Indicators and criteria for assessing competencies. Dzhevitskaya E.S. Practice of assessing the development of students’ competencies in Russian higher educational institutions Assessment of students’ general competencies

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Shtak Ekaterina Anatolevna

Afanasyeva Lidiya Glebovna

Associate Professor, Moscow State University of Education, Moscow

Kozyreva Elena Nikolaevna

Art. Lecturer, Moscow State Educational Institution, Moscow

The most important requirements of higher professional education for the results of mastering basic educational programs of a bachelor's (specialty) degree are the level of proficiency in general cultural and professional competencies. In vocational education, competence is defined as a measure of the correspondence of the knowledge, skills and experience of persons of a certain social and professional status to the real level of complexity of the tasks they perform and the problems they solve. One of the most important indicators of student competence is academic performance.

It is known that the level of academic performance and competencies is determined not only by the content of training, educational technologies, but also by physiological indicators.

A number of works by the authors indicate a more complex “nature” of students’ learning and academic performance. Thus, research results have shown that academic performance depends on the individual typological characteristics of the individual, the initial level of cognitive motivation and the degree of adaptation to the educational process. It has been proven that the basis of academic success is knowledge, skills and abilities, the acquisition and formation of which occurs individually according to neurophysiological mechanisms.

Learning (as a cognitive process) and academic performance (as a characteristic of the process of learning and training are characterized by quantitative, qualitative and time characteristics (QQT). Q(quality) quality - the amount of memorized information, quantity, Q(quantity) - quantity - a measure that determines the amount of information necessary for memorization - the volume of memorized information (long-term memory) and T - (time) - a subjective indicator characterizing the ratio of the volume of memorized material to a certain time. These characteristics are labile, and significantly depend on the psychophysiological properties of the student and the learning conditions.

Studies conducted by foreign researchers to assess educational achievements PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) showed that a higher level of academic performance and competence in problem solving was shown by those subjects who are unknown to students and become a problem when finding a solution. We can say that research behavior plays an important role in the development of competence. Back in 1957, foreign researchers Dember and Earl founded the theory of exploratory behavior, according to which a person always chooses more complex ways to solve problems. According to this theory, competence develops in the process of exploring the surrounding world. Today, the results of this theory are fully consistent with the requirements for a graduate: the competitiveness of specialists and the ability to work at the level of world standards are largely determined by analytical thinking.

The results of the studies showed positive high correlations between physiological parameters and student performance. Our research deepens the evidence that the degree of mastery of educational material and the level of academic performance and competence of students depends on the initial cognitive motivation, and is determined by the most optimal parameters of psychomotor and cognitive functions. It has been reliably shown that students with good academic performance have higher mental performance indicators of 82.9±1.7% (successful answers) than students with low motivation and academic performance of 77.4±1.9% (p<0,05). Увеличение латентного 310,1±11,0 мс и моторного времени 206,0±15,1 мс (р<0,05) психомоторных функций (сложная сенсомоторная реакция) у студентов с низким уровнем академической успеваемости по сравнению со студентами с высоким уровнем успеваемости, (среднее латентное время 277,5±5,3 мс, и среднее моторное время - 141,0±3,9 мс, р<0,05), свидетельствует об активном включении дифференцировочного торможения, и о развитии в центральной нервной системе утомления, приводящего к ослаблению психических процессов (внимания, памяти). Известно так же и то, что соотношение силы, уравновешенности и подвижности нервных процессов определяет типологические особенности высшей нервной деятельности человека, однако эти процессы пластичны и легко изменяются под влиянием различных факторов (стимулов) .

The results of a study of the properties of the nervous system showed the presence of statistically significant differences in reaction time. The average period of the reproduced tempo for students performing well and excellently was 156.7 ± 23.4 ms, compared to 164.1 ± 27.1 ms for students performing satisfactorily. (p<0,05).

Figure 1. Dynamics of nervous processes of students with different levels of academic performance.

The results of cluster analysis (Fig. 1) made it possible to establish the following features of the speed of nervous processes in students. The pace of the reproducible test for students with good academic performance is characterized from a decrease to an increase (medium-strong and strong type) (cluster 1, 2), for students with low academic performance there is a decrease in the pace from maximum to minimum (medium-weak and weak type), (cluster 3 , 4). We can conclude that the mobility of nervous processes is one of the criteria for the “quality” of learning, for which the main requirement is the rapid switchability of human mental functions.

