Why are the oceans and seas always salty? What kind of water is in the oceans: salty or fresh? Consequence of volcanic activity

Have you ever wondered what you would do if you were stranded on a desert island in the open ocean? You would first want to find food, make fire, make shelter and find water. Water? That's right, and although you may be surrounded by an endless ocean, those of you who have been to a sea beach know that sea water is not suitable for drinking.

Why not? Because . But why is sea water salty and not suitable for drinking?

Ocean water is salty because it contains large amounts of dissolved minerals. These minerals are often called "salts". Depending on where you are in the world, seawater contains approximately 3.5% salts. The water around it has a high salinity, while the northern waters contain less salts.

At the bottom there is a huge amount of minerals that are destroyed and rise to the surface by natural ocean currents. As the movement of water and waves erodes the ocean floor, minerals dissolve in the water and the amount of salts increases. This is how the ocean constantly replenishes its salinity.

Oceans and seas also get some of their salt from streams, rivers and lakes. While this may seem counterintuitive since these bodies of water contain fresh water, you may be surprised to learn that all lakes, rivers and streams contain some amount of dissolved salts. However, the concentration of salts in these bodies of water is much lower than in the oceans, so their water appears less salty than ocean water.

Salts cannot accumulate in most lakes because they have outlets such as rivers and streams. These outlets allow water to flow to the oceans, carrying minerals with the flow.

On the other hand, it is an example of a reservoir without an outlet. Minerals that flow into the Dead Sea cannot be released into the open ocean because there is no runoff. Because of this, the Dead Sea contains some of the saltiest water on Earth.

In fact, up to 35% of the salts are found in the waters of the Dead Sea! This is almost ten times more than the concentration of salt in the oceans. The salty water of the Dead Sea is lethal to most living things, which is why you won't find any fish or sea creatures there. Only a few species of bacteria and algae can survive the harsh conditions of the Dead Sea. That's why it's called Dead!

While you certainly wouldn't want to drink the water from this sea, you can swim in it. Due to the high concentration of salt, the density of water in the Dead Sea is much greater than in fresh water. This allows the swimmer to stay well on the surface of the water. Diving into the Dead Sea is a bit like dropping a plastic lid into a bowl of water. The dense water makes it easy to swim, even without much effort. In fact, water makes swimmers so buoyant that it is very difficult for them to reach the bottom or swim underwater.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that the water in the sea, unlike rivers, is salty. Even though we had never been to the sea, we already knew about it, because our parents, friends told us about it, we read about it in books.

Today we take this fact for granted, and don’t really think about why the seas and oceans are salty. However, the time has come to consider this issue within the framework of articles on our website, so that in the future it will no longer bother you.

Why is the water in the seas and oceans salty?

As you know, water has enormous potential and power. This is most eloquently demonstrated by all kinds of natural disasters, which were caused by various tsunamis and hurricanes. Water can easily destroy many things, but it takes time, sometimes even a very long time.

This same destructive effect of water does not stop at all kinds of mountains, rocks and other natural structures that store many different chemical elements, including those containing salt. During the existence of the earth, all kinds of bodies of water present in the world's oceans destroyed and dissolved many objects that were capable of saturating the water with salts. However, the question arises as to why oceans and seas are always salty, but rivers, in contrast, are not.

And here it is necessary to remember such a concept as the water cycle in nature. We remember from school that water continuously moves through the biosphere of our planet. However, now, using the example of this phenomenon, it is necessary to trace the movement of salts, which, according to the most plausible and rational theories, has occurred since ancient times as follows:

  1. Rivers along their path sharpened stones, rocks, dissolved all possible minerals and other substances, absorbing salt from them.
  2. Water from the rivers flowed along its bed to the point where it flowed into the seas.
  3. The seas and oceans were saturated with salt water from rivers.

Of course, the water cycle also has a further effect - evaporation, which occurs both in rivers and in seas, as well as oceans. However, it is important to understand that during the process of evaporation, water goes into the clouds, and the salt with which it was saturated remains in the seas and oceans. The cyclical repetition of this process, which took place over several millennia, has led to the fact that today the seas and oceans consist of salt water.

