Why are newborns buried in a closed coffin? Who conducts children's funerals and how. When the baby was baptized

This instruction was compiled based on our own experience as of April 2016 and is relevant for Moscow; in other regions the process may look different. Here's a brief outline of the steps:

1. Sign consent for the autopsy → 2. Immediately find out at the maternity hospital which morgue the body will be sent to → 3. Pick up a “medical certificate of perinatal death” from the morgue (registration form N 106-2/u-08) → 4. Exchange it at The registry office for a “birth certificate” in form No. 26 → 5. Call the funeral agent.

1. Be sure to insist on an autopsy

Consent/refusal to autopsy is signed immediately after birth, still in the maternity unit. Doctors themselves may recommend that you refuse an autopsy, since from a medical point of view it may be useless. For example, if several days have passed from the moment of antenatal death to delivery and the pathology will be impossible to diagnose.

However, if you have concerns that you will not be informed about the future fate of the child, agree to an autopsy.

It is important to remember that parents are in shock immediately after giving birth; they cannot immediately decide what is best to do with the body, and when they wake up from shock days and weeks later, they often cannot get any information from doctors. Therefore, regardless of whether you decide to bury the child or not, immediately after birth be sure to sign consent for the autopsy, this will give you two benefits:

  • time to get over the shock and decide whether you want to bury the child yourself, because if the body is being autopsied, you can trace it;
  • documents with the results of the autopsy, which the pathologist will issue in 3-4 weeks. At a minimum, they will indicate the institution where the child was admitted and/or the name of the pathologist. With them you will know where to look for it next.

2. Find out which morgue the child was sent to

Get them to tell you which pathology department of which hospital will send the body for an autopsy. If this is a maternity hospital without its own morgue, then the body will most likely be sent to the central children's hospital of the city, which has its own morgue (in Moscow, for example, the Morozov Children's Hospital). If you cannot find out where the child ended up, you just have to call the morgues yourself; at any registry they will be able to track the body using the log.

What is important to know about the morgue:

You have 3 days. Despite the fact that the autopsy results are released only after 3-4 weeks, the morgue stores the body for 3 days, then considers it unclaimed and transfers it for cremation.

The child may have the mother's surname. In our case, the child did not have a name in the morgue register, there was only the mother’s last name, i.e., the registry register may indicate “Ivanova, child,” even if it is a boy.

If the birth occurs at the end of the week, the body can be sent to the morgue only on Monday, this depends on the work of the technical services of the maternity hospital.

Check everything yourself. Even if you were told exactly where the body will be sent, it is better to call there yourself and control the process.

3–4. Receive documents

To arrange the burial of a stillborn child, you must obtain two documents:

  1. “Medical certificate of perinatal death”, this is registration form N 106–2/у-08. He is discharged by the maternity hospital and transferred to the morgue along with the body. Accordingly, you can only pick it up at the morgue.
  2. With this certificate, you must contact the Civil Registry Office (or the MFC with the functions of a Civil Registry Office) and obtain a “Birth Certificate” in Form No. 26. In this case, the medical certificate will be taken from you; it makes sense to take a copy of it before going to the registry office. You call the funeral agent already having this certificate in hand.
A note about the MFC: at the MFC, they may try to send you to the registry office according to your registration simply because they are too lazy to deal with such a rare case. Don't be fooled by this. In the MFC itself there are stickers stating that 97% of services are provided on an extraterritorial basis, i.e. do not depend on your registration. In addition, the child himself does not have a residence permit.

Please remember that this burial event is quite rare. Therefore, even officials at the registry office, the MFC, the funeral agent and the cemetery administration may not be familiar with it and require a “stamp death certificate” from you. Don't listen to them, it's just standard instructions, insist on your own. In fact, a stillborn child cannot receive one because he never had a birth certificate on which to obtain a stamp of death certificate. He can only receive a “Birth Certificate” in Form No. 26 on the basis of a “Medical Certificate of Perinatal Death,” which can only be issued by the medical institution that diagnosed the death.

