Paid educational services. Economic department (on tuition fees) How to get a receipt

Receipt for off-budget


  1. Submission dates
  2. Conclude an agreement and get a receipt from the admissions office
  3. Pay for training
  4. A copy paid receipt must be sent by email or submitted in person to the Financial and Economic Directorate by the address

Phone for information Financial and Economic Directorate : 8-495-625-33-08.

Schedule Financial and Economic Directorate: Monday – Thursday – from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday from 9:00 to 16:45, Saturday, Sunday – closed


The Moscow City University has a system of discounts for applicants and reduced tuition fees for already admitted students. ()


How to get a receipt:

  1. Submit documents and application for admission to the admissions committee within the established deadlines
  2. Enter into a contract
  3. After concluding the contract, the admissions office will give you a receipt for payment

How can you pay for training:

Tuition is paid for by bank transfer by transferring funds to the account of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Payment Methods:

  • At a bank branch - through a payment terminal or operator.
  • A fee may apply for transferring payments.


  1. The certificate holder and the applicant are required to contact the Financial and Economic Directorate of the Moscow State Pedagogical University by the address: Moscow, 2nd Selskokhozyaystvenny proezd, building 4, bldg. 1 – main building, 1st floor, room. 114 a.
    Phone for information
    Schedule Please note that you can enter into an agreement for payment from maternity capital funds only the owner of maternity capital.General package of documents when concluding a contract:
    - identification documents of the certificate holder
    - identification documents of the applicant
    - certificate for maternity capital
    - a written statement from the owner of the maternity capital certificate. The application form can be obtained and filled out in the Financial and Economic Directorate. 3. Upon submission of the general package of documents to the Financial and Economic Directorate, an agreement will be concluded. 4. After signing by the University in the Financial and Economic Directorate, the certificate holder or the applicant himself receives the following set of documents:
    - copy of the agreement
    - a certified copy of the agreement
    - certified copies of the License and Certificate of State Registration of the University
    - a copy of the power of attorney confirming the authority of the person who signed the agreement on behalf of the University


Not earlier than in 5 working days from the date of payment and after confirmation of receipt of funds to the account of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU, the Applicant can pick up his copy of the agreement from the Financial and Economic Directorate of MSPU by the address: Moscow, 2nd Selskokhozyaystvenny proezd, building 4, bldg. 1 – main building, 1st floor, room. 114 a.

Phone for information Financial and Economic Directorate: 8-495-625-33-08.

Schedule Financial and Economic Directorate: Monday – Thursday – from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday from 9:00 to 16:45, Saturday, Sunday – closed.

A document confirming the fact of payment can also be sent by email to the address: or provide personally by the address: Moscow, 2nd Selskokhozyaystvenny proezd, building 4, bldg. 1 – main building, 1st floor, room. 114 a.

Phone for information Financial and Economic Directorate: 8-495-625-33-08.

Schedule Financial and Economic Directorate: Monday – Thursday – from 9:00 to 18:00, Friday from 9:00 to 16:45, Saturday, Sunday – closed.

The cost of studying at MPGU in 2018-2019 depends on the popularity of the faculty, the form of training and other factors. About 26,000 students study at the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Here you can get almost any profession - the university includes 10 institutes and 15 faculties, and there is an economics and technical college on its base, as well as retraining courses. Those who failed to pass the competition for a budget place have the opportunity to enroll on a commercial basis.


The Economics and Technical College of Moscow State Pedagogical University offers the specialty “Construction and operation of buildings and structures.” Duration of training is 3 years 10 months (based on 9 grades) and 2 years 10 months (for those who have completed 11 grades). Cost – 44,000 rubles per year.

Bachelor's degree

Teaching at the university is conducted in 65 programs. For the convenience of students, both full-time and part-time forms of study are available.

