Why it is important to have a purpose in life examples. Essay: “Why is it important to have a goal in life. Purposeful people are happy with life

How great and noble in its meaning is the concept of “purposefulness”. Life is multifaceted. And philosophical orientation allows us to determine the life position of a person, his goal and worldly purpose.

How often does society hang familiar labels on people like “this one will certainly achieve his goal, despite all the hardships of fate.” The other "appears to be a clear failure, leading a meaningless existence." But why is it important to have a goal in life, what are the arguments?

The goal is important

Each one is unique and distinctive in its own way. And not only by external characteristics, but also by internal concepts: morality and worldview. The worldview of any person, young and old, includes a path illuminated by the sun's rays and aimed at achieving the primary goal.

What seems to one an unattainable dream, for the sake of which one will have to go out on the warpath and overcome a ladder that lasts for years, for another it is a phenomenon of no paramount importance, ordinary and unremarkable.

It often happens that, having not fully set life’s priorities, a person is at a crossroads: rushing from one goal to another. Thus, he stands absolutely still, not one iota closer to his dream.

Arguments from the biography of Jack London

Why is it important to have a purpose in life? Arguments from the biographies of great people perfectly sort out internal contradictions. Everyone knows the world-famous American writer Jack London - the author of adventure stories and magnificent works about friendship, love, gold rush and dedication to his work.

But few people know that for success and recognition, the genius of the great style had to fight hard with stubborn publishers who did not want to have anything to do with the unremarkable young man.

Jack London's currently popular novel "Martin Eden" is the autobiography of a recognized writer. The book serves as an excellent impetus for the reader who knows how to correctly filter information and draw conclusions based on the mistakes of others.

A person who does not have a goal in life is not able to achieve unprecedented heights. Everyone is capable of giving up and giving up, but acting against the will of fate, stepping towards obstacles, is already a manifestation of fortitude and inner core.

Arguments from the book "The Wolf of Wall Street"

In literature, in many works, you can easily find the answer to the question: why is it important to have a goal in life? The arguments given by the authors of business literature are easily digestible and motivate readers to their own achievements.

Take, for example, the vivid character revealed in his own book of memoirs, “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Jordan takes a decisive step towards dramatic change. He sets a goal - to achieve heights at any cost and enjoy the delights of life to the maximum. And how wonderfully and successfully he follows his dream, step by step embodying and developing more and more new ideas.

Such cases seem unnatural and unattainable. But it is precisely such people who teach an important lesson and give an incentive to believe in the limitlessness of one’s own capabilities.

"War and Peace". Arguments from the book

As another equally expressive example, we can cite the epic novel by the world classic of Russian literature Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

The main character Peter Bezukhov has an extraordinary imagination, which leads him to achieve his goal. In his reality, love and understanding of the world are easily embodied in hope and faith. A man whose purpose was the supposed meaning of life haunted him for many years. He overcame many hardships and vicissitudes of fate and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to live morally and improve the world.

The character of Lev Nikolaevich is another excellent proof of why it is important to have a goal in life. The arguments are undeniable.

"Quiet Don"

When talking about overcoming obstacles, it is impossible to ignore the example in the book by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov “Quiet Don”.

The revolutionary element sweeps away the destinies of people. One of the main characters, perfectly complements the relevance of the topic. He is at a crossroads, but his inner nobility prevails over the baseness of what is happening, and he opposes the evil and injustice of the world around him.

Quite versatile, but such beloved characters from works not only brighten up our loneliness, but also give an answer to the question: why is it important to have a goal in life. The direction indicated by them is a good incentive to achieve your own peaks. The process itself is an excellent implementation on the path to satisfaction and defending your positions.

Last arguments

It is often very difficult to single out one main goal In human life. The reasons and doubts are varied. There are many examples in life when difficulties break the desire for personal growth and development. Having lost their job, many perceive this as the onset of a dark streak in life.

It really all depends on perception. Perhaps it new chance and a quick leap to long-awaited changes that you were not previously inclined to. It is best to keep everything under your control. Life is a game, and the strongest makes the rules.

