Why did the Sun become unusually “quiet”? Cycles of solar activity Economics of the industry method. instructions for the test

The Sun has been unusually “quiet” lately. The reason for the lack of activity is revealed in the graph below.

Wolf number chart from 2000 to 2019 (red line shows forecast). NOAA

As can be seen from the graph, there has been a decline in the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Over the past two years, the number of sunspots has been decreasing as solar activity moves from maximum to minimum. Fewer sunspots mean fewer solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

Photos of the Sun taken by the SOHO space observatory since 1996. NASA

Thus, the 24th solar cycle becomes the weakest in the last 100 years.

What is the 11-year activity cycle?

The eleven-year cycle, also called the Schwabe cycle or Schwabe-Wolf cycle, is a marked cycle of solar activity lasting approximately 11 years. It is characterized by a fairly rapid (about 4 years) increase in the number of sunspots, and then a slower (about 7 years) decrease. The length of the cycle is not strictly equal to 11 years: in the 18th-20th centuries its length was 7-17 years, and in the 20th century it was approximately 10.5 years.

What is Wolf number?

The Wolf number is a measure of solar activity proposed by Swiss astronomer Rudolf Wolf. It is not equal to the number of spots currently observed on the Sun, but is calculated using the formula:

f number of observed spots;
g number of observed groups of spots;
k coefficient derived for each telescope with which observations are made.

Graph of monthly average Wolf numbers since 1750. Leland McInnes | Wikipedia

How calm is the situation really?

A common misconception is that space weather “freezes” and becomes uninteresting to observe during times of low solar activity. However, even during such periods many interesting phenomena occur. For example, the Earth's upper atmosphere is collapsing, allowing space debris to accumulate around our planet. The heliosphere contracts, causing the Earth to become more open to interstellar space. Galactic cosmic rays penetrate the inner Solar System with relative ease.

Scientists are monitoring the situation as the number of sunspots continues to decline. As of March 29, Wolf's number is 23.

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The program of extracurricular activities for the course "Festive-event cycle" is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO and on the basis of the program of Akopova E.S., Ivanova E.Yu. "Festive-event cycle of school life" ("Programs of general education institutions: Primary school: 1 -4th grade. Educational methodological set "Planet of Knowledge": Program of extracurricular activities in elementary school, 2012). The program presented in the article was adapted and developed by teachers Ushakova O.A., Politti E.V.

<...> <...>Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and based on the program of Akopova E.S., Ivanova E.Yu. “Festive and event cycle of school life”<...>They are associated with the natural cycle, which was important during the transition from one type of work activity to another<...>The calendar-event cycle of “big” holidays sets the form of identity, determines the nature of the big


No. 1 [Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry, 2015]

<...> <...> <...> <...>

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The program of extracurricular activities developed by the author of the article for the course “The World Around Us” is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and on the basis of the program by V.A. Samkova, published in the “Collection of programs of extracurricular activities: grades 1-4. Educational and methodological set “Primary school of the XXI century "edited by N.F. Vinogradova, 2011

Balashikha, Moscow region PROGRAM OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES “HOLIDAY-EVENT CYCLE” ROGRAM<...>extracurricular activities for the course "Festive and event cycle" are compiled in accordance with the requirements<...>Federal State Educational Standards of NOO and based on the program of Akopova E.S., Ivanova E.Yu. “Festive and event cycle of school life”


The article is devoted to the creative path and works of the Soviet writer Yu. V. Trifonov.

In any case, the “Moscow cycle” is a different literature than, say, my first novel “Students”.


Economics of the branch method. instructions for the test

The guidelines are intended for performing tests in the discipline “Economics of the Industry” for correspondence students in the field of study 080100.62 “Economics”, training profile “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations (Mechanical Engineering)”. Methodological instructions include the topics of test work, a sample plan for completing the work, recommendations on the content and design of the work.

industry development…………………………... 12 3.3 Key factors of industry growth……………………………………. 12 3.4 Life cycle<...>industry characteristics; production volumes and industry development rates; key growth factors; life cycle<...>and such secondary factors that have a strong impact on primary demand. 3.4 Life cycle<...>industry When assessing the "life cycle" you must remember that you are looking at the industry as a whole.<...>These phases reflect the "life cycle" of an industry.

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J However, until now the large life cycle of this plant and, even more so, remained completely unknown<...>It can be represented in the following way: behind the closed branch of the bud: the beginning of the fire cycle<...>"The development of the maternal shoot, but does not. The life cycle of the vegetatively ascending individual ends.<...>Ау)1уС;.1 completely complete its life cycle; carried: despite the fearful elongation of it, due to - "<...>The large life cycle 6"i-k~x/iae/tysty&s\ sculpted edifpkatore of vegetation cover is described for the first time



The article discusses emergency protection systems (EPS) of oil and gas production facilities. The role and place of safety and security systems in the automation environment, including process control systems and distributed control systems, are described. The main functions implemented by safety and security systems are considered. The principles of implementation are described, and the concept of the “full life cycle” process of safety and security systems is defined. The stages of the life cycle of emergency protection systems, the goals of their implementation, input and output documents of the stages, as well as the principles of planning work on emergency protection systems are described.

The concept of the full life cycle of safety and security systems The concept of the full life cycle provides that<...>Table 2 Overview of the life cycle of safety and security systems Stages of the life cycle of safety and security systems Block number in Fig. 4 Name<...>Life cycle of planning work on safety and security systems.<...>5] taking into account the stages of the life cycle (LC) of the ESD system according to GOST IEC 61511.<...>The software life cycle of safety and security systems is presented in Fig. 7.


The article discusses the experience of strategic planning and market positioning of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit of Voronezh State University. The active policy of the department allows you to flexibly respond to changes in the market conditions for educational services, quickly make adjustments to the curriculum (in the elective part) and open new educational programs based on the needs of the business community, participate in the competition for future students, carry out popular innovative developments and scientific research research

general professional disciplines, introduction to the specialty 1-4 years (4 years) Preparation in three educational cycles<...>: "Humanitarian, social and economic cycle", "Mathematical and natural science cycle", "Professional<...>cycle "- divided into basic and variable parts Specializations of specialist training Profile of training




Purpose and objectives of the research. The goal was to increase the reliability of deciphering the main taxation indicators within the framework of forest inventory technology based on a rational combination of ground-based taxation with office interpretation of aerial photographs

Under the guidance and direct participation of the author, the entire cycle of "research from theoretical





Purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of a wide range of gamma radiation doses when irradiating seeds, ranging from stimulating plant growth and productivity...

