Why stress is bad for pregnant women. How to cope with stress during pregnancy? Causes of stress in pregnant women

How stress affects pregnancy is a timely question about the changes occurring in the body and life of the expectant mother.

Some women are frightened by their own worries about this: the feeling of anxiety while waiting for a desired and already beloved child is akin to betrayal, which only aggravates the degree of anxiety.

Let's find out why such emotions appear, how they affect childbearing, and how to cope with stress during pregnancy

How and why stress occurs during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of change.

Your body, emotions, family life During this period, they undergo many changes.

IN you can welcome them but still experience them stress.

And during pregnancy this is completely normal - as long as anxiety does not cause discomfort, poor sleep, headaches, loss of appetite or, conversely, overeating.

High levels of anxiety over a long period of time can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, gastritis or heart disease.

And, of course, stress affects the condition of the fetus. and also increases the risk of early birth (before the 37th week) or low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg).

This is often the cause of poor health in children.

Causes of stress during pregnancy

Anxiety can arise for a variety of reasons.

But there is a list of the most common reasons for the appearance of alarming symptoms when carrying a child.

Among them:

  1. Manifestations of toxicosis
  2. Changes in hormone levels and accompanying mood swings
  3. Fatigue and back pain in the last months of pregnancy
  4. Concerns about childbirth and caring for a newborn

Of course, not everyone stress during pregnancy It has Negative consequences.

Life sometimes takes unexpected turns, and it can happen at any time - even when you're expecting.

Ordinary small problems, such as deadlines, traffic jams, or an unfriendly salesperson, are unlikely to cause serious upset.

But listen to your own condition if you have ever experienced divorce, serious illness or loss of loved ones, dismissal, natural disasters, or war.

These events are the strongest stress factors for our psyche and can provoke long-term distress.

Its danger also lies in the fact that the course of the disease may be hidden, but already stress in early pregnancy will make itself felt - and will only intensify.

How stress affects pregnancy

The main factor that affects the mother’s body while expecting a baby is hormones.

When you are stressed, your body produces more of the so-called “stress hormone,” cortisol, and less of the “happy hormones,” such as serotonin and dopamine.

This leads to decreased mood, decreased motivation or performance, and rapid fatigue.

Self-esteem also noticeably decreases, preventing us from loving ourselves and depriving us of confidence.

Cortisol is also produced in your body during times of danger.

It mobilizes all the body's systems to escape or fight, sending a concentrated charge of energy to the muscles and causing the heart to pump at a faster pace.

If you manage stress, the body returns to normal fairly quickly.

However, a constant state of anxiety can completely change the functioning of the body and even become a catalyst for inflammatory reactions.

And they are already seriously dangerous for the health of the mother and fetus.

Consequences of stress during pregnancy for mother and child

Some note that After stress during pregnancy, my stomach hurts.

This is an alarming sign at any stage of pregnancy.

Of course, the phenomenon may have psychosomatic causes, but abdominal pain often has a different nature, especially if you carefully monitor your diet.

Stress during early pregnancy can be the main cause of miscarriage, so the mother needs to pay special attention to such things.

Advice: If the pain is sharp, or the tension lasts for several days without subsiding, visit a doctor. The consultation will determine whether everything is okay with the child, and the specialist will help you find the most successful ways to deal with negativity.

Significant stress during pregnancy in the second trimester can lead to disturbances in the formation of the child’s body.

Heart defects and other congenital diseases often originate from this period, when active growth of the fetus and development of various organs occurs.

And stress during late pregnancy can provoke:

  1. Premature birth
  2. Development of postpartum depression in mother
  3. Psychological problems in a child that can accompany him throughout his life

Exactly - the effect of stress on pregnancy is not limited to the period of bearing a child.

This affects his entire future life!

Various studies show that children of anxious mothers subsequently experience difficulty concentrating and uncontrollable fear, and often have sleep disturbances.

Stress is especially dangerous in early pregnancy, the consequences which include disorders in the development of the baby’s brain or immune system.

And if measures are not taken in time, no vitamins will help to restore immunity.

Due to such failures, the child may not grow properly in the future (slow development of bone tissue is often a consequence of the mother’s condition during pregnancy).

Disobedience, whims and difficult adolescence are also among the consequences of severe stress during pregnancy.

Some people deal with stress by smoking cigarettes, eating junk food, alcohol, or even drugs.

For the expectant mother, all this is strictly prohibited, since dangerous substances from her blood directly reach the fetus and can cause developmental defects.

What are the safe and effective ways to deal with stress during pregnancy in order to avoid consequences for the child?


Relaxation is important for you and your baby's health, so don't feel guilty for taking time away from your problems and focusing on yourself and your baby.

Listen to your body and go to bed early.

During pregnancy, you're under double the stress, so good sleep is more important than ever.

Be sure to watch your daily routine: it should include several periods of sleep.