Problem How to determine the goal and the position itself? Choice is an aspect that is significant in the life of every person. Quite often, aspirations are confused with desires that have the form: playing sports, traveling and other things that satisfy needs, but do not have time limits.

The desire can be conscious or vice versa. The basis for achievement should first of all be the realization of the goal. Each person necessarily highlights something different, and by taking a closer look at the people who are close to you, you can determine what is paramount to them.

The list of goals is multifaceted. And in stock there will always be your own goals that cause misunderstanding among others. Exactly the same and vice versa.

Basic goals

The main goals that can be found in life, based on psychological surveys:

  1. The first priority for many is the creation of a family nest. This is perhaps the most basic human need, no matter what anyone says. But the thirst for family warmth is inherent in everyone at the level of instincts. Over time, these instincts have become more perfect form. In a civilized society, instead of promiscuity, there is a monogamous system, which has demonstrated its relevance in modern times.
  2. There is also a humorous saying that is not without meaning - “Give birth to a son, build a house, plant a tree.” Having acquired all three points, you will realize why it is important to have a goal in life. The arguments and reasons speak for themselves. After all, only by creating and building do you get a sense of your significance in this world. A sign that everyone leaves behind after going their own way.
  3. When it comes to work, you need to love what you do and do what you love. Only by using this formula can you feel inner harmony when choosing an activity. A person spends almost half of his adult adult life at work. Therefore, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing the path.
  4. Successful people tend to have a sense of expansion. They want everything new: more and always. The constant search for opportunities, friends, new skills and abilities will give life a bright contrast, make it interesting and rich.


Everyone can continue the list based on their preferences and goals, the main thing is to remember that only perseverance and unfading optimism can conquer all the peaks.

In order to become truly happy, you need to find your purpose in life, your calling. She is like a beacon, without which you can easily get lost. life path. Everyone’s goals are different - small and large, noble and selfish, but it is they who force us to act, awaken us from sleep.

People who live without purpose live meaningless and boring lives. You can work tirelessly all your life, but without a set goal, without knowing why all this is needed, a person will never be able to achieve something specific.

Thus, in the poetic comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov, the goals of the Famus society and the main character, Alexander Chatsky, were radically different from each other, as well as the means to achieve them. If for the first it is a desire to achieve material well-being, promotion, and they are ready to do anything (for example, Molchalin - for the sake of money, he tries to please everyone, flatters; he even gains the trust and plays with the feelings of Sophia, the daughter of his boss).

Chatsky wants to live his life with dignity, wants to serve the Fatherland without pretense and flattery (“... I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to be served...”). To choose a worthy goal in life and not make a mistake, to be honest with others and with yourself - this is the conclusion that can be drawn from the writer’s work.

The writer Nikolai Ostrovsky showed a creative and human feat and enormous willpower. A serious illness confined him to bed, and after that he became completely blind. It would seem that life ended there. But Ostrovsky takes up writing a novel that will make him famous throughout the world - “How the Steel Was Tempered.” And so everyone learned about the writer, about his serious illness and amazing fortitude and courage.

Being busy is the best medicine for a person at all times. Busyness saves a person from unpleasant thoughts, circumstances and from their incorrect perception. Being busy is the highest goal of a person, because by doing something, he can ensure normal and unhindered life.

Sooner or later, every person faces the question: what do I want to do for the rest of my life? What do you need to learn in order to subsequently get a good job and provide yourself with a stable and decent income?

Accepting this will not only help you understand your goals better, but will also give you more confidence and courage. Trust your luck, but don’t tempt it forever. No matter how strong your willpower is, it is important to keep in mind the fact that this fact is limited and if you are overloaded, you can run out of it. Don't suggest two steps at once if they can be avoided. And don't put yourself in danger, many people overestimate their resistance to temptation and expose themselves to many situations where abundance abounds.

Successful people know that they shouldn't make a goal more difficult than it already is. Be consistent. Self-control is like any other muscle in your body, when you don't use it, it gets weaker, but when you use it regularly, it will become stronger and can help you achieve your goals. Take on a challenge: stop eating high-fat snacks, do 100 squats a day, walk straight when you realize you're hunched over, try to learn a new skill. It will be difficult at first, but it will get easier every time.

