Why did I choose geology? A group of geologists disappeared in Yakutia: the rescue operation is not starting. Which geologist

It is believed that in lately The profession of a geologist is losing some of its popularity. However, it is worth recognizing that as long as mineral resources exist, it will remain relevant. After all, much of what modern industry needs is extracted from the mysterious underground depths. These are coal, oil, minerals, various precious stones.

The most romantic of professions

Who is a geologist and what qualities should a true representative of this profession have? First of all, he must be physically strong and resilient. After all, geologists live in tents and cook their own food over fires. These people walk hundreds of kilometers, swim across stormy rivers, climb cliffs with heavy backpacks on their backs. The most important thing for a real geologist is a friendly team, true friends and mutual assistance.

If you give short definition for someone who is a geologist, it will sound like this: this is a specialist involved in the exploration and subsequent assessment of mineral deposits. Many people associate this profession with freedom and romantic travel. This is partly true - except that geologists usually work in unattractive climates. Their places of work are tundra, taiga and other natural areas that are suitable for geological exploration.

Main Responsibilities

Geologists are also involved in developing programs for scientific exploration work. In the process of their work, they receive data, which is then analyzed, studied, and documented. Every year, geologists take part in expeditions, and upon returning from trips, they are immersed in reports and formalization of research results.

History of Geology

As for the history of the geologist profession, we can safely say that it has existed since the beginning of human civilization. Even at the dawn of civilization ancient man was engaged in collecting various stones, metals and minerals. This happened unsystematically, but already at that time people had a certain amount of knowledge about minerals and various types of fossils.

The term “geology” itself was proposed by M. Esholt in 1657. A big leap in the development of geology was made at the beginning of the 20th century, with the introduction of mathematical and physical and chemical methods research. In order to put forward a certain forecast, a representative of this profession no longer needed to travel to the area - photographs were enough for a preliminary assessment.

Profession geologist: description

What duties are included in those performed by geologists? Let's consider the main types of their activities:

  • Carrying out field work to collect and analyze the material being studied.
  • Calculation of reserves of certain minerals in the area.
  • Industrial and geophysical well surveys.
  • Determining the level of complexity of the area for work.
  • Development of mining plans.
  • Making traffic forecasts earth's surface.

In order to become a geologist, you must have a certain set of professionally important qualities. Firstly, you need to have a good memory, ability long time engage in painstaking work. Also, a geologist must be able to think analytically.

In addition, representatives of this profession must be healthy and hardy. What is a geologist if not one who can work properly in the most unpredictable weather conditions? In addition, these people should not be squeamish, because in the process of work they will have to analyze a variety of soils. Often it will be necessary to determine which rock layers are located under construction objects.

How to become a geologist

For those young people who are wondering who a geologist is and how one can become one, there are two paths leading to this specialty. Firstly, you can graduate from college or technical school and then start working. However, higher education in this area is still more valuable. In order to successfully master the program at the geological department at a university, you need to have good knowledge of several scientific fields. These are geography, physics, chemistry, geodesy, and mathematics.

Representatives of this profession can build a career if they conduct a useful expedition, during which the necessary deposits are discovered. However, it is possible to achieve professional growth and in the scientific field. Hard work and authority can lead a geologist to the position of laboratory manager.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are both pros and cons to being a geologist. The advantages usually include interesting work and its romance. This profession is well suited for those people who do not like to sit in one place and crave adventure and movement.

And among the negative aspects, first of all, they highlight the need to be away from home for several months and spend a lot of time in uncomfortable camping conditions. In addition, the work of a geologist always takes place in a closed group of people, and this will be stressful even for the strongest psyche.

The last time one of the members of the geological expedition contacted the family was on September 5, the others called even earlier - in August. After this, there was no news from geologists, and relatives began to worry about the people who were in the taiga. The wives of two men wrote a statement to the police about the disappearance of their husbands, contacted the Rescue Service and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, writes IA SakhaDay.

Earlier, there was information in the media that the Ministry of Emergency Situations had established contact with geologists and was evacuating them, but relatives of the men missing in the taiga consider this information to be false. The head of the Granit enterprise, who sent the group for exploration work, believes that there is no reason to panic.