As a manuscript KULIKOVA Tatyana Ivanovna THE EFFECT OF IONIZING RADIATION ON THE FIRST “GOTHIC CYCLE”<...>a wide range of doses from stimulating to inhibiting plant growth (5-100 Gy) for the first mitotic cycle<...>The research results were reported and discussed at the All-Union Symposium "Cell Cycle" (Leningrad<...>the use of ionizing radiation in crop production (Moscow, December 1980), at the meeting "Cell cycle<...>over a range of doses from stimulating to inhibiting plant growth (5-100 Gy) for the first mitotic cycle



Implementation of data collection and processing algorithms in automated systems based on the L-783 multifunctional input/output board

Publishing house PGUTI

Purpose of the work: to study algorithms for collecting and processing information using the example of an automated system for measuring the coordinates of displacements of the ends of compressor blades.

Loop counter stack allows loop nesting up to 4 levels using hardware loop counter<...>cycles Status and mode bits.<...>cycles<...>completion of the cycle.<...>wait cycles).

Preview: Implementation of algorithms for collecting and processing data in automated systems based on the multifunctional input/output board l-783 .pdf (0.1 MB)




Purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the work was to more deeply elucidate the significance of the phenomenon of dissymmetry in the formative life activity of woody plants using the example of the main forest-forming species.

Ambiguity of the concepts “divergence angle” and “leaf cycle” for angiosperms and conifers.<...>the conditionality of the GS it of each feature included in the combination, the ZSD are combined into cycles of connections right<...>A more in-depth analysis can be carried out; ^“distributing the values ​​of characteristics across cycles of connections; Example<...>spirals in one leaf cycle on an annual shoot; 5.<...>phase corresponds to the number of leaves in one leaf cycle at such a flow angle; 6.



No. 12 [Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex, 2018]

Economic problems of all areas of activity of the oil and gas complex, issues of corporate governance, analysis of the state and development trends of the oil market.

cycle of "partial liquefaction at gas distribution stations (GDS) or automobile gas filling stations<...>" ("external refrigerant cycle") complete liquefaction using an external refrigerant (nitrogen, propane<...>both previous cycles with a liquefaction coefficient of up to 100%.<...>Description of liquefaction technology (cycle, liquefaction coefficient) Sales segment.<...>Life cycle management system. Development of product concept and technology.

Preview: Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex No. 12 2018.pdf (0.8 Mb)


Protection and processing of confidential documents

The educational and methodological complex contains a training course program, methodological recommendations for preparing for seminar classes, methodological developments for independent work, tasks for self-testing, and a list of questions for testing. The manual was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State educational standard of higher professional education and is intended for students studying in the specialty “Organization and technology of information security.”

Connection with legal, economic, information and technical cycles of disciplines, defense methodology<...>Document flow and the “life cycle” of a document.<...>Uniform index for the entire “life cycle” of a document.<...>Indicators of the "life cycle" of a document. Accounting indicators.

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Purpose and objectives of the research. The purpose of the research is to study the long-term dynamics and cyclical growth of sessile oak and Gartvis oak in connection with climatic factors and to develop a dendroclimatic forecast in the conditions of the North Caucasus.

Cycles of growth dynamics of various sizes, including close ones, have been identified eleven years old sunny<...>Average chart eleven year old <...>Average chart eleven year old solar activity cycle for the period from 1945 to 1996 (1), corresponding<...>third order after eleven year old The smoothing patterns in all grades of wood of this type are the same.<...>Using the average chart eleven year old solar activity cycle, for a period with high amplitude




The mechanisms and results of forecasting trends in the dynamics of grape yields in the region, taking into account solar activity, are presented. A regression model has been constructed to describe the process of formation of the selling price of wine materials under the influence of yield variations.

cycle).<...>The forecast period (2009�2017) refers to the twenty-fourth eleven year old solar cycle<...>solar activity of the second type (1944-1954 - eighteenth and 1986-1997 - twenty-second eleven year olds <...>cycles).<...>Received a forecast for the entire period eleven year old solar activity cycle based on information


For future gerontological research, the results of research obtained at the intersection of geophysics, astronomy and biology and indicating existing connections between the indicators of living objects and cosmophysical factors may be of particular interest. The paper presents data on the main astronomical factors that are potentially capable of regularly causing changes in gravitational effects on the biosphere as a human habitat. Among these factors are the movements of the Earth and the Moon, described by equations known in astronomy: the equation of the equinoxes, the equation of time, as well as the main disturbances from the Sun (evection, variation and annual inequality), derived from the theory of the movement of the Moon. Based on the sum of the main disturbances from the Sun, the so-called λD function, the relationships between fluctuations of the so-called “computer time”, solar radiation energy in the range of 605–607 nm, as well as the concentration of hemoglobin and erythrocytes with the main disturbances from the Sun were studied. A conclusion has been reached about the universal nature of the impact of the movements of the Earth and the Moon on the biosphere. Tables are presented for the period from 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2016 with calculated values ​​of the λD function, potentially important for the analysis of their relationship with temporary changes in various indicators of the body. The patterns obtained by comparing changes in various biomarkers with the course of λD-function values ​​from the tables may turn out to be prognostic in the study of the functioning of the human body and the biosphere at astronomical periods. The studies were carried out in Antarctica, where the influence of artificial electromagnetic fields was excluded, at Vostok (1998–1999) and Novolazarevskaya (2003–2004) stations.

What does the period of the Earth’s annual orbital movement or, for example, a cycle mean for human life? eleven year old <...>solar electromagnetic impact associated with the study of the sensitivity of biosphere indicators to eleven year old <...>solar activity cycle and geomagnetic activity indices, as well as the interplanetary magnetic field<...>cycle<...>cycle


THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER HAS BEEN RESTARTED, SCIENTISTS ARE WAITING FOR NEW DISCOVERIES. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's most powerful particle accelerator, has restarted after two years of equipment modifications. The BBC reports that protons are already being sent through one of the collider's "tunnels" and at relatively low energy levels. If all goes according to plan, particle collisions will resume in about a month at energies of up to 13 teraelectronvolts, which is twice the LHC's performance before the reconstruction. During the previous turn on of the collider, scientists received evidence of the existence of the Higgs boson - an elementary particle predicted decades ago, necessary within the Standard Model. It describes the electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions of all elementary particles.

SEASONS FOUND ON THE SUN American scientists have discovered a previously unknown two-year cycle of the solar<...>activity (along with eleven years old). <...>When two cycles are superimposed on each other, the most dangerous solar disturbances for the Earth arise.<...>in the 1940s, astronomer Mstislav Gnevyshev's observation of two peaks of solar activity during eleven year old <...>cycle


Singing - space of life articles, materials

Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory (Academy) named after. M.I. Glinka

The publication contains articles and materials by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, professor of the Nizhny Novgorod Conservatory M.G. Amelina, concerning issues of vocal art and performance.

First: cycle C.<...>There are eight issues in the cycle.<...>, cycle B.<...>cycle on poems by M.<...>Tishchenko Sad songs (vocal cycle) Vocal cycle based on poems by M.