Legislative problems

When searching for information about the rules for obtaining a medical death certificate, a document appears “Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2009 No. 14–6/10/2–178 “On the procedure for issuing and filling out medical birth and death certificates ”» .

It contains a clause that concerns the case of stillbirth, namely Criteria for issuing a medical certificate of perinatal death:

a) body weight at birth — 1000 g or more;
b) gestational age — 28 weeks or more;
c) body length from the top of the crown to the heels - 35 cm or more.

There is also a breakdown of how these criteria work:

If birth weight is unknown, gestational age (28 weeks or more) must be taken into account; if the weight and gestational age are unknown, then body length (35 cm or more) is taken into account.

It turns out that if a child weighs less than 1,000 g, he does not have the right to receive a death certificate at all.

The legal databases indicate that this document “has actually lost force in terms of recommendations for filling out the “Medical Birth Certificate” form in connection with the publication of Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 N 1687n, which approved the new form of the Medical Birth Certificate, as well as the procedure its issuance and completion." But this only applies to the birth certificate, not the perinatal death certificate.

At the same time, Order 1687n does not specify the procedure for issuing a medical certificate of perinatal death, but there is only a criterion for stillbirth, which has nothing to do with the procedure for issuing the certificate: “Stillbirth is the moment of separation of the fetus from the mother’s body through childbirth during a gestational age of 22 weeks or more with the newborn’s body weight is 500 grams or more (or less than 500 grams in case of multiple births) or if the baby’s body weight at birth is unknown, if the newborn’s body length is 25 cm or more and there are no signs of a live birth in the newborn.”

In fact, in order to bury a child, you need exactly a “Medical Certificate of Perinatal Death.” The procedure for issuing it seems to be regulated by “Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2008 N 782n “On the approval and procedure for maintaining medical documentation certifying cases of birth and death” (with amendments and additions).” However, in the legal databases, in the commentary specifically to the perinatal death certificate form, it is stated “See. Recommendations on the procedure for issuing and filling out this registration form, sent by letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 2009 N 14–6/10/2–178.” Thus, we have returned to the law, which actually does not allow burying a child weighing less than 1,000 g, since, according to this law, it is impossible to obtain a medical certificate of perinatal death for him.

Since this whole situation is not obvious from the point of view of legislation and it is simply impossible for an ordinary person to understand it, do not despair and insist on obtaining a medical certificate.

5. Agent of the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”, cremation, cemetery

As soon as you receive the 26th form, call the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”, only through it can you legally arrange a burial (at least in Moscow). In particular, it is impossible to make an appointment for cremation without an agent. The agent will explain further actions to you. Remember that you are not obligated to use all the services that are imposed on you. For example, we ourselves took the body from the morgue without a bus in a regular car, and so on.

Remember that the cemetery may find fault with your birth certificate; insist on its legality.

What happens if you don't pick up the body

This point is relevant for Moscow; in other regions, the procedure may be different. If you do not pick up the body yourself, the morgue transfers it for cremation to one of the crematoria in Moscow. Next, the crematorium stores the ashes for a year, and if they are not claimed, they are buried in a common grave in the cemetery. So, if you come to your senses late, you may still have a chance to claim the ashes.

It is better to find out about the procedure for burial in a common grave at a specific cemetery. For example, at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, the ashes are poured into a common grave, i.e. without an urn. The grave is cared for and can be visited.


If this post helped you, or you have any additions or legal comments, please write to us at

The funeral of children is a difficult psychological test for parents, relatives and loved ones. It is important for those grieving to see off their last journey with dignity, showing love and pain at the same time. Organizing a mourning event has nuances, requires attention to detail and solving bureaucratic difficulties with paperwork.

Death does not choose the time and place; it can take the baby away, plunging the parents into eternal grief and suffering. After the news of the loss, the family has 2 days to prepare for the mourning event. The burial of younger and older children is no different from the funeral of an adult. To emphasize a young age, all kinds of paraphernalia are used: blue ribbons are attached to boys’ wreaths, girls are decorated with pink ones. Angels and toys can be attached around the circumference of the wreaths.

