A saying about a woman's patience. Aphorisms about patience. Henrik Ibsen

Children will help you learn a lot of new things,
- for example, how much patience you have.
Franklin P. Jones

Gregor Collienne@

Dear friends! I bring to your attention a selection of aphorisms and quotes about patience - one of the treasures of character. Patience is the most important quality of a person. Thanks to patience, a person preserves his vitality without wasting it on trying to change the world or a person close to you. It helps to maintain goodwill and good spirits. It helps you see the world more fully. The main thing is that patience does not turn into indifference.

Becoming patient and being patient in our lives is incredibly difficult. But how valuable is this quality! Wise thoughts and statements about patience, I doubt that they will be able to help us in anything, but perhaps they will make us think - are we patient? Patience, endurance to all of you, friends, and wisdom in the most difficult life situations!

Quotes about patience

No one listens to reproaches with such impatience as those who deserve praise.
Pliny the Younger
Without being patient, you cannot become wise.
Patience cannot come instantly. It's like building muscle.
Every day we must work on this quality
Eknath Isveran.

Those who have patience are able to turn leaves into silk
and from rose petals - honey.
Alisher Navoi
Strength or passion gives less than patience and time.
Jean de Lafontaine
Patience is the art of hope.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues
Patience is the weapon of the weakest and the strongest.
Leszek Kumor
The main companion of wisdom is patience
Saint Augustine
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Be more tolerant of those
who has not grown up to your prejudices.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

It takes a lot of patience to learn patience.

For those who like aphorisms about children, I suggest you take a look) I hope you enjoy it)

God knows, we have a hard time in this life, and patience is the only way to live at least as well.

He who has patience can achieve anything.

Train your mind to doubt and your heart to tolerance.

He who is intolerant of the bad character of his neighbor does not have a very good character.

A man who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to dominate yourself, then you will dominate others. To get to a favorable occasion, one has to travel long distances of time.

If people tolerate their vices, this is the best sign that they are improving.

Your suffering is over if you are tired of enduring it: you are free if you have the courage to be free.

Unique aphorisms about patience

God is the reliable guarantor of our patience. If you commit your grievance to Him, He will take revenge; if there is damage, it will compensate; if there is suffering, it will heal; if death - even resurrect.

Parent: A position that requires infinite patience to perform and requires no patience to obtain.

Wonderful unique aphorisms about patience

Happiness sells to impatient people a great many things that it gives freely to the patient.

Be intolerant only of intolerance.

Patience is the weapon of the weakest and the strongest.

Tolerance is good if it extends to everyone - or if it extends to no one.

Be prepared not to do this or that, but to endure.

Hope and patience are the two softest pillows on which we can lay our heads in times of hardship.

It is easy to love beauty and perfection. In order to perceive a person in his touching imperfection, patience and love are needed.

It’s not a sin to endure for the sake of beauty.

Genius is the patience of thought concentrated in a certain direction.

Religious tolerance has only been achieved because we have ceased to attach as much importance to religion as before.

It takes a lot of patience to learn patience.

Tolerance is when you forgive other people's mistakes; tact - when they don't notice them.

It’s better to endure than to commit it.

Ineradicable unique aphorisms about patience

As long as patience is elevated to the most important virtue, we will always have little active virtue. Such virtue, apparently, is not sought by the leaders of nations; Only passive virtue is suitable for them.

While there is no war, you need to pacify your enemies with gifts, but if they take up arms against you, you cannot evade. Patience and humility are necessary for both peace and war.

We can achieve more with patience than with force.

Genius is long impatience.

Valiant hearts. It is just as fitting to be patient in times of adversity as it is to be joyful in times of prosperity.

A patient and thrifty person will buy a second cow with what he milked from the first.

Tolerance is another name for indifference.

What is required of a soldier, first of all, is endurance and patience; courage is the second thing.

Is it worth correcting a person whose vices are intolerable? Isn't it easier to cure the weakness of those who suffer from it?

Like all speakers who set themselves the goal of exhausting a topic, he exhausted the patience of his listeners.

Patience is absolutely necessary business person, because for many it is much more important not to make a deal with you, but to have a heart-to-heart talk.

If you want to learn how to love better, you need to start with someone you can't stand.

If you are patient and diligent, then the sown seeds of knowledge will certainly bear fruit. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Cosmic unique aphorisms about patience

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

It is fitting for a person to have patience in his labors and suffering, and generosity towards human faults and mistakes.