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Lecture notes on the academic discipline “Information systems for managing a manufacturing company”

Publishing house PGUTI

The purpose of the discipline “Information systems for managing a manufacturing company” is to study issues covering the main theoretical and applied aspects of managing a manufacturing company, the main trends and prospects for the development of an information management system, as well as the development of modern software tools used to manage the business processes of modern companies in the manufacturing sector. The lecture notes are part of the educational and methodological complex in the discipline “Information systems for managing a manufacturing company”; the best results will be obtained when using the notes together with other materials of the complex.

.); a repeating cycle in which developers, as the IP application begins to take shape<...>The CRP system generates a plan for the distribution of production capacities required to complete each cycle<...>The term "closed loop" reflects the main feature of this concept, which is<...>The company's management should have the opportunity to analyze the state of current transactions and a detailed analysis of the cycle<...>The process of transformation from the first type to the second is called the sales life cycle, and consists of a number of

Preview: Lecture notes on the academic discipline Information systems for managing a manufacturing company in areas of training 03/38/02 – Management, 03/38/05 – Business informatics, 03/27/05 – Innovatics.pdf (0.3 Mb)


No. 5 [Environmental protection in the oil and gas complex, 2018]

Environmental protection, environmental protection measures, ecology and industrial safety in the oil and gas complex, diagnostics of the corrosion state of equipment and pipelines

target vector per cycle.<...>In Asia, the leaders of the “cycle economy” are China and Japan (2003).<...>The 2008 European Directive focuses on circular economics.<...>The quality of the cycle is influenced by all stages and hierarchical levels (Fig. 2).<...>Biogenic and technogenic cycles: a – analogy of cycles; b – change in the status of the material flow in recycling

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Introduction to Organizational Psychology

This anthology is a textbook for the course “Introduction to Organizational Psychology” for students of specialty 030301 Psychology. Organizational psychology is a relatively young discipline with certain problems in systematizing theoretical and practical developments. The anthology contains texts by foreign and domestic authors. Their choice is determined, in addition to quality requirements, by the fact that these works are not always available and at the same time reveal the basic content of the discipline. The texts are presented both in full and with some abbreviations. The reader is intended for students of specialty 030301 Psychology. The discipline "Introduction to Organizational Psychology" in accordance with the State educational standard and curriculum is studied in the fifth semester. There are 16 hours of lectures, 34 hours of laboratory classes, tests, and tests. The anthology contains materials reflecting the content of the following topics: “The subject and methods of organizational psychology”, “The concept and main characteristics of organizations”, “Organizational culture”, “Psychological climate in the organization”, “People in the organization”, “Management and leadership in the organization” ", "Problems of modern organization". Studying the materials in the anthology will allow not only to expand knowledge on the subject, but also to “get in touch” with a variety of theoretical and empirical studies, as well as real practices of organizational psychology.

Life cycle of an organization…………………………..…38 Prigozhin A.I.<...>P.85-89 LIFE CYCLE OF AN ORGANIZATION Do you remember the organismic model of an organization?<...>There have been many attempts to steel the life cycle of organizations; the scheme of Ishak Edizes has the greatest recognition<...>roam almost throughout the entire Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBKOM & LLC Book-Service Agency 41 life cycle<...>So, the life cycle of a business organization consists of three phases. I. Growth. II. Maturity. III. Aging.

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The results of a study of the evolution of statistical characteristics of a number of Wolf numbers and a number of groups of sunspots on the scale of their variability on the order of 100 years are presented. A semi-empirical model of the probability distribution of Wolf numbers is constructed. The method of moments is presented as applied to the problem of calculating the evolution of parameters of the distribution of Wolf numbers.

pronounced quasiperiodic components of solar activity variability is the 11-year cycle<...>, then there are many works related to solving the problem of predicting the next solar quasi- eleven year old <...>cycle based on information about the previous ones.<...>But in the variability of the characteristics of the 11-year cycle itself, shorter periodicities are revealed<...>This formally explains, from a statistical point of view, what was observed at the beginning of the current solar cycle.


No. 12 [Automation, telemechanization and communications in the oil industry, 2015]

Development and maintenance of measuring instruments, automation, telemechanization and communication, automated control systems, information systems, CAD and metrological, mathematical, software

The number of CR cycles, i.e., the number of periods Tk, before the MN is written off is (nk + 1); number of CP cycles in progress<...>within one KR cycle, equals (nc + 1); number of TP cycles within one CP cycle – (nt + 1). 2.<...>The cycles SR and TP are respectively equal to    s c t c t c t, . 1 1 1 +1 k kT T TT T n n n n      <...>Principles for ensuring and implementing the “life cycle” process for emergency protection systems of objects<...>Methodology for determining the stage of the equipment life cycle in technologically hazardous processes based on

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The purpose of the study is to identify patterns of fluctuations in fertility, biological indicators and sex ratio in the spawning part of the Gizhiga-Kamchatka herring stock under the influence of solar activity.

To identify the dynamics of fertility of the Gizhiginsk-Kamchatka herring depending on solar activity cycles<...>Slightly different patterns are observed under the influence of 11-year cycles of solar activity on<...>This phenomenon is explained by the presence of two cycles of lifting body weight with one antiphase cycle of exercise<...>cycle, it can be done in different ways.<...>Typically two oscillations fit into eleven year old cycle of solar activity.



Climate system (astronomical factors)

VSU Publishing House

The educational and methodological manual was prepared at the Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism, Voronezh State University.

Against this background, separate cycles develop.<...>Eleven year olds cycles differ not only in different lengths, but also in intensity.<...>The intensity of the cycle is related to its duration.<...>those. a 22-year cycle is formed.<...>Against the background of the 11-year cycle, the 80–90-year cycle of sunspot activity clearly stands out, which

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The article discusses the issues of enhancing the activities of students in the process of advanced training of teaching staff using multimedia technology

." and the Concept of twelve-year education in secondary schools, transition programs for eleven year old <...>When preparing a transitional curriculum in history eleven year old training is given great attention<...>At the beginning of studying a certain topic in cycles, students are given several problematic tasks.


Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born in Orel. His father, Sergei Nikolaevich, served in the army at that time and retired as a colonel. Mother - Varvara Petrovna - nee Lutovinova.

It can be assumed that Turgenev initially intended to include the fairy tale in the cycle he conceived in 1882<...>Having conceived the cycle “Stories and Fairy Tales for Children,” the writer intended to open it with an introduction that began<...>An example of this is Ivan Sergeevich’s recording in the album eleven year old boy, son of a cartoonist<...>Some of them are autobiographical, although the main character, eleven year old Lilya Zhizhmorskaya, performing


The article is devoted to the primary sources of human knowledge about the earth.

It can be assumed that a purely random or fatal coincidence of two numbers - the lunar monthly cycle (27.3<...>scientific observation at all times of human existence, then the establishment of the monthly lunar cycle<...>minimum (during the full moon) and maximum darkening (before the new moon), during the same lunar cycle<...>equal to 129.6 minutes, would give, when dividing 1440 by 129.6, the number of years equal to 11.111... i.e. solar " eleven year old <...>cycle."