Parents choose light-colored coffins to emphasize the purity and innocence of the deceased.

Many nuances arise when burying stillborn children. Parents are taught that a baby who dies in the womb or during childbirth does not require burial. The legislation of the Russian Federation states that from the 197th day from the moment of conception, the baby is recognized as a full citizen of the country.

Funeral arrangements

Children are a valuable gift in life, it is difficult to convey the pain that parents experience when losing a son or daughter. In such a situation, it is recommended to find a person with organizational skills to prepare the farewell ceremony.

He is entrusted with the responsibilities of paperwork, choosing a coffin and thinking through the details of the farewell ceremony. Funeral arrangements depend on the age of the child.


When it comes to burying stillbirths, the main thing you should know is that until 28 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is not considered fully developed and has no civil rights. His body is not released to his parents; the hospital is handling the burial process.

If children are stillborn after 28 weeks, they are sent for an autopsy, and after the cause of death is determined, they are given to relatives.

Stillborns are included in the preferential category, which gives them the right to receive a free place in the cemetery and funeral services. After receiving a death certificate in the maternity hospital, benefits are issued.

Things and attributes for a funeral are chosen according to body size. The coffin must correspond to the wishes of the parents. To create an original model, it is better to contact specialized companies. Craftsmen can create a coffin with four, six or eight corners, in the form of a cradle or crib. The color can be beige, white, pastel shades. You are allowed to put things in the coffin: a toy, a pacifier.

Children who died during childbirth or in the womb are buried without a funeral service. The priest at the funeral will not conduct the ceremony if the baby was not baptized during his lifetime. Parents cannot be prohibited from praying for the soul of the deceased.

It is recommended to choose a grave in a family burial place. If the mother died during childbirth with her baby, they are placed next to each other. At the funeral, only the mother performs the funeral service if she was baptized. This helps the souls of children find peace in the afterlife.

Newborn baby

When a living child is born and subsequently dies, the funeral is carried out according to the same rules as in the case of any citizen of the country. An autopsy is required. After the cause of death has been established, relatives can take the body for burial.

The funeral of the baby is carried out no later than 2-3 days after death. The law provides for the next of kin to be able to collect the body and handle burial arrangements if the mother is not discharged from the maternity ward due to poor physical or mental health. The funeral event can be held without parents. To complete legal formalities, a death certificate is issued from the registry office.

If there are no relatives and the woman is in serious condition, the law requires the hospital to store the body until the mother is discharged and buried.

You can dress children in things prepared for discharge, or in those that you have had time to wear. Special envelopes are sold in funeral service salons. Caps and caps are put on the head.

The coffin is usually chosen to be small and light in color. There are no restrictions or rules on the choice of color and shape. You can choose with bows, ruffles, and other decorations.

Those who have undergone the baptismal ritual are given a funeral service at the funeral. This can be done in a church or invite a priest to your home. According to Orthodox law, those who are not baptized are buried without a funeral service.


There are no special rules when organizing a funeral. Everything goes as if burying adults. The process follows the same steps.

For legal registration of the deceased, a death certificate is required, which is issued after an autopsy in the morgue. With this document you can go to the cemetery to purchase a place for a grave. Then paraphernalia is purchased: a coffin, wreaths, clothes.

For children's funerals, coffins come in a variety of shapes and colors. For girls they can be embroidered with bows, for boys - with embroidery or ruffles. The type of coffin matters only to parents and relatives; the church does not attach importance to this issue. You can put personal belongings, favorite toys, and icons in the coffin.

If the baby was baptized during his lifetime, according to the rules of the Orthodox faith, a funeral service is held on the 3rd day. During the ceremony, those present stand with lit candles, and the clergyman says prayers. A note with the text of a prayer of permission is placed in the hand. After the procession ends, a farewell is held and a funeral is held.

How to bury a newborn baby

Medicine is constantly developing, but still children are born who die immediately after birth or within a short period. According to the law of the Russian Federation, it is permitted to organize a funeral if the baby was born later than 28 weeks from the moment of conception and weighed more than a kilogram.