It is better to endure evil than to cause it.

It is not through patience, but through impatience that people achieve freedom.

The paper will endure everything, but not the reader.

To appreciate marital happiness requires patience; impatient natures prefer misfortune.

Let us be more tolerant of man, remembering the primitive era in which he was created.

Tolerance in a state is a sign of balance of power.

He who is able to endure is able to achieve whatever he wants.

It is difficult to decide what is more unpleasant - removing carbon deposits from a candle or convincing a woman with the help of arguments. Every two minutes you need to start working again. And if you lose patience, you will completely extinguish the small flame.

Diligence combined with patience can teach you anything.

It takes angelic patience to be the father of all Christians.

Tolerance is a virtue of people without convictions.

The donkey is ready to endure all the hardships and sorrows. And he is called stubborn by everyone who himself lacks endurance and patience.

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.

Patience: A weakened form of despair disguised as a virtue.

Mindful unique aphorisms about patience

A joke that is permitted is pleasant, but which joke someone will tolerate depends on the ability to tolerate it. Anyone who loses their temper from barbs gives a reason to prick again.

By patience the elect are tested, like gold in a furnace, refined seven times.

While you hesitate wisely, future successes grow, secret plans mature. You will go further with the crutch of time than with the chained club of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a sword. It is wisely said: Time and I are against any enemy. Fortune itself rewards patience with its best gifts.

All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time.

If we tolerated in others what we forgive ourselves, we would have to hang ourselves.

There is a limit beyond which patience and tolerance cease to be a virtue.

Everyone has shortcomings - some have more, some have less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if mutual tolerance did not exist between us.

Be patient for two: yourself and your boss.

Patience and time give more than strength or passion.

Intolerance should not be tolerated.

He who walks slowly and leisurely, no road is long; He who patiently prepares for the journey will certainly reach his goal.

Just as warm clothes protect against cold, endurance protects against resentment. Increase patience and calmness of spirit, and resentment, no matter how bitter, will not touch you.

: By patience the elect are tested, like gold in a furnace, refined seven times.

Baurzhan Toyshibekov:
Hellish patience leads to heaven.
He who is patient is better than the brave, and he who controls himself is better than the conqueror of a city.
Any adversity should be overcome with patience.
Francis Bacon:
Happiness sells to impatient people a great many things that it gives freely to the patient.
Thomas Edison :
Everything comes to those who work and know how to wait.
Those who have patience are able to create silk from leaves and honey from rose petals.
Publilius Syrus:
There is a remedy for every pain - patience.
Publilius Syrus:
Patience can turn into passion.
Valentin Pikul:
Great victories are sometimes born from the ability to endure and wait for their time.
Sigmund Freud :
A tolerant attitude towards life remains the primary duty of all living beings.
Patience and time give more than strength or passion.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
And the heat of the day will not scorch the one who is tempered in proud patience.
Only the patient will finish the job, but the hasty will fall.
Mikhail Frunze:
It is not necessary to decorate one’s appearance, but to be beautiful in spiritual endeavors. We need to improve. Any character can be changed. Patience, abilities, even physical strength - everything can be developed in yourself if you really want to, if you don’t give yourself any concessions.
Sergius of Radonezh :
Without trials and troubles, human life does not pass and there is no salvation of the soul. Trials are sent for sins as edification; they must be endured courageously and patiently.
Henrik Ibsen:
The real sign by which you can recognize a true sage is patience.
But the most terrible poverty, even when it affects the proletariat of many millions, is not yet a sufficient guarantee for revolution. Man is gifted by nature with amazing and, indeed, sometimes despairing patience, and the devil knows what he cannot stand when, along with poverty, dooming him to unheard-of hardships and slow death by starvation, he is also rewarded with stupidity, dullness of feelings, and the absence of any consciousness their right and that imperturbable patience and obedience with which the East Indians and Germans are especially distinguished among all peoples. Such a person will never rise up; will die, but will not rebel.
Abu al-Faraj:
Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for long.
The basis of all wisdom is patience.
Julius Caesar :
It is easier to find people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain.
Dalai Lama XIV:
Our enemies provide us with the perfect opportunity to practice patience, perseverance, and compassion.
You need to have a lot of patience to learn to be patient.
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