“On Monday, if no data appears, a group of rescuers will go to Tiksi , he explained. — The Ministry of Emergency Situations is not looking for geologists. They do not consider this situation extreme and emergency. They react only in a specific danger situation. Why aren't we worried? Because men are trained and experienced. We worked through all situations with them, including this one. According to the instructions, they must remain in place and wait for help.”

Relatives of the geologists are confident that the search for people should have started earlier, and are worried that delaying the rescue operation could be fatal.


All people whose whereabouts are unknown are divided into two categories. Those who, for some reason, cannot or do not want to provide information about their whereabouts, and those who presumably died under circumstances that make it difficult or completely impossible to find the body.
The former most often include people hiding for criminal reasons, the homeless, the mentally ill, or teenagers from disadvantaged families. The second category includes those killed as a result of military operations, crimes, technological accidents, natural disasters and other natural factors, as well as those killed as a result of accidents in hard-to-reach places.
The search for missing persons is carried out by law enforcement agencies at the request of their relatives or other interested parties. Also used for search purposes are advertisements in public places, in the press and on the Internet. About half of those missing remain within a few days.
IN Russian Federation if the missing person is not found within three months, he is put on the federal wanted list, his data is sent to the all-Russian database. Every year about 90 thousand people disappear in Russia, about half of them can be found.
Recently, volunteer search and rescue organizations have emerged that search for missing people on a voluntary basis and without pay.

Water is one of the main resources of our planet. The availability of fresh water reserves largely determines the well-being of certain countries. After all, without water it is impossible to cultivate the land, without water livestock and poultry farming is unthinkable.

Therefore, the threat of famine or the absence of such a threat directly depends on fresh water supplies.

Why is water called rock?

Large reserves of fresh water are found on the surface of the earth. These are lakes and rivers. But no smaller volumes of fresh water are hidden deep in the earth. It is groundwater that feeds lakes and becomes sources of large river systems.

Moreover, groundwater is needed for personal farming. Often, private wells are the only sources of water for watering plants.

Therefore, no industry can do without water. It is important to know that without underground sources, rivers and lakes will not receive water and will quickly dry up. The water cycle in nature is based on the balance of groundwater and surface water bodies.

Groundwater is found in special layers of soil. And to extract it, you need to get to such a layer and drill a well. Then a source will appear on the surface of the earth. Water extraction is similar to mining.

This is the similarity with rock. After all, rocks contain certain minerals - copper, nickel, and so on. In the same way, certain layers of soil contain water, which flows deep into the earth in underground rivers. The caves contain large underground lakes.

How is groundwater extracted?

The similarity between water and rock lies in the content of useful substances. How does the breed include people need fossils, and soil contains water. And extracting water is like developing a mine. These concepts are very similar:

  • To extract water and minerals, shafts are required that can be dug to depths of several hundred meters or even kilometers;
  • Water, like fossils, is required for production, progress and the very fact of human survival;
  • Water is a limited resource. Therefore, both it and fossils must be used effectively.


So, about Geologists


Geological theory is dry, but practice is drunken.

Last Friday evening, Russian geologists found a previously unknown reason to drink.

They say that geologists drink a lot. Maybe. But good geologists don’t lie on the road!...

It turns out that all dinosaurs were the same. It’s just that different paleontologists collected them in different ways!

During a paleontology exam, a professor gives a sea urchin to a student.
Student in a victorious voice: it’s a hedgehog!
Professor (with hope): -Which hedgehog is right or wrong?
The student thinks for a very long time.
The professor prompts: Well, you can determine it by your anus.
The student silently puts the hedgehog in the tray, takes the record book from the table and leaves.
Professor (after me): Young man! State your last name!
Student (in an offended voice) - Determine by the anus!

One meticulous paleontologist visited Loch Ness in Scotland in the hope of seeing the famous ancient monster.
- When does the snake usually appear? - he asked a local resident.
“Usually after the third glass of vodka,” he answered.

A geologist walks through the taiga and sees a Chukchi sitting on a thick branch and sawing off this branch from a tree. The geologist tells him: “You idiot, you’ll soon crash!” And he goes further. And about five minutes later he hears behind him: “slap-c " and a cry of "ah-ah!!!", and then swearing: "what a vile Russian shaman!"