The law provides for two scenarios. In the first case, the body is taken by relatives after the autopsy.

It is allowed to store the deceased in the morgue for up to 7 days free of charge. The funeral is carried out at your own expense; after receiving the necessary documents, an application for compensation of expenses is submitted.

If relatives cannot independently organize the funeral, the matter can be entrusted to a funeral agency. Specialists will take into account all the details and organize the process. Often people who have lost children are unable to make decisions due to a difficult emotional state.
If the death occurred during childbirth and the parents refuse to take the body, the funeral is carried out by a medical institution. In this case, babies from the maternity hospital are buried; the organization is handled by a special bureau.

The financial side is handled by government agencies. Parents are required to provide written permission for the autopsy. Left behind dead children and orphans can be cremated. Then the ashes are stored for up to 1 year, after which they are buried with other unclaimed remains.

Religious aspect of a funeral

A family that has lost a child should have the opportunity to conduct a funeral according to all the rules and traditions. This is a tribute to great memory and love. But aspects related to the Orthodox faith should be taken into account.

The church does not have the right to conduct a funeral service for an unbaptized person. Those who died in the womb or during childbirth, who did not have time to undergo the rite of baptism, are buried without the participation of clergy. After the funeral, parents are allowed to say prayers for the repose of their souls at home. Holy Scripture says that an indispensable condition for entering the Kingdom of Heaven is baptism.

The unbaptized do not go to hell, they remain in an intermediate state.

The organization of the funeral of a baby who has managed to undergo the baptismal ceremony is carried out with a mandatory funeral service. All Christian customs are observed in the ceremony. In this case, the souls of children are mentioned in all rituals performed on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day.

It is forbidden to secretly baptize the dead; this is a violation of the laws of the church. You cannot put someone else’s cross in the coffin; this will not help the soul enter the gates of heaven.

The loss of a child is a tragedy. It brings unbearable pain and despair to parents. The organization of the funeral should be handled by a third party, preferably from a ritual organization, who will take care of the proper preparation of the grave, coffin, and draw up documents without involving parents. This will protect the mother from unnecessary shocks and will give her time to say goodbye to the baby.

But a burst of genius looks like delirium.
In birth, death looks askance.
And we all give a tricky answer
And we don’t find the right question
(Vladimir Vysotsky)

There is such a thing - Schrödinger's cat. Thought experiment in quantum mechanics. It is assumed that this cat, under certain conditions, is alive and dead at the same time. What does this have to do with children?

First - a document stating that for newborns born at a gestational age of less than 22 weeks or with a body weight of less than 500 grams, or in the case of unknown birth weight, with a body length of less than 25 cm, a medical birth certificate is issued if they lived more than 168 hours after birth (7 days)(paragraph 1).

Previously, accordingly, it was not so. Children previously considered embryos (point 2)given the right to life.

So what's changed?

Here it is - that paragraph 2 of Appendix 1

  1. The medical criteria for birth are:

1) pregnancy period is 22 weeks or more;

2) the child’s body weight at birth is 500 grams or more (or less than 500 grams in case of multiple births);

3) the child’s body length at birth is 25 cm or more (if the child’s body weight at birth is unknown).

And here is paragraph 3 of Appendix 3. This is about papers:

  1. A medical birth certificate is issued for newborns born alive during a gestation period of 22 weeks or more, with a newborn body weight of 500 grams or more (or less than 500 grams for multiple births), or if the child’s birth weight is unknown, with body length a newborn 25 cm or more if the newborn has signs of a live birth (breathing, heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord or voluntary muscle movements, regardless of whether the umbilical cord is cut and whether the placenta has separated).,

What has changed is that our Ministry of Health has finally recognized the right to life of those children who were previously considered embryos. That is, relatively speaking, even with a spontaneous abortion at 6-7 weeks, the expelled fetus is already a child.

Brothers and sisters, this is a victory.