When deciding on your calling in life, you must, first of all, think about what brings you pleasure, not money. A favorite activity later becomes the main place of work, but the pursuit of earnings may never be crowned with success.

The most important thing in life is self-determination. As soon as a person decides what exactly he wants to do, based on his own capabilities and desires, his life will begin to change for the better.

Focus on what you will do, not what you won't do. Do you want to lose weight, quit smoking or limit your temper? Plan how you will replace bad habits with good ones, instead of focusing only on avoiding them. The same thing happens when it comes to behavior, trying not to have a bad habit, even strengthening it. If you want to change the way you do something, ask yourself what will you do? By using deep breathing instead of focusing on your anger, your bad habit will weaken until it disappears completely.

A very important nuance is the fact that passion and employment help a person to correctly perceive the world. When a person is busy doing what he loves, all his problems fade into the background. A person focuses on what he is doing and tries to improve every minute.

Doing what you love allows you to perceive others differently. Let's still figure out what exactly this perception is.

However, we all know people with many skills and competencies who are simply unhappy with themselves and declare themselves to be “unsuccessful.” Instinct, knowing how to be in the right place at the right time, having a reference or mentor are the elements on which we must support the achievement of our goals. And never forget to apply to yourself the expression formulated by Pablo Picasso “that luck made me work.”

All business organizations should have written goals as part of their business plan. These goals can describe what the company plans to achieve in terms of market, growth and profitability. You can also set goals for internal actions, such as expanding your workforce or improving employee morale. Businesses should strive to achieve goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. There are many benefits to setting goals.

Every new day we face new tasks, the solution of which significantly complicates our calm and familiar life. Many circumstances and difficulties force us to perceive the world complex, and problems sometimes seem insurmountable.

But it is worth noting that the world around us is not cruel for us, and its tasks are unsolvable. Our world exists on its own and is absolutely indifferent to us. But for everyone, he is exclusively the way he is seen and perceived.

When organizations set employee goals, they show employees the organization's priorities. Employees will know what to focus on in the next quarter or year and will prioritize projects and other tasks as they weigh how their work will impact those goals. It also provides a management orientation when making decisions about large projects and how best to divide tasks among employees.

Organizational goals give employees something to strive to achieve in their daily tasks. For example, instead of just collecting overall revenue, employees might work to improve profitability by 10% by the end of the year. Most people strive to be successful, but having a certain standard of what constitutes success will motivate them to strive for excellence. If goals are linked to other extrinsic rewards, such as recognition or awards, motivation levels can be further improved.

We are not so afraid of any situations as we are of our reaction to them. We are afraid not to attach importance to difficulties and situations that we cannot change. Instead of learning to overcome tasks without difficulty and take the necessary actions on time, we give free rein to our emotions, thereby destroying ourselves and our own lives.

Doing what you love allows you to keep your head cool and your mind sober. Busyness can suppress any emotions, which helps you concentrate on solving the problem itself.

Many goals cannot be achieved unless employees at all levels work together to achieve them. This can improve group cohesion and collaboration when employees realize they can achieve their goals when working as a team. Managers can further reinforce this concept by providing group rewards when the organization achieves its goals.

Increase employee value

Including employees in the goal-setting process will increase their participation in the project and in the business as a whole. It tells them that their opinions are valued and important, which gives them a sense of ownership. As a consequence, goals are no longer just for management, they are goals for all people in the organization.

Based on the above, we can conclude that engaging in a certain type of activity can develop in a person the necessary correct views on life.

What is flow state and how to achieve it?

Flow is the optimal experience that a person can experience when engaging in a particular activity.

The state of flow is the highest pleasure from what a person does; it helps a person achieve the greatest heights and success in his business. The flow state is the state of maximum pleasure that can be experienced while engaging in an activity.

Achieving this state is not always easy. Only when we overcome ourselves and move one step forward in our work, only then can we achieve a state of flow and supreme pleasure.