As for the rivers, they continue to destroy all kinds of minerals and carry salt into the world's oceans, but the salt content in fresh water is so low that it is almost impossible for humans to feel it.

Often, sailors of ships that were wrecked or lost in sea waters died of thirst. But few people know why this is so, because there is a lot of water around.

The thing is that sea water is saturated with such a composition that it is not suitable for the human body and does not quench thirst. In addition, sea water has a specific taste, bitter and salty, and is not suitable for drinking. This is all due to the salts dissolved in it. Let's figure out how they got there.

What gives water its salty taste?

Salt has a crystalline appearance. Ocean waters contain almost all elements of the periodic table. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water molecules. It also contains impurities of fluorine, iodine, calcium, sulfur and bromine. The mineral base of sea water is dominated by chlorine and sodium (ordinary salt). This is why the water in the sea is salty. It remains to be seen how the salts get into this water.

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How sea water was formed

Scientists have been conducting experiments for a long time and trying to figure out why sea water is salty and river water is fresh. There are several theories about the formation of salty sea water.

It turns out that rivers and lakes also have salty water. But the salt content in them is so small that it is almost unnoticeable. According to the first theory, river waters entering the seas and oceans evaporate, but salts and minerals remain. Because of this, their concentration increases all the time and the water in the sea and ocean becomes salty.

According to scientists, the process of salinization of the seas has been going on for a billion years. But contrary to the first theory, it has been proven that the waters in the world's oceans have not changed their chemical composition for a long time. And those elements that come with river water only maintain the oceanic composition, but do not change it in any way. This leads to another theory. Salt has a crystalline consistency. Waves hitting the shore wash the stones. Lures form in them. When the water evaporates, salt crystals remain in these holes. When the rock breaks down, the salt gets back into the water and it becomes salty.

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Consequence of volcanic activity

Scientists have concluded that the water in the seas was salty back in the days when humanity did not exist on the planet. And the reason for this was volcanoes. The earth's crust was formed over many years by the emission of magma. And volcanic gases contain chemical combinations of chlorine, fluorine and bromine. They entered the ocean waters in the form of acid rain, and initially the water in the ocean was acidic. This water broke up the crystalline rocks of the earth's crust, and extracted magnesium, potassium and calcium. These acids began to form salts as a result of reaction with hard earth rocks. Few people know that the salt we are used to is formed as a result of the reaction of perchloric acid from the ocean and sodium ions from volcanic rocks.

Why is the sea salty, and where does the salt come from? This is a question that has interested people for a long time. There is even a folk tale about this.

As folklore explains

Whose legend this is, and who exactly came up with it, is no longer known. But among the peoples of Norway and the Philippines it is very similar, and the essence of the question of why the sea is salty is conveyed in the fairy tale as follows.

There were two brothers - one rich, and the other, as usual, poor. And no, to go and earn bread for his family - the poor man goes for alms to his stingy rich brother. Having received a half-dried ham as a “gift”, the poor man, in the course of some events, falls into the hands of evil spirits and exchanges this very ham for a stone millstone, modestly standing outside the door. And the millstone is not simple, but magical, and can grind whatever your heart desires. Naturally, the poor man could not live quietly, in abundance, and not talk about his miraculous find. In one version, he immediately built a palace for himself on one day, in another, he threw a feast for the whole world. Since everyone around him knew that just yesterday he had lived poorly, those around him began to ask questions about where and why. The poor man did not consider it necessary to hide the fact that he had a magic millstone, and therefore many hunters appeared to steal it. The last person to do so was the salt merchant. Having stolen the millstone, he did not ask to grind money, gold, or overseas delicacies for him, because having such a “device”, he could no longer engage in the salt trade. He asked to grind salt for him so that he would not have to swim across the seas and oceans for it. A miracle millstone started up and ground so much salt that it sank the unfortunate merchant’s ship, and the millstone fell to the bottom of the sea, continuing to grind salt. This is how people explained why the sea is salty.