This means that it is necessary to try to make efforts to save this child. This means that the attitude towards the so-called abortion is changing. “medical”, and Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation(point 3)

can actually be applied.

That is, both about the mother and the child. In any case, lawyers have some work to do.

However, the victory is not complete. The Ministry of Health recognizes a living child as a living person only if he, this person, lives for at least 7 days. Moreover, if he dies before this date, the Ministry of Health will not even recognize him as a dead person and will not issue a document for him. And without a piece of paper, you, as everyone knows, are a bug... You can’t even be buried humanly, which is, in fact, what’s happening.

In general, the logic of the Ministry of Health is clear. The Ministry of Health is a state body; it primarily looks after the interests of the state. And the state hasFEDERAL LAW ON BURIALS AND FUNERAL CASES dated January 12, 1996 N 8-FZ (as amended on November 28, 2015, as amended on December 14, 2015), and in it Articles 9 and 10, where there are clauses on the guaranteed List of burial services(point 4).

That is, if there is no person, there is no burial, there are no burial services with guaranteed quality, there is no payment for the funeral service at the expense of various funds (established by the state), there is no funeral benefit. The corpse is thrown into a tank and taken to cremation or disposed of in some other way in compliance with sanitary standards.

No, I'm not talking about the use of fetal tissue, stem cells and growing zombies. To do this, it was generally possible not to recognize anyone as anyone. It’s just business here, nothing personal. We save public funds.

Can the Church agree with this?

Of course not. Yes, we are glad that any baby is finally recognized as a human being, albeit with limitations. Not a piece of female flesh, but a human being. But a person has rights. Yes, yes, those same rights that our Patriarch is accused of fighting against. Not the state, but the Patriarch for some reason. And the first of these rights is the right to life. And, therefore, the right to die. Remember the song from "The Irony of Fate"?

And if you don't live, then you can't die.

So, we have the right to die. And we ask the Lord

We ask for the Christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful, and a good answer at the Last Judgment of Christ.

And we believe that the Lord will give us this death. And he will give it to the baby. Or he will give it not to a baby, but to an adult, if this child survives. But the child is seriously ill. Our duty is to baptize him so that he will be born to eternal life.

And here is the trap in the face of FZ-323 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”

Article 19. Right to medical care

  1. The patient has the right to:

11) admission to a clergyman, and if the patient is undergoing treatment in an inpatient setting - to provide conditions for the performance of religious rites, which can be carried out in an inpatient setting, including the provision of a separate room, if this does not violate the internal regulations of the medical organization.

Who is eligible? - Patient. Who is a patient?


Article 2.Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) patient - an individual who is receiving medical care or who has applied for medical care, regardless of whether he has a disease or his condition;

Can something that does not have the status of a person be considered a natural person? There is no exact legal definition, so everything depends on the good or evil will of a particular Ivan Ivanovich or Zulfiya Akhmetovna. If he wants to, he will let him baptize the priest; if he doesn’t want to, he won’t let him. And you can safely not give a damn about the will of the legal representative - mother or father: legal representative of whom? At the 169th hour - yes, it’s no longer possible to spit, and the priest will have to be let in, but for now...

Well, okay, Father Ivan Ivanovich let him in, the baby was baptized, but he still reposed in the Lord before the end of these 168 hours. AND?

That's all! It will no longer be possible to hold a funeral service and give him a Christian burial, because the body (a piece of meat?) is not given to the parents. For legally they are not parents... And the child is not a person or even an animal.

Unfortunately, the devil is in the details. He does not want to give in, and therefore, even a small victory over legalized murder is furnished with these very details. Therefore, an absurd situation has become possible when a living person is simultaneously being treated (by the way, it is not clear who pays for this treatment and from what means) and remains in a state of non-existence.