Deep and meaningful relationships, rewards for our work, healthy eating, physical activity, relaxation and restful sleep, exercise for pleasure and religious or spiritual practice contribute to enhancing our well-being. Listed this way, it may seem like a lot, but it is important to set goals gradually, one by one.

Goals provide direction and meaning to our lives. After all, if we don't know where we're going, how will we know when we'll arrive? Why is it useful to set goals and objectives? It helps to identify our strengths and talents as well as our shortcomings in order to improve them. Goals achieved in the past give us a sense of satisfaction that motivates us to face difficult situations present. It boosts our self-esteem when we discover that we have talents, that we can improve our weaknesses, and that we have come out of difficult situations in past. We learn to measure the progress of our projects and tasks, for which we must know well what results we hope to achieve. Many times we are in familiar areas where there are many problems that we can handle and know well. Challenging these comfort zones with new goals and projects can motivate us to develop our potential. When we set a goal, we focus on what we want to achieve and avoid being distracted by problems that are not so important.

  • If we could ever do anything, we can do it today too!
  • This is part of our personal growth because we don't know how much we can achieve.
  • By understanding our goals, we are responsible for our successes and failures.
  • We care about the consequences of our actions.
Remember that they not only serve for work purposes, but can be used in various life important aspects for those who provide a sense of fulfillment and meaning.

It is human nature to create and enjoy it. This is the only way to reveal his best qualities and the opportunity to live a happy life.

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Family Friends Community Finance Career Home Education Health Spirituality Leisure. Start with the "Forest", a general and general view of your life. In all of these areas, ask yourself what you want to achieve throughout your life. Keep in mind that these are your goals, not your parents, or your boss, or your partner. Write them down in a notepad and assign a priority order to each one.

Concrete: Avoid abstract concepts such as “Be happy” or “Have more money.” They should have a deadline: Posting our daily agenda allows us to control our time.

  • Measurable: It is important to check whether we have achieved this or not.
  • Perhaps: it is convenient not to go too far from our specific capabilities.
  • If they are too far away, we probably won't be able to take them on.
  • Realists: We must be willing to work to get them, to make an effort.
After setting overall goals, divide them gradually into smaller ones: in 10 years, in 5 years, in 1 year, in 6 months and in 1 month.

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Thanks to which you can get the most out of your life in general. Read everything in order and gain precious knowledge for years to come.

  • Once you start applying this information, your life will change beyond recognition. You will see. In just two months you will no longer recognize yourself. And your acquaintances, friends, relatives will be delighted with your results. In general, keep reading and you will soon see for yourself. Ready?

The Importance of Setting Goals

  • Set a goal for yourself. Why do you think it is important to have and write down your goals? An experiment was once conducted among Harvard seniors. And at the very beginning, a survey was conducted among all students: “Do you have clear goals written down on paper for the future?”
  • The results were as follows: 84 percent of students did not think about any goals and did not write them down. 13 percent had goals but didn't write them down. And only 3 percent had clear goals for the future, plus they wrote them down.
  • Ten years later, here's what the researchers found: The 13 percent of students who had goals but didn't write them down earned twice as much money as those who didn't have goals at all. But what was most surprising: the 3 percent who always set and wrote down goals earned approximately 10 times more than the other 97 percent of Harvard undergrads combined.

Well, dear Friend, if you don’t know where to go, how will you get there? The famous psychologist Brian Tracy also conducted such an experiment when he traveled to different cities, where he conducted his trainings and asked people to write down on paper the 10 most important goals for them.

Define your goals

And work to achieve them. Direct your thoughts and control your emotions. Take action! This way you will become the true creator of your destiny and will find the answers you need if you look for them. Focus all your energy on achieving what you want so that you don't have time to fear what you don't want. Everything that the human mind is capable of understanding and believing in is achievable.