Talk to the baby in your belly, sing to him your favorite songs and lullabies.

From about the 23rd week, the fetus can already hear you and recognize the mother's voice.

And communication will help to establish a close connection with the baby when he is born.

Psychologists also advise turning on classical music more often, which calms anxiety.

If you already have children who also require attention and care, it can be difficult to find time to relax, but loved ones can help.

Ask your spouse, friends, or parents to spend time with your older children to give you time to find inner peace.

Talk about what's bothering you

If you are worried about the health of the fetus or any personal problems, do not let yourself get caught up in stress during pregnancy , because you already know Why is this condition dangerous?

Don't be afraid to admit to yourself and others your feelings.Being sincere will help you get the help you need.

By talking to your spouse, you may find that they are just as worried as you are, and discussing your concerns can help calm them down.

You can also ask your loved ones to do simple yoga exercises with you.

This will bring you closer together and will have a positive effect on the baby’s health.

Advice: communicate with other expectant mothers, attend thematic courses or fitness for pregnant women. Well, in case of serious anxiety disorders, contact a specialist without fear.

Good food

A proper, balanced diet will help your body receive all the required vitamins and microelements, which affects both your mood and health.

In particular, remove stress during early pregnancy The following substances will help ensure good health and a positive attitude:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Amino acid tryptophan
  • Water (boiled or purified)

So feel free to experiment in the kitchen, or ask your loved ones to take care of you.

Simple vegetarian dishes are best suited for nutrition: vegetable cutlets, various casseroles and stews.

Physical exercise

Experts emphasize: physical activity improves mood and is one of the best ways to combat severe stress, including during pregnancy.

Even if you have always been far from sports, now is the time to start.

Tip: choose light loads. Running or weight training while expecting a baby are not the best options.

Swimming is great for pregnant women, as it tones the body but does not put stress on the joints.

Another great way to keep yourself in shape is yoga, which at the same time teaches you how to breathe properly and relax.

This knowledge will be very useful during childbirth, and relaxation and meditation skills will help minimize stress during pregnancy and its consequences.

Preparing for childbirth

Fear of painful contractions and childbirth can be a huge stressor, especially for those who are expecting a baby for the first time.

Knowledge will help you here: read various materials about childbirth, sign up for prenatal training courses.

Plan in advance where and how the birth will take place, consult with the doctors of the chosen maternity hospital.

Think over your menu during the postpartum period.

Particular attention should be paid to light vegetable and fruit smoothies, which will help restore strength.

Tip: If you have a strong fear of childbirth, consider having a caesarean section.

Preparing for life with a baby

Talk to those who already have children, ask them to talk about what is usually not written in books for mothers.

And if your friends haven’t had offspring yet, and you don’t know who to turn to, call your mom.

She's guaranteed to have a couple useful tips, and you can certainly be sure that they are good. You've grown up!

Solving financial issues

Children's clothing, toys, cribs and strollers are expensive today, and if you are worried that you won't be able to buy everything, try to solve this problem gradually.

Make a list of the things you need, find out their cost, look at what you or your parents have at home.

Keep an eye on sales in children's stores and remember that children's clothes do not have to be a hit in seasonal fashion, but quality is the number one issue.

It is much more important to take care of your moral state, then the child will be happy.

Buy yourself some anti-stress coloring books that will help you relax in your free time.

Reducing fatigue from work and travel

If you are working, even before going on maternity leave, you can agree with your employer to reduce your working hours.

And on the way to work and home, be sure to find a seat in the transport.

Tip: if public transport is crowded, it is better to take a taxi. Comfort, especially in the last months of pregnancy, is extremely important. More important than saving!

Complementary therapy

To minimize stress during pregnancy and its consequences for the child , try to sign up for massage sessions or ask your partner to massage your shoulders and lower back.

This will help you relax, and at the same time strengthen family ties and deepen contact with your spouse.

Be sure to take baths with clove oil, make yourself masks and rubs.

You can try to master meditations that help reduce cortisol production.

20 minutes of daily meditation can reduce your anxiety levels by at least half.

Pampering yourself with your loved one

Meet with friends, laugh, watch your favorite movies at home or go to the cinema - do whatever brings you joy.

You can finally take a day to visit a beauty salon, which you never had time for, or buy yourself a treat.

Pamper yourself. You deserve it!

Severe stress negatively affects a person’s mental and physical state. Acute shock affects the functioning of the immune system, and health and performance deteriorate. Therefore, it is extremely unfavorable during pregnancy. Not only the mother's body suffers, but also the fetus.

Of course, for nine months you cannot completely isolate yourself from exciting situations, but it is the acute and prolonged stress factor that is dangerous. Powerful emotional trauma can cause the development of various pathologies, for example, missed abortion. But it's not all that scary. Scientists believe that small worries are even beneficial for the female body and the baby’s nervous system. Only constant stress and deep emotions cause serious damage. What consequences, besides missed abortion, can be caused by a long-term stress factor?