The story about the cat was at one time supplemented by Wigner's paradox. who introduced the category of “friends”. After completing the experiment, the experimenter opens the box and sees a live cat. Thus, in the laboratory the cat was recognized as alive. Outside the laboratory isFriend. Frienddoesn't know yet whether the cat is alive or dead.Friendrecognizes the cat as alive only when the experimenter tells him the outcome of the experiment. But everyone elseFriendsthe cat has not yet been recognized as alive, and will only be recognized when they are informed of the result of the experiment. Thus, a cat can be recognized as completely alive (or completely dead) only when all people in the universe know the result of the experiment (according to Wikipedia).

But a child is not a cat, especially not a mental one. Whether his friend from the Ministry of Health and our entire friendly state consider him dead or not, in reality he is alive. Therefore, the efforts of the Church, lawyers, doctors, and parents should be combined to eliminate this absurd time limit from the documents.

And pray for these children, of course...


  1. 1 . Changes made to appendices No. 1 and No. 3 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 No. 1687n “On medical criteria for birth, the form of the birth document and the procedure for its issuance”

  2. In Appendix No. 1, paragraph 2 should be supplemented with subparagraph 4 with the following content:

“4) gestation period is less than 22 weeks or the child’s body weight at birth is less than 500 grams, or if the birth weight is unknown, the child’s body length is less than 25 cm, - with a life expectancy of more than 168 hours after birth

(7 days).”

  1. In Appendix No. 3, paragraph 3 should be supplemented with a second paragraph as follows:

“For newborns born at less than 22 weeks of gestation or with a body weight of less than 500 grams, or if the birth weight is unknown, with a body length of less than 25 cm, a medical birth certificate is issued if they have lived more than 168 hours after birth (7 days).

This is the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health of Russia) dated January 16, 2013 N 7n Moscow “On amendments to Annexes N 1 and N 3 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2011 N 1687n “On medical criteria for birth, the form of the birth document and the procedure for its issuance”” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 26, 2013. Registration No. 27898)

  1. Clause 2 of Appendix 1 clarifies the following points:A live birth is the moment of separation of the fetus from the mother's body through childbirth at a gestational age of 22 weeks or more, when the body weight of the newborn is 500 grams or more (or less than 500 grams in case of multiple births) or if the body weight of the child at birth is unknown, when the body length of the newborn 25 cm or more if the newborn has signs of a live birth (breathing, heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord or voluntary muscle movements, regardless of whether the umbilical cord is cut or whether the placenta has separated)

Stillbirth is the moment of separation of the fetus from the mother's body through childbirth during a gestation period of 22 weeks or more when the body weight of the newborn is 500 grams or more (or less than 500 grams in case of multiple births) or if the body weight of the child at birth is unknown, when the body length of the newborn 25 cm or more in the absence of signs of viviparity in the newborn. and placenta).

  1. 1. Intentional infliction of serious harm to health, dangerous to human life, or resulting in loss of vision, speech, hearing or any organ or loss of the organ’s functions, abortion , mental disorder, drug addiction or substance abuse, or which is expressed in permanent disfigurement of a person, or which causes a significant permanent loss of general ability to work by at least one third, or a complete loss of professional ability to work, known to the perpetrator, –

is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to eight years.

  1. The same acts committed:

a) in relation to a person or his relatives in connection with the performance of official activities by this person or the performance of public duty ;

b)in relation to a minor or other person who is known to be in a helpless state by the perpetrator, as well as with special cruelty, humiliation or torture for the victim ;

c) in a generally dangerous manner;

d) for hire ;

e) for hooligan reasons;

f) for reasons of political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity, or for reasons of hatred or enmity towards any social group;

g) for the purpose of using the victim’s organs or tissues;

h) with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons, –

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to ten years, with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years.

  1. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, if committed:

a) by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group;

b) in relation to two or more persons, –

c) expired

shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to twelve years, with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to two years.

  1. Article 9 paragraph 3. The cost of services provided in accordance with the guaranteed list of funeral services is determined by local government bodies in agreement with the relevant branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as with state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is reimbursed to the specialized funeral service within ten days period from the date of application of this service at the expense of funds:

Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation - for the burial of deceased citizens who were subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death, and deceased minor family members of citizens who were subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day death of specified family members;

budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in cases where the deceased was not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity on the day of death and was not a pensioner, as well as in the case of a stillbirth after 154 days of pregnancy.

