of this plan Control Indicates how the implementation of the plan will be controlled

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Tactical marketing planning - development of plans for the enterprise as a whole, each individual production, product or trademark of the company for the year. This means that the company has already made a strategic decision regarding how to deal with each of its production facilities and goods. Now each of them needs a detailed marketing plan.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o The development of strategies for achieving goals is called strategic planning, which can be focused both on the entire company as a whole, and on its strategic business units (lines of activity, divisions), as well as on each product (product group) separately.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles of developing a marketing plan o o o Strategic planning in marketing at the corporate level (company, enterprise, firm level) has the following characteristics: - management level - top management, - content of the plan - company business structure, - strategy orientation - strategy company growth, - level of resource allocation - resources for a strategic business unit.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o o o Strategic planning is a strategy for achieving goals. By management levels, planning is divided: - for the entire company as a whole, - for business units (and/or areas of activity, divisions), - for each product (product group) separately. Strategic marketing planning is the management process of creating and maintaining a strategic fit between a firm's goals and its capabilities.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Strategic planning has the goal of adapting an enterprise to predicted changes in the external environment, as well as achieving a reliable position in the market in a competitive environment.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Marketing tactics (medium-term and annual plans) reflect market conditions and principles of forming and satisfying consumer demand for the company's existing products. It determines and organizes the ways and means, forms and methods of marketing that most rationally ensure the achievement of the company's strategic goals.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Medium-term marketing plans are based on short-term plans and on research into the prospects for market development and investment. On this basis, plans for sales, turnover, costs and operating results are mainly formed.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Contents of the 3 stages of marketing planning: 1. Situational analysis - analysis of turnover, capacity and market share by type of product, industry and market, industry analysis, analysis of competition and suppliers, marketing factors macroenvironment.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o 2. Assessing the potential of an enterprise - assessing the economic, marketing, information, logistics and communication capabilities of an enterprise for the production and distribution of goods and services.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o o 3. Determination of marketing tactics - development and implementation of enterprise goals in specific markets, for a specific range of goods in a given period of time. Types of marketing plans are divided: - by time of implementation, - by level of application.

The main stages of the strategic planning process in marketing are: o 1) defining the company's objectives; 2) creation of strategic business units responsible for specific product ranges; 3) establishing marketing goals; 4) situational analysis; 5) formation and selection of optimal marketing strategy options; 6) development of a program and budget of actions; 7) implementation of plans and programs; 8) control of results; 9) correction of previously taken actions.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Marketing tactics reflect market conditions and principles of forming and satisfying consumer demand for the company’s existing products. It determines and organizes the ways and means, forms and methods of marketing that most rationally ensure the achievement of the company's strategic goals.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o To develop a marketing plan, it is necessary to take into account the existing and desired relationships between the “Company” (existing and potential, strengths and weaknesses), its “Clients” (served and unserved) and “Competitors” (existing and potential). The main goal is positioning against the background of the latter: - where to compete (market formulation); - how to compete (identifying means of competition); - when to compete (timing for competitive actions).

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Depending on the marketing strategy, marketing programs are formed. Marketing programs can be focused on: maximum effect regardless of risk; at a minimum of risk without expecting a big effect; to various combinations of these two approaches.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Tactical marketing is the organization of sales, sales and communication policies to inform potential buyers and demonstrate the distinctive qualities of a product while reducing the cost of finding customers. Tactical marketing is aimed, as a rule, at existing markets and pursues the goal of obtaining a given sales volume through the use of tactical means of the marketing mix.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o o Tactical planning, unlike strategy, reflects market considerations, being more detailed; tactics offer methods for solving specific problems in specific conditions. Tactical tasks include: accounting for fluctuations in demand, organizing the distribution of goods and services,

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o Marketing plan - a program for managing elements within the marketing mix system. The implementation of integrated marketing is carried out through a targeted planned process, which allows us to gradually solve problems in the field of product, pricing, distribution and communication policies, and ensure the balance of these tasks and resources.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o In order for a general (consolidated) marketing plan to be implemented, the enterprise must develop plans for marketing research, development of goods or product ranges.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o o o In practice, the following types of marketing activity programs are used: - programs for transferring the enterprise as a whole to work in a marketing environment; - programs for mastering individual elements of marketing activities; - programs in certain areas of the complex of marketing activities. - market entry programs.