SpecialityCost (rubles/year) and form of training
Faculty of Geography
Geography175900 91400
GeoecologyBy agreement (P/d)
General geography184900
Pedagogical education (PO)/ Technologies and organization of tour operator and travel agency services175900
Institute (I.) of Biology and Chemistry
Software/Chemistry and Ecology175900
Graduate School of Education
Family educationP/d
I. childhood
Speech therapy193300 134100 102900
Primary education (PE)182900 134100 104900
Software (directions: NO and Computer Science; NO and special pedagogy; NO and additional education (art); Preschool education and special pedagogy)182900
Software (directions: NO and foreign languages ​​(English); NO and foreign languages ​​(French)199000
Special (defectological) image182900 128000
Journalism192200 102900
Advertising and Public Relations192200 134600
I. foreign languages
English215100 154900 123700
Software/ Linguistics (profiles: Translation and translation studies)182900
Linguistics (profiles: Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures; translation and translation studies)215100 154900 123700
I. arts
Academic singing/Variety musical art128000
Decorative arts and folk crafts243200
Design243200 170200
I. history and politics
Historical political science182900
BY182900 128400 91400
Political analytics and political technologies182900 128400
State and municipal administration/Management/PO (profiles: Social science and law; Social science and the foundations of world religions and secular ethics)182900 91400
Cultural studies201431
Software (profiles: Economic education; Organization of educational activities)P/dP/d
Sociology182900 128000
Jurisprudence182900 98600
Information technologies in education/

Fundamental physics (in English)

Applied informatics in economics91400
BY186100 130900
Physical Culture186100 104900
I. philology
Software (profiles: Russian and English languages; Russian and Chinese languages)199000
Software (profiles: Russian language and literature; Russian language and inclusive image; Literature and history)182900 128000 91400
Philology182900 P/d
Preschool education (preschool)/preschool and music182900
Software and physical educationP/d
128900 128400 P/d
Psychology192200 130900 93000
182900 128000
Social work with youthP/d
Social design182900

I. international education

Provides training for specialists in the following areas: English and French languages, English and international communication, English and Information technologies in education, English and Economics. Full-time form of education. The cost, regardless of specialty, is 210,000 rubles/year.

Faculty of Mathematics

This faculty provides higher education in such areas as: Pedagogical education, Teaching mathematics and computer science, Applied computer science. Full-time form of education. Cost – 175,900 rubles/year.

Master's degree

If a bachelor’s graduate wishes to obtain a master’s degree, then MPGU provides such an opportunity.

SpecialityCost and form of training
Faculty of Geography
BY204900 P/d105500
Technologies and organization of international tourism/ Ecology and environmental management204900
I. biology and chemistry
Biology213900 155700
Graduate School of Education
BY228600 P/d123700
Psychological and pedagogical education228600
I. childhood
Psychology of development of characteristics and giftednessP/d
Psychological and pedagogical education213000 P/d
BY213000 123700
I. journalism, communications and media education
I. foreign languages
Linguistics213000 123700
BY213000 123700
I. history and politics
Political science213000
I. international education
German language and new educational technologiesP/dP/d
Modern technologies for teaching English210000 P/d
I. social and humanitarian education
State and municipal administration105500
Management in the socio-cultural sphere210000
Pedagogical management110100
BY213000 105500
Law enforcement and human rights activities in the Russian Federation213000 110100
I. Physics, Technology and Information Systems
Innovative activities in the information and communication sector204900
BY204900 105500
Physics and technology of nanostructures and nanomaterials213900
I. physical culture, sports and health
BY213000 154900
Management of the development of physical culture, sports and educational organizations with a sports orientation213000
I. philology
BY213000 105500
Philology213000 P/d
Faculty of Mathematics
BY204900 105500
Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology
BY213000 111100
Psychological service in kindergartenP/d
Psychological and pedagogical education213000 105500
Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
Organization of work with youth213000
BY123000 105500
Psychology222400 155700
Psychological and pedagogical education213000 149100 105500

Postgraduate studies

MSGU also has a postgraduate course. Training is available on the basis of the first higher education. Duration – from 3 years. The cost of the contract is from 143,700 to 221,000 rubles per year.