Article 10. Social benefit for funeral

  1. If the burial was carried out at the expense of the spouse, close relatives, other relatives, the legal representative of the deceased or another person who assumed the responsibility to bury the deceased, they are paid a social benefit for burial in an amount equal to the cost of services provided according to the guaranteed list of services for the funeral specified in paragraph 1 of Article 9 of this Federal Law, but not exceeding 4,000 rubles, with subsequent indexation based on the projected level of inflation established by the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, within the time frame determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

And funeral services are clause 1 of Article 9

  1. The spouse, close relatives, other relatives, legal representative or other person who has assumed the responsibility to bury the deceased is guaranteed the provision of burial services based on the following list:

1) preparation of documents necessary for burial;

2) provision and delivery of a coffin and other items necessary for burial;

3) transportation of the body (remains) of the deceased to the cemetery (crematorium);

4) burial (cremation followed by the release of an urn with ashes).

The quality of the services provided must meet the requirements established by local governments.

Remember the classic - “the master will come, the master will judge us!”
PalLekseich, without knowing any rest or time, wanders around the country and saves children, about which every minute
says on his Twitter. Oh, he doesn’t take care of himself, our soul, oh, he doesn’t spare himself!
but he will help everyone, judge everyone, caress everyone, won’t forget about anyone, take pictures with everyone.
But behind all this flashing of messages on Twitter and a white-toothed smile from the screen, one small detail slips away, completely insignificant in the general background - what exactly did he do? where exactly in Rus' has children started to live well?

These photos were taken by Vera Drobinskaya. She is also a well-known person to many of you - she, of course, did not do as much as PalLekseich, she just adopted eight disabled children, one of whom was recently taken away from her by his biological parents because of his apartment.
In addition to the photo, Vera wrote a letter to the general. prosecutor's office
Dear Yuri Yakovlevich!
Visiting a pupil of an orphanage for mentally retarded children of the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Astrakhan Region in the village. Vasily M, a different rank, I couldn’t resist and stopped by the rural cemetery, where children who died in this orphanage are also buried.
I was shocked by what I saw. Many small tubercles, not even labeled. In some places, monuments appear to have been erected by relatives of deceased children, where the inscriptions have almost been erased. One monument attracts attention; it says: “From mom - forgive me.” The child’s name is Vasily F. He died, as follows from the entry on the monument, on November 6, 2007. However, the chief volunteer of this child from the “Invisible Children” community, Galina S., assures with full responsibility that in March 2008 this child was still alive At least that's what her teachers told her. Some graves give the impression of being “massive”. I could not find where the children I personally knew were buried, namely: Aliya, who died in January 2003 at the age of 14 from spina bifida, and Vanya P, diagnosed with Down syndrome, celiac disease, who died in the summer of 2002. The moral aspect of this picture is monstrous.
I ask the Prosecutor General's Office to check:
- Why did these children die in an orphanage and not in hospitals?
- Was the necessary treatment and autopsy carried out after the death of the child?
- Why does the official date of death of Vasya Fedorov not coincide with that known to his boss? (I can provide the boss’s contact information if necessary).
- Are those children buried in this cemetery who are listed as dead?
- And also, what happened to the property of deceased children, which according to the law should be assigned to the state by deed?
The disorder and almost complete anonymity and namelessness in the burial of the pupils of the Raznochinovsky orphanage inspire suspicion that this was done deliberately to hide violations of the rights of children who were seriously ill and dying in this orphanage, and also, perhaps, to hide the misappropriation of their property.
I also ask the prosecutor’s office to check how the guardianship and trusteeship authorities control this section of work in the child welfare institution and whether they control it at all.
It seems that the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, subordinated as well as the indicated child care center to the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Astrakhan Region, completely ignore the issues of protecting the rights of children in this child care center.
Do you know why officials don’t touch these nameless hills? because for them, most of us, even during our lifetime, are just such mounds...
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