No. 1 [Higher education in Russia, 1997]

The journal publishes the results of studies of the current state of higher education in Russia, discusses issues of theory and practice in the humanities, natural sciences and engineering higher education. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publishing the results of scientific research in the following areas: philosophy, sociology and cultural studies; pedagogy and psychology; story.

Entering the human environment as a result of a number of accidents at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises<...>Issues of environmental culture are reflected in the curricula of the humanities cycle.<...>At one pole there is always an individual who is capable of single-handedly carrying out a complete technological cycle<...>quantities will be required in the near and long term (considering that the “production cycle<...>Other functionaries still like their sovereignty with a closed educational and methodological cycle.

Preview: Higher education in Russia No. 1 1997.pdf (0.2 Mb)


Data from a logitudinal study of the health status of Moscow schoolchildren observed from 1st to 11th grade are presented. Students underwent annual clinical examinations in school settings. A high prevalence of chronic diseases and functional abnormalities among schoolchildren was revealed. Unfavorable trends in the health status of adolescents reduce the labor, reproductive and defense potential of the country. It is necessary to carry out preventive work and hygienic education in educational organizations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, and an increase in the physical activity of adolescents.

The study was to study the dynamics of morbidity rates in children and adolescents throughout eleven year old <...>Prevalence of functional abnormalities over eleven year old the period of study has increased more<...>It is necessary to pay attention to a new phenomenon - the increase in the prevalence of menstrual irregularities<...>An increase in the frequency of menstrual irregularities may affect the deterioration of reproductive health


Irina Knorring's diary as a woman's confession

The subject of analysis in the article is the diary of the Russian emigrant poetess Irina Knorring, which she kept from 1917 to 1943. The diary is considered as an intertext in gender analysis procedures; the author of the article proves that Knorring kept two diaries at the same time, intertwining poetic texts with prose ones, on the one hand, and other people’s texts with her own, on the other. Understood in this way, Knorring's diary appears as a verbal confessional space in which the poet constructs her gender and literary identity.

In a pre-diary entry that can be seen as a kind of profession de foi eleven year old <...>each other: poems or poetic cycles are dedicated to each of the heroes of her novels (often imaginary)<...>can be considered her characteristic habit of considering poetic cycles dedicated to one or another “subject”<...>people, I will write novels and poems, I will be infinitely happy,” she wrote with childish categoricalness eleven year old


C++ language and object-oriented programming in C++. Laboratory workshop. manual for universities

M.: Hotline – Telecom

The manual contains 21 laboratory works that will allow the reader to master the C++ programming language in its classical presentation, as well as master the technology of object-oriented programming in C++. Each laboratory work includes theoretical information, accompanied by a large number of examples working in the MS Visual Studio environment. For independent work, most laboratory works offer sets of tasks of two levels of complexity - for beginners in learning a programming language and for those who want to improve their level in this area.

loop ; check for loop continuation; law of change of loop control variables ) operator; Operator<...>is the same as a loop, but is not a way to exit a loop.<...>body of the loop, i.e. it is a loop followed by a condition.<...>How can a while loop simulate a for loop? 2.<...>How can a while loop simulate a for loop? 2.

Preview: C++ language and object-oriented programming in C++. Laboratory workshop. Textbook for universities (1).pdf (0.6 Mb)


The modulation of cosmic rays (CRs) observed on neutron monitors during the minimum, rise, maximum and beginning of the decline of solar activity (SA) of the 24th cycle (period 2008–2015) is compared with the modulation of CRs during similar periods of SA cycles 20–23 . After a prolonged SA minimum between cycles 23 and 24 in 2007–2009. and the CR maximum at the end of 2009, in which the CR intensity exceeded the previous four CR maxima, weaker CR modulation is observed during the SA growth phase than the modulation in the corresponding periods of previous cycles. During the period of SA growth in 2011–2014. Against the background of a decrease in the eleven-year variation, shorter-period CR variations (oscillations with a variable period, bursts of activity) are better manifested. In the current 24th SA cycle, a scenario with two SA maxima was realized, and in the CR we see one minimum at the end of 2014, separated from the 2009 maximum by ≈12% for particles with a hardness of 10 GV. CR modulation in the last cycle is the weakest for the entire period of operation of the neutron monitors. Since the beginning of 2015, the restoration of cable lines began. Possible reasons for the unusually weak CL modulation are considered. Quantitative estimates were made of the contribution of various characteristics of the solar magnetic field to the created CR modulation during the studied period of the 24th cycle and in the corresponding periods of 20–23 solar cycles and compared them.

During the period of SA growth in 2011–2014. against the backdrop of a decrease eleven year old variations are better manifested more<...>20–23) cycles.<...>Analysis of the time course of these indices reveals low Bss values ​​in the 24th cycle, even at the maximum of the cycle<...>22 cycle 20 cycle 75 96 76 97 77 98 78 99 79 00 80 01 81 02 82 03 21 cycle 23 cycle 20 24 21 23 22 a1 0,<...>Having compared similar periods in each cycle, we also compared the 24th cycle with the behavior of CR in 1957–1996


Fire is still one of the most terrible disasters in society. Fire is inexorable, it is impossible to come to an agreement with it, it is impossible to hide from it. He mercilessly takes away what is most precious - our lives and the lives of people close to us. Every day, a large number of fires occur on the territory of the Russian Federation, in which people die and real estate is destroyed.

The plant will be equipped with modern automated lines, including a full cycle of work: from<...>Behind eleven year old history of the company, its specialists have accumulated vast experience in the field of


The article provides a literary analysis of the work of poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

Between poems eleven year old distance: written about love in 1923, about creativity in 1934<...>It is part of a cycle addressed (without dedication) to Pasternak.<...>Before this, the poetess wrote cycles of poems for Akhmatova, Blok, and others.


This paper presents the results of a study of archival materials of 25,169 inpatients with alcohol dependence (F 10.2–F 10.4) of the Poltava Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after O.F. Maltsev for one 11-year solar cycle from 1997 to 2007. The presented data on the frequency of alcoholic binges over a long period of time in one region showed that this is a complex psychobiological process. The number of hospitalized young people (under 20 years old) with binge forms of alcohol dependence and with episodic binge drinking during the study period increased more than 2 times. The data presented indicate the presence of a connection in patients with binge forms of alcohol dependence, as well as episodic binges with circanal rhythms, which determine the clinical manifestations of these conditions and the fluctuation of patients’ admissions to hospital treatment in one period or another of the year. The onset of the disease correlates with peaks in solar activity and seasonality (usually spring - autumn). The most pronounced maximums of admission of patients with alcoholic binges are in March - May, a less pronounced increase in October - December, which makes it advisable to carry out treatment and preventive measures for this group of patients in February - March and September - October

Maltsev for one 11-year solar cycle from 1997 to 2007.<...>Maltsev for the period from 1997 to 2007, i.e. in one 11-year solar cycle.<...>(27.16%) women.  CONCLUSIONS The presented data on the frequency of alcohol binge drinking in one eleven year old <...>solar cycle in one region showed that this is a complex psychobiological process.<...>visual measurements of magnetic fields of large sunspots, carried out at different observatories in cycle 23


No. 1 [Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series "Mathematics. Mechanics. Physics", 2017]

Original articles, reviews and short communications by scientists from SUSU, universities and research organizations in Russia are published, devoted to topical issues of mathematics, mechanics and physics.

