Colonel Galician, who died in Syria, was a patriot of Ukraine. The commander of the Ulan-Ude tank brigade, who died in Syria, was considered one of the most promising strategists of the Russian army (video) Ruslan Viktorovich Galitsky biography

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“He was drafted in 1990 from Lvov”

Brigade commander Ruslan Galitsky, who died during shelling in Aleppo, was a closed person: no pages on social networks, of course - service obliges him. MK in Buryatia was able to obtain more complete information from a classmate of the deceased officer. In fact, it was he who announced on his social network page on December 5 that Ruslan Galitsky was 5 days short of his new rank.

“Yesterday my friend, classmate Ruslan Galitsky died. We studied in the same platoon, the same section,” shared a classmate and head of the St. Petersburg regional office veteran organization "Officers of Russia" Vladimir Kuzmin.

Ruslan was the best of the best.

He was called up in 1990 from Lvov and loved Ukraine very much. “At the VAF, even to sports work, he always wore a tracksuit with the inscription “Ukraine”. And he was, in the opinion of a friend, a true patriot of his common homeland - the USSR.

After graduating from military school (the so-called “Kremlin”), he entered the General Staff Academy. Frunze and graduated with a gold medal. He served in the Moscow Military District, and before that he headed the operational department of a military unit in the Southern Military District. The governor of the Rostov region awarded Galitsky with the badge “For Military Service” in February 2016. Later he was transferred to the 5th separate guards tank Tatsin Red Banner Order of Suvorov II degree brigade. The eminent unit of the Eastern Military District, which is stationed at the Divisionnaya station in the city of Ulan-Ude, celebrated its 98th anniversary on December 1.

In early December, reports appeared about the sending of a number of Buryat tank crews as military advisers to Syria, where the battle for Aleppo is currently underway, but many colleagues did not know what kind of business trip Galitsky was going on. We already learned about this from the news.

And a classmate was the first to report that on December 12, 2016, Galitsky was supposed to receive the rank of major general. Now he is posthumously nominated for the title of Hero Russian Federation. “Aleppo will be ours, Rus! And your bust will stand there, Brother. Then, maybe, at school in Western Ukraine, when they come to their senses,” notes Kuzmin.

On December 7, information about the death of a member of a group of military advisers in Syria was confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Defense: Ruslan died in hospital as a result of a serious injury. Russian military doctors fought for his life for several days. The officer was wounded during artillery shelling of one of the residential areas in the western part of Aleppo. Now Ruslan Galitsky's colleagues are collecting financial assistance for his family.

Read The Ministry of Defense told what the deceased Colonel Galitsky was doing in Syria

Tuesday, June 25

Day of the blackish snake, 5 yellow menge, mountain element. A favorable day for setting off on the road, starting treatment for an illness, contacting higher authorities with a request to resolve the issue, and renovating the house. This day is good for those born in the year of the snake, horse, pig and mouse. Cutting your hair means an abundance of food and drink. It is not recommended to bring a bride into the house and have a wedding, buy a dog, start a big business, lay the foundation for a house, make medicine, cut down wood, take things out of the house, trade, or move. An unfavorable day for those born in the year of the monkey and chicken.

Wednesday, June 26

Day of the blue horse, four green menge, element - wood. This day is favorable for producing goods, teaching astrology, buying and selling, holding meetings, taking an oath, wearing jewelry, planting a tree, laying a foundation, making medicine, sowing seeds. On this day it is allowed to have a wedding and bring a bride to the house. A prosperous day for people born in the year of the pig, mouse, dog, dragon. Prohibited: cutting hair, go on the road, cut off a woman’s hair, quarrel, sell and buy a horse. Unfavorable days for people born in the year of the snake and horse.

Thursday, June 27

Day of the bluish sheep, 3 blue menge, element - air. A good day for learning the alphabet, reading books, going on a journey, making medicine, sowing seeds, buying and selling, bringing a bride, getting married, returning debts. A favorable day for people born in the year of the tiger, hare, monkey, and chicken. Prohibited: cutting hair, cut and saw wood, take an oath, gather for a meeting, do bloodletting and cauterization. Unfavorable days for people born in the year of the cow, dog, sheep and dragon.

He was in Syria on a business trip.

Ruslan Galitsky was in Syria as a military adviser, he helped the command staff of one of the formations of the Syrian army in organizing the training of units and units and in mastering military equipment, the Ministry of Defense reported. He received fatal wounds a few days ago - according to the military department, during shelling by the opposition of one of the residential areas in the western part of Aleppo. Military doctors were unable to save the colonel's life. Let me remind you that this week alone this is the third Russian killed in Syria - two days ago two nurses, Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova, died. They worked in a mobile hospital of the Ministry of Defense in Aleppo. While receiving local residents, the medical campus was shelled, and a mine hit the emergency department where the women were. The official representative of the Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, blamed the deaths of doctors on the militants, as well as - I quote - on countries that sympathize with them.