The effect of stress on the female body

Long chronic stress affects the condition of a pregnant woman as follows:

  1. Increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, breathing problems, tachycardia, dizziness. Some women complain of chest and abdominal pain and persistent migraines.
  2. In the first trimester, many women are plagued by toxicosis, and constant stress increases its manifestations.
  3. A pregnant woman is unable to cope with emotions, she may cry often, and is haunted by apathy and fatigue. does not allow the woman to relax, she is tense and in a state of anxiety.
  4. Decreased overall tone and strength. A woman constantly wants to sleep during the day, but cannot sleep at night. This behavior will subsequently appear in the baby.

Exposure to prolonged stress during pregnancy leads to depression, irritability, and dissatisfaction with one's situation.

Mental stress and the course of pregnancy

Regular use also affects gestation. How dangerous is a stress factor?

  1. Traumatic circumstances can provoke such an undesirable phenomenon as miscarriage. It has been proven that constant worry increases the risk of miscarriage in the first trimester.
  2. Due to protracted emotional experiences, amniotic fluid may begin to leak prematurely, and this is an unfavorable development of events for the baby.
  3. In the first trimester, the eighth week of gestation is considered the most dangerous period. At this time, the fetus is sensitive to stressful circumstances and a strong traumatic factor can lead to a missed abortion. In this case, the embryo stops developing. Additional causes of frozen pregnancy include alcohol abuse, infectious diseases, hormonal imbalance, heavy lifting, and previous abortions. But in some cases, doctors do not see any other reason for the appearance of a frozen pregnancy than nervous stress. Signs of a frozen pregnancy may appear in the second trimester, especially at 16 and 18 weeks.

Any deviation from the normal course of pregnancy aggravates the woman’s emotional state. And some pathologies, for example, the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage, have a strong impact on overall well-being.

Consequences of a stress factor for a baby

The mother's fetus is most susceptible. Stress during pregnancy negatively affects the baby for the following reasons:

  1. Medical experts say that during periods of severe excitement, people suffer greatly. nervous system baby. If the expectant mother experienced stress during pregnancy, then after birth the child may suffer from hyperactivity. Such children are susceptible to various phobias and have a reduced adaptive threshold.
  2. Stress in pregnant women also negatively affects the health of the baby. The fetus suffers from intrauterine hypoxia, and after birth the child is susceptible to allergic and asthmatic reactions.
  3. According to some data, in the early stages of pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, it can provoke the development of schizophrenia in the child. Researchers say the probability is seventy percent.
  4. The child needs the calm emotions of the mother. If a woman is subject to negative thoughts, then the consequences of negative experiences affect the child’s psyche. A balanced mother can give her child health, both mental and physical. Some scientists believe that the manifestation of a frozen pregnancy should be looked for in the nervous excitability of the mother.
  5. The cause of enuresis, diabetes, and autism also lies in the stressful state of the expectant mother. Severe trauma is a factor in many adversities in the baby, for example, prematurity, or the non-viability of the baby.

Stress during pregnancy affects not only the woman, but also her future child. The baby suffers from the mother’s worries and worries. Stress during pregnancy is the cause of many problems. You should be wary of severe anxiety not only in the first trimester, but throughout the entire period of bearing a child. In this case, many negative aspects can be avoided, for example, the occurrence of a frozen pregnancy or rupture of amniotic fluid.

“That’s it: now you’re pregnant and you can’t be nervous. Stress during pregnancy can harm the baby, you must control yourself and radiate positivity around the clock.” These truths are hammered into the head of a pregnant woman so much that she finds herself in a vicious circle of constant tension. After all, an attempt to tightly control emotions in order to prevent negative experiences in itself keeps the nervous system on edge.

Doctors agree that short-term, mild stress can affect pregnancy even in a positive way for both mother and baby. He progressively prepares them for the passage of a crucial period of their life - childbirth.

Nature protects a woman

On the one hand, pregnancy itself is already a strong stress for the body and psyche. On the other hand, this is the natural physiological state of a woman, and nature has provided for everything. A lady “in position” is in a special psychological state of concentration on her inner world and on the unborn child. It reaches its peak during childbirth and then continues throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. All these processes occur under the influence of changes occurring in her nervous and endocrine systems that regulate pregnancy. Physiological changes contribute to the creation and strengthening of a close symbiotic bond between mother and child and significantly alleviate stress during pregnancy. This connection, in turn, helps shift the woman's focus to the unborn child. In other words, everything that worried and worried her before, everything that could upset or frighten her, now affects her with much less force.

But of course, this does not mean that the expectant mother is not worried at all. Fears, anxieties, worries, stress are the eternal companions of absolutely any pregnant woman. In addition, pregnant women, as a rule, continue to work and lead a socially active lifestyle, which means that stalemate situations cannot be avoided.