  • Read what Vadim Zeland writes in his book: “Reality Transurfing” regarding goal setting: “When you stop just wanting and intend to have, then you will get it. A miracle will happen only if you break the usual stereotype and think not about the means of achievement, but about the goal itself. If you stubbornly and adamantly spin your movie in your thoughts and move towards your goal, reality will sooner or later come into line with it. Reality simply has nowhere to go, that’s its nature. Not only do you depend on reality, but reality also depends on you. The question is who has the initiative. What you definitely shouldn't do is give up on your life. You shouldn't think that it was a failure. At no age should you think like that. In this life, everything is not in vain and everything is just beginning. At any time, under any conditions and circumstances."

  • It’s time to tell you my story about how I moved from a hostel to elite and comfortable housing. But first things first. I once lived in a dorm for 8 years and didn’t even have my own shower. It was located on the first floor, and was also common. Can you imagine? Not very comfortable accommodation. I really wanted my own place. And then in 1998, just after the default, I told myself that I would have a 2-room luxury apartment. What luxury apartment? (SHOCK) I didn't even have a job then. But I firmly said that I would have this apartment and I intend to buy it.
  • I had no idea how I would buy it and thoughts were floating in my head: “Where will you get the money?” To which a quote from Napoleon Hill flashed through my head, who said: “Think about the goal, and the means will be found.” And just imagine, after 4.5 years I moved to the very apartment in which I wanted to live. How did I do this? I still replay it in my head and am amazed at how everything worked out in the best possible way.
  • After all, back then there wasn’t even the word “Mortgage”. At that time, I entered into an agreement for shared participation in construction. That's what it was called. I paid half the cost of the apartment by the time the house was rented out, and my dorm room came in handy then. And I closed the other half for 10 years, calmly and without straining. Although these were decent numbers at first, after 3-4 years these payments became only one tenth of my salary.
  • This is my story, or it would be more correct to say a small part of it, because I set other goals that I managed to successfully achieve, but I will tell you about this some other time. If you have an irresistible desire to learn how to achieve your goals, I recommend paying attention to my paid course:


So, dear Friend. To consolidate the knowledge gained, I want to give you homework. You need to write down the answers to the following questions on a piece of paper in the present tense: What is my goal? When will I get there? Follow rule #1 - set goals and write them down.

  • You will learn how to do this correctly in my course. With this article I just wanted to convey to you why it is important to set goals. Therefore, to confirm your intentions, write this on your sheet: “I intend to follow rule No. 1, set goals, write them down, and definitely take action!”

The problem with many people who don't have goals is that they spend their whole lives "running around" - they run back and forth without a specific life plan and a clear understanding of what they really want and what kind of results they want. want to achieve. Home-work-home is probably the only plan they have.

A person will not build a house without a plan, or open a business without goals. But often a person tries to build his life without it.

Do you set goals for yourself? What are your goals for the next 12 months? How about 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? What are your aspirations as you look to the future?

By setting goals in life, you lay the foundation for your successful progress. This, one might say, is your first point to success. This is what turns your life into concrete, real actions. Without the first step, other steps to achieve the goal will have no basis and may simply be meaningless.

Have you ever encountered people who have a passive attitude towards life? They never put anything on and just “live.” You see them a year later, a few years later, and their lives are largely unchanged, except for a few changes that are the result of other people's actions rather than their own.

Why you need to set goals in life: benefits

Let's look at the main reasons why goal setting is so important in our lives:

  • Setting goals in life gives you clarity.

If you don't have a goal in life, you'll spend your whole life running around and never achieving anything for yourself. You will have the illusion that you are doing many things in life, but in reality they are not what you want at all. You're just busy doing a lot of tasks and don't have time to think about your life. Maybe you've spent your entire life working in a job you don't love, even if it's well-paid and secure.

How are you supposed to achieve what you want if you haven't even defined specific goals?

Setting goals in life gives you clarity on what you ultimately want. It helps you articulate your desires floating in your mind. This ensures that you are focusing your time, energy and effort on what really matters to you. It forces you to live more consciously.

Everything in this world is created from the inside out. Without the spiritual principle, there would be no physical creation. It’s the same with goals - first you create them in your head, then they manifest themselves in reality. If you set , you have already completed the first part. You have set the creative force in motion and are ready to see it in reality.

  • Setting goals in life pushes you forward.

