Why do I want to serve in the FSB? Essay on the topic “Why do I want to serve in the border troops? Confirm that you are not a robot

Essay on the topic: “Why I want to become a border guard.” Essay by 8th grade student Alexey Varakin.

In this essay, the author talks about why he wants to become a border guard. Alexey writes that it is an honor for a man to protect the borders of our Motherland, the peace of his family and friends. He writes that he wants to be like his neighbor, who defended the borders of our country.



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Municipal educational institution - Muzhevskaya secondary comprehensive school named after N.V. Arkhangelsky

Why do I want to become a border guard?

“There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland”

The largest state in the world in terms of territory occupied is Russia. No country owns such vast territories and such diverse seas as Russia. To protect the borders of such a large country, special troops are required, and serving in the border troops is a great honor and responsibility.

I believe that a man should have two professions. One is optional, the second, mandatory, is the defense of the Motherland. After all, the native land can do everything: feed you with bread, give you drink from its springs, and surprise you with its beauty. But he can’t defend himself.

Therefore, protecting their native land is the responsibility of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty. And the highest rank of all living is Defender of the Motherland. That's why I choose border troops. Serving in the Russian border troops is a great honor. My fellow countrymen also received this honor. One of them is my neighbor Pyotr Ivanovich Konev.

He lives in our house. Walking in the yard with the children. One day we got into a conversation and he talked about himself. He was called up for service in 2001 and joined the border troops. The service took place in Vorkuta. He was even thanked by the unit's command for his good service. To serve in the border troops, you need to be strong, courageous, courageous and, of course, love your homeland. Pyotr Ivanovich possesses all these character qualities. I also want to serve on the border, like Uncle Petya. After service, he works as a driver in an automatic telephone exchange.

It is a great privilege to serve in the Russian border troops. After all, only a strong, intelligent and courageous person can be awarded the honor of serving in the border troops Russian Federation. Border guard is a profession “with a strong character.” The essence of the border guard profession is to ensure national security countries in the border area. In the absence of high professionalism, patriotism, ideological preparation of a rich moral and spiritual world completing the task is impossible. Service on the border was and is the lot of strong-willed, courageous and courageous people.

I would like to end my essay with lines from the poem “Border Guard”.

Human blood is not water:

The watch must be strong!

So as not to cross the border

Neither drugs nor terror.

I joined the border troops!

I vigilantly guard the border,

I serve our Motherland

And any terrorist

I'll stop you in one fell swoop.

At all times government any country, empire or kingdom needed support. It could be carried out by both the people and the nobility. But a wise ruler knows that he can only rely on his own strength. This principle was noted in the famous work of the Florentine scientist and politician Nicolo Machiavelli “The Prince”. The main state force is the army. But it could not be used everywhere in peacetime. Thus, the rulers began to create specific secret bodies that performed functions atypical for ordinary soldiers.

These units were used for political struggle, coups d'etat and other similar purposes. But in the process historical evolution The role of such bodies also began to change. Today in every state there are a large number of organizations that perform special law enforcement functions. The Russian Federation is no exception in this matter. In the vastness of the fatherland there is such a body as federal Service security of the Russian Federation. In this article we will try to reveal the essence of this structure and also answer the question of how to get into it.

History of the department

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation is the “successor” of the once existing USSR Committee. In fact, the KGB and the FSB are one and the same, since many employees of the modern body come from Soviet intelligence. Thus, service in the FSB of Russia is due to a large number of traditions, which have been formed for more than one year. To understand in more detail the activities of the Federal Security Service, it is necessary to consider the history of the KGB.

The State Security Committee was a union-republican body of government, which was entrusted with the functions of ensuring state security, carrying out foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, protecting top officials of the state, operational investigative activities, protecting borders, etc. In the USSR, the represented body had the status of a universal “ political weapons,” which was entirely due historical period. With the development of pluralism and democracy on the territory of the Union, such a role of the body ceased to be key. Today, political pressure is not as important as, for example, the fight against the terrorist threat and subversive activities of special bodies of world powers. All presented aspects were taken into account when creating the Federal Security Service of Russia, so the existing body is an innovation in the law enforcement system in many respects.