Marketing planning o o o Marketing planning is based on the following principles. 1. Comprehensiveness of the marketing plan. This refers to the interrelated consideration of all elements of the marketing mix. 2. Continuity of the planning process. Continuity refers to continuous, sequential actions to develop and implement tasks within a specific stage of marketing planning.

Planning of marketing activities o o o 3. Flexibility and adaptability of the marketing plan. This principle assumes the ability of the marketing plan to adequately respond to changes in the external environment and adapt to the dynamics of consumer demand. 4. The relationship between industry and territorial aspects of the marketing plan. The effect of this principle, traditional for planning in general, is to harmonize the development of commodity production and service industries in relation to the existing demand in the territory.

Planning of marketing activities o o o 5. Clarity of targets. No activity can be successful if it does not know what goals it wants to achieve. Marketing is always characterized by a plurality of goals, combining quantitative and qualitative goals. Goals that can be expressed by direct quantitative methods (for example, capturing a specific market share or obtaining the desired amount of profit) have greater clarity and certainty. The final result of the activity in this case can be characterized quite simply and quite unambiguously.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o o o 6. Balance of marketing plan activities and resources. 7. Optimization of the marketing plan. The optimization principle is a key planning principle. Its essence is to ensure the alternativeness of the plan and the choice of alternatives. It is important to remember that the term “optimal” in this case is somewhat arbitrary and is used only in accordance with well-established practice. The optimal option is the best of all possible.

Marketing planning system, types of plans, principles for developing a marketing plan o o Qualitative goals are less defined. It is much more difficult to evaluate the result resulting from activities aimed at achieving a qualitative goal. Therefore, in marketing, which is used to effectively solve commercial problems, it is more appropriate to focus on quantitative goals. The criteria for drawing up plans are shown on the next slide.

Planning of marketing activities o Marketing program is a set of interrelated tasks and targeted activities of a social, economic, scientific, technical, production, and organizational nature, united by a single goal, indicating the resources used and implementation deadlines.

Example: the company has developed the following plan: o Product policy: expanding the range of new types of goods; n n o increasing the quality of products; development of new product designs and images on packaging. Pricing policy: slight increase in prices.

Evaluation of results o o Having implemented the developed marketing plan, the company received the following results: Qualitative results: n the formation of a corporate style that is different from competitors and distinguishes the company; n conquering a new market niche.

Evaluation of results (end) o o Quantitative results: n increase in the number of loyal consumers by 15%; n increase in profit margin by 20%; n increase in total sales by 25%. By comparing the results obtained with the desired goals and objectives, we can conclude that the company has achieved the expected efficiency of developing its business.

Example of a SWOT analysis of a personnel training program for a small business o o Opportunities: Good competitive position: n n o Potentially capacious market: n n o one competitor in the “walking distance zone”; weak indirect competition due to insufficient development of the market for private educational organizations. construction of a new residential area; favorable prospects for economic growth. Threats: n n Low effective demand; High price elasticity of demand for programs of additional paid services.

Positioning and marketing plan in the educational services market o Strengths: n n n o Professional team of specialist teachers who have mastered new forms and methods of teaching; Improving the database by creating a resource center; Taking into account the specific interests of residents of the serviced area. Weaknesses: n n Lack of interactive teaching methods; Weak level of marketing work.

Positioning and marketing plan in the educational services market o o o Positioning of the program - based on the “price-quality” ratio (for example: an inexpensive professional development program for managers of small practical enterprises with elements of consulting). Marketing goals: To introduce a new program to the educational services market; Recruit a group of listeners of 12-15 people. ; Ensure break-even of the first set of the program; To form a stable client base for organizing profitable activities.

Monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan o o o Forms of control: regular events with program participants involved in its promotion; tracking the process of receiving information letters to potential clients and their reactions; monitoring the process of receiving applications from clients wishing to participate in the program; checking the effectiveness of marketing communications; checking the implementation of the program budget.

Positioning and marketing plan in the educational services market o o o Reporting: primary accounting documents confirming expenses; order to enroll students; program presentation materials; prepared and revised educational materials, etc.

Developed strategies and plans require evaluation o o Evaluation is carried out in the following areas: n Compliance of the chosen strategy with the state and requirements of the environment. n Compliance of the chosen strategy with the potential and capabilities of the company. Acceptability of the risk inherent in the strategy: n the feasibility of the prerequisites underlying the choice of strategy; n what negative consequences for the organization can result from the failure of the strategy; n whether the possible positive result justifies the risk of losses from failure to implement the strategy.