According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, Colonel Galitsky became the 23rd Russian serviceman to die in Syria since the beginning of the military operation.

Russian military doctors provided the Syrians with medical care, which they had been deprived of for a long time, said department official Maria Zakharova.

“On December 5, nine mortar shells exploded on the territory of a Russian mobile military hospital in Aleppo. A Russian military medic was killed, two medical workers were seriously injured, one of them subsequently died. Russian military doctors were sent to Aleppo at the end of November 2016: Syrian citizens were simply deprived of access to quality medicine for a long period of time. We strongly condemn the act of aggression against the Russian hospital and its personnel. We hope that not only the perpetrators of this crime, but also those who ordered it will suffer the most severe punishment. We offer our condolences to the loved ones and relatives of those killed and injured.”

Zakharova expressed condolences to the families of the dead and injured.

Foreign publications are following the Twitter reports of a seven-year-old Syrian girl from besieged Aleppo.

As the mother of seven-year-old Bana al-Abed explained in an interview with Western television channels, the Twitter account was opened at the request of the girl who really wanted, quote, “for the world to hear our voice.” In it, Bana talked about the bombings, hunger and shortages drinking water, and on the other hand, published photographs of the family garden where she played until it was destroyed by bombs. After her mother’s panicked message that their family was “about to be captured by the Syrian army” appeared on the same Twitter feed last Sunday, the girl’s account temporarily went silent, and then its authenticity became the subject of heated debate on the social network. As the Swiss Temps notes, quote, the “pro-Russian publication Sputnik” immediately doubted that the young Syrian could have learned the English in which the comments were published so well, and that her position, seemingly by chance, was clearly pro-Western. According to an expert at French Radio International, for the first time since the Arab Spring, when falling regimes tried to suppress social networks, Syria has become a unique platform where they are actively used by both sides as an effective tool of propaganda and counter-propaganda.

However, observers do not presume to say that seven-year-old Bana actually lives in Aleppo with her mother, and that her Twitter account is real.

“Colonel Ruslan Galitsky died in hospital as a result of a serious wound. Russian military doctors fought for his life for several days. The officer was wounded during artillery shelling by militants of the so-called “opposition” of one of the residential areas of the western part of Aleppo,” the report says. .

As the Ministry of Defense clarified, Galitsky performed tasks in Syria as part of a group of Russian military advisers. “The command presented Colonel Ruslan Galitsky with a high state award posthumously,” the department added.

“Colonel Ruslan Galitsky, while on a business trip to the Syrian Arab Republic as a military adviser, assisted the command staff of one of the Syrian army formations in organizing the training of units and subunits, as well as mastering military equipment,” the Ministry of Defense clarified.

Russian losses in Syria

Earlier this year, a Russian military adviser was killed in Syria. On February 1, terrorists of the Islamic State (IS, banned in the Russian Federation) fired at a military garrison where one of the Syrian army units was stationed. A Russian military adviser was mortally wounded. His name was not reported, but the Ministry of Defense said that he had been nominated for a state award.

Earlier this week, two Russian nurses died in Syria. On December 5, militants shelled the medical campus of the mobile hospital of the Ministry of Defense in Aleppo. As a result of a direct mine hit in the emergency room, two Russian military doctors, Nadezhda Durachenko and Galina Mikhailova, were killed, and pediatrician Vadim Arsentyev was seriously wounded.

Early life, education, military serviceRuslan Galitsky was born on July 14, 1972 in Ivano-Frankivsk. He came from a family of hereditary officers. He grew up in Western Ukraine, loved Ukraine and was a patriot of the USSR. He graduated from the Lviv military special school.

In 1990, Galitsky moved from Lvov to Moscow and entered the Moscow Higher Combined Arms command school named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, from which he graduated in 1994 with a gold medal and began serving there as a platoon and company commander of cadets. During his studies, he was actively involved in sports and became the school's boxing champion.

In 2002 he graduated from the Combined Arms Academy with a gold medal. Armed Forces Russian Federation on the basis of the Frunze Military Academy and for eight years served in the Moscow region as commander of a motorized rifle battalion and deputy chief of staff of the 27th Separate Guards Sevastopol Red Banner Motorized Rifle Brigade, head of the operational department of the operational directorate of the Moscow Military District.

In 2010, Galitsky entered the Military Academy General Staff, from which he graduated in 2012 with the rank of colonel with a gold medal “For excellent completion of the military educational institution higher vocational education Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation". The teachers considered Galitsky one of the most promising strategists and the best student of the course, and his name was engraved on the honorary board of the General Staff Academy.

In 2011 he received the title of Candidate of Military Sciences. After graduating from the academy, Galitsky was sent to continue military service to the operational directorate of the Southern Military District for the position of chief of the operational directorate of military unit 64722 of the 12th reserve command, based in complete secrecy on the Russian-Ukrainian border in Novocherkassk (Rostov region), for service in which he was awarded during the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine badge “For Military Service” from the Governor of the Rostov Region Vasily Golubev.