Scientific explanations of the fact

The main source of salts in the seas and oceans are rivers.

Yes, those rivers that are considered fresh (more correctly, less salty, because only the distillate is fresh, that is, devoid of salt impurities), in which the salt value does not exceed one ppm, make the seas salty. This explanation can be found in Edmund Halley, a man known for the comet named after him. In addition to space, he studied more mundane issues, and it was he who first put forward this theory. Rivers constantly bring huge amounts of water along with small impurities of salts into the depths of the sea. There the water evaporates, but the salts remain. Perhaps earlier, many hundreds of thousands of years ago, ocean waters were completely different. But they add another factor that may explain why the seas and oceans are salty - volcanic eruptions.

Chemicals from volcanoes bringing salt to the sea

During times when the earth's crust was in a state of constant formation, there were frequent emissions of magma with incredible amounts of different elements to the surface - both on land and under water. Gases, indispensable companions of eruptions, mixed with moisture and turned into acids. And they, in turn, reacted with the alkali of the soil, forming salts.

This process is still happening now, because seismological activity, although much lower than it was millions of years ago, is still present.

In principle, other facts explaining why the water in the sea is salty have already been studied: salts enter the seas from the soil through movement by precipitation and winds. Moreover, in each open body of water the chemical composition of the earth’s main liquid is individual. To the question of why the sea is salty, Wikipedia answers in the same way, only emphasizing the harm of sea water for the human body as drinking water, and its benefits when taking baths, inhalations, and the like. It’s not for nothing that sea salt is so popular, which is even added to food instead of table salt.

Unique mineral composition

We have already mentioned that the mineral composition is unique in each body of water. Why the sea is salty and how salty it is is determined by the intensity of evaporation, that is, the wind temperature on the reservoir, the number of rivers that flow into the reservoir, the richness of flora and fauna. So, everyone knows what kind of sea is the Dead Sea, and why it is called that.

Let's start with the fact that it is incorrect to call this body of water a sea. It is a lake because it has no connection with the ocean. It was called dead because of the huge proportion of salts - 340 grams per liter of water. For this reason, no fish can survive in a body of water. But as a health resort, the Dead Sea is very, very popular.

Which sea is the saltiest?

But the right to be called the saltiest belongs to the Red Sea.

There are 41 grams of salts in a liter of water. Why is the Red Sea so salty? Firstly, its waters are replenished only by precipitation and the Gulf of Aden. The second one is also salty. Secondly, the evaporation of water here is twenty times higher than its replenishment, which is facilitated by its location in the tropical zone. If it were a little further south, closer to the equator, and the amount of precipitation characteristic of this zone would dramatically change its content. Due to its location (the Red Sea is located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula), it is also the warmest sea among all those on planet Earth. Its average temperature is 34 degrees Celsius. The whole system of possible climatic and geographical factors made the sea what it is now. And this applies to any body of salt water.

The Black Sea is one of the unique compositions

For the same reasons, one can single out the Black Sea, whose composition is also unique.

Its salt content is 17 ppm, and these are not entirely suitable indicators for marine inhabitants. If the fauna of the Red Sea amazes any visitor with its diversity of colors and life forms, then do not expect the same from the Black Sea. Most of the “settlers” of the seas cannot tolerate water with less than 20 ppm salts, so the diversity of life is somewhat reduced. But it contains many useful substances that contribute to the active development of single- and multicellular algae. Why is the Black Sea half as salty as the ocean? This is primarily due to the fact that the size of the territory from which river water flows into it exceeds the sea area itself by five times. At the same time, the Black Sea is very closed - it is connected to the Mediterranean only by a thin strait, but otherwise it is surrounded by land. The salt concentration cannot become very high due to intensive desalination by river waters - the first and most important factor.