The results obtained allow us to conclude that the temporal, qualitative and quantitative parameters of physiological indicators of psychomotor and cognitive functions at given time intervals represent the coefficient of academic performance - an indicator at which mastery of the federal state educational standard (FSES) is possible. Depending on the goals and objectives research, the coefficient of academic performance will differ significantly among specialists in technical, natural science and humanities fields.

Using statistical forecasting methods, it is possible to evaluate the results of academic performance and the effectiveness of educational programs and technologies.


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  7. Temnyatkina O. V. Assessing the educational results of students of educational institutions NPO and secondary vocational education based on the competency-based approach. Methodological manual. Ekaterinburg, IRRO, 2009. – 80 p.
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Karmanova E. V. Technology for assessing the level of competency formation of students studying in the university’s distance learning system // Concept. 22015.2No. 12(December).2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 1

vyyyyyyyyyyyifART15417UDC 378.146

Karmanova Ekaterina Vladimirovna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Informatics and Information Technologies FSBEI HPE ©Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after. G. I. Nosova, Magnitogorsk [email protected]

Technology for assessing the level of development of competencies of students studying in the university’s distance learning system

Abstract. The article discusses the problem of organizing an assessment of the level of development of competencies of students studying using distance educational technologies. The author substantiates a mathematical model for assessing the level of development of students' competencies, which takes into account the structure of existing electronic courses in the distance learning system of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. The main provisions of the technology for assessing the level of development of students' competencies are revealed. Key words: competency-based approach, competency assessment, mathematical model, technology, distance learning system. Section: (01) pedagogy; history of pedagogy and education; theory and methods of teaching and education (by subject areas).

With the introduction of the competency-based approach into the Russian education system, pre-educational institutions have faced a number of tasks that cannot be solved by traditional methods, one of these tasks is the need to organize an assessment of the level of development of students’ competencies. Today, each university independently decides what will be the methodology for the formation and use of assessment funds to assess the level of development of students’ competencies. This problem also extends to the organization of the learning process using distance learning technologies, since this form of learning is legitimized at the level of the Law on Education of the Russian Federation, and therefore must comply with other requirements of Russian legislation in the field of education. An analysis of the literature showed that universities do not have a generally accepted technology that allows them to track the process of forming a separate competency; in addition, existing methods for assessing competencies are quite cumbersome and often do not take into account the specifics of the formation of the competencies themselves within the framework of the university’s distance learning system. The search for possible ways to resolve the identified problem determined the choice of the goal of our research: the need to develop a technology for assessing the level of development of competencies of students studying using the distance learning system (hereinafter referred to as DLS).

When developing the technology for assessing competencies, we relied on the following provisions: since disciplines are the main form of educational activity (not a single university has introduced changes), and it is the level of students’ mastery of academic disciplines that is assessed by teachers, it is obvious that by assessing the level of training in disciplines it is possible to ultimately correctly to establish the level of formation of competencies, in addition, in this case it is more convenient to adapt previously accumulated experience and use adapted diagnostic techniques Karmanova E. V. Technology for assessing the level of formation of competencies of students studying in the university’s distance learning system // Concept. 22015.2No. 12(December).2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 2

within the framework of a competency-based approach. Also, within the framework of our research, the task was to develop a technology that would allow, based on the existing structure of electronic courses, to “painlessly” introduce an assessment of the level of development of students’ competencies for a university’s LMS. For a clear understanding of the technology proposed below, we will describe the existing structure of electronic courses in the LMS of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. In the LMS, the electronic course is a set of modules, each of which contains theoretical material, a practical task and a test for self-control. The electronic course necessarily ends with a final test for the entire discipline being studied (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Elements of an electronic course in the LMS

Let us describe the assessment methodology. When developing a mathematical model for assessing the levels of development of competencies, we used the points received by students based on the results of completing diagnostic materials for a separate competency, and the result of a control event (test or exam). Let us need to find out the level of development (௠) of competence. This competence is formed through disciplines ௠=(1,2,…,௡), where the discipline directly influences the formation of competence. The influence of a discipline on the formation of competence can be considered at the level of the number of modules (sections) that form a given competence and, accordingly, check the level of its development. As a rule, the number of such sections for an electronic course is determined by teachers (authors of the discipline), who, in turn, are guided by the labor intensity of the discipline. In accordance with the discipline, an electronic course is created in the LMS, which, based on the work program of the discipline, contains modules and necessarily ends with a final test. Since each discipline module in the electronic course contains a practical task and a test, these components will be diagnostic materials for assessing competence within a given discipline: (1≤≤2+1) (see Fig. 2). Let us explain this entry: at a minimum, in a separate electronic course, the selected competence must be formed by at least one module of the course and, therefore, tested by at least one diagnostic material (either a test or a practical task), the maximum number of diagnostic materials can be all practical tasks and tests for each module plus a final test. However, the final test may not necessarily test this competency, and therefore is not necessarily included in the block of diagnostic materials for this competency. The influence of the results obtained from tests and practical tasks is different, so we will separately enter its weight for each of them: Determination of weights for test materials and Karmanova E.V. Technology for assessing the level of competency formation of students studying in the university’s distance learning system // Concept. 22015.2No. 12(December).2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 3