What are we afraid of during pregnancy?

Changes occurring in the body.

The belly grows, weight gains, toxicosis interferes with life, hormonal levels change. It’s scary to turn into a “hippopotamus” and stop being attractive. Worried about whether the previous form will return after childbirth.

All in your hands. A nutritious diet, walks in the fresh air and moderate physical activity can not only significantly reduce stress during pregnancy, but also keep the body in good shape, avoiding unpleasant consequences.

How will it go, how painful it will be, will I be able to stand it. This question is constantly spinning in my head and also leads to stress for the pregnant woman. The closer the cherished date, the worse it is.

In fact, it’s not for nothing that pregnancy lasts for 9 months. During this time, psychological restructuring occurs. A woman is preparing for childbirth. In the later stages, when the belly is already large and noticeably in the way, he even dreams about them. Imagine this day in detail, positively. Exactly the way we would like to spend it. You will see, in many ways this will be the case. Special courses for preparing for childbirth are very good at reducing stress.

Concern for the baby's condition.

A pregnant woman listens sensitively to her condition day after day, every hour and minute.

Visit your doctor on time and don’t stress yourself out. Frequent trips to the clinic and tests are not an annoying obstacle, but professional supervision and your peace of mind.

Tension in the family.

The spouse's reaction is not always what is expected in romantic films. For a dad-to-be, the news of fatherhood can be just as stressful. And dreams of how he will carry you in your arms and blow away dust particles may crumble. In addition, there are always many advisers around a pregnant woman who begin to dictate to a previously free individual what to do and how to live correctly in principle.

Don't beat yourself up. You can easily do without flowers and pineapples at 3 am. Give your partner time to get used to the new quality. Focus on the positive aspects of your new condition. How the baby begins to push, how pleasant it is to carry new life. Gently but clearly indicate your boundaries to your advisors.

How does constant stress affect pregnancy?

No matter how much we are told that pregnant women should not worry, we still forget about it. However, let's take care of our health and that of the baby, because there are examples of negative consequences:

  • Miscarriage and premature birth.
  • Oxygen starvation of a child. Stress during pregnancy provokes the release of the hormone cortisone into the blood. It increases blood sugar levels and causes little oxygen to reach tissues. The consequences are deviations in the development of the child. The baby’s nervous system may suffer, and in the future there may be anxiety, fears, autism, poor adaptability in a team, a tendency to depression, and hyperactivity. And this is not the whole list...
  • Neurosis in a pregnant woman
  • Decreased immunity
  • Heart diseases

Always remember: you always have how to react to a particular event. Someone will throw a tantrum over a spilled cup of coffee, while for others, serious family trials will not be a reason to give up. The harm of stress during pregnancy lies not in the negative events themselves, but in your reaction to them. The good news is that you can learn to choose this reaction yourself!

Where to put your nerves?

It’s scary to read about the consequences of stress on pregnancy. But we are all living people. And in 9 months anything can happen to us. How to deal with tension? Where should you put your nerves? The head of the Center shared exclusive tips for healthypeople.bel family counseling, family and reproductive psychologist, author and presenter of the art therapy project for expectant mothers “Waiting for a Miracle” Anna Matulyak.

  1. Don't be afraid of emotions. Many expectant mothers exaggerate the impact of negative experiences and try in every possible way to avoid them. For example, a woman needs to go to bed for conservation, she is scared and upset, but she tries in every possible way to drive away these thoughts from herself and forcibly switch herself to the positive. You can't do that. The tension that is created as a result is much more harmful. It is important to accept and acknowledge real feelings: “Yes, I am worried and worried. I'm worried about the child. “I’m doing everything I can and I’m putting myself in the capable hands of the doctors and I hope that everything will be fine.” If you want to cry, cry. If you allow yourself to experience emotions, they will go away. If you forbid yourself, they will remain with you - in your unconscious, in your body, and this, of course, will affect the child’s condition.
  2. Look for sources positive emotions and support. Be sure to identify for yourself what or who can be a resource for you. Let others help you cope with stress. Walking with a friend, chatting on the forum with other pregnant women, going to the movies, traveling and having fun. Do not deny yourself pleasures.

  3. Perform special . It's no secret that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. During physical activity, endorphins are released - hormones of happiness, which is what we need for a pregnant woman to “calm the nerves.” Be sure to consult your doctor about what kind of physical activity will be beneficial for you and not contraindicated. You can dance or just walk in the fresh air to pleasant music. There can be many options, the main thing is not to sit idly by.
  4. Try meditation and visualization. No special knowledge or skills are required. Even children can do this - dream and imagine pleasant things. Choose a suitable time and place (so that you will not be disturbed), close your eyes and imagine anything that can evoke pleasant images, emotions and sensations in the body. If you love the sea, you can imagine yourself on the beach, enjoying life on the warm sand to the sound of the sea or swimming in warm water. It is not so important whether you remember past experiences or dream and fantasize about the future. The main thing is that it causes positive emotions and pleasant sensations in the body that will make you completely forget about what this stress is.
  5. Connect aromatherapy. It is easy to combine, for example, with relaxation and visualization. Fill a well-ventilated room with your favorite scents that make you feel good. You can mix scents and add several oils to the aroma lamp at once.