Once a geologist came to the Chukchi tent and was surprised:
- Chuchka, you have a ton of canned food, and you’re as thin as a mop from hunger!
And the Chukchi answers him:
- However, I opened the newspaper - Yeltsin is there, I turned on the radio - Yeltsin is there, I turned on the TV - Yeltsin is there too. - Now, however, I’m afraid to open canned food!!!

A local historian asks a local resident:
- Isn’t there some legend connected with that high mountain over there?
- Yes, there is such a story. One day two geologists climbed to the very top, and since then no one has seen them.
- How mysterious! And what happened to them?
- And they came down from the other side.

Are you a geologist?
A little girl asks a bearded man crawling out of a ditch.
- No, baby, I'm just hungover.

The geologist addresses the Chukchi sitting by the yurt:
- My dear, can you tell me how I can quickly get to that mountain over there?
The Chukchi looked thoughtfully at the geologist, then at the mountain and answered:
- However, do you want me to untie the dogs?

One day the Chukchi tied up a geologist, brought him to the border station and said:
- However, I caught a spy.
He is asked:
- Where did you get the idea that this man is a spy?
- So, however, I walk and see: he is standing, the villain, and knocking on the rock with a hammer. I ask: “Who are you?” And he: - “Party leader.” But the Chukchi is not a fool, the Chukchi knows who leads our Party!

A Chukchi father and his son are sitting near the yaranga. A helicopter flies low over them.
Son: - Dad, what is this though?
Father: - Now this iron bird will land, - the geologist will come out. They'll punch me in the face, they'll rape my mother, they'll shoot deer, they'll hit you in the head.
- It's called "Kspidicia".

One geologist was planning to go to the emerald mines and dig up green stones. And he says to his wife:
- I'm going to the Urals. And don’t argue, I’m tired of our collection without an emerald.
- I know you, you will dig a lot again, but every single stone is on way back you'll drink it.
“Don’t waste too much, otherwise you’ll jinx it,” I firmly decided to go!
No sooner said than done, I packed my backpacks and left.
A month has passed. There's a knock on the door. The wife opens the door, and a drunken husband is standing on the threshold. He looks at his wife with a dull gaze and takes out a pound green crystal from his backpack.
Wife: A-Ah!!! And he, slowly raising his index finger up:
- Uh-huh, she scribbled again! Just like last time, I squandered every single stone on the road. Only the smallest one, this one, remains...

Real geologists will never drink vodka from their throat if there is an empty tin can!

One geologist was terribly tired on the route, found nothing, and therefore became terribly angry. He sees a bear, so throw a stone at him! And then his fatigue vanished!...

Holmes, what are Korean geologists looking for if they have no mineral resources?
- Elementary, Watson: they are looking for where the dogs are buried.

What six fools live in the world?
Geologist - he has not lost anything, but goes looking. The driver carries people, but he walks home. Uzbek - he didn’t measure, but cut. A welder cooks, not eats. The teacher knows everything, but asks the children. The bear ate the geologist, but did not learn geology.

The husband comes home, and there is a man on the balcony.
- You see, I’m a pilot, I jumped with a parachute and got carried away by the wind.
“It happens,” says the husband. - Yesterday, a geologist was looking for oil in my toilet...

Two bears talking in the taiga.
- How tired of these geologists! During the day they walk around looking for something, but by night they are already drunk, screaming and not letting you sleep.
- It's true! But the worst thing is that then cell phones disturb your stomach and their calls can make you upset...

Two geologists are sitting by the fire in bad weather. All the vodka has been drunk, they drink moonshine, talking:
- Look, when you drink this green drink, your head will feel like the Tsar Bell in the morning...
- Wow, the Tsar Cannon is good for nothing...

A Chukchi walks through the taiga and squeaks pitifully.
A geologist approaches him and asks:
- Why are you squeaking?
- Yes, I got sick, your boss gave me a pill, I ate them.
- So?
- And it says:
"After eating!"...