Your goals are a reflection of your inner desires that motivate you in life. Your deepest desires are a powerful source of motivation. Goals in life serve as a constant reminder of your source of motivation. They are a kind of fuel to keep you going, even in difficult situations.

If you lose motivation at some point in your life, focus your attention on the most important goals in life, especially personal development goals.

  • Setting goals focuses your attention.

Goals help you focus all your energy on where you should spend your time. Goals guide your movement through life.

When there is no goal, you float around the same thing every day. Your energy and strength are randomly scattered. You take part in something that has no role in your life. You may have a general idea of ​​what you want to do. But until you clearly formulate this, you will “scatter” your efforts. You will often get distracted because you don't have a goal to keep you on track.

It's very easy to get carried away by the current Everyday life simply because there are so many stimuli around us in our environment. Without focused attention, your life becomes more “random,” so to speak.

  • Setting goals in life makes you responsible.

Goals encourage you to take responsibility for your life. Now you don't just talk about what you want - now you have to take action. You take this responsibility upon yourself, rather than placing it on someone else. By accepting responsibility, you actually stay true to your goals.

  • Setting goals will help you become the best you can be.

Goals in life are the path to achieving high potential. Without goals, you will find it difficult to grow. It won't let you become the best person who you can be. This holds you back from realizing the potential that is within you. Goals in life will create new conditions and new situations that will put you in growth mode. It will push you to rise above the “norm” and reach new heights.

Without goals, you will take the path of least resistance by simply doing things. However, goals will give you a “face” and help you overcome countless obstacles. You will learn much more about yourself and your talents than if you did not have these goals at all.

  • Goals in life will help you live your life in the best possible way.

This will happen for the following reasons. In the process of achieving your goals, you will become a better person, you will gain new knowledge and abilities, and gain valuable experience. You will learn to overcome and win. Your worldview will change. You will look at life with much greater clarity and depth than you did in the past.

Ask yourself - what are mine for the next 1 year, 3 years, 5, 10 years? Take the time (though it's not a waste) to set your goals and articulate your aspirations, and within a year you'll be experiencing more progress in your life.

Is it important to you in your life?

Great purpose in life promotes longevity

Masterminds in many cultures have insisted for thousands of years on the importance of goals in a person’s life. Aristotle also said: “The good everywhere depends on the observance of two conditions: 1) the correct establishment of the final goal of any kind of activity and 2) the search for appropriate means leading to the final goal.”
Modern scientists have concluded that a sense of purpose in life can help a person live longer. The study found that even in old age, it is important to have a purpose in life because it helps people age more healthily.

Research Shows Why Purpose in Life Is Important

05/12/2014 This study points to the importance of having a goal in a person’s life even in old age, since striving for it allows you to live longer. The sooner a person finds his direction in life, the sooner these protective effects are activated. Previous studies have shown that finding purpose in life reduces the risk of mortality, among other known longevity factors.
However, there have been no studies examining the benefits of goal change over time, as is associated with different developmental stages or after major life events. Researchers looked at data from more than 6,000 participants, focusing on whether they had a purpose in life (a positive answer to the question: “Some people wander aimlessly through life, but I am not one of them”). They also examined other psychosocial variables that characterize their positive relationships with other people, as well as their experiences of positive and negative emotions. During the 14-year follow-up period, 569 participants died (about 9% of the sample). As it turns out, people who died often lacked purpose and had fewer positive relationships in their lives compared to those who survived.
Big goal in a person's life is a prerequisite for a low risk of death throughout life. The same benefits were shown for younger, middle-aged and older participants. There are many reasons to believe why purpose in life contributes to longevity in older adults. For example, adults may need a sense of organization after they retire and their daily routine changes. However, purpose in life helps both young and old adults live longer. To achieve longevity, it is important to have a purpose in life, which was shown even after controlling for other indicators of psychological well-being (positive relationships and positive emotions).
Researchers are currently studying whether purpose in life can be a factor in guiding people toward healthy lifestyles, thereby promoting longevity. These results showed that finding purpose in life is very important because it can mystically prolong life.

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