FSB. General concepts

The contract service in the FSB has characteristics due to the specific nature of the activities of this body. Although it is included in the general array law enforcement services, its functions differ, for example, from the Russian police.

Thirdly, contract service, for which the salary is not very large, is a type of government activities based on patriotic principles. Commercial interest is unacceptable here.

Fourthly, a citizen must have high intelligence, so citizens who already have an education are welcome.

Fifthly, the FSB puts forward requirements for the physical training of its employees and their health status.

The presented list of features is not exhaustive, because contract service in the FSB is a reference, given its main focus. This is ensuring state security.

Joining the FSB

The process of joining the federal security agencies is a whole procedure consisting of comprehensive checks of the candidate. Joining the FSB is really difficult, because a citizen must be suitable for personal, moral and psychological qualities. In other words, service compatibility is needed. In addition to this it is necessary higher education, extensive knowledge and skills. These aspects dispel the myth that service in the FSB after the army is real. Of course, if a citizen has military profession and has a certain amount of knowledge in any field of defense, then he will be a desirable candidate for the ranks of FSB employees. But as far as conscript service is concerned, there are no guarantees. Everything will depend on the individual level of the candidate.

What documents need to be submitted?

All candidates who are attracted to service in the FSB of the Russian Federation are required to submit a number of documents, namely:

1) Application for employment. This document indicates that the candidate is aware of the rights and responsibilities of an FSB officer, and is also aware of the restrictions on a citizen’s rights after being hired.

2) A personally written autobiography.

3) A completed questionnaire received from the territorial office of the FSB.

4) All personal documents in hand, for example, passport, civil registration certificates, documents indicating the candidate’s level of education, etc.

5) Personal documents of close relatives.

6) Information about property and income.

7) Photos.

Tests that the candidate undergoes

Contract service in the FSB implies the performance of specific functions aimed at strengthening the level of state security, as mentioned earlier. Thus, in order to identify the candidate’s readiness for this type of activity, his personality is subjected to comprehensive checks, which come one after another for reasons of expediency.

1) First of all, a candidate for the position of an employee of the Federal Security Service of Russia is subjected to psychophysiological studies. Testing involves studying a person’s mental state (level of intellectual development, moral stability, conflict tolerance, adequacy, type of thinking, personal psychotype, etc.). The candidate also undergoes special tests that reveal facts of use of narcotic, toxic and alcoholic substances. The medical check includes an analysis of the general condition of the body and its suitability for service in the ranks of the FSB of the Russian Federation. All studies presented are carried out with the aim of identifying the degree of readiness of a particular candidate to work in the intelligence service. The candidate must also understand that contract service, the salary for which does not amount to millions (the average salary of an FSB employee is approximately 50,000 rubles), is unacceptable for the purpose of commercial earnings or the implementation of criminal plans.

2) Contract service in the FSB implies an employee’s access to data that constitutes. For this, the employee needs a special permit, which is issued through a separate procedure. As a rule, this stage is implemented only after the citizen is recognized as fit for service.

3) The last stage is called medical examination. On it, the citizen will have to undergo a military medical commission of the FSB agency. Doctors check the health of a candidate for service in a special structure. If at the first stage we analyzed general state, then in in this case The most important organs and functions of the body for life are scrupulously examined.

Personal data verification

Every person who wants to connect his life with the FSB should know that the data he submits will be scrupulously checked. Moreover, personal statements about the candidate’s closest people and surroundings are subject to verification. This process, as a rule, lasts about two to three months. Papers about criminal records, social status, civic position of the candidate and his immediate circle are subject to analysis. After signing a contract, in other words, accepting actual service in the FSB, the citizen signs a non-disclosure of data that became known to him during his service.

Border Service

One of the highest priority areas of activity is the FSB. The main goal of the border troops is to organize the protection of the state border and prevent its violations. Since ancient times they have been part of the KGB, because these are the troops that are in constant combat readiness. As in the case of the FSB, they recruit citizens on a contract basis. Work in this sector of the department can be considered in two options:

On the one hand, the border service is a patriotic contribution to ensuring the security of the state and its borders.