A geologist and a Chukchi met on the ocean shore and were talking. Suddenly they see a hungry polar bear heading towards them. But there is no gun. The Chukchi grabs his skis and quickly puts them on. Geologist:
- It’s useless, - you still won’t be able to run faster than a bear.
- But I don’t need to be faster than a bear, I need to be faster than you!

A Chukchi once found a large gold nugget in a mine. I didn’t hand it over, but hid it well.
They identified him and charged him with theft.
The head of the mine interrogates him, and another Chukchi translates:
-Where did you hide the gold?!? - asks the angry boss.
“He says he didn’t take it,” the Chukchi translates.
“Tell him,” says the boss, “that if he doesn’t tell me now, I’ll shoot him!”
“He says, if you don’t tell where the gold is, you’ll get shot a little.”
“I buried it in a jug under the yaranga,” admitted the frightened thief.
- He says shoot! - translated the Chukchi. That he still won't tell anyone...

A geologist walks through the taiga and sees two Chukchi. One is carrying a telephone booth, and the other is carrying a hefty log. Geologist:
- Hey, fellow countryman, why do you need a telephone booth?
- Mine, however, if a bear attacks, she will hide in the booth and the bear will not eat me.
Geologist to another Chukchi:
- Well, why do you need such a healthy log?
- Mine, however, if he sees a bear, he will throw the log - and it will be easier to escape.

Somehow, American geologists discovered some Arab country over large deposits of American oil... If there had not been a war, the matter would have come to trial...

American geographers argue that geology is only a discipline derived from geography, citing the fact that before Columbus discovered America, all their geologists lived in Europe.

True story: Student - graduate of the state. copy Miass Geological College answers the question about concentrates (pronounced more through “yu” than through “i”). The commission, after listening to him, asks additional questions. question about a word consonant in geology. He doesn't understand. They tell him, well, they say, everything in this word is the same, only instead of “x” there is “f”. The student looks at the commission in a stupor, slowly blushes (having guessed) and, already crimson red with embarrassment, says: "Ugh, what?" The commission, expecting the word “shlif,” slowly slid under the table laughing.

True story: Moscow State University, 70s.
Mineralogy exam.
Identify the mineral,” says the professor and gives the student a piece of opal.
She looks blankly at the stone and begins to look around the audience with a wandering gaze.
A student from the last row tries to give advice and animatedly gestures, either bending his arm at the elbow and clenching his fist with a joyful look, or lowering it limply with an expression of annoyance on his face.
The student strains her imagination and joyfully says:
- Professor, this won’t work!...

Field season.
In the geological route, an experienced professor wakes up a student intern in the middle of the night and asks:
- Ivan, look at the sky and tell me, what conclusion can you draw?
The student looks at the sky and answers:
- I see billions of stars, and if there are billions of stars, then they may have planets, and there is a possibility that among them there are ones similar to Earth, and there may also be a lot of all sorts of ores and minerals, and...
- Ivan, you are an idiot! - the professor interrupts him.
- Our tent was stolen!

The student tries to pull the wool over the teacher’s ears:
- Last season I found a beryl crystal - that’s how my hand is!
- Come on, young man, pour it in! Such hairy crystals do not exist in nature.

Geological practice in Kamchatka. Looking into the crater of a volcano for the first time, the student says to the teacher:
- Doesn't it look like hell?
- Oh, these students! - exclaims the professor, “They’ve seen everything, been everywhere...

A woman comes to the tailor's studio:
- Please sew me a nightgown 3 meters long.
- Why do you need such a long one?
- So my husband is a geologist. For him, the main thing is the search, not the end result.

The assistant professor in the geological practice route warns students:
- Now we will go along a very dangerous cliff, be careful!
- But if any of you fall, don’t forget to look to the right - in flight you will see a unique outcrop with a pegmatite vein...

Professor at geopractice during sightseeing tour with students:
- And now, driving past this famous local brothel, we will get straight to the mine that interests us, and...
- Professor, why by?!?

There are two crystals, one transparent and the other cracked. The first one asks:
- By a hot fire?
- By the fire...
- Geologist?
- Geologist...
- Have you tried to determine?
- No, no, stepped on, bastard...