  6. Get creative. Many people immediately reject this option, citing the fact that “I’m not a creative person.” But in fact, this is one of the most effective ways cope with stress during pregnancy. You don’t need to have superpowers to knead a piece of plasticine in your hands or mold it into a circle or square. But the process itself will bring quite a lot of benefits - the massage of the fingers and palms, which takes place during the sculpting process, relieves tension well. You can sculpt or draw a “problem” or “cause of stress”, and then get rid of it, thereby helping yourself get rid of negative emotions. Draw with your hands, your toes, no matter what, the process itself is important. If the result is critical for you, think about such types of creativity as knitting, embroidery, scrapbooking - the concentration necessary for these activities balances the nervous system.
  7. Contact specialists. If you understand that you can’t cope on your own or the level of anxiety is too great, seek help from specialists.

What to do if you find yourself in the midst of stress?

  • Focus on your breathing. Think about making it level.
  • Lightly touch the tummy and mentally or auditorily talk to the baby, imagine him
  • Find someone you can get support from. Sometimes just speaking up is enough.

Yes, severe prolonged stress during pregnancy certainly negatively affects the health of both the pregnant woman and the baby. But it is important to understand: it is impossible to avoid experiences in our lives. Don't hold them back. Cry if you cry. But at the same time, pregnancy is the time to learn to accept yourself, fill your life with pleasant moments, increase stress resistance and not be afraid to turn to loved ones for support.

The materials on the site are informational in nature and are intended for educational purposes. The information should not be used as medical advice. Only your attending physician makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. The site's editors are not responsible for possible negative consequences arising from the use of information posted on the site.

Journalist. Two higher education- journalist and psychologist. Member of the Belarusian Union of Journalists. Winner of the Belarusian Union of Journalists award. Experience in the profession - 15 years. Work experience in medical topics - 12 years. Belorussian State University- 2002-2007 Specialty - print media. Belarusian State Pedagogical University them. M. Tanka - 2017-2019 ‒ diploma with honors. Specialty - psychologist. Job: Editorial office of the newspaper “Polesskaya Pravda” (Pinsk), correspondent; Since 2007 - editorial staff of the newspaper "Medical Bulletin" (Minsk). Correspondent, curator of Minsk; Since 2017 - correspondent for the information portal “Healthy People”, correspondent for the newspaper “Medical Bulletin”. I am one of the compilers of the book “History of Health Care of the Republic of Belarus” (Minsk, 2009). I prepare both printed materials and video content. Since 2018. Organizer and author of the idea of ​​competitions for the site - “Sultry Doctor”, “Best Day”, as well as “Stylish Season” on TeenAge.by. In 2019 - laureate of the Golden Pen award of the Belarusian Union of Journalists.

Stress is a reaction of the human psyche to some external event or to one’s unfavorable physical state. It can play different roles in human health. If stress is overcome through one’s own efforts, life returns to normal, this state strengthens and hardens, and gives confidence in one’s ability to cope with life’s difficulties.

If a stressful situation is protracted, a person may not be able to cope with it and receive a severe blow to the psyche, which will lead to serious illness. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from a psychiatrist, overcoming your prejudices against treatment of this nature. You need to understand that only a small part of people who have suffered stress acquire chronic depression, and even fewer people need treatment in a hospital setting.

Stress during pregnancy – common occurrence, which must be treated in a timely manner using gentle non-drug methods so as not to harm either the expectant mother or the child. Let's figure out why it occurs, as well as methods to combat it.


The type of her character plays a role in the occurrence of stress in a pregnant woman. If before pregnancy a girl took life lightly, found reasons to be happy, did not focus on minor troubles, and was not afraid of pain and difficulties, most likely she will not face severe stress during pregnancy. If a lady is afraid of everything, always worries about the slightest adversity - a boss’s remark, a friend’s barbs, a broken zipper in her bag, a pimple on her nose - she is more susceptible to stress while expecting a baby.

In addition, each woman has her own threshold of normal life, existence below which she considers misfortune. For some, feeling tolerable and looking forward to a family dinner on Saturday is enough. Some people consider active recreation, fun parties, and trips to resorts normal. In the second case, the onset of stress is more likely, since during pregnancy you will have to change your lifestyle and limit yourself in many ways.