We need to find a feasible cycle of minimum length.<...>Eleven year old the variation has the characteristic appearance of a half-wave with a maximum 1 year earlier than the solar minimum<...>Eleven year old the variation in the number of registered atmospherics, in our opinion, can be explained<...>In the same time eleven year old variation in the number of thunderstorms correlates in phase with the cosmic ray flux<...>On changes in thunderstorm activity in the solar cycle / Z.P.

Preview: Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Series Mathematics. Mechanics. Physics No. 1 2017.pdf (0.4 Mb)


The law of universal repulsion of O. G. Smirnov as the cause of non-Newtonian gravitational effects M. K. Majorana, D. R. Long, A. Danjon, S. M. Kolesnikov, A. Sakuma [Electronic resource] / Ushakov // Current problems of modern science .- 2010 .- No. 4 .- P. 149-165 .- Access mode: https://site/efd/253456

Latest achievements of scientific and technological progress in the oil and gas industry; operational catalog of domestic equipment and materials.

The full test cycle is planned to be carried out in three stages.<...>As follows from Fig. 12, one-sided wear of the cylinder coating after 148 days of operation (number of cycles 0.234<...>The constantly expanding cycle of these operations is the main criterion of social reproduction.<...>the degree of closeness of the functional relationships of the management object with the subjects - participants in the “life cycle”<...>Plekhanov special "Oil Cycle" (department), where oil industry students were trained.

Preview: Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex No. 3 2013.pdf (0.4 Mb)


The article is dedicated to the outstanding choirmaster, teacher and musical figure, founder of the Academy of Choral Art (ACHI) and the Big Children's Choir of the All-Union Radio and Central Television V.S. Popov. It reflects the essential aspects of his artistic world, performing style, and the concept of vocal and choral education. It tells about the concert life of the choirs he led. The question of the specifics of vocal and choral education as a carrier of ancient sacred traditions is touched upon.

Having achieved in the late 1970s. transition of the Choir School to eleven year old training, Popov gave the opportunity<...>Constantly performs at Orthodox music festivals, at the Moscow Autumn festival, and in concert series<...>This became possible thanks to Popov’s far-sighted decision to make training at the School eleven years old


In the modern period (2013), the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas 1814) is one of the main commercial objects of the Sea of ​​Azov, the regime of which is favorable for reproduction and development, and its habitat covers the entire water area of ​​the sea. Biomass of round timber in 1952÷2012. varied from 5.0 to 201.6 (average 32.0) thousand tons. The round goby population is very variable. Like fish with a short life cycle, it experiences significant changes in numbers: over a short period (2÷5 years), the productivity of a generation can differ by tens or even hundreds of times. Taking into account the ecological and commercial significance of the round timber as the most widespread species among the Azov gobies, monitoring the state of its population and stock is relevant.

Like fish with a short life cycle, it experiences significant changes in numbers: within a short<...>Like fish with a short life cycle (the majority of them do not survive to 4 years of age), it experiences<...>an increase in the number of gobies next year, which is typical for fish populations with a short life cycle<...>Eleven year olds data for the 2000s. The size of new generations of round timber is indicated by the fact that the yield<...>Table 3 Number of generations of Azov round timber during the life cycle (according to autumn census data


The past Year of Literature prompted a new round of thinking about children's and adolescent reading: this year many Russian libraries held large-scale and local literary competitions, Olympiads, and reading marathons, which provided rich material for comprehension. Such a competition was also held in the Centralized System of Children's Libraries in Chelyabinsk. More than 300 young readers aged from eight to sixteen took part in the competition. The figure may be modest, but the sample made it possible to identify and feel certain trends in children’s and adolescent reading at this stage.

A eleven year old Karina N. was amazed by V.’s story.<...>Eleven year old Ilya Ch., talking about the hero of the dilogy V.<...>Eleven year old Anastasia B., whose heroine was Galosha from T.’s fairy tale.<...>Eleven year old Ksenia Zh., reading Bogomolov’s “Ivan,” thought about what she should have felt<...>Eleven year old Alena Ch. became firmly convinced that “war does not have a child’s face.


Lyudmila Evgenievna Ulitskaya was born in Bashkiria, where her family was evacuated. After the war, the Ulitskys returned to Moscow, where Lyudmila graduated from school, and then from the biology department of Moscow State University. She worked for two years at the Institute of General Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, but in 1970 she was fired for reprinting samizdat. For some time she worked as director of the Chamber Jewish Musical Theater, wrote essays, children's plays, dramatizations for radio, children's and musical theaters, reviewed plays and translated poetry from the Mongolian language.

Approximately eleven year old its periodicity is associated both with the movement of Jupiter and with the periodicity of intensity<...>In hypotheses about the influence of the solar cycle on earth's weather or the well-being of people and conflicting data<...>For the minimum phase of the solar cycle, this dependence is quite simple: stable high-speed wind


This summer, the Drofa publishing house released a set of video films on DVDs, “Happily Ever After: All About Man, Woman and Family.” This is a series of popular science conversations with the participation of family psychologist Olga Troitskaya and TV presenter Alexander Gordon. a very sensitive topic was a very non-standard step for a well-known and experienced publishing house of educational literature.The general director of the publishing house, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Fedotovich Kiselev, talks about why “Drofa” decided to participate in the project.

Cycle 2.1.<...> <...>Description of the innovation cycle 2.1.<...>Engineering covers all stages of the innovation cycle.<...>Description of the innovation cycle 2.1.

Preview: Innovation management.pdf (0.8 Mb)

The Sun has been unusually “quiet” lately. The reason for the lack of activity is revealed in the graph below.

As can be seen from the graph, there has been a decline in the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Over the past two years, the number of sunspots has been decreasing as solar activity moves from maximum to minimum. Fewer sunspots mean fewer solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

Thus The 24th solar cycle becomes the weakest in the last 100 years.

What is the 11-year activity cycle?

The eleven-year cycle, also called the Schwabe cycle or the Schwabe-Wolf cycle, is a marked cycle of solar activity lasting approximately 11 years. It is characterized by a fairly rapid (about 4 years) increase in the number of sunspots, and then a slower (about 7 years) decrease. The length of the cycle is not strictly equal to 11 years: in the 18th - 20th centuries its length was 7 - 17 years, and in the 20th century - approximately 10.5 years.

What is Wolf number?

The Wolf number is a measure of solar activity proposed by Swiss astronomer Rudolf Wolf. It is not equal to the number of spots currently observed on the Sun, but is calculated using the formula:

W=k (f+10g)
f is the number of observed spots;
g is the number of observed groups of spots;
k is the coefficient derived for each telescope with which observations are made.