On the day the geologist left for the field, his wife got out of bed before dawn and snuck into the pantry. There she cut her backpack with a knife, tore the tent, then threw her sleeping bag, hammer and compass from the balcony. After which she silently returned to bed and gently pressed her cheek to her husband’s shoulder...
- She had no more than an hour to live...

My husband, a geologist, arrives from an expedition all dirty, wearing a torn storm jacket and abrasions on his face. Explains to his wife:
- I didn’t have a return ticket for the train, but the ticket inspector is here. I had to jump out of the carriage.
- Wouldn’t it have been easier to pay the fine?
- What are you talking about, dear! The controller turned out to be the conductor's husband.

Intern student for the ranger of the Ilmensky Nature Reserve:
- Please tell me, can I take a sample from this mine?
- No!
- Yeah, but then where are there so many fresh fragments around?
- From those who don’t ask stupid questions.

RIA-Novosti reports: Ukrainian geologists have discovered a large oil deposit on the territory of Ukraine. But the development of the deposit is very difficult, since it moves across the independent territory at high speed in iron tanks.

A provincial soil geologist tells his metropolitan colleague over the third bottle of vodka:
- There was a case in our cucumbers - a student got lost, they never found it... and professors are afraid to go into tomatoes, even with a compass.
- These are the fertile soils we have in the outback!

Conversation between two future geologists:
- Do you know how to hold a hammer so as not to hit your finger?
- Well?
- With two hands...

A lonely, thoughtful geologist is walking through the taiga, and a hefty woman with a gun meets him, and how she screams:
- Oh, a geologist, and with a hammer in his hand!!! It looks like you are planning to take me by force?!?
Geologist, in confusion: - What are you talking about, I haven’t even thought about it...
Baba: - But you have to!

Geological practice, after the first route.
Student: The teacher said that if a snake bites, then someone should immediately suck it. I can't imagine how this will help?

The persistent search for truth by Russian geologists usually leads them to a severe hangover.

Humanity is so crazy that it uses the minerals found by geologists to pollute the environment.

There are two bears in the taiga:
- No, can you imagine!? I’m returning to the den this morning, and there’s a wall of fumes there!
I see a geologist sleeping on the floor... I lean towards him, and he raises his head, looks at me and says: “Oh, is that you, professor?”

In the taiga, a geologist was attacked by a bear. He tries to run away from him, and suddenly there is a cliff ahead. He fell to his knees and prayed:
- Lord, instill a Christian soul into this beast!
The bear immediately falls to his knees:
- Thank you, Lord, for the food sent down to me!

Drinking a lot is bad

A team of geologists is resting at a rest stop. The first, tired from drinking, falls asleep under a tree. The others decided to make fun of him. They put a three-liter jar on the sleeping man's hand and tickled his nose with a blade of grass. It’s scary to watch at first, but then you laugh for a long time.

Geological-phantasmagoric tale

At a rest stop, two geologists tell each other stories. One says:
“One day I was flying for a bottle in a fighter plane, and I decided to take a shortcut and fly through an adit. I fly along it, fly into the mine - and towards me there is a cage with miners... I turn around, fly out and fly further and run into a beer geyser. I landed nearby, relaxed, and then my memory faded and I don’t remember what happened next.
- It happens, it happens. But I had a case. We took bottles of vodka on the route, but forgot the hammer and chisels at the base. They couldn't open it - we had to endure it until the end of the season.
- You're lying! This doesn't happen!

Geologist in a women's company:
- And I lose 30 kg on the route!
- Can't be!
- Yes, but the rest stop ends, and I put on my backpack again...

The geologists returned from the route. Tired, hungry.
One says: “Now I wish I had a woman!”
Second: “Big and warm!”
Third: “And don’t bother me!”

The Lord God, when creating mineral aggregates, thought little about how we would call and classify them.

Geologists fall into the hands of cannibals. The leader tells them:
- Whoever tells a new joke, we will let him go to continue collecting stones. But I warn you - we have the Internet!

~"~* ~"~

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Faculty of Geology

Why did I choose geology

Completed by: student of group GLG-2

Kalashnikova Yu.Yu.