Conclusion: we see a complex system

So why is the water in the sea salty? This depends on many factors - river waters and their saturation with substances, winds, volcanoes, the amount of precipitation, the intensity of evaporation, and this, in turn, affects the level and diversity of living organisms in it, both representatives of flora and fauna. This is a huge system with a large number of parameters that ultimately make up an individual picture.

Perhaps not everyone has encountered the ocean in person, but everyone has seen it at least on school atlases. Everyone would like to go there, right? The oceans are incredibly beautiful, their inhabitants will make you freeze in amazement. But... many might also have a question: “Is the ocean salty or fresh water?” After all, fresh rivers flow into the oceans. Could this cause desalination of ocean water? And if the water is still salty, how did the ocean manage to keep it that way after so much time? So what kind of water in the oceans is fresh or salty? Now let's figure it all out.

Why is there salty water in the oceans?

Many rivers do flow into the oceans, but they bring more than just fresh water. These rivers originate in the mountains and, flowing down, wash salt from the mountain peaks, and when the river water reaches the ocean, it is already saturated with salt. And considering that in the oceans the water constantly evaporates, but the salt remains, we can conclude: the rivers flowing into the ocean will not make it fresh. Now let’s delve into the very beginning of the appearance of the World Ocean on Earth, when nature itself began to decide the question of whether the oceans would have salt or fresh water. Volcanic gases that were in the atmosphere reacted with water. As a result of such reactions, acids were formed. These in turn reacted with metal silicates in ocean floor rocks, resulting in the formation of salts. This is how the oceans became salty.

They also claim that there is still fresh water in the oceans, at the very bottom. But the question arises: “How did it end up at the bottom, if fresh water is lighter than salt water?” That is, it must remain on the surface. During an expedition to the Southern Ocean in 2014, scientists discovered fresh water at the bottom and explained this by saying that due to the Earth's rotation, it simply could not rise to the top through the denser salt water.

Salt or fresh water: Atlantic Ocean

As we have already found out, the water in the oceans is salty. Moreover, the question “is the ocean salty or fresh water?” for the Atlantic is generally inappropriate. The Atlantic Ocean is considered the saltiest, although some scientists are still confident that the Indian Ocean is the saltiest. But it is worth noting that the salinity of water in the oceans varies in different areas. However, the waters are almost the same everywhere, so in general the salinity does not vary so much.

An interesting fact is that the water in the Atlantic Ocean is, as many news networks say, “disappearing.” There was an assumption that as a result of hurricanes in America, the water was simply carried away by the wind, but the disappearance phenomenon moved to the coasts of Brazil and Uruguay, where there were no traces of hurricanes. The investigation concluded that the water was simply rapidly evaporating, but the reasons were still unclear. Scientists are puzzled and seriously alarmed; this phenomenon is being investigated to this day.

Salt or fresh water: Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean can be called, without exaggeration, the greatest on our planet. And he became the greatest precisely because of his size. The Pacific Ocean occupies almost 50% of the world's oceans. It ranks third in salinity among the oceans. It should be noted that the maximum percentage of salinity in the Pacific Ocean occurs in the tropical zones. This is due to the intensity of water evaporation and is supported by the low amount of precipitation. Heading east, a decrease in salinity is noticed due to cold currents. And if in tropical zones with low precipitation the water is the most saline, then at the equator and in the western circulation zones of temperate and subpolar latitudes the opposite is true. Relatively low salinity of water due to high rainfall. However, there may well be some fresh water at the bottom of the ocean, just like any other ocean, so the question “is the ocean salt water or fresh water?” in this case it was set incorrectly.

By the way

Ocean waters have not been studied as well as we would like, but scientists are trying their best to correct this. Every day we learn something new, shocking and fascinating about the oceans. The ocean is about 8% explored, but has already managed to surprise us. For example, until 2001, giant squids were considered a legend, an invention of fishermen. But now the Internet is simply teeming with photographs of huge sea creatures and this undoubtedly makes you shudder.

But most of all I want to know after the statement that 99% of all shark species have been destroyed. The sea inhabitants look simply incredible to us, and we can only imagine which beauties will never return to our world due to the fault of humanity.

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