Positioning and marketing plan in the educational services market o To assess the merits of the chosen strategy, the following criteria are used: n criterion of the degree of compliance (does the strategy correspond to the situation in the educational institution); n criterion for the degree of competitive advantage (the strategy must lead to a stable competitive advantage); n criterion of work intensity (a good strategy increases work intensity); n clarity; n internal consistency of all components of the strategy; n timeliness; n compliance with the ambitions of leading performers.

2. Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Marketing control is the process of measuring and evaluating the results of implementing marketing strategies and plans, performing corrective actions to ensure the achievement of marketing goals.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o The essence of control is to evaluate the results of the implementation of the marketing plan in order to develop and take measures to correct undesirable consequences. A marketing audit is an analysis and assessment of the marketing function of an enterprise. A marketing audit is aimed at identifying lost benefits from inadequate use of marketing.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Marketing control includes the collection of data on the results of the activities of a service enterprise and assessment of their compliance with the stated goals. Even if the results obtained and the goals coincide, marketing control ends with the decision to conduct a situational analysis that characterizes the achieved market position of the company and involves the development of new goals.

Control in marketing o Marketing control is designed to solve the following problems: comparison of planned and actual values ​​to measure and evaluate the degree of goal achievement; determination of permissible limits of deviations of values; determination of quantities controlled in time and content; analysis of deviations, interpretation of the reasons for deviations of the plan from the actual state of affairs and development of proposals to reduce deviations.

Control in marketing o Control is the final phase of the marketing management cycle, the final link in the process of decision-making and their implementation. At the same time, the control phase is the starting point of a new cycle of marketing management and the implementation of management decisions.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Current control over the implementation of planned marketing measures in all their diversity and complexity makes it possible, during implementation, to make certain, reasonable amendments and adjustments to marketing activities to achieve set goals, which in turn also contributes to the overall increase in the effectiveness of ongoing activities in the field of sales and production.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o In addition, in the process of implementing the control function, a decision is made on which of the options for the developed marketing program will be implemented, which in turn is associated with which of the options for forecasting the development of external and internal environment was realized.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o Marketing control is carried out at various stages using individual elements of the control and analytical system. It includes: situational analysis - a preliminary analytical stage of marketing planning, with the goal of determining the position of the enterprise in the market. An analysis of the components of the external and internal marketing environment is used in the form of answers to pre-prepared groups of questions;

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o results control is the final stage of marketing planning, which aims to identify the compliance and effectiveness of the chosen strategy and tactics with real market processes. Carried out in the form of strategic, current (operational) control and profitability control using standardized forms;

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o marketing audit - a procedure for revising or significantly adjusting marketing strategy and tactics as a result of changes in conditions, both external and internal. Relevant calculations and assessments are carried out;

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o marketing audit - analysis and assessment of the marketing function of an enterprise. It is carried out by specialists in the form of an independent external verification of all elements of the marketing system. It is based on general audit principles aimed at identifying lost benefits from inadequate use of marketing in an enterprise. Represents the direction in the field of marketing consulting. Uses generally accepted management consulting procedures (diagnosis, prognosis, etc.).

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Marketing audit is carried out through a comprehensive, systematic audit, which is a check of the marketing environment, goals, strategies and individual types of marketing activities of the company and its divisions.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Efficiency of the marketing system - 1) an indicator of the ability of the marketing system to ensure a continuous process of generating reproduction of demand for goods and services at a given level of marketing costs; 2) a criterion, an indicator of the quality of functioning of the marketing system; 3) a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of interaction between subjects of the marketing system in the process of resource exchange.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Efficiency of making a marketing decision - 1) a measure of utility, the relative result of the price of economic risk from the chosen option for solving a marketing problem from the set of considered (possible) alternatives; 2) the ability of the chosen option for solving a marketing problem to bring an economic effect.

Control in marketing o o o Types of marketing control by scale of performance results: - strategic control; - operational, current, control over the implementation of plans; - profitability control. 1. Strategic control is an assessment of strategic marketing decisions from the point of view of their compliance with the external conditions of the enterprise.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o o 2. Operational control Operational (or current) control is aimed at assessing the achievement of set marketing objectives, identifying the causes of deviations, their analysis and adjustment. The following indicators are promptly monitored: - sales volume (comparison of actual and plan); - market share (change in competitive position); consumer attitude towards the enterprise and its products (surveys, conferences, examinations, etc.);

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o 3. Profitability control is a check of actual profitability for various products, markets, groups of consumers or clients, distribution channels and others as a result of the implementation of a marketing plan in comparison with the costs of marketing activities .