Checked by: Pecherkina L.V.


1. Profession of a geologist

1.1 History of the geologist profession

2.3 Risks of the profession



Among the dozens and hundreds of decisions a person makes, the most important role and influence is played by the choice of life path. Since I became a student at Perm State University, I have to make this difficult choice that determines my future destiny. I have to decide what specialization I will study next. It is very difficult to make an informed and independent choice, because until now, in most cases, my parents decided everything for me, they guided me through life path, but now I have to choose for myself what to do and how to act.

Scientists believe that a person lives for self-realization. The activity fills life with meaning, helps you feel valuable and significant in society.

There are no two absolutely identical people in the world; everyone has their own path of trial and error. This is a person’s search for himself, his life values, his guidelines. It is difficult to make an informed and correct choice; there are many factors influencing the choice: low awareness of the profession, the prestige and significance of the profession, the opinion of parents, the opinion of friends, attachments, interests, and the needs of society. But, despite all this, I made my choice based on my interests, desires and preferences. I chose the geology major, and I hope I made the right choice.

1. Profession of a geologist

1.1 History of the geologist profession

Geology (from Greek geo - earth and logos - study) is a complex of sciences about the composition, structure and history of the development of the earth. Since ancient times, people have used various minerals for their purposes. Thus, unorganized, non-industrial mining began in ancient times, when miners extracted clay and coal, in addition, people had knowledge about rocks, minerals and ores. With the beginning of the era of the Great geographical discoveries exploration of the Earth began. People began to become interested in how deserts, mountains, etc. arise, and tried to scientifically substantiate their guesses. During these times, the first geological thinkers appeared who tried to guess where minerals might be located. The term "geology" was introduced by the Norwegian scientist M. Esholt in 1657. A qualitative leap in the history of geology ( late XIX- beginning of the 20th century) is associated with the introduction of physicochemical and mathematical methods research. To date, most of the deposits have already been explored. And to make forecasts, it is no longer necessary to travel to the area; in most cases, it is enough to take photographs and film. However, this profession is still a symbol of romance and many open questions remain: the theory of continental movement has not been proven, and some geomagnetic anomalies remain unexplained. Geologists spend a lot of time on expeditions, where they collect rock samples, search for and map deposits of valuable rocks, precious stones, gold, and oil. They study geological processes: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The profession of "Geologist" requires predominantly intellectual expenditure from a specialist. Professional activities, first of all, implies analysis, comparison and interpretation of data, proposal of new solutions, implementation specific tasks using special labor skills.

The dominant activities of the geologist profession:

· organization and implementation of field work to collect factual material about the geology of the study area;

· participation in the development of geological assignments;

· calculation of mineral reserves;

· compiling graphic materials on the geological structure of the study area (schemes, maps, sections, plans, diagrams);

· compilation of reference collections of rock and mineral samples;

· determination of the category of rocks according to their technological properties (drillability, strength, loosening ability);

· determination of the complexity category of work areas;

· surface movement prediction;

· working with specialized equipment and tools;

· industrial development of deposits;

· establishing the locations of mine workings and oil and gas drilling wells;

· development of mining plans and operational exploration;

· studying geological structure deposits;

· testing of mine workings;

· implementation of geological control over mining, operational and exploration work, the state of oil and gas development;

· control over the completeness and quality of field development, release of wells;

· accounting for losses, movement of explored and ready-for-extraction minerals;

· carrying out well repairs;

· generalization of geological material and results of field and geophysical studies.

2. Factors influencing the choice of profession

2.1 Level of social significance of the profession

The level of social significance of the geologist's profession is determined by the average indicators of its demand in the labor market. At the moment, the main orders come from private organizations, although government agencies still do not remain in the shadow of private entrepreneurs. Currently, the profession of a geologist is quite in demand, since the extraction, exploration and processing of minerals is the main source of income for the country.