In February 2016, Galitsky took over as commander of the 5th Guards Separate Tank Brigade, based in military unit 46108 at the Divisionnaya station in Ulan-Ude (Buryatia). He served in this position for less than a year. According to media reports, tankers from this particular brigade took part in the conflict on the territory of Ukraine, in particular in the battles for Debaltsevo. On May 6, Vadim Skibitsky, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, based on data military intelligence stated that Galitsky, being a high-ranking military man, was involved in coordinating the forces of Ukrainian separatists, which is denied Russian side . The 5th Tank Brigade under the command of Galitsky repeatedly took part in massive military exercises, including the Russian-Mongolian “Selenga-2016”, held in August-September 2016 at the Burduny training ground in the Eastern Military District, during which “ working out the issues of conducting reconnaissance and search operations, as well as blocking and eliminating conditional illegal armed groups.” Following the results of the exercises, the commander of the ground forces of the Mongolian armed forces, Brigadier General B. Amgalanbaatar, before the formation, awarded Galitsky with the departmental medal of the Ministry of Defense of .ts-comment-commentedText(border-bottom: 1px dotted;cursor: help)@media( hover: none)(.mw-parser-output .ts-comment-commentedText: not(.rt-commentedText)(border-bottom: 0;cursor: auto)) “For the Motherland” 1st degree. After that Galitsky in As part of a group of Russian military advisers, he was sent to Syria, where, according to official data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, he coordinated the interaction between the aviation group of the Russian Aerospace Forces, based at the Khmeimim airbase, units of the Syrian army and other units involved in the liquidation of terrorist groups, assisted the command the composition of one of the formations of the Syrian army in organizing the training of units and subunits, mastering military equipment, namely tanks - Soviet T-72 and Russian T-90. According to Irek Murtazin, who is personally acquainted with Galitsky, he took part in planning the operations to liberate Palmyra and the liberation of eastern Aleppo, in which private military companies such as the Wagner Group were involved.DeathCircumstancesExternal video filesShelling of a Russian military hospital in Aleppo, December 5 2016 - Russia TodayAccording to official data from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, disseminated on December 7 through the media, Galitsky was seriously wounded as a result of artillery shelling from residential areas of the western part of Aleppo, occupied by “militants of the so-called “opposition””. According to the Arig Us television company, a shell exploded in the hospital tent in which Galitsky was located, and one of the fragments hit him at the base of his skull. Russian military doctors fought for Galitsky’s life for several days, and according to Arig Us, he died without regaining consciousness on December 5 in a hospital in Moscow. Meanwhile, according to REN TV, the shelling occurred on December 5, and Galitsky died on December 7. According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Defense, which diverges from actual media data, Galitsky became the 23rd Russian military man killed during the operation in Syria, although this list does not include members of private military companies. Reaction On December 7, at a meeting with senior officers and prosecutors on the occasion of their appointment to higher positions, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian Ministry of Defense to nominate Galitsky for a state award. At the same time, the President of the Russian Federation noted that Galitsky died “yesterday,” that is, on December 6. Later, the receipt of Galitsky’s presentation to the President of the Russian Federation was confirmed by his press secretary Dmitry Peskov. On December 8, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Galitsky was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage. According to the head of the St. Petersburg regional branch of the veteran organization “Officers of Russia” Vladimir Kuzmin, Galitsky was nominated for the title of Hero of Russia, and on December 12 he was supposed to receive the next rank of major general, which he did not live to reach for only 5 days. On December 8, the head of Buryatia, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, sent a telegram with words of condolences to Galitsky’s family and friends, as well as to the commander of the 36th Army, Dmitry Kovalenko. Galitsky left behind a family - a wife and three children, who permanently lived in Moscow, but moved to Ulan-Ude at his place of service. Galitsky's colleagues voluntarily began collecting money to help his relatives. On December 9, on the Day of the Heroes of the Fatherland, the Order of Courage was awarded to the widow of Galitsky personally the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Shoigu. The sore Media Failers of Moscow said goodbye to Colonel Ruslan Galitsky - Veteran Vetvideo -Paulpanikov Galitsky was buried with military honors - Russia -24v Moscow Region was buried colonel Galitsky was buried with military honors - NTV Galitsky's funeral took place on December 10 at the Federal War Memorial Cemetery in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region. The coffin with his body, covered with the Russian flag, was displayed surrounded by a guard of honor in the funeral hall of the cemetery. Hundreds of people, relatives, friends and colleagues, came to say goodbye to Galitsky, as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Oleg Salyukov, the head of the National Defense Management Center of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mizintsev, commander long-range aviation Sergei Kobylash, commander of the Central Military District Vladimir Zarudnitsky, commander of the Airborne Forces Andrei Serdyukov, first deputy commander of the Eastern Military District Alexander Lapin, commander of the 36th Combined Arms Army Dmitry Kovalenko, head of the Central Sports Club of the Army Mikhail Baryshev. Galitsky was buried with military honors to the sounds of the Russian anthem and gun salutes.

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