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o Control of annual plans - assessment and adjustment of the level of fulfillment of annual targets in terms of sales volume, profit and other indicators in the context of individual markets. When monitoring annual plans, sales analysis, market share analysis, analysis of the relationship between marketing costs and sales volume, financial analysis, analysis of the opinions of consumers and other market participants are performed.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Sales analysis consists of measuring and assessing the actual sales volume of different products in different markets in relation to the goals set in this area.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Market share analysis is aimed at clarifying the position in the market in relation to competitors. Let's assume that the previous analysis showed that sales increased over the year. This increase may be due to both favorable market conditions, which competitors can also take advantage of, and an increase in the efficiency of the company in relation to competitors.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Analysis of market share should show whether the competitive position of a given company has strengthened or not. In the event that competitors have taken advantage of an advantageous market situation to a greater extent than a given company, a situation may arise where the company's sales volume has increased and its market share has decreased. Consequently, its competitive position in the market has deteriorated.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o The results of this analysis should be assessed from the point of view of the financial activities of the organization as a whole. This is necessary in order to understand how and where the organization receives money.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o As part of operational control, the following indicators are analyzed: – volume and structure of sales; - market share; – consumer loyalty. When using the methodology for monitoring consumer loyalty, the following is determined: the number of regular customers; number of new clients; number of lost clients; cumulative penetration; number of repeat purchases; consumption intensity value; number of complaints and claims.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o o Types of marketing control at the level of issues under consideration cover the implementation of marketing functions both within the organization and outside it. In this regard, there are three levels of marketing control: 1. The organization as a whole. 2. Marketing department. 3. External control.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o 1. Marketing control at the organization level as a whole is aimed at obtaining the information necessary to assess the level of marketing effectiveness and make appropriate decisions on the part of the organization's management. Typically, control results are reported monthly to the board of directors. As a rule, this control is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategic plan and the annual marketing plan of the organization, progress in the field of marketing activities, the ratio: prices - costs - profits, and the results of developing new products.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o o Assessment of progress in the field of marketing activities is carried out on the basis of studying the dynamics of income, costs and profits. The amount of income is determined by the volume of sales and the selling price. To determine the amount of profit, it is necessary to know the costs, in which the most important component is production costs.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Sales volume and price are determined mainly by the efficiency of marketing services; production costs - the efficiency of the organization's production services. Marketing services must constantly receive information about production costs. Only in this case is it possible to assess the relationship: price - costs - profit.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o 2. At the level of the marketing unit, marketing control should be carried out on a continuous basis. It is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of individual aspects of marketing activities over short periods of time and assessing the competence of the management of a given unit in the longer term.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o There are no fundamental differences between the first two types of control. For example, analysis of sales volume is one of the areas of marketing control in both cases. The difference most likely lies in what level of management and for what purposes the results are used.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o Audit firms can carry out a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of marketing activities as a whole. When using the methodology of an integrated approach to marketing audit, marketing evaluation indicators include: customer loyalty, sales dynamics.

Activities to control marketing by objects, areas, levels Expenses/turnover Analysis of all marketing expenses in relation to planned and actual turnover volumes Distribution Study of the rationality of the applied product distribution structures and the need for resellers (wholesale, retail trade) External environment Analysis of the external environment and development of measures to adapt the activities of the marketing service to possible changes in the main factors of this environment

Control in marketing o 3) breakdown of marketing expenses by function in relation to individual goods, methods and forms of sales, markets (segments), sales channels, etc. A tabular method of presenting information is usually used: the numerator of the compiled table indicates functional items of expenditure for the purpose marketing, and the denominator is individual products, markets, specific customer groups, etc.

Areas (objects, levels), types and elements of marketing control o In the compiled table of calculations, the numerator indicates current cost items, and the denominator indicates their breakdown by item of marketing cost. The value of this type of analysis lies in the ability to link ongoing costs to specific types of marketing activities.