Fig. 2. Example of a set of diagnostic materials for a specific competency

The result is also influenced by the final score obtained as a result of the final control (test or exam):. Thus, the mathematical model for assessing the level of competence formation will be presented in the following form: = ∑ (∑∙ = 1+), ௡ = 1 where n is the number of disciplines that form k competence; t is the number of diagnostic materials of the i discipline that test k competence; weight a separate th diagnostic material (test or practical assignment) for the result of control in the ith discipline; a score received by the student based on the results of passing the ith DM in the ith discipline; a score received in an exam or test in the ith discipline (this may also include a grade on course work , educational/industrial practice, final state certification). The result obtained can be compared with the maximum number of points that a student can receive based on the results of training, and presented as a percentage (70% work during the semester in the i-th discipline and 30% result of the examination test/test in the i discipline). For example, let the i-th discipline have ∑∙=550=1 points, this is 70% of the total score of the discipline, then the maximum value = 236 points. As a rule, the assessment of Karmanova E.V. Technology for assessing the level of development of competencies of students studying in the university’s distance learning system // Concept. 22015.2No. 12(December).2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 4

on the exam is given on a five-point scale, therefore, to convert it into course points, you must either indicate in percentage the rules for converting grades obtained on the exam to course points (for example, ©2ª 0%; ©3ª 55%; ©4ª 80%; ©5ª 100%), or the teacher should also evaluate the exam results according to the course scale, which is a more correct solution, but increases the complexity of the assessment. The procedure for calculating the level of competence development gives the final result after studying all the disciplines that form the competence. However, in the process of developing competence, it is very important to monitor and predict its possible assessment at any stage of training with subsequent correction of the process of developing competence. In addition, according to the requirements of federal state educational standards, assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates must include current, intermediate and final state certification, which means that the level of competence development must be assessed. Therefore, a procedure is proposed for calculating the characteristics of the level of competence in the process of its formation. The contribution of the discipline to the competence: =∑∙=1+. Accordingly, the maximum and minimum possible contribution of the discipline to the competence is calculated using the formulas: brmin is the minimum possible score for assessing the knowledge and skills of students. Then the maximum and minimum possible assessment of competence at the current time is calculated using the formulas:೘=∑೘=1,


where k is the number of disciplines that form competence and have been studied at a given time. This assessment will be calculated in points that teachers assigned in the disciplines that form this competency. The current assessment of competence is calculated according to formula (7) and measured in points of the score rating system adopted at the university for assessing disciplines: = ∑. = 1 The current contribution of all disciplines studied at a given time to the formation of competence is found using the expression:

Competencies can be developed at various levels; as a rule, there are three levels of formation of a separate competency: threshold (initial), basic and advanced. To convert students’ quantitative assessments into competency levels, it is enough to determine the intervals of each level. As a rule, E. V. Karmanova, Technology for assessing the level of competency formation of students studying in the university’s distance learning system // Concept. 22015.2No. 12(December).2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 5

In the provisions of the university's point rating system, such intervals are presented as percentages. Any assessment technology must answer primarily the following questions: 1. What will be assessed? 2.Who or what evaluates? 3.When should an assessment be carried out? 4.Where and how should the assessment results be recorded? 5. By what criteria to evaluate (what is the evaluation methodology)? Figure 3 shows the main provisions of the proposed technology for assessing the level of development of competencies of students studying in the university's distance learning system.

Rice. 3. Technology for assessing the level of development of students’ competencies in the university’s LMS

The proposed technology for assessing the level of development of competencies of students studying in the university’s educational and educational system can also be used for full-time students. However, it is worth noting that the procedure for assessing student competencies must be supported by the automated control system that currently exists in almost every university. Automation in this case is necessary because it is necessary to track a fairly large number of competencies (on average 40) that need to be developed for each graduate; in addition, as a rule, the battery of diagnostic materials for assessing competencies is also large in size, and processing it manually is labor-intensive.