On the other hand, it is ensuring a stable future as a result of the concluded contract.

What happens after concluding a contract for service in the border troops of the FSB of the Russian Federation?

Service in the FSB troops imparts the following features to a person’s civilian life:

Your whole life will be devoted to protecting the borders of your homeland;

Constantly paid remuneration for service in the border troops, which ensures a decent social existence;

Providing free rations, items for official use, benefits and medical care;

The right to annual leave appears;

When entering service under a contract, there is the opportunity for further training in special institutions of the FSB of the Russian Federation.


It should be noted that the contract service in the FSB of Russia has several main areas, namely:

Fight against terrorism.

Intelligence activities.

Border activities.

Activities aimed at ensuring information security.

These directions are basic. It is in their sphere that the FSB carries out its functions.

Counterintelligence activities

One of the main areas of work of the Federal Security Service is counterintelligence. This activity has been developing for many years on the basis of methods and experience gained from the once existing KGB. The effectiveness of this branch of the FSB is the demonstrative detention and subsequent disclosure of a CIA agent who operated in Russia, Ryan Fogle.


So, we told you how it is done military service to the FSB under a contract, and also answered the question of how to get into this department. It should be noted that the Federal Security Service is the most functional body that provides state security in the vastness of Russia.

Why do I want to serve in the FSB?


2. The role and place of the Russian FSB in the system government agencies leading the fight against organized crime


To be honest, the choice of this profession did not come as a surprise either to me or to my family and friends. After all, my entire family, from my grandfather to my great-grandfather, were patriots and at different times served in different security agencies of the Russian Federation. In our family, children have known since kindergarten that the border is one of the main factors determining the sovereignty and independence of each country, and serving in the FSB of Russia is a great honor. My father, of course, immediately approved of my choice. After all, he was once attracted, just as I am now, by this profession “with a strong character.”

Organized crime as a social phenomenon characteristic of modern Russia has a number of features that distinguish it from criminal groups operating in other countries of the world.

Also, this is the massive involvement of representatives of law enforcement agencies in organized criminal activities, whose corrupt employees provide cover for the activities of criminal groups. Recently, cases of direct participation of law enforcement officials in the commission of crimes have become more frequent. There is an alarming trend when the operational capabilities of law enforcement agencies operating in the field of combating organized crime are beginning to be purposefully used by criminal groups to suppress their competitors and carry out illegal transactions.

1. Memories of the Great Patriotic War

My grandmother, born in 1937. Until 1943 she lived in Kuibyshev. When did the Great Patriotic War, she and her parents were transferred to the countryside. There she spent her childhood. Grandmother played various games with her friends and went to the forest to pick berries. She also told how all the neighboring children gathered on the street after the rain and started running through the puddles. And they had so much fun that no one thought about the war. Only with the onset of darkness, when they began to mask the windows so that light from the house could not be seen, did the people understand that there was a war going on.

In 1944, my grandmother and her mother returned to the city again. That same year she went to school. It was cold at school, so we sat in the classroom with our clothes on. They wrote on what, often on newspapers, since there was no normal paper.
My grandmother also told me about how, in 1943-44, when the battle for Stalingrad (now Volgograd) was going on, shrapnel from shells reached Kuibyshev. And she and her friends ran across the roofs and collected these fragments.
From my grandmother’s words, I learned that the entire Moscow government was evacuated to the city of Kuibyshev during the war. The food was also not good. Bread was given out on ration cards. It was not until 1947 that the cards were abolished. And then they began to line up, standing all night. Supply was difficult and only improved in 1950.

Grandma also remembers how German prisoners worked in Kuibyshev after the war. They were engaged in timber rafting on the Volga River. Rafts and bridges were then made from it. Children jumped into the water from these rafts and also rinsed clothes after washing.

This is one example of imitation, one of many patriotic memories.