The most common causes of stress in pregnant women:

  1. Fear of the birth process. This is the most common cause of stress. The stories of grandmothers about those times when many women and children died during childbirth due to unsanitary conditions, lack of qualified specialists, and the inability to obtain sometimes necessary medications play a negative role here. While you are expecting a child, it would be a good idea to read literature about modern methods of assisting with childbirth in difficult cases, take courses for pregnant women, listen to the doctor who is managing the pregnancy, and not to your talkative neighbors.

  2. Fear of a difficult pregnancy. Naturally, in this position, a woman’s taste preferences change, and toxicosis often occurs. During the second half of the term, the physical capabilities of the pregnant woman deteriorate. It is difficult for her to sit and walk, her legs sometimes swell, even tying her shoelaces is a problem. We must remember that this condition is temporary, and that as a reward you will receive the happiness of motherhood.
  3. Fear of losing your youthful figure after childbirth, becoming fat, and not being liked by your husband. Yes, the figure will change, but it can be fixed. Remember to wear a prenatal and postnatal bandage. Do not overeat or exceed the amount of fluid you take as permitted by your doctor. After giving birth, 2-3 months later, you can start doing exercises to return to your prenatal form.
  4. Fear of not being able to cope with your role as a mother and wife. Indeed, when the baby is very small, and you are not yet accustomed to new responsibilities, and even the child cries at night, it can be difficult. So relatives should help the young mother at this stage. In addition, many books and articles have been written about the first months of a baby’s life. Modern doctors consider it possible to take a baby crying at night into bed with his parents, so that the mother can breastfeed him on demand, almost without waking up. Try to choose a bedtime during the day when your baby is sleeping. If you take temporary difficulties lightly, your child will also be cheerful and calm. You will succeed.

  5. Problems at work. The bosses are naturally dissatisfied when they have to let an employee go for 3 years who already knows the job and has proven himself well. Or, on the contrary, the manager is glad that he will temporarily assign someone he knows to a higher position, and then, gradually, remove you from the position. Remember - having a child and experiencing maternal happiness is your choice. No work can replace a woman's child. In addition, after pregnancy and a three-year vacation, you will still be young enough to prove your need in your previous place or find a new job. Moreover, when the baby grows up a little, there will be less worries, and you will still be on vacation, you can take advanced training courses online.
  6. Worry that the baby in the womb is not developing correctly. At some point he stops pushing with his legs. You may suddenly start losing weight. Any deviation from the norm causes stress. Therefore, if you have any doubts, you should definitely visit a doctor, do an ultrasound and determine the cause of your anxiety. Perhaps there is no pathology of fetal development, and you are worrying in vain.

Any random event can be a cause for stress - a scandal at home, the rudeness of a fellow traveler on public transport, and so on.

You must learn to avoid participating in unpleasant situations, not to succumb to provocations, and remember that stress during pregnancy is harmful to both you and the baby.


In the initial stage, psychological signs of stress appear, seemingly not affecting the physical condition of the pregnant woman:

  • A depressed, depressed state, when nothing makes you happy, indifference to everything in the world appears.
  • A constant feeling of fatigue, a reluctance to do something or go somewhere, even if the trip is related to entertainment. In such a situation, a pregnant woman strives to lie in bed alone as much as possible, doing nothing.
  • Tearfulness. Any word, memory, episode of a TV movie carelessly said by relatives or friends brings tears.
  • Increased irritability. Things that a woman previously did not attach importance to - a dirty cup on the table, conversations with her mother with elements of mutual misunderstanding, her husband's half-hour delay from work, etc. - now cause anger in the pregnant woman.
  • The most dangerous psychological sign of depression is the occurrence of suicidal thoughts in the expectant mother. Therefore, if family and friends notice signs of severe stress in a woman expecting a child, it is necessary to be with her, try to console her, believe in a successful outcome of the pregnancy, and, perhaps, persuade her to go to a psychiatrist.

If stress during pregnancy continues for a long time, its physiological signs are noticeable:

  • A woman can lose several kilograms.
  • A reaction to changing weather appears in the form of headaches.
  • Nausea and vomiting may be a sign not of toxicosis, but of stress. Unlike the state of toxicosis, in this case they do not appear so often and are not directly related to food intake.
  • Difficulty falling asleep in the evening, which is easier to identify in the early stages, when it is not explained by the presence of a large belly and the inability to get comfortable in bed.
  • Heaviness of breathing is also characteristic of stress in the early stages. In late pregnancy, it may be associated with pressure from the uterus on the internal organs.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Panic attacks and tachycardia.
  • Increased muscle tone, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth (depending on the stage of pregnancy).
  • Loss of appetite or the opposite situation – a constant desire to snack.
  • Frequent colds and ARVI.
  • Changes in the baby's behavior in the womb - he shows vigorous activity or, on the contrary, almost stops knocking his legs.

The appearance of any of the listed signs of stress dictates that the expectant mother needs to visit her doctor.

Perhaps she just needs to talk to a specialist so that he can reassure her that there is no reason to worry. If there are reasons, only a doctor can decide how to help the woman without harming the fetus.