ProgramForm of studyDuration of trainingCost (rubles/year)
Archaeology, General history, Germanic languages, Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research, History of international relations and foreign policy, history of science and technology, History of philosophy, Literature of the peoples of foreign countries, Ontology and theory of knowledge, Domestic history, Romance languages, Russian language, Comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics, Theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities, Philosophy of science and technology, EthicsFull-time3 191500
Correspondence4 143700
Computer and Information SciencesFull-time3 203700
Correspondence4 152800
Art history, Historical sciences and archeology,

Educational and pedagogical sciences, Political sciences and regional studies, Jurisprudence, Linguistics and literary criticism

Full-time3 211900
Correspondence4 159000
Psychological Sciences, Media and Information LibrarianshipFull-time3 221000
Correspondence4 165800
Cultural studies, Sociological sciences, Philosophy, ethics and religious studies, Economics, Biological sciences, Nanotechnology and nanomaterials, Physics and astronomy, Chemical sciences, Electronics, radio engineering and communication systemsFull-time3 211900
Mathematics and mechanicsFull-time4 P/d
GeosciencesFull-time3 P/d


  • PO/NO – pedagogical/primary education
  • I. – Institute
  • P/d – by agreement

Artist name:

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Pedagogical State University"

Legal address:

Russia 119991, Moscow, st. Malaya Pirogovskaya, 1, building 1.

Bank details of MPGU:

TIN 7704077771
Gearbox 770401001
UFK for Moscow (MPGU l/s 20736U53790)
Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District
BIC 044525000
r/s 40501810845252000079
OKTMO 45383000
KBK 00000000000000000130 – for the provision of paid services

Tuition fees for the 2019-20 academic year

Tuition fees for the 2018-19 academic year

Tuition fees for the 2017-18 academic year

Pay for tuition at Moscow State Pedagogical University no commission fee You can go to any branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC and Bank of Moscow OJSC in Moscow and the Moscow region.

After completing the full course of study and successful final certification, the graduate is issued a state diploma of higher professional education.


Changes in tuition fees under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in the 2018/2019 academic year!

Dear students!

We notify you about changes in tuition fees for the 2018/2019 academic year in accordance with the orders of the Moscow State Pedagogical University:

  • Order No. 555 of May 14, 2018 “On approval of tuition fees for 2-6 year students (except for students transferred to 2-4 courses from M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities in the 2015/2016 academic year) for undergraduate educational programs and master's degree students continuing their studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University, transferring from one direction of training to another or from one form of study to another, recovering after the end of academic leave to continue their education, in the 2018/2019 academic year, citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic Republic and Republic of Tajikistan".
  • Order No. 556 of May 14, 2018 “On approval of tuition fees for students enrolled in 2-5 courses in 2010-2018.” in order to restore, transfer from other educational organizations and continue their studies in the 2018/2019 academic year, citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan.”
  • Order No. 557 of May 14, 2018 “On approval of tuition fees for 2-6 year students in undergraduate and graduate educational programs, recovering from expulsion and enrolled by transfer from other educational organizations, in the 2018/2019 academic year. city, citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan.”
  • Order No. 558 of May 14, 2018 “On approval of the cost of training for 2-3 year students in educational programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the 2018/2019 academic year, citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic Republic and Republic of Tajikistan".

We remind you that the absence of a concluded additional agreement is grounds for termination of the contract.

Therefore, if you...

  • 2-6 year student;
  • a student paying for tuition from maternity capital;
  • a student paying for tuition through an educational loan;
  • a student planning to apply for an installment/deferment payment for tuition
  • a student planning to apply for a tax deduction

... You need, in a short time, to conclude an additional agreement to your contract.

To do this you need:

For prompt preparation of documents, please indicate the contract number, full name of the customer and student, and contact phone number.

2) sign an additional agreement in the planning department (work with students) of PFU;

3) after receiving a message about the signing of an additional agreement by the University, pick it up at the address:

m. Sportivnaya, st. Usacheva, 64, entrance 6, room. 9.

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