Links to sources 1. Romanova E.P., Romanova M.V. About the concept of “open distance education” in modern conditions of training students of classical universities // VIII International Conference “Strategy of excellence in industry and education”: Materials: 3 vols. T.II / supervisors: T.S. Khokhlova, V.O. Khokhlov, Yu .A. Stupak. Dnipropetrovsk; Varna, 2012. P. 434436. Karmanova E. V. Technology for assessing the level of competency formation of students studying in the university’s distance learning system // Concept. 22015.2No. 12(December).2ART15417. 20.3 p.l. 2URL: 2304120X. 6

2. Eliseev I.N. Mathematical models and software packages for automated assessment of learning outcomes using latent variables: dis. ... dra tech. Sciences: 05.13.18. Novocherkassk: SRSTU, 2013. 371 p. 3. Zakirova E.I. Information support for decision-making in the selection of students for a university master’s program based on a competency-based approach: dis. ...cand. tech. Sciences: 05.13.10.PNRPU: Tchaikovsky, 2014. 198 p.4.Permyakov O.E., Menkova S.V. Diagnostics of the formation of professional competencies. M.: FIRO, 2010. 114 p. 5.Pirskaya A.S. Methodology for assessing graduate competencies // Scientific and Technical Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. 2012. No. 1(77). WITH. 124132.6.Sibikina I.V. Models and algorithms for the formation and assessment of competencies of a university graduate: dissertation... candidate of technical sciences. Sciences: 05.13.10. Astrakhan, 2012. 200 p.

Ekaterina Karmanova, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the chair of Business Informatics and Information Technologies, Nosov’s Magnitogorsk State Technical University, [email protected] for assessmentthe competenceslevel of students enrolled in university distance learning Abstract.The paper considers the problemofassessing the level of formationof students’organization competences using distance learning technologies. The author establishes thematic model for evaluating the level of formation of competences, taking into account the structure of the existing elearning courses in distance learning system of Nosov’sMagnitogorsk State Technical University. The basic provisions technologies assessing level of formation competences of students are revealed. Key words: competence approach, assessment of competence, mathematical model, technology, distance learning system. References 1. Romanova, E. P. & Romanova, M. V. (2012). “O ponjatii ‘otkrytoe distancionnoe obrazovanie’v sovremennyh uslovijah podgotovki studentsov klassicheskih universitetov”, VIII Mizhnarodna konferencija “Strategija jakosti u promislovosti i osviti”: Materiali: u 3 t.T. II / uporjadniki: T. S. Hohlova, V. O. Hohlov, Ju. A. Stupak, Dnipropetrovs "k, Varna, pp. 434436 (in Ukrainian). 2. Eliseev, I. N. (2013). Matematicheskie modeli i kompleksy programm dlja avtomatizirovannoj ocenki rezul" tatov obuchenija s ispol "zovaniem latentnyh peremennyh: dis. ... dra tehn. nauk: 05.13.18, JuRGTU, Novocherkassk, 371 p. (in Russian). 3. Zakirova, Je. I. (2014). ... kand. tehn. nauk: 05.13.10, Chajkovskij, PNIPU, 198 p. (in Russian). 4. Permjakov, O. E. & Men "kova, S. V. (2010). Diagnostika formirovanija professional"nyh kompetencij, FIRO, Moscow, 114p. (in Russian). 5. Pirskaja, A. S. (2012). “Metodika ocenivanija kompetencij vypusknika”, Nauchnotehnicheskij vestnik SanktPeterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta informacionnyh tehnologij, mehaniki i optiki , №1(77 ), pp. 124132 (in Russian). 6. Sibikina, I. V. (2012). (in Russian).

Gorev P. M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine ©Conceptª

Fokina L. D.

Postgraduate student, senior lecturer

Baikal State University of Economics and Law,


e - mail : foxlydim @ mail . ru



Abstract: This article discusses the main existing methods for assessing competencies and identifies the problems of implementing a competency-based approach.

Key words: assessment of student competencies, level of competencies formation, federal state educational standard.

Fokina L. D.

Post-graduated, senior lecturer

Baikal national university of economics and law,




Abstract: This article describes the main existing methods for estimating skills, the problems implementing competence – based approach.