Consequences of stress in pregnant women

During pregnancy, experiences have their own characteristics. These include the physical condition of a woman. After all, when a baby grows in the uterus, his mother’s hormonal levels change, and metabolic processes in the body are disrupted. Also, a pregnant woman has a double burden - to ensure her own vital functions and the development of the embryo. It follows from this that the state of pregnancy itself is already a physiological stress. And the experiences are explained by physical discomfort.

The fear of the upcoming birth and the responsibility of caring for a defenseless creature after it is also inherent only in women “in pregnancy.” Therefore, the expectant mother must understand that her condition is natural, felt by many millions of women. Doctors have accumulated vast experience in delivering babies and caring for infants. And there is nothing pathological in the pregnant woman’s condition.

How does stress affect pregnancy? During different periods of waiting for a child, it can bring various pathologies and troubles affecting both mother and child:

  1. Stress in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first 3 months, threatens miscarriage. If it does not happen, the mother’s immunity may decrease, and she may develop frequent colds and infectious diseases, which also affect the baby’s health.

  2. At 2 months of pregnancy - 8-9 weeks - due to this condition of the mother, the baby may develop a “cleft lip” or “cleft palate”. At severe stress the child is at risk of schizophrenia.
  3. If a pregnant woman experiences stress during the period from 4 to 6 months, the baby is at risk of autism in the future. He will not be able to adapt to the social environment of his peers. In addition, the mother’s stress increases her and her child’s sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes. A woman in labor may experience bleeding after childbirth, and the baby is sometimes born very large.
  4. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, stress can cause both premature birth and the birth of a post-term baby. This condition can cause difficult labor, which may require intervention by caesarean section. The mother’s nervous state can affect the baby by abnormalities in the formation of the nervous system and slower psychomotor development. The baby may also be at risk of lack of oxygen and disruption of uteroplacental blood flow.

From the above it is clear that stress in a pregnant woman is a very serious phenomenon that cannot be ignored. It's best to prevent it.

Stress prevention

The most important part of treating and preventing stress is self-hypnosis. A woman should disconnect from her husband’s financial problems at work, from her own work problems, and think only about the health of the child and her condition. If you cannot convince yourself that everything will be fine, sign up for a course of treatment with a psychologist who will talk to you and professionally convince you that there is no need to worry. Much has been written about the effects of stress on pregnancy. scientific works. A specialist familiar with them will certainly help you.

To prevent nervous conditions, take a course of vitamins prescribed by your gynecologist. Vitamin B will calm your nervous system, vitamin C will strengthen your immune system and protect against diseases. This vitamin also strengthens the nerves.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Don't get involved in scandals.
  2. Do not listen to your neighbors talk about various tragic stories.
  3. You should not watch news on television or read it on the Internet. And in general, you don’t need to watch a lot of TV. But if you have such a desire, watch a comedy.
  4. Play some nice romantic music for yourself.
  5. Come up with a job that you enjoy. Knit hats for your baby, read romance novels.

It is very useful to go for exercises for pregnant women. You can do yoga - exercises that are intended for expectant mothers. Walk more and breathe fresh air.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 3.5k. Published 08/01/2019

In pregnant women, changes occur in the hormonal and psycho-emotional background, which is why the expectant mother is especially sensitive to any influence from the outside. As a result, stress often develops during pregnancy.

During this period, stress for a woman serves as a kind of protection for the body while it adapts to new circumstances. Therefore, stress and pregnancy are interrelated concepts. But if such a condition becomes permanent, this is fraught with negative consequences for the unborn baby.

Causes of stress in a pregnant woman

Stress during pregnancy is a fairly common condition, since there are enough reasons for worry during this period.

Often the reason for such a reaction lies in fears:

  1. Fear about the health of the unborn baby. Such worries accompany every pregnant woman, no matter what lifestyle she leads and how healthy she is. Even undergoing various examinations cannot 100% guarantee that the child will be born absolutely healthy.
  2. Changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. Many girls are afraid to say goodbye to their slim figure. Although such excitement is unfounded, since you can get rid of rounded shapes over time if.
  3. Waiting for birth– another reason that creates stress. Expectant mothers are often afraid of possible pain and insufficient qualifications of health workers who will deliver the baby. To minimize fear, you need to talk with women who have already given birth as often as possible, and also attend special courses for pregnant women.
  4. Fear of future motherhood.

In such a situation, the main thing is not to be nervous and try to set yourself up for a positive result.

The cause of stress during pregnancy can be not only fears.

The development of such a condition is possible against the background of:

  • unpleasant circumstances that often manifest themselves during this period (toxicosis, joint pain, back problems, constipation, fatigue);
  • sudden changes in mood, caused by changes in hormonal levels;
  • negative life situations (health problems with relatives, big quarrel, divorce, betrayal, etc.).