Control in marketing o o Conducting strategic control and the resulting audit (revision) of the marketing strategy, in contrast to the two other forms of marketing control (operational control and profitability control), is an extraordinary, and often extreme, measure. It is resorted to mainly in cases where: - the previously adopted strategy and the tasks it defines are morally outdated and do not correspond to the changed conditions of the external environment;

Control in marketing o o - the market positions of the main competitors of the enterprise have significantly strengthened, their aggressiveness has increased, the efficiency of the forms and methods of their work has increased, and this happened in the shortest possible time; - the enterprise has suffered a defeat in the market: sales volumes have sharply decreased, some markets have been lost, the assortment contains ineffective goods of low demand, many traditional buyers are increasingly refusing to purchase the enterprise’s goods.

What type of plan is a situation analysis? a) tactical; b) strategic; c) short-term; d) long-term.

Which plan option shows the correct sequence of marketing planning? a) setting goals, situational analysis, strategy, tactics, control; b) situational analysis, setting goals, strategy, tactics, control; c) situational analysis, setting goals, strategy, control, tactics; d) strategy, goal setting, situational analysis, tactics, control.

The tasks of marketing control include (2 var.)… o o A. comparison of planned and actual values ​​for measuring and assessing the degree of achievement of the goal B. checking proposed plans for completeness and feasibility C. determining acceptable limits for deviations of values ​​D. coordinating the information exchange process

Test. When using the methodology for monitoring consumer loyalty, ... o o 1. the amount of inventory of goods 2. the amount of intensity of consumption 3. the number of repeat purchases 4. differentiated analysis for various products


Marketing goals characterize the target orientation of the plan and initially formulate the desired results of activity in specific markets. Goals in the field of product policy, pricing, bringing products to consumers, advertising, etc. are lower level goals.

Practical marketing is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

Justification of the need to produce a particular product (goods, services) by identifying existing or potential demand;

Organization of work to create samples of product models that meet the needs of customers;

Improving methods for selling products;

Regulation and coordination, in accordance with the market situation, of all the activities of the enterprise, including the current operational management of transportation, packaging, sales, advertising, technical and service maintenance to achieve the general goals of the enterprise in the field of production and sales.

Control, as one of the functions of managing the production and commercial activities of an enterprise, occupies a prominent place in marketing. First of all, this is a form of targeted influence on the enterprise’s staff, systematic monitoring of the enterprise’s activities, comparison of actual performance results with planned ones. The end result of control is the development of corrective actions on controllable factors and recommendations for adapting the enterprise’s activities to uncontrollable factors.

The main objectives of this course work are:

1) reveal the concepts of “marketing planning and control”;

2) mastering the theoretical foundations of marketing planning and control at an enterprise;

3) reveal the processes of marketing planning and control using the example of the company Yurinat LLC

The object of the study is the process of planning and controlling the marketing activities of Yurinat LLC

The subject of the study is methods of marketing planning and control at the enterprise LLC "Yurinat"

Marketing planning and control

The concept and meaning of marketing control

Control, as one of the functions of managing the production and commercial activities of an enterprise, occupies a prominent place in marketing. First of all, this is a form of targeted influence on the enterprise’s staff, systematic monitoring of the enterprise’s activities, comparison of actual performance results with planned ones. The end result of control is the development of corrective actions on controllable factors and recommendations for adapting the enterprise’s activities to uncontrollable factors. Marketing control (audit) is a deep analytical work, as a result of which the enterprise administration abandons ineffective methods of marketing management and seeks new methods and tools that meet the conditions for the survival of the enterprise to influence controllable factors and adapt to uncontrollable (hard) factors of the internal and external environment.

Marketing control is the process of measuring and evaluating the results of implementing marketing strategies and plans, performing corrective actions to ensure the achievement of marketing goals. Control completes the cycle of marketing management and at the same time gives rise to a new cycle of planning marketing activities. Thus, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of marketing activities and analyzing the level of implementation of marketing plans are necessary for the correct selection of goals and strategies for marketing activities for the next planning period.

When implementing the control function, it is necessary to use certain norms and standards that reflect the expected level of the characteristics being assessed. For example, a reduction in the number of consumer complaints over the year by 20%, an increase in the number of new customers over the same period by 10%, and no marketing costs exceeding the marketing budget figures.

Based on the results of control, adjustments are made to marketing activities. For example, if sales are lower than expected, you need to determine what is causing this and what should be done to correct the situation. If sales volume is higher than expected, then you should determine what is causing this. The price of the product may need to be raised. This will inevitably lead to some reduction in sales, but may provide higher profits.