How calm is the situation really?

A common misconception is that space weather “freezes” and becomes uninteresting to observe during times of low solar activity. However, even during such periods many interesting phenomena occur. For example, the Earth's upper atmosphere is collapsing, allowing space debris to accumulate around our planet. The heliosphere contracts, causing the Earth to become more open to interstellar space. Galactic cosmic rays penetrate the inner Solar System with relative ease.

Scientists are monitoring the situation as the number of sunspots continues to decline. As of March 29, Wolf's number is 23.

Europe is predicted to have a major war

Experts are seriously thinking about the consequences of a possible collapse of the European Union. According to the former head of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, the clashes of interests of major powers occurring in the EU are reminiscent of the situation in the Old World a year before the outbreak of the First World War.
Juncker is confident that the threat of a new war in Europe should not be discounted. “For my generation, the single currency has always meant a policy of peace. Today I see that too many in Europe are again lost in narrow national ideas,” he said.
The ex-head of the Eurogroup, in particular, sees signs of discord in the election campaigns in Greece and Italy. Juncker admitted he was “shocked” by posters in Athens depicting Chancellor Merkel in a Nazi uniform. The last Italian election campaign, according to him, was also overly hostile to Germany and, therefore, “anti-European,” the Vzglyad newspaper writes. Juncker directly compared the current situation with 1913, when, despite growing contradictions, most Europeans firmly believed that peace in Europe would last forever: “There are amazing parallels with 1913 in terms of carelessness. Many in Europe even then thought that war could never break out again. The major powers on the continent were so closely intertwined economically that it was believed that they simply could not afford the luxury of military conflict. The countries of Northern and Western Europe were especially confident in this.”

According to Juncker, who is currently Prime Minister of Luxembourg, to avoid these gloomy prospects now, governments must strictly adhere to the course of austerity and complete a cycle of unpopular reforms designed to force Europe to live within its means again and, on this basis, begin to restore its economy. “We cannot fight the budget deficit and increase government spending. We cannot fight excessive public debt by borrowing more money. If we continue to do this, Europe will face a social revolution,” Juncker said.


1635-1659 - Franco-Spanish War.
1640-1668 – Portuguese War of Independence.
1642-1646 - Civil War in England.
1648 – Civil War in England.

1683-1684 - Franco-Spanish War.
1700-1721 – Northern War of Russia against Sweden
1701-1714 – The War of the Spanish Succession between France, Austria and England. 1718-1720 - Anglo-Spanish War.

1739-1748 - Anglo-Spanish War.
1740-1748 – War of the Austrian Succession.
1741-1743 – The Russian-Swedish war, which ended with the Peace of Abov, according to which part of Finland went to Russia.
1744-1745 – Second Silesian War between Austria and Prussia on Polish territory.
1756-1763 - Seven Years' War.

1788-1789 – Russian-Swedish war.
1789-1794 - The French Revolution.
1796-1797 - Italian campaign of Napoleon Bonaparte.
1798-1801 – War of France with the Second Coalition (England, Turkey, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Russia, Austria, Portugal)
1799 – Capture of the islands of Corfu, Naples and Rome by F.F. Ushakov. Swiss and Italian campaigns of A. V. Suvorov
1799 – Coup of the 18th Brumaire carried out by General Napoleon Bonaparte. Transfer of power in France to the first consul Bonaparte 1800 - Defeat of the Austrian troops by Napoleon Bonaparte at Marengo. 1803-1805 – War of France with the III Coalition (England, Austria, Russia) 1805 – Victory of the English fleet over the Franco-Spanish at Trafalgar. Death of Vice Admiral G. Nelson.
1806-1807 – War of France with the IV coalition (England, Prussia, Russia) 1809 – War of France with the V coalition. Schönbrunn world. Austria's loss of Illyria, part of the Tyrol and Western Galicia. Revolt against French rule in Germany.
1812 – Napoleon’s campaign in Russia. Patriotic War in Russia.
1812-1814 – War of France with the VI Coalition (England, Russia, Prussia, Austria) 1815 – “One Hundred Days” of Napoleon.
1815 – War of France with the VII coalition. Battle of Waterloo.

1853-1856 – Crimean War: Türkiye, England, France, Sardinia against Russia.
1858 – Liquidation of the East India Campaign, declaration of India as a possession of the crown.
1859 – Austro-Franco-Sardinian War.
1864 – War of Austria and Prussia against Denmark for Schleswig, Holstein and Lauenburg. 1866 – Austro-Prussian (“Thirty Days”) War for hegemony in Germany. Victory for Prussia.
1867 – Invasion of D. Garibaldi at the head of the “red shirts” into the Papal States. 1867-1868 - England's war against Ethiopia.
1870-1871 - Franco-Prussian War. Fall of the Second Empire.
1877-1878 – Russian-Turkish war.

1881 – Conquest of Tunisia by the French. The beginning of France's colonial advance in Africa.
1882 – Occupation of Egypt by England.
1898 – Anglo-French colonial conflict in Africa.
1899-1902 - Anglo-Boer War.
1911-1912 – Italo-Turkish war. Italian capture of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica.
1912-1913 – Balkan crisis.
1912-1913 – War of Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece against Turkey. Rubbing Turkey into Macedonia, Thrace, Albania and Elephant.
1913 – War of Serbia, Greece, Romania and Turkey against Bulgaria.
1914-1918 - World War I. Death of 9.5 million people.
1917 – February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia. Overthrow of the monarchy. Transfer of power to the Provisional Government.
1917 - The United States entered the war on the side of the Entente countries.
1917 – October Revolution in Russia. 1928 – Signing in Paris by 15 states (France, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, etc.) of the Kellogg-Briand Pact on the renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy.

1939 – Signing of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact (“Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact”). Annexation of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus by the USSR.
1939-1940 – Soviet-Finnish war.
1940 – German troops invade Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Surrender of Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Norway and France. 1945 – Japanese surrender. End of World War II

1991 – The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which included 11 of the 15 republics of the former Soviet Union.
1999 NATO bombing of Serbia. Deployment of UN peacekeeping forces into Kosovo. Yugoslavia breaks off diplomatic relations with NATO countries
2001 America began fighting in Afghanistan.
2003 Beginning of the US war in Iraq