In some cases, during pregnancy, a woman may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is often caused by severe shock. This condition can be provoked by terrible events that a woman had to endure.

In such a situation, a miscarriage is possible due to stress, or the development of problems in the health of the unborn child or the woman herself.

Signs of stress

Sometimes a pregnant woman does not even suspect that she is under stress. She becomes so accustomed to her own fears that she considers them a common occurrence.

But prolonged stay in this state can harm both the woman and the baby. To prevent possible negative consequences, every pregnant woman should closely monitor her own health.

You should consult a doctor if any of the following symptoms begin to bother you:

  • insomnia;
  • apathy;
  • weakness and indifference to any activity;
  • deterioration in work ability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • paroxysmal spontaneous anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • increased heart rate;
  • nervous breakdown during pregnancy;
  • pressure changes;
  • dizziness;
  • trembling of hands and feet;
  • weakening of the immune system, which causes frequent colds.

If several signs are detected at once, one can suspect that the woman is developing severe stress.

Experts have found that under stress, the body produces large quantities of glucocorticoid hormones, which affect the state of genes and the placenta.

With such a hormonal imbalance, negative consequences may occur. To reduce the negative impact of a stressful condition directly on the pregnancy, as well as on the baby itself, appropriate treatment may be required.

What are the dangers of stress for a pregnant woman?

During pregnancy, a woman feels everything differently. During this period, experts advise controlling your own negative emotions.

Let's look at how nerves affect pregnancy at different times.

First trimester

Stress in the early stages of pregnancy is fraught with consequences, since the baby’s nervous system begins to form in the first weeks. Strong negative emotions can cause miscarriage.

This condition can cause delays in intrauterine development of the fetus, and there is a possibility that the child will develop schizophrenia in the future.

Second trimester

Severe stress during the second trimester can lead to congenital autism in the baby.

A woman who is constantly exposed to negative emotions may have a child who is overweight or underweight and may grow up avoiding communication with others.

Third trimester

Stress in the 9th month of pregnancy can lead to repeated entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord, as the fetus is actively moving due to the psycho-emotional overload of the mother.

A stressful state in the later stages can cause protracted, complicated or premature labor.

Stress during multiple pregnancy

Carrying several babies at once is already a lot of stress for the body. During multiple pregnancies, it should be taken into account that a large number of children increases the load on the body of the expectant mother. So the consequences traditional for pregnant women will be more severe.

Strong negative emotions when carrying several babies increase the possibility that one fetus will die. In the early stages, the doctor will be able to save the pregnancy and the life of the second child. When a baby dies after 28 weeks, there is a danger that the second child will also die.

Stress during a difficult pregnancy

The expectant mother should avoid negative emotions throughout the entire pregnancy, especially when it is difficult. You need to learn to avoid factors that can trigger the development of stress.

It is important to know how stress affects pregnancy in this situation. There is a high risk that the intrauterine formation of the baby will stop and spontaneous abortion will occur.

Stress during IVF pregnancy

Women who are unable to conceive naturally are offered in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Therefore, after the effective use of this technique, the woman is afraid of losing the baby (especially when there have been many attempts). In this case, there is an increased possibility that the fetus will die or there will be intrauterine growth retardation.

How to deal with stress during pregnancy

Anxieties, fears, excessive stress on the body and nerves, hormonal imbalances and insufficient understanding of others provoke negative emotions in a girl in this position. Thanks to physiological stress, the expectant mother becomes stronger and, probably, this will help the child at the genetic level to deal with life's problems in the future.

The main thing is that the stressful situation has outlived its usefulness, so that the hormonal substances allocated to identify it will benefit and not harm the unborn baby.

It should be noted that negative circumstances in themselves are not very scary; the danger lies in a person’s attitude towards them, in how he perceives and experiences what happened.

Negative consequences can be prevented if:

  • learn to minimize the negative impact, ignore it, so that it does not become permanent and debilitating;
  • understand that excessive stress, in which the body is unable to cope with stress, is a rather rare condition, and it is quite difficult to get it;
  • end stress by starting some active actions that can help overcome the negative impact of stimuli.

To this end, experts recommend the following actions:

  • start physical work - washing floors or windows, taking a walk at a fast pace;
  • talk to someone, verbally express your own displeasure;
  • cry or break something to get rid of excessive emotionality;
  • eat some delicacy (chocolate or other confectionery);
  • try to tune your thoughts to something good.

A stressful situation that has exhausted itself in active actions cannot harm a developing baby.

Bottom line

No one has ever been able to escape from stress - it haunts everyone, and expectant mothers become especially vulnerable to it. But the situation itself that provoked stress is not as terrible as a person’s negative reaction to it.

Even during pregnancy, you shouldn’t get upset and get upset over trifles. You can’t beat yourself up, despite the fact that hormones exacerbate sensitivity and emotionality in women.

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