2. The role and place of the FSB of Russia in the system of government bodies fighting organized crime

Unlike ordinary crime, represented by hooligans, lone criminals and small street gangs, large criminal organizations operate as organized groups, led by people with extensive experience in criminal activity and having at their disposal finances often larger than the budgetary funds allocated by the state to law enforcement agencies . In some regions of the country, organized crime is turning into a kind of system opposing the official authorities, imposing its criminal laws, its perverted values, style and rules of behavior on society. To ensure the safety of criminal activities, organized crime leaders seek to gain their support and protection by bribing individual government officials. WITH With the help of special measures, the formation of organized crime seeks to protect their leaders from prosecution, preventing their direct participation in criminal actions.

For all these reasons, organized crime is a specific and very difficult target for law enforcement agencies to influence. It is quite possible that with the help of a single arrest or even a series of arrests of members of organized crime groups, law enforcement agencies are able to somewhat reduce the activity of a large criminal organization for a certain period of time.

However, such measures, as a rule, are not possible to achieve radical results in the fight against organized crime in general and seriously weaken the effectiveness of the actions of self-reproducing structures

organized crime. Moreover, the elimination of individual figures from the world of organized crime sometimes leads to an increase in the criminal potential of the criminal community. The fact is that numerous representatives of the younger generationThe underworld is eagerly awaiting the opportunity to emerge as leaders after the current leaders of organized crime retire from the scene.

At the same time, to successfully combat organized crime, law enforcement agencies need to have special forces and means. Such forces and means are available, in particular, to the federal security service.

The need to involve special services in the fight against organized crime is objectively determined by the characteristics of the illegal activities of criminal structures and communities, development trends and the degree of public danger of organized crime. This necessity has also been proven by international law enforcement practice.

Also, based on the objective realities of today and their capabilities, Russian security agencies currently have to solve not strategic tasks - to eliminate organized crime in the country, but more modest tactical ones related to its localization, neutralization of individual threats to the country's national security, limiting it the spread and narrowing of areas of criminal activity.

Today, the role, place and, accordingly, the competence of the federal security service in the fight against organized crime is determined mainly by the nature of the threats Russian society and the state, the availability of appropriate capabilities of the FSB of Russia to combat organized crime.


The use of forces and means, forms and methods used by special services allows security agencies, working in search mode, not only to suppress specific crimes, but also to conduct an in-depth study of all illegal activities of criminal organizations and take optimal, most effective measures aimed at eliminating them .

The operational and investigative activities of the federal security service are aimed at identifying, preventing, suppressing and solving very specific types of crimes: espionage, terrorist activities, organized crime, corruption, illicit trafficking in weapons and drugs, the activities of illegal armed groups, criminal groups, individuals and public associations whose goal is to forcefully change the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.

The rights of the federal security service bodies are regulated in detail by the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”, as well as departmental regulatory legal acts issued on its basis, which constitute state secrets, and correspond with the tasks of these bodies, defined in paragraphs “b”, “d” - "eating. 12 of the Federal Law “On Bodies of the Federal Security Service in the Russian Federation”. Art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities” establishes that, in particular, the operational units of the federal security service have the right to carry them out.


1. Mokhov E.A. M86 FSB: the fight against organized crime: University book, 2006. - 316 p.

2. Law of the Russian Federation “On the Federal Security Service” dated

April 3, 1995 No. 40-FZ as amended and supplemented by federal laws of December 30, 1999 No. 226-FZ

3. Fedorov K.M. “Are they born patriots or…”, 2005. 128pp.

Introduction 2 There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland! 3 Is it possible to choose a profession for life? 5 Conclusion 7 References 8