Keywords: estimation of student’s competencies, level to build skills, state educational and professional standards,

In connection with the transition to a two-level education system, federal state educational standards put forward new requirements for students and graduates as a whole. If earlier assessment took place during testing of knowledge, skills and abilities (KUS), now it is necessary to assess competencies, both general and professional, i.e. In addition to theoretical knowledge, students must demonstrate the application of their skills in a given situation.

In the new educational standards of the third generation, the concept of competence comes to the fore as the concept of developing not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the development of abilities for their application. Competencies are understood as a set of professional, social, and personal characteristics that determine the ability to effectively perform activities in a certain area, confidently using one’s knowledge and skills.

To determine the level of development of competencies of a student who has undergone appropriate training, the following methods and approaches have currently been developed.

This method consists in the fact that all educational material is divided into logically completed modules (blocks), after studying each one a certain number of points is assigned. The modular rating system allows you to evaluate the individual capabilities of students: activity, originality in finding solutions, determination, etc. Points are made up of mandatory types of work: laboratory, practical, home individual work, independent work, tests, as well as additional ones of the student’s choice - this and participation in olympiads, conferences, student research work, etc. When working on a modular rating system, it is possible to evaluate students without exams and tests.

With the introduction of the competency-based approach, the modular rating system is used to assess the educational competencies of students, carrying out continuous monitoring of the assimilation of educational material and increasing the objectivity of teachers’ assessment of the quality of students’ educational work.

Case - method.

Its name comes from the English word “case” - folder, briefcase, and at the same time can be translated as a method of specific situations, a method of situational analysis. The method consists in the teacher using situations, problems, the purpose of analysis of which is knowledge acquired as a result of active and creative work. Students independently find a solution to a problem by comparing factors (different points of view), put forward different hypotheses, draw conclusions and conclusions. For example: The distribution of trading firms by monthly turnover is characterized by the following data:

Trade turnover, million rubles

Up to 5

5 – 10

10 – 15

15 – 20

20 – 25

25 or more


Number of firms


Determine: the average monthly turnover per company, the modal and median value of monthly turnover, draw conclusions about the nature of this distribution.

Thus, students learn to solve situational problems that are close to reality.

Portfolio method.

A portfolio is a set of individual educational achievements of students. They may contain the results of control tests, certificates of participation in olympiads, conferences, as well as the most significant works and reviews of them. At the same time, it is important that the student himself chooses and decides what exactly will be included in his portfolio, that is, he develops the skills to evaluate his own achievements.

Method of developing cooperation.

The purpose of this method is to combine efforts to solve a given task or problem. If in the above methods the emphasis is mainly placed on the individual qualities of the student, his achievements and ability to behave in different situations, then with developing cooperation the formulated tasks cannot be solved by one alone, therefore collective thinking is necessary, with the distribution of internal roles in the group.

The main techniques of this teaching method are:

    Individual, then pair, group, collective setting of goals;

    Collective planning of educational work;

    Collective implementation of the plan;

    Designing models of educational material;

    Designing a plan for your own activities; independent selection of information and educational material;

    Game forms of organizing the learning process.

This method is also called the collective way of learning or the democratic system of learning according to ability, the author of which isV.K.Dyachenko. According to this method, students are divided into groups of 5-8 people. Creative groups can be permanent or temporary. After each group proposes its solution to the problem, a discussion begins with the whole group to identify the truly correct solution. Using this method in practice, students learn to work in a team, learn the ability to listen, and draw conclusions.

Standardized pedagogical tests.

A big step has been taken in this direction. Currently, testing is used not only as a check of the educational module of the program, but also at a more advanced level. With the introduction of a competency-based approach, testing is carried out to determine the quality of training and education in the entire university, an example is federal testing (FEPO).

The new test theory is based on mathematical models that provide the most objective test results.

Basic mathematical models:

    Birnbaum two-parameter model;

    Birnbaum's three-parameter model;

    Rasch model

Wheres – level of preparedness of the test participant

t – level of difficulty of the test taskt

- the probability of correctly completing the task.

In practice, they are more often used

Since the Rasch model describes the probability of a subject's success as a function of one parameter, it is sometimes called a one-parameter model.

Currently, problems arise in the implementation of the competency-based approach and the creation of a system for assessing the competencies of higher education students, which are determined by the following factors:

    The majority of the teaching staff does not want to change anything, they work, as they say, “the old fashioned way”, they do not strive to master innovative teaching technologies, accompanied by a modular organization of the educational process (rating system, credits);

    There is no unified system for assessing competencies;

    There is no general methodological support (programs, educational and methodological complexes, etc.);

    There is no interaction between universities and employers (there is no single graduate model).