Solar cyclicity- periodic changes in solar activity. The most famous and best studied is the solar cycle with a duration of about 11 years (“Schwabe cycle”). Sometimes, in a narrow sense, under solar cycle understand precisely the 11-year cycle of solar activity.
There is also a double Schwabe cycle of about 22 years in length (the so-called “Hale cycle”), meaning that the state of the Sun’s global magnetic field returns to its original state after two full 11-year cycles.
There are also much less pronounced cycles of longer duration in the behavior of solar activity: for example, the “Gleisberg cycle” with a period of about one century, as well as ultra-long cycles lasting several thousand years.
11 year cycle
Main article: Eleven-year cycle of solar activity
The 11-year cycle ("Schwabe cycle" or "Schwabe-Wolf cycle") is the most prominent cycle of solar activity. Accordingly, the statement about the presence of an 11-year cyclicity in solar activity is sometimes called the “Schwabe-Wolf law.”
The approximately ten-year periodicity in the increase and decrease in the number of sunspots on the Sun was first noticed in the first half of the 19th century by the German astronomer G. Schwabe, and then by R. Wolf. The “eleven-year” cycle is called conventionally: its length during the 18th-20th centuries varied from 7 to 17 years, and in the 20th century on average it was closer to 10.5 years.
This cycle is characterized by a fairly rapid (on average about 4 years) increase in the number of sunspots, as well as other manifestations of solar activity, and a subsequent, slower (about 7 years) decrease. During the cycle, other periodic changes are also observed, for example, a gradual shift of the sunspot formation zone towards the equator (“Spoerer’s law”).
To explain such periodicity in the occurrence of sunspots, the solar dynamo theory is usually used.
Although various indices can be used to determine the level of solar activity, the Wolf number averaged over the year is most often used. The 11-year cycles determined using this index are conventionally numbered starting from 1755. In 2008, the 24th cycle of solar activity began.

Number Minimum Maximum

1 1755 1761
2 1766 1769
3 1775 1778
4 1784 1787
5 1798 1804
6 1810 1816
7 1823 1830
8 1833 1837
9 1843 1848
10 1856 1860
11 1867 1870
12 1878 1883

13 1889 1893
14 1901 1905
15 1913 1917
16 1923 1928
17 1933 1937
18 1944 1947
19 1954 1957
20 1964 1968
21 1976 1979
22 1986 1989
23 1996 2000
24 2008

Other Observed Cycles
22 year cycle
The 22-year cycle (“Hale cycle”) is, in essence, a double Schwabe cycle. It was discovered after the connection between sunspots and the Sun's magnetic fields was understood in the early 20th century. It turned out that during one cycle of sunspot activity the general magnetic field of the Sun changes sign: if at the minimum of one Schwabe cycle the background magnetic fields are predominantly positive near one of the solar poles and negative near the other, then after about 11 years the picture changes to the opposite. Every 11 years, the characteristic arrangement of magnetic polarities in sunspot groups also changes. Thus, in order for the overall magnetic field of the Sun to return to its original state, two Schwabe cycles must pass, that is, about 22 years.
Secular cycles

Secular cycles of solar activity from radiocarbon data.

The secular cycle of solar activity ("Gleisberg cycle") has a length of about 70-100 years and manifests itself in modulations of the 11-year cycle. The last maximum of the secular cycle was observed in the middle of the 20th century (near the 19th 11-year cycle), the next one should occur approximately in the middle of the 21st century.
There is also a two-century cycle (“Suess cycle” or “de Vries cycle”), the minima of which can be considered as stable decreases in solar activity that occur approximately once every 200 years and last for many decades (the so-called global minima of solar activity) - the Maunder minimum ( 1645-1715), Spörer minimum (1450-1540), Wolf minimum (1280-1340) and others.
Millennial cycles

Solar Hallstatt cycle with a period of 2,300 years according to radiocarbon dating.

Samvatsara (Samvatsar) - 60-year cycle in the Vedic calendar of time calculation
In Vedic Astronomy (Siddhanta) and Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha) the following are used: grahas- “objects” (and in fact, Forces of Nature): 1) "Surya"- Sun, 2) "Chandra"- Moon, five planets - 3) "Mangala"- Mars, 4) "Buddha"- Mercury, 5) "Guru"- Jupiter, 6) "Shukra"- Venus, 7) "Shani"- Saturn - and two mathematical points: 8) Rahu[ascending (“northern”) lunar node] and 9) Ketu[descending (“southern”) lunar node].
Out of five sin(“planets”) Guru [Jupiter] and Shani [Saturn] are the slowest, that is, their periods of rotation around the Sun (and, accordingly, the Earth) are the longest. The cycle of Guru [Jupiter] lasts 12 years, and the cycle of Shani [Saturn] lasts 30 years. In addition, these two grahas have a special, long-term influence on the entire Earth and on humans in particular.

The “least common multiple” of 12 and 30 is 60. That is, the interlocking motion of Jupiter and Saturn forms a 60-year cycle, at the beginning of which both planets are connected (0 degrees of angular distance between them), then the angular distance between them increases to a maximum (between them 180 degrees), then decreases again until their connection, which occurs every 60 years.
60 years make one Samvatsara. Every year in Samvatsar has its own name. So a person born, for example, in Samvatsara “Vaibhava”, at the age of 60, will enter the next, second Vaibhava-Samvatsara.
The cycles existing in nature make it possible to accurately predict many events: bird migrations, ebbs and flows, planetary movements, etc. Using cyclical analysis, it is also possible to predict changes in financial markets, although not always as accurately as natural phenomena.
Seasonal cycles are detected in the behavior of prices for a number of goods. As a consequence of the agricultural nature of most commodities, these cycles are understandable and understandable. However, explaining the cyclical behavior of some other financial instruments can be much more difficult. Theories of cyclicality in financial markets consider a wide variety of reasons for this behavior, ranging from weather and sunspots to the placement of planets and the basics of human psychology. It seems to me that the main reason is psychological.
It is known that the price reflects the coincidence of expectations of market participants. These expectations are constantly changing, causing supply and demand lines to shift and causing prices to fluctuate between overbought and oversold™ levels. Thus, price fluctuations- this is a natural process of changing expectations, the natural consequence of which is cyclicality.
Attempts to use the cyclical nature of prices to improve trading efficiency have led to the creation of many technical indicators and tools. Among them are overbought/oversold indicators (eg, stochastic oscillator and relative strength index), which are designed to determine the extreme boundaries of the cycle.

The following figure shows the main components of a loop.