It rarely happens in life that the road ahead is clear from a young age. Most often, the choice of profession is the result of the influence of family, teachers, a neighbor who has the authority of an older friend. With their help, the young man takes the most important step in life. Why the most important? After observing your loved ones, it is not difficult to see that the happiest are those who love their work and who have found their place in life. That is why choosing a profession is a huge responsibility for both the one who enters an independent life and those who help him in this. It is difficult to imagine that military service can completely change the idea of ​​the future of professional activity. In our country, as well as throughout the world, there has been and continues to be a constant threat of terrorist attacks, there is a reign of corruption, the activities of illegal armed groups, criminal groups, public associations, and illegal drug trafficking. All these problems of society exist, it’s all nearby, here, and terrorist acts are not committed occasionally, but the attacks and machinations of bandits are unpredictable and constant. You need to be on alert all the time. There are many people in our society who have risked their lives more than once by leaving for yet another service in peacetime. As they say, it touched a nerve. Following the example of such people, the idea of ​​life changes completely; what they dreamed of before the army seems somehow petty, not quite adult. Why not young man, healthy, full of energy, physical strength, not to devote oneself to such a noble cause - maintaining security, peace and order in our country. When the police are unable to fight criminals or cannot do so, the Federal Security Service comes into play. The work of FSB employees evokes special interest and sympathy, pride and respect.


The answer of the sage Solomon to the question of which state can be considered the most prosperous is widely known. The ancient Hebrew king said: “That in which the unoffended prosecute and punish the offenders no less than the offended.” I think these words contain the essence of the FSB’s work. There is also another saying, from the Soviet film “Officers,” which I really like: “There is such a profession - to defend the homeland.” And this profession, in my opinion, despite all the cataclysms and changes in society, will never lose its significance and its prestige, because it is important at all times. I want to be involved in this noble and vital cause - to defend my homeland. Of course, many structures in the country are doing this. Why did I choose the FSB organs? I think what is closest to me is their “specialization”, the focus of their activities. Thus, I answer the question - is it possible to choose a profession for life - positively. Of course, it is possible if you have felt your calling since childhood, understand the necessity and importance of your work, and receive moral and material satisfaction from it.


1. “FEDERAL LAW ON THE FEDERAL SECURITY SERVICE”, adopted by the State Duma on February 22, 1995. 2. “From the KGB to the FSB”, Mikhailov A.K., Moscow 2012, 83 pp. 3. “The History of the Defender of the Motherland”, Konstantinov L.G., Saratov - publishing house “Luch” 1988 238pp.

The closer we graduate, the more often each of us thinks about future profession. I also think about this very often, because in the future I want to get not just a profession, but an interesting job that I will really like. I think I have already decided and this will be service in the FSB of Russia. Why do I want to serve in the FSB? I'll try to answer this in my own.

I want to serve in the FSB of Russia

To be honest, I tried many different professions and realized one thing: wiping pants in the office is not my thing. I don't see myself as an office worker. I'm attracted to something very serious. For example, the fight against terrorist acts, against corruption, activities aimed at uncovering illegal armed groups. I like this and I realized this when I began to read the first books on the topic of intelligence and law enforcement. When I read detective stories and watched films with the participation of FSB officers, I even then began to think that this was exactly the profession I dreamed of. At the same time, I understand perfectly how dangerous and responsible this work is. She won't be the same as in the film.

I want and will serve in the FSB, so I am already gradually preparing for my future profession. I develop in myself such qualities as endurance, courage, patience, devotion. I try to develop resilience, develop intellectually and physically. I understand that these are some of the important qualities of FSB officers. In addition, FSB officers are also psychologists and analysts. These are people with a sharp mind, and they perform the tasks assigned to them quickly and clearly. This is exactly how I imagine myself in the future.

Why do I want to serve in the Russian FSB? Because it is this service that carries out such activities as border service, intelligence and counterintelligence, the fight against terrorism, economic criminals, and drug traffickers. This service is not only interesting, but also useful. After all, the inconspicuous work of FSB officers makes it possible for ordinary people to live without fear. It pains me to watch on the news how houses are blown up, the subway is blown up, how terrorists take people hostage. These messages have always worried me, and today they worry me even more. I want to make my contribution to ensuring that all this does not happen, or at least becomes less. That's why I want to serve in the FSB. Why am I not considering a job in the police? Because I want to protect the security of the country and citizens not only on the territory of Russia, but also beyond its borders.

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