Mineral exploration is an integral part of the system national economy. The basis for providing production with ore, coal, oil, gas, building materials, water, etc. lies in searching for them on the territory of our country. Modern industry with its high technology and enormous scale, it requires a gigantic amount of various mineral raw materials. It is impossible to imagine a single sector of the economy without iron and coal; without oil, all “mobile” technology would be dead, and modern chemistry would not have the ability to produce various synthetic materials so widely. Without rare elements, it is impossible to manufacture various complex machines and precision instruments that are used in metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering, aviation, and astronautics. Industry cannot do without non-ferrous metals - copper, zinc, tin, lead, aluminum and magnesium. It is also impossible to increase soil fertility without the use of so-called agronomic ores - phosphorites, apatite and potassium salts.

Geologists still know very little about the structure of the depths earth's crust, since only its uppermost part is accessible to direct observation. Exploring the depths of the Earth is very important for many reasons. Scientists recognize the great influence of the deep interior of the Earth on the processes of formation of mineral deposits. Volcanic phenomena and earthquakes are associated with the depths of the Earth. That's why further development knowledge about the structure and composition of the Earth, as well as solving the question of how mineral deposits are formed, is impossible without direct study of the depths of the earth’s crust and its subcrustal part.

The places where specialists' labor is used are geological exploration expeditions, geophysical and drilling parties, research and design organizations. The main area of ​​application of their work is the exploration and development of mineral deposits. They are also required in construction (for example, to identify soil characteristics at the site of future structures).

2.2 Mass character and uniqueness of the profession (

The profession of a geologist is unique in its own way. For its successful practice, it is necessary, firstly, to have an excellent specialized education, deep knowledge in the field of drawing up and interpreting cartographic drawings, skillful use of specific measuring and analytical instruments. The work is uneven in nature and is characterized by the possibility of frequent long-term business trips and repeated trips to the site under study. A geologist must also have good health, good physical fitness, endurance, observation, the ability to work in a limited team, be patient and purposeful.

Teachers at different universities are unanimous in their opinion: studying to be a geologist is difficult. Among the general professional disciplines you will have to master physics, mathematics, computer science, technical and theoretical mechanics, engineering graphics - geologists need engineering thinking. At the same time, you will have to study history, cultural studies, sociology, political science, foreign language- this already presupposes a humanitarian mindset. And finally, special geological and mining-geological disciplines will require their own special abilities. For example, you can’t learn paleontology from a book - you have to work with the collection, study in paleontological and mineralogical museums.

The most important task facing geologists and practitioners is the development of the foundations for scientific forecasting (prediction) of the occurrence of minerals in certain areas of the Earth. Having established the laws of location of various deposits, geologists will create predictive maps that will ensure successful searches for so-called “blind” ore bodies, i.e. deposits that lie deep in the Earth.

Until now, geologists were only interested in land, but now they have begun to study the geology of the ocean floor, which occupies about 71% of the total area of ​​the earth's surface. Geophysical research has shown that there are differences in the structure and thickness of the earth's crust beneath the continents and oceans.

Such research not only enriches science, it brings important practical results.

In the coming decades, geological surveying of the continental shelf and perhaps even the continental slope will probably be carried out.

World oil production from the seabed will increase, the development of manganese ores from the ocean floor will begin, etc.

In general, the profession of a geologist does not have any obvious disadvantages. The standard workload is usually planned before the expedition team leaves for the site, however, if necessary, irregular working hours can negatively affect the team’s ability to work. Career growth is possible if you have excellent knowledge, a diploma higher education and a non-standard or innovative approach to solving assigned problems.

geology specialist profession labor


The structure of the world and all natural phenomena have always attracted me. Already as a child I was interested in how nature works, why different natural phenomena. For the last five years of school, I already knew in which direction I would study, but I did not know what profile or specialty.

I chose the geology major because, firstly, I was drawn to the romance of this profession, secondly, the desire to learn the structure of the Earth, the processes and causes of natural geological phenomena, thirdly, the opportunity to travel around the whole country and see all its diversity largely determined the choice professions.

Parents also had a special influence on the choice of profession.


1.Kravtsov A.I., Bakaldina A.P. Geology. - M: Nedra Publishing House, 1979.342 p.

2.Koronovsky N.V. General geology. - M: KDU Publishing House, 2006.

.Koronovsky N.V., Yasamanov N.A. Geology.5th edition. - M: Publishing house "Academy". 2008 448 pp.



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