Assessing the level of mastery of competencies of students and graduates requires the creation of a new innovative technology for assessing the totality of knowledge acquired by students and the social and personal characteristics that form their competencies. In the context of developing innovative approaches to the design of assessment tools for monitoring the quality of competencies of university graduates, a number of researchers [4] proposes to formulate the methodological foundations of this design and build a general model for comparative assessment of the quality of training. This model may include the following structural components: assessment objects and their subject areas; assessment bases (quality standards - systems of requirements); evaluation criteria (as signs of the degree of compliance with established requirements, norms, standards); subjects of assessment (students, teachers, experts of various commissions); assessment tools and technologies (procedures).


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    Projects of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:http://mon. gov. ru/ pro/ fgos/ vpo/

    Karavaeva E. V., Bogoslovsky V. A.,KharitonovD.V.Principles for assessing the level of mastery of competencies in higher education programs in accordance with the requirements of the new generation Federal State Educational Standard.Vestnik ChelyabinskState University. 2009. No. 18 (156) Philosophy. Sociology. Culturology. Vol. 12. pp. 155–162.

    Afanasyeva T. P., Methodological recommendations for the development and implementation based on the activity-competency approach of higher education educational programs focused on the third generation Federal State Educational Standard / T. P. Afanasyeva, E. V. Karavaeva, A. Sh. Kanukoeva, V. S. Lazarev, T. V. Nemova. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2007. 96 p..

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. - M.: Public education, 1998.

    Neiman Yu.M., Khlebnikov V.A. Introduction to the theory of modeling and parameterization of pedagogical tests / Yu.M. Neiman, V.A. Khlebnikov - Moscow, 2000. - 168 p. from table and il.

Description: Student performance assessment is a measure by which the degree to which each student achieves established desired educational outcomes is determined. Typically, such assessment is carried out by teachers within the disciplines they teach. When effectively assessing student performance, a variety of methods are used with a focus on the desired learning outcomes: disciplinary knowledge, personal, interpersonal competencies, the ability to create products and systems (see Standard 2). Such methods include written and oral examinations and tests, test sections, drawing up performance charts, keeping journals and portfolios for each student, self-monitoring and students’ opinions about the classes being conducted.

Rationality: If we prioritize the personal, interpersonal competencies of students, their ability to create products and systems, if we establish them as indicators of the effectiveness of education and taken into account when drawing up curricula and educational assignments, then we need to develop effective methods for assessing these skills. It is necessary to develop your own assessment criteria for each of the designated educational outcomes. For example, the effectiveness of mastering disciplinary knowledge can be assessed during oral and written examinations and tests, but the ability to design and create products and systems is better assessed during practical work. The use of a variety of methods for assessing student performance helps to obtain reliable and complete information about student performance. Thus, the degree to which each student achieves the desired learning outcomes will be determined with maximum accuracy.


· assessment methods directly depend on the established CDIO learning outcomes;

· successful application of selected assessment methods;

· a high percentage of teachers using appropriate assessment methods;

· determination of the degree to which each student achieves the desired learning outcome, based on reliable and complete data.

Standard 12 – CDIO Program Evaluation

A system by which the entire program is assessed according to the listed twelve standards for students and teachers
and other key participants for the purpose of continuous improvement of the educational process.

Description: Program evaluation refers to the compliance of the entire program with established success indicators. The assessment must be carried out in accordance with the twelve approved CDIO standards. Collecting statistical data on the success of the program can be done by assessing the success of an individual course, obtaining advice from members of the teaching staff, conducting surveys before and after the program, analyzing reports from external auditors, and conducting surveys of graduates and employers over time, after completion of training. This information may be collected regularly by faculty, students, program administrators, alumni, or any other key stakeholders. All these statistics together make it possible to make an overall assessment of the program and contribute to its further improvement and development.

Rationality: The main objective of conducting a program evaluation is to evaluate its effectiveness and the extent to which it has achieved its goals. Statistical evaluation data collected to produce a global assessment is also necessary for continuous program improvement. For example, if at the end of the program the majority of students believe that they were unable to achieve some of the desired results, then the program can be revised, the reasons why the results were not achieved are identified and eliminated. In addition, many accreditation and auditing agencies often require that program success statistics be collected systematically.

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