The importance of marketing control grows with increasing dynamism of the environment, the size of the enterprise, and the level of division of labor. Let's consider the main forms of control - control of results and marketing.

1) The task of monitoring results is to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the implemented marketing concept by comparing planned and actual values ​​and identifying the reasons for deviations. Control can be aimed at marketing in general or at individual tools. There is also a distinction between monitoring economic (sales, market share) and non-economic (consumer attitude) results. When monitoring, they use data from the accounting system (sales control, profit calculation, etc.) and market research data (analysis of image, level of fame).

a) Sales control. Sales is the classic measure of marketing success. Sales analysis is possible for the entire enterprise and for various groups and objects (regions, customers, products, sales routes, etc.). Variance analysis allows you to determine what role individual factors (for example, price and quantity) played.

b) Control of market share. Market share is the ratio of an enterprise's sales to the sales of the product as a whole, to the sales of an industry leader or several major competitors. Market share reflects the company's position in the market. However, sales growth does not mean a stronger position, since the market can grow even faster. It has been proven that a high market share gives a company an advantage over competitors in terms of the ability to reduce costs. A decline in market share means that there are weaknesses in the marketing concept, except when there is a new entrant into the industry. When sales were deliberately reduced in order to increase profits. When the decline in market share was the result of random events, for example, as a result of the receipt of a large order not at the end of the year, but at the beginning of the next.

To calculate market share, it is necessary to have accurate data on your own sales and market volume. The accuracy of the indicator depends on the coincidence of parts of the formula in terms of product, space and time (special problems arise with determining market volumes).

Marketing control involves calculating the total costs of production and sales of goods, then measuring sales costs broken down by individual components (sales, advertising, transportation, etc.), then calculating costs separately for each sales channel and

profits and losses are determined in order to identify the most promising of them and adjust the company’s sales policy.

Analysis of the relationship between marketing and sales costs allows us to determine the effectiveness of marketing measures and the proportionate funds spent and prevents spending unreasonably large sums to achieve marketing goals.

Typically, the analysis of the results of the sales service is carried out in 3 stages:

Sales costs include all expenses associated with the sale of goods, including those incurred in other areas of the enterprise.

1. Calculation of sales results by market segments. Segment analysis compares expenses and income for individual target groups. In this regard, there is a need to correctly distribute costs among segments. When distributing costs, calculations can be made using the full cost method or the partial cost method.

2. Calculation using the full cost method takes into account both unit and total sales costs. Each segment has its share of total costs. It is possible to compare net profit for a segment with the results of other segments, with the plan and previous periods.

For large segments of product groups and sales regions, the method brings more accurate results. The calculation procedure is usual: first, direct sales costs for the segment are determined, then total costs are distributed using percentages, additions, etc. The validity of distribution is almost always problematic, so it is better to supplement the results with calculations using the partial cost method.

3. Calculation using the partial cost method. Using this method, the end result is the amount that the segment brings to cover total costs and profits. The accuracy of the method increases if the calculation is based on marginal costs (those costs that disappear when a segment is deleted). The analysis is primarily tactical in nature, since overall distribution costs cannot be eliminated in a short period of time.

2) Marketing audit is an audit, detection of weaknesses in the marketing concept. The subject of the audit is both organizational and functional issues. The audit procedure is usually the same as for monitoring results: establishing a standard, clarifying the actual state, comparison and analysis (but the order may be different).

a) Control of the planning information base. The purpose of this area of ​​control is to identify and verify all assumptions underlying the marketing plan.

b) Revision of goals and strategies is aimed at timely detection of inaccuracies and weaknesses. To do this, the auditor must first find out the real situation, determine what goals and strategies were planned, and then evaluate them from the point of view of operation, visibility, completeness, relevance and feasibility.

c) Audit of marketing activities. The task of auditing a set of marketing tools is to check the content of the marketing mix, the size and distribution of the marketing budget. Particular attention is paid to checking the structure of the marketing mix, since in practice it tends to become fixed (which can be unfavorable when conditions change). The starting point of control is to clarify the real state according to approximately the same standard as when revising goals.

d) The purpose of monitoring organizational processes and structures is to check the organization of marketing and its connection with other areas of the enterprise. The purpose of control is to detect weaknesses, inappropriate organizational rules and eliminate these errors.