An entire book could be devoted to the topic of cycles and their analysis. Therefore, here I will only briefly describe some of the most famous cycles. To learn more about cycles and technical analysis in general, I recommend reading the book “Technical Analysis of Futures Markets” by J. Murphy.
Agree that in hindsight you can find cyclicality in everything. And for successful trading based on cyclical analysis, it is necessary to rely only on cycles that are stable in nature and use them in combination with other trading tools.
28 day cycle. As a result of research conducted in the 1930s, a 28-day cycle was discovered in the wheat market. Some attribute this to the influence of the lunar cycle. One way or another, many markets, including the stock market, do have a 28-day cycle (i.e. 28 calendar days, or approximately 20 trading days).
10.5 month futures cycle. Although the cyclicality of each commodity market is strictly individual, a cycle lasting 9-12 months was found in the dynamics of the CRB index (commodity market research index).
January effect. The stock market exhibited a mystical pattern of ending the year at a higher level if prices rose in January, and at a lower level if they fell in January. As they say, “just like January, so is the whole year.” Between 1950 and 1993, the January effect was confirmed 38 out of 44 times - with an accuracy of 86%.
4-year cycle (Kitchin wave). In 1923, Joseph Kitchin discovered that many financial indicators in Great Britain and the United States between 1890 and 1922 followed a 40-month cycle. Later, the strong influence of this 4-year cycle was seen in the stock market between 1868 and 1945.
Although the cycle is called a “quadrennial”, its length varies between 40-53 months.
Presidential cycle. This cycle is associated with the US presidential elections occurring every four years. It is explained as follows: after the election, the stock market begins to fall as a result of the newly elected president taking unpopular measures to regulate the economy. Then, in the middle of the presidential term, the market begins to rise in the hope that the economy will strengthen by the time of the next election.
9.2 year cycle (Jaglar wave). In 1860, Clemant Juglar discovered that many areas of the economy experienced a cycle of approximately 9 years. Subsequent studies have proven the noticeable influence of this cycle in the period from 1840 to 1940.
54-year cycle (Kondratiev wave). Named after the Russian economist, this long-term, 54-year cycle is reflected in the dynamics of prices and economic indicators. Since the length of the cycle is very long, its effect on the stock market was noted only three times.
The upward wave of the cycle is characterized by rising prices, economic development and a moderate rise in the stock market. The flat part of the cycle curve (plateau) is stable prices, peak economic activity and rapid growth of the stock market. A downward wave is characterized by falling prices, a sharp decline in all markets, and often a major military conflict.
The following chart (taken from The Media General Financial Weekly, June 3, 1974) shows the Kondratiev wave and wholesale price dynamics in the United States.

As we know, not so long ago you and I, dear colleagues, witnessed the next 23rd maximum of the 11th year cycle of solar activity. But are there any other activity cycles besides the aforementioned 11-year one?

Before answering this question, let me briefly remind you what solar activity is. In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, this term is given the following definition: Solar activity is a set of phenomena observed on the Sun... These phenomena include the formation of sunspots, torches, prominences, flocculi, filaments, changes in radiation intensity in all parts of the spectrum.

Basically, these phenomena are associated with the fact that there are areas on the sun with a magnetic field that differs from the general one. These areas are called active. Their number, size, as well as their distribution on the Sun are not constant, but change over time. Consequently, over time, the activity of our daylight changes. Moreover, this change in activity is cyclical. So we can briefly explain the essence of the subject of our conversation.

During periods of cycle maximum, Active Regions are located throughout the solar disk, there are many of them and they are well developed. During the minimum period, they are located near the equator; there are not many of them, and they are poorly developed. Visible manifestations of active regions are sunspots, faculae,

prominences, filaments, flocculi, etc. The most famous and studied is the 11-year cycle, discovered by Heinrich Schwabe and confirmed by Robert Wolf, who studied the change in solar activity using the Wolf index he proposed, over two and a half centuries. The change in solar activity with a period of 11.1 years is called the Schwabe-Wolf law. It is also assumed that there are 22, 44 and 55 year cycles of activity changes. It has been established that the magnitude of the cycle maximum varies with a period of about 80 years. These periods appear directly on the solar activity graph.

But scientists, having studied rings on tree cuts, ribbon clay, stalactites, fossil deposits, mollusk shells and other signs, suggested the existence of longer cycles, lasting about 110, 210, 420 years. And also the so-called secular and super-secular cycles of 2400, 35,000, 100,000 and even 200 - 300 million years.

But why pay so much attention to studying the activity of the Sun? The answer is that our daylight has a huge influence on the earth and on earthly life.

An increase in the intensity of the so-called “solar wind” - the flow of charged particles - corpuscles - emitted by the Sun, can cause not only beautiful auroras, but also disturbances in the earth’s magnetosphere - Magnetic storms - which affect not only equipment, which can lead to man-made accidents, Noah is not directly related to human health. And not only physical, but also mental.

During peak periods, for example, suicides increase. Sun activity also affects productivity, fertility and mortality, and much more.

In general, any amateur astronomer can, by conducting regular observations of the Sun, compare its graph with graphs of the intensity of any phenomena related to the atmosphere, biosphere, and others.

11 year cycle. ("Schwabe cycle" or "Schwabe-Wolf cycle") is the most prominent cycle of solar activity. Accordingly, the statement about the presence of an 11-year cyclicity in solar activity is sometimes called the “Schwabe-Wolf law.”

The approximately ten-year periodicity in the increase and decrease in the number of sunspots on the Sun was first noticed in the first half of the 19th century by the German astronomer G. Schwabe, and then by R. Wolf. The “eleven-year” cycle is called conventionally: its length over the 18th-20th centuries varied from 7 to 17 years, and in the 20th century on average it was closer to 10.5 years.

This cycle is characterized by a fairly rapid (on average about 4 years) increase in the number of sunspots, as well as other manifestations of solar activity, and a subsequent, slower (about 7 years) decrease. During the cycle, other periodic changes are also observed, for example, a gradual shift of the sunspot formation zone towards the equator (“Spoerer’s law”).

To explain such periodicity in the occurrence of sunspots, the solar dynamo theory is usually used.

Although various indices can be used to determine the level of solar activity, the Wolf number averaged over the year is most often used for this purpose. The 11-year cycles determined using this index are conventionally numbered starting from 1755. The 24th cycle of solar activity began in January 2008 (according to other estimates - in December 2008 or January 2009).

The 22-year cycle (“Hale cycle”) is, in essence, a double Schwabe cycle. It was discovered after the connection between sunspots and the Sun's magnetic fields was understood in the early 20th century.

It turned out that during one cycle of sunspot activity the general magnetic field of the Sun changes sign: if at the minimum of one Schwabe cycle the background magnetic fields are predominantly positive near one of the solar poles and negative near the other, then after about 11 years the picture changes to the opposite.

Every 11 years, the characteristic arrangement of magnetic polarities in sunspot groups also changes. Thus, in order for the overall magnetic field of the Sun to return to its original state, two Schwabe cycles must pass, that is, about 22 years.

Secular cycles of solar activity based on radiocarbon data.

The secular cycle of solar activity (“Gleisberg cycle”) is about 70-100 years long and manifests itself in modulations of the 11-year cycle. The last maximum of the secular cycle was observed in the middle of the 20th century (near the 19th 11-year cycle), the next one should occur approximately in the middle of the 21st century.

There is also a two-century cycle (“Suess cycle” or “de Vries cycle”), the minimum of which can be considered as a stable decrease in solar activity that occurs approximately once every 200 years, lasting many decades (the so-called global minima of solar activity) - the Maunder minimum (1645--1715), Spörer minimum (1450--1540), Wolf minimum (1280--1340) and others.

Millennial cycles. Solar Hallstatt cycle with a period of 2,300 years according to radiocarbon dating.

Radiocarbon dating also indicates the existence of cycles with a period of about 2300 years (“Hallstatt cycle”) or more.

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