The organization of control depends on the size of the enterprise, the qualifications of personnel, the complexity of control tasks and other factors. The decision to conduct control on your own or with the help of third-party experts can only be made taking into account the situation.

The advantages of control with the involvement of third parties include: objectivity, impartiality, greater knowledge and experience, overcoming problems with time and personnel.

The advantages of own control include knowledge of production problems, maintaining secrecy, and ease of communication.

When organizing marketing control, it is necessary to determine who should control marketing - the marketing department or another service of the enterprise (for example, enterprise management) and whether the creation of an independent organizational unit is required to perform control tasks.

As an enterprise grows and marketing functions expand, the need for specialization increases, and creating a separate marketing control unit makes a lot of sense. The question of who should report to this unit - the marketing service or the control service - does not have a clear answer. Some enterprises still find a compromise in dual subordination: on a professional line - the control service, on a disciplinary line - the marketing department.

Thus, marketing control is a valid tool for increasing the efficiency of a company’s marketing and business activities. The purpose of marketing control is to obtain information about the patterns and features of market development, and the compliance of the company’s activities with consumer needs. It should extend not only to economic and financial data, but also to the assessment of qualitative performance indicators and its competitive position, to data generated outside the company itself, in its environment.

Characteristics of control types

Marketing control systems are needed in order to be confident in the effectiveness of the company. Marketing control is the process of quantifying and analyzing the results of implementing marketing strategies and plans, as well as taking corrective actions to achieve set goals.

Types of control:

1. control over the implementation of annual plans;

2. profitability control;

3. strategic control;

4. efficiency control.

Control of annual plans - assessment and adjustment of the level of implementation of annual buildings in terms of sales volume, profit and other indicators in the context of individual markets and products. Since it is in the annual marketing plan in the specified sections that, as a rule, individual areas and indicators of marketing activities are worked out in detail, information about the level of their implementation is of great interest to the management of the organization. Carrying out marketing activities involves significant costs. Their reasonableness and effectiveness are also assessed when monitoring annual marketing plans. Further, with this type of control, the correctness of the assumptions regarding the external marketing environment included in the annual marketing plan is analyzed.

Profitability control - assessing and implementing corrective actions to ensure the profitability of various products, territories, consumer groups, distribution channels, activities in different markets. This control can be carried out on a different time basis - weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc. It may be part of the annual control.

Typically, marketing effectiveness is monitored in terms of individual elements of the marketing mix.

As part of product policy control, the characteristics of individual products, their labeling and packaging quality are assessed from the perspective of consumers. In fact, prices are analyzed from the perspective of consumers and resellers and compared with prices of competitors.

Monitoring activities in the field of product promotion is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and other elements of the product promotion complex (stimulating trade and consumers, holding fairs and exhibitions, etc.).

The level of effectiveness of marketing activities is not necessarily determined only by the results of current activities. High efficiency may be due to the fact that the organization competently implements marketing policies on a strategic scale. Therefore, many organizations periodically carry out a critical assessment of the effectiveness of marketing activities in general, i.e. exercise strategic control over marketing activities.

Strategic control is a comprehensive, systematic, independent and periodic review of the external marketing environment, goals, strategies and individual types of marketing activities for the organization as a whole or for individual business units.

The main objects of control are the volume of sales, the size of profits and losses, the reaction of buyers to the new goods and services offered by the enterprise, the compliance of the planned and real (actual) results of production and commercial activities. In a strategic plan, it is important for an enterprise to know whether it is really and effectively using all its marketing opportunities. The adopted control system does not necessarily have to maintain marketing management at a constant level and within strictly selected standards. Over time, even the most progressive management methods become outdated and become inadequate to the strategic task of survival. Therefore, enterprise management should be flexible, adaptive, and the control system should contribute to the search for new methods (methods, processes) for managing production and commercial activities that correspond to changes in the external environment.

However, an excessive volume of control operations, especially with a stable position of the enterprise in the market, especially with positive dynamics in production and sales of products, can lead to extremely undesirable consequences: the distraction of management personnel and performers at various levels from performing their main job duties and switching to unnecessary contacts with controllers and auditors. The control must meet the requirements of sufficiency and timeliness. Control for the sake of control without sufficient grounds ultimately leads to the opposite result - to a decrease in the effectiveness of marketing management, especially at the middle and lower levels of the enterprise's hierarchical system.

Currently, most companies practice three types of marketing control: control over the implementation of annual plans, profitability control, and strategic control.

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